HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-01-19, Page 8WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES,
phene 161
• -•
cry on Monday afternoon, with her
pastor, Rev. J. Pollock of the Pres*
byterian Church, had charge of the
services. This community extends
sympathy Jo the bereaved families.
Thursday, January 19, 1939
Show Starts at 8.00 p.m. Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows 7,45 and 9.45 p.m.
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2,30 p»m,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 19, 20, 21
Robert Louis Stevenson’s immortal tale of love and
Sf adventure on sea and land.
Also “Cartoon” and “News”
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 23, 24, 25
“Big Broadcast of 1938”
New songs and new laughs in the musical treat of
the season. Specialty numbers are contributed by
Kirsten Flagstead of the Meropolitan and
Shep Fields and his Orchestra.
Also “Crime Does Not Pay”
Remember the Matinee at 2.30 Saturday Afternoon
Admission: Adults 20c, Children, 10c.
Mrs. Henry Patterson, formerly
Miss Elizabeth Elgeston, passed
away on Friday at her home on the
boundary of W. Wawanosh after an
illness extending over two years, dur
ing which time she went through two
major operations ,in Hamilton Hos
pital, nursed by her daughter, Miss
Catharine Patterson, R.N.
Over twenty-eight years ago she
married Mr. Patterson who prede
ceased her five years ago. She was
in her fifty-ninth year. Her aged mo
ther, Mrs. Egleston, resides with the
family and it left to mourn her. Al-
so two daughters, Catharine and Ag
nes and two sons, Alfred and John,
all well-known in this district and all
at home. She -also has three brothers,
George and John of Calgary and Will
of Detroit. George was home for a
few days last week to .see her. Also
two sisters, Mrs. DuMont of Chi
cago and Mrs. Bert Reed, of Listow-
el. One sister, Mrs. Wraith, died
about fifteen years ago. Mr. Will
Egleston of Detroit and Mrs. Du
Mont and Mrs. Reed have all been
with her during the past week, and
Mr. and Mrs. George Patterson, of
Toronto, also spent a few days there.
She was buried in Greenhill Cemet-
Baptist Church
Friday, Jan. 20
at 8 p.m.
Eivin Bjornstad
King of Gospel Singers,
By Critics said to rank
next to Caruso.
Freewill Offering.
of Toronto.
Every Night This Week
at 8 p.m. and all
Sunday Services.Eivin Bjornstad
Mrs. Powell of Stratford spent a
few days last week at the home of
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Wilson.
Mr, Thos. Gaunt has been laid up
with an attack of sinus trouble,
Miss Murdeen Simpson, of Lang
side, spent a few days last week at
the home of her atlnt, Mrs,. James
Mr. Cuyler Ramage, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Ramage, of AV. Wawanosh,
is seriously ill in Wingham Hospital
suffering from an attack of pneu
Mr. Alec Inglis of Detroit and
Roddy, Jack Inglis, Chas. Henderson
and Norman Welwood, who have
been selling journals in the Chatham
district during the past -week spent
the -week-end at their homes here,
leaving on Tusday for their work.
Mr, John Barbour of Sutherland,
Sask, who has been visiting with his
brother-in-law, Mr. . Harry McClen-
aghan, of Belgrave, and with his un
cle, Mr, Wm. Barbour, left on Mon
day to visit with his sister, Mrs. W.
J, Watt, of Toronto.
,Mrs. Wm. Robinson of.E. Wawa
nosh, and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler, Mor
ris; spent a few days last week at the
home of the former’s daughter, Mrs.
John Kilpatrick, of Lucknow.
Air. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft visit
ed on Friday at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, of
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Laidlaw had
the telephone installed in their home
last week.
Mr. Thos. Moorp left on Saturday
to see his brother, Mr. Wesley
Moore, of Owen Sound, who is seri
ously ill at the Western Hospital,
Miss Agnes Wilson,' R.N., who
spent last week at her home here, re
turned on Saturday to her position
in Whitby.
This community extends congrat
ulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ring
ler (nee Mrs. Hannah Taylor, of E.
Wawanosh) who were married at the
manse of the United Church, Dun
gannon on Sat., Dec. 24th, by Rev.
