The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-06-15, Page 8FACE EIGHT WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, Junie 15th, 1939
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 15th, 16th, 17th
• •
Haiuna’s Ladies Shop
Exclusive Not Expensive
made in Canada
TALL? —• Wear them full
MEDIUM? — Flip them over
at first adjustment stripe.
SHORT? — Wear them at
the second adjustment
.85A $1.00 a pair
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m, Except Saturday
Saturday Night/Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p-m
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
CLAUDE RAINS • Patrie Knowles • Eugene Pallette • Alan Hale • Melville
Cooper * Ian Hunter • Una O’Connor • Presented by WARNER BROS. • Directed by
MICHAEL CURTIZ nnd WM. KEIGHLEY • Original Screen Play by Norman Reilly Raine ami Seton I. Miller
jjawd upon Ancient Robin Hood Legends « Music by Erich Wolfgang Korngold • A First National Picture
Also “News”
Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 19, 20th, 21st
The story features “Lazybones Crosby” who would
trade his life away to avoid doing
a day’s hard work.
Also “Traveltalk” and “Musical”
MATINEE Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c.
Of Palmerston
Will Present a Variety Concert at 8.15 p.m. in
Under Auspices of St. Andrew’s Church Choir.
Miss Ann. Henry, R.N., who served
overseas as a nurse, had a reserved
seat at the Cenotaph, London, Wed
nesday last when King George and
Queen Elizabeth visited that city.
Among those from here who were al
so in the city were: Mrs. Mac Ross
and Miss Olive Terriff, R.N., Mrs.
Hinde and her brother-inlaw, Mr. M.
Green; Mr. Ezra Welwood, Mr. Clar
ence Cox and Mr. Weaver: Mr. and
Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Florence and Er
nest; Mr. Ernest Robinson, Melville
. and Gilbert Beecroft, and Mr. and
Mrs. John McGee.
Miss Sarah Sharpe, of Tecswater, is’
spending this week with her old
friend, Miss Catharine Ross. Miss
Sharpe celebrated her 82nd birthday
on Sunday and has been blind since
she was twelve years old. Her sister,,
Miss Mary Sharpe, has been in Vic
toria Hospital for the past two week's
having cataracts removed from her
Mrs'. Robt. Ross spent a few days
last week in London with her cousin,
Mrs. Alma Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Green, of
Kitchener, spent last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry.
On Saturday, Mrs. Henry and Miss
Ann Henry, also Mrs. Simpson apd
1 her daughter, Marian, of Wingham,
M jjW ’w'Ul $ ftp
k, Clinton
King.” Prayer was offered by Mrs.
Henry, Scripture lesson was read
from Matt. 5. 43-48. Matt 6, 8-10. A
duet was rendered by Mrs. Wm.
Anderson and Mrs. Emmerson Rod
ger. They were accompanied by Mrs.
Wm. McDowell. The chapter in the
Study Book was “Ministeries in the
storm centre” was given by Miss Mae
Wightman. After prayer being offer
ed by Mrs, Henry the “Lord’s Pray
er” in unison, The business was con
ducted by the president, Mrs. Wm,
McVittie. The minutes of the May
meeting were read and approved, A
paper on Temperance was read by
Mrs. J. L .McDowell. The final ar
rangements were made for Anniver
sary Supper to be held on July 3rd.
The meeting was dismissed by Mrs.
(Rev.) H. C. Wilson after which
a ten cent tea was served by the lad
ies of the group.
The report of the London Confer
ence was given on Sunday by the
Rev. H, 0. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ellis and Miss
Mary Ellis visited on Sunday with
Mrs. Ellis’ sisters, Mrs. M. Griffith
and Miss Rose Coventry of Wing
Mr. Maitland Henry is recovering
from the severe shock from light
ning which he experienced on June
3rd when he took shelter under a tree
during, a heavy rain and wind storm,
A horse owned by Mr. Henry also
received a shock causing it to fall
to its knees. t
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan, Mrs.
Stanley Cook, Mr. Ray Vincent and
Mr. and Mrs. James McGill attended
the graduating exercises of the West
ern University, London, where Miss
June Buchanan, niece of Mr. J, Buch
anan and Mr, James McGill Jr. son of
Mr. and Mrs. James McGill received
their diplomas at the Convocation on
June 7th. We extend our congratula
tions to both these young people.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell, Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Wafden, Mr. and Mrs.
