HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-07-06, Page 8PAGE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, July 6 th, 1939
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
------In —
July 6th, 7th, Sth
The characters of Dagwood, Blondie and Baby
Dumpling, which appear in the Globe and Mail
comic strip, lose none of their humorous ap
peal when they are portrayed on thle screen
in this fast-moving comedy.
Also “Two Comedies” “Screen Snapshots” “News”
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
July 10, 11, 12
‘The Gladiator’
From one laugh to another as Joe becomes a scien
tific experiment and turns into a super-man.
Also “Many Sappy Returns” “Demons of the
Deep” “Bluebird’s Baby”
MATINEE Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c
Mrs. Nicholson from Saskatchewan,
formerly Miss Annie Hughes, White
church, visited with Mrs. Clow for a
few days last week. Mrs. Sidney Fer
guson, of Brantford, also visited there
The two weeks old baby girl, Vera
Elaine, of 'Mr. and Mrs. Elwood 'Bar-
hour, passed away last Friday morn
ing following a heart attack. She was
buried in Greenhill cemetery that af
ternoon. Mrs. Barbour has been seri
ously ill with plebitis, but is improv
ing. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan spent
the week-end there.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Jacques and
sons of Preston, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Eli
Members of the McInnis and Fal
coner families attended the re-union
at Mr. Robt. McInnis’ home on Sat
urday, at Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McFadden of
Galt, spent the week-end with Mrs.
Fox and Mr. and Mrs. Munroe.and
daughter, Winnifred, of Wroxeter,
also visited there on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pratt and family, also
Mr. Wm. Thompson, of Stratford,
spent the week-end with Mr. R. Y.
Carrick and daughters.
Mrs. Fred Smith and son, of Lis
towel, visited on Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Garton.
Miss Olive Farrier and Mr. Carman
Farrier left on Monday to take the
short course at Western University,
London, Miss Farrier taking English,
and Carman taking music. Miss Yuill
went to Guelph to the O.A.C. to study
Donald and Betty Gillespie, of New
Sarum, are holidaying here with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Gil
lespie. Mrs. Charlie Gillespie is visit
ing with relatives in Winnipeg, hav
ing motored ‘there with a nurse, from ■
New Sarum, and Charles Markle, who
were both returning to their homes in
Kennedy, Sask., for three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cox spent
Sunday with her parents at Auburn
and with Mr. and Mrs. Sprung', Lon-
desboro. Miss Eleanor Sprung return-,
ed with them and is spending the
week with her aunt.
Mrs. George Cottle and daughter,
Evelyn, of Detroit, spent the week
end with the former’s sister, Mrs. Jos.
Tiffin and other relatives here.
Mrs. Wm. Robinson spent last week
in Walkerton at the home of her son,
Dr. Harold Robinson.
For Your Protection
We are pleased to report that recent T.B. and
Blood Tests conducted by Dr. McKagUe, V.S., cre
dit our herd with a clean sheet with respect to Tub
ercular and Blood Disease.
S Smith’s Dairy ■
There’s no denying the cooling
elegance of these whites. For
years women with hard to fit
feet have been demanding the
extras’ both real and built-in,
that Greet’s shoes have, wear
a pair this Summer »• « you’ll
never ask for another kind!
$1.98 $2.98
to $4.00
Mr. and Mrs. John Turner and fam
ily, of Kitchener, spent the week-end
at' the home of- her brother, Mr. Al
bert Patterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cameron, of
Ashfield, spent Sunday with her mo
ther, Mrs. Alec Rintoul.
Mr. Kenneth Laidlaw, who has been
working at Woodstock, is spending
this week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Laidlaw.
Mr. Robert Mowbray and McKen
zie, and Miss Margaret Murphey, of
Woodstock, are spending this week
iMiss Annie Kennedy left on Tues
day to assist in the home of Mrs. Bell
of Kincardine.
Miss C. Laidlaw and Mr. Jno. Laid
law, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Laid
law and children, attended the anni
versary services at Westfield on Sun
day and visited with- Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Vincent*.
