The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-06-22, Page 4PAGE POUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, June 22nd, 1939 '
If cents a word pen insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c,
results JI I
..O n o
the annual flower service was con
ducted by the Pastor, who chose for
his text “Consider the lilies.’’ During
the service the children marched to
the chancel and presented bouquets of
flowers, which, following the service
were taken tp the sick and shut-ins.
The choir contributed a suitable an
them which added much to the beauty
of the service.
on this big money making oppor
tunity now with nationally known
concern. Excellent proposition for
sincere, dependable man. No exper
ience necessary. We assist in sell
ing, Finest fast selling line of ne
cessities everyone — rich and poor
— must have. 900 men succeed ac
tually to make good living. For de
tails and catalogue FREE — FAM-
ILEX, 570 St. Clement, MONT
FOR SALE—4-roomed house, 2 acres
on Arthur Street, back of Foundry,
also Linoleum. Apply F. J, Moon-
FOR RENT — Store property rec
ently vacated by Advance-Times.
Apply J. H. Crawford.
day, the fourth day of July, A.D. 1939
at the hour of 2.00 p.m,, the follow
ing real estate;
All and singular lots Numbers 81,
82, 83, 84 and 85 in the Government
Survey of the Town Plot of Wing
ham. On the said premises is situate
a comfortable one and one half story
frame house and also a good stable.
There will at the same time be sold
his household goods composed of
chairs, tables, stoves, etc.
Terms: Cash. Reserve on real estate,
Solicitor for the Executors.
FOR SALE—Two Durham cows,'Ap
ply W. J. Clark, Phone 141J.
FOR RENT—Six-roomed House in
Pleasant Valley. Immediate posses
sion. Apply Wm, Sallows, R.R. 5,
FOR SALE—Good rebuilt Hay Mow
er, 5 foot cut. Apply Reavie’s Ser
vice Station,
FOR SALE—Rubbe^r tired top buggy.
James Norman,
HOUSE TO RENT—All convenienc
es, centrally situated. Immediate
possession; also another House with
all conveniences, possession August
1st. Apply Cosens & Booth.
HAY FOR SALE—About 40 acres
of standing hay, timothy, red clover,
alsikc. Apply J. H. Crawford.
Property late James Gilmour. All
modern conveniences. Apply R. S.
MEN WANTED — Successful men
. .wanted to sell for successful Com-
■ '• pany. Our dealers progress because
we must insure their success first.
200 easy sellers, low prices, attract
ively packed. Quick repeat orders.
Permanent connection and steady
year lound income for capable men.
; Several localities available just now.
If qualified to become vour own
Clement, MONTREAL.
MUSIC LESSONS — Piano, Violin
and Hawaiian Guitar, popular and
. classic, Mrs. Jack Ernest, Frances
the box or crate. Apply Mrs. Victor
Haines, Phone 627r22.
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims against the estate of
Albert Fitzpatrick late of the Town
ship of Turnberry in the County of
Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased,
who died on or about the 29th day of
March, A.D, 1939, are hereby notified
to send their claims duly verified by
declaration to the .undersigned solic
itor for the executors on or before the
Sth day of July A.D. 1939.
that immediately after the said date
the assets of the estate will be distri
buted having regard only to claims
which have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham the 20th day of
June, A.D. 1939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Bride and Groom Presented
Friday evening was the scene of a
happy gathering when a large number
of neighbors and friends gathered at
the Charles McCutcheon farm home
in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Harold
Grant (nee Isobel McTavish), Danc
ing was enjoyed and following re
freshments served by the ladies. Mr.
and iMrs/ Grant were called forward
and the following address, read by
Mr. Laurie VanVelsor;
Dear Isobel and Harold:
We, your neighbors and friends, are
happy indeed to gather in your honor
for a social evening and in this way
express our good wishes for a very
happy married life. Harold, who has
grown up among us, has won our
highest esteem, and we welcome your
bride, who though not of our immed
iate vicinity, is well known and loved
by all. May we say to you both,
the words of Edgar Guest;
Pause a moment, happy pair!
This is not a station where
Romance ends, and wooing stops
And the charm from courtship drops;
This is but the outward gate
Where the souls of mortals mate
But the border of the land
You must travel hand in hand.
