HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-02-16, Page 3Thursday, February 16, 1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES *• W"1" . .......... •H statesman, here to lecture at tbp Uni’ versify of Chicago on the problems -of democracy, declined to discuss the Munich Pact, the future of Germany, or the ambitions of Chancellor Hitler, i TEA ________________I________ ______________ Was Expected to Speak Against Fascism Rome — Pope Pius’ death occurr­ ed at a critical moment in relations between tfa> Holy See and the Fascist Government. Pope Pius was to have received all the archbishops and bish­ ops of Italy in an audience for which recent, church history offers few pre­ cedents. Prelates had expected him to voice again his deprecation of Fas­ cist discrimination against'Jews and baiting of Catholic action, lay organ­ ization close to heart. Niagara Bridge Contract Signed Niagara Falls, Ont. — Contracts were signed by the Niagara Bridge Commission, with Sprague & Hen- wood, North Bay contractors, who will begin immediately to bore for the foundation and abutments for a new bridge over the Niagara River, replacing the Honeymoon Bridge car­ ried away by last winter’s ice jam. Japs Seize Hainan Igland Tokyo/— A Japanese expeditionary force seized chief cities of Hainan Is­ land, off the South China coast 300 miles southwest of Hong Kong. Im­ perial headquarters announced Hain­ an’s capital, ICuingchow, and near-by Hoihow, chief port and largest city, at the northern tip of the island, had. been taken‘without resistance or Jap­ anese 'casualties. International tion. is feared over this incident. fric- Britain Ready to Share Raw Materials Plymouth', Eng. — Great Britain is not going to -adopt a “dog in the man­ ger" policy ~over her colonies, Sir Samuel Hoare said in a speech here. “If the supply -of raw materials is WRITE NOW fiwrirl-ri firm 1 'fiendridge and rafter measure­ ments or area to be roofed, patched or re­ paired. .Council Stand­ ard _ Tite-Lap” meta! roofingis a sound, per­ manent investment. Absolutely weather- tight. Greatly reduces fire hazard. - . , SOLD ON A 25 YEAR ; COUMCO-STANDARB GUARANTEE / 19 Special Delivery Rates Cut Ottawa Post office department announced plans to step up special delivery service 'to the category of “big business." The transformation. in the service, effective March 1, will be achieved by slashing the present 20 cent rate in half (the regular post- age is additional) and establishing a uniformed staff of postal messengers employed on a yearly salary basis, The new service1 will be timed to incicjewith the inauguration of “overnight" schedule service of TCA airmail, CONSTIPATION TEARS “DOWN Kemp, Goderich, veteran jeweler and watch maker, was found. When he failed to come home at the regular hour for his supper his daughter went to his store on the square to make the discovery. He had been dead less than half an hour, victim of a heart attack1, Corner Dr. W> F. Gallow, who was called, said. Mr. Kemp brought one of the first automobiles to Goderich, built the first snowmo­ bile and rode his own motorcycle up until recent years. As a young man he worked in various cities in United States. w We wish to announce that O. BLAIR LAMONT has become associated 'with, our OWEN SOUND OWICB 902 Second Ave., E. Telephones; 1460, 1461 Sr co- the the likely* tp be the caus£ of future dis­ putes there is no reason whatever why this question should not be set­ tled by discussion and negotiation,” the home secretary declared, Madrid Again Capital of Spain Madrid — Battered Madrid, which for months, has defied efforts of in­ surgent forces to capture it, will again become the capital of Government Spain. This announcement was issued at Valencia afteg Premier Juan Neg- rin had returned to the area still held by the loyalist forces. Negrin’s state- riient- came after leaders of the loyal forces had conferred at Valencia and made known their determination to “fight to the end” in their Central Spanish zone against the forces of General Franco, who now holds three- fourths of this war-torn land. Gov­ ernment headquarters were -trans­ ferred from • Madrid to Barcelona when insurgent forces were pounding on the outskirts of this city, gay cap­ ital of pre-war days. Mackenzie Hits Back Ottawa — Defence Minister Mac­ kenzie was greeted with prolonged Liberal cheers as he took the floor in the House pf Commons to reply to 'Opposition attacks in the Bren gun debate. He said he rose to reply to the most sustained and vicious polit­ ical attack ever made in the history of Canada. Mr. Mackenzie declared he had been