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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-06-22, Page 1
WINGHAM, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 22nd, 1939 served Trin- Dork- years’ experience in the Bea- num’ PAY McINTYRE attend these extended to Men’s White Oxfords—Choice qual ity in latest style. $2.50, $3.00 to $4.- 50. Greer’s Shoe Store. Misses’ •in Straps •Greer's Shoe Store. and Children’s White Shoes and Ties $1.29 to $1.89 — z » “At this time I want to thank my many friends for making my present position possible.” MISS MARY ELLIS Hon, C. D. Howe and R. J. Deach- man, M.P, Gave Addresses Choir- i^Thc PALMERSTON GROUP GAVE FINE CONCERT -M—-- } Appreciative Audience Hear Palmers-, ton Male Quartette With Which Is Amalgamated Th© Gome Vidette and Wroxeter Newt. i • Single Copies Five Cents - ------------- : , —--------------- -' 67th ANNIVERSARY OF TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH, BELGRAVE LIBERALS HELD ANNUAL MEETING Subscriptions $2.00 Per Year P.M. SATURDAY The Excelsior Male Quartette, of Palmerston, under the leadership of Mr. Harold V. Pym and under the auspices of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Choir, presented a varied pro gram in the Town Hall on Thursday evening to an appreciative audience, • with Rev. K. MacLean as chairman. Humorous Scotch, Cowboy and Hill BiTly numbers as well as Sacred selec tions were presented by the quartette. The members of the quartette individ ually entertained with readings, solos and humorous sketches. Assisting the quartette were, Miss Marian Pym, tap dancer, and Master Jerry Oldfield, boy sporano, winner of a gold medal at the Stratford Festival. Mr. Pym favored with a delightful piano solo and he also was accompan ist throughout the program. A delightful evening’s entertain ment was enjoyed by all present and no doubt -this popular quartette will be heard in this, district on some fut ure occasion. Ex-Mayor John Hanna" At the Conservative Convention •which will be held at Wingham next week Ex-Mayor John Hanna will -seek the Federal Nomination for North Huron. Mr. Hanna served as Mayor of Wingham for five years and also had four Council. Educational Association to Meet-Here The Huron County Educational As sociation will meet in Wingham Town Hall, for their annual meeting .at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 24. Speak- •ers include W. Greer, Chief Inspec tor of schools; J. W. Trusles, Field Secretary of the O.E.A., M. A. Camp bell, Secretary Ontario Trustees’ As sociation, and Inspectors Game, ■Com and Kinkead. WEEKLY TENNIS TOURNAMENT The tennis club have decided to hold a get-together in the form of a tournament, each Thursday evening. All tennis players are urged to attend and make these meetings a success. No entry'fee is charged.'^Draw starts at 8.30 p.m. During, this week’s meeting the of ficers for 1939 will be chosen. JUDGES - In - The Advance "Times Subscription Campaign Listed below are the names of those who have kindly con- , sented to act as judges and audit the votes in the Wing ham Advance-Times Subscrip tion Campaign. MAYOR J. H. CRAWFQRD MRS'. MARY GRIFFIN K. J. HUESTON W, W. GXJRNEY W, H, FRENCH J. R, M. SPITTAD Sixty-seven years ago, Trinity Ang lican Church, Belgrave, opened its doors for public worship for the first time. The occasion calls for a worthy anniversary celebration, and will be fittingly marked with two special ser vices next Sunday, June 25th, The, services will be as follows: 11.30 a.m. Anniversary Service. Prea cher, The Rector. At this service the members of the congregation will pay tribute to the memory of all those who, during the past sixty-seven years, have laboured and worshipped in Trinity Church, and who have pass ed into the Nearer Presence of God. 7.30 p.m. Evening Prayei- and Ser mon. Preacher, The-Rev. A. C. Cald er, LL.B., Rector of St. George’s Church, Goderich. Appropriate hymns and prayers Will be a feature of these services, and special music will be off ered under the direction of Miss Nora VanCamp, organist. A cordial invitation to Anniversary Services is all. The Rectors who have i£y Chureh, during the past sixty-sev en years are as follows: The Rever ends William Henderson, F. J. Parke, H. A. Thomas, George W. Racey, T. E. Higley, Charles L. Mills, J. Ed monds, George McQuillan, William H. Hartley, T. H. Farr, W. B. Haw kins, A. Shore, L. V. Pocock, A. A. Maloney and R. M. Weekes, the pre sent Rector. An, Anniversary Tea, under the aus pices of the Ladies’ Guild of the Church, will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, on High way No. 4, on Thursday afternoon of this week, June 22nd. Mrs. Robert McCrea is convener of the affair. At the opening of his address fore the joint annual meeting of North Huron and the Huron-Bruce Liberal Associations, Hon. C. D. Flowe, Minister of Transport, said he did not know if the federal election would be held this year or not, that was up to the leader of the party, but his personal opinion was that there will be a general election this autumn. He stressed the fact that not one member ‘ of the Liberal party in