HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-05-04, Page 2PAGE TWO wingham advance-times V Thursday, May 4th, 1939 ......m............. DO YOW THINK I CAN GET BY FOR ANOTHER MONTH ON THOSE FRONT TIRES? 1 -.....1 - --------------\ WHY TAKE CHANCES? START TO SAVE ON NEW GOODYEARS NOW! STRETCH YOUR TIRE DOLLARS GOOD-YEAR SPEEDWAY BIG MILEAGE at LOW COST • If it’s low price you want, without sacrifice of value, come in and see this great low-priced ■ Goodyear Speedway. It has a tough,' thick, full-sized, scientifically designed tread that will give you great road-gripping traction and long, slow wear. Patented Supertwist cord in every ply. Speedway is big value for the money. Only Goodyear could build such a tire for so little. Available in both 4-ply and heavy duty 6-ply. Don’t take chances on thin, worn tires. Come in and see this great tire today . . * we have your size! Murray Johnson Wingham,Ontario Wingham Advance-Times Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO \ —— Subscription Rate — One Year1 $2.00 Six months, $1.00 in advance To U. S. A., $2.50 per year. Foreign rate, $3.00' per year. Advertising rates on application. to keep the number of acciddnts down. Care, Courtesy and Common Sense is the slogan if followed will reduce the number of smashes on our highways. Let us all celebrate the Royal Visit by observing the traffic laws and the above slogan. ❖ * * * COMPULSORY MILITARY SERVICE For some time people have had fear that the European situation is very serious but the hope was always to the front that war would be avert­ ed. The recent move of the British parliament in approving compulsory military service shows that the Brit­ ish Cabinet feels that a greater effort for defense is necessary than has been the DRIVE WITH CARE ~ Traffic on the highways now that finer weather is here is increasing each week and this greater traffic brings with it more accidents. It is only natural that the greater the traf­ fic the greater will be the number of accidents. The motorists can do much required for many years of their his­ tory. The adoption of conscription may cause the dictators of other na­ tions to pause and reflect before they do anything that would plunge the world into another war, but some are of the opinion that this is the big step in Britain in preparation for the war that it was hoped would never come. * * * * FEAR SABOTAGE It is feared that in event of hostil­ ities that sabotage will play a big part in the enemies’ plans. Tp cope with this situation the veterans of Canada have registered so that in event of war all places of importance in our in­ dustrial and commercial life could be quickly guarded. We can well iriiag- ine what havoc could be caused if our power houses, railways, canals, were put out of business or badly crippled when, they were needed most. The Ontario and Quebec Legislat­ ures have prorogued for this session. The Dominion Parliament will soon finish their sittings for the year. We wonder how are the public with What has been accomplished. $ * * Political activity is becoming great­ er in the Dominion field every day, 'It is almost a certainty that late sum­ mer or fall will see an election. * * * * Two United States observers re­ cently returned from Germany, state that if a free vote .could be taken it would be 75% anti-Nazi. sfs sjc sfs sfc What a happy feeling it was when the submarine that was of Nova Scotia turned fishing boat. * * • sjs Science has now a new method for causing grey hair of the middle-aged to turn darker. In the meantime the hair of people will turn grey from the usual causes or maybe from unusual causes. * * * * . It is said that strapping would pre­ vent many criminals from becoming second ofenders. Sjpare the rod and spoil the criminal.* * * * It is said that Hitler’s new song is: “O to be in Poland now that sum­ mer’s here.” t * * * ♦ Canada’s defense estimates are $63,- 000,000. The estimate deficit is $60,- 000,000. In war times it is expected that we could not keep pace with penditures but peace times now parently make little difference. 4* The King and Queen will sail to Canada on the Empress of Australia. The battleship Repulse originally sel­ ected for the trip will not leave Eur­ opean waters. Canadians care not op which boat they come so long as ihey come. off the coast out to be a * ex- ap- Announces that i i / MMaSiMSiMM l'"l fW r-1 f. lAJ/ L t-i—|]’ ✓ LllJU CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED PAINT AND VARNISH DIVISION MACHAN BROS. PHONE 62 Can now serve you with the full line of C-l-L Paints . . . a finish exactly right for every painting purpose Behind every can of C-l-L Paint there is a qualify background. Vast research facilities and wide practical experience assure exactly the right qualities for the prescribed purpose, and above dll -— faithful performance. Whether you do the job yourself or engage a Master Painter, insist on finishes identi­ fied by the C-l-L Oval Trademark. 