Burning Feet
Co to any good reliable druggist today
and get an original bottle of Moone’s
Emerald Qil. Don’t worry—this powerful
penetrating oil brings such ease and com
fort that you’ll be able to go about ypur
y/prK again, nappy pnd without that almost
unbearable aching and soreness,
Rub on Emerald Oil tonight—freely} it
does not stain—ris economical. Money .back
if not satisfied;’Get It at good druggists
TAKE NOTICE that all persons
having claims against the estate of
Alice Ball late of the Township of
Howick in the County of Huron,
Widow, deceased, who died on or
about the 9th day of March, A.D.
1939, are hereby notified to send their
claims duty verified by declaration to
the undersigned solicitor for the ad
ministrator on or before the 8th day
of July, A.D. 1939.
that immediately after the said date
the assets of the estate will be distri
buted having regard only to claims
which' have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham the 20th day of
June, A.D. i939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator,
TAKE NOTICE , that all persons
having claims against the estate pf
TFNDFRS FOR PAINTING _ Ofi Elizabeth Elliott,late of the Town of
the exterior of Bluevale School will Wingham m the, County of^ Huron,
be received by the undersigned un
til Monday, July 2nd, 1939. Trustee J
board to supply paint. Work to be
finished by the first week in Aug
ust. Lowest tender not necessarily
accepted. R. H. McKinnon, Secre-
■ tary, Bluevale.
TENDERS for cleaning and painting*
the interior of School House No.|
13, East Wawanosh, will be receiv-.
cd until June 30th. Particulars on ■
application to the secretary, Mrs.
Cyrus Scott, Belgrave.
WORK WANTED—By the day, by
experienced woman. Apply Ad
Spinster, deceased, who died on or
about the 24th day of March, A.D.
1939, are hereby notified to send their
claims duly verified by declaration to
the undersigned solicitor for the ad
ministrator on or before the 8th day
of July, A.D, 1939.
that immediately after the said .date
the assets of the estate will be distri
buted having regard only to claims
which have been properly filed.
DATED at Wingham the 20th day of
June, A.D. 1939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Administrator.
You who come to marriage bring
All your tenderness and cling
Stedfastly to all the ways
That have marked your wooing days.
You are only starting out
On life’s roadways liedged about
Thick witk roses and with tares,
Sweet delights and bitter cares.
Heretofore ybu’ve only played
At love’s game, young man and maid;
Only known it at its best;
Now you’ll have to face the test.
You must prove your love worth
Something time cannot defile,
Something neither care nor pain
Can destroy or mar or stain.
There are joys that you will share,
Joys to balance every care,
Arm and arm remain and you
Will not fear the storms that brew,
If when you are sorest tried,
You face you trials side by side;
Now your wooing days are done
And your, loving years begun.
And now we ask you to accept this
Kitchen Cabinet and with it goes our
good wishes for life’s richest bless
ings, Helath, Happiness and Prosper
ity. Signed on behalf of your neigh
bors and friends,
—Richard Griffith, Sam. Griffith.
Harold in a few well chosen words,
expressed the appreciation of his wife
and himself, for the attractive and
practical gift. The remainder of
evening was spent in dancing,
ALL persons having claims against
the estate of Isabel Robertson late of •
the Town of Wingham in the County
of Huron, Spinster, deceased, who
died on or about the second day of
June, A.D. 1939, are notified to send]
to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario,,
on or before the twenty-fourth day of j
June, A. D. 1939, full particulars of
their claims in writing. Immediately
after the said twenty-fourth day of
June, the assets of the said testatrix
will be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to
claims of which the executors shall
then have notice.
DATED at Wingham this fifth day of
June, A.D. 1939.
Wingham, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Executors.
Mrs. P. Wr Spott and family w’sh
to express their sincere appreciation
to their friends and neighbors for
kindness and sympathy shown in their
recent bereavement.
Women’s Institute
The June meeting of the W. I. will
be held on Thursday, June 29th, at 3
p.m., at the home of Mrs. G. A. Wear
ring. Current Events, Miss E. Mac-
Ewen. Roll Call, a notable event in
the past year. The topic on Horticul
ture, will be given by Mrs. Waller.
The guest speaker will be Mrs. P.
