HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-06-29, Page 7GORRIE bombs F Jack Strong. OBITUARY Quajity Merchandise Reasonable Prices FORMER DAVEY STORE WROXETER MATCHES 3 boxes 21c NEWTON RE-UNION CASH OR TRADE FOR EGGS Mr. Mrs. Mrs. country’s great rearmament campaign has already accomplished. At 78 air­ dromes, Royal Air Force pilots roar­ ed skywards in the speediest pursuit ships, the most potent bombers that I and Mrs. J. H. Fawcett of Harriston. | Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Sparling , Ab Gor- passing his iMcKee, of married in David W. largest R.A.F. fields, just outside Lon­ don (LEFT), giant “Blenheim” bomb­ ers roared low over the crowds. At Biggin Hill airdrome in Rent a flight of b'ombers swooped low over a spec- Carl Kit* Mel* modern mechanical ingenuity can pro­ duce. Formation flights saw fighting ships flying -with wing-tips almost touching in daring manoeuvres at 300 miles an hour. At Hendon, one of the Britain took its simulated air raid last week standing up, in contrast to the hysterics accompanying the “Mar­ tian air raid” which frightened Amer­ icans last winter. Although quite real- been with His COOKIES, ORANGE TANG­ ERINES ...... 15c lb. * Modern SUPREME SHORTENING ........-.................. 11c lb. ially built bridge and loosed which blasted the structure in half (RIGHT). Specials SODAS, McCORMICK ........................ 2 lb. bag 19c istic, with sirens whining, - bombs bursting' and women screeching, the broadcast caused no excitement in the country. Recently Britons had a gra­ phic demonstration of what their ORANGES (MED. SIZE) ..-.............................. 2 doz. 35c RAISINS SEEDLESS ..........-............. 2 lbs. 23c CORN OR PEAS ............................ ....................17 oz., 2 ins 17c Watch Windows for Weekly Specials CORN FLAKES, KELLOGGS ......................... ............3 for 23c CATSUP, TIGER BRAND ......-............. 26 oz. bottle 17c If you’re wondering why your bowels don’t work right,, . stop and think about what you eat® Bread, meat, eggs and potatoes, AH good nourishing foods , . , but lacking in ‘'bulk” after the digestive process. And you need "bulk!” Food that gives the bowels something to work on .. . to help them move. If it's this lack of “bulk" that's causing your constipation, Kellogg's All-Bran is just what you need. After digestion a soft mass remains which helps your bowels move. In addition, All- .Bran gives you Nature’s in­ testinal tonic, vitamin Bi. Eat this tasteful ready-to-eat cereal every day, drink plenty of water, and enjoy happier days. All­ Bran is made by Kellogg in Lon­ don, Can. Sold by every grocer. Thursday, June 29th, 1939 BRITAIN TAK£S MOCK AIR RAIDS IN HER STRIDE Is This the Reason You Are Constipated? Bride and Groom Showered On Wednesday evening of last week .-■■a large number of the neighborus and efriends of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Doug- , las gathered in the Township Flail to •extend to them best wishes for their future happiness. The evening was spent in dancing. An appropriate ad­ dress was read by Miss Alma Gal- ^_.’braith and the bride and groom pre­ ll, sented with some beautiful gifts and T^-also a purse of money. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas both expressed their apprec­ iation in a few words. Mrs. W. J. Armstrong, of Mitchell, Mrs. M. A. Armstrong and Mr. Mos­ ses, of Tara, visited one day last week ■with Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Clinton, -and Dr.’ Jackson, of Cleveland, visited one day last week at the home of Mr. •and Mrs: F.. C. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradnock .spent a couple of days last week with friends in Stratford and Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. \W. J. Gamble and Mrs. John Hyndman who had visited with friends in New Hampshire, re­ turned home last Thursday. Mr. and iMrs. Cutler and daughters, Misses Dorothy and Mary Cutler, al­ so their son, iMr. E. Cutler, of Tor­ onto, spent a few days last week with Rev. H. M. and Mrs. Watt. Mrs. Alex. Marshall spent Saturday last at the home qf her aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gannett, of Blue­ wale, who celebrated their silver wed- •ding anniversary on that day. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and Miss Perkins spent a few days^ last iveek at their cottage at Bruce Beach. Mrs. A. Munroe and little daughter, of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Calder, of S Southampton, visited Sunday with the k latter’s brother, Richard and Mrs. Jackson. