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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-01-05, Page 2
His novel on the Great Lakes.. Maitland Creamery Buyers Of | 'i Cream, Eggs opening in the. floor.-^Fordwich Re* Angus Mowat, author of the new .Lakes during vacations, anadian novel “Then I’ll Look Up” has a background of life and storms : the tiller of his 8-ton ketch Scotch onnet, in which he sails the Great okeless. Gentlemen: I enclose I am checking below th* *0<W desirod with a year’s; »ubsctiptiohf to your paper. 0 All-Family D Super-Vpluo Nemo St, or R.R, ... Town and Provtnce J. A. MacLean Estate R. J. Ask You' reseYVo ONG CANADA ce in Which to Live andWork from Distinguished Canadians on Vital Problems ing the Future Welfare of Canada k ■ : '<* I’for Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association I a country numbering those people. Let us, therefore, examine .purselves from without and ask ourselves to. what standards our economic and so cial structure should measure in the eyes of the world. We should show them a country where, above all oth er things, law and order are firmly established, and established on the fee a contribution to [be Weekly Newspap’ ch have their roots ned in the mesh of Eonomtc fabric, I ought quite a bit the subject of this getting as far as ipearing to take it, I feel the real anada a. fitting s and work and . a. still better ing. a self-right jutlook, we can today, in many u to be Canad- ? of other coUn s' are very diff~ It seems very Those countries, ,. an asset to any iking outside of orders for a land Ic up the threads • nd live a happier e need only con- that there is to be fjortunities they are' ill have a flow of will enrich and y in many ways, and have been, for hs a nation and as or small, in the po- yidual farmer or man- T an overhead which is elation to the volume tion. The facilities are duction and transporta- s to serve many more the administration of G, BLAIR GORDON order that emanates from a or party dictatorship. In today there are forces and basis of a common desire and .respect for such a condition—not the type of law and military Canada undercrurents working that are sub versive to the general ideas and wish es of our people. In this respect we should make certain that such forces are held in check and discouraged. In the fields of agriculture and in dustrial effort we should present op portunities to earn a living free from NADIAN NOVELIST AT PLAY and Poultry Id UNITED FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE COMPANY, LIMITED. . yingham, ' Ontario. WWOHAM ADVANCE-TIM exploitation at the hands of greedy employers or from domination by self-seeking and irresponsible labour dictator’s. " Without departing from our tradi tional form of democratic govern ment, ,we must somehow wean our selves from the type of politician who gives that very word a bad flav our. He will never leave us. We must leave him. The game of elect oral government is all right but the rules peed to be clarified for the type of player who thinks no trick is too mean to advance his side for his own prestige. If the public, sitting in the stands, watch the play a little more closely and become a little more dis cerning and appreciative, then the sport of Politics will’ rid itself of a Jot of dirty players. We have a great opportunity at this time to make up our minds where we want to go in the next few years, Jand> if we can decide that, we will get there, Yours very truly, , G. BLAIR GORDON, Managing Director, Dominion Textile Co,, Ltd. Montreal, Que. ftp „ Run Over By Truck Herbert Doerr, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doerr, of Chepstow, is, in Bruce County Hospital suffering from serious injuries received in a peculiar highway accident. Doerr, who had been walking along the road two miles west of Dunkeld, fell on the roadway and was unable to re gain his footing. A car driven by J. Schenkel of near Chepstow came along and the driver, while noticing an object on the road, believed it to be a blanket. He was unable to stop until the wheels had passed over it. He backed the car up, and due to the narrow road, again passed over it with the wheels. Upon investigation Schenkel found that it was Doerr. He was at first believed dead. When medical aid arrived he was uncon scious. The injuries ascertained are a fractured skull, bad body bruises internal injuries. and the Mrs. Reynolds, Goderich, Resigns