HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-10-3, Page 1- . - I "I / ) I _. I— 11 ­­.. ____. I... . ... I - - I i .. . .. , . I I , I " I , "i : I 11 . / ), 11"l -l") , . I i I I .1 "Mi 11 .. I 11." ., , I .. 11 I'. , V, ,I, " , 4 ) 1 , " . I . I I . - ' I : t I . 4" .1 - , . , 11, I I Is I I I #1 t I , I I I I I .1 I . _ , I I - , ,P- 1"At '' 'PO , I - . - 1, , - 1. ftl* , ­_ 4____l.,. ""L Alt I 4 W3 0IO. wy.is"y IPME11, I 11"X400 -N. , --t-e"I I - if I t -_­, ,Jsr`!111111111FA%L_ ­ :_ .W, 4_,*!I, . . ; it . . I , I I . . . . . ''' +.' ­ I . 11 . . . . . . '' . - , , - , C , 11 arty . 1 looll , i I , , I , r".", - -,t _ - I - . iko._,_ i , , 1. I , , 0" , I it . . I to, - -, k - " , __ :! , I I ,,,, " , I , ­0 , 1r, 1, 0" / V" I 1i I . . A.14 i %.5 1 1 1 .. < , k , 1 .1 I k, I . . , I, . .. - ----.-- A I/ 1 Ill 1; J I . - I lc I ., __ ,I I .- I " . I - 11 ________,;_ _. . ­ __­ - - - _ . __. __ ­ __. --- . I -_ I - -1 -, . ­ - _. _ - --I---- is . We T. ."OX, Editor 4ndFropriotor.) The 0kreatest Possible Jazad to tha Gra2t3st Possible ANTumbar." , Qttth _._____._________ , _____ ____. ___ __ ____ __­_ -_ ­ . -.----- ­ . . . - - __ ___ ____ -------- -- ---- ------- ____ Ale-50PER ANN. IN ADVANICE11 . I GODERICII, ONTARIO.- D. Q., T11URSDAY, OCT. 3, 1,,;,(;7. . . . . )VOL.- XX. -NO 36 __ _____ ---.-- ____________­_____, - - - -,-,-- ­ _ ___ - -, - __. - - ­___ _ ,_ - . - - , . I., 186gi11tqq 13irtC10111. The Down -taster and the Bull. low," 11ji I 1, "%t,u appear so has iu tire I I tie fiwo feet, or otat tat them, of if Is bull, dilicully ,if entering must have taken con$- f T119 LAT13iT.­a` Liarca" ARRuTkv-1 ausinces Direft,0q). Dusintoo 13ilrectorv. ­ ­trut-L ine rom oil tile back -and I reci,on pdu%ti%e,y t1illing. Tile safe was one of Z - , . - - Z ,__z - - wida of unbounalladjoy.'. The parlie, i,, pe,suit of lite Myth man __ ­_ __ ^_ - - ­ ____ - _____ . A True gt(;ry. --*It' ).0 will excanu my it,tefruff-lil.g YOU, I lf-ar',i what for. tbe carpet Long- -nalacLus' we I --ifernsig'* ' and cinarisidaire-I a very at.,).,- co I Ili the molder and robsoary at Consulate arall ItIke 11"Itedwitagiallso rt x.-, n& C L, . c"... dOwit, to lite muddy bollum Of the 0114' It WM (attained With %he still c chusel. airtime America. _> -%7 X,T- 3::1. ROYAL OAK HOTE, IN'llisT I am going to lei te, liappened ill tur, hold it is a luir qrsesti,al," ania 1. -1 how cc, ell. Morton's brewery &ad distollarybieve mass@ a LJ, .& it Ic P4 I I sit 'r if, It. __ Muic.tints C-itn'tor. lowa. att,olway between did you get iistra this sorry piclile ?" i fo-11*6 1414c sitAkfe hammer i tho letter WAA ;d in varrewing him i he will reach here to. . LUCKNOW. . --%%'hen I red, tile Gm thin,- I wed Ivor 0io , Mt .... tl.o fa rtvulwlil and at strom.; Chile! I Offics, I:uurefru U o'clock, a. in., #,a 3 - lo -a Us Y, theta Cook capital o file State, %,,,I 11 F%euse the que'li"n ? Sariing, sactirig ? ! ,44 f ilvr'j tail, and as I cussildti't motion a lick which had hitten,milid. from a file, VE4 lowitti uight by Lite steamer Ill'alerfal". ek, I . m. , i - CIO I New MarableWor"IrL .%!Use liv-0 city, a ll.ur.ali,,.4 tuna, oil it,, Mis Tell yer the bull story in e, ininit-give it.@ I mikele, a grab F,)r it and made him tow anti of) about thirty r forty yards book the officito " - ___ -.----. . . . - J360 JIMEN CIMPRELL, Proprietor. 'Islupgrml, in a section Of the c-,untry called hull ptitickirrit-st lull vockount I Jwdele,s, ! dishts e When we g,,t there, I let got and having Isaven drol-pitli III Live burglarks, shortly __V) . 41411, ELGIN ST., GOCERICH __ __ 'I STANLEY, On the W.'I'simuen"OSet'll-mect. trom a cres-k sell"& 4 isarrcr escalm that quarter section dil : run on, way, % IsPe the bill I ru" tile ut6er, , otter leaving ,,,I thel- avvy IQ tile City. - r I Nitta, , ICHNS DAUCrls) 'EFII.BAYIPIELD 6, I L :,. 8.106 an fall.#. .r..u., 13 EST OF W IN E S & LIQUOILS. twarmi List insim-o, viluch runs throu:b the . T., I i a"d t%lit's tile hull loci( and .1scat Call." About vight dol:ur3 %em f,,uud a f,!w yarow 'llooday -, .- 6L.Wounelit Well, but let ad have ill- itcary." from film offivap- door. It as L ....._i" it - ,.:,ad,, . I torlictilarrils I - , to 1 To it. Naluer.fUl. slog -las. I . v . Me. Mai I roa­ Poormit use through yeast . . x3or. 11. 'k. r4c"'vooffall , .11 1Y, IT lictuvoilp) 0 tit I f,)ut,4 &I%%,. it wic unlike s Ilele; sllo,ils,rik.; act, 61 MI. bu,A- asoce'tailltd) that 1600 were tral;culaw . Jou-n.1 to .late a fe. (4'.16 which have solome - . I 1. Illy "' ti-wier my obserTiawn. You are *wells the- . L B? AT HIOXF FOR CONSITI, UINX) 8'rAIIIA NO A 4 1) vi, rENTIVE I103`yL1:lsl:l,. "efillig :.t las' En.'10 Ifutel, ill W(lat'l-iberiv, grain, from dictate in Momir@-." - maAed tied& barloustellig to thetilk .b ish.c." I . 0 ___ - Good Accommild-ition fer Tirtivellers. ,11"t -3 i'; *521 (A- d'V,.t part of Iowa ,who 1, Yes. s."Inig. Auuti's'. I %$,.If Cents, my Our Irish Letter, lit the little .1 w,i 'u-, !,ad not 12"P.f'uhAls.j(,b" a village of some five houses, alicut uim w1`;e 11 Never alload that-wil us buir you got I"can .lie front, ( ­_;, "We'st. About * (10 Or 900 in si:ver hall been brouglu 1 re,00 WIL.1'.. tap to I I ao` i.ck I It. in.. ove!,v day Isicknow, 5th March, loilG6. issif ,it Wal,sicutiotoc (,.-it; (0 ipst-white, aarse so wet." I I was Velcetitim has evionvot a goncid dounal of Wet oriectiontletateat awy-fooker aftervidurdlovill -_ - _ __. - (jut from the cit'y between five arid six oil a' hrx r warfare. All right, Mr. Uttar.. or d'.11. - __ h, mic-t-virk ; ],,*,&,,y %last@ earth 1. Yes. sartiu4 . I 13th Septevubet, ISG7. ' it' t"r as laill tanfi-te tht) public file thus __ __ -.- __ , , ! Well, you see. back line' - proceso:ons seem I,) heye bect, tile S.turd.oy front %Ile Fliptems resold to, I'ved upon ; but when j,,umah con- ereuk.) and sitilosti.oli vu a beAmilui prai be 'Out a kki!e beystat Nockyernoevolly Cre,ek. th"., as fmr.ize ; the dr.yuma had shato "so evening "' PRuNCE OF Oatur 110TEL - sm" 1 1 1 Pat I) I 0 a I t 4174. 0. 06.maon.M.]D.. ' Iffur an!hiu' aluaq as 1;.I,py as a lack. : crder,o the day daring rise hurt.two months. brow,zlit "lit a lier &arm, the reusaind,ir deKilud to write nothing but Iwo fine asity, PtirsiolAm.4us4luoN.Jio.,Aw.,Oor) __ - DUNGANNON, '0;:,,o. biJfd,z-n travelers and villagers localkikk* abecat over The farrairoloa, suad lhiukil,' Wilatit ter these processions died becoming be,nA made up from money on h4nd and the depoliud upon it that anch will doo.wit the a micro. C.W., 13:"Iy . A 111'Acif., were lountli,ig fit trwit of the muspi, tit, -plate hestalf bellut,ftll Il- greiiL All 1;o,:," It Ill Inte le i !,to,,-: fie,likent or the stover .... sent in,,- active " andilig colliniullity. live have all evintn"le 1, , I proceeds Of lilt day'* secci.ts. . . .&. 