HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-02-23, Page 3Thurs., February, 23rd, 1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE THREE * 'SALAM TEA 3f "T I World Wide News In Brief Form to' inion and the municipalities on a 4Q- 40-20 basis. The Federal Government has approved the plan and it is ex­ pected the first families will be set­ tled early in Marc^i, Mr. Cross ex­ pected the initial appropriation would provide for at least 100 families and that the scheme if successful would be extended gradually. Sliopts Self in] Cathedral Cleveland — A shot smashed the after-communion quiet of St. John's Cathedral. Across the front of a pew, slumped Benedict Jender, 38, self­ slain with the revolver he used in kill­ ing his 29-year-old wife Anna, 16 hours earlier.-' , C. N. Passenger Revenue Shows Decline , Ottawa — Passenger revenues of* the Canadian National Railways to­ taled $18,096,849 in 1938, a drop from the 1937 revenue of $18,944,767 but an improvement over 1936’s $17,021,- 746, figures tabled by Trapsport Min­ ister Howe in the House of Commons showed. The minister furnished the figures in answer to a question by W. A. Walsh (Con., Mount Royal), add­ ing they did not include sleeping and chair car, mail, express ancl other pas­ senger train service revenue. disappeared and was believed to have perished as fire destroyed the three- storey wooden building. Robes a- blaze, the nun was last seen as she ran through a corridor shouting a warning after a lamp exploded. When the five nuns and 12 girl pupils had escaped into waist-deep snow of a blizzard, Mother Mary had vanished. She was believed to have reached a door and collapsed into the drifts, to be covered swiftly by the snow. Search was begun for her body in the ■grounds around the flattened struc­ ture. Predicts Return to Democracy Chicago — A resurgence of demo­ cracy in Europe was predicted by Dr. Eduard Benes, former president of Czechoslovakia, upon his* arrival to become visiting professor at the Uni­ versity of Chicago. “I am confident that democracy will return to Eur­ ope,” he said. “History shows that liberty and authoritarianism come in alternate cycles in Europe. The will come when “the democracies stand firm.” , , "Council Standard” RIB-ROLL or Tite-Lap Roofing is being widely used for houses. It is permanent. fiy fin TOpF proof— requires minimum upkeep. Write for our new free book, "House Tops”. failure or lack of markets. The fixed price of 30 cents a bushel, basis No. 1 northern wheat or* Fort William paid by the Canadian Wheat Board this year, would cost the Government $48,000,000 the minister estimated, but its distribution involved giving more to those who had crops and no­ thing to those who had not. PHIL OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J. Boyle “UNCLE OSWALD’S PICTURE” We wish to announce that O. BLAIR LAMO AT has become associated with, our OWEN SOLM) OFFICE 902 Second Ave., E. Telephones: 1460,1461 Eastern Steel Products PRESTON ONT AltOAf MONTREAL L TORONTO day will House Endorses U. S. Defense Plans Washington — The United States House of Representatives overwhelm­ ingly indorsed the bulk of President Roosevelt’s emergejiicy defence pro­ gram including a $300,000,000 expan­ sion of the United Slates Army Air Corps. Passage of the $552,000,000 military expansion bill followed a statement by Majority Leader Ray­ burn that conditions in Europe were “more volcanic than in 1914.” measure now goes to the Senate. Torturing Cat to Death Brings Arrest of Four Toronto — Four men were arrested by York Township ’ police charged with torturing a cat by hanging it un­ til it was dead. Police said the men were found home drunk and that the cat hanging in a pantry in of one of the accused. Settlement Scheme • The Believe Drifts Cover Body of Burned Nun Stoneham, Que. — Mother Mary, of the Seven Sorrows, a nun at the Roman Catholic Convent in this vil­ lage, 27 miles north of Quebec City, was the Tbree Hanged at Winnipeg Winnipeg — Three men died on the scaffold at Headingly provincial jail early Thursday for the murder of an 81-year-old woman. It wits the first triple hanging in Manitoba’s history. The men were: Peter Korzenowski, 29, Dan Prytula, 32 and William Kanuka, 41. They were convicted by a jury at the assizes1 in Dauphin, Man., last November of killing Mrs. Anna Cottick, 81-year-old rgsident of Fishing River district, 150 miles north of Winnipeg. Sentence was passed by Justice Klug’s ing to figures from the national re­ gistration for that month announced by the department of labor. That fig­ ure was an increase of 12.9 per cent., over November but a decrease of 9 per cent, from December, 1937. The report showed continued decline in the number of farms and their de­ pendents receiving agricultural aid. new Farm To Be Tried in Ontario Toronto — Inauguration of a farm settlement scheme to rehabili­ tate families on relief was announced by Hon. Eric Cross, Minister of Pub­ lic Welfare and 'Municipal Affairs. Present plans call only for an experi­ mental scheme involving expenditure of not more than $60,000, the cost to be borne by the province, the D.om- L 100,000 HOUSEWIVES ENJOY ^blue coal’ HEATING COMFORT A. K. Dysart Bench. Heads Move to of Court of Government close to the Britain End Spanish War Paris — The British was reported