HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-01-12, Page 8W
•m ■'ll
last year’s work by the secretary,
Mrs. J. Wheeler. This
by discussion, and the
iod. The meeting was
close with prayer. -
» \
was followed
worship per-
br.ought to a
Thursday* January 12, 1939
- v w
have plenty of snow
roads are bare now.
very inconvenient-for
reach town Or other
arid son spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James Kerney.
Kentucky Moonshine”
and gave the scccind reading | ■
.............................: ■
Ladies’ Aid Elects
fourth quarterly meeting
Show Starts at 8,00 p.m. Except Saturday
Saturday Night, Two Shows 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 2.30 p.m.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
In —
January 12, 13,14
A hillbilly picture that is a riot frbm start to finish
with the antics of the Ritz Brothers.
Miso “Traveltalk” “Cartoon” “News”
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, January 16, 17, 18
The Whole Town’s
There’s always something doing in this unique
melodrama, which is filled with thrill-packed
Also “Short Subjects”
Remember the MATINEE on Saturday afternoon
at 2.30 p.m.
Admission: Adults 20c, Children 10c.
Rev. Robert Barbour of Toronto,
spent the week-end at the home of
his brother, Mr. Wm. Barbour.
At the annual meeting of the Sun
day School of the United Church, iMr.
James- Falconei* was appointed Sup
erintendent for the coming year. All
the other teachers and officers were
Mrs. A. Fox who has been visiting
since Christmas at Lucan returned
home last week, Mrs. Patten accom
panied her and visited with friends
here for a few days.
Get Your Smokes
the way smokes should
be, also, Mouth Organs,
Magazines and Smok
er’s Sundries.
Omar Haselgrove’s
Smoke Shoppe
Miss Marian Hinde, R.N. left on
Saturday to take a position in the
Lawrence Hospital, Bronxville, New
York City.
Miss Emma Davidson, who has tak
en care of Mrs. Henry for over a
year, returned on Saturday to the
home of her sister, Mrs, H. Godkin.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Newman ’and
children were laid up last week with
a bad attack of stomach.flu, but they
are all improving nicely now.
Miss Agnes Wilson.-.R.N. of Whit
by, is spending this week at the home
of her mother, Mrs. Jas. Wilson.
We are sorry to report the serious
illness of Mrs. Henry Patterson and
hope for better reports.
The financial report of the United
Church shows a successful year, over
$1650 being raised by the congrega
tion, M. and M. Fund was over $200
and the W. M. S. raised over $120,
the ladies making over $50 in their
monthly teas when they made quilts
for sale. The Board is grateful to a
‘group of young people who raised
over $70 by presenting a play and
paid for installing the hydro in the
Quite a number attended the pro-
— OF THE —
Turnberry Agricultural Society
Will Be Held In The
at 2.30 p.m., on
Friday, January 20, 1939
All members are urged to be present.
H. L. Sherbondy, Sec’y. R. J. Currie, Pres.
Town ot
1939 Taxes
Taxpayers may make payments on account
o£ 1939 taxes up to 90 per cent, of 1938 taxes.
Interest at the rate of Five per cent, per an*
num will be allowed, on such prepayments.
Prepayments of taxes must be made at the
Town Treasurer’s Office, Town Hall,
W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,
Town of Wiiigham.
gram and dance held in the Hall un
der the auspices of the Women’s In
stitute last Friday evening. Mr. A.
Robertson, Who was asked to draw
the ticket for the lucky winner of the
door prize, was astonished to find be
had drawn his own ticket number,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gillespie and
children of New Sarum, spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr, .and
Mrs. John Gillespie and her parents,
'Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins of Rolyrood,
and Mrs. Hodgins accompanied them
to their home to’spend a few weeks
with them.
Those folks who live on the side
roads and concessions are just out ot
luck, as they
and the main
This makes it
the farmers to
local centres * either with a load or
* The W. iM. S. of the United Church
are holding a tea this Friday at the
home of Mrs. Clarence Cox, all the
ladies of the congregation are invited
to. attend and do their bit to help on
this line of missionary work.
. The regular weekly meeting of the
young people of the Presbyterian
Church was held on Monday evening
with Mr. Alec. Robertson in charge,
The Scripture lesson was read by
Miss Janet Robertson and Miss Hel
en Gibbs led ih prayer. Mr. Dawsoji
Craig had charge of the Meditation
period. Rev. J. Pollock gave a talk
on John Wycliffe, in his series of
“How we got our Bible”, and Mr.