Kaine, R.N., Gorrie, whose subject
will be “Water”.
There will be offered for sale at the
premises of the late Elizabeth Elliott
Situate nil Water Street in the Town
of Wingham on Friday, the 30th day
of June, A.D. 1939, at 1.30 p.m., the
following real estate:
Dwelling house and lot situate on
the corner of Water Street and Ar
thur Street in the Town of Wingham.
The dwelling house Is said to be a
-one and one-half story frame dwell
ing with an addition thereto and cel
lar. The property is a large lot and
convenient to the Western Foundry.
There will also be sold all house
hold goods and furniture, for particu
lars see separate bills.
Terms: Cash. Reserve on real estate.
Solicitor for the Administrator,
There will be offered for sale at
the premises of the late Albert Fitz-
patrick, in Lower Wingham. on Tues-
Mr. David Rae is at present very
poorly, having taken a weak spell a
few days-ago. His many friends hope
he may soon be well again.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McLaughlin,
of Oshawa; spent the week-end
the former’s mother in town.
Dr. W« A. and Mrs. Spence,
onto, were week-end guests of
and Mrs. R. J. Rann.
Mr. M. S. Aikenhead and daughter,
Miss Lillian Aikenhead, were visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S.
MacNaughton on Sunday last,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jackman, Tor
onto, were week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. Brown. They were ac
companied by Mrs. Brown’s mother,
Mrs. Isabella Fleming, who will spend
the summer season with her daugh
ter, and Mr. Brown.
Mr. George MacEweh, Miss E.
MacEwen, Mt. Tom Shearer and Miss
B, Shearer were Kitchener visitors on
Sunday last.
A successful dance was held in the
Wroxeter Town Hall on Friday night
when the “Gulley Jumpers” of Bel
grave, provided excellent music.
Miss K. Goodfellow and Mrs. J, N.
Allen attended the Garden Party in
Trinity Church grounds on Friday of
last week.
Flower Sunday Observed
The morning service at- the' United
Church was of special interest when
(Continued from page one)
control at Ottawa by his department
at a saying of $2,400,000 in 3 years.
The railway Board of Trustees were
abolished and a president and six dir
ectors run it now on a business basis.
An up-turn in business would make a
big difference in the position of the
C.N.R. He told of the fight against
drought in the West and predicted a
great crop there this year, The Lib
erals successfully liquidated the Ben
nett wheat surplus and have not peg
ged wheat at 80 cents, A million dol
lars has been spent to remove the but
ter surplus from circulation. Low in
terest rates, lowest since 1021, are
now in-force, he informed his audi-
etjce, People had spent 30 millions on
Home Improvement Plan. $130,000,-
000 has been spent in three years on
defense. The Government, he said/
had made a first class start of provid
ing good defense, He said the radio
corporation-are doing a good job in
programmes which are of a variety for
all citizens, He told of the rapid de
velopment of Trans-Canada Airways,
nine hours from Montreal to Vancou
ver, ten
co ttver,
I am
feet of the new trade treaties -js not
yet felt, he said. Despite the depres
sion our nationhood is intact.
North Huron Officers:
Pion, Pres.—Hugh Hill.
President—Reeve R. S. Hethering
ton, Wingham,
1st Vice Pres.:—Douglas Nairn, of
2nd Vice Pres,—H. C. MacLean, of
3rd Vice Pres.—Mrs. Robt. David
son, Dungannon,
Sec’y—Nelson Hill, Goderich.
Treas.—Frank Fingland, Clinton.
Auditor—Dr, J. W. Shaw.
Municipal Representatives:
Ashfield, Murdock Matheson, Mrs.
Richard McWhinney; Colborne, Jas.
Bisset, Miss Stewart; W. Wawanosh,
Wm. Watson, Mrs. B. McAllister; E.
Wawanosh, John J. McGee, Mrs. M.
McDowell; Morris, W. C. King, Mrs.
Russel Richmond; Goderich Twp.,
Murray McDouga.ll; Grey, Thos. Mac
Donald Sr., tMrs. A. Lamonte; Turn
berry, James McTavish, Mrs. Lovell;
Howick, E. Harris, Mrs. B. McLaugh
lin; Goderich, to be appointed later;
Wingham, Ronald Rae, Miss Sara
MacLean; Blyth, J. H. R. Elliott, Miss
J. W. Woodcock; Brussels, Dr. Mc
Crea, Mrs. Samis; Clinton, Thomas
Flawkins, Miss E. Fingland.
