HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-04-20, Page 8PACE EIGHT * April 20, 21, 22 i WHITECHURCH 1 STARS OF "CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS in their greatest hit! Drama that packs laughter and tears ...a mighty wallop at your heart! Show Starts at 8,00 p.m. Except Saturday Saturday Night, Two Shows 7*45 and 9*45 p.m, Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2,30 P«ni. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, SPECIAL HENRY LESIIE HUH • FENTON • REYNOLDS Screen Hay by John Msthan and Dore Schary Directed by Norman Taurog Produced by John W. Considine Jr. -----Two Shows Each Night Admission: Adults 35c, Children. 20c Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. - Reduced admission. Also “Miniature” and “News” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, April 24, 25, 26 GLORIA STUART MICHAEL WHALEN A cleverly presented mystery yam in which Gloria Stuart does some investigating of her own. Also “Musical Comedy” “Magic Carpet Traveltalk” “Newsreel Cameraman” MATINEE Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m. Admission: Adults 25c, Children 15c. 'Mr. James Weir of London spent a few days of Easter week at the home of his mother, Mrs. Fred Davidson. (Mr. and Mrs. Herb Buckton, Kin­ loss and Mrs. A. E. Buckton, of Tor- . onto, spent Sunday at the home of •: the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Thos, .’Morrison. SANDING 4 1 Makes Old Floors New No Dust — No Muss Have your Hardwood Floors Resurfaced. We,make them like new. Best and Latest Electric Equip­ ment. Hardwood Floors We will gladly 'furnish estimates .on -alJ grades of Hardwood Flooring, finished completely. Norman Rintoul Phone 251W. Rev. Mr. Anderson of Wingham United Church had charge of the ser­ vice here on Sunday afternoon. Next Sunday Rev. Mr, Townend of Bel­ grave, assisted by Rev. H. M. Wright of St. Helens, will preach here at 7.30 pm. Mr. Jack Gillespie is working at New Sarum with Mr.Chas, Gillespie. Both spent Sunday with their people here, and Mrs. John Gillespie, who visited* there last week, returned to her home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henry,. Miss Lettie Fox, and many others in. this community have been very ill with the flu that has been going from house to house. Miss Agnes Wilson, R.N., of Whit­ by, spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Mrs. Leonard Knight of Linwood, RONSON LIGHTERS $4.50 and $5.50 at Omar Haselgrove’s Smoke Shoppe The Tees water Dramatic Society Presents ‘BACK SEAT DRIVERS’ A FARCE COMEDY IN THREE ACTS Under Auspices of the Wingham Fire Brigade — In The — Town Hall, Wingham Show Starts at 8.15 P.M. Sharp. Tuesday, April 25th This play has bean presented several times in this district to appreciative audiences. Give the Firemen your support by attending. Admission 25e Reserved Seats 35c Plan of Hall Opens at McKibbon*s Drug Store, Sat­ urday, April 22nd. ...... WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Ik f ... 59c Lb. .. 39c Lb. 6 for 25c23c r a Harold RBLUEVALE KEN DEach Evening :h BELGRAVE:se what it I BLYTH p, M The Woman’s Association of the United. Church held a successful quilt­ ing in the Church. Erin, spent Sunday with Mr. s. Alex, Mowbray. Smith’s Our local bakers have lowered the bread price to Sc per loaf, * ' Dr, Afmte Hoss will address the W. Helen, at the Loiuse McKenzie returned to spending the F > I Thorough, modern eye examin­ ations and proper glasses at reasonable prices. IT'S TIME TO LOOK AT YOUR WATCH . . ml.".. ttpV.Tglk. A! #■ -r^« J Geo. Williams OFFiCAL C. N. R, WATCH INSPECTOR CALIFORNIA NEW CARROTS ............ 2 Bunches 15c . SWEET JUICY NAVEL ORANGES FRESH ICEBERG ' HEAD LETTUCE ... 