The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-05-11, Page 7father who is in the hospital
and Mrs. A. Butchart, Guelph,
'eel{-end guests of Mr. and Mrs,
, also Jerry Graham, of Milver-
were Sunday guests of the form
daughter and husband, Mr. and
Cloyne Michel.
Now Fit to Join Again
Twenty years ago, he left the army,
•constipated and rheumatic, To-day,
he is fit and nimble — a merry, romp
ing granddad, 61 years young.
“I came out of the army with
rheumatism,” he writes, “It was es
pecially bad in my feet. I started tak
ing Kruschen Salts, and in a few
months I found relief from my
rheumatism, I became nimble on fny
feet. Now, at 61, —- weighing 168 —
I am cheerful, energetic, and always
ready to play with my grandchild
ren, -F.E.B.
Many people grow old long be
fore their time because they neglect
■one vital need of health —• the need
for internal cleanliness. Eventually,
they adopt the healthy Kruschen
'habit. Then, probably for the first
■time in their lives, "they start getting
•rid of waste matter from
the system. The result is renewed
health and vigour. Ailments due to a
•clogged system vanish, youth returns,
:and life become really worth living.
Carl Fitch of Belmore,
Mr, John Metcalf, Mr, Sam Mar
shall and Mr, Stafford Paisley, Glen-
annau were Sunday visitors with Mr,
and Mrs, Wm. Marshall,«
Mr, and Mrs. Lome Farrish and
family, of Lucknow, were Sunday vis
itors of Mr, and Mrs, E. J, Farrish,
when during the afternoon they mot
ored to London to visit the gentle
were w
S, Ferguson and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs, Zimmerman and son,
Guests of Miss Mary Maguire and
Mr. Ben Maguire on Sunday were Mr,
and Mrs. Dempsey, Helen and Jean,
of Strafford and Dr. Lawrence Ma
guire and John Maguire of Clifford.
■ Mr. Jack King of Toronto spent the
week-end with his parents and other
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stephens, Bob
by and Eleanor spent Sunday with
relatives in Toronto.
Mr. James McGrath, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with his brother,
Mr. Joel McGrath.
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Edgar have
moved their household effects to their
home in Wingham where Mr. Edgar
.has been working in a garage. They
spent Sunday with friends here.
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton, of Brussels,
were guests of Mrs. A. Hamilton and
•son, Hector, on Sunday.
Mrs. Pyke spent Sunday with her
•daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
New Rector Preached
Rev. J. L. Ball, late of Southwold,
Eng., took charge of service in St.
Stephen’s Church on Sunday when he
took as a text for his helpful and im- i
pressive sermon, 4th chapter of James .
and 8th verse “Draw nigh to God and
He will draw night to you”, empha
sizing that we should attend chui
and study God’s word if we wish
be Christians.
i to
Rector to be Inducted May 1
Induction services for Rey. J.
Ball will be held in St. Stephen’s
Church on Tuesday evening, May 16,
when everyone is invited to attend. ,
Save the coupons from
Lipton’s 1 lb. and
yi lb. packages. They
are exchangeable for
beautiful Wm. Rogers
& Son Silverplate.
Write for premium
book to Thos. J.
Lipton Limited,
Lipton Bldg.,
^^^Toron to,
Thursday, May 11th, 1939
Roaring through the streets of Can- cort for the King and Queen during group doing actual escort duty, pre- surround the royal party, alternating
ada’s capital this squad of R.C.M'P. their stay in Ottawa. Divided into paring the way, Then the second for speed and efficiency.
two units, one. will go ahead of the group will take over from’ the first tomotorcycle officers will provide an es-
spent the week-end at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry and Mr, G.
‘Irwin, of Wingham, were visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera
on Wednesday last. ’!
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bolton and fam
ily were Sunday visitors at the home
of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Bolton, near Fordwich.
Mr. A. Livingstone, of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home of
v 800 Trees .Planted
Some 800 trees of red and white'
pine were received and planted last Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short,
week in the lot adjoining the Public
School grounds. The Trail Rangers, field, spent Sunday with the former’s
under the efficient management of brother, Mr. Jas. Anger and Mrs. An-
Mr. E. J. Farrish, took charge of the ’ get.
planting, and were assisted by others! Mrs. R. F. Edgar spent the week-
from the school, and also the town J end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C.
fathers. This is a worthy undertaking Black.
which deserves much commendation | Mr. Harry Maluskey, of Chesley,
to those who assisted and gave their spent Sunday with Mr., and Mrs. Ster-
time as it will before many years be ton Ashton.
one of the beauty spots of this village. ’ Guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. N. Whit-
-------- ! ley on Wednesday last were Mr. and
Rev. Mr. Harton, Grand Chaplain Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Finlayson, Miss
of the Masonic Lodge, of Niagara McDougall and Mr. Wilds, of Ripley.