victim of “the most un­ fair attack in British parliamentary history.. There has never been- a more sustained campaign of calculat­ ed columny than that directed against the present minister of defence. We have seen the most sinister alliance of peculiar philosophy on your far left which attack by estimates the past two years with sustained malevalence, and the Tory party which did more to destroy national defence before 1935 than has ever' been done in the history of Canada. Drew Nominated in E. Simcoe'' Orillia — Col. George A, Drew, de­ claring he was the “democratic choice” of Simcoe East Conservatives was nominated at a convention here as the Conservative party’s candidate in a provincial by-election in the con­ stituency February '27. In accepting the nomination, the Ontario party leader said there is no “magic way” of relieving Canadians of existing heavy taxation burdens but “there is a way of re-applying taxation where­ by people will desire to own pr'pptf- ty again.” Revision of taxatioi^vas the first duty of governments today. ■s Would Keep Spain Spanish Paris — A British-French plan to get Germany and Italy out of Spain by countering Nazi-Fascist wartime help with peacetime credit was re­ ported by informed quarters. Diplo­ matic circles said Great Britain and France had offered to finance recon­ struction of the war-torn country in return for a promise by Gen. Franco that Spain would be kept purely Spanish. There was a belief in the two democratic nations that econom-. ic conditions of Germany, and Italy would make it hard for them to help in the rebuilding of Spain. Grynzspan Writing Diary Paris—Everybody knows the tragic -story of Herschel Grynzspan, the 17- year-old Jewish boy who will go on trial for killing Ernst Vom Rath, sec­ retary of the German embassy in Paris on November 7 last. We” may read what the unhappy lad thinks himself when the diary he is writing in the, Fresnes jail for juvenile of­ fenders is finished. Visiting the jail a friend learned he regrets the action which has brought such disastrous re­ sults to hundreds of his innocent countrymen whom he had wished to qvenge. .• ■ . • Is ypur constipation becoming a burden, not only tp ypu but to those around you ? Is it wrecking your dis­ position as well as ypur health? Many suffer needlessly^ for common constipation is usually due to noth­ ing more than a lack of “bulk” in the diet. Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN is a. ready-to-eat cereal which supplies the “bulk” necessary to regular bowel movements. Eat ALL-BRAN every morning with milk, cream or fruit, or in the form of delicious muffins. Drink plenty of water. Give regular habits a chance to rebuild health and happiness. I Matk by Kellogg in London, Canada. At your grocers. up, but the shafts, and dashboard of the cutter were broken. The horse, a usually reliable driver, was unhurt. 21 Years of Perfect Attendance There are many community records of one kind and another, but one of the most notable fpr this, or any oth­ er community, has been created by Mr. and Mrs.'W. J. Williams of town who this month completed their 21st year of perfect attendance at the Northside United Church Sunday School.—Seaforth Huron Expositor. May Build Walks on Government Plan Mayor D. D, Hay informed the Council at Monday’s meeting that an effort would be made to ' place the sidewalk building program contem­ plated on by the municipality for ear­ ly spring, under the new Federal Gov­ ernment scheme which would have both Dominion and Provincial Gov­ ernments pay a 50450 share of the costs if the municipalities provide a good amount of materials.—Listowel Standard. Sentenced for Chicken Thieving “Taking chickens from the farm in the dead of night after the woman of the house has spent months in feed­ ing in prospect of using the funds for some special purpose is the meanest kind of theft we have to real with,” remarked Magistrate'Walker in police court at Walkerton, as he sentenced Ivan Barnes to one year in the On­ tario reformatory and George Bell to two months in jail. ' I ---------!----- On O.M.E.A. Board At the annual meeting of the On­ tario Municipal Electric Association held at the Royal York Hotel, Tor­ onto, Mr. E. L. Box, Chairman of the Seaforth Pu,blic Utility Commission, was elected one of the District Vice- Presidents.