10c Head TROPIC GOLD GRAPE­ FRUIT JUICE.......2 Tins 23c MADE-RITE PASTRY FLOUR .............24-Lb. Bag 49c DALTON’S O.K. JELLY POWDERS .,...........5 Pkgs. 25c GARDEN OF CANADA CHOICE PEACHES.........15c FRESH ASPARAGUS.........10c Bunch SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT__ FRESH, CRISP RADISHES................5c Bunch J. B.. Morrison. d Mrs. Robt. Ross and fant- Mrs. Bert McClcnaghan and are very ill with flu BAER | HANNA’S Ladies Phone 28 Exclusive Not Expensive R.A. Reid, R.O Stratford’s Leading Eyesight Specialist. Thursday, April 20th, 1039 spent her holidays with her aunt, Mrs. David Kennedy and her brother, Mr. ■ George Fisher, returning to her school on Saturday. Her sister-in-law, Miss Knight, of Linwood, is. with Mrs. A. Reid for a few weeks as Mrs. Reid has been very ill. Mrs. Russel Reid returned to her home at Brantford on Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Hinde spent last week in Wingham with Mrs. W. J. Greer. Dr. Harold Robinson of Walkerton, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Robinson, of E, Wa- wanosh. Ernest has been very sick with the flu. Mrs. John Kilpatrick and children, of Lucknow, spent Sat­ urday there also, The ladies of the community have been invited to attend the Easter Thank-Offering meeting of the W. M. S, of the United Church this Wed- ncsclsiy wlicn Miss Clara McGowan of E. Wawanosh will be present and ad­ dress the ladies on the work in China. The regular weekly meeting of the W.|M.S. of the Presbyterian Church was held last Thursday with the pres-, ident, Mrs. Robt, Mowbray, in charge. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Albert Patterson. Mrs. Craig led in prayer and Mrs. Archie Aitcheson had charge of th“e meditation period, giving a talk on Life and Death, Miss I Janet Craig sang an Easter song and 1 Mrs. David Kennedy led in prayer for the missionary workers. Mrs. K. Mac- Lean, of Wingham, who was to have been present and address the, Easter Thank-Offering meeting, was too ill to attend, but Rev. J. Pollock, who had heard the address of the delegates who attended the Madras Conference in India, was present and gave a very interesting account of the meeting held in London some time ago. The meeting closed.with the benediction. Mrs. Mowbray was appointed as delegate to the Provincial W. M. S. meeting being held from Tuesday to Thursday this week at Hamilton, and she left on Monday to attend, and will spend the rest of the week with her sister, Miss Bertha MacKay, Toronto. Miss Olive Farrier and Garnet are laid upj with the flu and Miss Olive was unable to be at her school Mon­ day. Miss Winnifred returned to Tor­ onto last Thursday. Mrs. A. Emerson spent the week­ end in Wingham with friends. Mr. Ezra Welwood was in Toronto for a few days last week and has sc- cured-a position as agent for the Cres- sy products in several townships here. Mr. Robt. Carrick and Miss Anna' May Carrick' spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Pratt, of Stratford. Mrs. Chas? Sandburn has been un­ der the doctor’s care and is improv­ ing now. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tichbourne, of Goderich, spent . Easter with her mo­ ther, tMrs. David Kennedy. Mrs. Hardie Simpson and daughters of Culross, spent last week at the home of her father, Mr. Will Conn, and Mrs. Conn visited, at Lucknow at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston. ‘ Mrs. Archie Patterson and of Lucknow, spent Sunday home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Tay­ lor. The regular monthly meeting of th& Women’s Institute was held last Tuesday with the president, Miss Grace Richardson, in charge. After the opening exercises the rolh call was answered by The number of meetings I attended during the past year. All joined in sitting “Ginger Up." Miss Richardson gave a reading on the motto, The World, is taking your photograph, look pleasant, please,, and Mrs. Scholtz gave a reading on "Ap­ las for Grandchildren.” Mrs. ‘Emer­ son and Mrs. J. -G. Gillespie then had charge of the meeting for the election of officers for the next year, and the following were duly installed; Pres., Miss Richardson; 1st Vice, Mrs. Grain; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Rhys Pollock; Sec-Treas,, Miss Agnes Gillespie; Pi­ anists, Mrs. W. R. Farrier and' Miss Merle Wilson; Press Reporters, Mrs. V. Emerson and Mrs, J. D, Beecroft; Branch Directors, Mrs. Welwood, Mrs. Falconet, Mrs. Mac Ross, Mrs. Lott, Mrs. Mclnnisf Mrs. Naylor and ‘Mrs. Robt. Ross; Flower and Fruit Convenor, Mrs.. Scholtz; Auditors, Mrs. A. Coultes. and Mrs, V. Emer- Moore, J. Coul* R. Pur* Scholtz Hanna’s Give You Hats in “Burnt Straw” i .... , .... .. It’s that golden ambertone that Paris, sponsored as dram­ atically right with almost any colour that warm shade that is so flattering, Coats with that frock­ like look, thought up to flatter you this Spring! Youthful in line — rich in texture — coats that will proud­ ly set off your pretty hats and lovely furs. u m son; Program Coin., Mrs. Miss C. Mowbray, Mrs. W. ter, Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mrs. don; District Directors, Mrs, and Mrs. Mr. at ily, also Melville, days. The weekly meeting of the Y, of the United Church was held day evening with Miss Genevieve Watt in charge, reading the roll call and leading in prayer. The medita­ tion period was taken by Mr. Harold Pollock, and Miss Susan Carrick read the Scripture lesson. The prayer hymn, ‘'Safely through another week" was sungj. The toll call was answer­ ed by a Scripture verse Sabbath, Mrs,. Herb, Miss LucIIa sang "In The topic, “Sunday, a •enabling to .aidlaw and ie Garden,” Biday or a of convenors of standing committees were on Health, Agriculture, Relief and Community Activities, peace and International Relations, Historical Research and Current Events. Miss Jean Elliott was named as delegate to the Girls’ Conference at Guelph on May 40-12. The president took for her address “Why do we attend In­ stitute Meetings?” and mentioned the feeling expressed in our Institute Ode as a good reason.. She suggested marking the calendar in order to keep the date before us and spoke of the opportunities available to assist girls in becoming good home-makers. The following list of officers was submitted by the nominating commit­ tee; President, Miss Margaret Tur- vey; 1st Vice Pres., -Mrs. M. L, Ait­ ken; 2nd Vice Pres., Miss Florence Fowler; See.-Treas., Miss M. Olive Scott; District Director, Mrs. J. Wickstead; Rep, io6.District Annual, Mrs. J. Breckenridge; Branch Direc­ tors, Mrs. Milton Smith, Mrs. W, H. McKinney, Miss Margaret Ckirtis, Miss Florence Fowler; Programme Com,. Mrs. Roy T-urvey, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, Mrs. J. H. Smith, Mrs. S. N. Gallaher; Pianist, Mrs. Jas Breck­ enridge; Auditors, Mrs. Wettlaufer, Mrs. J. Curtis; Convenors of Stand­ ing Committees: Health and Child Welfare, Miss Lillian Garniss; Home Economics, Mrs. Roy T'urvey.; Educa­ tion, Miss Marguerite Nicholson; Ag­ riculture and Canadian Industries, Miss Dorothy Greenway; Legislation, Mrs. J. Breckenridge; Relief .and Community Activities, Margaret Cur­ tis; Historical Research and Current Events, Jean Elliott; Canadianization, Mrs. C. F. Johnston; Peace and Inter­ national Relations, Mrs, Aitken; Press Reporter, M. Olive Scott. The newly elected president presided for the re­ minder pf the meeting. Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, who has re­ cently returned from spending the winter in Florida, gave a most inter­ esting account of her trip, She men­ tioned Daytona Beach, Miami and Ft. Myers, illustrating these beauty spots with picture cards and snaps. She told of the different industries, especially the nick-knacks made from shells, the fruit and vegetable markets and the beautiful flowers. After singing the National Anthem ,the hostess served refreshments. Sunday Services Mr. Robert Shaw preached in the Bluevale United Church and at Eben- ezer on Sunday in the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. V.. Robb. At the morning service his address was es­ pecially to the Young People, based on the passage from Ezekiel “Their young men shall dream dreams." ' Rev. Kenneth MacLean; of Wing­ ham, occupied the pulpit in Knox Presbyterian Church and preached from the text “The world: passeth away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God abideth forev­ er." Allan Ramsay sang “Some Day I’ll Understand,” Prompt Delivery SHOP AT Phpne1G1 LARGE 40-50 i PRUNES............ 2 Lbs. 25c TIP TOP CHOICE 1 TOMATOES............... 