HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-05-04, Page 7Wroxeter News and Thursday, May 4th, 1939 Constipated? Get rid of the cause! Doctors know that the cause of your constipation is probably easy to And, if, like too many people, you eat — bread, meat, potatoes, Perhaps your diet does not form enough ’‘built." And “bulk” does not mean quantity of food, but the kind of food that is not completely assimilated and leaves a soft “mass” in the bowels, , that helps the bowel movement. If this is your case, the solu­ tion is a .crisp cereal- for break­ fast — Kellogg’s All-Bran. All­ Bran helps form thp necessary “bulk” and contains Vitamin Bi, the natural intestinal tonic. ' Eat All-Bran every day, drink lots of water, and see life through rose colored glasses. Made in London, Canada, by Kellogg. At all grocers. \/ GORRIE Institute to Meet May 10th The regular meeting of the Gorrie "Women’s Institute will be held Wed­ nesday, May 10th, at the home of Mrs. Anson Galbraith. Roll Call will "be payment of fees. The program will 1>e in charge of the new Programme Committee. The W.M.S. of the United Church here have invited the ladies of the con­ gregation to meet with them at their regular meeting on Thursday after­ noon of this week, when the commit­ tee in charge are paying special hom­ age to “Our Mothers.” We trust a large number will be present. The meeting is called for 2.30. Those attending the Huron Pres- "byterial held in Wingham last week from here were, |Mrs. A. A. Taylor, Mrs. L. N. Whitley, Mrs. A. L. Steph­ ens, Mrs. E. J. Farrish, Miss E. „Ste- I>hens, Mrs. Wylie. Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton spent the week-end with relatives in and around Gorrie. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, Cooke were; Mr. -and Mrs. N. Cooke and daughter, Miss Florence, of Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. P, .Merklinger and Miss Lydia Merk- linger, of Waterloo, Mr, Earl Cooke and little daughter Diane, also Miss Elizabeth Hertsberger of Kitchener. Mrs. W. J. Earngey, Mrs. A, Steph­ ens and children, Eleanor and Bobby, visited friends in Harriston on Satur­ day. Born—-On Sunday, April 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stewart, a soft. Mrs. A. Doan, a former resident of Gorrie for many years, has returned to liye here. Those attending the Women’s In­ stitute District Executive meeting in Brussels on Wednesday, afternoon last were Mesdames V. Shera, P. Kaine, E. W. Bolton and W. King, from Gor­ rie, and.Miss Goodfellow of Wroxet­ er. . / Rev. and Mrs. F. J. Fydell, of Cam- lachie, were in Gorrie on Wednesday last when they visited friends in the village. Mrs. Walter Simson who has been spending the winter with her son in lampa, Fla., returned to the; home of her daughter,'Mrs. S. Bricker, Ford­ wich, on Friday last., Blyth Rector Preached , • Rev. Mr. Weeks, of Blyth, took charge of the service in St. Stephen’s Church here on Sunday when he gave an interesting and helpful sermon, taking as his text “For now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face,” depicting the things' of thi^ world are all a. mystery, but some day we shall understand all things. Mrs. Robert Gathers spent Satur­ day at the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Haw­ thorne, near Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Toner and dau­ ghter, Marj'orie, and Mr. Thomas Earl spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mrs. F. C. Taylor spent Tuesday of last week with her sister in Wingham. Mrs. M. Querin, Mr, and Mrs. Joe Querin, Miss Lyla Querin and Mr. T. Pearson, of Toronto, spent the week­ end with Mrs. Susan Munroe. eji, wife of the late Ernest Moren, who was formerly a tailor in this vil­ lage, The deceased, who was in her 86th year, had lived for the past few years with her son and wife, Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Sharpin, of Arnprior, from which place the funeral was held on Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock, when the remains were sent by train to Gorrie, where they rested until Satur­ day afternoon in Mr, M. D, Irvin's Funeral Parlors. Interment was made in Gorrie cemetery, the funeral, being held at 3.30 p.m, on Saturday after­ noon. Mr. W. J. Sharpin; of Arnprior, and