HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-06-01, Page 7GORRIE
and Mrs. Ed. Bolton, Maxine
also her
Listowel Hospital and we
soon- be able to' be around
who has been
for some time,
here last week,
her sis-
Women’s Missionary Society
The W.M.Sr will hold their June
meeting in the Church school room
on Thursday, June Sth at 2,30 p,m.
g fell in behind.
Mrs. Woodcock and daughter,
Marian, Toronto, spent the
- end at the home of Mr. and
W. A. Irwin,
J, Hues ton is spending a
of weeks with friends in Tor-
party was still enjoying clear skies atm, walked with the Rang and Queen
on their arrival at Port Arthur where and, Premier Kin
The royal Mayor C. W. Cox, gray topper on his
Mrs. A. M. Grant will have charge of
the meeting and the roll call will be
answered by a verse containing the
word “Rejoice.”
“George the Rainmaker”
spontaneous title .with which western- < - ■ —, -----
ers have saluted their King as the ar- point from Winnipeg
MONUMENTS at first cost
Having our factory equipped with the
moat modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class Work, we ask you
to see the largest display of monu
ments of any-retail factory in Ontario,
'All finished by sand blast machines.
We import all our granites from the
Old Country quarries direct, in the
rough, You can save all local deal-
era’, agents’ and middleman profits by
seeing us,
E. J. Skelton & Son
at West End Bridge-—WALKERTON
.‘i ...u..
Tfie surest way to rid yourself of any ailment is to discover the cause and to overcome It. Constipation is caused, in the majority of cases, hy a diet lacking “bulk.’'
If your usual menu is made up mostly of bread, meat, potatoes—
in all probability your bowels lack the necessary -“''bulk.” Purgatives do not give any lasting relief.. Then eat Kellogg's AllBran, It helps form a soft "mass” in the bowels that is ^favorable to "regularity,1’
A delicious, crisp and tasteful cereal, All-Bran is also one df the foods richest in Vitamin, Bi, the natural intestinal tonic.
Eat All-Bran every day, drink
Jots of water, and regain your gayness and well-being. Made in London, Canada by Kellogg. At all grocers.
is the" rival of the Royal train has been ac
companied by rain at nearly every
:g on.
Wroxeter News and Gorrie Vidette
Thursday, June 1st, 1939
Free Yourself
from Constipation!
Mr. J. Dempsey, of Stratford, spent
‘Sunday at the home of Miss M. Ma-
•.guire and Mr, B, Maguire.
’> Miss Velma Baiers, of Belmore, was
Sunday visitor at her home here.
Mrs. R. F. Edgar is visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Black.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Chamney and son
Vernon, Miss Loretta McBurriey, of
Belgrave, also Miss Viletta Chamney
of Wingham, spent last Wednesday at
the’home of Miss Kate Earngey.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Padfield and fam
ily, Orange Hill, visited last week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome
Walker. •
Mr. Charles Doan, of Mjtchell, vis
ited his. mother, Mrs. A. Doan,
-day last week.
Mr. Neeb, of Detroit, spent
'•week-end with Mr. A. Sippel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Earngey
son, Dean, of Brussels, visited'with
Miss Kate Earngey on Wednesday!
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cooke and
Miss Marian Clarke spent Sunday at
the home of Mr. and“ Mrs. Melvin
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and dau
ghter, Shirley, also Mrs. William
Marshall spent last Wednesday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin WJ1-
. letts, of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Shera
were Drayton visitors on Sunday.
, Those from St. Stephen’s Church
who attended the Spring Deanery
meeting for the Diocese of Huron,
held in Wingham on May 25th, were
as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Wade, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor,
Mrs. George King, Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Dinsmore, Mrs. C. Lawrence, Mrs. H.
L. JenningSiand Miss Kate Earngey.
'Mrs. Jennings was one of the speak
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, of Galt, al
so Mr. and Mrs. George Baker, Ford-
wich, were visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Foster on Sunday.
Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Earl, Mitchell, al
so Mr. and Mrs. David Ritchie, Tees-
water, .spent Sunday at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong.
Mr. and Mrs; Stanley Edgar and
daughter, Edith, were Monday visit
ors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mundell.
M rs. F. A. Wassman and daughter, |
Mrs. D. W. Hicks, of Bornholm, call
ed on Gorrie friends on Monday.