11all. IsTasihnsdiftei,n is. I e bar room ; role, lborgo, %I.e .rttlem hall lit their exertioni ill discu%er tile partic Ila- I y,,ur loan u v.Imvyr­ur7. If the Eais.r ____ __ __ - - O'Jt7%fF',TQ_, 41i It, .. I I'lleett'ri.t., o.,:y n few d,ys lattice, fint.hed their harvest. tile vic,ild. us,' ,that instill t4tero t;,I, *I,,- Viral .it fiscal; certissin it it, that the notation! I Tilb; Iii,ft-VIT. ,.If that istiver al provost Ike hall ouIv to Call DR. ReLMAX, 'i-T41-10-irs, _. -4111 riviele when 1 23- a bi, ,little ,.I cattle I , it r " , Tattle , o ,vutional close being carried eta have hall It lima been miteertaineJ bersevell a donloot at the dolo-nut 1',,st Officed sold we lit hold, al I I just oil" SAC. I all. u4noirtit' heow Ca arid u. poir.illel in former years. One or If thaL j,,u,n.l,.t relll.v ifyoughL PI(Y'llitUTAV, SUROPON, irORONFRi finials, Posts,&? ,Tombill, of every delowript . , Anopill .,-,,,,-l.1 .. .... 'be sevetangs were itoused,ii,,t c(i,,i, .%oil a 31ae. 04ce tied Remundese*t bird doorwasie tion and style oftworkmarallip. furnished am I Velt" 1, lia,ft 11"'i g-.1 at *04:1 fire ill" accorts.rar to tifilict, conartort- disk they act, And looll at itwir g," Ile that fear men we" pulanglial lot the rcobtle,ar. hall 1, CqatrwG",+M short notice'and at the low"t pri,ems. Ube- Whing of their parvit'llecov, lied ,whother there pitit,i, when Ali aluil great limal;t, Lull Iwo" luoportossit case* is that its ,sliverk If r. ,lie Of all,,;,% consul tt.-u the murder. 1c,so.o "ll'"fif It, s vroold gain for bill arw Alhhtvs a _­­ - - - rat reelection wisdom for rash. All Orders I)...,..,..., At.r2l I IC, was likely I, be a 'large eniqrstion path itsuiped eout*ti the tsil ,,,rL-i and begin few I John I , f likkallyk, 1WA 11c,lunt Ad coucerned, di.t,!y .F,,.r I,mviu the so.'- ,f rise., itio. se. -t Ili Plods ,revert. lie istall fixi!,.of. Nut con - 1. , . "' - L " . Aled I . I I "I'll", it .,c,%e,"haw. n out of a no -etuti lea, I", the wile thing ties put ,-of his vessels, , panctlislly attended to. lootuirris of Muuu Id tit., ugh to Ca.iftima 14 the sprang to buy f istia6s, h.i, all fimd gte.t curly head, and I I expicats. these seens w have gone direct to -_ _11i - dO J.'a-mblords.11,1114am'' to' i tire govern. 'waid &,ad Downi.ya prentenvok, in - - mont', &C., may Ile .cc I Ike shop. I their buridull lied mu. ther produce, whe h 6i R .Aleuts .'All, -4 pits tile silo I .... , 9 petition . 11 q ,by writin.- rators of his falsehoods oil our -rich, Dec. 19, 495 set'. ly itlo. 11101riefiClat Of SQU6110XIAJUA net Of frout ,if %LiCb IWO or ,here s,ai Ili; arid son I d adc 11 I a ,sets clairack r Larbl uJoill fiat akag- .-As n 11;r ks.do,4L I eve I r yourg rising Star at Audidley. 0 little &ar .4..LL.wd 'Nalic-re. , ,h: I t bian, .,. i " I fITSICIA. , Hourgeo-, &oil Accoucheur, Salt Territory I co 11141 ... 1 it 1`At to let on 1 Pill- ill, tlL 11',,uricen of the parties chirg- well do feet mortilietl to see him &hitting an do,r W.8 litiag client .1 I - Yes arm baell ". ka. le I w4ril't aftsild, lilt' sol. I linegi "is N 1--riging to hit. lAwat.-noo Ilerehrostr On m - - - 4-;-. * - I ov, ,clurned to it,. e,,poing Aleliz,a flit we" canoved. one (it these. a glssdl.sia d ii,or, oilojekitvv al betich. What it the ressan? Manchester, C. W. " erstaliteget.iiitcl --1 I "alre of MtVU'-LwtLt W-01 wuudlr Ullull the 11 P or .hi,tle " ]Lillie h, -r d,o.n, Sos! ... ..... `c,`Iew*r !' I. - Pabrustry.7th, 1967. - 1yr - IFIE Subscriber offers to any person or ,ev, counter. ­-Od C11111col, tllltlki:l* mw blow I'll b I :641. As the subject in one Peculiar impOr- saililit; stofl, was pres"d into service. arid Ili " toy You 1010 darkripme rather ill" light.. couropany for a royalty of wort-fiftevaLth I he ationager was it tail, raw boued,lat.terta the bleated old euss ; but joint as I roll p "A'" - se" 10 lo'shl"ell uk all All"ditis Of Political arbich they proic­dt-4 to W"Ifts loal.i ... It arairry- )our deeds being evil- I have kcowa thou, i(A. 15,1. livior-4111CM114,1174. M. 13. r1ii __ I op1w ' slid r,!,.;i.eus opiwou a few woods (in the avuh- 'in I. a lu,.t,i.,.i (:.L !,ws," a little boy g'.."I to IfE,XT;ATE COUXOP PTIYRI 011. Illif,ts, Prt'railirsor. This is ill (if Via production, cone lawlt'sere ,if 1. ... 1, with jav,ed "ah"id,141, -,Ili thaken i -ells sar.,rithug I zit, he gilt a sucort, slid talki'li" few .U;k 4 with them t4evir ill-gotten booty. An lit. I about floor hundred Islet front. I­sd situe, about his shoulders. Ilia long spindle legs top, slopilill! 0! of rl a owfule to 1, W1 &'",:dA islet 01 these Pro-eattiond may ,%tat tie out of boot havin watched ls os pr.g.vado up to mau. 'Zollostited bratC,nintry fillet to Wester IM ' so"n an the robbery arid warder were (I.ACOT I Ill Alto isirtmKoxii, C. E. lt .;Zel ­_11'11'., , ...* ,J .. 'o-le'.1. a. ..v If an. I about riAity yarolm from the present store incest of lit blue jeoup, arid he we . 0 . it I "' 1plal.*. Whetherri,,latlyor wriudiltli-sidilt lared, the vshule neightporiviod, gremilyin hoc,d, neittit-ol you nor an7 Class *fee can I on :'I'e ,,,I ti,is .1 - M.'sed, WAS A ... used t. fi, Iion, still it wad not ft,,l th:vg to his ei.sairg-, of the tooth is toll death& Terrace, (iodlimorich. W19 lee Missiles. Marine.. mud'.4 as 'ok far title, tork Fee furt.ter particulars ap;.Iy by letter aso be wuuid Iclivic d,oulativial,al -lbut',cut,­ w,,!: ';na', solve it rdici he'd ft'i In 4,111I o Your little War cou:d not hL.Te t4ken a bet - 0 7 Lout roveratirly asslearlied by _,4 - ';' ,'*'a"* ra I , I It his f,re feet. I par . f, - C" "'At 'hey a'c "leg"" A's 1 ' Mr. flu,-.,, on ,',i'.',, I .1 . . War P­protl­ ,;.-,,it a-alilinlrtt,r G,olerileh Salt Works. cosit of the -,steel lien thuC'sidild in color a calle, , as . A, -4 ! : Teout tLe,.; but in an )kviewd ,'w I " a 1 her t h- c.lo, 3 cl.dpl.yed be greto Iona bef,em the parties interested, had clarvit- __ - , N .i.e. - . 14-1 perso"al!v to e ion V.1 -cloth vap shawls ­ tigbLly duoun ru . -UN . al all - _ _ __ Alkeirei.1 or . lit.. I z%re"ll."o), .O, . he b, -.,,..i I— (L LUC I e "U"'an"c'- It ther a procoldimi,inistia bit cred the 1114(erb,wal And iforcs clle to give ter muthed to raise the yt,utig man in the . - - ___ __ - _____ __ - - ___ ,. CA MPA IGNE, la,, liveld Oat it had is- aplaa,,l of Ila T, 6" 1 Vr,-1e*14nts or It.m.tv Catliodiam, -them, did- chase t.. tit. g:,,sg. ,1,11, IA,I,,r stc&.n exturvali.11 0 13r.' r4tuant ... ry I F he trot, an, then I let (out is. a kinde, tiino-r. er, .,ill I the mado.q community. Fire i RADVATF .if thr Mel ., ball.."Mcer of a 111ITM HTEL, GODEJUCH Kta frler of C.cecly ii I-,; bee" "pnav-d Out" I Thfu he r,A taw A lope, all' mw,,I.j' it tion, 00 I I ty% vidiould not be Allowed. It is no exces'l thin Iligh it .ililr, police_lletective Sergeant title Sair, ruur wimmunill ill a. rly, "'' 1.7 . :!I Vt+,­ I'm lot, "'I'l, .all 1.11 'ut al I— ­­gerven to any that crar.a.tou, p-c,- -1 'her v . cy ,.fit" Go4riell. Dec. oth. 1866. w4C.11 flacc a peared turet straugo and on- lose a avatitt' for him to quit, I I at loc..)ue.j .V,Acly, 1',Lbee-sergeant Mrikle. sold other oiblioulaorti, sit A ,,,or 11 To ... cap., a -.,,. T,,­ " I ,Cr " to r . If.marl.181 .ad 1) .. or .... i. Ntr Y R "' -: ft. ­ ­ ---- - - ___ __ - accoul.tall:41, man, that be -as wov,.,iu. othip. airline leis a' mine, &it' c ,u.la decants t. in low voice purtnitted to be held i7i Dablin [lie ... 