HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-02-23, Page 4■ Mb '- - .........—>I PAGE FOUR WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Thurs,, February, 23rd, 1939' yatWTTiwaiyji. If cents a word peri insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. THESE WANT AD’S BRING 17 RESULTS j o0 i e o n e AMBITIOUS MEN! We wish to contact you for steady employment - good pay - independence, Every- ■ body buys’ our 200 guaranteed pro­ ducts. Higher quality. Lower pric­ es. No experience needed. Your ■success makes ours, .so we help you. Big. continuous repeat sales and profits. No risk. Free catalogue and details. FAMILEX CO., St. Clement, Montreal, FARM FOR SALE—Lot 19, about 108 acres, also 50 acres more or less East half lot 22, both Concession 10, Trunberry. Good soil, good water, good hardwood bush on both lots. Lot 19 has good buildings and a large winter apple orchard. Will sell together or separately. Apply to John C. Mitchell, K.R. 2, Wing­ ham, ipcaocsssr1 rTQKaoi* ary, A.D, 1939, are notified to send to J. H. Crawford, Wingham, On­ tario, op or before the fourth day of March, A.D. 1939, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fourth day of March, 1939, the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the part­ ies entitled thereto, having regard on­ ly to claims of which the executor shall then have notice, DATED at Wingham, this fourteenth dav of February, A.D. 1939. . J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS FARM FOR SALE—50 acres, 1 mile north of Wroxeter on Boundary; good buildings, good well. Apply to Harry Merklev, Wingham, or Wm, Merkley, Wroxeter. No reas­ onable offer refused. FOR SALE—One York Sow. Phone 618rll, John R. Salter. FOR SALE—24 hens. Apply to Mrs. John Rogers, Wingham, Ont, FOR SALE—Four hen Turkeys and a good Gobbler,' bronze; also two ducks and a drake, White Pekins, Apply to Mrs. Wm. J. Parish, R.R. No. 4, Wingham. All persons having claims against the estate of James S. Paulin late of the Village of Wroxeter in the Coun­ ty of Huron, Retired Painter, who died on or about the twenty-sixth day of January, A.D. 1939, are notified to send to J. FI. Crawford, Wingham, Ontario, on or before the fourth day of March, A.D, 1939, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immedi­ ately after the said fourth day of March, 1939, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the ex­ ecutor shall then have notice. DATED .at Wingham, this fourteenth dav of February, A.D. 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. Mr. J. T. Wylie has gone to Tor­ onto to spend a while with friends there. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowdy spent one day last week with friends in Wingham. They also spent another day with. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dane, of Gorrie. Miss Minnie Jeffray, of Belmore, Spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs, John Gowdy, The Young People will hold their meeting this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Neill iMrs, Edwin Bennett and her son, Kenneth Bennett, attended the funer­ al on Wednesday of last week of the late Mr. Christie Wynn, which was held from the home of the deceased’s brother, Mr. Wm, Wynn, near Mc­ Intosh’s Church. .The sorrowing rela­ tives and friends haye the sympathy of the community. The Woman's Association of Salem United Church' held their meeting in the class->room of the church on Tues­ day afternoon with Mrs, Chas, Sim­ mons, president, in the chair. The meeting opened with t,iie singing of “What a Friend we have in Jesus,” then all repeating the Lord’s Prayer. The business was then dealt with, which consisted of planning the mak­ ing of quilts. A committee was ap­ pointed to look after the same, and two more quilts are to be quilted next meeting. Mrs. Wm. Dane closed the meeting with prayer, and the remain­ der of the day was spent in quilting. ST. HELENS FOR RENT — Store property rec­ ently vacated by Advance-Times. Apply J. H. Crawford. FOR SALE—Double House, all con­ veniences. Will sell at reasonable price. Apply F. J, Mooney, NOTICE TO CREDITORS GIRL WANTED — For General Housework. Apply Mrs. Chas. Mea- kins, Box 541, Goderich. GIVE YOUR RADIO a break and save yourself money by buying your radio requirements at Camp­ bell’s Garage. Tubes and batteries tested free. We sell products of Canadian Tire