HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-07-13, Page 1Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year: jingle Copies Five Cents
Wraps Rugs Over Oil Burner Which
Exploded in Dungannon House
Arrested After Crash in Which Wife
er. !»<■!■
Wingham Car is Only Slightly Dam
aged In Second Accident
With Which Is Amalgamated The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeter News.
Wingham Centre
Adams, Lois
Anderson, Bernice
Allin, Kenneth z
Armstrong, Craig
Armstrong, John
Brophey, Frances (Hon.)
Brown, Lorraine (Hon.)
Brown, Norma *
Brvdges, Beth (Hon.)
Buchanan, Donna
Burke, Frank
Casemore, Harry
Chittick, Robert
Cook, Elsie
Cook, Norman (Hon.)
Cr-uickshank, Gerald
• Day, John Hastings
Falconer, Marjorie
Finlay, Doris
Finlay, Margaret
Fitzpatrick', Mildred (Hon.) -
Fry, Douglas
Galbraith, William (Hon.)
Harris, Ruth
Hastie, Donald
Holmes, Perrie
Hopper, Muriel
Hutton, Wallace
Kelly, Lois (Hon.)
King, William (Hon.)
Kerr, Marjorie
Ludwig, John
MacLean, Isabel (Hon.)
Manto, Blanche (Hon.)
Mundy, Lloyd
JMacEwan, Isobel (Hon.)
MacLean, Margaret (Hon.)
McLaughlin, John
Parker, Grace
Pletch, Ernest
Powell, Frances (Hon.)
Powell, Mary •
Seli, Alvin (Hon.)
Small, Grace
Smith, Amy
Thompson, Verna
Wade, Dorothy (Hon.)
Wilkinson; Gordon
"Wylie, Glenn (Hon.)
Young, Elizabeth (Hon.)
Certificate granted under regulation
Reginald Collar
Roy Dark
Brussels Centre
Armstrong, Margaret Helen (Hon.)
Blake, Johfi
Blake, Veronica
Bowman, Isabel J. (Hon.)
Bryans, F. Idella (Hon.)
<Coutts, Earl
Davidson, Eloyce (Hon.)
Earngey, Dean
Elliott, Evelyn
• Fogal, Emerson
Fogal, Leslie
.Jewell, Edith
■ Kelly, Myles M.
Lake, Carley
Lawless, Ross
ZMiller, Jack
Riley, Ferguson
Riley, Oliver
Sellers, Helen
Sanderson, Imogene
Smith, Greta
Scott, Graeme
Thynne, Barbara Jean
Turnbull, Dorothy
Turvey, Helen (Hon.)
Yuill, Jean M. (Hon.)
Watson, Gerald R.
Abraham, Betty; Abraham, Merle
(Hon); Baylor, Lorna; Bell, Irene;
Brown, Norville (Hon); Chambers,
Roy; Denny, Thelma; Durst, Alma;
Parrish, Bower; Finlay, Harold; Gal
laway, George; Grant, Elizabeth
(Hon); Harris, Maxine; •Heinbein,
Jean (Hon); Henning, Muriel; How
es, Alice; King, Glen; Montgomery,
Fern; Mulligan, Olive; Mulligan, Or-
j)ha; Neill, Muriel; Strong, Janice;
White, Allan; White, Pauline; Wylie,
Allan R. (Hon).