as Court Reporter Mrs. J. B. Reynolds, wife of governor of the county jail,, starts the New Year with plenty of time on her hands, for she retires from duty at the court house after 28 years of ser vice. She commenced work in 1910 as local court reporter and is. resign ing from that position, also those of deputy local registrar of the Sup reme court, deputy county court clerk and deputy registrar of the. Surrogate Court of the County of Huron. She will retain the offices of special ex aminer for the County of Huron, clerk of the election board of the county and matron of the county jail. Youth Draws Knife As*a result of being stabbed dast Friday, Alex. Graff was compelled to have medical treatment of a gash, on his hip. ,It appears that he was be ing snow-balled by George Steffler, a youth of thirteen years,, and he chased the offender, and overtook him. He gave the snow-baller a. strict warning that any further conduct of this sort would bring , a Sever pun ishment, and let him go. He thought no more of the incident until a mo ment later when he received a jab in the hip. When blood, spurted from his side, he •-went. to the doctor’s of fice* where the wound was dressed.— Mildmay Gazette. CONSTIPATION IS A TRAITOR • Constipation sours you on the world, and turns the world against you. Get, at the cause of your gloom and irritability. Restore your sys tem to regular habits with Kellogg’s ALL-BRAN. ALL-BRAN helps supply the soft, bulky mass vour bowels need for “regular” move ment. (Ordinary foods often fail to supply proper “bulk”). And ALL- BRAN is a rich source of Vitamin Bj, Nature’s intestinal tonic, Elat ALL-BRAN every day and drink plenty of water. It’s the construc tive way to deal with common con stipation due to diet deficiency of “bulk”. AU-BUN IS A FRIEND Lost Thro? William D Durham Ft with a bad slipped into ; ©rating and leaving, we short stumps gieal attentio Mr. Dewar .1 finger from i Chronicle, \ Eleven Cords Despite the that have bee trict in the pi some big ones some and dur his two nep] Moore cut on unfit far timb into wood 18 ii four feet high which is elc cords. The pil feet longer the did not include will be cut by Herald. Made by Keflotg In London, Canada. At Jour grocer'x remained unidentified until It was viewed by a neighbor of McKay’s. He established identity and this re moved the. possibility that it might have been that of a missing Clinton man. Child Died of Scarlet Fever Victim of scarlet fever, Robert 8- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Magwood, died at his home, Kincar dine. A private funeral service was held with interment in Kincardine cemetery. His father is Manager of the local Bank of Montreal branch, Bobby was the only child in the family. . ‘ . • r. Insurance Rate Cut At .the final meeting of the direc tors of the West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company to complete the year’s business, it was decided to reduce the rates from $3.00 pei thousand to $2.50 per thousand, the new rate to become effective January. 1st. Westfield School Section Meets The Westfield School Section met in the shcool room on Wednesday af ternoon, for the annual meeting. Fif teen were present and W. F. Camp bell acted as chairman. Fred Cook was re-elected as trustee and will act with Earl ^Wightman and Albert Campbell, who are the other trustees. Albert Campbell was given the Job of supplying the school with 10 cords of wood at $3.50 a cord, -and Roland Vincent is the caretaker .For 1939. Instal Clock | A new electric clock was installed I in, thh Clock tower on the new Post < Office a,nd adds much to the appear- j ance of the building,, as well as be- > ing quite convenient for passers-by to toll the time,, as. the dial is quite readable.-—Lucknow Sentinel. Horse Goes in for Repairs When Borden Cook had harness trouble with his delivery rig Wednes day, both horse and driver took re fuge from the storm in the front Shop of Mr. W. H. Morritt’s Massey-Har ris shop. Many people were surpris ed on entering the shop to see the horse standing tranquilly beside the stove while Mr. Jack Thompson re paired his harness.