6,i.v of like forer, top-ther w4th spirl-ral i"I'm roofed, file olivarmus-im ktar of Susti-ey ortLew'.7k. c UOAKI PROPRIFTO . Till', -w ' Met u ek .tivdituawd ­ on 111c;l .It 11.6 Al,,ti.h yellow evor itot,ks act.? My hest * suit cile-where by [Cowan Catholics. and that e,ti/ ...... 4, started lilt Alextioldria 1'. ly, land oih- will still milloole- You hold all your asuatal.hmost - - '"lle" 11 lksw rslt`. (H4f.d) Be w4;`4",t70 I . .bove I . ..... of 140TI I , I 6. I trujoilems morcre, then and there d' I I vels I..-wit'll i annorelell0tv,ah,ish. .arerk-ituar; the ft.rN,t &,red (low', to his checks and ateaka ef 1,,.lod osbe(a; t for some able' towelinkila. ii,sled ca;cu- aer 1,:ACQS Slongi that r"I&O ; Wililo t4o Iforfr cannot parakeet the r*y. of troika it I ' - it r i .kllvd tile divers caiclivaitaw ,owure, a Zwen *wit look. 11 6, Get Ivar, .ad based t,) give offenine to certain I I 'I is des 3 ARRISTER AND Am ' tout [here I nor ... tile c",d pratiria ao' rwt , Mhoicil- erlaten proceed. -d to, Cupe Vincent hit the I ,front m.ild lo,mind, o;wering the *F Kw.1 .k.-Atto,wed. It un ,.hvw,l tile contsi-to acr,,en hii rumle.ad And down Ii, ya "..I.jects. Ne'ther is it rkr. exal'ore,for Coanail, toucloil-glat Wit -fl. Intend. Iluta-routi! Ill'" Ill' hr.. yet in diselinov-s The ligill. Mi-, hei, tri,o.ted breach" I thil, Party Procies- urned out to be the c--rmc,L one, for it,, crlihodarly it shining brighter aud limiglituor. __ III,-, and '4,ll-,-aor­ia-Vl,-­­ N - V- e Y Maul a. radiances; --a"'s"' """* P. ,r,d,&,v,;, ,',Omrlv T'llarge .,.., , calls's is(,ft i %ater ds.;q cd\ttuw ti.e claw ban.wvr It"': xi:, ! 0 B `, TOR' .Y AT w 1 s.t3es,l 'ard .."'d h., I a pelt stick to he seen neater ill ' , 'u, , tock of zi., C,.w is- 1k1i,%rney,fI.almneb, awsdAW"1 '"o 0 _ - - IJ "i ..oil attend. h"w I did went ill st-.p ri_ 1cre i.i. Ac; to say. that such a law slal nut I %.)If 'A it lio", Your tui.4ii'l, ZlIar *A be, .0. ,14 r I to t,dp,ui ws. jgi,,ag,.uca, Cood " . art filow" ., t-11-6 -1 it -9 I toot, slid f, out tile sea tat be,,,], of slid ecial also laim, bout in onl6uh the fugitives bad crosswil, w __ WM. EJ LfOTT. I -I '-*&. 1-1 1%T M; 6 ill" ,umP.- ads' his )lick lie c,tri led au ui:. over my ofoutaAer oku are the eve, I ..ulllz vumq I I iouucmcr that it is ulijull, idint It to All 1,.ound hauled up ,in shore imul.dAteir, Isuclo"." very mona 1,,nt to our view, never mom to aill sat- ocfwair - __ __ __ 0eneral Horse affill Cattle Farrier. ­ -e-7 I— cloth carpet In.;, d,.-c...,,!y I.eev,,d I, iilt to their loyalty, or that it tends w lite W,)I(L. Is slid I In&,, Catliolic I . . rate. Dr. W. And his 7 70 dds,k Isculdres to-. 11IT11111,14TEK, ATrOWNRYI CONVXY . . . / ,-,*-A V lot,43, - ..111, I is I'llete efel-took"I 1o.A his tell 1,11, V.,nin' : I- to _,bu ell dor - , Ali$ * lilt; Is C, - olled , Is al bi'vant.- Jim& on ,lie de -all lay dto--rl an' I let my legs brow ,at file, shade the noble ch-edn of their There well Would it: tile Lout, as done ot fit,- vilter will. thistivil if ils;$ ill turn ill power 13 ,qmakk.V-, X.ar-I.A.Irld.1.0-d _ I 111111.1 11 11111i"Ita it's W1,111. , f ust , heroic alicestors. All that con be said I lie wili be ullum-ked, so -d brought Ill the light ___ .--- _-__ __ - -ith-0-7 New Grortry and Tem,leraile.- 11ifilse, . - - - 1. ruom with count ani)tL,,r notcu. 'I he came dru, oil;, lull claw C."'. I ' Party bad been wounded, which afterwards No jr.insaying ;_, ,,,.I lonan"I'lle cl,iller of color tilde boots, he tuck till I got I -ear tile c,c, 4, wils, -I I we , Nuar. .10ho 110avi.e.. ) N , it Is. that the government ithistraront is case. The welitsker pro at juatirit toy nor rising 1IRRI'll"I"Fit. 'ITTORNRY."1011CITOR I I tia ­ of its duty in the proper admi ,. ully 1'r(lved to it@ it -Nolar ; in year ollitur wisruggle you, - Benmillar, - 's -kit a Od &I'll cast ask intim, iog ): Wove at I negi, , o than Mr. 13 ,-_ , - 64 uund P bl your nowalkin' a I"Ce grain tile be.1 ? istm- eceded cm htrcl,kow. while it pwrV, consist- t (*%aime,lorr. lie, , Mnrlact Square W%I'TA.,ro,-h,I W.!,, .atrvivv h.dfle,, it'. (i.c:v Occuicang the ticudwaita front ,.I t ,,, cot I lie law,% ... it C.'a'. of A W. "i /"­ "-., tinle-116 soutody 'beout a hundred la'do, I Ordirsailemakint,lae other I- it not "Hinifill uliC of Mr. %k Kitt -head, MY. J. 16.1tivill rise 10112issed vita Know a inevving in ll.yfield of er.19inatoot"'111141107 It. 0841 l and .11 "'.-or . ......... M -4411;,n 1'. the - 0-o Lie. Mr. li.g.. Jr. tit - 1 I. reu;­- as neemberal of a great '.,six' the carle;cal men. %% till regard to this I , c bludlord of &Ile lit Li,,,. lose. J-A, JcL,,s.3f.L, but fell dimilitrydrarno,to, .%fr. I Iran and whers, __ ,______________. Palliate, at rely com.'strull. late.. I I a . -11- Lglst," Ar_,.n.J,;ooJ a"d said : quc,r.th val I wur sat tmg lie vouti, w3i,iq, - Prot, st,ot nal ... 3, that there id a law on the ed act,,;% th Is'..,d I,, fla,liclaclo, . . cur t him have Altire p:ty, as it was tritur lant tinware Illearl Her 15. 1 1#47. 17WG,nlpo ::Uutalirs'u,"', ii.r." I I the Stiturle book of that Hatton, prohibiting miluth cde, mallien-, enquiries us they went slaud ad 10.1 dramatized Y,,Q lative,ld .Mr. John. I ov,selvasuar & %yosilluer. . it jl: c or - such a skeer th"t my liewt 'I"Is. I these I-rucewdo,s, to prevent them lvoki::4 I'Loy wain- infortned by live. Nanestl Watts, sion, late Revive of sLan:eyr, bar. d,",u- kinty'll . IATFRI; ,; I 0 U S I N E S S I lieu ar it lye tie%- ? Ile 3 now the landlord eta to d swi:vc in dush war",. . , its I I .miari , way 1WRIL r ilse cof)-­ - - _1 Aq IX L -ft 0 U S E elf .Mr. ll,.rare II ­t -,n, .!­ i.e* twon so :.n7 0, this Lemose Ili kindolu, I' C,:I" 1 eve ' ,,irf in them. Isit them raw every le " &I a (I that four men were seen polov.,ing at way .I lese"t to jamlato floor himarlt, %hich is the only rroiti, I COL 13 . &.,-. little. ore -, tells of " beir frelit,'-s all I u. fu*t rill. 1 1 . 0 1, iffalls 1, w is 4,,n.0­l,rirL. 0-1 I , livar,c she A a levitle I c""ou'I'l . . I - 'I I and I aror.1,11, lit,own ill 0.ot c.pac,t ' v. low.- I,, 1 -yo -S r ' - , 11.1 I C 11141 We A II)a of littered means seek is madrockill of their an early hour, carrying haissror Carpet half, "clas priuciple for kit to be avoided lot. _ - __ _ _ _ ___ Tuvr ,111cabassirflacr %'w,v. lissomps lite !s-gs, -till' 14.1 We am -,I to conn.m. file --tvaurt' inow ? Iteclaim ys could tit Larep %ft] a, uu ef I c.,u!d bold eclut shme Acn1*lA i ,;- 1­­eva, if xneviin",ir they have, but.. which Ihq n-il.ently e`Lch Lrv1;ed from note I prel,crl ,, youra. ACV. too.ter NVITZ-vi satiety will bailor ltlt. Is of humilleve oil flow, some favoralde terms to par' AL feduar hem, nor giie him A Litt O, ,"It Ill, longer Ud-tocc,, t,) 'f .n. I lo.pl,ed lic'k . ..... 