The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-01-12, Page 3WINGHAM ADVANCE-pMESThursday, January 12, 1939
yiLil SuppOAA
Ask your dealer about
the new
HAMCO Automatic
... Two groat money
saving conveniences.that He’s YOUR BOY!
Warm as toast
for getting up!
It’s nice* to get up ip the
morning- if your bedroom
is nice and warm.
There’s abundance of'
quick morning heat,
when you bank the fire
at night with Hamco
Coke. Clean, hard, long
er lasting Canadian
fuel, for furnace, range
or heater,1 Easily con
trolled, smokeless, waste
less — gives maximum
heat with minimum ash,
Now the lowest price in
ye’ars! Please order from
your local Hamco Dealer
— he deserves your fuel
guest speaker at the regular meeting
of London unit of the Canadian
Corps Association. The visiting leg
islator charged the major political
parties with failuYe tp deal with Can
ada’s alarming youth problem,
' 1rl..■■■■ LI-' *
Burned tp Death
St. Thomas — Search of ruins of a
barn- belonging ‘to Angus Miller, in
Yarmouth Township, two miles from
St. Thomas, destroyed by fire, re
vealed the charred body of John J.
Watson, 59, Miller’s hired man. He
had evidently been trapped in the hay
mow where' the fire started. He was
not missed 'until the excitement at
tendant on the fire had died down.
"Do you know how to burn Coke effectively and economically? Ask
your dealer for pamphlet or write Hamilton By-Product Coke Ov
ens, Limited”.
J. A. MacLean Estate Donald Rae & Son
• R. J. Cantelon
To Invesigate Communists and Nazis
Ottawa — Communist and Nazi
activities in Canada are to be the sub
ject 'of further immediate investiga
tions by the secret serice of the Roy
al Canadian Mounted Police, accord
ing to information here. The partic
ular centres mentioned are Montreal,
Toronto and Winnipeg but the check
up will be general. The police are
aware ’that "organizers’* have been'
busy jn recent months for the Com
munist idea and, as Always, there was
the suggestion that the funds come
from around Moscow. The two
movements, Communist and Fascist,
are the antitheses of,each other but
objections to both are considered
about equal. In Montreal, the secre
tary of the National Socialist Party,
made a "Heil, Hitler” broadcast at
New Year’s which stirred up a- lot
of protest from the Canadian Corps,
among others. -Father Lanphier has
been put off the air, not for discuss
ing Communism as he did in a Sun
day broadcast, but for breaking the
deadline against pre-election broad
, "'*rxc
Gold Sale Stabilized Poufid
London — Great Britain’s 'financial
stability, singled out by Prime Min
ister Chamberlain as a prime factor
for peace, was believed reassured
with sale by the Bank of England, of
£350,000,000 ($1,627,000,000) ( worth
of gold to the exchange equalization
fund for defence of the sagging
pound. The bank’s decision gave the
pound a sudden ■upward spurt to a
strengthened position.
morale of those affected by it is ne
cessarily lowered, and their aptitude
for work discouraged. In the coming
session of Parliament this will be a
central, and paramount subject of
•discussion, perhaps exceeding' in in
terest all others.
Shot at Mounted Police
Simcoe —- Royal Canadian Mount
ed Police, of the Six Nations Indian
Reserve and provincial police, at
Simcoe, carried on all day search of
the district for the four armed ban
dits who held up and robbed Owen
Richards, general storekeeper, at
Townsend Centre, near here, and lat
er shot at Mounted Police who at
tempted to stop them.
Il Duce to< Seek Hitler’s Aid
London — Premier Mussolini was
reliably reported to have acceded to
a request from President Roosevelt
and agreed to attempt to enlist Hit
ler’s aid in getting Jews out of Ger
many. A well-informed source said
that William Phillips, ■ United States
ambassador to Italy, asked .Mussolini
to support more lenient terms for the
emigration of Jews from Germany.
