HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-07-06, Page 7GORRIE with Mrs. were Mr. and Mrs. Carter McKee nad family, of Galt, also Miss J. McKee, of Whitby, spent the week-end -.relatives here, Mrs. Robert Hastie, Mr, and Walker Hastie, of Toronto, ■week-end visitors at the home of Mr. .and Mrs, Kenneth Hastie. Mr. Gordon Mundell is attending Summer School in Hamilton taking a •course in manual training. Mrs. Mun­ dell is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Doig, south of Gor- erie. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss Perkins, spent several days last ’week at their cottage at Bruce Beach. Mr. and M.rs. Jack King and dau- •ghter, Miss Jean, of Toronto, spent :the week-end at the home of the for­ mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles •King. Mr. A. Livingstone, of Toronto, is ’visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Short. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferguson -were Sunday visitors at the home of .‘Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cowan, of Or- .angehill. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Holder, of Ing­ ersoll spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Bolton. i Mr. W. M. Lowish, who has spent -the past three weeks in Timmons, re- ^jKiirned home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phair and <son, Tom, Mr. and Mrs. William :Phair and daughter, Norma, of Tor­ onto, spent the week-end with Mr. ;and Mrs. James Musgrove. Mrs. Law- son, Mrs. Robb and family, Miss Ad­ orns, of Stratford, also Mr. and Mrs. 'William Haney, of Wingham, were .Sunday visitors at the same home. Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Willits, nea-r Wroxeter, accompanied by Mrs. Wm. ’Marshall, attended a re-union at- “Guelph on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black and -son, 3 _ ’Wright, visited friends in Wingham •on Sunday. Miss Bessie Wylie, of Toronto, is ■.spending the vacation with her moth­ er, Mrs. J. Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. James Small and dau­ ghters, Betty Doris and Patricia, were an<l Mrs' j United Church have been cancelled ; for the months of July and August. <■ i w I Mr. Elmer Dickinson spent Sundayfuneral of Mrs. Watt’s grand- t ,,, n, .with friends at Walkerton. | Mr. Robert Wade visited friends Belmore on Sunday. Mr. Stanley Dane, of Toronto, | visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 G. Dane. I Married—At the parsonage by the Rev. H- M. Watt on Friday, June 30, Miss Florence Fluke and Mr. Henry - Cutler of Toronto. I Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and Shir- t ley spent Saturday at Goderich. I Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel spent Conradwi..h the former's par- Krug and Miss |'“Mn a„d° m"s.’Edgar Welsh, Dray- 1ey, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. c(hp hnnip nf Mr Viola Heinmiller. j Mr. and Mrs. William Raine, of To- ( ronto, spent a few days this week at ‘ the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ste- ■phens. | . Miss Marjorie Hockridge, Guelph, in^ -is visiting her ‘Grainger and Mr. Grainger. An official welcome was extended King George and Queen Elizabeth by Thursday, July 6th, 1939 “HUMAN FEELING STILL MOST POTENT FORCE,” DECL ARES HIS MAJESTY empire’s capital after their triumphant North American tour. ’’The welcome Robert, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm.1 the Corporation of London the day was extended in the historic Guildhall after Their Majesties arrived in the Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Marshall and small son spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Curie, Bel­ more. Sunday evening services of the at a civic luncheon. The King and Queen, the Lord Mayor, the Lady Mayoress and Queen Mother .Mary are shown about to say grace before sitting down to luncheon. In thank­ ing the distinguished guests for their recognition of the tour’s completion, the King said the journey had con­ vinced him that human feeling was still the most potent of all forces af­ fecting world affairs. “It was a mo­ mentous and happy experience,” he said in the speech broadcast through- out the world. GORRIE SCHOOL RE­ PORT William Whitfield. Rev. H. M. and Mrs. Watt attend­ ed the •father, the late Henry Cutler of Tor­ onto. Rev. Hugh Pritchard, of Montreal, spending his vacation with his wife and son here. John and David Neilson spent Sun­ day with their mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McTavish, Mr, .and Mrs. Gordon McTavish, of Luck­ now, spent Sunday at the home of . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coles. Lii Dr. Ramage, of Vineland, called on JflbCriends in Gorrie on Saturday. in is R. Krug and Miss Wenzel, all of £hes-, ^’^^^od^rich.^ Drav_ ; ton, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Shera, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Colmer, Tor­ onto, spent the holiday week-end with I the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Er- ’ r* TT 5 tn ' ■ . Mrs. Phillip Harding, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. F. Col-aunt, Mrs.Russell ‘vrrainyei auu ixvxi. wauisvu * . . . r • i„Mrs. Marchant, of Clare, has spent es, and also visited other friends. XVLrS. LVlct.1 Vilcilll) , the pgst month visiting friends in this ' The ^regular monthly meeting of .community. . | the Evening Auxiliary of the United Billy Nay is spending the summer Chtlrch will be held on Monday even- .’vacation with his grandparents, Mr. ing next at the home of Miss Velma rand Mrs. Cooke, at Clifford. | M. Lennox at Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Graham and lit-, n'* ■tic daughter, of Toronto, spe"nt the week-end with her sister and fam- •lioliday week-end at the home of Mr.' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Dodds, .•and Mrs. Robert Graham. anj Mrs. Everard Carson and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Higgan, Brus-' are holidaying at Amberley **.'1« .CJ- "XX n •• <s. t l-JT A ivj® 14' iri • < wisited one day last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall. Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, of Brussels, ■Spent one day last week at the home '■of Mr. arid Mrs. R. G. Dane. Mrs. W. J. Earngey, Mr. Hugh Me-, ( • , „ Lean, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Short, ening^with MissCath^^ Smd son, Ronald, visited friends in Bayfield on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Stephens is visiting -friends in Toronto. Miss White, of Holstein, returned home "Oft Saturday after spending some, time with her daughter, Mrs., 'Elmer Farrish and Mr, Farrish. Miss Mae Watters, Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. Everard Carson and -seis, Mrs. S. Wheeler of Hamilton, this Week. ‘Mt. and Mrs. Charles Smith, Tor­ onto, spent the week-end at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. King. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Earhgey and Dean, of Brussels, spent Saturday ev- .MONUMENTS at first cost ligavihg our factory equipped with the SSiak"1 tmachinery for the exe- °i^sh-dass work* we ask you larKe^ JiSplay of monu- Zeta W it> Ontario, sand blast machines. cm L°.Ur from th® ,q“arr,M d.’rect« to the <r« * agents and middleman profits by seeing us. E* J. Skelton & Son West End 'Bridge-^WAIXERTON ' and Miss Earhgey accompanied them I on Sunday on a motor trip to visit ' friends near Caledon East and Mona i Road. Miss Earngey also visited the home where her grandparents lived, and saw the cemetery where they are buried. The anmjal garden party of the United Church proved a very success­ ful evening when it was held ih the school rooms of the church. The tables, laden with ample of good things to eat, were nicely decorated With cut flowers for the occasion: The program took place in the township hall, when a trottp from Teeswater, dressed as Red Cross nurses and sol­ diers, took .their audience back some twenty years, when they gave a group of did war songs, Mr. and Mrs. Willitts, of Wayne, Mich,, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Shera. Senior Room P indicates the candidate was pro­ moted on the year’s work, E indicates the candidate passed the June exam­ inations and R indicates that the pupil is repeating the grade. Grade' VII to Grade VIII: Dick Carson P; Wilma Heibein P; Jack Underwood P; Earle King E; Doreen Harrison E. Grade VI to Grade VII: Betty Heinmiller P; Lucille Underwood P; Lorraine Nickel P; Hugh Hutchison P; Emily Heinmiller P; Robert Nay P; Bill Heibein P; Mac Hutchison P; Charlie Miller E; Elgin King R. Grade V to Grade VI: Norman Car- son P; Mary Ritchie P; Greta Hynd­ man P; Lome King E; Clare Golton E.