Huron-Bruce Officers
President—Dr. D. R. Finlayson, of
1st Vice Pres.—Mrs. R. Davidson,
Dungannon, r
2nd Vice Pres.—D. McDonald, of
T eeswater.
3rd Vice Pres.—O. Hemingway, of
Treas.—W. T. Booth, Wingham.
Sec’y—A. K. McLay, Ripley.
Municipal Representatives:
Ashfield, M. Matheson, Mrs. R. Mc
Whinney; Colborne, Jas. Bissett, Mrs.
Stewart; W. Wawanosh, Wm. Wat
son, Miss McAllister; E, Wawanosh,
Geo. Cunningham, Mrs. John McGee;
Morris, W. Elston, Jas. Clark; Grey,
Jos. Harding, Mrs. A. Lamont; Turn
berry, I. J. Alright, Mrs. J. L. McEw
an; Howick, T. Richie, Mrs. B. Mc
Laughlin; Carrick, John Doig. Kin
loss, Frank Henry, Agnes McIntosh;
Huron, Angus D. -.Martin, John Wat
son; Brussels, Dr.qMcCrae, Jos. Wil
ton; Wingham, R. Rae, Sara Mac-
Lean; Blyth, H. J. R. Elliott, Mrs.
Laidlaw; Mildmay,.. E. J. Weiler, C.
Wendt; Ripley, A.K. McLay; Luck
now, G. H. Douglas, Stewart Robert
The secretary was instructed to
write C. A. Robertson, M.L.A., ex
pressing the sincere regret of the
meeting that on account of illness he
could not be present.
R. J. Deachman, M.P.
Mr. Deachman said, the Cotis'erva-
tives had said things could not be bet
ter and how profundly wrong they
were. Production of manufactured
goods in 1937 was larger than any
other year in Canadian history ex
cept One. There are no markets the
Conservatives said, yet between 1935
and 1938 exports have doubled. Con
servatives do not understand how to
develop markets, he said.
He told of the paper box combine
and said manufacturers that take ad
vantage of the. tariff for .excess pro
fits should have the tariff ctit so that
they cannot squeeze all possible out
of the people.
Seventeen plans had been submitted
for the railway problem. If any of
them had been accepted we would be
worse off to-day, he said. There'are
many ways in which the railways can
co-operate but the Identity of the C.
N. R. must be retained, he emphasiz
ed. The Liberal party are for expan
sion of markets, economy and effic
iency. The debt is large but the ques
tion is, are we getting value for what
we spend? Manufacturers enjoyed
great business in 1926-29, Then de
pression struck. Men by the thous
ands were thrown on the public
charge. A probletd no business could
The people of Canada, he said, will
be forced to lower their standard of
living when the world marshalls its
forces for war. Give us peace so that
we may see the fruits of our efforts,
lie concluded.
Short addresses were also given by
W. H, Golding, member for Huron-
Perth, and by W. R. Tomlinson
for Bruce.
Sheet, which proved to be especially
interesting this month. It pointed out
; that the tragic happenings in Europe
s during this last year have taught us
pthe interdependence of nations and
have shown us that no one liveth to
himself. We were reminded that Can
ada owes much’to the paS't Wd'davdW”^
of our new Canadians. Our mines,
our lumbering industries, and our rail
roads were largely developed by the
manual toil of those who came to
Canada from other lands. Even in
these days of depression and unem
ployment, we must not forget that
many of these new Canadians came to
Canada upon the invitation of our
statesmen to do work that Canadians
would not or could not perform. We
are just beginning to appreciate the
beautiful needlework, weaving and
handcraft of our new Canadians.
Many of our greatest musicians to
day came to us from Europe. Much
of musical genius is hidden in our new
Canadian citizens which we could dis
cover through friendliness.
According to the “Spectator” Lon
don, Eng,, it was feared that allow
ing refugees to enter England1 would
increase unemployment, but it has
been found that the arrival of refugees
has actually increased employment.