Corp. SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT—Well located. Apply J. H. Crawford. TWO-WAY ACTION on the Kid- neys, antiseptic and invigorating. ■ Rumacaps attack the cause of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago. McKibbon’s Drug Store. WANTED TO RENT—2 or 3 rooms for housekeeping. Send particulars to Box A, Advance-Times, In the Matter of the Estate of MARIE ELIZABETH HAKNEY, dGccQ.sed NOTICE -IS HEREBY GIVEN that all persons having claims against the late Marie Elizabeth Hakney, who died at the Village of Belmore in the Gounty of-Htiron, on the 12th day of December, 1938, are notified to send their claims, duly verified, to the Ex­ ecutor hereinafter named before the 11th day o'f March, 1939, After the said date the estate be distributed and the Executor only be liable for claims of which he has then received notice. DATED at Walkerton this of February, A.D. 1939. ELMER ZINN, R.R. 1, Wroxeter, ( Executor, by his Solicitor, Campbell Grant, Walkerton, Ontario. will will 11th day Ontario, i WANTED—A farm. Will buy or rent. Apply Advance-Times. ASHFIELD CARD OF THANKS . The family of the late Mrs. Charles Campbell take this opportunity of ex­ pressing their sincere thanks to their neighbors and friends for the kind­ ness and sympathy extended in their recent sad bereavement. IN MEMORIAM HOPPER—In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs. John Hopper, who passed away February 27th, 1937. Nothing can .ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Rmembrance keeps her near. —Ever remembered by Husband and Family. “'ilL MEMORIAM^ ANDERSON—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, William M. Anderson, who passed away February 26, 1938. .—Always loving _ remembered and sadly missed by his Wife and Family. Mr. and Mrs. John Little, Mr. Dav­ id Little and daughter, Miss Vera, at­ tended the funeral on Monday after­ noon of their cousin’s wife, Mrs. Jno. Worth, of Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake and daughter, M?s. Harold Webster, spent Saturday in London with their daughter, Muriel, whose birthday was (hat day. Little Wendell Alton is spending a few days with his aunt, Mrs. John Blake and Mr, Blake in Dungannon. Mrs. Will Irwin and Mr. Will Al­ ton -arc laid up with real bad colds. We hope they will soon be better. Miss Lillian MacLean, near Laur­ ier, spent the week-end with her friend, Miss Jean Nelson, near -Cour- ey’s Corners. Miss Winnie Lane, teacher in Bel­ grave School, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lane. ' Mrs. R. K. Miller is seriously ill at her home here following a heart at­ tack suffered on Thursday morning. An interesting meeting of the Y. P. U. was held on Sunday evening with Dick Weatherhead presiding. Mac McDonald read the Scripture les­ son and poems were read by Stanley Todd and Molcolm Buchanan. A short missionary lantern lecture was followed by a game of Bible Baseball with Dick Weatherhead’s side as win­ ners. The meeting of the Women’s Insti­ tute will be held in the Community Hall on Thursday afternoon, March 22nd. Roll Call—A spot in our com­ munity that might be impressive. Sub­ ject—Community Activities and Re­ lief, in charge of Miss Annie Watson, and “Canadianization” 'in- charge of Mrs. Pharis Mathers. Program com­ mittee: Mrs. Fred McQuillin and Miss Mildred McQuillin. Hostesses: Mrs. E. Barbbur, Mrs. Cranston, Miss Lila Humphrey. An enjoyable social evening was spent in the Community Hall Friday sponsored by the Women’s Institute. Mrs. Ewart McPherson presided ov­ er the following program, solos by Mrs. E. W. Rice, Grant Rutherford and Jackie Aitcheson; violin solo by Lloyd Thompson; duet by Margaret and Florence McPherson; mouth-or­ gan selection by Hugh Rutherford and a dance “The Lambeth Walk” by a group of girls. Music for the dance that followed was supplied by the Martin, Farrier, Welwood orchestra of Whitechurch. The minutes of the January meet­ ing were read And adopted. The correspondence was then read by the Reeve as the Clerk was sick and absent. Road by-law No, 2, providing mon­ ey to expend on roads during 1939 was passed, The auditors, R. McKinnon and C. Johnston presented their report. It was aeccepted as a correct statement of the Township financial standing and the auditors were paid. A grant of $5.00 was given to the Public Library at Walton. The Council decided to register with the provincial Dept, of Welfare and apply for the municipality’s share of the Relief Fund, The Council decided to send Road Supt. Currje to the annual meeting in Toronto. » By-law No, 3 authorizing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money for Township needs, if necessary, with a limit of $10,000.00 was passed as read. The following bills were paid: Dr, Jamieson, professional services $10.