Mr. James A. Strong, Canadian
Trade Commissioner, of Buenos Air
es, Argentine, is at present spending
two weeks of his summer - vacation-
with his mother, Mrs. W. G. Strong,
and brothers.
Mrs. E. Hastie, who has returned
from spending six months with her
son and other relatives in California,
also her daughter, Miss Jessie Hastie,
.R.N., who is leaving immediately for
New York, where she has secured a
position, spent a few days this week
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Fine School Display
Those who took advantage of the
Visitor’s Day which was held on Fri
day afternoon last for the first time,
at the Public School here, were very
much enthused and interested in the
new form of teaching manifested ill
the wonderful display of pupils’ also
teachers* Work, which was exhibited,
The different lines of study exhibited
' j nK ! 1BSHi I■ 1^& !E 188* HHi S SMay^MHHHH
B - § , 3 J* J
Q - ‘ ugg rag? O
Mrs. Wearring expressed the ap
preciation of those present to Mrs.
Jennings for her interesting talk on
her work and life in the far North,
and wished her and her husband ev
ery success. Community singing with
Mrs. J. N. Allen at the piano, was an
added feature, During the business
period plans were made to attend the
District Annual at Fordwlch on June
9th. Also a letter was read asking
any who could to give young children
a holiday in the’eountry during July
and August. Anyone interested kind
ip get in touch with the Sec,, Mrs.
VanVelsor,-who can give full partic
ulars. Following delicious refresh
ments served by Mrs. J. N. Allen and
Miss K. Goodfellow, the president ex
pressed appreciation to Mrs, Brown
for her hospitality. The National An
them closed a very interesting and en
joyable meeting,
On Guaranteed Trust
A legal investment for
Trust Funds
Unconditionally Guaranteed
After spending the past three
months with her daughter, Mrs. R. C.
Berkinshaw and friends in Toronto,
Mrs. F. Kitchen returned to her home
accompanied by her daughter on Fri
day, her daughter remaining a few
days, '
Mrs. Sandy McDougall is at pres
ent suffering from rheumatism in her
limbs. Her many friends • hope she
may soon be better.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gallaher spent
Friday with friends in Bluev-ale.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMichael
spent one day. recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Graham Campbell of Morris.
Mrs. Alex. Pleasance and son, Al
len, of Port Elgin, spent the week
end with her mother, Mrs.' Neil
White, who accompanied her home on
Sunday to Visit for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Bryans, Ford-
wich, called on Mrs. F. Kitchen Sun
day afternoon. ■
residence, reminded by her doctors,
that time would be needed to heal ait
eye injury suffered when her automo-
bile turned over in a collision last
Conservatives Nominate in
Essex, and Elgin
In a convention that lasted five
hours, Norman R. Martin was chosen,
as Conservative candidate in the rid
ing for the next federal election. Ar
thur J. Reaume, 32-year-old member
of the Windsor Board of Control and
once Mayor of the former Town of.
Sandwich, was named Conservative
candidate in the next federal election,
in Essex. West at an open convention
in Patterson Collegiate Institute.
Wprld News
showed the patience and skill, of the
teachers, ,Mr. J. Gordon Mundell and
Miss Velma Lennox, who are to-be
congratulated on the fine exhibit of
their pupils. Jean Heibein is among
the most outstanding-in art and, we
feel, could be a famous artist some
day, as she has great talent. Bower
Farrish is also to be congratulated
on many of his works of art. Altoge
ther, we know that many more of the
people in this community will be in
terested in the next Visitors’ Day at
the Public School.
Won Wrist Watch
Mr. Harold Edgar, south of Gor
rie, was the lucky winner of a wrist
watch in the lucky draw of tickets at
a dance held by the Orange Lodge in
Listowel Armouries on the evening of
May. 2'4th. {
A good number of ‘citizens from
here were fortunate in seeing our
King and Queen while in Toronto.
' ■ .. .Fractured Hip
The many friends of Mrs. Robert
Dane will1 be sorry to ..hear of the ac
cident'which she suffered on Monday
falling on the steps of her home and
breaking a hip bone. She was remov
ed to the
trust will
and Clare, were Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albrecht,
near HarristOjl,
Mr. William Marshall is visiting
friends in Proton and London . this
Mr. and- Mrs. Cameron Edgar, of
Wingham, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Black.
Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Irwin and dau
ghter, Miss Lucille, of Long Branch,
Mr. Wasman, of Bornholm, called
on friends here on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs, George Marshall and
children, Elizabeth and Glen, Grand
Haven, were week-end visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Mar
Mr. and* Mrs. Norman Seip, CliL
ford, were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Cleveland Stafford.
Mrs. Jack Toner and children, of
Toronto, returned home with Mr. and
iMrs. A. E. Toner, who spent a few
days in Toronto last week, and will
visit here for a few weeks.
Mrs. Watt Sr.,‘and son,-Mr. Watt,
of Palmerston, spfent Sunday with
Rev. and Mrs. H. N. Watt.
• Mr. and Mrs. Ira McLean and
children, Donna and Marilyn, Brus
sels, spent the 24th of May at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. K. Hastie.
Mrs. FI. N. Watt and son, Harold,
are spending this week with her par
ents, in Toronto.
Rev. H. N. Watt and Mr. George
McKee are attending Conference in
London this week.
Mr. and, Mrs, James Graham, Tor
onto, spent a few days last week with
Mr. and- Mrs. Robt. Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Earl, of
Mitchell, were -Sunday guests with
their nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Earl. '
Miss’ Emily Heinmiller spent a few
days with her friend, Kathleen Elles-
ley, at Molesworth.
Mrs> Ernest King spent a few days
last'week in Toronto, and Mr. Ernest
King is spending a couple of weeks
there with his daughter and husband.
Mr. Ken. Hastie and Mr. Paul Ad
ams spent a few days last week with
relatives and friends in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Holmes and
Miss E, Perkins spent the 24th with
'friends at Barrie.
- Mr. Mac Frizzell, of Toronto, is
spending some time with Mr. Archie
Irwin and 'Other friends in the vicin
Mr, Robert Patterson underwent a
serious operation in the Listowel Hos
pital on Saturday and is doing’as well
as can be expected,
Mrs. W. G. Strong,
living in Port Credit
returned to her home
where she will live with her son and
family, Mr, aud Mrs. Jack Strong.
Mr, and Mrs. James Robertson, of
Toronto,- spent the week-end with
Miss Mary Maguire and (Mr. Ben Ma
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Graham, Strat
ford, called on friends? in Gorrie on
Saturday, They were former residents
not far from Gorrie.
Mr, and Mrs. Willett Kelterborn,
of Milverton, were guests -on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs, Cloync Michel.
Mr, Robert Wade, who is attend
ing University in London, returned
home last week, having completed his
examinations for the term,
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, King are spend
ing a couple of weeks with their soli
and family, Mr, and Mrs, J, H, King,
in Toronto.
Fenian Veteran Shook Hands with
The King
. Mr. H. V.’ Holmes' father, at Port
Arthur, who celebrated his 97th birth
day on Sunday, May 28th, had the dis
tinction of shaking hands with King
George and Queen Elizabeth. He is
the oldest known living veteran of the
Fenian Raids.
Mr. Ezra Wenzel, of Detroit, is vis
iting his sister, Mrs. Viola Heinmiller
and other relatives.
The Demonstration Dinner which
was held in the United Church and
sponsored by the Executive of the
Gorrie branch of the Women’s Insti
tute ori Monday evening proved quite
a success, when about sixty-five per
sons wefe present.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and
baby daughter left last week for Nova
Scotia where he has been given a new
field of work, and expects to be in
that territory for the next six months.
Hcrticultural Society Beautify Local
The members of the Horticultural
Society have donated twenty-five
shrubs to the Cemetery. This society
as well as the cemetery board, are to
be commended for their co-operation
in making our cemetery one of the
best kept in the district. The care
taker, (Mr. George Anger, is to be
congratulated for his keen interest in
the work. This group are also plan
ing to beautify our village main street
with four beds of flowers.
famous Surgeon Passes
. Chicago — Dr. Charles H. Mayo,
famous surgeon who teamed with his
brother in developing the internation
ally known medical clinic in Rochest
er, Minn., died' of pneumonia at Mer
cy Hospital. The 73-year-old doctor
saved the lives of patients from all
sections of^orth America.
688 Faced Spanish Firing Squads
Madrid—It was officially announc
ed that the Spanish Nationalists’ spec
ially constituted councils of war and
permanent military tribunals had sent
688 persons before firing squads since
the fall of Madrid, on March 28. The
councils, formed by officers of the
Madrid army of occupation, condemn
ed 1,000 persons to death, but the sen
tences of 312 of them were commut
ed to prison terms by General Franco.