In some cases whole industries have
been, transferred completely tp Eng
land, e.g. the valuable fur trade of
Leipzig. Work employing hundreds
of Germans formerly, is now being
done by British workmen in the em
ploy of German Jew refugees. Al
though these Jews have had most of
their wealth confiscated by the Ger
man Government, they bring some
capital.and much business ability with
them, Each family pf refugees enter
ing Canada brings a minimum of $1,-
500 in cash.
On April 8th, 50 Sudetan refugee
families from Czecho-Slovakia sailed
from an English port for Canada on
their way to new homes in the Peace
River District. Another 50 families
were to sail on April 22nd, and 10,0
families a month were to follow for
three or four months. These refugees
will settle in the Peace River District
in groups of 25 to 50 families.
The Nazi Party in Germany has at
tempted tp justify its persecution of
’the Jews by claiming that they are
Communists and that Jews did and do
control Soviet- Russia and Commun
ism, but these statements are not true
as facts show. Of the 17 original lead
ers of the Communist revolution only
one, Trotsky, was a Jew. Of 200 mem
bers of the original committee only 7
were Jews. The Russian Government
closed synagogues and prohibited the
teaching of the Jewish religion. As for
present leadership in Russia, in" the
Political Bureau of 13, there is only
one Jew. Of the 100 Communist
Party in the U.S. there is not one
Jew. Of the 15,000 members of the.
Communist Party in Canada, only 450
are Jews — one Jew to every 30 non-
Jewish members.
An animated discussion of the re
fugee problem followed.
Mrs. Lloyd announced that the
Huron County W.C.T.U. Convention
would be held in Wingham on the af
ternoon and evening of Tuesday, June
27tli, when the guest speaker will be
Mrs. Knight, of Edmonton, Alta,, Do
minion President of the W.C.T.U. It
was decided to ask for permission to
hold the Convention in the Presbyter
ian Church and also the supper for
the delegates.
- Mrs. John Anderson closed the
meeting with prayer.
New Officers for 1939-40
President—Mrs. A. E. Lloyd.
1st Vice Pres,—Mrs. E. M. Loney.
2nd Vice Pres.—Miss Raymer.
Secretary—iMrs. Kelly.
Treas.—Mrs. Tiffin.
Cor. Sec.—Miss Lewis.
Press Reporter—Mrs. J. F. Ander
son. »
Supt. of “Little White Ribboners”—
Miss Bolt,
Flower Com.—Miss Isard, Mrs. E.
Station Boxes—Mrs. R. J. Tindall,
Mrs. S. Tindall and Mrs. Cosens,
Citizenship Com.—Mrs. Musgrove,
Mrs, Gemmell.
Medal Contest Com.—Mrs. R. J.
Tindall, Mrs. Loney.
Low summer prices are now in effect on Jblue
. coal'.__? — the world’s^ finest anthracite —
Phone us today. Save real money on every ton.
MacLean Lbr. & Coal Co.
iami'.., 1111 fl """ "" '" ..""■"""T1*—
bers from Reid’s Corners gave a de
monstration of what had been accom
plished under the coaching of two
senior members, Mrs. Blair and Mrs,
Bradley. Following the luncheon ser
ved by the Lucknow members, W. B.
Anderson extended a. welcome to the
visitors which was replied to by Mrs.
Finlay of Kincardine. An address on
“Home Beautification" was given by
Mrs. Grear of Walkerton.
Committee Reports Given
Reports.for the conveners of stand
ing committees were given between
musical number which included a voc
al solo by Mrs. J. (MacDougall, Tiv
erton; piano solo by Mrs.. Arkell of
Teeswater; vocal Solo, Mrs,' Munn of
Ripley; piano duet, Miss Malcolm and
Miss Boyle, of Holyrood; vpcal solo,
Mrs. H. Sparling, of Whitechurch; se
lections by the Lucknow school choir
directed by Miss Peggy MacDonald
and community singing, led, by Miss
Munn witli Mrs. J. D. Bryce presiding'
at the piano. Mrs. L. G: Crozier of
Walkerton, Federal representative,
gave an address and presented a slate
of officers prepared by the nominat
ing committee.