Jack Pollock had the topic, “The Life
of Solomon”. The meeting was clos
ed by repeating the Lord’s prayer in
Mr. and Mrs. Rhys Pollock spent
Monday in London.
At the meeting of the Y. P. U. of
the United Church on Monday night,
Mr. Jas. Falconer opened the meet
ing with a violin solo, Miss Gene
vieve Watt .was in the chair.vieve Watt .was in the chair. The1
Scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
Falconer and Mr, Millan Moore gave
the .comments on the lesson. The
Meditation period was taken by Ag-
ness Gillespie and Miss Watt led in
prayer. The topic , “Teach us to
pray” was taken by Mrs. W. Lott
and six of the young people took part
in the discussion that followed. Miss
es Anna May and Susan Carrick sang
a duet. The young people are hold
ing a contest for the winter months
and it will start .in two weeks. The
meeting was closed by the society
the Ladies’ Aid of Knox Presbyter
ian Church was held in the school
room. Miss Olive Scott presided.
Mrs. E. Nichol, Mrs. Roy Turvey,
Mrs. J, Suell, Mrs. Harry Elliott pre
sented the financial standing of their
respective groups showing that $67.23
had been raised during the last quar
ter. It was decided to carry on in
circles during the winter months.
Mrs. J. R. Greig presided for the el
ection of officers with the following
result: president, Miss M. Olive
Scott; vice-president, Mrs.. Eltlrid
Nichol; secretary, Mrs. Archie' Mes
ser; treasurer, Mrs. W. H. McKin
ney; pianists, Mrs. Raymond. Elliott;
auditors, Mrs. Alex. Mowbray, Mrs..
Harry Elliott. At the close of the
meeting afternoon tea was served, fey
members of the Boundary Circle and
a social half-hour enjoyed.
the W.
Presbyterian. W.M.S'.
The monthly meeting of
M. S. of Knox Presbyterian
was held in the school room,
members and several visitors were
present. Mrs. Alex. Mowbray presid
ed and was assisted, with the devo
tional period by Mrs. W. H, McKin
ney, who read the Scripture lesson.
Regret was expressed! when the re
signation of Mrs. J. R. Greig as first
vice-president was accepted. The top
ic,. “A Mission in the Clouds” dealt
with the experience of Frank Back
ministering to the Bolivian Indians*
W. A. January Meeting
The Woman’s Association of the
United Church held its January meet
ing in the school room, Mrs. Stan
ley Gallaher presided. The treasurer,
Mrs. Joseph Curtis, gave the financ
ial standing for 193$, showing $256.00
received in cash and supplies, includ
ing a bale valued at $38.00 for the
West and local relief $13.00. The an
nual congregational meeting 'is on
February 10, Mrs. M. L. Aitken gave
some news items of tlie activities’of
prominent Canadian women during
1938, Owing to the condition of the
toads the attendance was small. The
hostesses serving lunch were Mrs. IL
McLennon, Mrs, Edward Johnston,
Mrs. Blanche Costello,
Mr, David Jewitt has sold his farm
to Mr. Earl Hamilton of 'Bluevale,
and will be having a sale the latter
end of February,
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Elliott and son
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
Tony Mcahan at Wroxcter.
Mr, and Mrs. William Falconet
jflk Aw Ab JMI
Wednesday Evenings
Little German Band
Saturday Afternoon
* Saturday Evening
- - . •
Intermediate O.H.A
Tuesday, Jan. 17th
Listowel at Wingham
Thursday, Jan. 12th
Tees water at Wingham
Phone 116.
I Pride of the Valley Peas
................................. 3 for 25c
Large Size Ovaltine with
Free Tumbler .................$1.00
Doerr’s Loose Sodas 2 lbs. 25c
Oatmeal, fine or coarse 6 lb. 25c
Monarch Tomato Juice 10’A oz.
................... 6 tins 25c
Golden Bantam Corn 2 for 19c
Cornflakes with Free Cereal
Bowl ........... 3 for 25c
London House Coffee
.............. per lb. tin 30c
Extra Choice Recleaned Peach
es ............ ................... 19c lb.
Large Size Prunes ...... 2 lbs. 25c
Choice Grapefruit ... 6 for 25c ,
Free Cup and Saucer with
1 lb. Lipton’s Orange Pekoe
...,..,...... ;...,......for 70c
Fresh ToastedPeanuts 3 lb. 25c
Betty’s Strawberry Jam,
extra good ...................... 29c
Ideal Sweet Mixed Pickles
35 oz. Jar —.......... 25c
Large Jar Jacob’s Crabapple
' Jelly ................................. 25c
Oranges ..... 23c, 33c, 45c doz. i
Fresh Salmon and Fillets la-
ways on hand.