< ■ i i1 • 1 '' ' Teacher, J. Gordon Mundell. Junior Room Promoted to Grade V: Clara Harp­ er, Leslie Miller, Maxine Bolton. Promoted to Grade IV: Gregg, Pauline Heinmiller, Harper, Hattie Miller. Promoted to Grade III: Gregg, Betty Harper, Helen Stanley Hobbs, Maxine Farrish, Tom Newton, Bobby Harrison (repeat). Promoted to Grade II: (Group A) Donald Burrows, Florence Anger, Jim Miller, Jack Reidt (repeat), Bill Nay (repeat), (Group B) Mildred Farrish, Jessie Miller, Hilda Neill, Dorothy Watson. Grade I (Group A) Dorothy Down­ ey, Nelson Harper, Bruce Anger. (Group B) Norman Anger, Joan Ash­ ton, Marion Downey, Bobby Edgar, Shirley Newton, Earld Reidt, Bobby Stephens, Jim Walker, Betty Zimmer­ man. Erland Grace George Strong, V. M. Lennox, Teacher. HOWICK COUNCIL Wroxeter, June 23rd, 1939 The Council met in the Township Hall, according to adjournment, the members were all present, the Reeve, J. W. Gamble, in the chair. The minutes of last regular meet­ ing, also special meetings and Court of Revision Session of May 29th, were read and on motion of Strong and Bak'er were adopted. Moved by Weir and McCallum that this Council purchase a fifteen-inch culvert, 24 feet long; also an 8 foot arch abutment culvert, 24 feet long, from the Pedlar People, Ltd., Osh- awa, Ont., subject to the approval of the District Engineer. Carried. Moved by Baker and McCallum that the Clerk be hereby instructed to prepare a By-law re the appointment of a Township Constable. Carried. Moved by Strong and Weir that all requisitions must be in the hands of the Clerk not later than the Statutory fill $7.20; Borden Brears, making fill date of August 1st. Carried. Moved by Weir and Baker that a Wesley Ferguson, ditching $2.00; Carl grant of $150.00 be given tp the How- ick Agricultural Society, also a grant of $25.00 to the School Fair. Carried. Moved by Weir and Baker that this Council order five tons of spraying material. Carried. Moved by Baker and Strong that the following bills be paid. Carried. Milton Leonard, balance salary as As­ sessor 1939, $75.00; Isaac Gambie, pt. salary as Clerk, $35.00; Joseph Thom­ son, sheep killed or injured by dogs, $84,00; Henry Hartung, sheep killed or injured by dogs $24.00; County Treas., hospital expenses for Agnes Stewart, $60.00; J. R. Riddell, M.D., medical services for Mrs. Gile, $6.00; Milton Leonard, extra on lands to be sold for taxes $5.00; Norman premium on power grader Prov. Treasurer, licenses for Gorriq and Wroxeter Halls, $6.00; Armstrong, burying pigs, $1.00; Wm. Harrison, burying refuse in Wrox'et- er, $4.00; Gordon Underwood, three trips as Sanitary Inspector $4.50; J. W. Gamble, trip to Clinton re Ira Hunimison $4.00; E. A. Harris, fee as Fence Viewer, $2.00; Warren Zur- brigg, Fee as Fence Viewer $2.00; N. McDermitt, Fee as Fence Viewer $2.- 00; Relief, $25.32. i : ■ : . Road Expenditures D. D. Sanderson, bridge lumber $40.42; R. H. Carson & Son, gasoline and. oil $114.68; John Montgomery, freight on blades .50; Sawyer-Massey Co., blades for grader $8.96; E. G. Denney, dragging $4.00; Glad. Edgar, snow and dragging $8.05; Thos. Mc- Clement, dragging $5.70; Jno. Gedcke, gravel 25; Ed. Killinger, brushing $5.; 70; Chas. Killingcr, brushing, $4.90; Harry Locking, brushing $4.00; Clif­ ford Locking, brushing $4.00; Wm. Reis Jr., levelling stone $2.20; Harry Gowdy, dragging $7.50; John Willits, dragging $2.00; Making fill, Irvin Dickert $14.00, (Jordon Wright $20.- 00, George Hubbard $11.60, Norman Dickcrt $6.50, John Wright $3.80, Garnet Wright $7.00, Wm. Inglis $7.