in circles president of Government Spain, Man­ uel Azana, to have taken the lead in attempting to end the long civil war. Azana was said to be supporting ef­ forts of Prime Minister Chamberlain of Great Britain, as was the French premier, Edouard Daladier. Canadian Dollar Free From All Ties Ottawa — Canadian currency is not and should not be tied' to any other world currency, Finance Minister Dunning told the House of Commons as he emphatically denied a sugges­ tion it was tied to the United States dollar and rejected a proposal it should be tied to the pound sterling. Eire.to Support Britain In Case of War Dublin — Eire could not remain neutral in a war between Great Bri­ tain and another state, Prime Min­ ister Eamon De Valera told the Dail. The statement came after several de­ puties had asked that the Government quit bluffing and admit that “Ire­ land’s first real defence is the British navy,’’ during Dail debate of n.ew bud­ get estimates for national defence. They were approved by a 62-39 vote. Rules Court Within Rights To Seize Cars Toronto — Chief Justice Hugh E. Rose upheld the validity of that sec­ tion of the Ontario Highway Traffic Act providing for impounding for three months of automobiles driven by persons convicted of driving while intoxicated. Chief Justice Rose held that the provincial statute did not add to penalties but simply dealt with the civil,, consequences arising violation of the criminal code therefore was not ultra vires the tario Legislature. I was rummaging up in the attic yesterday and came across the artis­ tic monstrosity known as Uncle Os­ wald’s portrait. It has been collect­ ing dust up in the attic for a number of years, and I really don’t know what impulse it was that made me drag it Out of the heap and set it in the alcove where slanting rays of the sun poured in the attic window. What memories that portrait brought back. Uncle Oswald used to live with us back in the early days. He was my .father’s» older brother, who after amassing considerable fortune pro­ ceeded to save board and hoard his money by moving in with the family. Parting with a nickel for him was like saying farewell to a lifelong friend. Then one day a traveller came to our place. He stayed to dinner and* after eating heartily wanted to do something for the family. His talent was of an artistic nature, and he tried for some time to interest my father in allowing, him to paint his portrait. Father wouldn’t listen to it. After the meal however, the young fellow and Uncle Oswald spent almost an hour talking. Soon after that they hitched up Old Nell and made off in the dir­ ection of the village. Later they re­ turned with a bundle. The next move came when we saw Uncle Oswald arrayed in his best suit sitting stiff necked in the front sit­ ting-room, while the young fellow was busy at work painting him. What a Roman holiday that was younger generation! Try might, they could never keep from that front room during three days. The young fellow came to be quite a friend of ours. He en­ joyed his meals immensely and spent the evenings telling us stories that would tickle a ghost’s scalp. We real­ ly 'enjoyed his yarns. Then came the- day of the unveil­ ing. Uncle Oswald came out of the door and in his usual pompous man­ ner asked us in to see the portrait. We went in a hurry. After taking his time in seating us, a-nd taking his stance at the end of the organ, he ask­ ed the artist to bring the portrait forth. Chills still shoot up and down my spine as I think of that crucial mo­ ment. And there was Uncle Oswald in the flesh . . . and what evidently was supposed to look like him. Well, if you were sea-sick, ate hot glue and had 'a dream of Uncle Oswald, he would probably look like that. He had his leg-of-mutton side­ burns, an enormous nose that looked like a safety beacon, cheeks that seemed to be molded from hardened pork fryings, and a chin like the Rock of Gibraltar. Perched above a per­ fect rose-bud mouth was a great handle-bar moustache like the horns i of a Texas long-horn steer. It was stupendous . . and' the sight of it fair- i ly startled us. I snickered out loud, I for the as they us away the next from and On- After Hours Telephones H. C. Henry, Manager Owen Sound 880 L. E. Cheer 0. B. Lamont Owen Sound 238-W Owen Sound 1836 F. O’HEARN & CO. STOCKS - BONDS ■ CRAIN MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE MONTREAL. CURB MARKET- WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC, TORONTO MONTREAL. HAMILTON OTTAWA COBALT KIRKLAND LAKE OFFICES NORTH BAY SARNIA NORANDA OWEN SOUND TIMMINS and Father with a great horny hand to cover the smile on his own face shook his head at me. Mother was a better poker player than any of us. “Oswald,” she said, “That’s what I call a really marvellous picture.