- 00; A.----- $45.00, Killop, $12.75; _____| Mrs, Rann $32.00; Insulin, Dept, of Welfare, 3 months $3,79; Hay Bros., refund telephone error $8.00; Irwin Fallace, relief Roy Mann $2.60; C. Pierce, relief Roy Mann $1.40; A. L, Kernick, relief Roy Mann $6.00; E. L. Johnson, relief Roy Mann .96; Rob­ ert Wightman, refund trustee rate $7.00; C, Wade,,relief Tunney $6.07; L. ’ Eckmier, relief, Rann, 2 months, $20.45; A. D, Smith, relief J. Munn $4,12; Coal Oakley, relief $10.00; Di­ vision Court, Blyth $20,00; Division Court, Blyth $20,00; Division Court, Brussels, 2 years $20.00; C Johnston, Auditor $20.00; R. McKinnon, audit­ or $20.00; Postage $1.50; Walton Lib­ rary $5.00. A, MacEwen, Clerk. H. Irskine, taxes James Riley $54.68, $30.71; Treasurer Me- refund on Hackwell Drain Mrs. Ben. Whittard, tending BLYTH Miss visited lor. Miss citing in Kitchener,' spent the week­ end at .her home here. The Home and School Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss Milne. The president, Mrs. J. Cowan, presided. Splendid papers by Mrs. B. Hall and Mrs. Weekes and a reading entitled “Women’s Ways” by Miss A. Gillespie, were special fea­ tures of the program, Miss Richmond contributed a solo accompanied at the piano by Miss Mills. A general dis­ cussion on the work the club has achieved and many helpful sugges­ tions put forward. A Vote of apprec­ iation and thanks was tendered the hostess for the use of -her home. A dainty lunch was served by the com­ mittee in charge. The;. meeting clos­ ed by singing "God Sav.e the King." The Women’s Day of Prayer will be held on Friday Feb. 24th in the Presbyterian Church. Mr, Robert Magee while working in the barn of Mrs. John Cowan fell a no Vera Taylor, of St. Helens, her mother, Mrs. Susan Tay- Pauline Robinson, who is tea- Geo. IN’MEMORIAM BELGRAVE HI 4 r o o n o O n O n a©; oeso:OEJOt ........... Special Showing of New Spun Rayon $2.98 New Materials, Attractive Styles. • . Moderately Priced. Women’s and Misses’ sizes. :0E3O:IOE3OE [OE3OIE WHITE QUILT BATTS J.-lb. fine white quilt batts that open out 72 in. by 90 in. Specially priced for this sale. Ea. Jumbo Flannelette ? 3 o o Do o n o O D=2 CELASUEDE GOWNS 00 3 doz. only Celasuede Gowns purchased spe­ cially for. this sale, tailored and lace trim­ med styles, finished . with fine scalloped edging. Tea Rose shade only. Medium and Large Sizes. Each $1.00. A 1 70 x 90 inches Pure White, Whipped Sing­ ly. Per pair..................$1.98 Childrens Stockings Pure silk plaited on Mercer­ ized Cotton in Beige shade only. Sizes 6% to 10. Sold regular at 39c. Special for this week-end, Per Pair 25c. 36 In. New Spring Prints In bright and attractive patterns. Specially pric­ ed for this week-end. Per Yard ......................17c 1 i Foundation Garments Special Sale HOSIERY / 1/2 PRICE including Nu-Back Garments Girdles Softies Corsets Corselpttes Brassieres mam t MORRISjCOUNCIL Minutes of Council meeting held in the Township Hall on Monday, Feb. 13th, 1939. The members were all present, the Reeve in the chair. from the hay mow and received severe shaking up. Fortunately bones were broken. MANAGEMENT AND CARE OF PLANTS IN THE HOME “Walker Stores, * SWEET I capoJ’Nj "The purest form in which ‘tobscco c*n be smoked" In the choice of plants for the home fitness of plants for houses may be 'determined largely from their struct­ ure and general appearance. Those with thick leaves and, a small glossy surface are but little affected by a dry atmosphere, while plants with small thin leaves dry up quickly. Decidu­ ous plants that show bare stems in winter are the least decorative. They are resting. All plants must rest, but those which rest during the summer Should be chosen, such as begonias, ’abutilons,, callas, cyclamen, geran­ iums, heliotrope, Imd Chinese prim­ roses; also, the flowering, bulbs, hya* cinths, .tulips, narcissi, and other plants of that order. In the care and management of house plants four things- are import­ ant—moisture, light, temperature, and soil. With regard to watering, provid­ ed the plants have proper drainage, water should be applied until it runs through the bottom of the pot. Too frequent watering is often detriment­ al; it wets the surface soil so much that the air is kept put. Dwelling-! house air is usually dry but the dry­ ness may be deceased by evaporating water in the room and by syringing foliage on bright days.