Alva McDowell of Westfield and Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Vincent are spending
a' couple of weeks with friends at
Badaxe, Michigan, Rudyard, Mich.;
Freeland, Mich., and at the Soo, also
at West Branch, Mich.
Arnold and Phyllis Cook were ‘ in
Blyth on Saturday trying their
Theory Exam. TWey are pupils of A.
E. Cook;.
also Mr. Malcolm Green, motored to
Owen Sound and spent the day with
Mrs. Simpson’s daughter there.
* Naylor - Moss
A pretty wedding was solemnized
on Friyad at Ip.m. at the home of
Mr. and 'Mrs. Fred Moss, West Wa-
watiosh, when their daughter, Jessie,
became the bride of Mr. Gordon Nay
lor, son of Mrs. Naylor and the late
Mr. Naylor, of E. Wawanosh, Rev.
,H. Wilson of Auburn United Church,
officiated, After the wedding dinner
the happy couple left for a short hon
eymoon at Niagara and Toronto,
They will reside on the groom’s farm
on the 9th of E. Wawanosh, and this
community extends best wishes .for
a long and happy wedded life.
Mr, and Mrs. George Broonier^ of
Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr,
and Mrs. Jno. McGee and their grand
daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Coultes.
Agnes Gillespie, Muriel Watt, Cath
arine (Mowbray and Jean Johnston
were in Walkerton Monday attending
another meeting held by the Institute
in the interests of “The Milky Way.”
Mr, and Mrs. Basil Thompson and
her brother, Stanley Moore, all of
Calcdone, spent the week-end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Montgomery,
of Rose City, Mich’., have spent last
week with the latter’s brother, Mr.
John Mowbray and with other rela
tives in this community. They were
accompanied by their daughter, Mrs.
Ethel Dubey and her daughter, Made
line, from Pontiac, Mich.
Dr. Harold Robinson, Walkerton,
and Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Wheeler, of
Morris, visited on Sunday with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson.
Mrs. Aldin Purdon and son, Billie,
left on Monday for Leamington, and
Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Goyeau- and children, of Windsor,
who have spent the week-end here.
Mrs. Hinde spent the week-end with
Mrs. Greer, of Wingham and with
other relatives there.
Mr. Robert McGee, of Blyth, spent
the week-end with his brothers, Mr.
Henry and Mr. Leask McGee.
Miss Lorna McClenaghan, of Glen
coe, spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. en McClenaghan.
Quite a number of the Institute lad
ies were in Lucknow on Tuesday at
tending the District Annual meeting.
Successful anniversary services
I were held in Brick Church on Sunday
;when Rev. Dr. Langford of Toronto,
j head of the work of the Young Peo-
. pies’ Unions in the United, Church,
. was present and preached very earn-
: est and inspiring sermons, entreating
the people to spend their lives not for
• the things which pass away, but for
those things that last forever. The
choir rendered special anthems. In
the morning Mrs. George Taylor sang
a solo and in the evening Mr. and-
Mrs. Keating sang a duet. Rain be
fore both services kept many away
who wished to hear Dr. Langford.
About thirty ladies attended the
meeting of the Women’s Institute held
at the home of (Mrs. Robt. Ross on
Friday last. The president, Miss G.
Richardson, was. in charge, and afjier
the opening exercises the roll call was
answered by a traffic law, as this
meeting concerned legislation. Mrs.
Morrison and Mrs. Sclioltz and the
president, were appointed to attend
the District Annual at Lucknow on
Tuesday, June 13. All joined in com
munity singing, and Miss Olive Ter
riff gave a very interesting paper on
“Why We Should Use Our Vole.”
Mrs. Scholtz sang "You’re the Only
j Star in My Blue Heaven” and Mr.
Spittai of the Dominion Bank, Wing
ham, was present and gave a very in
teresting talk on “Banking” and in
vited anyone to ask questions. A vote
of thanks was given to him and Ken
neth Ross played a number on the
violin. Lunch was served and a social
j half hour was enjoyed by all.
| Mr. George Richardson, of Guelph,
i and Mr. Albert Hughes of Tceswater
I visited on Saturday with the former’s
• brother, Mr* John Richardson.
| Mr. and Mrs. Meldrum Sandburn
j and family of Turnberry, spent Sun-
I day at the home of his parents, Mr.
■ and Mrs. Chas. Sandburn.
I Mr, Jas. Weir of London and Mr.
