HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-01-19, Page 5Thursday, January 19, 1939 WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIM^S p -United Church met in the basement for expenditure on Twp. roads this of the Church Wednesday afternoon.; season, were read and pased. Mrs. J. S. Procter, vice president, conducted the meeting. The Scrip­ ture reading was taken by Mrs. , Townend. Plans for the work during . the year were discussed. Mrs. Town- , end also gave a New Year’s reading. Mrs. J. M< Coultes spent the week with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Pocock, at Lambeth. FOR HOME'MADE BREAD AND CAKES BAKED WITH LOCAL AND PERSONAL A The Millers of Robin Hood Flour, in Co-operation with your Robin Hood Dealer, will Sponsor a Home Baking Contest Saturday, January 28,1 P.M. IN THE TOWN HALL AUDITORIUM, WINGHAM READ CAREFULLY THE CONTEST INFORMATION THINK OF IT! $50.00 Special Prices on Robin Hood Flour are being offered by your dealer up to January 28th. It’s so easy to enter the Contest! The prizes are offered for the best loaves of plain white, homemade bread, and the best homemade layer cakes baked with Robin Hood Flour. Bake your bread or cake according to your own favorite recipe. LOAVES MUST WEIGH NOT LESS THAN 1 lb. DO NOT PUT FROSTING ON CAKES Identification tag is” attached to-each 98-lb., 49-lb. and 24-lb. bag of Robin Hood Flour sold in your neighborhood up to January 28th. Simply fill in your tag and bring it with your exhibit. You may bring exhibits to the hall at any time between 9,00 a.m. and 1 p.m. JUDGING WILL BE DONE IN THE HALL at 1.00 , o’clock, and you are cordially invited. The judging will be done by independent and well qualified judges. No Robin Hood Flour Mills, employees or their families may enter the contest. BUY YOUR RED-TAGGED BAG OF ROBIN HOOD FLOUR TODAY! ' FOR BREAD 1st Prize .........$50.00 2nd Prize........ 20.00 3rd Prize........ 10.00 2 Prizes of $5.00 each 5 Prizes of $2.00 each 5 Prizes of $1.00 each 0 Special Entertain­ ment will be provided at the Judging. Come and Enjoy Yourself. RobintHood FOR CAKES 1st Prize.........$20.00 2nd Prize........ 10.00 3rd Prize.......... 5.00 3 Prizes of $2.00 each 4 Prizes of $1.00, each Your dealer will give you full particulars. Mrs, Arde and Gordon visited with friends in Dundas last week. Mrs. Harry Browne was a week­ end visitor with her son, Bernard, in Toronto. Mr. Earl Lough has started on his position with C, Lloyd & Sons at Toronto. Miss Agnes MacLean, of Toronto, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Jno. MacLean. Mr, Wm. Dickie of Beaverton, has been engaged as harnessmaker by Mr. T, Kew, Mr. DeWitt Holmes, of Toronto, was a visitor in town the early part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Merkley, Lon­ don, are visiting with their son, C. N. and Mrs. Merkley. Reeve R. S, Hetherington is attend­ ing the meetings of the County Coun­ cil in Goderich this week. Mr. W. Joseph Henderson, Blue­ vale Road, was a week-end visitor with his Son, George, at Sudbury/ Mrs. Harry Hopper was a visitor with her daughter, Mrs. Rann at Brussels for a few days last week. Mr. J. C. C. Willoguhby of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Toronto, at­ tended the funeral of the late Thos, J. Hutton, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davidson and Mr. Albert Sanderson attended the funeral Detroit Mrs. Angus . Lillian, troit with Mrs. Angus’ son. Miss Jean Northrop, Montreal, is staying with her aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. A. R. D-uVal and it attend­ ing Wingham High7 School. { Another by-law was also read pro* , viding for expenditure to aid in the I construction of tile drains and will be forwarded to the Ontario Muni­ cipal Board for approval. The collector’s time for collection of unpaid taxes 1938 was again ex­ tended for .a further period. The following accounts were paid: Wm. Elliott & Son, tile, $42.00; S, McBurney, salary, telephone and postage, $7,70; The Municipal World subscriptions $8,00; T, H. Wilson, grant to Auburn Public Library $5.