Falls, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. ’
R. W. N. Wade over the week-end, Sunday afternoon visitors in Kitch-
when he took charge of Masonic Di- 1 ener.
vine Service in Fordwich United The regular Sunday evening service
Church Sunday evening.
Mr. R. W. N. Wade, D.D.G.M. and
Rev. Mr. Harton attended a Masonic
meeting in Blyth' on Monday night.
Expressed Thanks for Bale
Mrs. H. L. Jennings is .very grate
ful to the Fordwich W. A. who so
generously assisted in the bale which
Mr. and Mrs. M. Anger, of Moore-
Dr. L. N. and Mrs. Whitley were
circumstances after her brother’s
death in Fergus, Ont. ITer brother,
after coming to Canada, fell in with
evil companions and met a tragic
death. When the news reached Scot
land the family were overburdened
with grief and the words of the hymn
were written by this young man’s sis
ter. They were first sung in public
at a revival meeting by Moody and
Sankey. This hymn was then sung,
after which Mrs. Watt, the Temper
ance Secretary, gave some thoughts
on Tdmperanse, in which she stated
the cause of indifference of people of
Ontario to liquor question, because of
political patronage and campaign
funds and large revenue. In 1938 ov
er 103 million dollars were received in
revenue from sale of liquor.
After business of the evening was
transacted, there being no official del
egate to the Presbyterial in Wingham,
Mrs. A. Taylor and Mrs. A. Stephens
gave short but very interesting re
ports of proceedings of the meeting.
The meeting closed with the Mizpah
benediction, and a social half hour
was spent during which time the host
ess sefved a dainty lunch.
mother. Eleanor Carson and Phyllis
Hemingway favoured with a piano
duet. Mrs. Whitley prepared a “Mo
thers” contest after which a delight
ful lunch was served.
I''next Sunday, May 14th, will be taken
by the Young. People, the subject be
ing “Youth and the Home.” There
will also be a young people’s choir.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Earngey, Brus
sels, were Sunday visitors at the
home of the former’s aunt, Miss K.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooke and daugh-
• You can’t go out and vrin if con
stipation pulls your punches. It’s
what you don’t eat that hurts you.
Ordinary diets often fail to supply
“bulk” of the kind your bowels
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an easy-to-follow habit that fosters
regular habits: Eat Kellogg’s ALL
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water. ALL-BRAN helps in the
formation of the soft “bulky” mass
required for good elimination. And
ALL-BRAN is, also a rich source of
Nature’s intestinal tonic, Vitamin
Bi. When your system is running on
schedule you are ready to go places.
Made by Kellogg in London, Canada. At your grocers.
St. James Church. Welcome
Nev/ Rector
St. James Church, its chancel frag
rant with Spring flowers, was a lovely
setting for the evening service when
a splendid congregation welcomed the
pew Rector, Rev. Ball, of Southwold,
England. The Rector chose for his
text, James 4: 8, “Draw night unto
God and he will draw nigh unto you,
.cleanse your hands ye sinners and
purify your heart ye double minded.”
The choir contributed an anthem “The
Beautiful Garden of Prayer.” Next
Sunday will be a special National Ser
vice in view of the visit of .Their Ma
jesties King George and' Queen Eliz
abeth, to which everyone is cordially
invited. . ,
On Monday evening a meeting was
held in the Township Hall,.Gorrie, to
organize a Fish and Game Club. The
following officers and committees
were appointed:
President—K., J*. Hueston.
Vice Pres.—J. W. Hyndman.
Sec.-Treas.—W. E. Whitfield,
Membership Com.—E. G. Williams,
W. E. Patterson, Roy Gadke, J. J. Al
len, Dr. Campbell, Cliff. White, Ed.
Bricker, F. Chapman, Geo. Gallaway.
Transportation Com.—Jas. Douglas,
C. Michael, M. D. Irvin.
Stream Com.—T. G. Hemphill, H.
Patterson, E. G. Williams, W. E. Pat
terson, Jas. Douglas, Oliver Galloway.
Game Wardens—Thos. Burke, Oliv
er Galloway, Geo. 'Baker.
Visitors present from Wingham
Fish and Game Club were: Messrs.
Orvis, Snell, Evans and Haines.
The club was named the- Howick
Fish and Game Club.
✓ -
Did Well at Festival
Congratulations are extended.
Miss Evelyn Stephens, also to Glenn
King of S.S. No. 4, and Jean Heibein
of Gorrie, and also to S.S. No. 4 in
winning first place in the Junior Chor
us (one roomed school) and also sen
ior chorus (open). Many of Miss
Stephens’ pupils were among the hon
ors, and although Gorrie School did
not receive a place in the choruses,
they did exceptionally well. Glenn
King received first place in senior
boys’ solo and also with Roy Chamb
ers of Molesworth won first place for
the boys’ duet. Jean Heibein won first
place in piano instrumental solo.