Corbett, McKee; Dane, Frederick;
Douglas, John; Fleet, Geor.ge; Gib
sort, Jean (Hon); Haines, Elizabeth;
Harding, Margaret (Hon); Hutchison,
Isabel; Huth, Edna; Lambkin, Irene;
McLeod, Marjorie; Ruttan, Anson;
Sangster, Harvey; Shoemaker, Lillian
W.; Williamson, Keith,
Blyth •
First class honors Edna Arch
ambault, William East, Jack Merrill,
Doreen Phillips, Jean Shepherd, Phyl
lis Shepherd, Donald Snell, Doreen
Vincent, Shirley Wallace; second class
honsor — Frances Johnson, Helen
McGill, Jean Wethery; pass — Rob
ert Arthur, Leona Betin ger, Edytli
Bentley, William Craig, Margaret
Crawford, Clifford Kelly, Margaret
Nesbit, Elsie Patterson, Edmund •Pol
lard, Rose Radford, Thelma Snelling,
Jack Tamblyn, Clifford Walsh, Jack
Nothing but prompt and heroic ac
tion of Gordon S., Kidd, principal of
Wingham Public School, who was vis-
ting next door, prevented a serious
fire when the coil oil stove in the
home: of Miss Letitia Dreany, at Dun
gannon, exploded. With nothing but
a rug thrown over the blazing stove,,
he carried it outdoors’where it burn
ed itself out without doing any dam
Miss Dreany’s dwelling, which was
one of the first buildings erected in
Dungannon, and- of frame construc
tion, would have been an easy prey
to flames had the fire gained much
i headway. Mr. Kidd received some
burns to his hands, but is to be con
gratulated upon his good work. Miss
Dreany, who is over 70, lives alone.
A larger number than usual took
part in last week’s tournament at the
tennis,, club. Mrs. Wright, a visitor,
and Ken. Jackson, went through the
evening, undefeated to win the first
flight'while Ruth Hamilton and Ross
Thompson won the consolation brack
If enough of each turn up this
Thursday, ladies’ double and men’s
doubles will be played. There will al
so be a tournament next Monday ev
ening, the nature of which is as yet
Summer Footwear — Real Bargains
in all summer shoes at Greer’s.
Pictured above is the Ontario Hyd
ro-Electric Power Commission’s new
showroom on wheels. The unit will be
in Wingham in connection with the
cooking demonstration and the de
monstration of electrical farm equip
ment to be held in the Town Hall on
Tuesday, July 18th. The trailer will
be set up here and a pole line tapped
T, W. Platt Eight Points Behind the
to give a complete demonstration of
exactly what Hydro will do in the
home and around the farm. Installed
in the unit are a range, rangette, and
refrigerator, flat rate water heater,
and other miscellaneous household el
ectrical appliances. Ijor farm work
there arc two grain; grinders, two
pressure water pumping outfits, a util-
ity motor, and other time and labor
saving units. In all there are two and
one-half tons of electrical appliances
built into the unit and the demonstra
tion of these in the trailer itself and
the cooking and farm demonstration
in the Town Hall, Wingham, are free
features that everyone should see, re
gardless of whether you are “electric
ally conscious” or not.
Pleading guilty to the theft of an
automobile, Adam Park, Walkerton,
appearing in Magistrate F. W. Walk
er’s court Monday, was sentenced to
one year in the Ontario reformatory
dating from arrest on May 1.- This
term will run concurrent with a six-
montli sentence received by Park in
a Toronto court a week ago when he
was convicted of fraud.
Three months ago Park figured in
a motor accident a mile south of
Wingham when his car crashed into
a large tree on the side 'of'the high
way. His young wife received fatal
injuries, while Park, the driver, suff
ered a fractured skull. He was con
fined to the hospital for several weeks
and upon his release was arrested by
Provincial Officer O. McClevis and
charged with the theft of a car from
Mrs. C. Harris, of Walkerton.
Local’ Orange Lodge to Parade at
Brussels To-day
No Home Game in the Bruce League
This Week
Two auto accidents on the JJlue-
water Highway Sunday afternoon sent
four persons to the Kincardine Hos
A car driven by Walter Straus-,
berger, 42 Willow Street, Waterloo,,
collided with a car driven by Allan
Eardman, 229 Barker St., Hamilton at
Amberley. The Strausberger car cut
off a gas tank at a service station
as it careened down the road after
the accident. Mrs. Allan Eardman .
and Mrs. William Eardman, passen
gers, are in the hospital at Kincar
dine with head injuries.