- 00; The County Treas., collecting un-, paid taxes $16.20; A. Porterfield, sal­ ary, postage and fees as Div. Regist­ rar, $215,00, In future Council will meet when possible on the first Tuesday of each month. Next meeting will therefore be held on Tuesday, Feb. 7th, A. Porterfield, Clerk. A R Ebi A Activities SKATING — On — Wednesday Evenings with Little German Band Saturday Afternoon Saturday Evening FLOUR MILLED FROM WASHED WHEAT Exhibits Collected If you are unable to attend the Contest please leave your exhibits at your dealers on Friday. They will be col­ lected at 10 o’clock Saturday morning. ASHFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ferguson and family, of Lucknow, spent Sunday af­ ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton, 10,th Con. ald dtt Maurice, Two pieces wore owned by Catherine the Great, one by the late Czarina of Russia, and two by Empress Marie Antoinette of ’France. BELGRAVE as- BELMORE the is I FORD HOTELS There will be a special missionary service with moving pictures at the Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday afternoon, Jan. 22. W, A. Plan Year’s Work The Woman’s Association of Knox ♦* »* »!;• I lai * LOCAtO »uw Miss Florence Jones, near Blue­ vale, is assisting Mrs. Wilson Irwin, 10th Con., at present. Sorry to hear of the sudden sick­ ness of Mrs. T. A. Cameron, 10th Con., who was taken to Wingham STOCK OF CURIOS ENVY OF COLLECTORS Hospital early Sunday morning. The annual meeting of Hackett’s United Church was held in the base­ ment on Thursday afternoon. Most of the officers were returned to their office, as follows; Eiders, Messrs. Erving- Zinn, Roy Alton, T. A. Cam­ eron; Stewards and Trustees, Messrs. Elmer Alton, Adam Johnston, Wm. Twamley, Wilfred Hackett, Clifford Hackett and Albert Alton; Treasurer, Mrs. George Lane; Ushers, Messrs. Blake Alton, Clayton Alton, Russell Alton, Gordon Johnston, Ralph Cam­ eron; Supt, of S. S., George Alton; Assistant Supt., Roy Alton and Ralph Cameron; Organist, Miss Violet Twamley; Assistant, Mrs. Wm. Al­ ton and Miss Myrtle Johnston; Tea­ chers, Mr. Erving Zinn, Mrs. George Lane, Mrs. Albert Alton, Mrs. Zinn and Miss Violet Twamley; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs. John Mullin; Organ­ ist for S. S., Miss Elmira Alton; sistant, Miss Myrtle Johnstone. BORN COOK—In Wingham General Hos­ pital, on Monday, January 16th, to Mr. and* Mrs. Peter Cook, R.R. 3, Lucknow, a son. KLUG—In Portland, Oregon, on January 11th, 1939, to Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Klug (nee Anne Williamson) a daughter—Alice Louise, DONNYBROOK ' HOCKEY Intermediate O.H.A. Friday, Jan. 20th Harriston at Wingham Juvenile Tuesday, Jan. 24th Lucknow at W’ingham Junior O.H.A, ” Thursday, Jan. 19 Ripley and Teeswater Monday, Jan. 23rd Hanover and Teeswater of the late Isaac Davidson in on Tuesday. Geo. Haller and Mrs. Harry Sr., also her granddaughter, spent the week-end in De- EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL * The W, M. S. met on Thursday at the home of Mrs. N- Thompson. The President, Mrs. Bert Taylor, led the meeting. The financial report was given by the Treas., Mrs. J. C, Rob­ inson. Mrs. Naylor had charge of the chapter in the study book. Mrs. Cun­ ningham led in prayer. Readings were given by Ruth Thompson and Mrs. R. Chamney. At the close of the meeting the Woman’s Association met and arranged for a Crokinole party to be held on Friday evening, Jan. 20th. Everybody welcome. Miss Donna Armstrong visited last week with her grandparents, -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, Auburn. Messrs. Bill and Bob McClinchey spent the week-end at the home of their uncle, Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Doerr and Joan, of Blyth, spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Chamney. MORRIS Gertrude