Women’s Missionary Society
The May meeting of the W.M.S. of
United 'Church will be held at the
home of Mrs. B. Martin on Thursday
afternoon of this week at 2.30 o’clock.
There will be reports and discussion
on the recent Presbyterial meeting.
The Roll Call, asentence containing
the word "Life.”
verses by the choir in view of Their
Majesties’ visit to Canada, closed the
service. t
Visiting brethren were preseni from
Kincardine, Listowel, Palmerston,
Harriston, Wingham, Wroxeter, Clif
ford and many other places.
'Mr ■Women’s Institute♦Mrs. Jennings, of Gorrie, who has
spent some time at Fort Norman in
the .Far North, will be guest speaker
at the May meeting of the W.. I. at
the home of Mrs. T. Brown. Mrs.
Jennings’ subject will be "Canadian-
ization.” Owing to the speaker hav
ing a previous engagement on the reg
ular date of meeting, the meeting will
be held on Friday, May 26th at 3.00
p.m. Members please note change of
Session Members Inducted
In a very solemn and impressive
service three new members, Mr. B.
Cook, Mr. J. Douglas and Mr. V.
Denny were received As members of
the Session of Wroxeter United
Church on Sunday morning last, Rev.
A. M. Grant conducting the service.
“Come Holy Spirit” was sung by the
choir, following the prayer of dedi
cation, as well as the anthem “Still
Will We Trust”. The pastor spoke on
the “Relation of the Session Mem
bers to the Church.”
Mother’s Day Program at W.M.S.
The may meeting of the Women’s
Missionary Society was held in the
School Room of the Church Thurs
day, May 4th, with Mrs. Whitley and
Mrs. Stephens as conveners. A “Mo
ther’s Day” programme was given.
Meeting opened with the poem “Mo
thers” by Mrs. Carson, followed with
prayer by Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Watt gave
a paper on Christian Stewardship and
Mrs. Whitfield gave a report, of the
.Presbyterial held in Wingham April
27th. Miss Bernice Day sang a solo
"Mother of Mine”. Mrs. Whitfield
then gave a read on W. F. jM. S. Mrs.
Watt, Mrs. Whitley and Evelyn Ste
phens sang “Tell Mother I’ll Be
There.” Minutes of the April meeting
were read and approved. Each mem
ber was asked to make a scrap book
for the Baby Band. Mrs. Gallaher
gave a reading "She Never Was Too
Busy.” Roll Call was answered by a
"Mother’s Day” Thought. Mrs. Arm
strong was oldest mother present and
Mrs. H. Ashton the yottngest grand-
she packed for the Mission Station at ( ter, Fern, visited Mrs. Cooke’s par-
Fort Norman last week. She also ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wright, on Sun
wishes to thank all the Gorrie W. A. day.
members and other in Gorrie who so' Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong attended
kindly contributed to this bale which the Diamond Jubilee of the Presby-
consisted pf articles of summer cloth-' tcrian Church at Lucknow on Tues-
ri.. .'day.
------— Mr. Douglas MacDonald, son of
Miss Velma Baiers, of Belmore, Rev. C. H. MacDonald, of Lucknow,
I conducted Sunday services in the
i Presbyterian Church.
Mr. Alex. Mundell was a Belmore
visitor on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shera and dau
ghter, Shirley .spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cope
land, near Wroxeter.
Miss Alma Hastie, of Kitchener,
spent the week-end at the home of her
father, Mr. Jas. Hastie.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Moffat and
children of Wroxeter, visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Cathers
on Sunday.
Mr. Chas. Doan of Mitchell visited
friends in Gorrie one day last week.
ing for the Indians.
“I needed a new barn roof and I went into
the matter very carefully .The annual report
of my mutual insurance company showed
that last year out of 15 fire losses 7 were
caused by flying embers, and 3 by light
ning. I talked to my insurance agent ana he
advised a fire-proof roof above all else so I
decided on metal. Metal protects against
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weather, rot and upkeep.”
I chose Metal and I bought TITE-LAP
"Tite-Lap, to my way of thinking, hao all the beet
featuros in metal roofing. It is rigid, has maximum
provision for nailing, is absolutely weather-tight, I
got the Council Standard quality, and the 25 year
guarantee that goes with it. And I was glad to learn
about tho new reduction in cost because there’s no
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• Send ridge and rafter measurements for. FREE
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'qpjw oe # Jr G■» ■ ■■ 1 —
Eastern Steel Products
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Special Bargain
To All Stations In
The regular monthly meeting of
Gorric Evening Auxiliary was held on
the evening of May 8th, at the home
of Mrs. Michel. The call to worship
was given by Mrs. A. Stephens, after
which hymn “Who givest all” was
sung. Following this a paper on
"Thoughts On Stewardship” was giv
en by Mrs. A. L. Stephens in which
she brought forth some helpful ideas
on our Stewardship to God. That our
stewardship isn’t what we give to God
it’s what we share. Prayer by Mrs.