- Thick leaved plants may be sponged with water containing whale-oil soap. A little ventilation should be given on mild, pleasant days. Through lack of food a plant some­ times does not grow well. So long as the roots have not become bound, the WRAY—In fond and loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Wrav, who departed this life Feb­ ruary 24th, 1929. We often sit and think of him when we are all alone, For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own. Like ivv on the withered oak when all other things decay, Our love for him will still keep green and never fade away.—Ever membered by wife and family. A NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Albert Holmes late of the Town of Wingham in the County of H-urpn, Labourer, deceased, who died in or about the year 1918, are notified to send to J. EL Crawford, ■ Wingham, Ontario, oh or before'the fourth clay of March, A.D. 1939, full particulars of their claims in Writing. Immediately after the said fourth day of March, 3939, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto#, having re­ gard only to claims of which the ad­ ministratrix shall then have notice. t)ATED at Wingham, this fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1939. J. H. CRAWFORD, . Whigham, Ontario, Solocitor for the Administratrix. Euchre and Dance was held in the Foresters’ Hall on Friday night by the Rink Club. Cards were enjoy­ ed during the first part of the even­ ing and prizes were won by Helen Yuill and Mr. Collins with the-con­ solation prizes going to Hilda Black and Borden Scott. Lunch was serv­ ed and dancing followed with Jack­ son’s orchestra supplying the music. The World Day of Brayer will be held in the Presbyterian Church, Bel­ grave, on Friday afternoon. All the ladies of the community are invited to this meeting. SALEM Jack? Daffagli spent Sunday NOTICE TO CREDITOR^ All persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Ann Taylor late of the Town Plot of Wingham in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died Gm or about the eighth day of Jantu Mr, With friends in 'Wingham. Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Fraser from Ridgetown, Kent County, spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Bolt, Misses Edytlie and Gladys Weir of Wroxetet, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Weir, Mr, Wm. -Hogg had the misfortune while working in Mr. Charlie Gathers1* bush to have his head out from the glance of the axe, Medical aid was summoned and it was necessary to put a few stitches in it However# we arc glad to say he was able to Be about again m a couple of days and we hope he will soon be O.K, again. iith' MiiifltoiBliMfw,.......... Slightly imperfect Special offering of chiffon and light serv­ ice hose in the .follow­ ing attractive Spring shades: Pagan Anim­ ation,. Mist Beige, " Charm Beige and Gol­ den Dawn. Sizes 8% to 10%. Shop early and save. < plant need not be re-potted; indeed,, this would offer a needless check to it. The best thing to do is to scrape away the surface soil sown to the roots and replace with a rich soil con­ taining 25 per cent of ground bone. Further information on the care of plants, including the important points in potting and re-potting, will be found in the circular “Management of Elouse Plants” which may be obtain­ ed free on application from the Pub­ licity and Extension Division, Do­ minion Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. YOUNG BARCELONIAN CHEERS ENTRY OF FRANCO’S TROOPS ; > >x; As •> <•/. u-:'.-. Supported by a smiling girl, a Bar* Jan. 26. Occupation by enemy troops ity of air mail With relief on their cclona lad (LEFT) cheered as rebel was preferable to having bombers fly faces because the title of war had soldiers entered Spain’s largest city over the metropolis' with the regular- swept past them, two women of Bar­ celona (RIGHT) greeted a Navarrese ther north Are feeling the effects of soldier. Today# their defenceless insurgent bombs and artillery, compatriots in Catalonian, centres fur-1