The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-03-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thursday, March 2nd, 1939 ■ ■ ■ ■uiNaiaiiaiiiiiaiaii ■ lb. lbs. Soap Bor These Values Effective Until Wednesday, March 8th Toll Tin with Pectin CHRISTIE'S PREMIUM ' d S © B A $ I ■lb. 1-lb. 1® B Pkg. Pkg. .O 8 1 -»rao:OK3O: Specials At DOMINION WHERE QUALITY COUNTS BLYTH PHONE CO,* HAD GOOD YEAR Commissioners Re-Elected GLASSCQ'S IT A Uff STRAWBERRY «* OR RASPBERRY IVORY OR XXXX QUAKER BREAD FLOUR - i SANTA CLARA CHOICE PRUNES CANADIAN MILD CHEESE PARTY BRAND SALMON Sob AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS SEEDWSS maple leaf PURE LARD lifebuoy Large Seedless Grapefruit 6for25c Crisp Head Lettuce 2 Heads for 13c THESE WANT AD’S 3 Ik!. , 2 .29 .23 IO .19 .07 COLLEEN GOLDEN BANTAM GOLDEN HALLOWl DATES - 3 lbs..25 HAND PICKED WHITE BEANS - 7 Ibs..25 PATERSON'S JELLY DROPS lb..10 BULK PEANUT BUTTER -lb,.10 CHOICE COBN M 16-os. « H Tins BEING o 0 If cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. opocr: rr-.siOCTOc BOARDERS WANTED — Good home, good location. Apply Ad­ vance-Times. COW FOR SALE—Due to freshen March 10th, also Ford Coach. Ap­ ply Norman Baker, Lower Wing­ ham. FARM FOR SALE—57 acres, good land, fine brick hotise, good barn, cement foundation, silo, plenty of water. Apply Wm, N. Austin, B. Line west, Turnberry. FARM FOR SALE—50 acres, 1 mile north of Wroxeter on Boundary; good buildings, good well. Apply to Harry Merkley, Wingham, or Wm. Merkley, Wroxeter. No reas­ onable offer refused. FOR RENT — Store property rec- ently vacated by Advance-Times. Apply J. H. Crawford. FOR SALE—Double House, all con­ veniences. Will sell at reasonable price. Apply F. J. Mooney. FOR SALE-—Four choice Registered Shorthorn Pulls, 11 to 12 months old. Their Sire, Browndale Rover 206206, was bred by James Douglas & Sons of Caledonia, Ont. Priced reasonable. J. L. MacEwen. FOR SAIjFOR RENT—200 acr^s near Molesworth, on highway, nine acres Fall wheat and fall plowing done. Jas. Sangster, Wroxeter. GIRL WANTED—for general house­ work. State salary. Apply in writ­ ing to Box B, Advance-Times. [Oxao? All and singular those parcels of land being composed of Lot Twelve (12) and the west half of Lot Thir­ teen (13) in the Eleventh (11th) Con­ cession of the Township of Howick and the east half of Lot ‘Thirteen (13) in the Tenth (10th) Concession of the said Township of Howick' con­ taining in all two hundred acres of land more or less. Upon the said lands there is situ­ ate a bank barn, 60 ft by 40 ft., with twq additions of 45 ft. by 40 ft. and 26 ft. by 10 ft; a two storey brick house 24 ft by 40 ft; a shed 23 ft by 34 ft,; a hen house 36 ft by 14 ft.; a garage 10 ft. by 16 ft The farm is well located within three miles of town and church, one mile from school and on the premis­ es there is approximately twelve acres of bush, a drilled well, no waste land. Terms of Sale: Ten per cent, de­ posit at the time of purchase and the balance in thirty days. Property sub­ ject/ to reserved bid. There will also be offered for sale at the above auction all the stock, machinery and equipment,, for partic­ ulars of which' see sale bills. Terms nf chatties: Cash, No reserve on chattels. For further particulars apply: F. W. KEMP,, Listowel, Ontario, Auctioneer. Estate .of FRANCES WATTERS, H. V. HOLMES MRS. HAZEL DODDS MISS MARY E. WATTERS, Executors, Gorrie, Ontario. GIVE YOUR RADIO a break and save yourself money by buying your radio requirements at Camp­ bell’s Garage. Tubes and batteries tested free. We sell products of Canadian Tire Corp. NOTICE TO CREDITORS LOST—Logging Chain between Lot 18, Con. 1, Morris and Bluevale. Sparling Johnston, R.R. 2, Blucvale. SEALED"TENDERS will be receiv- ed by the undersigned up to 12.00 o'clock noon Tuesday, March 14th, 1039. for supplying power and men to operate the Township Crushing Plant by the cubic yard. Township will supply oil, belts and repair parts for the crusher. At the same time separate tenders will also be received for trucking gravel by the yard mile as registered by approved speedometers. A certified cheque for $50.00 must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J, C. Pardon, Sttpt. W. Waxvanosh, R.R, 2, Luck­ now. In .the Matter of