1, it,- Y cr,.lard the nalervit tif prott'stant, it t tll vrk 1-tesnother, violins, to its irriiiat weir -lot : a few VEuITAS. hase,m a, they have hith. Ili enj­,d. lot supper cculd ) er ? ' the rufr ri,k, INI.-W., ! it Ilia, t,u'l *%ell', i , I tell simake. the like, by stores, wad Openly dilly kvi va fauthoor ()it, a Lessner mould Moral also - ____ -_ I ORWAT1.110F.R A N ' `;""I"IT-"`zI0N 13101SERY & GLOVES! I 1. .1sablic,ilsorral have ,in ha! a at th, I ...".) r w. .4.4cliessid it -Y ­'or." lie rli,rts of the natirva, whether musdirecte t reported ba-in4 -ve'u ,loci. ; still further or. vilembs"I.1a, 9,., . . . tskilitf feet O' tome, h,,i elves .11 c, ten, &,I' kid Tmi:7'i:txCCAYfli'ttivl-FPR()YWLtz. .-Ari r. 1e;hop,!4a,rket&luArP, u very large Assort "I'l, "'can to 8-1 Te hen -Il a.,' livalsil.- ; notell-il i., .or pal,rual, to preserve enter still Iro(ld will. they atoipped tit a horwe ar A,-.Nt..,Ab-w . Ition,wrim. .f..y L -$I .a- IN I IIE COWNTMI. I . . i look, of 1, its I I, i,,, ht. 1,ut wy is, ' . It r re a welfrook, gave- I.:flglim4 ,. jeakles, I . L itotaim.wilitocomwepr,mvinit,nti,,s. I %.lit " falu. ' 'Nv vaw.o doubts their 'utob,itizicivid InyAlt writte that "ill* I rinces I CRilicil. F. ARCHILIA1,I). f I rd.a all jet r" - a It. 1. o' .. V I Y,- thol tni;,k t,on her triquiting where they is tnkiug bastia at her two" ILI Wiftlonalesis I Relt altiallat In the ecoele, when I fe,und tht, Eng. W,m fro, hey mail[ "from Kingston." A ,h her Leave all quite stiff, her ' W46-1willows 0 at . z!, -D]p.:..2, I G,xlericli. Ars-ulit 22!a4. 1 laflit. .-.01 J f)"11 11,,y,:l :MjyyZ Do, :-Yes r." , I it,i, .,t,:,uneb devotion W tile Crown Of __ __- - __ ­ - .- - __ - Ila zi usil darts' glad to iwar on't-an' if You.,11nitter-ursollouthor --peausitelaw,lifrotansw, ,4 III W tile cauln, ,A freedom, for al hich al,.c I flilitance forom till* lieuel- they seem di.sily, mind thrvall ___ 1 IN 1TLnT NTVI a. kill justi u,.x a I.-i-oor as little, dii'l."', but .. hold the bull so close I via 1(,,Y-! Ili,loness, ilk Itall,kh.,T belt" and roll I heir father@ bled oil many a hard I gilt 4 -eta to erclot a fl-raws., twrryi,,;g lh Leavy car .router. Stkv tale a driven dlely, and may be Floridian THE BRITISH EXCHANGE HOU Losill.1 .;aakoast t".. bid 6--!J, .4 one doubts that 11h,lUld OCSAIII OU ,,.%,'&,FR AND alises, "ro"f, "It" - go'd 't- rat ,;'Jr ­t a Palo Ilk. bre.,th ,in my back,. I th(l' I "I 111) I'LIVIN'T oil m- part hot;; or islese with tracer, owed going rare lm -el. on the balcony al device playing iVIL FX,.I .;UILVFyol, 1:::X30W30X7Lvm ilet lick an' but beetle visitor, i"ll do me on ill that cl time ; X. z I-- k,orevoillf, hlt,'., ,It,'- I I h -,y would once more unfur: their par. the wuuds. ,;aGemov'Xilsocar I". I %% lit -it Ilit-y cam-- .,lit Lbvv di -I with her chiAmn. !%a Prince is every - V, Leamal Agent end Ceave , It; .t ,.,A4...hrehit'"A, r,,I,ared tit ,wilecto "in h3i elitist o'gilt, I." Jill. still ve,.u, Sheer ,Ann. cay gr,,I,i Color. ple b.t"k-, for the sake of cia-il and rc!i.in`h% not carry the tong. haormir rvi.h-ntly ch;ided T" le, ___ / AINGUS McDONALD, Proprie.or. tll,- tlublic at ral-aflir mduvr-d price". f,rca,ih. -Oh, yr.'r, I vv: t is keep Front', riiin I,.. P. ,,,,u !" ' Just at that illitant I w .be"; leathes slats's toreakfasts every rattler ___ ' p so stun%, lifiverty, or that, shou!d their rizisits be once the apoil. After this they met a blow and Ii"- day at the lf.tel do I* literevin lounges acd r ... no ilk %x0sommill F­wwr, wall di)'%Pil it. roll still irimparet lict for trinveiiets, witi, al IL,y Z" wet, slid on ti;u back of the creek n,,d amid, a alqu, ,, an"ce "'Ailed their reply would ba the asolart Lored it there ill" It lelog-apli office at ilk" attract will he sli-at,cl on the part Ofthe thcvr st,icli and prices barflies, purrhaskPL, else a, e ritituated to cold*. ; 0 chatis Brij g,.q irks plessalWy and smadectedily I for it. c xpet-tin' % )get ()it file 1..p 0.4, I ... I "id. I,at:eald "No Surrender," W by then ierry-ttal ,,oil, la,ldi ... I ; I he b .jr rep i. -J . N TTORNIES, SOLICITOWS, tile., ""do No' propri-tor of the shown hotel to merit r nike'le, as such a clowince, in soi-if-an offered. --Niscar, totaling no,,, I i a good ith low imuds; . "" a I.. gold J.."N's at re,ti W. Ordam-GfIIA OU"i NEW L All .k;K Air& fo luome till that can tie required b the - deA ut t:..,. 11-Ill"11-1; L- lie holler, ftn' I l.seholl it.- *'It City persist in thwove displays, the rot- that there wous, not. At this time they bad tile tables, Walk$ &WWI ill the CrOW44 4100% .. LI-1-1--tie-ok trairl-0irsir community. Give him a call. 11. A %1k. MARTIN. 1'.4t...t lietiael." ."I'le. I ji.,t bad roomi to.* sq:ir.,se decision ill DO Ile ing of shrich could do *em tit) earthly no carpet brig. taketio h or cuitfive under the tree. at Kurvalawl. ,,.:. F.I.J." . G,Arrieb. Oct. I Gobi I ,if;q. stile --Yes F. Cook I ... twen, -hen I hoiAod hour bel taw at top, hism. &nil but for which, party allimmities Al] these In-ople repreftnivid thet one or and is not in any snnoyed either by foreign- feracia.4awtivillfills. 1964. swI03*31 April l7th, 1467. "12 __ _ _ - - _ ------.- , 1% ,,I,* it.* land:,,rd was prel,&-irig h:s rcin, Ali' 91 It It dArn bit t ,u soon nut I am ; for ust "not [,lit, r, unchristian feelings might long the'suspeet. of party kept his list over 164 van ,or tile Iiingliall. lie loroks well, foutill of a' CAra[AWAN HDTE] Is EST FliTULIABIENT lite strall-g- , st-cd is, fr­t ct she use, will, my loplosul't ake-It dr ­u. Ile. 13u';.'. h--,,,] since b.,ve been lassariiii in ges. brown art hpit] a hand,cerellief t.) Ili& face. ,vitalifis and enjoyment, &ad had II, PIGAISSual, I flff 1W rxovvx*.T- tile pack -1,-I --I Ilia 1­ k. evj,lw,,tly bvnt ion collide oil whack Rjait a', [lit- slump tit: every- ______ - - - - would seem a"& thin inan it al been won,, refiVemolk w -Y of .saily livit.ug through the d 111ifill NF1 , 901,11CIT I el -li'Voil W--J)rvlcs I Illy CLINTON. C. W. ,, can, ilult the correct usivir walk done I., ,be it in ,led. . .. If- lot, , 1; 1,11:141 of in the face, whid. acr.,uutcd for the firm `7 F % Bur.-lary and Horrible Murder at e As this, chase cornal all Meadow on J. I- -- " __ --------- __ - ------ - _G__ T I I F,' (ILD The lalese of i 'I .1' I In'17 4a", __ . 11 of al.". W..I-,.,. Khowls, Went 94.1. 0411011- . ll,.i,o 1:,,:,,l .,ad *.ter tau.;,; ... g. I facts ic,r. 1. ,jullu, d better b'iicvo I felt tLeiiii,rul I nioner oftalucall in the boat : mild the we,lund it to It Is, and them is plenty of' game, it is twou- .,.I 111190, Want .1 (11606sone 111 -sed, Wit T U Dial 11 t It V I-rolifirlictor. ing ltubi,edl a *V(gul,-r voo,kr,' he wokei the mour fi, u­l at last; arid ill.! ol! Colds, of a Morton's Distillery. supposed to have been naltueled by Driscoll _____ _ - - - - - - __ - - . cipatt-d that he will bay* acme shooting to .1 Olt" I I IlFestalki,ohl in "..'rou,1­1 w,th ,11 the 'j, ,U.,d,.Id 1. tolutt 14 I. Uloylug tit. polack. I his b-ArOtist"I be chi,ppointed I 1­rl, h- tie rr ,in ci, U ... 