HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1939-01-05, Page 1OBITUARY of thp Council. They 'have put their per- the Hos- Monday 1 6 H. 1 Hall 8 to MaeLean, Norihan . Mr* and' ahd; Mrs, eppardi enry,- ’ 4 5 of re- ding took .erich, on . He asked that the Council carr^ on with har- (Continued on Page Four) Bridge Club- 4.- ' * A special nieeting ofr tlie and Mrs. Gordon Davidson, New Years in Lucknow at We of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas. L A Matinee- will be held on-' Satur­ day afternoon and eaim Saturday af­ ternoon during the winter at the Ly­ ceum Theatre, ' These^afternoon formances will start ah’ 2.30 p.m. Mayor Crawford Asked-For Full Dis­ cussion of All Business. COUNCIL HELI} ITS INAUGURAL MEETING Committees Selected and. Officials Appointed! •., Goderich. I trust in- 11s and it is m^ hope that we riple sheer j will not betray that t^ust. H; M//’ ■ lg.rn.ted The Gorrie Vidette and Wroxeier Newt. M, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5th, 1939 ’.X- k.W/'J. $8 -67- 171 'John A* ' 38 41. 62 142 25 . '■ ■ Epi? Deputy Reeve 0 ■ ■ 4 ..... -f 50 55 88 107 -AJbfM E* ■ , ..4 29 \37 95 59 28, For Council . -I' ‘ Three' Elected’ '”L. ' A K^MicGulym '.Rd, 33 20 >141 JBtaker, Robert ; ,.^$L125 ■ $9 33 EEM'JjpINED UNITED CHURCH The rcghfer Now Year Communion Service was, held in Wingham United Church i,cm Sunday with a large at- tendanc<| in spite of had weather con­ ditions. i’Rw. J. K.. ‘ Anderson gave a special New Year _ message, his sub- g7o|ject being “Forgetting hnd Rememb- . |ering,” mth of which are Christian (! 6 fl 7 Total ■8'4 .4 5 05 84 87 41 68 ’29 114 8$W 9 19 1'28 481 6 19 18 18 .31 12 34 410. Total 100 116 81 49 492 464 299 LOCALS LOS HOCKEY OPENE HONORED RETIRING CHOIR LEADERMabel Johnston The funeral of Miss Mabel Johns­ ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnston, Lot 36, Conpdssion 3, Kin­ loss, was held from the Whitechurch United Church-on MondaYhfternoon, January 2nd, with the pastor, Rev/ H. Mi Wright conducting • the seryic- es, assisted by Rev. Jt Pollock. Bur? ial took place in Whigham /Cemetery. Miss Johnston was in her-.thirty ■’sev­ enth year and had formerly been a' school teacher. Since suffering.a ner­ vous breakdown she has' been In poor ■health for a number of years. Slie. 1 passed on Friday, December 30th.' Of a family of one spit; and live daugh­ ters, Gershom, of East: Wa.wanosh;' Mrs. James (Esther) Moore of Tpj> onto, and Mrs. Cecil (Beatrice) Chamney, of East Wawanosh, survive to mourn with her parents the pass­ ing of a beloved sister and daughter. The sympathy" of this community is extended to the bereaved family. . *J' : ■ Header- i Mrs. R,‘ ;toq, to ;els,.was mr ipar- r, rector o’clock wore, a hits net )f carnh- ;y roses, olor with ties Hen-* id bi’oth- ttendants. cere- id at the Arthur Too Big and JJqgt fpr The new hockey season was opened nt. the Aren night, with the visiting ers starting off with, a 5-1 win. It was an inaus; ef in more ways than p hi,indred 'fans making.<11 Diagonal Road. The crew that failed to a match the visitors, in team-play, The. latter ies can be remedied vi tice, but' the team sb mote, heft from som change their style of p ly, 'The Birds .were, marry the puck, far to ing themselves to a f the blue lines, Art Whittaker; . fo Goodyear' star, lived vance notices on the A big, tireless skater, pf results out of very effort, He also proved 1 with his tham-mates, m: nice-plays for his-mates: Doyle and O'Ncil'klSo. p ive ho’Hmy/Gm first, two.