10c Tin 1 I SEEDED LEXIA RAISINS..................... TIP TOP1 PIE CHERRIES ...... ... 17c Lb. . 15c Tin SPECIAL VALUE PRIDE OF THE VALLEY PEAS and Golden Bantam CORN..........3 Tins 25c KELLOGG’S 1 ALL-BRAN ................. 22c Pkg. 1 QUAKERI PUFFED WHEAT...... 11c Pkg. EXTRA SPECIAL FOUR O’CLOCK BLACK TEA SPECIAL, VALUE FRENCH DRIP COFFEE .. You are sure of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, Letuce, Celery, Cauliflower, Radishes, Rhubarb, Tom-, * . atoes, Onions. Actual Result of Policy No. 82,658. Amount of Policy............................. This Policy was issued in 1911 on the 20 Payment Life, Five Year Bonus Plan and was paid up in 1931. (The annuUl Premium was $175.25, aged 33.) Total Bonus as at 1936 ...........-.......................... -.............. (The last bonus was added) in 1936. Further bonus will be allotted in 1941 when 5-year period is completed!., Total Amount of Insurance....................... -....................$ 8306 The average Bonus per year, 1911 to 1936 was $26.45 per thousand. W. T. BOOTH, C.L.U. WINGHAM District Agent Mutual Life of Canada. M. S. of the United Churchat their annual Thank-Offering meeting. Mr. Norman Sinclair, of Toronto University, spent the Easter holiday with his parents, Rev. A. and Mrs. Sinclair. Mr. John Wilford>, of Toronto, son of Dr. E. C. and Mrs. Wilford, of China, ‘ spent Easter with friends in this vicinity. Rev. Wm. Maines of Tilbury, visit­ ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mains. Mrs. Clara Brown visited her sister, Mrs. Almina Logan, returned to her home in Toront^_Monday. At Wingham Office, , 2 Williams’ Jewelry Store ! Every Wednesday Morning, I 9.00 to Noon. I PhOne 5W for Appointment. I ■■■ 11 n ■■ i— m — n ■■ n u ami h —in mJ Holy Day” was ably taken by Mr. Millan Moore, and Mrs. Harold Spar­ ling led in prayer. The Mizpah bene­ diction closed the meeting. Mrs.David. Gibbs is seriously ill these times. We hope to hear better reports. Institute Held Annual Meeting Mrs. M. L. Aitken was the hostess on Thursday afternoon for the annual meeting of the Women’s Institute. The president, Mrs. Jack’ Wickstead presided. The report of the secretary­ treasurer showed the membership to be 34. Number of regular meetings held, 11, total attendance 207; the bal­ ance on hand is* $27.76. The reports Aliy watch, ho matter costs, works twice as well and lasts twice as long with a clean­ ing and overhauling periodical­ ly, Stop in today for a free ex­ amination and adjustment. Young People Held Meeting . The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. of the United Church was held Fri­ day evening with the president, Miss Daisy Holmes, presiding. Following the opening exercises and business discussion Carl Johnston, 2nd Vice Pres., took charge. The Scripture les­ son, Psalm 1, was read by Flemming Johnston and Miss Mossie Milligan took the topic “Looking on the wrong side of things.”8 Mr, Robert Shaw closed the meeting with the benedic­ tion. Bride and Groom Showered A number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shiell on Thursday evening to honor their daughter, Olive, who was recently married to Mr. Leslie Clark, and presented the bride and groom, with a miscellaneous shower to which both made reply. The even­ ing was spent playing cards and danc­ ing. Mrs. E. Mann and son, Harry, of St. Marys, spent Eriday with Miss Duff Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Mowbray and son. Jack, of Lucknow, and Lawrence Snfillie, and Mi Miss Sturgeon Falls after Easter holiday with her parents, Mt. and Mrs. R. E. McKenzie, . C. R. Coultes shipped a carload of cattle to Buffalo on Saturday and spent the week-end in that city. Uncle Fred and Cousin Ken of “HEART THROBS HEAR The Vibra Harp Piano Accordeon The Chapel Chimes (A Sixty-Six Chime En­ semble 'as sweet as the chimes of the chapel!) Station CKOC Be Sure to Hear THE THEREMIN (The instrument of myst­ ery which may be played without touch of human hands!) Where? at 8 o’clock Saturday excepted 11 a.m., 7 p.m Ftom Mon., April 17 to Sun., April 30 COME! Church John and Edward Streets Rev, E, ML Loney, B.Th., Pastor