the Estate of MARIE' ELIZABETH HAKNEY, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the late Marie Elizabeth HaknCy, who died at the Village of Belmore in the County of Huron, on the 12th day of December, 1938, are notified to send their claims, duly verified, to the ** ecutor hereinafter named before llfh day of March, 1939. After the said date the estate be distributed and the Executor __ only be liable^ for claims of which he has then received notice. „ DATED at Walkerton this 11th day of February, A.D. 1939. Ex- the will will February, A.D. 1939. ELMER ZINN, R.R. 1, Wroxeter, Ontario, Executor, by his Solicitor, Campbell Grant, Walkerton,. Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS SLUGGISH KIDNEYS impair your health. Rmnacaps* Two-way Action qtitekly cleanses and invigorates the Kidneys, Use Rumacaps, McKib- bcm’s Drug Store. AUCTION SALE . There will be offered for sale by Public Auction‘at Lot Twelve, Con* cession Eleven, Township of Mow- irk on Thursday, the 23rd day of March# A.D. 1939* at the hour of One followfr-ig ratable real :' * All persons having claims against the estate of James S. Paulin late of the Village of Wroxeter in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Retired Painter, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day <>t January, A.D, 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fourth day of March, A.D. 1939, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immedi­ ately after the said fourth day of March, 1D3D, the assets of the said testator will' be distributed amongst ^he barties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the ex* The annual meeting of Blyth Muni­ cipal Telephone System was held in Memorial Hall. Jas. Phelan, chairman of the board of commissioners, occu­ pied the chair. Minutes of the 1938 annual meeting were read by the sec­ retary, Miss Gladys Fawcett. Leslie Hilborn, auditor, gave a full report of the finding of he and (Mr. Shaw, the associate auditor. John EUis, commissioner, spoke showing how thq company had tried to keep the line in a good state of repair and mentioned several ways in which subscribers may assist the operators. Commis­ sioner Stalker spoke briefly also on this point. J. C. McKay, president of the Independent Association and sec­ retary-treasurer of the Wellesley Municipal Telephone System was pre­ sent and addressed the meeting. He congratulated the commission­ ers upon their telephone system and answered several questions pertaining to ways of making the system more efficient. Following Mr. McKay’s address, Robt. Newcomb was appointed chair­ man for the election of officers which resulted in the 1938 commissioners be­ ing re-elected. Mr. Hilborn and Mr. Shaw were appointed auditors for ’39. Commissioners are Jas. Phelan, John Ellis and F. D. Stalker. /The system has 557-subscribers and *54 renters, 182 miles of poles. The plant and equipment are valued at $59,028.04. Rebates of $2,544.20 were paid sub­ scribers in 1938, leaving a balance hand and in bank of $7,690.88. one, now the other, according to the needs of men as felt at particular per­ iods of time. Once more the eternal unrest in the human heart is making itself felt, and a,noble dissatisfaction of things as they are has seized man, for men have caught a vision of a new order of things, It may truthfully be said that an earthquake is shaking century old solid positions in the human mind, and no church or denomination can hope to escape from the rumb­ lings of the upheaval. Churches, Orthodox, ejnent in caught in up the study of social problems as a task of the Church, It is not the pur­ pose of the writer to dilate .upon the movements indicated as being already in evidence in the Roman and Eastern Church, but to review the changes in thought as we find them first in the Reformed or Protestant Churches and sects and second in that natural religion which is immanant to the human heart. ) In the second article I will review the field of natuial religion. on RELIGIOUS READING FOR LENTEN SEASON Currents of Thought in Religion Modern By E. G. . We are living in an age ion and nowhere is this more evident than in the realm of re­ ligion. Great and stupendous chang­ es are taking place, and new currents of thought are sweeping