- 00, Gordon Wright $12,80, Smith Ing­ lis $5.00; Wm, Inglis $L60, Garnet Wright $2.20, Fred Hill $2.00; Ross Bayliss, snow roads $2.40; A, H. Deitz, brushing and culverts $19.00; Erhardt Hill, brushing and culverts, $6.00'; Walter Reddon, dragging and brushing $12.60; Norman Boehler, brushing $7.00; Orval Douglas, brush­ ing and posts* $7.75; Russel Harris, work on bridge $1.00; Archie Steurn- ol, cutting posts and work on bridge $2.80; Nelson Steurnol, posts for bridge $1.25; Mac, Steurnol, ditching $2.00; Wesley Underwood, hauling lumber; work oti bridge and ditching $6.00; George Galbraith, bridge lum­ ber $4.00; Earl’ Moore, ditching ahd’ wire $103; Catman Bride;- making $4.00; James Foster, making fill $8,00; Wade, $26.48; Nelson Ettinger, ditching $4.00; George Bak­ er, repairs for plow $1.50; R. B, Wat­ ters, posts $3,75; James Foster, posts .50; Carman Bride, levelling road side $16.00; Nelson Gowdy, operating pow­ er grader $81.00; John Montgomery, Road Supt. salary $77.70; Rich. Grif­ fith, brushing $5.20; Allen Griffith, brushing $4,80; R. B. Watters, brush­ ing and fencing $4.00; Melvin Stock- ton, ditching and tile $23.49; William Stewart, drawing sods, $4.80 John Hannah, drawing sods $3.00; Garnard King, raking stones $2.60; Wray Cooper, trucking plank and gravel,. $8.00; Cecil Wilson, repairing bridge and railing $5.00; William Wilson, re­ pairing bridge, railing and posts $6.50; George Topham, compensation, wire fence, 30 rod at 20c, $6.00; Clarence Harris, weeds $2.00; Harvey Gibson, weeds and snow $2.00; J. W, Kreller, returning drag to R. Milligan $2.00. Moved by Weir and McCallum that this Council do now adjourn, to meet on the third Wednesday in July, in the Township Hall, Gorrie, or at call of the Reeve. Carried. Isaac Gamble, Clerk. the WROXETER Mts. J. Adams spent a few days at Bruce Beach recently. and Mrs. A, R. Wells and dau­ ghter, Jean, also Miss Helen Gibson, all of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Shearer and daughter, Audrine, arrived from Sault Ste. Marie on Friday and will spend the holidays with Miss Beatrice and Mr. Thomas Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. H. FI. Mercer «and sons, Markdale, were week-end .guests of D. D. and Mrs. Sanderson. Mr. Sanderson, who has been a guest of his daughter, returned home with them. Mis. Hannah Boyd, Sudbury, is a visitor with her sister and brother, Miss Bell and Mr. John Kirton. Miss Lenora Higgins, nurse-in- training in Victoria Hospital, London, is spending three weeks holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chester Higgins. Mrs. V. Denny and daughter, Thel­ ma, are spending this week at Amber­ ley Beach. Mrs. A. N, Edgar, Ford- wich, accompanied them. Mr, Harold Peters and his sister, Miss Peters, were- week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stocks, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd North and daughter, Bev­ erley, are spending this week With Mr, and Mrs, Stocks. Miss Beatrice I-Iowc, Leamington, is spending the holiday w’tth het sis­ ter, Miss Mary Howe, Dr, t Campbell was ® wce^-emt vis*: itor with his mother in Toronto. Miss Elva Stocks is in London tak­ ing a Teacher’s Short Course. Mr. Geo. Muir, who is seriously ill, was taken by ambulance to Toronto for treatment on Thursday of last week. His nurse, Mrs. P. Kaine, ac­ companied °him. Mr. William Rae, of Waterloo, was called here owing to the serious ill­ ness of his father, Mr. Wm. Rae. Mrs. Edgar Wightman is also with her fa­ ther whose condition is very grave. Miss Edna I-Iupher, of Sudbury, is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hupher. Mr. and Mrs. Berkinshaw, Toronto, were week-end visitors of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Fred Kitchen. Miss Irene Wright, of Bracebridge, is spending the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Scott, Chi­ cago, and Master Douglas Scott, of Sanford, Fla., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown and Mrs. Fleming. Sanford Scott is a great­ grandchild of Mrs. Fleming. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Eld-1 red Nichol were: Miss Bessie Watt ■ hostess. Community Singing was an,~ and Miss. Margaret Durst, of Clinton, added feature. Mrs. Adams expressed Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nielwl and Ev- the thanks of the members to the elyn, Mr. Walter Nichol, of Paris. ; hostesses and the meeting closed with bring a friend. The hymn “Coming Home” followed by the Mizpah bene­ diction, closed an interesting meeting. Women’s Institute Mrs. G. A. Wearring opened her home for the June meeting of the W. I., which was held on Thursday after­ noon last. The president, Miss Good­ fellow, presided and opened with the singing of the Ode followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Miss Ellen MacEwen was in charge of current events and spoke on the San Fran­ cisco Fair. The Roll Call, A Notable Event of the past year, brought an interesting response. Horticulture was the topic taken up by Mrs. Waller in which she told of the recent Horticul­ ture Convention held in Toronto. Mrs., Denny, with Miss M. Davidson as substitute, was named delegate to the convention to be held in Guelph. Plans were made for the annual pic­ nic to be held at the home of Miss Goodfellow, Thursday, July 6th, at which each member is asked to bring, a friend. Refreshments were served by Mrs, Denny, Mrs. Maclean and the Mr. H, Walden, wlw has opened a‘the National Anthem. grocery and confectionery store hi the .Davey Block, has purchased ft .new truck and will be out next week buy­ ing produce and Selling groceries. Dominion Day Service The United Church, its chancel lovely with an attractive arrangement of flowers in red, white and blue, with the Canadian flag for a background, was a suitable setting for the service which was in charge of the pastor, Rev. A. M. Grant, who spoke from the words, "Ye are the light of the world.” The choir contributed an an­ them “Lord of the Lands” and spec­ ial hymns for the service were, "O greatly blessed the people are” “Near­ er, my God, to Theo” and- “Take my life and let it be.” The June meeting of the Girls’ Mis­ sion Circle was held at the home of Mrs, G. A. Wcarring on Thursday ev­ ening of last week. Maxine White presided and opened with the singing of the psalm “O God of Bethel,” fol­ lowed by prayer. The hymn “Jesus, Saviour, pilot me” was followed by the Scripture reading taken from Matthew, chapters 5 and 6, read and explained by Gladys Weir. Elva Stocks then led in prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Dur­ ing the business period plans were made for the making of a "Little Dutch'Girl Quilt.” The meetings for July and August were withdrawn. The next meeting will be held at the home of Elva Stocks on Sept. 6, with Max­ ine White in charge, each member to Women’s Missionary SocfcHr We July meeting of the W. M. will be held in the Church schoolroom on Thursday, July 13th, at 3 p.m. The- meeting will be in charge of Mrs. Timm and the Roll Call answered by sentence containing the word hope.a Farewell Party for Teacher A very pleasant evening was held' at S.S. No. 2, Turnberry, on Thurs­ day of last week when the young peo­ ple of that section gathered in honor of Miss Myrtle Deans, who has re­ signed after eight and one-half years faithful service. Mr. JameS McTavish was the chairman and after a few op­ ening remarks, called on the follow­ ing numbers, music by 4th line Orch­ estra and Turnberry Kinky Dinks, vocal number by Lois Elliott and Mil­ dred Henning; reading by Jean El­ liott, Jack McTavish and Mrs. Mac- Naughton, and Community Singing was enjoyed by all. Miss Vera Shar­ pin read an address to Miss Deans, which follows; Dear Miss Deans: During the past eight years we, the people of S. S. No, 2, Turnberry, have met together on many happy occas­ ions and tonight we meet for a fare­ well party in your honor, having learned with regret that you. have re­ signed as our teacher. In looking back over the years you have spent amongst us, we cannot adequately express our admiration and appreciation of your faithful and ef* (Continued ,6n page four)