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sparling for the week-end included Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and daughter, Horman W^oodley, Tyrone, Mr. and Doris, Mr. Thompson, Mr. F. Down-' Mrs Dave Hicks, of Harriston; also cy and daughter, Glenna, all of Allan-' Mr and Mrs. Ward Fawcett and Mr. <lale. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jefferson and family, of Owen S'ound, were week- tjiese parts on Monday on their end visitors with the latter’s parents, rejurn trip to their home in Vancouv- Mr. and Mrs. George Foster. I er <■ • 0 Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Clegg and, Questg of Mr. and (Mrs. Wm. Whit­ children spent Sunday with relatives rje|d on Wednesday last "were Mr. and at Ethel. Mj* and Mrs. H. W. Irwin and dau- ed to Toronto with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton, and will spend two weeks with them. Miss Beryl Fisher, who has been teacher at S.S. No. 18, Howick, for the past four years, has been appoint­ ed to the public school staff in Lis­ towel for next year. His many friends and boosters con­ gratulate Mr. Ray McIntyre in win­ ning fourth prize in the Advance- Times Contest, Wingham. The. many friends of Mr. George Anger were sorry to learn of the sev­ ere case of blood poisoning in his knee, but he is able to get around on crutches at the'present time. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, who quiet­ ly celebrated their 56th wedding an­ niversary on Tuesday, June 20th. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Toner visited friends in Mt. Forest on Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Saunders, of Barrie,, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stephens a few days this week, Guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ste, , phens a few days this week are (Mrs. Arthur N. Crapper and sons, Ronald I and Murray, of Barrie. Other guests j at the same home on Sunday Were: A. J. Saunders, Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dan Strachan and daughters, , Anna and Betty, of Port Elgin, also ghter, Miss Lucille, of Long Branch, and Mrs. James Robinson of St. spent Sunday with the former s par- , ^.[aryS> tjie same home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marks and two sons of Walton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright. ents, Mr. ahd Mrs. Wm. Irwin.. Mrs. j Woodcock and daughter, Miss Marion of Toronto, are spending the vacation at the same home. Miss Jean Stewart, of London, spent a days recently with friends in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Newton and children, Ronald and George, Toron­ to, 'spent the week-end with Mr. ahd! Mrs. Reg. Newton and other relatives. Those from Gorrie who attended the funeral' of the late George R. Dane in Toronto oh Wednesday last were: ( Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, (Mr. and.. The Newton Re-Union was held at Pike Lake, Saturday, June 24. About 150 people were present, Races and games were the activities carried on in the early part of the afternoon. Prizes were awarded the oldest man, Mr. Charlie Newton, of Sheldon, N. *»*». <*.«* Isaac wauc, jo**. Dakota; the oldest woman, Mrs> Mar- Mrs. Wm. Dane, Ml and Mrs. Nor-' garet Piper, of Sheldon, N.D.; who man Wade and son, Robert, Ml Geo. j are on a visit here; also to Dane, daughter Evelyn and son Geo., Ml and Mirs. Alfred Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Alex, Taylor. Little Miss Shirley Newton return* During the forenoon car after car arrived and great was the pleasure of friends meeting with friends. At 12 o’clock they all gathered at the festive board for which ample ^pro­ vision was made and ice cream abund­ ant for all. , e After dinner, the President, Harvey Sparling, of Gorrie, called the crowd together, and after the chairman’s ad­ dress, called on the secretary, Mrs. Sam. Robinson, of Fordwich to read the minutes of last business meeting. Mrs. Wm. Whitfield, of Gorrie, then gave an interesting historical sketch of the clan. Greetings were brought from the different branches of the family by Mr. Field Downey of Phelp- ston; Mr, Sam Graham, London; Mr. Harry Spearin, Ethel; Mrs. Leslie Earl, Ethel; Mrs,; H, J. Armstrong and z Mr. Harvey Webster of St. M'arys; Mrs. Lyons of Toronto; Mr. David Robinson, Wroxeter, and Mr. R. C. Sparling, of Vancouver. Greet­ ings and regrets were given from Some who found it impossible to at­ tend. The report Of the nominating com­ mittee was given by Wm. Whitfield, of Gorrie, and the following officers were elected for the Re-Union to be held in 1941: Wm. Spearin, President; Alex. Spearin, Vice President; and Mrs. Wm. Summers, Secretary-Treas­ urer, all of Brussels. The oldest taffy present was Mrs. Teasdale Whitfield, of Brussels. The oldest gentleman was Mr. Harry Spearin, of Ethel, and the youngest child was Bruce Harris, of