E. Gill. They will make their home
At the annual meeting of the Unit
ed Church last Wednesday afternoon,
Mr. Wm. Purdon was elected as eld
er, and Wm. Barbour, Frank Henry,
James Falconer and George Murray
were elected on the committee of
The meeting of the Y.P.U. of the
United Church was held on Monday
night with Mr. Clarence McClenagh-
an in the chair. The theme of the
Worship service was, The church
reaches out. The Scripture lesson
was read by Miss Lettie Fox and Mr.
Jas. Falconer lead in prayer. During
the business period the rules for the
contest starting next Monday were
planned, tlarence McClenaghan told
the story of Dr. Darby of Bella- Bella,
B.C., who refused an offer of a lucra
tive position in a hospital in Wash
ington, in order to carry on his work
among the people 'of the Pacafic
coast. A special collection was tak
en as the contribution of the Y.P.U.
towards the mission boat, Glad Tid
ings, on
from the
Miss A. M. Carrick sang a duet. The
discussion period was taken by Anna
May Carrick, J. D. Beecroft, Rev. T.
M, Wright and Millan Moore. Mrs,
Ben McClenaghan and Doris Mc-
Clenaghan led in sentence prayers.
The meeting was closed with the so
ciety prayer.
The regular monthly meeting of
the Women’s Institute was held last
Tuesday afternoon in the Hall with
Miss Grace Richardson the-President,
in the chair. The roll call was answ
ered by the name of a favorite veget
able. After the opening exercises and
the busins^ meeting, Mrs. Lott sang
a solo “Where the River Shannon
Flows.’* Mrs. Ezra Scholtz gave an
interesting paper on Agricultral and
Canadian Industries. Community
singing, “The Long, Long Trail."
The President gave another talk on
the Buymanship project and Mrs. R.
Ross sang “Silver Threads Among
the Gold," Mrs. Robt. Mowbray gave
two interesting readings from Edgar
Guest’s book, on Life’s Equipment,
and Shoes. The meeting was closed
by singing the National Anthem.
Mrs. Andrew Fox received word
on Saturday of the death of Mr, Jack
Martin of Toronto. Born in Ireland,
he came to this country when a young
boy. He was In his 45th year, Twen
ty years ago he married Myra Vic
toria Kce, a daughter of the late Pet
er Kec, of K Wawanosh. Mr, and
Mrs, Martin had been to a party un
til after midnight, and after retiring
he wakened from sleep after 2.00 a.m,
coughing and expired before a doctor
could come to him. He was taken to
Winnipeg where he was buried oft
Tuesday, the funeral being in charge
* Taxpayers may make payments on account
of 1939 taxes up to 90 per cent, of 1938 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Five per cent, per an
num will be allowed on such prepayments.
Prepayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer’s Office, Town Hall.
W. At GALBRAITH, Treasurer.
Town of Wingham.
the Labrador coast. Mrs.
had charge of the topic
study book The World in
Miss Agnes Gillespie- and
NEW ..
Spring Prints
In attractive colours and
Guaranteed Quality
19c to 30c yd.
Wabasso Broadcloths
big range of colours
19c yd.
Rainbow Taffeta Broad
cloth, a fine highly merc
erized material — nine
39c yd.
of a Presbyterian minister in Winni
peg, They had no family. Their
many friends in this community ex
tend sympathy to the bereaved wife.
The regular Monday evening ser
vice of the Presbyterian Young Peo
ple was in charge of the President,
Look for this number on the
Wallpaper insert in your Tele
phone Directory.
Gallon Floglaze Enamel
January Lucky Winner — 888.
Mr. Alec Robertson. The Scripture ;
lesson was read by Mr. James Wil-'
son and James Richardson led in
prayer. The ’meditation period was.,
in charge of Tom Wilson. Miss Dor”.
othey Dixon read '“Always Stand Up
for the Bible," The meeting was ill/
charge of the Missionary committee, ’
and the topic, “The Need of Mis-j
sions in a -Chaotic World” was taken |
by Mr, Johnston Conn, and Rev, J.