Mr, and Mrs. Janies Laidlaw spent
Friday with relatives in Goderich.
Quite a number from here attended
the induction service at St. Helens on
Thursday evening, and members of
the United Church here welcomed
Rev. Mr. Barnard on Sunday when he
gave a very inspiring sermon on “Lo,
I am with you alway.”
Mrs. Jas. Moore, Coleen and Car-
son, of Toronto, are visiting for two
weeks at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Johnston.
The following were guests with Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Morrison on Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morrison and
daughter, Mr, Jas. Morrison of Lis
towel, Mrs. Edna Forsythe, Mrs. Nor
ma Taylor, Miss Hay and Miss Birdie
Hay and Mr. Dawson of Toronto.
David and Ruth Blackall, of Tor
onto, are visiting at the home of iMr.
and Mrs. George McClenaghan.
Eileen McClenaghan, Margaret
Waddell and Dan Tiffin of S. S. No.
10, Kinloss, and Violet Brill of S. S.
No. 14, W. Wawanosh, passed their
Entrance exams on their year’s work.
Miss Ruth Moore, of Lucknow,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Lickley and daughter,
Lavina, of Toronto, spent the week
end with Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Henry.
Miss Jean Coulter, of London, is
spending a few weeks with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coulter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Elliott and
family attended the Mitchell family
re-union held at Molesworth Satur
day last, nearly 150 were present.
Mr. Jas. Waddell and his bride, al
so his sister, Mrs. Baker and son Gar-
*ry, Sudbury, spent the past week with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wad
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Proctor and fam
ily, of Detroit, and Mr. and |Mrs. Rus
sel Ritchie,, of Ripley, were visitors
over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs-
Reuben Tiffin.
The monthly meeting of the Wom
en’s Institute will be held next Tues
day at the home of Mrs. R. Pollock.
The roll call is to be answered by the
name of'your first teacher’and! first
school attended. Mrs. S'choTtz will
give the report of the District Annual
meeting, Mrs. Emerson . will have
charge of a geography match and an
interesting paper will be .given on the
topic, Read More, Look More and.
Broaden Your Outlook. A cordial in
vitation is extended to all the ladies
of the community to attend!..
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and
son, Robert, of Lucknow,, spent Sun
day with her parents, Mr;, and Mrs.
Will Conn.
Mr. Jas. Weir, London* spent the
week-end with his mother,. Mrs. Fred
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon- MacTavish
and his parents, Mr- and Mrs. Allan
MacTavish, of Lucknow, were visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Elliott on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Gaunt and child
ren, Mrs. David Currie and Kenneth,
of E. Wawanosh and Miss Leah Cur
rie, of Toronto, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Russel Gaunt on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan-and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Albin Grif
fin and family of Detroit, spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Milas
McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. John Mc
Millan and family of Lucknow visited
there on Sunday also.
Mr, Albert McQuillan has been
laid up with a bad attack of rheuma
tism for some time now.
Little Shirley and Annetta Purdott,
of Detroit, are visiting with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Pur-
don and other relatives here.
Mr. Roy McGee, of Toronto, spent
Saturday with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Henry McGee,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson, all
of Tillsonburg, and Mr. Calvin Robin
son, of Port Burwell, spent the week
end with their father, Mr, Thos. Rob
Mr, Joe Higgins left on Monday to
take a summer course at Western Un
iversity, London.
A large number of friends gather
ed at the C.Q.F, hall on (Monday ev
ening to honor Mr. and Mrs, Hugh
Mundell, who were recently married,
and presented the young couple with
a miscellaneous shower. Mr, Mundell
expressed the thanks and appreciation
of himself, and Mrs, Mundell. The ev
ening was spent dancing.
Mrs, M. L. Aitken and Miss
othy are spending a few days
Mrs. A, E, Mann at St. Marys,
United Church Pastor Inducted
Rev. Campbell Tavener, formerly of
Harwick, Kent County, was inducted
to the pastoral charge of Bluevale and
Ebenezer United Churches at a spec
ial service-pn Thursday evening. Rev.