*’ We all agreed in solemn faced uni­ son. And then started in to really ad­ mire the portrait.' The flattery was as thick as hardened honey. Oswald took a second and third look, and then after smiling in a pleased way said: “It will do, young man.” And so, rather than hurt Uncle Os­ wald’s feelings that portrait was hung in the front room. Mother used to say, she winced every time company came, and she used to try and place it in the darkest corner possible. For a time after Mrs. Phil.came to Lazy Meadows and my relatives had de­ parted this life, it still remained’in the front room. I suppose Mrs. Phil was rather timid about taking down any portraits of my relatives, but things came to a pass one day when a very flippant niece of mine came to see us. She was trying to drone “peppy” mus­ ic out of that wheezy old organ, and then suddenly stopped in the middle when she saw the picture claimed: “Who’s that dopey-faced ena?” Next day the portrait was to the .attic and I never saw it again until today. Age certainly hasn’t im­ proved. it. It looks just as bad today as it did on that day when it was formally unveiled in the front sitting­ room. Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Speedy Relief Here is a clean stainless penetrating anti> septic now dispensed by chemists at triffiac cost, that will bring you speedy relief from the itching and distress of Eczema, Itching Toes aad Feet, Rashes and skin troubles. Not only does this great healing antisepti* oil promote rapid and healthy, healing te open sores and wounds, but boils and sim­ ple ulcers are quickly relieved and cleanly healed. In skin diseases—the itching of Eczema is instantly stopped; the eruptions dry up and scale off in a very few days. The same is true of Barber’s Itch, Salt Rheum and other skin eruptions. You can obtain Moone’s Emerald Oil (fall strength) in the original bottle at W modern drug store. k Employers, , including individuals, companies educational, charitable and religious institutions who made pay­ ments to directors, officials, agents or other employees. Companies which paid dividends or bonuses in holders. Interest bonds and debtors. cash or stock to share- paid on fully registered debentures by Canadian CKNX Tues, and Thurs., 1.00 P.M, and ex-$100,000,000 Public Works Plan Reported Ottawa •— There were reports on Parliament Hill that the Government will ‘ disclose a $100,000,000 public works program when the supplemen­ tary estimates are tabled in the Com­ mons within; the next few weeks no official confirmation could be tained. old hy- $750,000 Fire Loss In Quebec Asylum Quebec — Hundred of incurably in­ sane patients in the blazing St. .Mich­ el L’Archange Hospital were evacu­ ated' from the huge asylum as fire raging for 14 hours in t'he men’s sec­ tion bit into the main building of the institution. After 1,8'00 men patients had been removed to safety during the day, another 700 men and women were led out of their quarters, some struggling with policemen and guards and a few in strait jackets. Only 300 remained unmoved in the asylum, one of North America’s largest. the but ob- 871,000 Receiving Government Aid' Ottawa — A’total of 871,000 per­ sons in Canada were on urban and agricultural aid in December, accord- Prove for yourself... as over 100,000 Canadian housewives have olready proved...that 'blue coal' gives the highest available standard of heating value and satisfaction. Let us send you a ton — Phone NOW removed MacLean, Lumber & Coal Co< Phone 64W car< i r i Wheat Bonus Loss Is $48,000,000 for Year Ottawa — Announcement of discontinuance of the minimum price method of bonusing wheat growers of the Prairie Provinces in the coming crop year, starting next August 1st, was made by Agriculture Minister Gardiner in the House 'of Commons. Outlines of a complete new wheat marketing policy were laid before the House. The policy involves substitu­ tion of an acreage bonus to meet em­ ergency situations arising from crop CERTAIN INCOME TAX RETURNS TO BE FILED - I Income tax returns which must be filed on or before Feb. 28 are as , follows, according to a notice pasted ] at the post office by R. J. Roberts, i assistant inspector of the Dominion Income Tax Department: * Trustees, executors, administrators, agents and assignees accumulating in­ come or making distribution to bene­ ficiaries. FREE PRIZES! Listen in to these interesting noon-time programs You can compete for tho CASH PRIZES GERMANY PREPARES AS RUMORS OF IMPENDING CRISIS GROW LOUDER Poultry Forming Requires MONEY Poultry pays, with scientific handling.. The flock must be a good breed:-—-should you buy chicks this Spring? Surround­ ings have to be kept ship-shape:—should you replace wire, install new traps and feeding equipment or imprave build­ ings? Specialized feeds produce better birds, more eggs, and eggs that grade higher, TF yon ate short of money at the time when a profitable investment- in, poultry or stock could be made, ask ns to assist yoU. Out Manager will be glad to discuss your plans.^ rp yj1 DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Wingham Branch J. R. M. Spittai, Manager Next month German military strength will have reached a new high. What will happen then is yet conjecture. Germany’s navy will be augmented by the Bismarck (LEFT) a 35,000-tou battleship, largest the Eelth has ever built, It will go along- side the battleship SchartihosL “This | proud ships by their crews at Scapa is a Resurrection/* declared Hitler as he watched the launching of the Bis­ marck, Like the Gniesetiatt (BOT­ TOM) the new battleship recalls lhe days when the German navy sailed the sea and before the Scuttling of the Flow. With this new marines such as the (TOP) Hitler hopes the North Sea. Mis strength, how­ ever, is limited by treaty to 40 per tent, of Britain's fleet. navy and sub- 250-ton model again to enter