Pollock gave another talk on’ “How
We Got Our Bible.” ,
Mrs. Adam Robertson, who has
been ill during the past few months,
has been showing some improvement
Prompt Delivery
Smith’s Economy Food Store
BERRIES .. .......„ r ' '
Domestic or Picake
SHORTENING ..... 2 lbs. 25c
_____ . TIP TOP, TOMATO23c 5-lb. bag I JUICE ..... 2 28«/2-oz. Tins 19c
10c 28-oz. Tin
Choice Quality Yellow
Peaches ................-...... 15c
Montmorency Cherries, choice
quality ............ 18 oz.
Sunsweet Prunes 2 lb. pkg.
Campbell’s Tomato Juice
54-oz. (Tin ....------------ --
Weston’s Ginger. Snaps
2 lb.......-.................. ........
Supreme Molasses . ..... tin
Shredded Wheat---- 2 for
Silvercrest Shrimps ...........
Fresh Peanut Butter 2 lbs.
Berryland Apricots —........
Puffed Wheat .....................
McCormick’s Jersey Cream
Sodas ........... 8 oz. Pkg. 12c
Dishco Pineapple Slices ... 10c
Tip Top Pumpkin 2y2 Size 10c
Beaner Blueberries 2 cans 25c
Westminster Toilet Tissue
......... 4 for 25c
Fresh Salmon arid Cured Meats
Always on Hand.
Courtesy Prompt
Our Slogan Delivery
“You Have Tried the Rest Now
Try the Best."
Clearance Sale
— Of —
Ladies Dresses
Group Ng. 1
For Ladies and Missed
Sizes 11 - 20
Green, Frown and Black
Reg. $5.95 for $3.95
Group No. 2
This group includes Wine
Shades, Navy .and Blacks.
Your choice for $4.29
Group No. 3
A choice, selection of better
Reg. $ 12.95 on sale $8.95
Exclusive Not Expensive
Miss Ruth Ramage of Toronto
came home pn Friday and Mr. James
Ramage arrived from the West on
Monday owing to the serious illness
of Cuyler Ramage who was taken to
the Wingham Hospital Friday night
suffering from pneumonia. Latest re
ports show favourable progress to re
Miss Donalda MacCharles, Olivet,
was a week-end gdest of her sister,
Mrs. Ernest Gaunt and iMr. Gaunt
Word has been received by rela
tives here of the death of Mr. Wm.
Todd, of Paris, on Mondays Mr.
Todd was a former well-known resi
dent of this community and has been
a frequent*°visitor with his relatives
The weekly meeting of the Y.P.U.
was held with the president, Dick
Weatherhead, in - the chair. Gordon
Miller read the Scripture lesson. Stor
ies of earlycustoms of the Israelites
were read by Grace Weatherhead and
Vera Taylor. The chapter from the
study book “The World in Canada”
was taken by Mrs. George Stuart. A
discussion on “Sunday Sport” was led
by E. W. Rice and Mr. George Stuart
favored with a violin number with
Mrs. Stuart as accompanist.
At the annual meeting of the Unit
ed. Church held last week, splendid
reports showed progress in every
branch of the work.
Preached Farewell Sermon
A large congregation was present
3t Knox Presbyterian Church Sun
day morning when Rev. J. R. Greig
delivered lfis farewell sermon as pas
tor. He took as his text Acts 2: 42
“and they continued stedfastly in the
apostles’ doctrine and fellowship and
in breaking of bread and in prayer,”
speaking of the need of being stead
fast, the- value of fellowship, the sac
redness of communion and the power
of prayer. A duet “Have Thine Own
Way, Lord” was sung by Messrs. Al
lan Ramsay and Jack Patterson. Mrs.
Raymond Elliott presided at the or
gan. Rev. Kenneth MacLean, Wing
ham, has been appointed Interim
Moderator and will declare the pul
pits of Bluevale and Eadies’ vacant
next Sunday, Jan. 22nd.
Rev. A. V. Robb spoke at the Un-
, ited Church on Sunday "morning on
the text, Psalm 119, “I hate . vain
thought, but I love Thy law.” In
the evening his subject was “David
as a type of Christ.”
Mrs. J. C. Higgins was called to
Toronto this week owing to the ill
ness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Mof
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mowbray and
two daughters, Alba and Helen, ac
companied by their aunt, Mrs. Annie
McKenzie, and cousin, Miss Hazel
,Walker, of Teeswater, motored to
Florida where they will spend two
A. D. Smith spent the Week-end in
Mrs, Neil B, McEachern, Louise
and Gilbert, returned to their home
at Mount Forest after spending a few
weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. F. Garniss.