A. M. Grant, of Wroxeter, conducted
the induction service and addressed
the minister. Rev. H. N. Watt, Gor-
rie, addressed the congregation. Mr.
Tavener preached his first sermon on
Sunday morning speaking from the
text “Go ye into a desert place and
rest a while.” In the evening Bluevale
L.O.L. paraded to the church and M.r.
Tavener conducted the service.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cleghorn and
daughter, Pauline, of Port Colborne,
spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Abraham and with Mr. and Mrs.
Roger Oke of Wingham. ,
Mayor Thos, E. Henry and Mrs.
Henry, Stratford, spent Sunday at the
Sanderson home.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Coultes, Listow
el, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. T,
Coultes and Mrs. Grace Snell.
J. Wesley Beatlie and daughters,
Ethel and Florence, Seaforth, spent
Sunday with their cousins, Mac and
Olive Scott. •
Miss Mae Davidson, Wroxeter, is
visiting -her brother, W. S. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walton and
son, Cleveland, Ohio, visited their un
cle, Mr. William McLeod.
Mr. and Mrs. Mack McGowan and.
granddaughter, of Detroit, were week
end visitors with Mr- and Mrs. John'
Miss Genevieve Smith of Brucefield
is visiting with her uncle, A.D. and.
Mrs. Smith.
Given Miscellaneous Shower
Many friends of the bride and'
groom, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marshall
of Listowel, gathered on Wednesday
evening at the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Thorn
ton, to present a miscellaneous show
er of pretty gifts. The Friendship
Circle class of the United Church Sun
day School, of which the bride is a>
member, presented a silver relish dish.
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall each expressed
appreciation of the kindness shown
them. The young people, enjoyed a-,
happy time, playing games on the
lighted lawn. After the games and’
presentations, refreshments were ser
Memorial Service at Brandon Cem
The Annual Community Memorial'
Sendee was held in the Brandon Cem--
See Them — 5j)c.
At "
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
Greer’s Shoe Store
(Miss Lenora M, Higgins, nurse-ifi-
training at Victoria Hospital, London,
Is at present spending three weeks’
vacation at the home of her parents.
etery, Belgrave, on Sunday afternoon
at 4 o’clock. A large number were
present to take part in the service.
Rev. J. B. Townend acted as chair
man. Rev. R. M, Weekes of the Ang
lican Church, read the Scripture les
son and Rev. A, M, Boyle of the Pres
byterian Church, gave a very approp
riate address. The service of song
was led by a united’ choir from the
three churches with Nora VanCamp
as organist and convenor. Two well
known hymns were sung by all and a
ladies' quartette, Mrs, J. McGill, Mrs.
N. Geddes, Mrs. N. Montgomery and
Mrs, Weekes, sang a number which
was much enjoyed. A double quar
tette with Mrs. N. Keating, Mrs. J. C.
Procter, Miss Nora VanCamp, Miss
Freda Jordan, James McCrea, Norm
an Keating;’George Jordon and J. M.
Coultes, as members, sang a very ap
propriate number. The committee in
tend to hold this memorial service
each year on the first Sunday in July.
The thanks of the committee are ex
tended to Mr. A. Rann of Brussels
and Mr. Harry Fryfogle of Winghahi
for use of their chairs, and also to
Harry Jackson for use of his truck
to take organ up for the service and
its use as a. platform.
Miss Kay Townend, of London,
spent the holiday week-end at her
home here.
Miss Helen MacKenzie was a vis
itor with her brother, R. J. MacKenzie
and family, before returning to Tor
Mr. Goldie Wheeler has secured a
position in Wingham Public School
and will have charge of Grade VIII
when school commences in. September.
Miss Eileen McCallum, of London,
spent the holiday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCallum.
Mr. Chris. Nethery returned home
Saturday from Sarnia where he spent
a week with his brother, Alex, and
iMr. and Mrs. Peter M. Scott and
daughter, Gwen, arrived at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Scott on Friday. Peter left on Satur
day for Kingston where he will con
tinue: his; studies. Charles Scott and.
Borden S'cott made the trip to Falcon-
hri'd'ge and' they returned with them.