- I and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and children
w' of Marnoch spent Sunday with their
0 ■ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred David
son. Mr. and Mrs, George Inglis and
! family and her brother, Mr, John
, Renwick, all of Macintosh visited al
so with their aunt, Mrs, Davidson on
’ * Rev. Graydon Cox and Mr, Jim
q t Moore of Matheson, who were attend*
I ing Toronto Conference, spent a few
days last week at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Molcolni Ross,
Rev, Mr. McKenzie of Ripley will
0 have charge of the anniversary serv-
jj ices in the United Church here on
O Sunday and the young people will
present their three act Comedy-drama
“Paying the Fiddler” on Tuesday ev
ening, June 20th in the Institute Hall.
Rev. Henry Martin of Chapleau,
O who was attending Toronto Confer*
JT ence last week, spent a few days here
with his mother, Mrs. Wm. Martin-
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cornelius spent
Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Thompson and family of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Paterson of
Galt, spent the week-end at the home
of Mr. F, McK. Paterson and Mr.
Randal Buschlen and (Mr. Borman of
Camp Borden also visited there.
andMr. and Mrs. Charles Smith
son Gordon were Goderich visitors on
Mrs. W. A. Campbell and family
visited on Sunday with the former’s
mother, Mrs. Barkley of Dungannon.
A number from Westfield attended
the Memorial Service at the Union
Cemetery ait Blyth on Sunday.
Miss Norma Nethery of Hamilton
visited at the home of her aunt, Mrs.
James McGill.
A new rug has" been purchased and
laid in the choir gallery of the church.
A number from this vicinity visited
London on Wednesday to see the
King and Queen and report they had
a splendid view of them. The school
children failed! to see them at Strat
ford on Tuesday and came home
greatly disappointed.
The monthly meeting of the W.M.
S. was held on Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. Hugh L. Blair,
with thirty present. The devotional
programme was in charge of Mrs.
Maitland Henry’s group. The meeting
opened with singing “God save the
Do You Sew?
Here are some week-end specials
in summer dress materials*
Gingham -— 36 in. - used for everything from
kitchen apron to evening dress. Red, blue,
green ......................................... 25c yd.
Figured Cotton Poplin — new patterns have
been added to our stock of this popular
material. It is an outstanding favorite this
year ■ .4 ....... • 35c yd.
Dotted Swiss Muslins, Dimities, figured Ba
tiste, Voiles . .. reg. 45c yd;. ;. this week
end .......................................... . 35c yd.
Resistav — the ideal crease resisting material
for afternoon and sport dresses. Conies in
dusty rose, blue, wheat, green, rust and
white...................... 79c yd.
Figured Sheers and Crepes — in 4 yd. dress .
lengths. A big assortment of individual
dress lengths - no duplicates among them.
Reg. 3.50 - 4.25 .. ............... 10% Discount
Bush andl with her sister, Miss Gertie
Bush, of Wroxeter.'
Mr. and! Mrs. George Doubledee,
Mr. and Mrs-.. Robert Galbraith and
Mrs. Robert Mitchell, of Wingham,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Mrs. Henry Merkl’ey, of Wingham,
spent a few days- with her daughter,
Mrs. Morrison' Shaitpin and Mr.
Mrs. (Melvin Willits: spent a couple
of days last week, with, her daughter,
Mrs. Harvey Wright and! Mr. Wright,
of Wingham.
end, Miss Edith Procter, Mae Frisby
and Mrs. C. R, Coultes attended the
district annual in Goderich on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. MacKenzie spent
a few days in Detroit and attended
the graduation of their niece, Audrey
Smith, from high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Fisher, of Los
Angeles, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Imlay, of Detroit, visited over
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Stew
art Procter.
$1.5# Each
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
A Bee-will be held at the Cemetery
on Wednesday afternoon, June 21st,
under the auspices of the Cemetery
Board and. the Women’s Institute.
All interested are asked to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Montgomery
of Rose City, Mich., Mrs. E. Dubey
and daughter, Miss Madeline Dubey,
Pontiac, Mich., -spent the week-end
with Mr. arid Mrs. Alex Mowbray.
Mrs. Sarah McKinney and son Rus
sel, Toronto,, visited for a few days
with Mr. and. Mrs. Raymond Elliott
and other relatives.
• Mrs. Neil. B. McEachern, Louise
ahd Gilbert of Mount Forest, are vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Mrs. Lillow and son Bernard, spent
Monday in Toronto.