Lawrence, outstanding actress, has an amazing array of cur­ ios. Pieces in the collection were gifts of the Crown Prince of Hyder­ abad, the Duke and Duchess of Kent, the late King George V, and Sir Ger­ Many learned with sorrow of death of Mrs. James Gallaher, Tees­ water. Mr. apd Mrs. Gallaher and family resided for a number of years in the village. • The Institute meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Newans Wednes­ day afternoon with a good attend­ ance. The annual meeting of hte United Church will be held this Wednesday. A quilting bee will be held by the Association Thursday afternoon at the home of Minnie Jcffray. Miss Velma Baiers, of Gorrie, clerking in her uncle’s store, Mr. N. Baiers. Measles arc going the rounds, the family of Wm. Abraham having been the first to take them. Dr, Miller, Health Officer, MUd- may, payed the* village a flying visit recently.Mrs. Alex. Marshall, Gorrie, visit­ ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Curie Saturday. Mrs, Fred Johann and family took dinner with Rev. and Mrs. Raynor the pasjf week. Mr. Norman Baiers, Mr. Elmer Zinn, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Carle and Minnie jeffray were all in Walker­ ton Monday on business. Carl Douglas had a successful wood bee the past week. Ladies’ Guild Met The annual meeting of the Ladies’ Guild of Trinity Anglican Church met on Thursday afternoon, Jan. 12. The president, Mrs. W. Brydges, was in charge of the first part of the meeting. Mr. Weekes presided for the election of officers which result­ ed as follows: Hon. Pres., Mrs. W. Johnston, Mrs. J'. Nethery; President, Mrs. Weekes; Vice Pres., Mrs. F. Shoebottom; Sec., Mrs. R. Procter; Treas., Miss N. VanCamp; Auditors, Mrs. C. Wade, Mrs. W. Brydges. The new President, Mrs. Weekes, presid­ ed for a short business session. Farmers’ Club Met The Belgrave Farmers’ Club met at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Wheeler last; week with a good at­ tendance present. Jas. Michie, the newly elected President, was in charge. The Chib had sent three delegates to the short course at Guelph during the Christmas holi­ days and these, Bruce Stott, Clarence Yuill and George Michie, gave re­ ports on the course taken. Mrs. Jas- Michie sang a solo. Games were en­ joyed both before and after the pro­ gram. It was decided to send for a Travelling Library for use in the community. Lunch was served. The February meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Michie on Tuesday, Feb. 7th. Choose® RATtSl 11,50 ? to 250 Illi Busi The first meeting of the Council for 1939 was held on Jan. 9th, the members thereof being; R. R. Red- mand, Reeve, L. Ruddy, H. Black, J. D. Beecroft, and N. McDowell, Coun­ cillors. Having each signed the re­ quired declaration of office, Rev. Mr. Townend at the solicitation of the Reeve, invoked that Divine blessing and guidance be given the Council in all matters coming before them in the transaction of all municipal business during the year, and later extended his good wishes to the Council for a pleasant and harmonious Council this year. A vote of thanks was tendered the reverend gentleman for his attend- anse at the meeting. The Reeve then addressed those present at some length, outlining matters that would likely come before the Council for consideration this coming season and extended a cordial welcome to Mr. McDowell, the new member of Council. Other members of Council'and officials also spoke briefly. Minutes of last mepting in 1938 were then read and approved. The usual communications at this time from the Ont. Mun. Assoc, and the Good Roads Assoc, re member­ ship in these bodies, also notifying that the annual conference of Road Supts. and Engineers would be held in Toronto next month, were ordered filed. Other communications filed were from C. N. Laidlaw re the form­ ation of a rural Mutural Road Insur­ ance Company and A. S. Leitch & Co., chartered accountants re audit­ ing. The following