HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-02-09, Page 3*Thursday, February 9, 1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
TAe JLonjf Life Lamps
p.ected of bombing two hey subway
stations and threatening to blow up
the city’s main police station,
plosions in the Leicester Square
Tottenham Court road subway
tions injured seven persons, two
Phone 156
Utilities Commission
Memorial Cost $890,000
Ottawa — Canada’s national war
memorial, to be unveiled by the King
here in May, cost $284,573, . Works
Minister Cardin said in reply to a
question in Commons. The
will cost $605,000 more.
a new
King Supports Motion for
Bren Inquiry’
Ottawa — The move for
Bren gun inquiry before the
accounts committee of the House -of
Commons was advanced steps farth-
• er when Pr.ime’“‘Minister Macknezie
King supported the motion to refer
the Bren gun contract and the report
of Justice H. H. Davis on his royal
. commission inquiry in the contract to
the committee. The motion was pro
posed by Grant MacNeil (C.C.F. Van-
] couver North). Mr. King suggested
members should refrain from debat
ing the motion to refer to the com
mittee in such a way as to prejudice
the question.
Roosevelt Denies U.S. Has .
Rhine Front
Washington — An almost immed
iate reaction to President Roosevelt’s
assertion that United States foreign
policy still rests upon unchanged his
toric foundations appeared to be an
intensification of a controversy en
gulfing Congress and sweeping for
eign capitals. The storm started with
the disclosure a week ago that Unit
ed States officials were heartily co
operating With a French mission buy
ing warplane in America. In his- re
marks at a press conference the pres
ident denounced as a “deliberate lie”
recent statements that he considered
America’s frontier to be the Rhine.
Two Children Burned tor Death
E’den — Twa small children, sons
of Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Sivyer,
W.ere burned to death in a farm trag
edy a mile and a half east of here
late Friday when fire swept the little
frame home on the 9th concession of
Malahide Township, in Elgin County,
and burned, it to the ground. Their
25-year-old father was working at
Woodstock and the mother went to
a neighbouring farm home to get
some milk1'for the baby, leaving one
child in the crib and the-other at his
grandfather's. Jackie apparently got
tired waiting at his grandparents' and
returned alone to the little home.
How the fire started is a° matter of
Hepburn On Way Home
Sydney, Australia — Premier Hep
burn of Ontario sailed for Canada on
Friday in the liner Mariposa after a
visit to the Commonwealth. The
Mariposa is due at San Francisco on
February 21. It will call at Auckland,
New Zealand, en route.
Canadian Cardinal Visits Pope
Vatican City — Pope Pius received
in audience Rodrigue Cardinal Vill
eneuve, Archbishop of Quebec, ac--
companied by the prelates who came
with him to Rome for the 50th anni
versary celebrations of the Canadian
College. Students of the college also
were received.
Speech from Throne Passes
Followers of the Liberal party in
the House lined up in force to assure
passage of the address'in reply to the
Speech from the Throne by a huge
majority and defeat the Conservative
and C.C.F. amendments by votes of
155 to 55 and .189 to 23 respectively.
It was the first division of the ses
sion and brought to an end a debate
which lasted three weeks.
May Solve German Jew Problem
Berlin — Dr. Helmuth Wohlthat,
Field Marshal- Goering’s personal 're
presentative, initialed a secret docu
ment giving German reactions to a
program for mass emigration of Ger
man Jews. At the conclusion of three
weeks of conversations here, George
Rublee, director of the intergovern
mental refugee committee, expressed
optimism and said he hoped for a
“very -great improvement in the situ
Kruschen Got at the Cause
This woman’s headaches were of
the gripping kind that reduce the
suffered- to something like helpless
ness, She trie4 tablets, She tried
pills. All without avail,
Kruschen could help her.
“I used to get very bad head
aches,” she writes, “No tablets or
pills of any kind could relieve them;
One morning, casually, I tried
Kruschen Salts in a glass of hot wat
er, I continued taking it, but I have
not had one of those awful headaches
since. Kruschen suits me better than
anything else. I find it very good.”—
(Mrs.L L.A.W.
Headaches can nearly always be
traced to sluggishness of the kidneys,
liver and intestines, and to the unsus
pected retention in the system of
stagnating waste material which
poisons the blood. The numerous
salts in Kruschen stimulate the in
ternal organs .to healthy, regular ac
tion so that* no clogging waste js al
lowed to collect. Your inside is kept
clean and serene. And that is just,
how Kruschen Salts brings quick and
lasting relief from headaches.
civil defence administration, which
will include wartime positions* cor
responding to civil governors, was an
nounced by Sir John Anderson, lord
privy seal. England, Scotland and
Wales will be divided into 12 reg
ions, of which the London metropoli
tan area will be one. In peace time
each region will be administered by
a regional officer, whose main duty
will be to act as- liaison officer’ be
tween the local authorities and the
civil defence departments of the Gov
ernment. The scheme includes a
shadow organization which would
take control of each region at the
outbreak of war.