cousin, Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Sharpin, of Guelph, attended the funeral of the former’s mother, Mrs. Moren, in Gor­ rie on Saturday, when they called on Mr. and Mrs, H. V. Holmes and Oth­ er friends. Euchre and Dance Was Success The Euchre and Dance put on in the Township Hall here on' Friday ev­ ening and which was sponsored by the Women’s Institute here proved a huge success. Although many found, it impossible to be on hand for'the beginning of the- evening’s games, when the Progressive Euchre was fin­ ished all the tables were occupied..1 The children also enjoyed games of Chinese Checkers for which two priz­ es were given. The lady with the most points,' winning the Walnut Magazine Basket donated by Mr. M. D. Irvin, was Mrs. J. G. Mundell, and Mr. E. W. Bolton and Mr. Robt. Bak­ er were tied for the men’s prize, when they cljose partners and played it off, the former winning by one point. Master George Gregg drew the two lucky tickets for second prizes which were won by Mrs. H. V. Holmes for the ladies, and Mr. George King, the men’s prizes. Following lunch which was served by the Women’s Institute, many enjoyed the Old and New Time dancing to the music supplied by the Leechville Mountaineers Orchestra. The proceeds are to help in buying another piano for the Hall. LITTLE REST PAYOR NIGHT Woman with Revere Neuritis For the benefit of others who may be troubled with the complaint she suffered from, a grateful woman writ­ es:— “Last May 1 had a very severe at­ tack of neuritis in the leg, which made it impossible for me to rest dur­ ing the day, or to get regular sleep at nights ■— to say nothing of the in­ tense pain. .“Various medicines gave me very little relief, and a friend advised me to give Kruschen a trial, as she had derived benefit from it whilst suffer­ ing, similarly. I am, so thankful that I took her advice. From the very first bottle I felt relieved, and now I am quite free from pain, and get a good night’s sleep.”—(Mrs,) H.C. Neuritis, like rheumatism, lumbago, and sciatica, is often caused by needle- pointed uric acid crystals, which form as the result of sluggish eliminating organs. Kruschen helps to convert those crystals into a harmless solu­ tion, which is removed through the natural channels. C, Dorothy Downey D, Donald Bur­ rows A. Beginners — Joan Ashton, Norman Anger, Marion Downey, Bobby, Ed­ gar, Shirley Newton, Earld Reidt, Bobby Stephens, Jim Walker, Betty 2Jimmcrman, —V. M. Lennox, Teacher. WROXETER Mr, George Brown, student at O. V. C., Guelph, spent the week-end at his homez here, leaving on Sunday for Stouffville where during the vacation months, He will be assistant to Dr. Boden Distel, V.S. George’s many friends wish him every success. Mr. Stanley Gallagher accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, C, Hetherington, motored to Guelph on Sunday. Mr. Carmen Hetherington, a student at O. V, C., returned home with them. Mrs. J. Kirton, Mrs. Rolph and Mr. Eldon Kirton motored to Atwood on Sunday, having received word of the death of a relative, June, M;s, D. S. MacNaughton had charge of the Topic “The Emergency Food Shelf.” Mrs, Adams presented the report of the nominating committee and the fol­ lowing officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Miss K. Goodfellow; 1st Vice J’res,, Mrs. D. S, MacNaughton; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. R. Rae; Sec.,’Mrs. L. VanVelsor; Dis. Director, Mrs. J. J. Allen; Branch Directors, Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs. V. Denny, 'Mrs. R. Pope; 'Press Sec., Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton; Pianist, Mrs. J. N. Allen; Auditors, Mrs. J. Adams, Mrs, B. Martin. On Guaranteed Trust Certificates A legal investment for Trust Funds Unconditionally Guaranteed YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 Point Scientific.Examin­ ation enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118. Harriston r Decision Reserved At the end of ..a two-day county court trial, Judge Costello reserved judgment in the automobile damage action of Harry C. Dane and Kath­ leen Durst, a minor, of near Gorrie, against Valentine Kritzel, of Listowel, and George and Lloyd Michel, of Grey Township. Unstated damages are asked. The accident, a three-way smash, occurred on the Listowel-At- wood