Sues Dr. Dafoe
North Bay — An action seeking un
stated damages for alleged libel .has
been started against Dr. Allan R. Da
foe, physician to the Dionne quintup
lets, on behalf of Mr. and Mrs. Oliva
Dionne and the pints. A writ filed al
leges Dr. Dafoe appeared before the
Saints and Sinners Club at New York
on April 13 dressed in a uniform bear
ing the words “Doctor of Litters,”"
and carrying a bag marked “Dr. A. R.
Dafoe—mass deliveries.”
'' f
Mother of Globe Publisher Died
Mrs. George Henry McCullagh,
mother of C. George McCullagh, pub
lisher of The Toronto Globe and Mail,
died Thursday at the family residence,
122 Base Line Road, London. Mrs.
McCullagh had been confined to her
bed since May Sth. Her death result
ed from a pneumonia attack. At thcr
request of his mother, George McCul
lagh left her bedside Monday morn
ing to attend the running of the
King's Plate at Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Felker and
children, Listowel, were Wednesday
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Timm.
Mr. and Hrs. A. N. Edgar, Ford-
wich, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V.
. Denny on May 24th.
,ML and Mrs. M. S. Aikfenhead, Miss
Lillian Aikenhead, also Mrs. John
MacNaughton, all of London, were
Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. MacNaughton oh Thursday.
Mr., and Mrs’ Wm. Ferguson and
family, Clifford, spent a day recently
with Mr. Tom and Miss Beatrice
Miss Hamilton, of Clifford, was a
week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs. L.
Dr, I, Campbell was a Toronto vis
itor one day last week, ,
Rev. A, M, Grant is attending Con
ference in London this week
Mrs. Marjorie Rogers and
ter, Jessie Paulin, both of
were week-end guests of Mrs.
Mrs, Thompson, Winghafii,
daughter, Mrs. Httfshcy, of Washing
ton, were guests on Thursday of last
week, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. H,
At the Sunday School hour Sunday
jnorning last a Special Children’s ser
vice was held.
Baptismal Service
United Church held their Annual
Baptismal Service on Sunday morn
ing last when three children were re
ceived into the Church by baptism,
Charles Edmund Hembley, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James Hembley, Winnifred
Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Munroe, Angus MacMillan, son of
Rev. A. M.< and Mrs. Grant.
Queen Mary Has 72nd Birthday
London — Great Britain’s best
known grandmother—Queen Mary—
became 72 Friday in a birthday anni
versary of unusual quiet and unusual
interest. The beloved Queen Mother
remained close to her flower-filled
apartment in her Marlborough House
Drastic Action, by New Zealand '
Auckland, N.Z. — Drastic import
cuts which the New Zealand Govern
ment has imposed in an endeavor to
build up the Dominion’s sterling
funds abroad will mean some btg
changes in everyday life in this coun
try. Complete prohibition of cigar
ettes and tobacco imports, for instan
ce, means that only locally produced
lines will be available. When existing
stocks of liquors arc used whisky, gin,
brandy and wine may disappear from
the market.
Women’s Institute Hear of North
Mrs. Thomas Brown opened her
home on the Hill for the May meet
ing of the W. I. This was the first
meeting of the year and the new pres
ident, Miss K. Goodfellow, very cap
ably presided. The meeting was open
ed by the Ode, followed by The
Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Roll
Call, Bring a new member, added sev
eral new members to our group, who
were graciously welcomed by the
president. Current Events were giv
en by Mrs. Laurie VanVelsor,• who
read an editorial on the visit of Their
Majesties King George and Queen
Elizabeth. In keeping with the sub
ject Miss Dorothy Brown favored
with a patriotic solo.
The guest speaker was Mrs. Jenn
ings, of Gorrie, who with her husband
is doing missionary work at Fort Nor
man, 1,200 miles north of Edmonton,
opening a mission which had been
closed for 14 years. Mrs. Jennings
said except for 25 whites, the people
ate all Indian. Except when the
break-up is on, mail is received every
three weeks. Twice a year the supply
boat comes in. Living is very high,
bread 50c per loaf, coal oil $1.75 gal,
The Indians are very kind mannerly
people and never forget a favor. A
very beautiful country around the
MacKenzie River, which at the point
W the Mission is two miles Wide.
, The Lonfi Life Lamp
Phone 156
Wingham Utilities Commission