Officers Are Elected
The election of officers resulted as
follows: President, Mrs. White, Rip
ley; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Allan
McLeod, Kincardine; 2nd vice-pres.,
Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Lucknow; sec
retary-treasurer, Mrs. Roy McKenzie,
Ripley; Federation representatives,
Mrs. Temple Clarke, Lucknow; alter
native representative, Mrs. J. B. Fin
lay, Kincardine; delegate to conven
tion at Guelph, Mrs. George Ingles,
Belmore; conveners of Standing Com
mittees, Education, Mrs. Melvin
Rome, Teeswater;. Home Economics,
Mrs. J. Sturgeon, Bervie;-. Health and
Child Welfare, tMrs. W. J. Douglas,
Lucknow; Agriculture, Mrs. T. J.
Blair, Kincardine; Historical Re
search, ’ Miss Grace -Richardson,
Whitechurch; Canadiartization, Mrs.
R. J. McKellar, Tiverton; Commun
ity activities and relief, Mrs. Harley
Colvin, Teeswater’; Legislation, Mrs.
Oliver McCharles, Paramount; Peace,..
Education and International Relation- ■
ships, Mrs. Steel, Reid’s Corners;
Auditors, Mrs. Bryce and Miss Mor
gan of Ripley.
A vote of thanks to all who had tak
en part iri the program was extended
by Mrs. A, D. McCosh of Reid’s Cor
ners. An invitation extended by (Mrs.
Sam Geddes to hold the next annual
at Reid’s Corners was accepted. The
meeting closed with the National An
BANNERMAN—In Wingham Gen
eral Hospital, on Friday, June 16th,.
1939, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ban
nerman, of Culross, twin girls.
BARBOUR—In Wingham General'
Hospital, on Thursday, June 15th,.
to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Barbour,.
R. R. 2, Lucknow, a daughter.
FITCH—In Wingham General Hos
pital, on Monday, June 12th, to Mr.,
and Mrs. James Fitch, R. R. 1,.
Wingham, a daughter.
KENNEDY—In Wingham General;
Hospital, on Saturday, June 10th,..
to Mr..and Mrs. George Kennedy, a.
McDONALD—In Wingham General-
Hospital, on Wednesday, June 14thr
to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton McDonald,..
Wroxeter, a son.
90-Lb. Potato Bag Gone
. District fruit and vegetable inspec--
ors have been advised that provincial
regulations, becoming effective July 1,.
will abolish the 90-pound potato bag
now being used for packing through
out Ontario. This will be replaced by
the following standard sizes: 15 lbs.^
25 lbs., 50 lbs. and 75-lb. bags, J. K
Johnson, Dominion department of ag
riculture inspector, announced. For
inter-provincial shipments 100-lb. bags,
will continue to be used. A section of
the', Ontario farm products, Grades
and Sales Act was amended to pro
vide for the new regulation.
hours from Toronto to Van-
Business of Trans-Catiada is
all expectations, he said,
optimistic of the future of
Mr, Howe said, The full ef-
The June meeting of the W.T
U>, which was held on Thursday
ternoon in the Baptist Church, open
ed with a worship service led by Mrs.
E, M. Loney, The president, Mrs. A,
E, Lloyd, then conducted the Clip f
The South Bruce Women’s Insti
tute District annual convention which
was held at Lucknow, was attended
by about two hundred members from
the various branches including Kin
cardine, Ripley, Holyrood, Bervie,
Tiverton, Reid’s Corners, Teeswater,
Whitechurch, Belmore, Paramount
and Lucknow. Fina’ncial statements
and reports received showed splendid
work being done. Greetings from the j
Department were extended by Mi«s
E. Hopkins who also explained the
co-operative program for 1939-40. It
was decided to sponsor a meat-cook
ing course throughout the district,
Owing to the absence of Miss Flora
Dtirnin, Itomc economics’ coach in
Junior work, Miss Ethel Martin ex
plained the work and five junior mem-
WHEAT puffs
dependable FLAKES
IVORY % 21<
TISSUE 3 •* 25<
Choice Head Lettuce • I
2 Head 9c I
2 15
W 25<
2 pk”-17<
2pk9s- 2
domino black
Choice Ontario Cabbage
10c large headDTlVrilMlttlliMlM'i
l i*W' «* ’