4,t.,a [).it, x-- .till tile IniWor Weld ]Yang by his audit. It the royal, formerly lite ductal, donvaims. A , - Tre,loseroloomout. rietcut.al to the ,-,"Ho' I'll ii mi a. A .1, At an early hour oil Sunday morrain-, the well looking youthful Prince of I'tds;ia is A TTOR"IPT-AT-11AWO T(f1!Tii`TT0R 1.1 oft living dLo-r, lie wait About h-4 eig ws cartri did ivr roui.d calt till to itch Ili t I WIL4 ,line"wer'-d they half the" latio-d on w . , Isist'hol, Vlonue.vol"re" samet.. wul I , biLg Ovilt to %Ile lai.all4id to lint lao,jud ,.he leave the mile, a -ill b,-I:er. I 1­-fe d of) as , ;1, .LA startled by the intall"Itione, that & llr. G-h.ey a. arlosialan they enga,ed I., forty Also hil with *beat he allookmare 4a be uti- , -,h, Clea -don West. a ­... _ __ -tv be chlight GIAIII Of nil calnut,,n'. Lima. it t tj eve Is -low hoo, wele gett it' un, tout I avol:at wreaciluss courier had been cominiltaid 11 ancitc." ,, 7,"r'qh,d"e,eT.1' 4`1-1 1A __ Lee, as he i Ilk 0 or In C VinCelit. ]'Ili& Vaill &I .0a, .uLa ,vI Want It"We'lloraide,orf'-so I Ike I ,,.,,I i,. it, slid thercle.." ptut.tel.n. a". vile. k.;l,%,Idste I p,r,p-d.ieow,io a-zen olliel switilcoit; c gilt ove'lock I IT. .....'r1lung. Oil Mr. Gold , va'!, . AUCtion Ift (; ' TnisSioll. MARTIN A X A, N N too,ovien the hours oforte maid twit ,)'clock. " I ' i I au an ­___ - rt.litelvair A-smosm. om ;ci,olut 0,111-., otal.i., It. Ifie for I li,d.-'t kkaur*n gilt try h,AJ up when his vicar me can be pndpibly issiocertained. The A Theft Under Ouriouss Cifntnu- __ - f 1, TO INFORI! If IS 01111 (71'- TOM ,!" on c' on a ., . frey a return he found a party from the city - __ ____ - - on,ata hent.vielredsco­.ye ,lie carpet la.,,,; It ,tit c aiae mtr.id lie ,,f it, an' li,i Akuil hit file or " I wa i I a man irty yean Of Age. Ili pursuit, wholen It-! mile, feriied over, vartiv- ,,vaii.serl nave. Gow-'I'le'n &C BFG- . stiLiallices. - '%T I I'TNTON_ era. that he is At.1i Rb% to sell for cash, fell jr .111 his LA,ld,, 1.1, i_ d,.I,,,.,I, vus,A alluvial- liken riatil. J'hntliuIciu,erdk­tr,n- tiana,J Corisplituall')'rullItCottil. A ant4tCholAll at I i,,,r there beG,re, fill- strarner, on varoll.-h we'.. - . ,tTT0Ii -LAW. SOLICITOR IN at the 10% elit roolook, [,,r a lea It"11,11"ble, be bloted tile ottry imAge vilived we shut the beat filing I mould (to Volicelillergeant Bell, iked 1­1terfarken Nvog.-tit A correseporojewt inforvina the Proundoodoh. Che' ",Ii,.Iolvremi"c,""Jr.0, ,.A"-.I VAndtiritblikamilit-41 1N.";!J. Mwit-m's brewery anof distillery, still labor (flad, .b,C.W.-awn,..,a"YC. 19. A,,I-,I,.-,I*- __ ILL KINDS oF ruRNITURr, , .hsp.,ir. At !e. Soft he r. u­ucI hIm,e iiii'd *144, ill If)- lAugU;l40 (d S,lUire 4 hooke:er, to I trim Ive, It cosilloyed in that estal,iAhment for hold Cools, with a tat ,it- nalubur of cuizens. Ifir(egr,aph -1'. .i, - --.!,, 11 I .. . ., '. -!i - - , ,,J,pnmAyW i i.11l,, b.4 C.t.tilt'l 1 ml .gLIU.t 11 9 f.acbeud ' I lay 19W " w-t0i 1-!^.-k ,hc!ix, nil' ch.. lullm Lhul twenty three yearst. About oil(- 1. 11 l. ,,, _,_1 141'am, Ustabb-to Work - v lion 19 LICM If M-114-1.0 1,117riv.. C.-J."elk .Nt his 1.0p .... K -,,._-t- st,cut . Tell, AlIlls,91'. at the Li'mill. M .NI . . v,,v . "i ,.to. oe,eq Voll 'i.,l. U I * __ he how"d, 1.1 A To-,. a J ist all I of mailti, tit. uq I ... tv.1 ov'cl,Tc% I I the nattraing, an ovrkp!,)yee (A the In file runaluturee ill l antlioritips lawl We- " lZalsoy to Lead oft Real Preatlerty sik .turlls,y, .ad '. It 11) Of nealtroluct,.g I Ike rOIlt'-" c IMCF*i*ll Of Matilda. Oil " 11301 I"AOL , .-I n li,lw!, Gotlerich. Give him lict tit put mi hend mi, ng,okkuc. I ..It %.at ,,&I- Isom A pe -`o` liamell 11"11, % seeking Machias . , V. . A lteq. I - ___ - - M .,,,.% .?t ,.­i ,a rp,r.wy ( r elrow,fi-w Call. 4 %1.4i,rd, coined, rri ell ! T,etma!ly 1111111- ft-' F"" "'Ll -mot in lite leg I ever lilt-, 61111 .. ketabli'llmelit, who lives ill the brick graphed I ­m Leis tit Capa Vi"ce,it, Wal;., -us maymt! at .Mr. Mel,on'.%, On Is. ,,, ",,I,, c . C. W. sale *MI ,-Ir Is rellirl'. 11'siolle. Goderi.lis Ort.1 1 o;G- P. .1 I W3, ej I hisibe access the road north of the ollict., was 11-1, I "weg", 11 -'I-- 'ter, "4111-lill'sIZ. A;l'x- "f!"t' L B A R it T,q T F, it, ke.. Wo 11 r It f IT F. to. , 1, to- it st rod cA two, ,-. I- par Awl a a i I v -1 te ad- --- -----+- --- - --- i"'Ca-h I V- il-itod.od And., say acres of at t,.e main., licne A"Inettiu, tlymovene If ill ­I­oi , , house frills, &Le city, and ll,dik=' .1111rix, flar. *till ,other p!micco. .%fr. lill,l_ th, f," -t al,,,ve me,-Illytowl, I n' retiring to - orvirs-sisomr 6 New HI -IL edtilthr,maro,u,plowl, ly . ' im best Wad tb-t ever i,,,,J -ut'6r do,ra, rip mob:z. wh z, ill'.0 ill if. fooll"m cA tile holei n-al-lat il"his rpsicacuest, when lie heart on I . . eve I fly sal"a forty of It,,- bell. he l'u'll,weit, Lost,% hairlike U.11i Mr. - - - G. Ad. 1AL EN't"A"r. .,; A,,,I­ M-1. ed all ,. li,.,I,,,, ? Oil, -I..lcr Actio, little Ali' lip. I it:, -I to tooth d,,w.. to to e what Oil I I.e 4m Ile; ty, im, cnf,v -1 W6 ket 4,,;­, 11-1, "ch CORDAVOOD. : - , wie, % hom he Insist lowest to to. it corl (the 4­4,vra, .tested f-ir %he woods mto whilt't .Nle:lon, all, W'.. 'let rat .,r Lot " ide,uld Come I I4.r . 1,,,kqWe,st IlAt law am roi,­J, ousted J.'aij, I atio'll. c"I'A " Ile, tout tl , 1,,,I -r w;,. ,,, i'llorce". ,,i-,I,t ,vatchorltso I itsheawkwas familiarly called, gfl# lo,ir iia ­i wOre &eta to casuist, (N,i­', a Lt. 'V. 11101 --cod" 'Ili Ili. Acc.,rdiii-, lit ,%fr, Mel,— o',A .%fr. Bush A111111.1111ITrit. AT,rottNFY-AT LAW. Iffoney to Loan on Real Estlite, I 'ttre yea thiukesky th&u art a le-4,,mir ! U!, I could-, t get . c;:.n,-e %,, 1 ­k, i ... ( Intirtme ill,- d,,4A .11 a"n1vtIviag within tile husll)and after vanillin I ... ughl) earn- .to hy Idal back at,.,, and pro- ' lie, aw shid , B 0 a J, -rut; I:m I Obet it Poll% Pdo any lom,­d that there her a duol:llepy yaroL the drager seem Lurking I%ri- ".'rell '"'c".ed' d !" ,,colmg ... to lie. lUftia's factors, took the ,or.Ztoolloir.1, . tjolifew-Bl.k.l. Ill,,,li. llmwaihtt tro,ilixTrusit and Lu a(;­,,pmi Teamsters & Choppers. I evei skillet you ":I"p t 11111a."Ouddramill. I; . . '&at,' '! failing rat belt on lilt the di tillerr mark oil it I— anaill Ar Upper G... A. - it... dclarurtioll hew bill wri,v.,Ijt,-d rati;e%n%l.e it. tile, mtualp. inrwjr Ali t1iis was ,,lot at, unusual (accur. atiA a car,..t b.T, contaiiiing 6mr or, h -'-r silts IALt,!r*. 14.1-i viatch, voitird at Lli.'i. front a . January 31,11,6111111. ow37 U. M.TKUPIPMAN, aloritlyio' an' .1imirio', an' " W I eq I I hot ,it . front f Inct!o all co"I'd I ,dwif at the hered (it the filed. said then went - - _ __ - WGJ Market "quark, (:,4" h. !