We' are* sorry to report the illness
of Fred' Logan, who is under the doc
tor’s care* at present.
Mr. and' Mrs. Louis Hayes and fam
ily, of ETlyri'a, Ohio, are visitors with
relatives here..
Prompt Delivery
PICKLES..-......35-Oz. Jar 25c
SPREAD CHEESE ... 15c Pkg.
FOR Phone 161
t YOUR ’
TOMATOES............3 Tins 25c
JUICE .........3 21-Oz. Tins 25c
......... ....................................................-■in -—u
MacLarenfs PEANUT BUTTER .... 2-lb. Jar 25c
Kellogg’s or Quaker | KELLOGG’S OR POST’S
CORN FLAKES ... 3 Pkgs. 25c * BRAN FLAKES...2 Pkgs. 25c
SEALS ..................... 10c Pkg.
SOAP .............—„ 4 Bars 15c
5c Dozen
ZINC RINGS.........25c Dozen
BLACK TEA___ ___59c Lb.
•Large Supersuds and
Two Cakes Cameo Soap for 20c
FRUIT 5 for 25c
ORANGES ............. 39c Dozen
35c Lb
39c Lb
CHOICE LEMONS ... 35c Doz.
CAULIFLOWER ... 10c Each
Try Our Cooked Meats for Hot Weather* Meals. Always Fresh, in
Sanitary Refrigeration and Sliced1! As You Desire.
period which was in charge of the i to take summer courses at Toronto,
Zion society. Miss Elleda Hunter
read the Scripture lesson. The topic
on music was taken by Miss Violet
Ritchie and Miss Lorna Reid gave a
reading on “Faultfinding.” The local
union had charge of the recreational
period, an interesting part of which
was the presentation to Rev. H. M.
Wright of a pen and pencil set and
a bill-fold. Mr. E. W. Rice read an
address of appreciation of Mr.
Wright’s work among the young peo
ple and Mr. Dick Weatherhead made
the presentation. Mr. Wright made a
fitting reply. Games and* contests were
enjoyed and lunch served, after which
a circle was formed and all joined in
singing “For He’s A Jolly Good Fel
low” and “Auld Lang Syne.”
and Mr. Warren Bamford has gone
to London for the s-unimer classes.
Mrs. Wmi. Drennan, who has been,
in Goderich Hospital for about two
weeks from, hurts, from a truck acci
dent, had: some more trouble Sunday
at noon,, when a spark from the chim
ney started; in. the shingles and burn
ed part of, the* roof off. Only for the
quick' action of the neighbours, their
home woul'd! have burned to the
A carlbadJ of old neighbours from
Saskatoon*,, who have moved near
London) spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Joe* Lawson, Belfast.
Miss Aileen Campbell, of Erin, is
visiting' with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cyril' Campbell, little Joan Fow
ler, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Fowler,
accompanied1 her home.
Miss* Winnie Lane, teacher at Bel
grave, and' Miss Melda Lane, teacher
in Orillia1,. and! Miss Hilda of Luck
now ED. S’.,. are spending their holidays
_witH tliei'i” parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
M'r; and’ Mrs. Bert Alton and child
ren accompanied by their nephews,
Clayton- and! Alvin, spent Sunday in
An impressive' service was; held in;
tli» United! Church Thursday evening
when: Rev. G, A- Barnard, formerly
of Nile; was; inducted into, the charge
of St. Helens and Whitechuieh.. Rev.
Mir; Town-end;, of Belgrave' and Rev.
Mr. Sinclair,, of Blyth,. were in charge;
At the conclusion Rev., and: Mrs, Baur-
na-rd; and! Miss; Winnifred were intro
duced: to-those'present and later a soc
ial’ hour* was enjoyed!
Mr.. and! Mrs. Wm.. Dougherty and!
Gwen; of Guelph, were' visitors- ait
Mrs. R. J7.. Woods.
, Tile- death occurred! on Friday
morning, of Vera Elaine, infant daugh
ter of Mr; and Mrs. Elwood! Barbour.