$900,000,000 Spent on Relief
Ottawa — The Social Welfare
Council which held a session in Ot
tawa emphasized the disturbing- fact
that by the end of the current fiscal
year, $900,000,000 will have been
spen on relief or other unemployment
projects since the system was em
barked upon. Unemployment contin
ues almost as bad as ever while the
$50,000,000 C.N.R. Bond Issue
Ottawa — A new Dominion Gov
ernment-guaranteed bond issue goes
on the market Wednesday when the
Bank of Canada will open subscrip
tion books for $50,000,000 Canadian
National Railway securities in two
'maturities bearing interest at 2% and
3 per cent. Finance Minister Dunn-'
ing announced the new issue. It will
be in 7 and 20-year series and will
be unconditionally . guaranteed both
as to principal and interest. Proceeds
of the issue will be used to the ex
tent of $40,600,000 for repayment of
temporary loans obtained by the
company from the Government and
the remainder will be applied to the
retirement of funded debt of the com
pany maturing in the near'fuure.
Chamberlain “Lauds Stand
London — Prime Minister Cham
berlain greeted President Roosevelt’s
message to Congress as “another in
dication of the vital role of the Am
erican democracy in world affairs to
the ideal of ordered human prog
Red Pepper Keeps Him Warm
Toronto — Cold weather had no,
terrors for a North Toronto furnace
man, who rambles about his duties on
the-coldest days without even over-
coa or mitts. And he says he doesn’t
need, -AhemV His secret ‘ of keeping
warm is to put red pepper in his
shoes. That looks after warmth of his
feet. For internal comfort, he swal
lows home-made pellets of red pep
per rubbed into bread crumbs.
Says Agitators Should Be Deported;
Prompt deportation of unnaturaliz
ed, foreign-born residents who are
not satisfied with the Canadian form
of government was urged by Karl
Homtith, M.P. of Waterloo South, a
For Extending Nazi Rule
Berlin — Chancellor Hitler was
garded by competent observers
having taken another major step
ward realization of German determin
ation to dominate Europe east of the
Rhine. This was believed to have
been the meaning of Hitler’s three
and a quarter hour meeting with Col.
Joseph Beck, Polish'foreign minister,
at the chancellor's Obsersalzberg
home. Information in reliable quart
ers indicated Hitler sounded' out
Beck on whether Poland was ready
to co-operate in realizing Nazi aims.
Canada’s Defense
' ' *•
Are you considering the possibility of bigger
returns from your farm? One way to. make the
coming months a source of later profit is to Winter-*
feed good cattle. If you need money to da this
or to improve your stock, consult our Branch
Manager. This Bank is interested in helping
progressive farmers to succeed.
Applications for loans are invited* Rates are
T TT"Jcl Jd
Whighatn Branch X R. M. Spittai, Manager
To Increase
Ottawa —
es this year
$50,000,600. mark, the highest figure
since the wat When due provision
is made for .ordinary maintenance,
the budk of the remainder will be ap
plied to the Royal Canadian Air
■Force, according to information here.
Defence department officials are re
ticent on the matter, but in dications
.point that way. k
Canada’s defence estim-
will probably reach the
Repulse Being Fitted for
Royal Couple
Portsmouth —- Simplicity will be
the keynote in the royal quarters in
H.M.S Repulse, which will (carry the
King and Queen on their visit to
Canada in May. At Their Majesties*
personal request the accommodations
will closely approximate the normal
officers’ quarters of a warship. At the
invitation of the admiralty a group
of newspapermen inspected the big.
battle cruiser, aboard which 900 men
are busy with' the task of getting the
vessel spic and span for its epochal
To Lack Into Agency Jackets
Toronto — jHoft. Norman Hipcl,
Ontario minister of labor, declared
war on various agencies allegedly op
erating in tlie province in violation
of the Employment Agencies Act.
AND, while we’re still in a fanciful mood, let’s
suppose., h6 has suddenly become seriously ill—
Then, imagine yourself to be in financial difficulties
—your income, never more than $900.00 a year, has
teased altogether because the factory has shut down
You think your little boy may be dying-—the doctor
brders you to rush with him to the Hospital for Sick
Children — you learn' it’s Pneumonia of the most
serious type —- that serums alone will cost over $400.00,
to say nothing of the special graduate nursing and
expert medical attention required, nor of the cost of
hospitalization itself. ,
Could you be turned away because of this? There
is only one answer to this question. It has been the
answer of the Hospital for Sick Children for 63 years—
a youngster’s real need for hospital care,and medical
attention is the only ticket of admission required.