-'.I4I*'!Ci wi:l tie r ... iled 1-crCh.printli. Alter all cur 'r ..... ... he entersel his homsetantl thoughtno i.iltrbasirs; inovell ulthew bagar al'.e" in .., . -------,--, ______ T 1,chln' an' turn,#,' on' twilitilo' i aralsor sell- plunge in get eouL W tile ectntooell,j deal cattle all-out the matter until informcd Ili the coppru,j, *I in live mll I­vem, and dI I. .F. lFrarivaincle C- 11oddan 1 e,crialor wild FerieitiX 111 sorr"an ,all di Ic I , 4ovin without wpoidskua4. Mr. Bush, , Ile lllrtev v It" lilt slicer, . meter tat I,,' but Iff'Curnoted bell wara*t val than thiall,nit it waa a 1,,.cs,, al joke Mr. Miallim .TTO alli E, Y.NT.L.1,111y. 3MACIT(IRIN I Island OMC(N ii6on 9 and 10. 4ot I 0 econcession 1, fluirlicilyd 4 I ra lit% eilliv annealing that Driscoll had been foully hasse closall4e. Them me,, ,to. lot tile hon-l'in Ili ;I 91'E'R ,,f I..T,,.,v,d Farmild bad Wild . I , tew.yrxl Olt hatiffer An, I lie I-i,w tinkso ; feet off, 91-11 16- Inillit he maked my I.e.d bin -.a 1, afinj .... hi .... ... ill ucithi,,li. lly-and. A orcry. Ireir.'t, - 31r, . (I'ller R Ef Ito-ef. I i,Aot, tell. I nes:4vied during tile night, and %hill the al tile police, Pernoul .It,) trad speu tile ;: Close "­­ I ,it rter thou .11 ,4., a, Asia,, Cluu * to chute 1, coni- at .I, full chin, 1. ]'lie runt I kn­1A c. W.. SiOl 8.1.4ral" W. Oir',to-Knit" Land Joe :1.1e. *,I' a ,.Ili e ,if the brewery ,,,-,I -htsillikry It,,-] 114""' 1 -or tre-n represented tl,,,tll A, bel, , 1h,,,i bye, however, Mr. Itush he -an in tonspect Apply. (if by 1-tte, r,rr.i4,),,,v nr befor, ,,, ctud,,r. %c'm a Lust ­1 Lou, IY I Vy 1, r. hall d-algo-4 back- mter the .stump straits, aid ,loathed rof a large hum or rental y ittaii-d to be fall g I I was lint right, sual itir. Melient not it, 4". lrolicl lo, AR*W,. part@ mal,all. storm, I 0 31. TRUEMAN. that a;, Octel-ri, h March 1. I'" 7. III a to lit Filed m TI unably. the I Oth t f ' Octolper next. to ,,sl. ,.I I All, .11 lost _ III, hadn't in, rot loucild 6-tt"'ll h0o,r I htA %beat v'r,00. ... ,li", luman .net, &ad a h,v ; two: lot thoolor 'elmuing, I.e. yorrh lejuvoy other i"trusle ofthe __ - - ,WAI,I'El' IfICK. In.,lele"lenjull, all' .,vamrAon. k-atuseet another OT I keen hire ill to le ,. I r2ilde a bm."'g th"I'li" age'll' '"'d a ill tit " y king la,,ume. -,last is. lol of Li.n. They moon O;Vlul-r. fluids. will be at he. forensic wilire, i S l[_.T,_.;_1ivn_ NacF. - ­vI ,We, - _- - - . y riumvE or Tilt: IfUlifIrn. . Saydeld'o,"'y lallowhily o -on 10 $a- in. I'll 1. ..'es. G04"rivvs. rawill ill 1, 9 .,,it a sit the rlplowd iwicroal I-atiol lima in company realm which 6ort had owkw36 :4URGWALOI'EkArm: ANDMECHA'MC. (Ionflairicb, Swpt. 20, Il'1117. 35-2t )e!u 7" I -"i,. 1, ,,.,Ill. ' A 1, I',..., outburst firme file tat! Yaul,c, t,,ok a., be I drove W hit', and I lools 'llitiged to Wall " B ill newa travel& fairt, " and tire news (if At 2 p. on. a te!e,--1uI WAA received her,, ,,.it IN-oll stbowent,that evening. Is Wall .low ___ ____ - - - __ ___ - - We k, '. ,, b3t it 'in (love Call. ol'incer'l .1ating, I b -,t Olt fuffi, IV, a is e , vrill6am. ilw" .al by surpiise- -told Wit lnl,,c - wh.tt 9, - . the of ,able crime apread like wild lire through ppon­nt that to III&,, .%I,. 11.111 Led w,A- R'.qiiY-?*T-I.AW7*i("),,ri-C,Ton IN 3D 30 IV 2P Z F3 W . I I teratusublummo, much seem "%R tn,l,f, z-dd,,W,,iiiiermrqtnm,,R-iiiI the city. Tile, to-rcing open of the ,,%fcI ,not hall 1, t'i I h,,. c ill ... of t-ri Wcluck a. mi., ill a t,,cel, foor ',fr. Mo-Uon ocivis a gortaine thief, I - T. N v. I ,,I 11i or the to .r, Wet" fl..I." rem, I would er b,.t 0 Avallon u'rum that Native Alan , he ar, h1wry lilt its clontesm seem trifles room c,;,ri:tge volvich tli(-y hircd to drive thein to % * Aho(h#aomyt C'.8stwiltwer. iftal. Wail, t: rLECTWIPATIll THE R I DG "' PROP'PlY '.';:;,' s"7, ',7u`d I ( tat utont ltiy. I wo of thern rot ijito %lie had lion% eve,io-d uffike warch ellorde the 00.,Aaf000 1,11111birlra TEUH irl it, ,,;ti,,r ri. fei:y do,no 1J, utumn laid weattitir ocatti, *Oil -1 Ile a WA 1- in Ican'll tit hownst. I 0till Istled It, tile murder of the inoffensive "Con," 'lie dealer al 1­)looll, at how I A *..Well whis - - _ tem, Otdd. Silver, or Vulcan 3F 0 X 8 ALE. its. to, cii,her oil- whi,h wl.u%f lie III,- mns, i.e. 1 whit witil A f4yo,ite atn(nax the amr,itkaneu; a start imigs in III*- withare, the mher ah,,,ct livit made f,)r lj r title, I of on L or e_ - __. i:0...otorit. 'lhetc;e,rnoistA%( - , ls,.ul A ,k: is. _*limassit St. Bain, B. A. lf: %' To I lt,lht,r,,n "m­nwih1e!vrrc, TlIr RESIPENI'll, OF TlIF LAI E JO.li'i 's`t.'1'Vhat In ill(, world loss h-lipperved to Y, cimin Ill,it a Christi Ili, to he rizeurd to death Wrest -vot illy, hon"t man, and lima-voletic us it 1 '" . - ,J1 lurthe"t -.-. ­ - ? "Ifle" ,am' al"Ibia, Poor lifficle. West r1irlet GA Ul', Feut. We 3( 1 Yo ,a a U11' fly val 011il Iferat srailk. r,r have rely lit sulls I hid. Itsis poiciple living in the viciuity a ll kf pam"m hull left lit pu'll"it. The lite, . - w . - ni" t, t as st, 1,1u,h Jis"e's how,luewls, traced to Xr,,.118.1.1c, Teae.111na Or"nig. C) 1_X _&_ 114 0 30 :246 "W r.dencla. ug At [his rate liver that gililug it) ,he [Our will !4 by A cussed 11610111ale 'a 404 to tile Irene uf tile, mard,,,r, di,etuing w' so I on . I - ., 'taioly nut AlEcult A I oo,!ec, If,& ,of a ..... .... 1 leh-gloun Ilona . . III$ ror ryokvrty is 6--toolifullar mituatevi rippen- q to.., ? anNed 1, adortiont-mg I adl. I th,11 ,or the in it liar, of A,m,,s fodpi It scarcely Possible that tho tepurt cf.u!d Ile .... . I ;*- 'I---- 41MV., T "I'll, l," ,"In, Tll:koie violist. C.pc vu.0im"t c .... tallied the gratifyi " is]. Mr. W. in nti^,,t our nwitt p lliul.,r sartimill a AND 1[ ),I, TN r J04,1[ site.' the Town of Uladerien. on Ili,- '. . e.c he - i:, ilmot Kizerp.meecral with'hon,vian] Joseph I true. I'll evilly ore,f--d, lanIrever, to, prime -Aliftence ,in t,ad been hr. 1161-11 1-1 hicill ofdr,twi.ig. Theithermornin L A W 0 F F I 0 a - North 11.0 of tile ,.Oh, .0. lie I lJoly Jurewsal!em, of ,fill" scurpted toy Pomfiel'g vattroot &,'oil cl. cl ,led the *i,%et I the main airstiorance to the t . that flat" or ilk, I Dr, r N 1CLIP 4. L ii -IN -4 I that ! ,let to I rorit by their example. ' u ro,kkilid I,, Witiett-mn just as they w ­o fire. what. latimilr ,,I -.tit, he vain,roterrupted be a C it aass's New nrit.111,104. It,gralsol-0 Ir ST359 MVMr ,% SVROICAL & H XCIIAN ICA ,­ ,ocittain, else but that I On, murder, murder- an grin I primilied toortevil the fact that a brotal valid ".. - cunt"rearr. *,B-- Y.m . k____ - -_ P11,6114 to %it down too a metal which find roujrhl­,'n, . Mr. Wit a 0 1) 0 a I C k I D-wTtxT,fN~r1eh,C.W. - ., asl hardly ill ... k , on't ! - 'J he, r's 1,,c, at" tomfloor it, loci Pamir h1w all it went !!lal, 1. ! -. y molder hall beer. crinervittli-1, and ttmi I ') Is. 6,­ih the poli.ite, ? *1 ,ion pi,." -,Y,.0 teach MArrLAND, I it , be. it ror."i'I'Lif rot all,,,.. M" b m0e Same Alto,, fellin lic,prou-1, asid tA.4in* tile grain. Ilia 1,-;,,ot jult then a (,It !'T,Ite car R _I --rate struggle had ti,ilen 1,1.ce ill file Was -teeters, I h1rort, T- --Y-s, si,­,` repHed of oil the Revolts of LAke Ilarairs. It core on "'it all the in 11 Ill.- cil it , I on. I h,ly tat e ( N. it.