Listowel, all received, a prize. Sports and races Were thetl indulg­ ed in, conducted by a committee from St. Marys, and one game of baseball was played, the married men versus the single men, the latter winning by a small margin; Many also enjoyed motor launch rides. Supper was served with lots of ice cream for dessert before the company dispersed, all feeling it to have been a memorable day, never to be forgotten. Friends were present from Van­ couver, Toronto, Hamilton, Wood­ bridge, Barrie, Minnesing, Alliston, Etmvale, Phclpston, London,. Inger­ soll, St. Marys, Brussels, Ethel, wood, Blyth, Listowel, Bluevale, rie, Wroxeter and Fordwich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles King and other relatives. M.r. and Mrs. Pocock and son, George,, spent Sunday with Mrs. Po- cock’s sister, Mrs."Alex. Marshall and Mr. Marshall. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton, Maxine and Clare, spent Sunday at the "home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cathers, ‘‘at Listowel. Miss Margaret Perkins, Miss Ber­ nice “Chaplin, of Perth, Mr. and Mrs. R. K.^Collins, Mrs. Barclay and Miss Perkins, of Toronto, were Sunday vis­ itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. V. ’Holmes and Miss Perkins. Cathers Family Re-Union The Cathers family held their an­ nual re-union in Victoria Park, Gor- rie, on Saturday, June 24th. There were about 84 present,- who came from Listowel, Britton, Brussels, Tor­ onto, Wroxeter and Salem. The lad­ ies served a very excellent dinner af­ ter which everyone took part in races, baseball and other games. A very en­ joyable day was spent by all and it was decided to hold the re-union in Gorrie again next year. * Institute Picnic July 5th The July meeting of the Women’s Institute will be held in the form of a picnic at the home of Mrs. Norman Wade on Wednesday next, July 5th, when they will entertain the girls of the community. Miss Margaret Dane will give a report of the Girls’ Con­ ference which she attended in Guelph. Misses. Marjorie and Dorothy Ed­ gar, of Ayr, spent the week-end with Tom Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown, Ayr, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. r MONUMENTS at first cost fi 5'av’ni? °yr factory equipped With the most modern machinery, fdt the exe- chtion high-class Work, We ask you W largest display 6f monu* lactory in Ontario. Sri (>nished by sand blast machines We import all our granite* from the 21? 5° <luarries 4‘rect, in the c?n local deal- er*, agents and middleman profits by seeing ns. E. J. Skeltoft # Sw tit West find Bridge—WALKERTON est baby, Betty Galbraith, of Clifford. Mr. Newton and Mrs. Piper ate the only two remaining of the George Newton family. The tables were set with a bountiful supper which wa§ en­ joyed by all. Business was discussed after the supper hour, when the new President appointed was Mr. George Murray, Harriston, and the new. sec­ retary, Mrs, Arthur Newton, of Clif­ ford. SPEARIN RE-UNION ’Ji Au event of widespread interest took place at Pike Lake, June 24th, when about 200 descendants of the late John Spearin and his wife gath­ ered for a re-unlon. Mrs. Wade, of Owen Sound, Thomas Bennett and Mr. and Charles Kent, of Fordwich, spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ferguson. Mr. and Mfs. M. Cook and daugh­ ter, Florence, of Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mefklinger, Miss- Lydia Merklinger of Waterloo, Miss Eliza­ beth Heftzbergcr, Mr. and Mrs. Cooke and daughter, Diane, of chencr, visited with Ml and Mrs. vin Nay on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford also Dean, of Toronto, visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cathers. Mr, and Mrs. Jack King and daugh­ ter, Miss jean, of Toronto, spent the week-end! with the former’s parents, The Sparling clan, including fam­ ilies of Mr. Jack Sparling, Mr. Har­ vey Sparling, Mrs. Whitfield, Gorrie, and Mrs. Annie Johnston, Bluevale, all met at the home of Mr. Harvey Sparling on Sunday to bid adqiu to Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sparling, who left on Monday to visit other points, on their return journey to their home in Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Farrish spent Saturday in Guelph and Kitchener. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Mundell on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gilmour of Wingham. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bradnock on Sunday were Mrs. Pratt, Miss Alma Shier and Mr. Smillie, of Teeswater. Mrs.' Russell Adams is visiting re­ latives and friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman and son Jack, of Milverton, were guests on Thursday last of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyne Michel. Mr. and Mrs. Lord, of Toronto, spent a couple of days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hynd­ man. Guests at the saute home Sun­ day were: Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Pritch­ ard of Harriston. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Irwin, Belmore and Miss Blanche Ir­ win, Toronto, wer'e Sunday visitors at the same homo. Mr. and Mrs, David Ritchie, Tees­ water, called on Dr. and Mrs. James Armstrong on Sunday. Three pupils in public school here were successful in receiving a pass on their year’s .work instead of trying the Entrance Exams, They are Jean Holbein, Bower Farrish and Harold Finlay. Those who are trying this week arc George Galloway and Reg­ gie Taylor, Mr. Pom Walker had the misfor­ tune while fixing a barbed wire fence last week to have one of his eyes knocked out with ths barbed wire, He is doing as well as can be expectetl. George R; Dane The funeral of the late George R. Dane was held from his late residence, 17 Baby Point Road, Toronto, on Thursday, July 22nd. The service was conducted by Rev. Parkeg, assisted by Rev. Johnston. Interment in Park Lawn Cemetery, The late Mr. Dane was an old How­ ick boy. Sixty years ago he was born on the 10th concession of Howick. He attended No. 4 school in Howick and Harriston high school, and after farming in Howick, was a successful real estate broker in Toronto. He was a member of High Park United Church. He leaves to mourn his wife, formerly Margaret Gorrie, to whom he was 1905, also one brother, Dane, of Toronto. onto, also Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Gamble and Mr. John Gamble, of Fordwich, were Sunday guests of D. S. and Mrs. MacNaughton. M’r. A. J, Sanderson is not well at present. His many friends wish him a speedy and complete recovery. Miss Alice Archibald leaves this we£k for Toronto where she will take a course in “Home Economics.” We understand the entire staff of Public and Continuation schools have been re-engaged for the coming year. This speaks well for our teachers and we wish them continued success. Miss Mary Harris spent the week­ end with Wingham friends. Miss Florence Fowler, 4th line Turnberry, received a call to London early Sunday morning owing to the death of her sister-in-law, the late Mrs. Henry Fowler. The many friends of Miss Fowler extend sympathy for, better; their sad bereavement.' Additional Wroxeter on Page Four. Fathers’ Day Service The morning service in the United Church was of special interest when the annual Fathers’ Day service was, observed. The choir was occupied by the men who led the singing and also- contributed a fine anthem “Will Your Anchor Hold?” by Owens, and the pastor chose for his text, Genesis 35: 1, “And God said unto Jacob, Arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there: and make there an altar unto God.” Mrs. R. C. Berkinshaw, of Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. F. Kitchen* a few days last week, also Mrs. T. I-’urdon, Fred and Gladys, spent the week-end at the same home. Mr. Ab. Sanderson, who has confined to his bed last week heart trouble, is still very low. many friends hope he may soon be Mr. and Mrs. William Mundell were in Clinton on Saturday attending the annual Carter Re-Union. Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton accom­ panied by her guest, Mrs. Cora Whit­ field, Detroit, Were guests of Walton friends on Wednesday of last week. A number of the members of For* est Lodge A.F & A.,M. attended a Masonic Service in Listowel on Sun­ day last. There will be no evening service in United Church during the months of July and August. A number of members of the Wo­ men's Institute attended a meeting of the district held in Bluevale when those taking part in the project of last year “Refinishing Furniture” display­ ed their work. Miss Esther Sltcter of the Dept., was an honored guest. • Mr. D. D. Sanderson is visiting his daughter,"Mrs, FL FL Mercer and Mr. Mercer at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edgar and family,. Morris, were Sunday guests of Mrs. John Bush. Mr. and Mrs* Dane were guests at the same home on Sun­ day. Mr, Thos, Lovell, Fordwich, visited Mr. and Mrs. J, Lovell on Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Charles McCutcheoh and Audrey will move to a home near Brussels this week, The good wishes of their many friends here' go with them. Ml and Mrs. Frank Forster, Tor- Ice. Cream Special Banana Royal Sundae..... 15c We have a complete Ice Cream and Sand with Counter) handling Silverwood’s Ice Cream, Bricks, Candies, Tobaccos, Sandwiches, Etc* Building Newly Decorated « » 100% Fresh Stock Free Delivery - Phone 54, Wroxeter Ouy Mot to - “Every Customer A Satisfied One**