Courtesy ^Prompt
Our Slogan Delivery .
“You Have Tried the Rest Now
Try the Best.”
Sunday Services
On Sunday morning at the United
Thorough, modem eye examin- .
ations and proper glasses at
reasonable prices.
Stratford's Leading Eyesight
.' Specialist.
At Wingham Office,
Williams’ Jewelry Store
Every Wednesday Morning,
9.00 to Noon.
Phone 5W Ifor Appointment,
Look for thia number oh the
Wallpaper insert in your Tele*
phone Directory, '
Gallon Floglaze Enamel
January Lucky Winner — B88t
Clmrch Rev. A. V. Robb gave ad.'
dress on “Being. jike-mi wd • with j ■ * ; ’ ■ ..... J8
Christ” In which he showed Christ's, H A ’ ■ ♦ g
Christ” In which he showed Christ's, M
estimation of material and spiritual gg
values. At Knox* Presbyterian Church ■ g
Rev. J. R. Greig spoke from the text, ’ ■ ■ ,
“I am the way, the truth and the rS *
light” i, ‘
of the, citation of the call from the
Atwood Presbyterian Church to Rev.
J. R. Greig,
* ' 'A ____ __
To Preach Farewell’ Sermon
Mr, Greig will preach his farewell
sermon here on Sunday, January .15,
and will be inducted at Atwood on
Wednesday, January 18th.
Mission Circle Elect
The Mission Circle of the United
Church held its annual meeting at the
parsonage on Saturday afternoon.
’The president, Mrs. James Johnston,
presided, Miss Margaret Curtis read
the Scripture lesson “Parables of
, Main's iVorth to God” was given by
Miss' Daisy Holmes. Poems were
read by Helen Thomson and Jean
McLennon and Misses Louie Patton
and Irene Taylor led in prayer. A
solo “Face to. Face” was^sung by Miss
Eunice Th.ornton. Rev, A. V, Robb
closed the meeting with prayer. The
hostess,' Mrs, A. V. Robb, served re
freshments. The Circle sent a bale
of Christmas gifts and clothing to
Northern Ontario. The officers el
ected’ for 1939 were: Advisory Pres
ident, Mrs. James Johnston; Pres
ident, Mrs, A. V. Robb; 1st vice pres.,
Mossie Milligan; 2nd vice pres., Daisy
Holmes; 3rd vice pres., Louie Pat
ton; rec.-sec., Irene Taylor; treas.,
Isobel McKinnon; cor. sec., Helen
Thomson; press sec., Helen Thom
son; Christian Stewardship ’and Fin.
Sec., Eunice Thornton; strangers’
sec., Mrs. James' Johnston; supply
and literature sec., Rhoda Robertson;
Temperance sec., Margaret Curtis;
Pianist, Isabel McKinnon; -assistant,
Helen Thomson. •
The- January meeting of the
men'^ Institute was held in the Com
munity Hall on .-Thursday afternoon
with 25 ladies present. This was
Grandmothers’ Day and the roll call
was responded to by “My Mother’s
Maiden. Name.” Mrs. Ewart McPher
son presided^ over the splendid pro
gram which included reading by Mrs..
E. J. Thom, on “Artistic Furnishings
of 50'. years; ago,” by Mrs. G. Mc
Pherson on “Feather-Bed's,”' by Mrs.
Tomi J.’ Todd on “That. Pioneer
Grandina: of’ Mine,”' by Vera Taylor
on "New Year's Resolutions” and by
Mrs. James Lyons on “Grandmoth
er.” Mrs. E‘.. W. Rice sang ■‘Little
Old Lady”''and Mrs.. Will Rutherford'
contributed' a piano solo. Lunch was
served by the hostesses. Mrs. Ches
ter Taylor;. Mrs. James; Attclieson and!
Mrs. Andrew Gaunt brought a pleas
ant afternoon to; a dose;.
‘Miss Ethel' Robertson has returned
from Toronto where she was a vis
itor for Christmas'.
'• Rev. EL M. Wright and Mr.. Lome
Woods motored to’ London Thurs-
day. They were accompanied by
Gladys, and’ MtfraeT Wright who re
turned' to- Leammgton to> resume their
studies at the High School.