the House was in favor of the.amalgama tion of the railroads. He scored Dr. Manion, leader of the National Con servative party, for diis advocating of Youth Camps. The only camps I fav or, he said, are those that teach the youth a trade so that they may take their place in industry when fit to do so. The Liberal party, he said, does not fear an election, they will have as large or larger representation than before, he said. He told of the organization of the Harbours from local commissions to (Continued .on page four) Reeve R. S. Hetherington President of North Huron Liberal, Association MAGNA CHARTA DAY SERVICE ON SUNDAY Large Congregation Present -r- Ser vice Held Under the Auspices of Wingham Legion Sealed Ballot Box in Bank for Final Three Days—-Not Ev en Judges Will Kniow Results Until Box Opened Your Favorite Candidate Needs Your Assistance During tyext Few Days. cs» “I liken my position to a player on third base. A hit is needed to bring me home and how I will try for that hit. My many loyal supporters may be assured that if my very best can keep me on top, I’ll be there when the final votes are counted.” GEORGE JOHNSTON Awarded Gravelling Contract l/Joe Kerr has been awarded the con tract for gravelling on the Listowel Highway from Brussels sideroad to Listowel and from Listowel to ing. Repaved Awards <At the Achievement Day for bers of Junior Institutes in Dance in Belgrave On Friday, June 23rd, Arthur’s Or chestra. Admission 25c. Held Picnic p-Tffe Woman’s Association of the United Church held a picnic party at William J. Scott’s residence, 2nd of Morris, on Tuesday afternoon. Miss M. McLarty Resigned There will be one change in the High School Staff next term as Miss M. McLarty has resigned. All other High School teachers have accepted their contracts. mem- Bruce County, Agnes Gillespie, Doris Mc- Clenaglian, Catherine Mowbray, of Whitechurch, were among the twenty girls awarded certificates of achieve ment. Gashed by Circular-Saw A serious accident happened to Sam Fear, concession 7, Morris, when he came in contact with a circular saw on the farm of William Nethery while sawing wood. A bad cut between the wrist and elbow necessitated his being removed to Clinton Hospital for treat ment. Held^Hospital Bridge yin the Town Hall on Friday after noon the Ladies* Auxiliary to Wing ham General Hospital held a bridge with fifteen tables present. Many oth ers were present for tea. The winners at at bridge were: 1st, Mrs. W. J. Greer, 2nd Mrs. FL Towne. Mrs. Mc Guire was' first- at euchre. Received Columbia Degree i Miss Elizabeth Weir, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Weir, received her Master of Arts degree from Columbia University, New York City, at the Commencement Exercises held this June. Miss Weir has accepted a po sition as teacher in the State School at Providence, Rhode Island. Garden Party, Bluevale, June 30th The' 131uevale United Church will hold a Garden Party on Friday even ing, June 30th. A cold meat supper will be served from 6 to 8. o’clock. The Blyth Band will furnish a fine program of band selections, vocal and instrumental numbers, comedy bers. Admission 35c and 20c. Pigeons Head for St* Thomas Thirty-five homing pigeons headed for St. Thomas here at 10 a.m, on Thursday. The birds arrived by ex press at the C.N.R, station Wednes day night, with instructions to be re leased at 10 a.m. the following morn ing. Mr. Burgman carried out these instructions and it was a pretty sight when the birds circled the town to get • their bearings and then headed south. Finishing Work on Minnie Street Work commenced on Tuesday of applying the finishing surface to Min nie Street. Considerable work was done to this street last year in prepar ation for this top dressing. Seaforth Woman W.C.T.U. Editor Mrs. E. D. Cr.aw, of Seaforth, has been apopinted editor of White Rib bon Tidings monthly publication of the W.C.T.U. She succeeds Mrs. J. M. Norton, of Toronto, who resigned. Underwent Operation \/Mrs. Dave Hutcheson underwent an operation for the removal of her ap pendix on Monday morning in Wing ham General Hospital. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recov ery. Band Goes to Festival Saturday The Wingliam Citizens’ Band will attend the Waterloo Band Festival on Saturday this week. It is expected 50 bands will take part. On behalf of the people of town we wish them every success. Institute to Meet June 29th The regular* meeting of the Wo men’s Institute will be held in the Council Chamber on Thursday after noon, June 29th, at 2,30. The host esses will be Miss Beatrice Graham, Mrs. George Williams, Mrs. R. A. Coutts. Strawberry Tea The Ladies’ Guild of St. Paul’s Church will hold a Strawberry Tea on the Church lawn, Tuesday afternoon, June 27th, from four o’clock to seven. Admission 25c. (Should the weather be unfavourable the tea will be served in the Parish Room of the Church.) Strawberry Festival Tuesday Night The Annual Strawberry Supper of Macintosh United Church will be held on Tuesday, June 27, 1939, from 6 to 8 p.m. It will be followed by a 3-act comedy- entitled ’’Here Comes Char tie” which will be presented by Kurts- ville talent. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. Postpone Opening Lucknow Post Office The official opening of the Luck now Post Office which was scheduled for Thursday last week, has been postponed until Thursday, June 29th, at 2,-Sp, o’clock. The illness of Mrs. McLarty, wife of the Posttnaster-Gen- etal who was to be;present,-to speak and officially open the building, is- the reason of the postponement. The United Church was attended by a very large congregation Sunday morning when the members .of Wing ham Legion, the 99th Wingham Bat tery and town officials, paraded to the United Church, headed by the Wingham Citizens’ Band. The Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Legion were also present in a body. The service which was held under the auspices of Wing ham Post 180 of the Canadian Leg ion, B.E.S.L., was in cojnmemoration of the signing of the Magna Charta which was signed 724 years ago. Rev. J. F. Anderson, Minister of the Church, who is also Legion Chap lain, chose for the subject of his ad dress “Stand Fast for Freedom.” His text was Galatians, 5th chapter, verse 1, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” Mr. Anderson stressed the fact that in totalitarian countries the Christian religion had received a great set-back. In the coun tries where the people get away from God they lost their liberties, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, free dom of religion, freedom of action. The source of freedom, he said, is in Christ, and we must safeguard this freedom or wc will lose it. A baptismal service was held, two children being baptised, Lloyd Henry Wheeler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wheeler, and Clara Ann Taylor, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor. Flowers on the-altar were in mem ory of the late Gerry Willis and the late W. A. Currie. Colors Dedicated Following the sermon the ceremony of dedicating the Legion and Legion Auxiliary Colors was held. The Aux iliary colors were presented by Com rade Mrs. Harry Browne and the Leg ion colors by Comrade Percy Harris. “O God of Love” was a solo beau tifully rendered by Mr. Jack Reavie. The anthem was “Rejoice the Lord Has Come” with Mrs. Grant McLean taking the solo part. White Shoes for Women in and Pumps $1.49, $2.49 to $4.00. Bargains at Greer’s Shoe Store. Ties Real At The Lyceum Pictures of Their Majesties at Que bec and Montreal will be shown in the newsreel at the Lyceum Theatre this week. The feature' is “Just Around the Corner” starring Shirley Temple. Chojr-'Held Social Evening The Choir of St. Andrew’s Presby terian Church held a very successful social evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pickell. Supper was served on the lawn after which games and music were enjoyed, Pl^yedsFor The King j Fryfogle of New York, of Mrs. had the play for on their His GREAT EXCITEMENT NOW IMPENDS CANDIDATES IN NEED OF FRIENDS AS HECTIC PAPER CAMPAIGN ENDS Eight gloriously hectic weeks for campaign candidates comes to a close on next Saturday night, June 24, at 9 o’clock. Votes may be deposited in the sealed ballot box up until the last minute of the hour, but not under any cric-umstances can any be accepted af ter the stroke of nine. The ballot box will then be opened by the board of judges appointed for that purpose and the final result will be announced by them after a complete accounting has been made. Congratulations are extended by the Advance-Times to all candidates, for the race has been a close one, and at this writing the . automobile being awarded as first prize is still any body’s car, The remaining three days of the campaign is probably the most cruc ial time. For, candidates never being told theii' exact vote standing, quite often erroneously assume that they held their relative positions by a .safe margin. The fact may be that only a trifling, number of votes separates any two candidates. Over confidence will play its part this week and it is a fore gone conclusion that some candidates will be victimized by their own errors in this. • Last minute instructions are being issued to all candidates. The principal change in procedure during the final three days is the fact that each candi date’s repo'rt must be placed in a seal- ed envelope with the name of the can didate written plainly on the face of the envelope. Each envelope must contain the subscription receipts as well as the exact amount of remit tance to cover, in the form of cash, postal note, money order or certified cheques. Whether any uncertified cheques can be accepted is left to the discretion of the campaign manager. It is to insure absolute fairness and to preclude the remotest possibility of information leaking regarding candi date standing that the sealed ballot box will be in effect at the close of the campaign. • The management of the Dominion Bank has very graciously consented to the ballot box being left in their care. It could not, of course, be in better hands. Candidates and their friends will have ready access to the ballot box during regular banking hours on. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On Saturday evening from six p.m. until the campaign closes bank officials have most magnamiously offered to leave their bank premises open for the benefit of candidates and their friends. Your favorite candidate needs your assistance during the next few days as he or she has never needed it be fore and will probably never need it again. That candidate is now appeal ing to you to co-operate and help achieve the biggest ambition of his or her life up to now. LEGION ZONE MEETING FRIDAY Major Kenneth Weaver has an nounced that the annual Legion Zone meeting for this district will be held in the Armouries here at 8 p.m. on Friday this week, June 23rd. At this meeting the date for the an nual Drumhead ed and Zone Major Weaver Commander. Service will be select- Commander elected, is the present Zone <■ uilding House Mr. Henry T. Thomson has started the erection of a bungalow type house on John St., next to the Baptist Church. The contractors are W. H. Rintoul and Sons. TEESWATER PLAY HERE SATURDAY A Bruce League scheduled game be tween Tecswater and Wingham will be played here at 3.30 o’clock Satur day afternoon. Tesewater have sever al Kincardine players in their line-up and have a bang-up team. This game should provide plenty of interesting baseball. Turn out. Next Wednesday the Hurons play in Southampton. The Central League team do not have a home game for some time. They play in Harriston on Monday night next week. KENNEDY FAMILY HELD RE-UNION “While realizing that I was unable to give the opening weeks of the cam paign my best, the generous support my friends have shown me gives me wonderful encouragement and I will try to make up for lost time by im proving my position during the clos ing days of the campaign.” . MRS. J. REAVIE Pl^yedsFor T f Mr. George formerly of Wingham, son Wm. Fryfogle, Shuter St., honour of having his band the King and Queen while recent visit to New York City, wife, Mrs. Fryfogle, was also an hon oured guest. Mr. Fryfogle and band have also been playing at New York World’s Fair. his the OFFICERS NAMED BY CONSERVATIVES Local Delegates to Convention Selected “In thanking my many loyal sup porters for backing camparative newcomer to this community, I can only say 1*11 win if I< can, lose if I must, but win or lose 1 will try to prove worthy of such generous sup port.” On Monday evening the Wingham Conservative Association held an or ganization meeting at which the fol lowing officers were elected: President—Mayor J. H. Crawford. Vice Pres.—IL H. Lloyd. Sec’y.—J. W. Bushfield. Treas.—Chas. Lloyd. Chairman of Municipality—Fred L. Davidson, Delegates to Nominating Conven tion: Ward 1, R, IL Lloyd, Dave Fin lay, James Isard, Edgar Pattison; Ward 2, E,' S. Lewis, H. F. Buchanan, Fred Spry, M. Bell; Ward 3, J. H. Crawford, Chas. Lloyd, Albert Bell, Robert Allen; Ward 4, Walter Van* Wyck, A. J. Walker, J. W. Bushfield, Dr. W. Crawford; Ward 5, T, Bow ers, DeWitt Miller, A. R. DuVal, Ed. Small. Goderich to Protest Assessment In committee of the whole Goderich Council decided to enter an appeal against the by-law on the equalization of the assessment passed by Huron County Council at its last meeting. A copy of the resolution has been sent to tEe County Council. ' / Frafctrued Arm Cranking Car lyOn Saturday morning of last week Flyod Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson, 9th Concession East Wa.wanosh, had the misfortune to fracture his right wrist when cranking the car when the starter refused to work. X-rays taken at Wingham Gen eral Hospital showed both bones of the wrist broken. The fracture was reduced by Dr, W. A. McKib'bon. One of the-first family reunions of the season was held at Harbor Park, Goderich when some 75 descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Kennedy, early settlers of White church, assembled for their annual picnic. It was a great day and a hap py occasion as kin-met kin for the first time in ycais, \ There were guests present from Sault Ste. Marie, Guelph, Tecswater, Lucknow, Wingham and the district around Goderich and Whitechurch. Oldest person present was John Ken nedy of Whitechurch, who had the time of his life, despite the fact he pear his 80th birthday. President of the reunion is William Kennedy, of Wingham, and secretary, T-T. B. Tich- borrtc of Goderich. How Will They Finish &Listed below is the Fourteenth Relative Standing of the Can didates in the Advance-Times Subscription Campaign. The FINAL standing will be posted in bulletin form in the window of the Ad vance-Times, Saturday night, immediately after the judges have fin ished their Count- GEORGE JOHNSTON, R.R. 2, B'LUEVALE MISS MARY ELLIS, R.R, 3, BLYTH.......... MRS. JACK FEA VIE, WINGHAM.............. RAY McINTYRE, GORRIE..........*................. MRS. GEORGE H. SCOTT, WINGHAM .. . MRS. MILFORD FOXTON, WINGHAM ....... MISS MARGARET MASON, WINGHAM .... MISS MAY CARRICK, WHITECHURCH.. DAVID McGILL, WINGHAM ____ ______ The Vote Schedule printed above shows the Candidates ac cording to results so far produced, but does not necessarily show the grand total of each,as votes may be held in reserve. JUST THREE DAYS MORE! 1 * ft 3 5 £ I S s