—Blyth Standard. Minister Fell Into Pit While in Anson Demerlihg’s gar age, Rev. J W. Johnson had the mis fortune to fall into the pit> sustaining strained ligaments in one foot, as well as many painful bruises and a severe shaking up. The accident was prim arily due to the fact that, hydro be ing-off, there was little or no light in the garage, with he result that the Home Robbed— We noticed an article in a daily paper that ,we considered would be of interest ’to our readers. It stated; that the hohie of Mt. and Mrs. Nor- , man Hiscox, of Woodstock, was en- reverend gentleman stepped into the tered and a/ valuable coat (presttm- . „ ably the property of Mrs, Hiscox) cord, and 15 wrapped Christmas presents were stolen. The Hiscox family are I Riant With ,326 Blooms well known, in Teeswater, he haying been station agent here for a num ber of years.^Teeswater News. While ie vic* tims of found froscen on oumy coi/ccssibn lift'e was idem as that 6^ George McKay, of Htr^ttf Township, r. Mc- d when tM conceg- on Wednesday Man Found Dead in Snow Is Identified f Last, week we made mention of a " Christmas cactus that had on it 115 blooms. When Mr, and Mrs, H. Bieb er, of Hay, read that item they decid ed to count the flowers on a beaufi- ful cactus that was then blooming in r their home. Four of the family ga- l thered round th© plant and divided it i off with strings and started to count, i When they finished they had count* • up 32$ blooms, with many more • bftds still to ** * 1 Advocate. come.—‘Fxetet Times- i T Thursday* January Sth, 11 dependable MW oldest To tnini^^lyour- ba«aoin HOLIDAY S By Be If you wish delicious soyorit try cooking it i ed Hawaiian p find that this co incidentally is fa one of the mo^t New York,, great vor of baked ha when you prepai dinner. Baked H smoked hai cup vinegai large bottle quarts (8 sweetened juice Bouquet-ga BroWn suga cup raisins „ Soak hamvin co gar overnight. Put ham (whicl and tied if possible bouquet-garni and cover the bottom in a hot oven (425 minutes to brown, ale and unsweetene During next forty ham three times, in oven to 325 F., pi er and bake slowly move skin, sprinkle ar, and plaCe unde heat to finish browi Strain the gravy, andand HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT COKE OVENS. LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA Donald Rae & Sot Cantelon ites for fat to rise to top, re- e grease, add raisins, cook for n«tftey,*'a'irifa. thicken with flour, ecessary. Six cups of sauce are ssary for 30 servings. White or raisins ma; make the] best colored gravy, ham Jr a picnic ham is used, e the recipe in half. Bouquet-garni (a handful of pau several green onions, a bay leaf, r of thyme, rosemary, marjoram, —all should be tied together in indie and removed before serv- y be used, but the for- the role of a hot fruit appetizer will find canned Hawaiian pine gems the perfect “starter” for a • Gran • • • but perience... and a full y readers... no won THIS NEWSP PLEASE C □ Maclean'* Maaa I Year. □ National Hants Q Canadian Magaz □ Chatelaine, I Ye □ Pictorial Review, □ Canadian Hotti Magazine, I Yen THIS NEWSP GROUP A < □ New»-Weok, 6 □ True Story, I Y O Screenland, I □ Judge, I Yr. □ McCall's, I Yr □ Magazine Dig O Pai^Mi'. I Yr. □ ............... d Womato □ Collar □ Amerl 67/T/5 Off( Cuarai MAILTHI4 COUPON holiday parties. The pineapple are convenient spoon-size cuts the juiciest part of the fruit, prepare these delectable appet- your gems from To izers—first drain and dry gems on absorbent paper. Then roll them in. thin narrow strips of one of the fol lowing: Chipped beef, spread with cream, ’cheese softened and with Worcestershire Bacon Smoked salmon Hold- wrappings Jn place ored toothpicks. Broil or bake in a hot oven until frizzled or brown. Serve at once on an hors d’oeuvre platter or without, other appetizers. keen shopper and quick to “snap up” a bargain these BARGAIN OFFERS without her years of ex money ... you get a swell selection of magazines vspaper. That’s what we call a “break” for you dma says—“YOU’VE GOT SOMETHING THERE!” LL-FAMILY OFFER YEAR AND ANY THREE MAGAZINES REE MAGAZINES DESIRED sue*], Year. □ Rod and Gun, I Year. □ Silver Screen, I Year. Q American Fruit Grower, I Year. □ Parent*’, 6 Mo*. □ American Boy, 8 Mo*. □ Christian Herald, 6 Mo*. □ Open Road (For Boy,), I Year. ALL FOUR ONLY PER-VALUE OFFER 1 YEAR AND THREE BIG MAGAZINES i GROUP B — SELECT 2 □ Maclean’s Magazine, 24 issue*, i Yr* ALL FOUR . O National Home Monthly, I Yr. ALII V □ Canadian Magazine, I Yr. UHU □ Chatelaine, I Yr. □ Rod and Gun, I Yh '□ Silver Screen I Yt •Qi Pictorial Review, I Yr. □ American Fruit Grower, I Yr. riji Canadian Horticulture & Home IF Magazine, I Yr* Q Opeh Road (ForBoy*), I Yr. *VI seasoned sauce with col