The second accident occurred five
miles south of Kincardine on the
Bluewater highway when a car driven
by Reginald Campbell, of Lucknow^
with Lloyd Henderson as a passenger
sideswiped a car driven by R. A. Din-
sley of Wingham. The Campbell car
knocked out five fence posts after the
impact and finally came to a stop in
a water filled ditch. Both Campbell
and Henderson are in the Kincardine
Hospital with head and internal in
Mr. Dinsley’s car was only slightly
damaged, one fender being crumpled..
Traffic officers E. A. Webb and P.
C. Rutherford, of Goderich, investigat
ed. . .
Prize lists and rules are out for the
Huron School Fairs, to be held dur
ing the month of September. The ser
ies opens at Belgrave on Sept. 11th
and will continue through the week
until Friday, in the following order:
Fordwich, Sept. 12; St. Helens, Sept,
13; Currie’s Corners,‘Sept. 14; Carlow,
Sept. 15. After the week-end, Hensail
Fair will be held Monday, .Sept. 18;
Grand Bend, Sept. 19; Holmesville,
Sept. 20.
Crack revolver shots of the police
forces of the Province took part in the
annual shoot of the Ontario Police
Association at Guelph on Wednesday
of last week.
J. H. B. Macdonald of the C.P.R.
Police, Toronto, carried off top hon
ors. Macdonald, who won the indi
vidual championship for the second
successive year turned in a card of
'332 out pf a possible 360 to nose out
T. W. Platt of Wingham by eight
points. Provincial Constable D. H.
Darby of Beamsvillp ranked third,
The three officers finished in the same
order in the 1938 shoot.
Bride Showered
A kitchen shower was held at the
home of Mrs. T. C. King on Thurs
day evening for Mrs. Henry Jensen.
About forty of her friends were pres
ent and spent the evening playing
games. A delightful lunch was serv
ed at the close.
Transferred to Goderich
Mr. Frank Gillespie, who started his
banking career in Wingham, but who
has been Manager of the Avenue Rd.
and Dupont branch
Bank of Commerce
been transferred as
Goderich branch.
of the Canadian
at Toronto, has
Manager of the
White Shoes—Enjoy ..the cool com
fort of White Shoes—Reduced prices
in all lines of white shoes at Greer’s.
Save Labour Day September
For Wingham Lions Club
Frolic. .
Sunday School. Picnic
. Over 150 of. the scholars
Wingham United Church
and members of the c'hurch took in
their annual picnic which was held
at Harbour Park, Goderich, last Wed
nesday afternoon. The children en
joyed a swim in the lake, and lunch
was served.
' Annual
of the
. Stephen Stetz, 18-year-old alleged
automobile thief, has,given the slip to
police and a posse of fifty farmers
who surrounded and later searched ,a
swamp near Walkerton in which he
was thought to have taken refuge,
Provincial Constable Robert France
said Friday night.
“He has managed to get away,” said
the officer. “The search has been
abandoned, for it is quite definite he
no longer is in the swamp. Probably
he has headed back to Toronto. In
any event, we will get him eventually.
We know who he is and what he look's
Three of the young fugitive’s com
panions, including his brother Joseph,
are in* custody on charges of break
ing and entering and theft. They were
captured Wednesday in a wild chase,
during which police officers fired at
the stolen car containing the quartet.
Bruce County farmersf> left their
fields to take part in the manhunt
when it was learned one of the four
had- escaped’ into the - swamp area.
How young Stetz managed to get out
of the swamp without being detected
in the'’act is puzzling the authorities
and the farmers. The area was ring
ed with men, yet the youth succeeded
in slipping through.
It is believed Stetz is unaware of
the appeal made by his mother in To
ronto that he give himself up. Pro
vincial and municipal police at Lon
don, Kitchener and other points have
been warned to be on the watch for
the boy.
\Alttended, Picnic at Springbank
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Graham and Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh Carmichael attended
the Bell Telephone picnic at Spring
bank on Friday. Although the ther
mometer pushed close onto the 90 de
gree mark the afternoon program saw
good entries in all competitions, Hugh
being a winner in the balloon race.
