HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-05-18, Page 8* PAGE EIGHT Show Starts It 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Show? 7.45 and 9,45 p.m. Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, ft. with • Lewis STONE Mickey ROONEY Cecilia PARKER Fay HOLDEN Diiacted by GEORGE B. SEITZ May 18th, 19, 20th WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES a Pontiac. He a salesman of WHS busy lasl;JB* .JBL ISw- Thursday, May 18th, 1939 . ,3. lint* 1 I HGTURJt Also “Traveltalk" “Cartoon” “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, -----SPECIAL FRANK MORGAN RAY BOLGER FLORENCE RICE MISCHA AUER HERMAN BING REGINALD GARDINER "Photographed in Technicolor” cownrttCTUM STAND BY, AMERICA! Everybody’s cheering the mightiest musical since “The Great Ziegfeld!” A Big Parade of love, laugh­ ter, spectacle, music without equal! IN MAGNIFICENT TECHNI­ COLOR! 1 1 I k l u- * VICTOR HERBERT, Love Songs! '•Pretty As A Picture”’ “Sweethearts" —many more! Also “Sport Subject’* Admission: Adults 35c, Children 20c. MATINEE Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission;: Adults 20c, Children 10c. a WHITECHURCH • Miss Annie Henry, R.N., of New York, and Mr. and (Mrs. Malcolm Green, of Kitchener, spent the week­ end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and baby son, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Conn. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Farrier and family called at the home of Mr. Al­ fred Sherwood, of Ashfield, on Sun­ day. Mrs, Sherwood passed away on Friday after a few hours’ illness from a stroke, Mr. Hendershott and daughter, Emily, of Hamilton, spent the week­ end at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Fred Newman, and little Marilyn Newman returned home to Hamilton with them. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt and children, of Marnoch, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and’Mrs. Fred Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Cross, of Walk­ erton, and Mr. and Mrs* Ira McLean and children, of Brussels, spent Sun­ day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.. J. F. McLean. Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161 DALTON’S O.K. JELLY POWDERS ........ 5 Pkgs. 25c LEAL AND TOMATO JUICE........ 3 26-oz. Tins 25c BUTTERNUT BULK PEA­ NUT BUTTER.......2 Lbs. 25c IDEAL SWEET MIXED PICKLES _ ___35c 35-oz. Jar CAMPELL’S PORK AND BEANS .... 2 21-oz. Tins 25c- FRESH BULK SALTED PEANUTS 2 lbs. 25c. SMITH’S FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK OR MIXED TEA ....... 59c LB. TIP TOP CHOICE TOMATOES...10c No. 2»/2 tin O.K. UNWRAPPED LAUND­ RY SOAP .. ...........; ’ TIP TOP CHOICE PUMPKIN...10c No. 2& tin.- CASHMERE BOUQUET 10 Bars 2$c TOILET SOAP ... 2 Cakes Uc PRIDE OF THE VALLEY PEAS and Golden Bantam CORN 3 17-oz. tins 25c. CATELLI COOKED SPAGHETTI...10c 16-oz, Tin MILD NEW CHEESE ....17c Lb, FRENCH DRIP COFFEE ___ ............„ 39c Lb. MacLAREN’S PREPARED MUSTARD .........17c 26-Oz. Jar York Good Quality BOLOGNA ,.,»17c Lb. MAPLE LEAF VARIETY LOAF ...... 35c Lb. .............." ■ '■ ■■■ ■■ ...............u " ken. District Director, gave a report of'the meeting of the District Direct­ orate, held recently at Brussels. Fol­ lowing a discussion on District Pro­ jects, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray offered to conduct a second class in Re-Finish­ ing of Furniture. Some time was de­ voted to the study of the co-operative programme, and the question of dis­ trict projects and short courses. Mrs. Alex. Mowbray had charge of Cur­ rent Events and by request, spoke on the churches and church * services in the Southern States, making special mention of the “Edison Night” serv­ ice at Fort Myers, Fla., also the “Back to the Church Movement” con­ ducted by the Kiwanis Club and its effect. Miss Eunice Thornton favored with a solo ’’Whispering Hope.” After singing the National Anthem, the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Jas. Breck­ enridge, served refreshments, WEEK-END _____ O - . - - — Mr. Ezra Welwood has sold his car and tis now driving starts this week as Cressy goods. Mr. Milan Moore week