Mrs, Nelson Cardiff, Brussels vis
ited her sister, Mrs. Peter S. Mac-
Y.P.U. Met Friday
The regular meeting of the Y.P.U.
of the United Church was held in the
S. S. room on Friday evening. The
president, Miss Uaisy Holmes, pre
sided. Scripture passages were read
by George Hetherington and Ken
neth Gray, and the Lord’s Prayer re
peated in unison. Miss Irene Tay
lor read a paper on the Life* History
and work of Alfred Tenftyson, and
Mrs. James Johnston spoke on the
topic “The Life of Dr. Wilfred Gren
fell?’ Rev. A. V. Robb continued his
talks on the Books of the Bible, The
book of St. John was studied. Mr.
and Mrs, Robb sang a duet,
No. 4 PEAS and GOLDEN CORN 3 17-oz. tins 25c
PEANUTS —.......2 lbs. 25c
Clymer Vegetable or Tomatoj SOUP .....:...... 3 Tins 25c
DROPS ................ 15c Lb.
CHEESE ....... 15c y2-lb. Pkg.
BLACK TEA............. 59c, Lb.
CARROTS .........2 Bunches 15c
SO YOM ALT - Delicious
6-oz. Tin 12-oz. Tin
24c 44c
24-oz. Tin
48-oz. Tin ■
READY-CUT BULK i BLUJMROSEMACARONI ......... 5 Lbs. 25c |BULK RICE .......... 3 Lbs. 25c
LETTUCE .......... 10c Head
APPLES ..... 25c 6-Qt. Basket
GRAPEFRUIT 6 for 25c
LEMONS 35c Doz.
Come in and see our Fresh Friut; and Vegetable Display. We car-
> ry all seasonable lines and guarantee the Quality and Freshness.
We also have complete stock of Cooked and Cured Meats, Frozen
Salmon, Whitefish, Fillets and Cod Fillets.
come of $170, of which $40 was sent
to missions. A balance of $22 re
mains. There was some discussion
on re-arranging of classes. It was de
cided to combine the two Bible class
eq, and also to make one new class
by promotion of pupils. Officers el
ected were: Supt., Mrs. M. L. Aitken;
Assistant, W. J. Johnston; Sec., Geo.
Hetherington; Asst., Sec., Stewart
MacLennan; Treas., Miss Margaret
Curtis; Temperain.ee Sec., Mrs. Stan
ley Gallaher; Missionary Sec., Mrs.
A. V. Robb; Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs.
S. Gallaher; ‘Pianists, Misses Helen
Thomson, Irene Taylor, Daisy Holm
es, Isabel MacKinnon, Dorothy Ait
ken; Teachers and. assistants: Prim
ary, Mrs. W. J. Johnston, Mrs. Spar
ling Johnston; Junior, Mrs. George
Thomson, Mrs. James Johnston;
Class 3, W. J. Peacock, George John-
ston; Class 4, Mrs. Robert iMacLen- ■
nan, Miss Emma Johnston; Class 5,
Edward Johnston, Ross Smith; Class
6, Mrs. Edward Johnston; Bible
Class, Mrs. George Thornton, Mr.
Richard Johnston.
Get Your Smokes
the way smokes should
be, also, Mouth Organs,
Magazines and Smok
er’s Sundries.
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
.Turnberry Agricultural Society
Will Be Held In The
at 2.30 p.m., on
Friday, January 20, 1939
All members are urged to be present.
H. L. Sherbondy, Sec’y. R. J. Currie, Pres.
General Insurance .
Sunday School Officers Elected
'the annual meeting of the Sunday
School of the United Church was
held on Friday afternoon, *with the
minister, Rev. A. V. Robb, presiding,
'the secretary’s report read by Geo,
Hetherington gave 56 as the average
attendance, average collection $2.14,
Sunday School was held on 61 Sun
days of 103& The Treasurer, Miss
Margaret Ctirtis, reported a total in
Automobile — Truck — Cargd Accident
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Burglary ‘— Sprinkler Leakage
Sickness and Accident Policies.
For Information on Insurance Phone or Call
Office 115 Residence 31
Hydro Building Wingham, Ont.