C.T.A. Enforcement Still‘in the Air
Toronto — The Hepburii. Govern
ment is resolved not to- enforce the
Canada Temperance Act on Mani-
toulin Island despite the fact that
Minister of Justice Lapointe has plac
ed the onus on-Ontario. Hon. Harry
Nixon, acting premier, declared that
despite Mr. Lapointe’s contention, the
Ontario Government will continue the
policy already enunciated, that if the
Canada Temperance Act is in force
on .Manitoulin it must be enforced
by federal authorities or not at all.
ists, In this country milk in most
families is regarded as an indispens
able article of diet It is growing in
popularity. Since 19^3 the annual in
come from dairy products in Canada
has risen from about 83 millions to
over 122 millions in 1937.
This valuable food should be treat
ed with all the consideration It de
serves. The housewife in the town or
village should know her dairyman.
She might profitably visit his place of
business so that she shall be under
no illusions as to the methods of
cleanliness and care with which a
first-class business is carried. oil, If
she observes anything amiss (and
who can see such things better than
the competent housewife) she should
call the attention of the manager of
the dairy to the matter and if it is
pot remedied she has the privilege of
changing her dairyman.
There should be a definite place,
such as a covered’ box, wherein the
milkman may leave the order. This
should be protected against dirt, dogs
and the direct rays of’ the sun. The
milk should be protected against
freezing in cold weather for frozen
milk’while digestible, is not so good
as it might be and is always flaky.
Before opening the milk its top
should be rinsed under the tap of cold
■Milk, like many other beverages,
tastes better when it is very hot or
very cold. It is vital that the milk be
kept cold from the time it leaves the
dairy until it is used,
' The most* important of all rules in
the caring for milk is to keep it in a
clean cold place. High grade past
eurized milk can be kept sweet at 40
deg. F. for days and weeks at a time.
It has been so kept for as long as 48
days. Use only pasteurized milk and
govern its care under the three C’s:
cold, clean and covered.
----------‘------- 8
lib. and,lb. packages. They
are exchangeable for beauti
ful Wm. Rogers & Son Silver-
plate. Write for premium book
to Thos, J. Lipton Limited,
Lapton Bldg., Toronto.
Change to Lipton’s. You’ll say it’s
as fine a tea as you’ve ever tasted.
For Lipton’s small leaf tea has a
superb, full-bodied richness. That
is why Lipton’s, though you may
brew it weak as you please, is
never insipid. That is why Lipton’s
is the source of such exhilarating
pleasure to thousands of tea lovers
the world over. Buy Lipton’s today.
• Three distinctive grades: Red label,
Orange label and Yellow label
(Lipton’s Finest).
LIPTON’S, the world’s largest selling tea, is
blended especially for Canadian tastes.
Listen to the “Lipton Melody Hour” Musical every Sunday after
noon, 4.30’ to 5.00 p.m., over Radio Station CBL, Toronto.
planned. Make it a regular Monday
night supper.)
Quick Fish Loaf
1-lb. can Canadian chicken
die or Canadian salmon
teaspoon salt
eggs ’
cup thick white sauce
in the same length of time, and there
is no peeling to stop and bother with.
Open a can of vegetables that the
family likes, and you’re all set. If
you find yourself with a little extra
time on your hands, whip up a one'
egg cottage pudding and serve it with
maple syrup for dessert. Or make a
nutmeg sauce.
There you have it, dinner in half an
hour, and we’ll bet the family votes
to have this dinner over and. over
again. Try it the next time you’re de
layed at the club, or when you had to-
sew on extra buttons after washday.
In the raising of hogs the main
point to bear in mind is that, by
steady production based on the nor
mal capacity of the farm, it is poss
ible for an individual producer to in
crease his average returns materially.
Profits from hogs are dependent on
two factors, namely, the price receiv
ed and the cost of production, and
although many of the elements gov
erning prices and the cost of feed are
beyond the individual’s control, it is
not beyond his power to take advant
age of certain market conditions
which are’ repeated at fairly frequent
and regular intervals.
Hog prices show a considerable
variation from month to month. Us
ually the highest prices in any year
are paid from July to -September, a
period when marketings are low. By
farrowing sows in the winter months
(December-February), the indiviual
producer will be able to market his
hogs during the July-September per
iod of peak prices. This winter far-
- rowing is admittedly more difficult
than production during the so-called
normal season, but the obstacles can
be overcome, just as they were for
poultry by supplying heat and more
careful feeding.
No one- can predict future prices
for either hogs or feed with any cer
tainty at the time sows are bred, but,
while average hog prices during the
past five years have not, shown much
variation, there have been very dras
tic changes'in feed prices: low in 1934
and 1935; high in 1936 and 1937; and
low again in 1938. The combination
of high prices and low feed prices in
the fall of 1935 led many farmers in
some districts to-increase the number
of sows bred, resulting in the greatly
increased marketings of 1936-7. Many
of these hogs were finished on the
higher-priced feeds of 1936 so that
much smaller profits than anticipated
were obtained. In 1937, the same pro
ducers became discouraged, decreas
ed the number of sows bred, and now
find themselves with fewer hogs to
feed at a time when low feed prices
have made, production profitable.