8 PainIS Patronize this neighbourhood merchant, for you ' can buy with confidence where you see this I ADVANCED KNEE-ACTION RIDING SYSTEM Frictionless., Coil Springs; Double-Acting Shock Absorb­ ers; Ride Stabilizer; Shockproof Dual Cross Steering. NEWS illustrated—Chevrolet Master-De-lxixe'Sedan; with trunk. Low monthly payments on the Genora! Motors Instalment Plan. .iiiiHiiiiiuiuiiiiiiHiitniiiiitiHiuiiiuiiM'iMiiinniiHniiiim DISTRICT C-I29» PERFECTED (Quadra-Action) HYDRAULIC BRAKES Maximum effect with minimum pedal pressure . . . Emergency Brake Lever under the cowl at driver's left CHEVROLET'S FAMOUS VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX Valve-in-head engines hava made all world records—on land —-on water—and in the air. I 'iittiiHnucntiniinniiiiiiiiimiHiiuiHiiiiiitHKUiiiimniitin Find No Blame in Fire Death A coroner’s jury inquiring into the fatal burning of Mrs. Loretta Mont­ gomery, Seaforth, called the fatality an accident and^ placed no blame on any one. Mrs, Montgomery, 31 years old, Seaforth, woman, mother of six children, died in Scott Memorial Hos­ pital, Seaforth, early on the morning of April 11 from burns received in a mysterious manner in a fire at her residence, a few hours earlier. The verdict of the jury read: “We the jury find Loretta Montgomery came to her death from shock due to burns from a fire of unknown origin. From the evidence given we the jury attach no blame to any one person or persons.” Bad Blaze at Lucknow Fire of unknown origin which strat- ed in McDonald Bros, shoe store, ear­ ly Friday morning, completely des­ troyed their stock and fixtures. The stock of William Murdie & Sons’ hardware store in the s’ame block was badly damaged by smoke and water, as were glso the living apartments above the stores, occupied by Dr. Jas. Little and Chas. Cook'. The block is owned by William Murdie and the damage in each case is partly covered by insurance. Made High Standing In the United States Revolver Assn, bulletin, the results were given of the average shooting for the season of ten matches. There were five hundred en­ tries’ from the United States and Canada. Dr. J. G. Kirk, of Listowel, was successful in securing fourth place, and his record was only a few points below the first man. The first place had a score of 233.3, while Dr. Kirk’s score was 231.2. — Listowel Banner. Deadlock Over Airport , ** Attended by twenty members of Sky Harbor Airport Club, a meeting held in the Court House wrestled with the question of wljether or not an av­ iation meet will be held in Goderich at the civic holiday week-end * this year. G. L. Parsons, who presided, told the meeting that so far negotia­ tions of the club to take over or pur­ chase the lease to, the airport, now held privately by Ray Dean, had been unsuccessful., Mr. Dean, it’ was ex­ plained, had put a price on the lease of $1500, which 'was considered alto­ gether too high. The club 'considers its equity in the hangar and work done on the airport grounds more than offsets the price the lessee has put on the lease. River Stocked Saugeen River, below Paisley, has been restocked for the season. More than 100,000 brown trout have been placed in the stream which has be­ come a favorite with fishermen in Western Ontario. Who Named Mildmay? A writer recently gave the origin of the names of the various munici­ palities in the County of Bruce, but was unable to say how Hiklmay got its name, other than it was formerly called iMernersville. This village,.it is said, was called after a park in Eng­ land. From another source, we learn that iti May 1873, a traveller coming down on the train front Walkerton, stepped off at the station, and remark­ ed that it was a beautifully “Mild May Day,” and the place was there­ upon called Mildmay.—Mildmay Gaz­ ette. A Cold Dip " Two young lads donned their bath­ ing trunks on Sunday eager to open the swimming season, They waded into the water above the dam up to their wiasts but on second consldera. tiori decided to leave the swimming until the Water was a little more viting, It Was just a little cold comfort.—Exeter Times-Advocate. m- for Looked in School Elizabeth McBurneyy daughter Mn land Mrs. W. H iMcBurney, i Amanda Jobhstone, daughter of Coun­ cillor and Mrs. J., P. Johnstone of Brant, who attend the public school, had an unpleasant and trying exper- ieiite when they >were accidentally locked in the classrooms of the school and were not released until 7.30, long after the supper hour, — Walkerton Herald-Times. ' of and Grey Constables Asked to Resign A motion that the Crown Attorney obtain the resignations of all the winner the instant? you feelthe surging power of its Valve-in-Heads Engine! And you’ll have conclusive proof of this fact when you watch Chevrolet take the leadin moving traffic! It’s the fastest-accelerating; car in its price range —much nimbler?than other low-priced cars! • It’s the most powerful hill-climber, too—much better on the grades than any other car of its priceI • It’s the liveliest of al! low-priced cars —first in acceleration, first in hill-climbing, first in all-round performance with economy—and it is also first in sales! Be a "leader" this, summer; Know