The'funeral’ services on Saturday were
iaf change of Rev. Mr.. Barnard.
Miss Vera Taylor' was home from
God’erieb for the week-end.
Mrs.. E. J. Thom, Mir. and Mrs;. W.
A. Miller and Allan were visitors on
Fri'dky* with Miss Laurine Miller and
other friends at Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Ewart McPherson,
Florence anti Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Kenzie Webb, Dorothy and Billy,
were recent visitors: at McGowan’s, in
There was a fiae attendance at the
meeting of the Y,P.U. on Sunday ev
ening when the. .president* Dick Wea-
therhead, had charge. E.. W. Rice read
the Script'rue lesson and Mrs. Rice
read a poem “A Housewife Speaks.?’'
The topic “Adventrues in Self Con
trol” was taken by Dick Weatherhead.
Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Dean Margaret
and Billy* of Loudon, were recent
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron.
Mrs, John Webster has been a vis
itor with relatives at Guelph,
iMiss Jean Webster is taking a sum
mer course at Kingston University.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell, Messrs.
George and Bill and Miss Fre’da Mit
chell and Miss Louise Mitchell, of
Toronto, were week-end visitors with
Mr, and Mrs. Will McCrostie and Mr.
and Mrs. Will’Webster.
Mr. -Harrison Taylor was home
from Kirkland Lake for the holiday
Mrs. Alex, Leitch, Mr, and Mrs, Jim
Bowden, of Detroit, were recent vis
itors with Mr. and Mrs, E, J. Thom,
Guests of Mr, and Mrs. George
Stuart included Dr, J, W. McGregor
and daughter, Donna, Dr, W« C, Me-
Gregotr and Mr, Lloytl Walker, of Chi
cago]. Mrs, Kenneth McGregor and
daughter, Violet, of Granum, Alta,
number of Donnybrook people
attended, the special services at West
field on Sunday.
Mr. M; Robertson, of Goderich, vis
ited at the home of Mr.» W. A. Camp
Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and daugh
ter, Louise,, spent a few days with her
parents,,* Mn and Mrs. Thornton at
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and
Mr; Calvin Robinson, of Tilsonburg,
were at the home of their father, Mr.
Thos.. Robins’on over the week-end.
.Miss, Viola Thompson, of Goderich,
visited! with friends on the 9th line.
Mrs,. Olive’ Allin, of Goderich, and
daughter. Miss Helen Allin, of Brus
sels* were Sunday visitors at the home
of Mr. R. Chamney.
Mh\ Melvin Craig, of London, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jas. Craig.
Miss. Gladys Jefferson, R.N., and!
Miss Olive Jefferson, R.N., of Wood.-
stock, spent a few days with their mo.-
ther, Mrs. C. Jefferson, before going
to Wasaga Beach for their vacation.,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Craig and sons,,
Arnold and Melvin*, spent Sunday
with the other member of their fam
ily, (Mr, Wm. Craig at Orillia.
Misses Margaret and Irene Jeffer
son and Elaine Bamford left this week
Canada’s Finest
We take Care of your
Fur Coat Storage.
2% of Valuation.
We also clean and glaze
and Hollanderize, which
makes fur coats like
Fur Coats Remodelled
and Repaired.
Further Information
Hanna’s Ladles Shop
Members of 2ion United Church,
with their pastor, Rev, Mr, Wilkins J
were guests of the local union last
Tuesday evening, Mr, Charlie And
erson presided over the fine religious
r— ......-!
what itAny watch, no matter
costs, works twice as well and
lasts twice as long with a clean
ing and overhauling periodical
ly. Stop in today for a free ex
amination and adjustment.
Geo. Williams
in the important matter of eyesight and glasses; your eyes deserve
the very best. Check up on your eyesight Go to an expert Whose pro
fessional training, skill and e’xperience will assure y.ou of the thorough
examination your eyes deserve.
Careful fitting of your glasses, too, is vitally important to your com
fort and appearance. So don’t skimp on eyes and glasses, the beat is
none too good when it cornea to eyesight.
Williams Jewelry Store «<• Every Wednesday Morning Until Noon
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