—Seaforth Huron Expos­ itor. After Hours Telephones H, C, Henry, Manager Oyten Sound 880 L. E. Cheer O. B, Lamont Owen Sound 238-W Owen Sound 1836 I F. O’HEABN & CO. STOCKS - BONDS - CJEAIN MEMBERS THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE MONTREAL CURB MARKET WINNIPEG GRAIN EXCHANGE CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE CANADIAN COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC. through, landing on the floor. He was assisted to his. home where it was found on examination that for­ tunately no bones had been broken and other than the effects of surprise, fright and shock, some bad bruises, he had escaped serious injury in his forced landing. — Walkerton Herald- Times. OFFICES NORTH BAY SARNIA NORANDA OWEN SOUND TIMMINS torpnto MONTREAL HAMILTON OTTAWA COBALT. KiRKLAND LAKE F°RD ».!i°TELS Ckoosew RATESW‘“12SO1 SWGUMMffll II I t I t » I :: ill »»» jjj |Wmokm •hotels > LOCATE*f / mestic pork trade. Farmers are therefore strongly advised to refrain from overfinishing and to endeavour to market their .hogs before reaching a weight of 230 pounds at the’ farm. JOINS BROKERAGE FIRM i BIST FLOUR and To, Hog Producers CKNX Tues, and Thurs., 1.00 P.M. Worth Vyhile Proposal It has been proposed that the Boat ds of Health of Carrick, Mild- may, Culrosssand Teeswater could do their respective municipalities a real­ ly worth-while service, by co-operat­ ing to take advantage of the offer of the Bruce County Council tb pay $10 to each school room, the pupils of which, are medically inspected four times each year. This work can be done by a physician or a duly qual­ ified nurse. This is a service that should be taken up by the various Board of Health and other public ser­ vice organizations, and could be car­ ried out with small expense t-o each school board concerned. — Mildmay Gazette. Winter Ducklings Mr. S. N. Scott, of Stephen Town­ ship, has a bunch of baby chicks that were ushered in early in the year, One of the ducks was born the last day of January and the following day, February 1st,, eight more arrived. They had a cold reception but are thriving and doing well in the warm barn.—Exeter Times-Advocate. O. Blair Lamont Who has become associated with the Owen Sound office of F. O’Hearn & Co., members of the Toronto other important stock exchanges. Wreckage Only Trace of Boat New York — The Holland Ameri­ can'lines, after first reviving hope for the crew of 37 aboard the British freighter Maria de Larrinaga, said re­ ports that its liner Veendam was ‘“making a rescue” from the stricken ship later appeared erroneous. The Veendam advised the Radio Corpor­ ation of America it had picked up no survivors and did not know of any ship that had done so. War Not Inevitable, Says Benes New York — Dr. Eduard Benes, former president of Czecho-Slovakia, said on arriving here, he did not con­ sider war in Europe inevitable. Ask­ ed if he thought the democracies, strongly aligned, could avert war, he answered quickly: “Of course. Housewife Knows J. R.M. Spittai,Manager Prices now are lower because of Sales Tax exemption. Save money by writing today. Manufacturers also of famous Preston Steel Trues Barns and Jamesway Poultry equip­ ment Address: 308 Giielph St, Preston, Ont. Attimit iiiirriiiiiiiifiiiiiniiiiitiiiiHiiiiiinniiiiiiuiiitiitf ihh7 Injured When Hit by Car Betty Sholtz, Auburn, hged eight years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dal­ ton Sholtz, had her leg broken when she attempted to cross the road -in front of a car, tripped, and was hit by the machine. The motorist, E. J. Matthews^ Stratford, took to the ditch endeavoring to miss the girl, who was returning to her home from school •with a brother, Elmer, aged six. Accident Narrowly Averted at Sale An accident was narrowly averted at Mrs. Charles Long’s clearing auc­ tion sale last. week. About ten horses had been taken through the barn and tied, in the straw shed. The weight proved too much for the supporting sleepers which gave way precipitating the majority of the animals into the shed below. Fortunately none of the animals were hurt and there were no men standing in the shed which was rather unusual.—Arthur Enterprise- News.. Hit by Puck, Nose Fractured Harvey Treleaven, who suffered' a badly shattered nose when struck by a puck, while acting as goad judge in Listowel, is- making a splendid re­ covery. Harvey is making a surpris­ ing recovery, with the injured nose quite straight and the swelling and discoloration practically gone. A new type of coiled wire nostril splint and nose mould cap was used in this in­ stance in reducing the fracture and the results appear to be most satis­ factory.