- a pair’’ of goals/ Whittake Other Arthur goal while ■ Cd the lone Wingham goa anglg. shot ftom a few fe terson' making the .play f net,' The latter, a ncwcomc peared to lack the size for iate company although a fajr All the boys.showed a great’ condition due to the short pfe- ice-drills. , . Arthur opened the scoring j pair pf goals in the first pei i’ed one in t|ie third and c fourth* in the last canto bel ply .from Wingham. A feu later the visitors ■’Rnished'fth for. the evening/; Nine pen^l handed out* all .in the firsfi iods, in what could 'hot be robust game, The teams:. Arthur? goal, Broivn; O’Neill, Hillier; centre, M wings, Hefferman;’ Green;, a •Whiti'a_ker-,<7'Ja(;ksun.,?FatrleB all, Doyle, , / Wingham; goal, Lough; Cruicks.hankSj. Mitchell; centre, r$ti dy; wings, Br'own, Posliff;; alternate Pattersonf Baker, Ratesqh, Mello Miller, Rpf er e c—Kemp, LI st ow el .1st Period: Arthur—McDonald (Hefferman},- '■ ‘ . '9X4 min'4; Arthur—Doyle (O’Neill) ‘ ", 15,29 mins' Marshall On Friday nght the members of St.1 Andrew’s Church Choir entertained Mr, F.vJ. Hill' who has been choir leader for 18 years> and who has re­ tired from this- position. A sumptu­ ous banquet was served in the -Sun­ day: School room of the church in his honor. Mj”», Hill was presented with a purse of money and tlm following address was read 'and presented, to him. ; Wingham,. Qrit; Dec; 30/1938 Dear Mr,. Hill:—■’ :' • We,, the. members of St. Andrew's [ Presbyterian Choir, have assembled ’ here this, evening to show, in a small way, pur appreciation of your efforts - and devotion as leader, for more than eighteen years. ' • : . :/ : No words are .adequate, to express the measure of gdbd you have accom­ plished, and the help you have given to-both church and. community,, dur­ ing, that period of untiring and faith­ ful service. Your/efforts have, been genuine and ceaseless with a stead- . fast devotion to a work wortby.,..Qf ■ the highest praise and..commendation. | Your, mfluence has,-,been ever onward and. upward, 'seeking to lead the' members to- use- their musical talents' in a way. bi&ktlng to Christian sery- ■■■i'ck arT^rnuwi^AV'hjch shall not soon'; be forgotten. • , '. . •, . To express our appreciation, iim a- tangible way, we ask you to accept this purse, with the best wishes and gratitude of ; those who have served under, your valuable leadership.. With .every good wish for yottr health and happiness in the future/ On behalf of St, Andrew’s Presby­ terian Choir. —Lilia J. Taylor, Effie G. .Sher- bondy, Sara MadLean. . . if . »enng, .............. virtues, I We must cast • out of our minds the mistakes and failures of ’the pasl year, the petty grievances, learnintBfcji only.’ to forgive but to. forget. ^^Bshould forget many suc­ cesses, memory of' which may handicap us with oyer confidence. We must remember thd' Lord and His goodness, the times and. places in which God spoke to us during the past year, remember the ways in [ which God has led us and with faith and courage we must face the un­ trodden ways of, the New Year, A short service of remembrance- was ob­ served in memory of fourteen mem- bers who. had died during the year,! e two of whom were members of the. I ( At the., inaugural meeting of- the Town Council held Tuesday evening, Rev. J. F. Anderson offered prayer for the Divine guidance* of the Mayor and Councillors in the carrying out of the town’s affairs for'1938. All members were present and sub­ scribed to the oath qf office, The Council for 1939 is as (follows; May­ or, J. H. Crawford; :;Reeve, R, S. Hetherington; Councillors, J. J. Ev­ ans, R. FI. Lloyd, Murray Johnson, Walteik VanWyck, Frank Sturdy and Elmer Wilkinson. ’. i Mayor Crawford in h’is address wel- j-enun, vu corned the new. councillors. He said dien Mrs. j that each councillor himself included was unit- had received a very high honour from r. Gaunt of j the electors in. being made members was per-1 < two of whom were members of the Session of the” Church. Sixteen new members were received into church fellowship and there were two adult baptisms.. The service closed with the administering of the communion- 293"F5'..79.2.8 Kinloss ^t^hard EUiott 324, 56. ' fern&r H, McIntosh 352, K Angus McIntosh ^c'Kenkiu1 248; defeated, ■:£cwin 2,25, John Emerson 19 Fos- jBlyth ■ *. eeye—W.. G. McNall 158; W. H. 120.'1 .tmincil was elected by acclamation Sa&t week ''' , ■' Brussels Council — Harry Bowler 309; .Wil- dLed Cameron 275; Finlay Samis 265; sand Harry /Champion. 