New Provincial Officer
Begins Works in Huron
Lloyd Rutherford Jias taken over
his duties as second provincial police
constable for Huron County, station
ed at Goderich, in accordance with At
torney-General Conant’s policy of
strengthening the provincial police
force in nearly all counties. .Ruther
ford came from Kitchener.
Howick M.O.H. Is Given
Salary Increase
Leonard M. Whitely, of Gorrie,. for
35 years medical officer of health for
Howick Township, had his salary in
creased from $75 to $150 a year, at
which latter figure it stood before the
depression. The application was heard
by County Judge T. M. Costello on
Friday. The M.O.H. had asked coun
cil for $200 a year and it was persist
ently refused. Reeve Gamble and
municipal council contested the
Honors—Edward Benneweis Mar
garet Kleber, Mary , McKay, Mary
•Murphy, RobertRock, Pass—‘Stanley
Bray, William Dobson, Norman Eg
gert, Everatt Felkar, Anna Gjylin,
Doris Hackwell, Jean Hemben; Daisy
Mills, Roy Wilbee, Doris Hing,
Charged with Leaving Accident
After a 30-mile chase, police early
Saturday morning arrested Stewart
Mullin at his home in Lucknow,
charged with failing to return to the
scene of an accident; Mullin was al
legedly in a sidc-swip.e accident on
Dtihldp’s Hill, highway 21, just,out of
Goderich, with another car driven by
Keith Cutt. iMullin was said to have
stopped momentarily and then drove
on down a side road. Cutt gave chase
and succeeded in securing the number,
which' he turned over to the police,
Xylio, took over the, chase., MuIHfjjs
but? oh $SoO frajl, jp .appear |pjr, jtriaT
Thursday. , • •
Heavy rains on Sunday afternoon
that lasted
affected the
parade. The
Paul’s Anglican Church and instead
of marching the brethbrn drove to the
church.* By the time the service was
completed the rain bad ceased and
they paraded back to their hall.
The rector, Rev. Bro. E. O. Gall
agher delivered a forceful discourse,
comparing democracy and the total
itarian states, God js the lover of
peace and democracy is founded on
Christ he stated. Communism can
displace capitalism but it cannot re
place it. .Young peoplb should be tau
ght democracy and What it stands,
for. ■ • > . i ' ‘ * i
Special music was rendered by the
choir, including a solo by Mr. Biggs
“O rest in the Lord,” and an anthem
“Praise the Lord O My Soul,” with
the solo part being taken by Mr. J.
R. M. Spittai.
To Parade At Brussels
To-day (Wednesday) the 12th of
July is being commemorated at Brus
sels and the local Orange Lodge No.
794 will celebrate there.-
until after cbruch time
usually large turnout of
to their annual church
service was held in St.
Next Monday, July 17th, the local
entry in the Central League will have
as their opponents the Clifford nine.
The boys would appreciate your sup
port. Be on hand to cheer them.
Hanover Central League team will
play their postponed game of last
week on Thursday evening, July 13,
at 5.30.
The Bruce* League entry will play
in Hanover on Saturday. The game
af Chesley for to-day (Wednesday)
has been postponed.
The next home game is on Thurs
day, July 20th, when Mt. Forest will
be the opposition.
Out-Talks Bandit ;
Toronto police gave praise to
Courtland Carmichael, drug store
salesman, who argued with a revolv
er-armed bandit in his store in Tor
onto for several minutes until custom
ers arrived and the man beat a hasty
retreat. He is a brother of Hugh Car
michael, of town.
Not Closing Normal School
at Stratford
Stratford Normal School will
be closed, it was announced by
Angus Dickson, M.L.A. for Perth, im
mediately upon his return to his home
near Atwood. He interviewed Prem
ier Mitchell Hepburn and Hon. Dr.
L. J. Simpson, minister of education,
at Toronto,
Shoe Repairing—For neat work at
lowest prices—try Greer’s with your
next pair.