planting out 700 little white pine and Norway spruce trees on a hill on his Turnberry farm, Mrs. Peter Leaver1 has been under the doctor’s care during the past week and has been improving. The W.M.S. of the United Church held a. tea at the home of Mrs, Rob­ ert I’urdon on Wednesday last when the ladies were quilting a quilt for the bale. Those who didn’t ’attend the open meeting of the Women’s Institute last Tuesday night, missed a real treat in the address of Mr. Denzil Staffer, of Holyrood, who spoke on his trip •through Northern Ontario and down among the people of Quebec. It was very interesting and instructive. Mr. Clarence McClenaghan able to leave Wingham Hospital Saturday morning and return to- his home here. Messrs Chas, and Jack Gillespie, of New Sarum, spent Sunday with their parents here. Miss Jean Johnston, of E. Wawa-, nosh, ‘spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. R, Farrier. Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft and ! Florence and Ernest visited on Sun­ day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of Seaforth. Miss Doris McClenaghan left last week to help in the home of Mrs. G. Irwin, of East Wawanosh. . Mr. ^nd Mrs. Elwood Barbour and children of Fordyce, spent Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ben McClenaghan. Misses Muriel Watt and Agnes Gil­ lespie attended the Y.P.U. Convention- held in Wingham United Church on Monday. The regular weekly meet­ ing held on Monday night here, was withdrawn. Mr. J. C. Thompson, of Toronto College, preached in the United Church here on Sunday afternoon, from the text “Jesus, the Light of .the World,” giving an interesting talk on the different uses of light and apply­ ing it to the life of Christ. The choir rendered special Mother’s Day anth­ ems and the special Mother’s Day ser­ vice was followed. The beautiful roses at the altar were a gift from Mrs. MacGregor’s daughter, Mrs. Russell, for Mother’s Day. Mrs. Archie Patterson and children, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with her , mother, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. I Mrs. Leonard Knight, of Linwood,' spent the week-end at the home of her brother, Mr. George Fi.sher and Miss Carruthers, of Holyrood, also spent the week-end there. Mr, Will Scott, of Kinlough, visit- I ed one day last week at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. John Craig spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Will Thom, of Auburn. The congregation of the Presbyter- ' tan Church here are celebrating the seventy-fifth anniversary of the found­ ing of the church ...here on Sunday, May 28th,. when Rev. Jas. Wilson, of Toronto, will be present. They are planning a regular old. time service in the morning when the service of song will be led by a precentor, without the use of the church organ. They are planning to hold an old-time tea­ meeting also on Wednesday evening, May 31st, for which a good program is being prepared. The ladies of the Prqsbyterian W. I M. S. here were attending the W. M. S. Presbyterial held on Tuesday at Lucknow. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Laidlaw spent last Friday with her mother, Mrs. Straughan, of Goderich,, and with oth­ er relatives there. Mr. Jos. Laidlaw celebrated his eightieth birthday on Monday and the members ol ltis family of three Sons and four daughters, with their famil­ ies, were present to have the birthday supper together,' We congratulate him and wish him many returns of his birthday. Dr, and Mrs. Harold Robinson and children, of Walkerton, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs, MacLaughlin and Joanne, of Detroit, spent the week­ end at the home,of her mother, Mrs. Jos. Chimney, Mr. Thos. Robinson and son, Cal­ vin, spent the week-end at Tilson- burg and Port Burwell, with his fam­ ily there. ' * Miss Susan Kilpatrick and Mrs. Juo. Kilpatrick and children, of Luck­ now, spent a day last week' with Mi\ and Mrs* Wm, Robinson. Mr. Garnet Farrier has started an apiary and last week put out forty boxes of bees, thirty pounds of which he had shipped to him from a market in California, / Mr, Allan Pattison lost a valuable ..horse last