—Lucknow .Sentinel. Producers of hogs in Canada reminded that the increase in number of overfinished and over­ weight hogs now being marketed is creating a very serious and acute problem in the export bacon and do- are the FREE PRIZES! Listen In to these Interesting noon-time programs You can compete for tfio CASH PRIZES MI A little money in the bank'1 often spells the difference between worry and ease of mind. Any housewife can have a. "nest egg" to fall back on by opening a Savings Account at this Bank and making small regular deposits. Also Trust Accounts may be opened for your children. There is a Branch near you, where you will receive courteous atten­ tion at all times. THE DOMINION BANK ESTABLISHED 1871 Wingham Branch Hanover Man’s Gift 1 To His Native Village Two hundred dollars has been don­ ated by Public School Inspector Geo. Pentland of Hanover, to honor his birthplace, the village of Heathcote, in the eastern part of Grey county. The money will aid the community rink and hall, and supply Hydro-el­ ectric light for two chuibhes. — Han­ over Post. Walkerton Catholic Ratepayers Organize In line with the- campaign being lodged by the Roman Catholic Rate­ payers’ Association of Ontario, rela­ tive to school taxes, members of the Parish of Sacred Heart Church, Wal­ kerton, had a general meeting when the matter was discussed and the lo­ cal unit in the Provincial Association was formed- The Walkerton unit of­ ficers are; C. G. Bruder, J. J. Schnurr and H. T. Buehlow. Hadi Lucky Escape Mr. and Mrs. S. H, Stothers and son, Arnold, Dungannon, narrowly escaped serious injury when part of the harness broke when driving down the Crozier hill with horse and cutter. The cutter rati up against the, horse, causing it to rtm and kick. At the foot of the hill were two narrow bridges spanning two branches of the river. It looked for a time that all might be dumped into the river, but Mr, Stothcrs held on to the lines and succeeded in keeping the horse from striking the bridge. The occupants were unhurt beyond a severe shaking, I Goderich. Man Found Dead Sitting in an easy chair in his workshop in which he had labored for over 30 years, the body of Henry CHILDREN of all ages thrive on “CROWN BRAND? CORN SYRUP. They never tire of its delici­ ous flavor and it really is so good for them—so give the children “CROWN BRAND” every day. Leading physicians pro-, pounce ?‘CROWN BRAND” CORN SYRUP a. most satis- factory carbohydrate to US6 as a milk modifier in the feeding of tiny infahts and as an energy producing food for growing children. THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOQD CANADA STARCH COMPANY LMM Grey Man Given Suspended Sentence Because he did not feel like work­ ing and wish for a day off, Donald Riehl, 23, Grey Township, removed the magneto from his employer's tractor and hid it, reporting that it had been stolen, Crown ^Attorney Holmes related in police court. Riehl was charged with causing malicious damage to property and with obtain­ ing $4.50 by false pretences, he ing a bouncing check. He was fenced to two years suspended tence. It was his first offence, crown attorney said the magnetc been returned and the check made good. Kincardine Boys Tour Scotland News of the Bristol (England) hoc­ key club is welcomed locally for star­ ring on it are the former Kincardine players, Bruce Thomson and Murray Munro. A letter received by Mr. Ross Munro this week tells that the Bristol team is undefeated this sea­ son, team leave they playing five games in seven days. - Kincardine News. Tn fact so successful has the been that on February 10 they on a tour of Scotland where will meet that country’s best, 1SSU* I know a Boy Crashed Through Rooif Ross, the ll-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hobley, had an ex­ perience on Monday afternoon which he will not forget for many moons and which, if never repeated in his journey through life, will iqeet with the lad’s hearty approval. The young­ ster, it appears, was doing some Tar­ zan of tl\c Apes’ stunts on the roofs of structures at the rear of Ills fath­ er’s drug store, and in a leap fro ill ft higher building onto one used as a garage, the roof of the structure did not deter Ins .descent and he crashed when I see ONE!” Come to think of it, he’s right* For where will you find o anything comparable in value—so much-—for so Very little S’ Every minute, day or night# the telephone is ready to serve your social, Business or emergency needs. You may have grown accustomed to this service-—-you may think nothing of talking across continents and'’oceans! But when you do think it over,you realize that the modern telephone represents the greatest value in terms of service that money can Buy! - Telephone service is widely tudd because it is courteous, yet surprisingly inexpensive. Nothing else yields so much jor what it costs! I