-Conveysisseing. Money Issaii an Room, 0Vy Mr. F. Tordolan'sDrur 11"vere an , ,., Jed .boom% Our bile let. h,ol ,nj ill, Illy , and losevi my il',ul couldill ba,11-sitog kin rZortiorm Of the victim to) evicapir from hr., Y' tile artiost, etho Immei,d bass visitor son* r.na(MiLbi, vrrem. Dierpowlsial swoull alkalloativo tj-T",h ratt-0M anoth-lel lol by 24014 to" :11 7-10 acres (if l,ind more or lee. to P I. a jest 114e nip ars"ber unit to Jew. au uP Wor liPA-1. an -4 16,i bvi!I hwiri' on hwid lei !4ml.-mirier after lit- halt rec.-iticd ihe latest wAqmupI,­,-1. air Fitda.w,mind two tif th, I tithlis to real Snake Qni*ted. me -Moe .Pray. with Dili iiii-ioc, (loth,euses, Stables, Will, st'll,1­1 mit Mr. olillirtili'd Aine,j,nai set "ItIly Old f fvvc`r ; "JO Pon wants your lq-,I, A .. with I-E Goorien. Viatery voill Orcl.­d Ena", b. if,-dUl is ^ hull 9113tter oc-cuou of ile'­d fi.:rd illy eyes or '.g -k full .if batir la, ,w. 'the,., i4 A 1'.10 -.If I, ...... n-, on, mi . 11 - I -o-:. I bobbed vagnol. for wu.ii.ok, I I little, it, I " i'leem. 1, eept. Volvo it., if names d.,Uk;h;.,I,at.ke a le. ,vio-catirs?" N 0, ' r", 0 lal.d in lo"A ,'::I ditt;§,id Goddrich, Doe. 24, 18". OW34 J..­rvI_3-h.1`,vso - __ - - ow- . -list!) 0 link "I flow I.*% g, oc . tO eter'sAl Is ttl,m Vot vvirk,lt, %ad al( -ng thin' vars,1 i - an (;-i,,,,. II.-. ,.,lot W. II. flk,cr.,.. both I .... I Illy due ft le " "Y or o hard I" - __ The Wactl Illation co:iAlms prmt . " w begin to, ,it ha, 4 "fit -I f'...lu"olti 1, hold nativist heard w,,!k. On this board walk& " % fer, the. I - __ and the fl.vic, lug burlio,r, Cherry, Mapie. &C. olm"Sh." to ,,No%,.% my sort, neither. . M flost"JIM1,44GR LUCKNOW HOTEL Th* C-rourals are Ili very acted order. I here I he 1 sl ra!low's f.-P:inZak name completely 11 ad I,Nce. ; 111'e whimarin, list" 1.014, r, &,,,I , all Is-% back agmicetth, .all, .h, ,,. Ile hold ad which are It-igie-ol nivere-s.-Thr eitivir two ' TTORMY.Y AT-I,AW SOUCITORAN an I 1, . I ,,oil- he hall hill face -of WA twitl,+ mod iterestawd of it fast ! owl lentil brain. placed, list tile ii!e;f va i,_dr stepped at the Ilisrowit 11,e4, ands.lic their to ,I y,,-.rsvf I hill. T' I -Vo, I ... t sal 'he. office AND STAGE OFFICE. sc lhive never failin c xprings of line -:it. r "to, 1'. , Ili lit# ouitterinq . , &... -11irl 7 0 a cl.i,d.-Ilis 1,,,, row, and in 1p.bbin ritual I ketchij suenelLin i of . coll, with a @eve nooke" taw, lvig,,ed) As *1 I ... a. Cial-per &.I, bo-ls.nneb. y it vo,y dwooparl 'i'tht mom A CNAXCBS'r. &C on the 1',operty. The situation for Par Irato bar.,], -d a-Atwel liA trier Drom re .,)and illwov; I I gum faimpt, Gandloviels. 5 delays went of 31. C. R. S. CUNNIMOKAK, PrIlprietor. a -ty, slid I got a his. in 11.0 ;,%,"I. back ,if tire (ii,vtorlte Weldon, front IWITnIn. A `rl I diffien't, A fimr yeAt c1d bvi4r male I crok , lie Prok, wet dq however cleared fill The mvxt( ' "I hilld illy hold on I., it, .%old lie .11 . ;I 11* b, fixht eye. evillently cioul DAler,imah. it .... we ill,! A o ,at 4 a little 6, tit -4 to Oro cc cannot be surpax",i in t I - 11. low fr,itil stores- ),[Oft -,lip 11, "am floor al .. ... will 64og 1 I' 11 Ily. 11 to tire., C.Inelvan'S IAW OffWv. ITIIATED-A the ­­wr am law I -,her fait an; al) his ell, pot lal several n6 -d to as' ,hql ler a Is :dh 1014KT To LEND. W20 S (Jantrow ar fama-le.vorti voice. ingout shuts, vital's .I'd ha'sh.,ch"10'ral 14" I Let a yxiler jacket, w ,vAll"'Werievolved in the distill ; ft varcowl wim is mkvi x lboaten in thmil compituor since I doll ,Illrll is' if ,lilt ,,"I Ilith the I enter *Ivkc: d Wn"t.m. the For tainass apply 1,n I . r or an 6 kownl W -LZ so si.aLrol, till al ill, lak,arom I =411111, rs;;Ired 70w1,-,`o;,1.'t Anual, Ilia, I rc!t Isoicial. wound befilind the ri4ht ear. clearly evaluated '11,y al,ime, to) the city. mean torro-ated on Mon. I a..d ,.,;we y -m file big,, ­i I j,J.oA 1,Ahary you - - ___ ------- .0 fallen for I if U ,'I, I; A 1,T, fissel thoroughly water . eve, owed . ." The co,antry,nam went down is. -Al.loom"". hotel ar fitted top Al, th everr."c , found. c;mfuily t.11cli Inat.d:,. I thin 4ft r my ItTri like a boI4 0,11111"t. by a skarillinstrument ; arid a th6d ­urcd on ' , is ...... lit), suld "till, recension sli'del ^treat. sake, at a Are. coffeall"Allol tra"llerm. A rgd IIIIII stess'lled. liso,nater, Toronto manila with R Islip, mkip awl'jump, closly fel- AgiflusTUR A11041olet, Solim, wits - 0, Mr. Yndkep had now erntrol:ed his grief, t', 1011 lf-- (Itief.' a a;d 1. 61 maw I I Ila. left suits of tire face. The , beat voice almi, It IIN 11160A I'lolSolfl,ftell allot 1111T OUR. Inared by an WA little of boom*. us.".rchavern ,!"I tit 1, I "mict 13cluslosis. C. (V. W34 Jus.24, 1961. - . - ____ _ D. SIIADE GOODIN stood "car, with his lastradd ,in his knees, P -i,l,twr and t itholflook yif felt fair a ,a roisom of *net di-toloured, its if from a blow or II S--raerant Itell, and - Pclh,um-n ' MO,'q*Y TO LEND. - - - - _.- liarruster, Gaiderich. amill ca latealble,e, soq­oue. Uu. mlort vion it I '11-in't korm, role Ali 11'. yeller a kick. By the side of the murdered man awl sundry toiher movablems. I Goddrich. fith July. la,66. $100 bending over me . I . Nonevent and C,)nk, came ,liver by the darkener , - . I I f,,und mi ... a large kilts b.tooren li-e AlwAism.ppi a ... i 'il"sod'i wovi a white handkerchieflusturated with bluod 1111flostraral-nirma. to -claw with the three foleomors 601PPlecoortul.-The Kingston FlAig, __ --;.;WT-- - _____ . twc 1-4.mi-In't oliken oula I sind '.hich did not bclemg I. bile ; ;I in imp: who we aid err­ied last evenvil. The pi '*Of'- data- - Fresh g(wid di4l'toomeletion continue to be _.i_.mi. 0 ell. GANNETWARENME _ __ - ----. roiling st laclocari shirt Pipe - -_ bras n paper parcel, solid Ill that a low of tit the blit" J,rusho I G21ifultAll, Q01.11IMNITION A0111111117 , 11 kerchief. carefully pinnid, and %iitin it it there to who-" I o,,o it thou,,% ... I in anot1w; j leis 11 to have Iman %livis property of one c f era ricteitcl their naincti kick the book t Q'weu, "".it lonriallooket I - 11 I N 1; U R A N (; E - Ird:dft I." with #rich raridioy *4 to ;Pad am to hop" Xov='- .V..,Z.. ;;; m Brand __ Package d-V,,e up 1-1 4 n.wropel Oil nl.,"- froirvit I The -10'r h,)!1c, of that .ternia g.,t th-i doing. Illood bad flowed freely from hit Wal,ttown am William Howard, rel that con is dexiined w be ... lot ..I the tore- ,. zw'. ( couhl,j't istrand ii lonj If it --dA, elross the board walk to he jnw,ld Jones, and C. C. Advisers. I homi, etill- n.,t : most Xtild V,)Uutrips in The world. The ,,,,,.v a ofaineank-.(3-W. 989 troy he new Per I found .list I hold ux yall-t with*ern. " , I 11, , I retail tdtlti,elc I,' murne forever *.list$. I- -to wile a pool of clotted I liver w-ro armoord hoat __ - ____ _____ I _ ., fitfil, Marine and Life Iditurazires I blood near ibrialrosed names _. iffilrNCTAI) ON RKAIIIIIIIIIIA t Tritium. 