Race, creed or financial circumstances are not consid
ered. We know the people of Ontario want it that
This Hospital has met every emergency which has
developed during the 63 years of its existence. It is
“Things are becoming a racket,” Mr.
Hipel said. "Unless the people in
question abandon their activities at
once we will prosecute.”
Suggests One Group for Agriculture
Guelph — A representative body,
to work in the interests of all branch
es of agriculture is needed in Ontario
W. R. Reek, Ontario deputy minister
of agriculture, told the 60th annual
meeting of the Ontario Agricultural
and Experimental Union at Ontario
Agricultural College.
famous throughout the civilized world for the success
and efficiency of its medical and nursing staffs and
for the low cost at which it is operated. e
And who pays for this humanitarian work? The
doctors give their time absolutely free. The Ontario
Government pays 60c per patient per day and the
patient or the patient’s municipality pays $1.75 on the
same basis. That leaves over $1.00 per patient per day
of bare cost for which we must appeal annually to
humane and generous citizens. This Hospital does
NOT share in the funds collected by the Federation
for Community Service because patients are admitted
from all over Ontario.
This year, over $83,000.00 is needed. That means
over ten thousand donations if they were to average
$8.00 each—or- over twenty thousand averaging $4.00.
Certainly, a staggering total! So, please make your
gift as large as you possibly can. If you cannot afford
more—remember that even a dollar bill helps pay
for the care of somebody’s baby.
Kindly mail your donation to the AppeaPSecretary,
67 College Street, Toronto. We cannot afford to use
any of our much-needed revenue for canvassers or other
organized effort to collect money.
torney-General Conant that Sunday
professional baseball and the opening
of theatres soon will be allowed in
Ontario. Dr. Stewart moved for ap
pointment of a committee "to hold
itself in readiness to co-operate with
other Christian bodies in formulating
a course of action should the Govern
ment shows signs of working along
these lines.” The presbytery carried
the motion unanimously. ?
president, with slow and deliberate
emphasis, asked that that resistence
be bulwarked by increased military
By Betty Barclay
"That’s an old French recipe dearie,
picked it up several months ago.
2 tomatoes
4 anchovies ;
1 small head lettuce i
Cut beef into small pieces, add the
sliced eggs and tomatoes, and the an
chovies cut up into small" pieces.
Serve on lettuce with French or may
onnaise dressing.
Leeks au Gratin
cup medium white sauce
cup grated cheese
Bread crumbs
Salt and pepper.
Cook the leeks in boiling water;
boil and slice the potatoes; arrange
the vegetables in a baking dish, and
pour the while, sauce ove.r thorn. Add
the cheese, bread crumbs and season
ing, and bake for fifteen minutes.
!<■'! in- a week
■ uh the swift*
C-r.-upy rivet*!.
Three young men loft lofonto a Gttrupy river, was visited by Rev. three missionaries tn death hi 1935;
year ago to, take -up posts in Brazil I Edwin Pudney, the society’s sccre-. and saw John Canfield, Seattle, at n
under the Unevangclixed Mission J tary, this summer. Mr. Pudncy found Bible institute far in the interior. Mr.
Fields Society. Leonard Warr (Left) < Rowland Davies of Seattle far inland 1 Pudnoy is shown stawVng in the com
of Toronto, now 250 miles up the I among savage Indians, who clubbed {tre of the cabin skiff which Braz'd
Says Sunday Baseball
and Theatre^ Soon
Toronto — Rev. R. G. Stewart, I).
D;, told the Toronto Presbyterian
Presbytery he had gained the impres
sion from a recent meeting with At-
Warns Dictator Nations
Washington — With Adolf Hitler’s
envoy an impassive listener, Pres
ident Roosevelt warned the dictator
nations that the United. Stated would
resist "strident ambition and brute
force” in world affairs. Addressing a
dramatic joint session of Congress
in the House of Representatives, the
Lovely, isn’t it?1
It’s worth a bit to be able to say
this after you have placed a delicious
dish before your guests and swelled
with pride at their praise.
So why not add these two French
recipes to your permanent file—and
use them when "special extra” com
pany comes to dinner?
. Cambrisson Salad
1 cup cooked beef
2 hard-cooked eggs