week and quite ft number in this community. Many cattle put out oh old grass have become poison­ ed. The young people of the Prcs&yter- iart Church held a short meeting on Monday evening, ■fpjjowed by choir I wish to inform the public that I have taken over the veterinary practice of Dr, A. T. Ford, V.S. Having graduated from the Vet- ermary College of the University of Toronto I am prepared to con­ duct a practice of both large and small animals and shall do so to the best of my ability. Night calls will receive prompt attention. Phone 196. practice, Mr. Tom Wilson, convenor of the Literary committee, was in charge, and the Scripture lesson, from Psalm 103, was read, by Mrs. Johns­ ton Conn, followed by prayer by Dawson Craig, Miss Velma Scott gaveza very interesting reading from “Beside the Bonnie Briar Bush,” and the meeting was closed by repeating file Lord’s Prayer in. unison. Mr. and Mrs.-Alec Coutts and Mr. George Ross, of Wingham, spent Sun­ day with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Ross. Donald Ross was able to return to High School this week after being home since Easter holidays on account of sickness at home. Mr. Jerry Casemore and Victor, of Turnberry, Miss MacCalluin of St. Marys, and Mr. Oscar Casemore, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Observed Mother’s Day The Mother’s. Day service in the United Church was led by Mr, W. J. Johnston, assistant superintendent of the Sunday School. Mr, John C, Thompson, of Emmanuel College, in Toronto, gave a thoughtful address using the text "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve.” The Choir con­ tributed appropriate selections and Miss Eunice Thornton sang a solo. Others taking part in the arranged programme were: Florence' Shiell, Norma Flail, Marjorie Kerr, Irene Hall and Jean MacLennan. The in­ fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Sparling Johnston, Glenn Sparling, was receiv­ ed into the,church by the rite of bap­ tism. Spring flowers beautifully dec­ orated- the church and there was a ‘large attendance, Ernest Casemore. BLUEVALE Women’s Institute Met Mrs. W. H. McKinney opened home' on Thursday afternoon for monthly meeting of the Women’s stitute, seventeen members answering the roll,, and there were six visitors present. The president/Miss Margar­ et Turvey,. presided- Mrs. M. L. Ait- her the In­ £M PROTECT YOUR EYES WEAR SUN GLASSES 25 c- 35c - 50c Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe BSBStHMW ’ WOK AT YW • ' WATCH ; Any watch, no' matter costs, works twice as well and lasts twice as long with a clean­ ing and overhauling periodical­ ly. Stop in today for a free ex­ amination anti adjustment. Geo. Williams OFFICAL C. N. R. WATCH INSPECTOR Rev. R. B. Stevenson, of Toronto, preached in Knox Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Anniversary Ser­ vices were announced for June 18th, when Rev. John Elder, of Milverton, will be the guest speaker, Commun­ ion services will be held on May 28th. Fleming Black has purchased the, 'property of Alex. Mowbray, the tran­ saction giving Mr. Mowbray posses­ sion of the former Methodist Church, which is being wrecked, and the mat­ erial. will be used for building purpos­ es.. .Mrs;,. Cecil Griffiths, Guelph, was a reccSit visitor with her brother, W. H. anti Mrs. McKinney. Mrs-.. Eliza Fell has returned home after- spending the .winter with her son, Fletcher and Mrs. Fell in Tor­ onto. 'Mr. and. Mrs. Mann, Stratford, and Mr. and! Mrs. Eldridge, of Fordwich, spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mann. • * Clarence Hollenbeck, who was a pa­ tient in the.' Wingham General Hos­ pital, suffering from am attack of pneumonia, has. returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Barnard, of Ripley, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnard. Mr.,and.,Mrs. John Hall have re­ turned home from an extended visit with Mr: and. Mrs. W. J. Masters in Parkhill,, w.ho accompanied them and spent the week-end. Miss Maclver, of Wingham, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hamilton. Mr. and'. Mrs. Wm. Hamilton and son Allen visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Churchill. . Master Vernon Hamilton visited on Sunday with his cousin, Harvey Mul­ ligan. Have Your Eyes Thorough, modern eye examin­ ations and proper glasses at reasonable prices. ASHFIELD SPECIALS This week brings a list of special1 values for ' yo,ur home, Frilled Curtains — 2% yds, long with tie backs an extra value at ,..,. 