the entire Church. The author of these articles will traverse those currents of thought, state them without argu­ ment pro and con, with the hope they will be enjoyed by the readers of the Advance-Times. In the Christian religion, as in ev­ ery religion, we find both a static and a dynamic element. By a static elem­ ent I mean the one lasting and changeless substance which gives se­ curity to and inspires confidence in, the trembling soul. Man is incurably religious and his greatest need is to come into living contact with the God or gods who inspire his confidence. In the Christian religion we have the highest conception of God ever brought to the attention of man," faith in whom gives security and confid­ ence to men. By a dyrfamic element I mean the eternal unrest in the hu­ man heart, the noble dissatisfaction of man with himself and the world he‘has to live in. Our Christian Faith has again and again been the first cause of that unrest and. dissatisfac­ tion as fresh meanings have been seen in the Gospel and new visions of the world that might be, have appeared before the eyes of men. In the course of Christian history both of these el­ ements have been emphasized, now of confus- confusion ecutor shall then have notice. DATED at' Wingham, this fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1939. J. H. CRAWFORp, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IAll persons having claims against the estate of Albert Holmes late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, I.abourer, deceased, Who died in or about the year 1913, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fourth day of March, A.D. 1939, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourth day of March, 1939, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re­ gard only to claims of which the ad­ ministratrix shall then have notice. DATED at Wingham, this fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, » Solocitor for the Administratrix. LEADERSHIP LEAGUE Even those the Roman and the Greek which stress the static el- reljgion find themselves the swift flowing currents of change. Those who are abreast of current thought know that the Roman Church is moving, compelled partly by political revolutions in many parts of the world, and partly by inner needs, moving in the* direction of a spiritual rebirth and of concentration on original Christian virtues. Even the Orthodox Church, which is un­ dergoing such tremendous transfor­ mation in Russia — is must be re­ membered that in spite of the work of the Russian communists in over­ throwing and despoiling the Churrch, the Church still lives — is in the 'throes of a rebirth. She seems to have turned and cast her eyes toward the restless West, and is breathing new draughts of air which are pour­ ing through four windows. First a new openness for Christ as the cen­ tre of the Christian message and preaching. Second a new interest in Western theology which is being studied by an ever increasing number of her theologians. Third, the begin­ ning of a Christian youth movement which is growing in momentum every year, and fourth a willingness to take Editor Wingham Advance-Times: With a fierce ferociousness which has no justification even in his own mind, Mr, McCullagh sets up a Mon­ umental Manicuring Establishment for the rehabilitation of decrepit M. P.s. In this hotel, the long lost bloom of health will be restored to blowsy cheeks, retreating chins given a for­ ward push, and nails duly brazed and sharpened for the mock fight in which they may be called_to participate if affairs don’t right themselves before the call of “charge” is sounded, and the mock attack begun. Mr. McCul­ lagh is inclined to think, though not seriously, that M.P.s do not need man­ icuring, and may be surfaced present- ably by submitting themselves to the manipulating ministrations in which he excells. If Mr. McCullagh had the power of bestowing brains on our jM. P.s the establishment of his Estab­ lishment would be joyously justified. Minus this provision, the deterrants to success will remain provokingly and persistently adamant. Although M.P.P.s belong to the same litter as M.P.s, they are the drones of the pen and the only thing to do with drones is to drown them, or otherwise get