the thrill of being out in front in getaway and on the hills; Own the car combining "all that’s best at low- . est cost"—the safe car, the spirited car, the sales-leading car—the new 1939 Chevrolet! The only low-priced car combining "ALL THAT'S BEST AT LOWEST COST!” STEERING COLUMN GEAR-SHIFT "Vacuum assist" supplies 80% of shifting effort. Simple, posi­ tive design. Only $13 extra. NEW AERO-STREAM STYLING BODIES BY FISHER Long, low and roomy . . . im­ proved No-Draft Ventilation .., all-steel Body by Fisher with "Observation Car" visibility. CRAWFORD’S GARAGE BUY FROM A BUSINESS LEADER... YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER County Constables in. the County of Grey received! unanimous, approval of the Grey County Council at their clos­ ing session,, and', it is expected that this, the first step, in a. move- to re­ organize the police.- system of the county, wiBl begin, at an early date.— Hanover Post, Death Due: to, Hemorrhage: Death of James McFarlane, 70, fourth concession o£ Grdy Twp., was attributed to a brain hemorrhagp, a post-mortem report carried out show­ ed. McFarlane: was. found dead in bed at his home. Dr. McRay, Brussels, coroner, said no inquest had been or­ dered., The past-mortem was perform­ ed by Dr.. Jamieson. McFarlane, a native of Scotland, is survived by his wife, three sons, Mungo, Thomas and Walter, and two daughters, Mrs. Gor­ don McPherson, St. Helens, and Mrs. Sylvester Raynard, Grey Township. Auburn Minister Welcomed A reception and welcome Was by the Baptist congregation of burn and Clinton for their new min­ ister and wife, Rev. A. E. and Mrs. Silver and family, in the Baptist Church. A large gathering was sent; held Au- pre. Cut Sawing Wood Raymond Ackert, son of Mr. >Mrs. Ernest Ackert, of Holyrood, with a very painful accident while buzz-sawing wood, The thumb and finger were badly gashed and the sec­ ond finger had to be amputated. It Was the right hand that was injured and it will be some time before Ray­ mond will be able to work. and met Charged With Smashing Windows Two Walkerton youths are charged with vandalism which it is estimated resulted in more than $100 damage, The depredations allegedly committed by the pair were breaking with stones the large stained glass windows in the Pentecostal church on Coiborne street Some 25 holes are visible in the win­ dows and they are deemed beyond re­ pair. 90-Year-Old Teeswater Woman Passes Mrs. M,ary Ami McDonald, 90, of' Teeswater, died at Windsor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harry Walker, following an illness of one week. Born in Nova Scotia, Mrs. Mc­ Donald lived.most of her life in Tees­ water. She went to Windsor to visit her daughter two week’s ago. She is survived by three daughters ahd four sons, including Alexander, of Tees­ water, and Anthony, of Ingersoll. Linwood-Listowel Line to Close The Canadian Pacific Railway announced that no freight shipments from outlying points will be accepted for delivery at Dorking, Hesson, Tra­ lee and Listowel after May 13th. This is done on account' of the abandon­ ment of C..P.R. service between Lin­ wood and Listowel under order of the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada. Nazis Seek Grip on Lithuania Warsaw—A series of would place Lithuania’s Under the domination have been presented to trade delegatio ti wihiicli • it was reported here. has demands that economic life of Germany a Lithuanian visited Berlin, Liner to Carry King and Queen London •— Prime Minister Chamb­ erlain announced in the House of Commons that the King and Queen will travel to Canada and the United States aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Australia instead of the battle cruiser Repulse. servative want-of-confidence motion proposed in the House of Commons by Hon. J. Earl Lawson (Cons,, York South). The amendment climaxed his speech as financial critic for the Con­ servative party which started the bud- 'get debate. Youth Accidentally Shot , Raymond Durr, age 18, of McGill­ ivray Township, near Parkhill, was accidentally shot and killed by a shot­ gun in his own hand, early Sunday afternoon, on his father’s farm. The full charge entered his neck? and he died almost instantly. Durr, with his brother, Alvin, had taken the shotgun from their home to go for a stroll 'through the cedar swamp on his fa­ ther’s farm. The boys Separated and a few 'moments later Alvin heard a shot. Returning to where the dis­ charge came from he found his broth­ er, Roy, lying dead with the shotgun near by in a cedar bush. Two dead Snakes lay on the ground beside the body and it is thought the victim was stamping on the snakes dr pounding them with the gun when it discharg­ ed. Criticized Budget Ottawa—Failure of the Goverment to lessen taxation, provide security for industry and a Solution for unemploy­ ment in what was termed a “Uoriotli- Ing’* budget, was condemned in a Con- ROUND TRIP Bargain Fares MAY 12 -13 WINGHAM — To — OWEN SOUND $2.50 Going First train 12.50 p.ni. May 12 Return Limit« May IS Consult Agents - Procure Handbill Canadian Pacific