Save Labour Day September 4th
For Wingham Lions Club Annual
Underwent Operation x.
Mr. Norman Hall, who has been
visiting with his grandparents in Blue
vale, underwent a minor operation in
the Wingham' General Hospital on
Monday. He is improving nicely.
Bowlers at Exeter 1 ■'
Four rinks of local bowlers took in
the rinks tournament at Exeter last
Wednesday. The rink composed of N.
L. Fry, J. H. Crawford, D. B. Porter
and Rev. J. Pollock, skip, won third
Fractured Ankle
Mr. E. M. Snell had the misfortune
last week to get hit on the ankle by
a running shot at the bowling green.
An x-ray was taken and showed a
bone fracture. -The foot is now in a
cast, and it will be some time before
he has the full use of it again.
Will Occupy Toronto Pulpit
Rev. E. M. Loney and family
this week for a holiday at Stokes Bay.
During his vacation he -will conduct
services in Ossington Ave. Baptist
Church, Toronto. Visiting ministers
will supply in the Baptist Church here
during his absence.
Fourteen Applications for Old Age
The saturation point has not
been reached in Huron County
age pension list, for there still
more names being added than are be
ing stricken off by reason of death or
otherwise. Fourteen applications were
heard. Six were deferred. Five were
for increases. There also were two
applications for reinstatement by for
mer recipients of mothers’ allowances
heard by Huron County old age pen
sions and mothers* allowances board.
Attended Funeral at Ripley
■Mrs. Ellen McPherson and
Yvonne attended the funeral at Rip
ley on Monday afternon of the form
er’s sister, Mrs. K. Finlayson,
Manitoulin Cruise $2
All day, non-stop of 185 miles on
the Georgian Bay as far as Manitoulin
Island, via C. P. R. flagship “Assin-
ibpja”, from Owen Sound, on Friday,
July 21st. Fare $2; children $1. Tic
kets may be secured from Daily Sun-
Times, Owen Sound. -
Over Entry in Irish Trebles Twilight
- Local Rinks Withdrew
• >
Odds Are In Favor of Election
The #odds favor a general election
in the “very near future” although
there is nothing definite about it,
Trade Minister Euler suggested at
Finch, on Saturday during an address
to the Stormont Liberal convention.
“I can’t tell you whether there will
be an election or not; it has not been,
decided,” he said. “But if I were a
betting man, which I am not, I would
not want to give very great odds ag
ainst an election in the very near fut
About 125 members of Huron
Deanery Anglican Young People’s As
sociation gathered at Jowett’s Grove,
Bayfield, on Wednesday to hold their
annual picnic. The Clinton branch
captured the coveted athletic banner
with a total of 34 points out of a pos
sible 72. Goderich won the honors for
having the largest representation with
an attendance of 24.
Points were distributed as follows:
Clinton’ 54, Gorrie 11, Middleton ii'/'*"
Goderich 8, Fordwich 4, Seaforth 3,
Wingham 1.
After the afternoon’s program a
basket lunch was served at the finish
of which the banner was presented to
the winning branch and the general
business of the deanery was discussed.
Athough the local bowling greens
have been enlarged this year to nine
teen greens, still it was impossible to
accommodate the large entry on Mon
day evening when the Men’s Club
staged their first tournament of the
season. Forty-one rinks entered in the
Irish Trebles necessitating the with
drawal of three local rinks so the vis
itors would not be disappointed.
Rinks, were present from Exeter 4,.
Lucknow 4, Walkerton 3, Hanover,.
Clinton, Seaforth and Brussels, 2 each
and one from Tccswater, Blyth, Mt.
Forest, Listowel, and 18 local.
Three games of ten ends were play
ed and the winners were, first, New
man’s rink of Exeter, 3 wins plus 23;
another rink from Exeter took second
with. 3 plus 23 but lower aggregate,
skipped by W. Moise; Sparling, of
Clinton,, was third, with 8 wins plus
18; a local rhtk >of RosS'Harrison, G.