appointments were’ then made for the present year: F. Thompson and A. McBurney, audit­ ors of 1938 accounts; P. W. Scott, member Board of Health*; A. McGow­ an and Wm. J. Currie, Sanitary In­ spectors or; Geo. Officer; lum, R. Sheep Valuers. Eight copies of the Municipal yVbrld were ordered for the sot aid X cil claiming that the Hallahaii drain constructed some 30 years ago, was at present insufficient for the drain­ ing of the affected properties. It. is expected that' a petition will be pre­ sented to the Council at an early date requesting that another survey be made for the betterment of draining this particular .area. Three by-laws, one confirming the appointment of Twp, officials, one authorizing the County Treas. to col­ lect unpaid taxes, and one providing TORY CORNERS Mrs. W. H. Dane spent a few days last week with her mother in Wrox- eter. Mrs. H. Wright, of Clifford, is spending some time with her sister, Mrs. Howes. Miss Edythe Weir, of Salem, visit­ ed with relatives around here last week. . David Neilson, of Gorrie, is engag­ ed with Jno. Wylie for the winter. Messrs. Alex, and Melvin Taylor and Geo. Dane made a business to Wingham on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull and daughter spent Thursday with Mr. Chas. Forest and Mr. and Mrs. Gra­ ham Campbell and son. Mr. Edward Johnston has been laid up with a sore foot, while working at his wind-mill a heavy iron fell and cut his foot. Glad to hear he is get­ ting better. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mathers and two daughters spent Sunday with his father and Mrs. Rudd, Bluevale. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mathers is suffering from a bad cold. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston and Miss Emma visited on Sunday wittf Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Peacock and Will. The Mathers families received the sade news that Mrs. Henry Patterson had passed away on Friday evening. Miss Doris McClennan, of Grey, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert McClennan and family. Mr. Henry Mathers, Charles, Miss Viola and Miss ajne Mathers attend­ ed the funeral’ of their cousin, Mrs. Henry aPtterson at Whitechtfrch on Monday. GLENANNAN Mrs. John Cathers and two child­ ren, Kathleen and Bobbie, of Gorrie, visited a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. thru Lincoln. Mrs. Reuben Appleby spent a days last week with her father, W. A. McGill. Mr. Rich. Wilton, Jean and Grant attended the shower held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Grain at Zet­ land on Wednesday evening last. Mr. and Mrs. David Eadie enter­ tained their friends and neighbours to a progressive euchre one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes visit­ ed on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Bolt. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Culliton and daughters spent Sunday with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Douglas. $ Dr. Elmer Aitken, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. El­ liott. I1 Ar- few Mr. Examined! Thorough, modem eye examin­ ations and proper glasses at reasonable prices. R. 1 Reid, R. 0. Stratford’s Leading Eyesight Specialist. ! ! At Wingham Office, i | Williams’ Jewelry Store ! I Every Wednesday Morning, I I 9.00 to Noon. I | Phone 5W Ifor Appointment. I I i J. R. R. M, T. Scott, Weed Inspect- Irwin, School Attendance H. McGee, J. F, McCal* Snell and Geo. Walker, Council, Clerk, Trcas. and Asses- A grant of $5.00 was voted in of the Auburn Public Library. H. Coultes addressed the Coup- M M M ■C N M M Watch This Advertisement — For — Weekly Specials In Feeds SPECIAL THIS WEEK: 18% Laying Mash ............. $1.90 per 100 lbs. 18% Hatchability Laying Mash .. $2.05 pet 100 lbs. 25% Calf Meal ... $2.75 for 100 lbs.; 75c 25 lb. bag Barley Chop ................. $20.00 per Toil Canada Packers Limited SHUR-GAIN FEED SERVICE Phene 142 Wingham I I B B■■ ■ B I■