road, two miles south of Lis­ towel, in a fog on the night of Nov­ ember 26, 1937. • The plaintiffs were allegedly seriously hurt. First the Kritzer car crashed into the Dane car, which was stalled, and while this was being untangled, the Michel machine crashed into the two others. Eighteen witnesses gave evidence and counsel argument last two and a hal| hours. Former Resident Passes There passed away on Wednesday, April 26th, 1939, Mrs. Mary A. Mor- Wiiigham Utilities Commission Phone 156 - ‘ Wingham JU Mrs. Neilson spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. M. Ross and ’Miss E. Ross were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Allen at Wroxeter. Miss M. Black, who has spent the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black returner to her home in Bluevale last week. Mrs. J. Wylie is visiting her son, Rev. George Wylie at Oakdale. Mr. J. Garnet and Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto, were Sunday visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Miss Wildred Boyne, d‘f Listowel, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Anger. Miss Janet Watson spent Sunday with Her mother, Mrs. Watson of Brussels.^, Mr. and Mrs. Watt, of Palmerston, celebrated their 47th wedding anni- verysary at the home of their son, Rev. and Mrs. Watt on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fawcett, Har­ riston, visited the fatter’s sister, Mrs. A. Stephens and Mr, Stephens, Sun­ day. Rev. and Mrs. Fydell called on some of their friends in Gorrie last week. Miss Pearl Stinson spent a couple of days in Toronto last week, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Black and little son, Robert, were Bluevale visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wright, of Wal­ ton, spent Sunday at the home of the latter’s mother, Mrs. R. F. Edgar. Mrs. Hugh Pritchard has returned from a vacation with her husband in Montreal. Mrs. Ewart Whitfield has under­ gone an operation in Wingham Hos­ pital, Her many friends will be pleas­ ed to know that her condition is as good as can be expected. Mr. T. Bradnock and Mr. W. King spent the week-end in Buffalo. Miss E. Donaghue, collector for the Upper. Canada Tract Society, canvas­ sed Gorrie in the interest of the soc­ iety last week, Motorists driving front Toronto on Sunday afternoon reported quite a snow storm between Orangeville and Arthur. Mrs. A. Marshall and baby son are spending a couple of weeks at the home of Mu and Mrs, Curie at Bel­ more. Mrs. Thos. Bennett, of Fordwich, who lias been visiting her sister, Mrs, Robt, Ferguson, returned home Tues­ day. Mr, and Mrs. Huggan, of Brussels, are visiting the former’s Sister, Mrs, William Marshall and Mr. Marshall. Mrs. Rumsey, who has spent some time with her mother, Mrs. W. Mont­ gomery, south of Gorrie, is returning to her home in Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bradnock were . Listowel visitors one days last week, i Mrs. Wilford King, also her moth­ er, Mrs. Agnes Earls, of Wroxeter, spent Monday with relatives at Wing­ ham. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Ste­ phen’s Church has been postponed to next Thursday, May 11th. Y.P.U. Feeting The regular meeting of the Gorrie Y.P.U. was held on Sunday after the regular church service. The meeting opened with three interesting contests by Mr. Watt after which all joined in a sing song. The Scripture was taken from Cor. 13, and was read by Betty Edwards after which hymn 362 was sung. Mr. Watt gave an interesting talk and the meeting closed with prayer. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of the Gorrie' Public School: A indicates 75% to 100 %; B indi­ cates 65% to 74%; C. indicates 55% to 64%; D indicates 45% to 54%; E indicates 1% to 44%. Senior Room Grade 8— Jean Heibein A, Bower Farrish A, Harold Finlay B, George Gallaway B, Reg. Taylor C. , Grade 7—Dick Carson B, Wilma Heibein B, Jack Underwod B, Doreen Harrison C, Earle King C. Grade 6—Betty Heinmiller B, Lu­ cille Underwood B, Lorrdine Nickel B, Hugh Hutchison B, Emily Hein­ miller B, Bob Nay B, Bill Heinbein B, Mac Hutchison B, Charlie Miller C, Elgin King C. Grade 5s—Norman Carson A, Mary Richie A, Greta Hyndman B, Lome King C, Clare Bolton C, Harry Zim­ merman D. Teacher—J. Gordon Mundell. Junior Room’ Grade 