Mason and Jack Masoh, skip, were
fourth with 3 plus 16; G, Hoffarth,
of Hanover, fifth;. 3 plus 13, and an
other local entry, R, S« Hetherington,
N. L. Fry and W. A< Miller, skip;,
pfaeed sixth with 2 plus 16,
Had Leg Amputated
About a month and a half ago John
Hopper noticed a callous on the big
toe of his left foot, and on removing
it, developed a sore that would not
heab It did not bother him much un
til about two weeks ago when gan
grene set in and rapidly gained head
way,. it Was found necessary to ampu
tate, and this was done in the Wing
ham General Hospital on Thursday
last,, the leg being taken off just above
the knee. The operation was success
ful and he is improving as rapidly as
can be expected,
Would Ban< Deer Hunting:
There will be no deer hunting in
Grey County for the next five years
if the Department of Game and' Fish
eries at Toronto accedes to the re
quest of the Grey County Council. At
the closing session the council passed
a resolution' to be forwarded to the
department, requesting that no deer
hunting Be permitted in the county
for at least five years. It was pointed
out there has been an open season
of two weeks for the " bast twp years
and that during ‘that time deer have
been practically cleaned out,
The tegular monthly meeting of the
W. M. S. of St, Andrew’s Presby
terian Church was held on Monday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. R.
Harrison. The meeting was in charge
of the Home Helpers. The Sctipture
reading. was taken by iMiss Farqti-
hatson and the Glad Tidings prayer
by Miss A, McBurney.
Miss V, McLaughlin gave a talk on
Dr. John Goddies, the hero of the
South Seas, a delightful duet was ren
dered by Misses Connie Fryfogle and
Yvonne Henderson “Jesus wants Me
for a Sunbeam?* The offertory prayer
was given by Miss M. Anderson and
the, meeting was closed with prayer
by MirSi XWltiamson.
At the close pF the meeting lunch
was served. ’
Successful Students
At the recent examinations of_ the
Toronto Conservatory Of MUsiC,• Don
ald Lloyd was successful in Grade IV
Piano, and Joyce Walker passed in
the same grade with honors.
Ladies Bowled At Stratford
Two rinks of Lady Bowlers attend
ed a tournament in Stratford on Wed
nesday last. They were Mrs. M. John
son, Mrs. D. Rae, Mrs. F. Sturdy and
Mrs. E. R. Harrison, skip, and Mrs.
R. S. Hetherington, Mrs. A. Wilson,
Kerr, skip. Neither rink were in the
Huron County Council Picnic
The annual picnic of the Huron
County Council will be held at Grand
Bend at 2 o’clock on Wednesday af
ternoon, July 19th next. All ex-reeves
and their families are cordially invit
ed to attend. A good program will be
held. Bring your own baskets, knives,
forks and cups. Robert Turner, War
den; Chester Mawhinncy, Committee
Revived Beautiful Clock
X/lMr, A. M. Crawford, who has been
General Motors dealer here for the
past fourteen years, last week receiv
ed a beautiful eight-day clock in wal
nut finish, in recognition of these
years of service. Inserted on the clock
is his name and the foliowin;
appreciation of a cordial relati
since 1925, J. J. Schuman Jr.,
General Motors Acceptance Ct
tion, July, 1939.”
Four Generations Meet
On Thursday at the United Church
manse at Belmore, four generations
met together, Rev, and Mrs. W. J.
Rayner, receiving a visit from his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rayner, of
Listowel; his brother and sister-in-
law, Rev. and Mrs. T. DeCoutoy Ray
ner, of Lachine, Que.; Rev, and«Mrs.
DeCourcey H. Rayner, Presbyterian
missionary to British Guiana (son and
daughter-in-law of the latter) and
their infant daughter, Sally Ruth. This
is the first time that these four gener
ations have been together. Mr. and
Mrs, W. Rayner, of Listowel,- cele
brated their 59th wedding anniversary!
on Wednesday of last week.
C. B. Armitage and Mrs. J.,
y: “In