69c pr. Frilled Curtains ~ an assortment of broken lines of high quality curtains. Regularly up to 2.50..........1.29 Tuscan Net Curtains - Reg. 1,00..........2 prs, 1.50 Rayon Drapery - 50 in. wide - gold and rusti *. 98c- Fahey Chintz - 36 in. wide .. . ............. 25 and 29c J Grass Mats for Summer - All Sizes .... 39c. to 2.25 Fancy Rag Mats - assorted colours...................69c Non-Skid Rubber Netting - Placed under rugs and mats this netting prevents dangerous slipping. A narrow strip is sufficient to __r hold a rug firm.......................................1.65 yd. Sheeting- - Bleached and .Unbleached 76 in. and 81 in. wide .. 50c yd. Bath Towels - assorted lines of good quality towels - a special at..........39c not been very well lately but was up and doing some work. She leaves to mourn her bereaved husband and two daughters, Mildred and Ruby;-” two brothers, George Hunter of Hamilton, Jake Hunter, near Zion; three sisters, Mrs. James Lyons, 12th con., West Wawanosh, Mrs. Wm. Humphrey, 10th con., West Wawanosh and Mrs. Henry Gardner, Zion. The funeral was held from her late home Monday afternoon, to Greenhill Cemetery.' Scientific Fitting IS IMPORTANT TO YOU Consult Our Trained Dr. Locke Shoe Fitters • Dr. Locke—the world-famous Canadian physician who created Dr. M. W. Locke Shoes—says that a good part of your shoe= comfort lies in the fitting. And we agree! Every man in our Dr; Locke Shoe Section is specially trained to fit these scientific shoes . correctly—with a real under* standing of your particular foot needs. You'll enjoy a consulta­ tion with these experienced shoe men. They know Dr* Locke's principles as well as Dr* Locke Shoes—and their recommenda? tions are always honest and de­ pendable. Just Arrived—our new Spring Dr. Locke Shoes* Specific lasts for every type of foot and styles to suit k every taste; Mr. and (Mrs. Ralph Cameron spent Sunday with the lady’s .mother, Mrs. Rintoul,, near' Fordyce. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fowler, near Bly th, spent a day last week with the latter's mother, Mrs. John Johnstone, and daughter, Mrs. Dynes Campbell. Mr, and Mrs. Spence Irwin and familjr spent Saturday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. Mills, in Goderich. We extend our sympathy to Mrs. Twamley, near Belfast, on the pass­ ing away of her only brother, Mr. Cameron, of Cleveland. - Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Raynard and three daughters, Mf. and Mrs. Rob­ ert Nelson and Mrs. Jean Nelson call­ ed on Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. John Mullin. Mrs. Joe Lawson received the sad news that her brother, Mr. Leslie Ager, Peace River, had passed away very suddenly, from a stroke. He was a son of the late Mr. James Ager, of Belfast. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved. The community was cast into a sud­ den gloom on Thursday evening when Douglas, the ll-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacDermand, bound­ ary west of Lucknow, was killed when( he ran out of Mr. John Macintosh’s lane on his bicycle in front of Mr, Dennis Hogan's car. He was an only child. The funeral was held on Sun­ day afternoon from his-’ father’s hpme to GreenhiU Cemetery. 1 H On Friday night v6 were shocked to 'hear of the sudden passing away of I Mrs* Alfred Sherwood,''near Belfast, 1 from a stroke. Mrs. Sherwood had DR. M. W. LOCKE R.fi. Reid.R.O. Stratford's . Leading Eyesight Specialist. DR. M. W. LOCKE SHOESCALIFORNIA NEW CARROTS 2 Bunches 15c SEEDLESS SWEET JUICY NAVEL ORANGES 23c Doz. IMPORTED COOKING L OmsV PINEAPPLES^INEAPPLES - PINEAPPLES ,WfYAt .ftwwritag Pineapples Now. ONIONS S Lbs. 25c GRAPEFRUIT L 6 for 25c At sWingham Office, Williams’ Jewelry Store Every Wednesday Morning, W to Noon. Phone 5W for Appointment, exclusive with J ‘X Greer’s Shoe Store Wingharn,, . Ontario