4—Clara Harper A, Leslie Miller B. Grade 3—Maxine Bolton A, Erland Gregg B, Grace Harper C, Bobby Harrison E, Pauline Heinmiller B, Hattie Miller B. Grade 2—Maxine Farrish A, George Gregg A, Betty Harper A, Stanley Hobbsi A, Bill Nay E, Tom Newton A, Jack Reidt B, Helen Strong A. Grade 1—Florence Anger A, Jim Miller B, Mildred Farrish A, Nelson Harper C, Jessie Miller A, Hilda Neill A, Dorothy Watson A, Bruce Anger Underwent Operation for Mastoid Mr. John MacLeod was removed to Listowel Memorial Hospital on Fri­ day where he was operated on for mastoid, which followed a severe at­ tack of flu. Mrs. MacLeod accom­ panied him, His many friends wish Mr. MapLeod a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin were London visitors on Sunday. On their return they were accompanied by Miss Edith Martin, nurse-in-training, who will enjoy a three weeks’ vaca­ tion. Miss Gladys Weir spent the week­ end with her co-usin, Mrs. Lloyd Jac­ ques and Mr.' Jacques, near Orange­ hill. ’ ’ Mr. Thomas Shearer and Miss Bea­ trice Shearer were in Fordwich last week attending the funeral of an old neighbor, the late Mrs, Selena Hunt­ er. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Halnstock, Mrs. W. H. Brown and Mrs. E. A. Fallis, all of Fordwich, were Friday visitors of D. S. and Mrs. MacNaugh- ton. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wade, also of Fordwich, were Sunday guests of the MacNaughton home. Mr. and Mrs. Golding, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke; on their return they were accompanied by their son, Al­ bert, who has spent several months at the Burke home. A large numher of delegates at­ tended the Presbyterial meeting held at Wingham on Thursday of last week. Miss Mae Davidson is spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Davidson, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright, Walton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munroe. Mrs. Pearl Kaine, Gorrie, is in at­ tendance with Mr. George Muir who is critically ill at his home in town. Woman’s Association Members of the Woman’s Associa­ tion Of United Church held a quilting on Monday of last week with a splen­ did attendance. Tea was served at the close. The W. A..are to be congrat­ ulated on the special effort they have made under the leadership of Mrs. Wm. MacLean, president, to raise money for the renovation and decor­ ation of the church schoolroom. New Elders Will Be Inducted In United Church on Sunday morn­ ing next three new Elders will be in­ ducted. The three who have been el­ ected are: Mr, Bert Cook, Mrs. James Douglas and Mr. Vernon Denny, New Rector Will Preach On Sunday evening next, Rev, Mr. Ball, who comes from Southwold, Eng., will take charge of the service. WOMEN’S GROUPS’ ANNUAL MEETING (Continued from Page One) such a large part of our Presbyterial, stating that the missionary work had its beginning in that little group of women who first told of the resurrec­ tion, This should be a, challenge to the small auxiliaries not to grow dis­ couraged, but remain firm. She men­ tioned |he contributions made and said we should not' think of it as a duty, but as a challenge from God to make Christian Canadian citizens. The world needs ‘more of His spirit, more of His love, more of His’ influence.’ She stated that the redemption of the human race rests in the hands of the mothers in the homes. Therefore, we need Christian mothers. It is very im­ portant for the future of our country that we christianize the youth. It is the privilege of the W. M. S. to win Canada and the World to Christ. A, number of points were cleared up during the opening forum which was conducted by Mrs. W. P. Lane, of Goderich. A resolution against the opening up .of our Sabbath was also brought in and passed and is being sent to the Provincial and Dominion Legislatures. ................." Mrs. W. B. McCool, of Wingham, contributed a lovely solo at this time. Rev. A. V. Robb, Bluevale, brought greetings from the Presbytery. He spoke highly of the work of the W. M. S. Rev. J. F. Anderson, of Wingham, installed the new officers in a very nicely carried out service: In the re­ port of the courtesy committee the thanks of those present was tendered the Wingham society for the splendid hospitality extended to them. The following is a list of the offic­ ers for 1939: Past President, Mrs. W. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION STERLING TOWER TORONTO I V c 1 Ear ETTE* '’The purest form in which t«b*cco c«n be smoked” J. Greer, Wingham; President, Mrs. A. W. Gardiner, Seaforth; Vice Pres­ idents, Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, Sea­ forth; (Mrs. H. V. Workman, Sea­ forth; Mrs. Robt. Nay, Gorrie R.R. 1; Mrs. Jas.fiMcGill Blyth, R.R. 3; Mrs. Mrs. Herman Powe, Centralia; Re­ cording Secretary, Mrs. W. P. Lane, Goderich; Corresponding Secretary, Miss Celia Christie, Exeter; Treasur­ er, Miss Mary Milne, Blyth; Christ­ ian Stewardship and Finance Secre­ tary, Miss Lawday Young, Londes- •boro; Mission Circle Secretary, Miss Clara McGowan, Blyth; Affiliated C. G. I. T. Groups’ Secretary, .Miss Car­ oline Wellwood, Wingham; Mission Band Secretary, Mrs. W. Pickard, Clinton; Supply Secretary, Mrs. A. Colclough, Blyth; Community Friend­ ship Secretary, Mrs. R. M. Peck, Zur­ ich; Literature Secretary, Mrs. J. D. Colquhoun, Seaforth; Missionary Monthly and World Friends Secre­ tary, Mrs. W. Wellwood, Wingham; Temperance and Christian Citizenship Secretary, Miss Maud Stirling, Bay- field; Press Secretary, Mrs. Leslie Wightman, Wingham R. 5; Baby Band Secretary, Mrs. J. M. Southcott, Exeter; Associate Helpers’ Secretary, Mrs. M. Aitken, Clinton. MONUMENTS at first cost Having our factory equipped with the most modern machinery for the exe­ cution of high-class work, we ask you to see the largest display of monu­ ments of any retail factory in Ontario. All finished by sand blast machines. We import all our granites from the Old Country quarries direct, in the rough. You can save all local deal­ ers’, agents’ and middleman profits by seeing us. E. J. Skelton & Son Special Bargain EXCURSIONS To All Stations In WESTERN CANADA Going Dates DAILY MAY 16 TO 27, 1939 Return Limit: 45 days. Tickets' Good to Travel in Coaches Excursion tickets good in Tourist, Parlor and Standard sleeping cars al­ so available on payment of slightly higher passage fares, plus price of par­ lor or sleeping car accomtnodation. ROUTES:—Tickets good going via Port Arthur, Ont., Chicago, 111., or Sault Ste. Marie, returning via same route and fine only. Generous op­ tional routings. STOPOVERS—within limit of ticket, both going and returning—at Port Arthur, Ont., and west; also at Chi­ cago, III., Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., and West, in accordance with tar­ iffs of United States lines. Full particulars from any agent. • Canadian Pacific Women’s Missionary Society The W. M. S. of the United Church will hold their May meeting Thurs­ day, May 18th, at 2 p.m. A full pro­ gramme will be announced next week also place of meeting. . Women’s Institute Annual Meeting Mrs. L. VanVelsor opened her home for the April meeting of the W. I. on Thursday of last week. The president, Mrs. R. Rae, presided, op­ ening with the Ode and the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The Roll Call — A Current Event, brought an interest­ ing response. During the business period plans were made to hold the meetings the first Thursday of the month beginning in June. The local Leadership project came under dis­ cussion. Miss Lily Waller and Miss Dorothy Brown were chosen as local leaders and the “Kitchen Ensemble” was the project to be taken up. Re­ ports of the past year's activities were given and the officers who carried on the year’s successful work were given a vote of appreciation, Miss K. Goodfellow gave a very in- teresting and instructive demonstra­ tion on a “First Aid Kit for the Home”. Miss Goodfellow, who sub­ stituted for Mrs. J. J. Allen at the Ex­ ecutive meeting for the district, gave a splendid report from that group of delegates. She announced the district | annual will be held at Fordwich in at West End Bridge—WALKERTON Saving $1.50 Reg. Price $5.50Gallons . 1/2 Gallons Quarts Pints 1/2 Pints Also on this sale: Get your supply of beautiful NARVO at these attractive bargain prices. 30 colours to choose from. SALE PRICE $4.00 2.15 1.10 10th Original NARVO SALE NARVO Satin Finish—wash- able, semi-lustrous, for walls, etc., 9 shades. Harold Buchanan, Wingham, Ont. Josephine St. - Phone 30 R. H. Carson, Gorrie, Ont. John Runge, Clifford, Ont.