John Gathers was followed by Scrip
ture reading St, Luke 13: 21, by Mrs.
A poem "Our Mothers” was given
by Miss Evelyn Dane. A paper on
"The Ninety and Nine” the story of
the hymn written in 1809 in Scotland
by EHaabeih Clephane under very sad
Going Dates
DAILY MAY 16 TO 27, 1939
Return Limit: 45 days.
Tickets Good to * Travel in Coaches
Excursion tickets good in Tourist,
Parlor and Standard sleeping cars al
so available on payment of slightly
higher passage fares, plus price of par
lor dr sleeping car accommodation.
ROUTESj—Tickets good going via
Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, Ill., or
Sault Ste. Marie, returning via same
route and Hue qrtly, Generous op
tional routings.
STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket,
both going and returning—at Port
Arthur, Ont, and west; also at“Chi-
cago, Ill., Sault Ste, Marie, Mich,,
and West, in accordance with tar
iffs of United States lines.
Full particulars from any agent.
Canadian Pacific
Miss K. Goodfellow was a Guelph
visitor on Friday of last week. She
was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. E.
Williams, Fordwich.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell spent
Sunday with London friends.
Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Rann spent the
week-end with friends at London.
Mn and Mrs. Morris, Palmerston,
were Sunday guests of their niece,
Mrs. Wm. Maclean and Mr. Maclean.
Owing to the first service in St
James Church by the new rector, Rev.
Ball, United Church evening service
Was withdrawn.
Mt. George Fischer and Mr. James
Pritchard spent Sunday with friends
at London;
Mrs. Morrison who has spent the
winter with her daughter, Mrs. Lack-
ic, in London, and the past two weeks
with her daughter,. Mrs. Cardiff at
Brussels, returned to her home here
on Sunday.
Mr. Harvey Bryans,. Walton, spent
the week-end with friends in town.
Miss Edith Martin, of London, is
enjoying a three weeks vacation with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs, B. Martin.
Miss Iva Gallaher, who has spent
seceral weeks with her sister, Mrs.
Acteson in London, returned home
last week. We are glad to know Miss
Gallaher’s health is gradually improv
Grand Chaplain, Speaker
A large number of the members of
Forest Lodge, A.F. &'A.M. attended
the special Divine Service for North
Huron District held at Fordwich Sun
day evening when they were privileg
ed to hear Rt. Wor. Bro. Rev. S. L.
Harton, Grand Chaplain of the Grand
Lodge of Canada in the Province'of
Ontario. Printed programmes were
used and the service opened with the
Doxology, followed by the Lord’s
Prayer in unison. The service was
conducted by the pastor of the church,
Bro. Rev. J'. W. Johnston. Seated with
him in the chencel were, the Grand
Chaplain, Bro. Robb, of Clifford, Dis
trict Deputy for Bruce County, Bro.
Rev. Rainer, of Belmore and Bro. N.
T. Wade, District Deputy for North
Huron. The opening hymn "O love
that will not let me go” was followed
by prayer by Rev. Mr. Rainer. The
anthem “Break Forth into Joy" by
Cadman, was rendered by the choir
under the direction o f Mr. Austin
Stinson. Psalm 15 was the lesson
read. “Breathe on me breath of God”
was the second hymn. The subject of
the address by the guest speaker was
“The Contagion of Character,” and he
based Iris remarks on the text “And
I if I be lifted up will draw all men
unto me,” and his inspired address
will long be remembered by the large
congregation present.
A male quartette, "Steal Away lo
Jesus” followed the sermon, Bro. N.
T. Wade spoke briefly thanking the
brethren for their attendance and ex
pressing appreciation to the speaker.
The hymn "Nearer my God to The6n
and the Benediction were followed by
the National Anthem with special ’
Sneak Thieves Enter Stores
Some time during Saturday night
some person or persons entered th^
stores of J. N. Allen and Allen Mun
roe, taking all cigarettes in stock. En
trance was made by a 'rear window in.
each case. Constables McCoy and.
Westlake are investigating.
[Murphy Paints
NARVO will make your homo
Phone 30 Wingham, Ont*,
R. H, CARSON, Gorrie, Ont.
JOHN RUNGE, Clifford, Ont.
Canada's Smartest Finish
MONUMENTS at first cost
'Raving* out factory equipped with the
most modern machinery for the exe
cution of high-class work, we ask yodi
to See the largest display( of monu
ments of any retail factory in Ontario*
All finished by sand blast machines..
We import all our granites from the.
Old Country quarries direct, in the
rough. Yon can save al! local deal*
era’, agents* dhd middleman profits by
seeing its.
E. J. Skelton <8-Son