Miss Loreen Hamilton has return
ed home hasting completed her year
at Normal with very high standing.
and Mrs. Jas.. McKenzie andMr.
children of Linwood,, visited on Sun
day with their cousins,, Mr;, and! Mrs.
Oliver Stokes.
Mrs. Angus Stewart,, Mrs; Alex
Stewart and Mildred, of. Wingham,
visited on Wednesday Fast with Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Jeffrey.
Mr. and Mrs. George. Shaw of Tor
onto are visiting their parents,, Mr.
and Mrs, John Metcalfe..
Miss Jean Inglis,-, who, hais- spent
some time with her. sister.,, Mrs., Wal
ter' Woods, left last. week, for North
ern Ontario where.; she has secure.!
a position for the summer mouths*
Mrs. Thos. Haugh, is at present vis
iting with friends, im Wingham.
Harold V. Pym
Organist and Choirmaster
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Teacher of
Summer Classes Now
Pupils prepared for Exam
inations, Toronto Conser
vatory of Music.
Phone 232
| Be Wise Use I
Institute to? Meet June; 2.0th-
The regular meeting of the Belgrave
Women's Institute? will be held on
Tuesday, June-20th, at the home of
Mrs. Wilbert. Procter. The convenors
are Mrs. I-I, Wheeler and Miss Edith
Procter. Mr£» Ed, Wightman will give
the address.and current events will be
taken by Mrs. Willard Armstrong.
Miss Nora. Van Camp will be charge
of the music. Tile lunch committee is
composed: of Mrs. J. Cpultes, Mrs.
Gordon Higgins and Mrs,. Jack Mc
Gill,. .
Miss Barbara Buffett, of Carson
ville, Mich., spent the week-end with
her- cousin, Mabel Coultes,
Mrs. J. C, Procter, Mrs. J. B. Town-
Mr. Jolim Clark moved his house-
t hold effects, to Brussels, Where he will
Mr. andl Mrs.. James Tiernay were
at home.- to their friends Monday,
June IHtJj;, the occassion being their
Fiftieth. Wedding Anniversary.
Mr,. Janies Watt of Toronto spent
the week-end'with his parents, Mr.
and, Mrs.. James Watt.
Large congregations attended the
Sixty-first Anniversary of Trinity
j Anglican Church, Rev. Canon Bicl, B.
A,,, rector of All Saints Church, Lon
don was the speaker. Mr. James Mc
Crea of Belgrave very ably assisted
the choir in the service of song.
Mr, Chester Morrison is moving in
to the residence vacated by Mr. lohtt
A number from here attended
Dristrict Annual Convention of
Women’s Institute at Goderich
The Horticultural Society are hold
ing a tea in the Park on Saturday
I afternoon,
I Blyth won second game in succcs-
| sion in the Huron Perth League by
defeating Mitchell 5-3' on Monday, ■
June 5th. The game was called at the-
i end of the fifth inning on account of
[darkness. Blyth will play an exhibi
tion game with Teeswater of the
Bruce League on Thursday, June 15.
Any watch, no matter what it
costs, works twice as well and
lasts twice as long with a clean
ing and overhauling periodical
ly. Stop in today for a free ex
amination and adjustment.
Geo. Williams
OFFICAL c. n. r.
On All Flower and
Highest Lowest
Afternoon Programme
London vs. Port Huron (Regular League Game)
7 races to determine winner of New Plymouth Car
Evening Programme
. Fresetttation of Car and 35 other consolation prizes
■ Modern Dancing — Town Hall
I Old Time Dancing — Legion Hall
C LaWson, Pres. . M. X Schoenhals, Sec.
King Bills the Bug and
Fertilizes the
Also Good For
Sold By
Buchanan Hdwe
Second-Hand Lawn Mower
Mr, Walter Bush has gone to spend
a few weeks with friends at New Lis-
Mrs. Brooks, of Ctrtross, is spending
a few days with het sister, Mrs, John
Gowdy and Mt. Gowdy,
Mrs, W. E, Weir spent Friday
ternoon with to mother, Mrs, John
In the important matter of eyesight and glasses, your eyes deserve
the very best. Cheek tip on your eyesight Go to an expertwho sb pro
fessional training, skill and Experience will assure you of the thorough
examination your eyes deserve.
Careful fitting of-your glasses, too, is vitally important to your cotri-
fort and appearance. So dofi’t skimp.on eyes arid glasses, the best is
rione too good when it comes to eyesight
' Williams Jewelry Store «* Every Wednesday Morning *— Until Noon
Phone 5W For Appointment.