Attempting to guess' the future
prices of hogs and feed simply can
not be done successfully. The only
alternative is to maintain normal pro
duction, being careful to avoid any
marked increases or decreases.
... , , . s E
1 had-
Flake the fish. Add the salt,
beaten egg yolks, the white sauce, and
the beaten egg whites. Pour into a
greased baking dish and bake in a
moderate oven (350 to 400 F.) for 20
to 30 minutes.
Boiled rice or macaroni will cook
Department 6f
Fltheri*s, Ottawa.
Please send mb your free
Booklet, "100 Tempt
ing Fish Recipes1
JPrague Moves to Oust Jews
Prague — Two far-reaching de
crees — one aimed at depriving most
Jews of their Czecho-Slovakiah citiz
enship and the other at forcing' all
immigrants to leave the country
within six months — were proclaim
ed by the Government. Both laws
are traceable to the partitioning of
Czecho-Slovakia at Munich last Sep
Huiigary Envoy Told to
Leave Russia
Moscow — Soviet Russia struck a
warning blow against the anti-Com-
intern pact by notifying Hungary to
close her Moscow" legation and hence
forth deal with the Soviet Union via
the capital of some third power. This
was a reprisal for Hungary’s decision
to join the pact, hitherto linking Jap
an, Germany and Italy.
Drew May Be Opposed by Two
Midland — Three-cornered race in
the forthcoming Simcoe East provin
cial by-election loomed as a possibil
ity with the announcement by Mayor
James Mackie that he was consider
ing entering the February 27 contest
as an Independent candidate, Col. G.
Drew, provincial leader of the Con
servatives, is to be his party’s official
candidate., Capt. W. E. Osborne
Dempster, of Toronto, announced on
Wednesday he intended to enter the
contest as an unofficial Conservative
candidate. Mayor Mackie, a’ Liberal,
said he was definitely opposed to en
tering a candidate in opposition to
Col. Drew until Capt. Dempster an
nounced his candidature.
Britain to Zone for Defense
London — A zoning system for the
Two Subways in London Bombed
London — Scotland Yard mobiliz
ed its 'full strength in a determined
hunt. through fog-bound London for
Irish Republican army terrorists sus-
it pulls with ease,
Beveny Armstrong figures she is
one of the luckiest girls in this' Do
minion. The 15-year-old Victoria
miss has a father who Is interested in
scale models. He built her this pas-, locomotive and tender weigh half a persons can be accommodated
ficiiger-carrying steam railway, whose ton. It can develop so much speed three car
track rims 400 feet through, the neigh- that Beverly doesn’t dare let it go full |
burs’' backyards and back ifgaim The steam on her limited trackpge. -
•; o ■ ",
Listen in to these interesting
noon-time programs
You can compete for the
Drive Against Catholics Delayed
New York — An imminent German
drive against Roman Catholics, sim
ilar to the current campaign against
Jews, is being delayed only because
of the Nazi Government’s hope that
Cardinal Karl Joseph Schulte, arch
bishop of Cologne, will be the next
jPope, according to Quentin Reynolds,
associate editor of Collier’s, who has
just returned from an investigation of
persecution in Germany.
Hitler Wants Voluntary
Return of Colonies
Berlin — Chancellor Hitler was re
presented in an authoritative Nazi
news service as hoping by peaceful
methods to persuade Great Britain
and France that the voluntary return
of Germany’s former colonies is ne
cessary and "desirable.
, T.f you were asked to ’name the best
food in the use of your family, you
would almost unconsciously answer
“Milk”. You would be right. Your
opinion has long since been accepted
by doctors, dietitians and food chem-
Memorise This Recipe and Use It
Some days go along like clock
work^ You have plenty of time
all the homemaking tasks, and
spend on preparing dinner. But
your youngster take a spill on
sled, or come home with a cut fing
er, and the time you had alloted for
dinner vanishes. It’s hard to make it
up, and the family hate to find din
ner delayed. That’s when you’ll save
a lot of fluster on your own part by
having a magic recipe like this is the
back of your mind. (I?.S. It’s good
for wash day, too, when those little
extra things took more time than you
MORE AND MORE, housewives are tell
ing each other about the endless variety of
inexpensive dishes that can be prepared
from Canadian Fish and Shellfish ... dishes
that fairly sparkle with appetite-appeal and
make hungry husbands clamor for more.
Over 60 different kinds of Canadian Fish
and Shellfish are available to you all year
’round, whether fresh, frozen, smoked, can
ned, dried or pickled ... packed with deli
cious flavour and vitamins that build up
glowing health and strength. Serve fish
several times a week.. Try the other grand
tasting recipes contained in the new free
Fish Recipe Booklet.
Department of Fisheries, Ottawa.
Combine 1kJ cupfuls of flaked cooked
or Canned fish, and 2 tablespoons of
chopped pimento with one cupful of
medium whitb sauce. Season with salt,
pepper and a dash of cayenne, Bake
rich balclnmpowdfef biscuits, Split and
butter while htft, serve with Creamed
fish between Mie layers and over the
top. Hot buttered asparagus is a good
JlcdUeA: write for
/ 'x
(Pteijik'print letters plaiiniyj ”
JU. Ax,