rid of them- Mr. McCullagh is indif­ ferent as to l}ow this end is to be facilitated, but the accomplishment of it must be attended to at once or our country will ride into insolvency, The Leadership League, begotten by Mr. McCullagh, immaculately, of course, will not only guillotine M.P.P.s, but will grapple with, and eventually strangle that awful thing, Debt. Mr. McCullagh does not specify the build of his guillotine, or just how the ben- eficient thing will work, but he has .faith in its effacacy, and the members of the League, though absolutely un­ tutored as to their duties, will fulfil them, with faith first, and perhaps later on with works, if they can find something to work on or at, I have studiously tried to find out just what this League expects it is going to do, but I can’t even guess at an answer to that, It has neither platform, pol­ icy or potency as yet,- It is a non­ descript affair; neither fish nor fowl, It is without.form and void, an eg- gregious nuisance, and a farce that I for one can see no fun in, though I have a formidable penchant for nos­ ing fun even in its faintest manifesta­ tions. Until the League shows its hand it is beneath the notice and con­ cern of your truly, and I should hope all other sagacious trulies. James G. Webster. ROUND TRIP Rail Bargains MARCH 3 -4 TORONTO ., Buffalo Chatham......... Hamilton ,,,,, Peterboro .... Smith’s Falls . Welland . >.., To . $3.05 , $5.75 .. $7,55 . $3,05 , $5.00 . $8.25: , $5.00) And other intermediate points Return — Up to March 6, ' Consult Agents — Procure Handbill Canadian Pacific NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Arm Taylor late of the Town Plot of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the eighth day of Janu­ ary, A.D. 1939, are notified to Send to J, H. Crawford, Wingham, On­ tario, on or before the fourth day of March, A.D. 1939, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourth day of March, 1939, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the part­ ies entitled thereto, having regard on­ ly to claims of which the executor shall then have notice, DATED at Wingham, this fourteenth day oLFebruary, A.D, 1939.J, M. CRAWFORD, ' Whigham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor, BELMORE missionary meeting of theThe United Church was held at Mrs. Hale- Hey’s Wednesday afternoon. The Day of Prayer was observed in the United Church Friday after­ noon. The Presbyterian congrega­ tions of Belmore and McIntosh were present. Mrs. Wilkie, Teeswater, was unable to be with the ladies, having trouble on the road. Mrs, Norman. Newans favored with a 'solo, Mre­ Ferguson and Mrs. White, a duet. Airs. Raynor was called to London Tuesday, Miss'Doris having contract­ ed pneumonia. Mr. Shorter was brought home from Wingham Hospital Friday by Dr, McKibbon. , Mr. James McNeil, Mary McCul­ lough, Mrs. Cecil McNeil visited Mrs.. James McNeil and baby on Sunday at Wolkerton Hospital. Those who attended the Literary at Lane’s School Friday evening wdfer Mr, and Mrs. Norman Newans, Mr. and Mrs, Shaw; Mrs. Evans. All re­ port a splendid time. A bonspiel will be held in the rink' Friday of this week. Minnie Jeffray visited Mrs. Ballaglr and Myrtle the past week. Three Good Reasons Why The Wingham Advance=Times Should Fill Your [i ft Modernly equipped Wingham Advance-Times is prepared to fill your printing needs, no matter what the job may be. ...... . The The Wing ham Advance-Tim­ es prints first-class jobs at 'economical prices. Printing that will save you time and money. . .• • • • Service is a feature of Th|e Wingham. Advance - Times Job Printing Dept. Unusual service is given and jobs are completed promptly. . . . If ij il Or Take Stock of Your Printing Now!, CHECK UP ON YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND FILL YOUR WANTS NOW. BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS CATALOGUES CIRCULARS COIN ENVELOPES CHURCH ENVELOPES DODGERS ENVELOPES FUNERAL CARDS INVITATIONS LABELS LETTERHEADS MILK TICKETS NOTEHEADS ORDER BOOKS PROGRAMMES PAMPHLETS RECEIPT BOOKS TELEPHONE 34 And OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL CALL. ' • I RULED FORMS SALE BILLS STATEMENTS SHIPPING BILLS SHIPPING TAGS SOCIAL STATIONERY TICKETS VISITING CARDS WEDDING STATIONERY