The/ regular meeting of the Y- P-
U. was held on Sunday evening with?
W. A. Miller,. presiding. Isohel Milt-
,er read’ the Scripture lessdn and read
ings were- given by Shirley Buchan
an, Mae McDonald and Malcolm Bu
chanan.. The topic on Prayer was ta
ken by Mrs. Ramage.
Mrs., Durnin Phillips has returned
from1 a visit at Goderich with her- par
ents,, Mr* and Mrs. Currie, who have
been ill*
ASHLEY—In Wallace Township on
Sunday, December 25th, 1938, to
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ashley, a dau
Held Successful Euchre»
The Community Rink Club held a
very successful Euchre and Dance on
Friday night In the Foresters’ Hall.
Thefe was a good attendance present
and a good time was enjoyed by all,
Prizes were won by Mrs. N. Mont
gomery for the ladles and C, R. Coul-
tes for the men. Consolation prizes
were taken by Mrs. H, McGuire and
Harold Vihcent. Lunch was served
and dancing followed with Jackson's
Orchestra supplying the music.
We are sorry to report that Irene
Simon is suffering from am attack of
pneumonia and, has a nurse in attend
ance, **
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Logan and
son have moved into Mrs. M. Gras*
by’s house in the village.
The recent thaw was very welcome
as many wcrfe short of water and it
was good to see so much loose snow
settled after the stormy time. The
January Clearance
O Jk i -1;□ALL
Sports Wear
Remarkable Values at
Outstanding Prices
No. 4 highway has been completely
scraped of snow and the County plow
came down flthe 9th of East Wawa-
nosh Saturday and also down as far
as the station. When the concessions
and sideroads have snow left on them
the farmers have quite a transporta
tion problem to solve.
W.M.S. Held January Meeting
The Women’s Missionary Society
of the .Belgrave United Church held
their first meeting of the New Year'
on Wednesday, January 4th, in the
■school room of the church, with the
.President, Mrs. Herb. Wheeler in the
chai’r. Owing to stormy weather there
was not a large attendance. Mrs. R.
Nicholson gave the 2nd chapter of
the sttedy book ‘Planting the Church’
and a splendid report was given on
Institute to Meet Jan.. 17th
The Women’s Institute, will meet
at the home of Mrs. Hi. Wheeler on
Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 17. Conven
ors: Mrs. H. Wheeler, M’rs, J'. Wheel
er. Roll Call—A verse oni Canada or
a beauty spot in Canada. Motto —
"Our Flag, the symbol of freedom”,
Mrs. J. Wheeler. Current Events,
Mrs, R. J. McKenzie; Music;. Miss V.
Wheeler. Address “Who’s Who and
Why in Canada”, Mrs. N. Keating.
Community Singing, National songs.
Lunch Com.: Mrs. J. Wheeler,. Mrs.
J, Anderson, Mrs. C. Procter.
Rev. E. M. Loney, B.Th., Pastor
A Great Day of Song ™11 Evangelism
The Male Octette of Central Baptist Church,
London, will sing at all Sunday Services, 10 a.m.,
11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
« Evangelist F* H. Nicholson, of Toronto, will
preach at all services Sunday and every night dur
ing the following week at 8 p.m.
Prompt Delivery FOR Phone 161
Smith’s Economy Food Store
TEA .............................. 59c Lb.
SOYOMALT For The Child
ren ................. 24c, 45c, 85c Tin
BEANS ................... 6 Lbs. 25c
FRESH bulk
DATES....................3 Lbs. 25c
COFFEE .................... 35c Lb. •
OATMEAL............ 6 Lbs. 25c
........... 5 Lbs. 23c
DATES ....... 2 Lbs. 25c
BREAD FLOUR..........................98 Lb. Bag $2.29
Large Size ............. 2 Lbs. 25c
SHORTENING..... 2 Lbs. 25c
Tip Top Choice PVMFKIN
.............. 2 Large TihS 19c;
CHERRIES ....................15c Tin
RAISINS ...-......-... 2 Lbs. 25c
PURE LARD ............ 2 Lbs. 23c
JUICE ....... 2 Large Tins 10c
BEJRRIES.......-.....- 2 Tiiis 25cz
PEAS OR GOLDEN CORN .............. 3 Tin* 2Sc
ORANGES 26c, 35c, 55c Dbif.
HEARTS ____10c
LETTUCE ___ ___ 10c
Choice Seedless GRAPE*
FRUIT —.... 6 for 25c
ONIONS ........__..... 10 LU 26c