7.d clut f..'allawfirost,TIA: a land war way. :%,.I the Ito? of the ()flows nor* ban been . rant lite It;o seeks Of Gove,unicut IADJ, it I to this 'coveian, land eomrswinc;d. -Now I it - Ali "A"t Is h the body wait found QlToonisl,( In Ilia street, in WII;Ch to they rush, d I I I ahown tormakemione of quartz tishom tcom COVERSE. COLSON 1 LW, . . - , 4, raw down to' still " lout hr JeadLIA, I rot t 7 X. afroules"etr'ca drajorste strut,glo were ad no. fiuding that they were polished. I he I Murrhy's wrino, in Nertk Crosby, count of . creban"q I - . offin,do-J. F. C. floldon'st TAw Chavitherat, %c'19 &[lot (try' tem.t to rese,ilars co . ulJ't rr,,yNrcuaiin' I list awt;rae, bell or am tiolwapen. Thoopistrance at the wicket is city pnlieemade thearrevit. I he mom of , (:nmossionation W It 0 .1 most sw,141 to "I I I 'Le". 4. I he altall hem been stink azmt r,()RN I.It 110:,PITAL A AT, JOIIX ST'S. W .. KoLy's Block. traverser Covert House Square arid the extravagant j`y cr Ill* Ya-.lioi bull, I -an gwiew, 0 endiv,tia fr.rn kl,.,t I very narrow, and tho gate. othhongla, a small $760 in paper awl bills wide .'mind on their hety rhot. And ,be alm,rts having on (TITF (Ill,T)EAT IN THE COUNTY. (7. W. base _ West St.. 6cmdeorich I lbe moment he wilin that his kind warrant particular split ; but every time I lout fall ,"I- ,,,ad tried* of I"w0ed, t i-4 strongly put poriceres and 171"011illt Owe-, And On the person : ltmiiw,i by parties in Kingston, had human pro. JOIrN HALDAN, JR.. %w, %are and sound, ho gave a ferfect local ht"Id &be,- the Stustrl 1hv losillpitell'A .1 nrin I %,.,c--Ihvr The rat ugo ,if lip itme, am related of Allarna varolve a foratelms iLiid burglar's key. ' as i cold ,a be worth st,,m, one ha.lorlmd dol. Beftnett'll WhIli ffultillsix- . Agent. l r otqmp V I k I ; it 1,lealmd 1 owed on ; Iyfsysd of the&- sit. Mollify . - D. GORDON, . ,f dolu,thL end 11"fttCIfiJl9 " ("'m ill' "n1f rot '"'d hit ill h! "i It .no , impresioll"ons Adam *14,) had Motel , h,-Ih his l..*.d ,'.`" Goaddariels, 2? I Is Sept., Illi *360 "ell I it to in lae­rry, am he U'i'ht hall ,,flel forecooks,"sid War 14 eyes was gateway area -i(thery 64beerqrra.ped, one, .(ter kincithol -letoll thief, its smit " ell to the ion. The mine is frair miles trame THEM&NUFACTURL'SOFCANADA C,,A I 11 N E ,'I' INZ A 14; V. tt h:nrro hb, I '.' 1. ro- I the villon" of Westport, on the R I - __ - eq A, it' 111-12i,,' AA fice, slid Ill- fiscal d, "pTil" folmn ; Ift ,he vnd*avom wluch were being Inwill, 14, I %*earlier of the three ban a wound on w C MI = & of . all, "" " I ,lim Iwo,,, premakat .And with I by' than Prt"ll offiew to It 'rainivirechatia vit'lli'lls he entrove"ced pating his meoulli. I whe litiblavot., up a, 4 clown *,I we. at the mittirlien man away from thoten and I fee-. 11 l"Ich", tha Irounh an.%" is litt ow. I A , -_ - *hen se.rompml"i AHO UNDERTAKER;. GEQ- RUMBM & iv ""Ad e Nifulptly, ll,.t I W, a about limit' tl.p I;T"O- , %,I break Ili* greatly. On the noner frame I I i.cl,fi,sits of their heivart oneh. are saw wl- nign.l.,ouceg Ilan bee ­vve. head A e,00 . back And tomb fle"'q, the Mott). lie was low Owen on him only , swillowil isom tho .._,tow"lotilidrecture,al him ollk'a A am I I FORWARIM119. impoulble for full, to be *till an vientant. in lite 41"MP R-1 half sall-A, Arid At I.*, I , i - was thin vilemirly-ralift,ked imt,rmw ,n of a zd=- - COMP0. RIT4 two W&14r#A)WM limlies I FA?4,. nAttalkh Ace,ranT.-Ois Sallor: . ,, if levy %, (led 11 c tied hot ; , I g I carl to I felt live setemp lamovin to give owny ",ter tht- i bloody hand, each firl leaving a istewt were in elcom Intermit of him. In Iloward's day lost al ik"ut half fortat ore almallauk p, is, 1, 0 W It R P R 0 V T K C F -'; WEST STREW, GODERICE, a 'amorps the internal Won briniVo *as gerostia. it, i sold 4 -poicrate truce. It would seem its if the parsoll win C,urad the wymen prices of proof Chism. Osspro,on. a Frensh Ci& vollow" t r, I - -, 0 r- T) x -r ,r Y Moe" As led C645138105 11mblate ,has meet bi,fill I Sweet Ann, 'ill Olt "via' T., I , strimpi, train ! Go 'In with your And I ovear my hair tit strovix)-t air *.4, ['I pile, Witter had beat, gradually drittegintl in al the Kinforion lilrowery and Distillarry. in 1 fifty years *4 scra, waa Itanothod allumse fir astak I .. . aint in J I I At - 4-t maw._.- 1 i I I I I I -; . .lc - _' , , 154 Vr , I 80faw. Rverismsear, Tables, Bedsteads, flair, 02A, 91114 111 ALL tow" Of' it I ok,' keflmot-14 I *IL.kg little ad, mwk up my mind to sit so-% O' float. aomc- , Wallis -bile his companicarq offiectial -11 the clerk's hand­cm.g. J care "A 00 badly union, of that the,* asid was, Consignments Hollicitcd, can. arld wOnt.miliki Chairs, Gilt Mrsiolelisig PRODUCE. C U A Ill 8 A LT, WATFR "" - " In Ike ,,immin., when horlow proitty, quick. but Jilit at the menii I -nt,swws into the officks, and that Rinelvil (in Tho fligh RolifT, Mr. rhemoni,mov, and I ",bills, or few ft *21 1 .n year C'11 end -in' 1 1 tnary. Tives )Qrt Ride of j1dy IT. and ,o,)king(ii&oM.is,gritty,of 111111111F. be., milk trash lo rd whom the ,,a raised my head tro jamp out and run, the ally attempting to pound theirs i"J it,- k,st kid party, amiummill lad rodillit hav,"K owl, the okull behind temple wait beatdoes in I rem. at 00, with his leinull dtlown WWI of 61111 reversals, prothably, I 00 tb* right IWO with morsel kiisdr.pom and allillsolion. I and fractured its each a meatier an tit oemo zed , Impoltild ItIp. Arta for first idess Usti.. and I:i,, you an 06, an 11h., "'c" - __ __ ___ _' 116W N[Aft"Let're es, ran, an lle,,k_ that I've a ho:-I,v h0flue I 'lilt% I IMANT f9W, .. ,,, Let the tim,ol mods tail "P. le I-santilt it", " 44 I d'I",104 af slial head. A botup was &We locand Alsour The Promotion hew* bee* removed to the death, If be lassaill testatiorwif no ovirlykar injurious up Is - th ID (I - had alseltv" "'I )u,a111.,.,vwRP, ,Z'qi;q, 21"A" " "P.i... Ycnarileleg'sthror --It Ivireen he Otowrit ,he donator, I" it "Ta Ill 1111111 I him containing a wassail lIanotliq of beer. govesoll, hr m(a Itivervalf. by %be Coroner. in ) The oti"m.to must and vantia Aftir ON4 dw ' Conk&. Apply to lbs ;' inont of C07PIA111. MARRON 0 ?Ili r, ooefo,wc C. is am 11 he beliefs, yet I no stedvatel Ito Served I - _ - ---.,---- ... Me, and shot tow, worket, lilt* I want a bomb rho drier tit the roffie., wpm. ,a saes, been ad he" I Ay tbel now art, $and be- I weall how the ti" lkppw m*Moit, *set 11111his, Moe" A Z'101111filloods solf the gsdwcb W601- TO IIIILF- Ver-ahosessearowid %,, r,zllt' The ll oftr mint. %ball, classes ev,, th. ban%. - I op"n-d fellow the income part by a levy. stake , flown wilrZopo"I.17 .1.14 bin brought 1. morrow I WWA timm.ft .( the &goals"-.4400ow " mil's. ­ a Ardwalrooffallain in 1. IVIL'FTdln,4a&'ERAXI)I'R,)%?INCTAI, [he @beats a I..,,d drier in*, Ireartil stmmfS bull 004 All -,Arks -I which a" viall arimble. Ili* soustilieffi, . I O sur .1. "rary*s bound to Cruet I Old fail nlim THOS. 1,00AN. ejefl For-mlit"Odroe C, Lmod4lurvistror. T,,nksot-IC,ak4,,n.k1 I­. Gosiallsorieb, maw 1191k WW. varls J (liensilikell'"hoel, Vull .2 f v Ili el . _." . , i^ _ I , -itz_ A . 4 . . l, .J11iiII11111111111111111