248/ The de- Hcated' Candidate was Walter Huggins -wittK ;16.5, votes. R.eeye’; Walter Kerr -was. elected' by acclamation last week. ■ Teeswater- •. Reeve — J. W. Ross 329; H. Wei- 74; /. '■ ■ ’■ C&usicilC. ------- .Strome' ’ 266j. G. ..Small 255, Brown’206., A,. Fladd 150x W. 316^’". ////»■;./■:■///.; :*?■•■..'//■.'. < y‘ Carrick Reevfe*fJ.dcob Fischer 419,t ,-3-IaeMe 280. - Ch’xtncil' — J. R. .Morrison 483, Lin- >aas ’Bruder *474,, C. Schefter 403, D. Neither 360, IL-J^pl 304. ‘ , Kincardine .Re<vc-~WiHiam Shewfelt 382; Jas. "’JfayLor J8L . • ',. . ' Council — John C. McLeod 320, Joseph' Avery 319, George Rutledge 22?3S^4kahn /Bd^heit 270, Defeated, Geo. "^W'h/246:v , ■'•■<.• ” C?' Cfniton 4^5^l^^.l.orS—M,4 Agnew, 436 votes; M/fT* *^eKrijgli!i, 341; Fred Liver- 322; w. M. Aitken, 304;, W. 294 ;Kenneth Waters, 269. □D^ie^ed candidates were: J. W. Ned-( 35>e?; ^65; David Churchill, 205; Robt. j 201, .and Frank Haines, 48. IMiayor; andf Reeve given ac’clamation fest w-eelc • Av '/ 'fcihlross. ■ ■ Reeve—J. McInnis,, 391; B. Goetz, 2MK Coimcjl received .acclamation'. ' . Listowel £ •'' ■j&ecve—J; G, Burt .325; Arthur Sampson 301, Mayor and. Council ■ acdamatiomlast week. I The’two by-laws facing the rate- “jrayers were carried, The Memorial JHbspJtal asking for '.$15;000 dollars J tin, debentures stretching over a 10-1 period at .an interest .of three ) WINTER SPORTS / GOT UNDER WAY Skating and Curling were later this year getting started. The Arena, op­ ened for skating Saturday Y evening, and was well patronised'as ilt was on the holiday also, I The Curlers got going with a bang on Monday afternoon. A jittney was held and . the attendance was big, many sitting ill the club room watch­ ing the games. - 1 Those who ski, -snow shoe <^nd to­ boggan have had a great tithe this past week when plenty of snow made these sports most pleasant. 1 matching on of Strat- > of Goder- After the dinner was r. and Mrs, Mrs. Gaunt ■oom’s farm, nship. SATURDAY MATINEES AT LYCEUM THEATRE Attending Course at O.A.C. Mr. Clarence Golley and Mr. John Walters are attending a short course in the Ontario Agricultural College ■at Guelph’.j Passed Examinations Miss Edna Ellen Jenkins has suc­ cessfully passed her examinations for; Registered Nurse and returns; tq’ Braa^ord shortly, I Institut’e-JSuchre Friday# Jam 13th The Women’s Institute willSfcld a Euchre’ in the Council Chambers on Friday, January 13th. Lunch served. Admission 25c. Everyone invited. Notice to Orangemen The regular meeting of Friday ev­ ening this vfreek of. L.O.L. 1WW794 is postponed until Friday, an^^Wih, on account of the week of prayer/' Cabinet Minister in Boys’ Parliament Lloyd Dark, of town was elected Minister of Group Organization in the Older Boys' Parliament of On­ tario at a session of the parliament I (held in Toronto last week. ! Royal Coupje to Visit Western Ontario King George and Queen Elizabeth wjjl visit Western Ontario next June on their return from .a tour of the Canadian West. On Tuesday, June 6, (raveling by train from Bracebridge, Tlrnir Majesties will make brief stops at Guelph, Kitchener and Stratford. On the following day they will spend one hour, from 9.30 to 10,30 a.m., in , London before leaving for Hamilton one half per.cent, carried by 2381 by way of Ingersoll, Woodstock and; ■Ao 112/The Imperial Cloth Company I Brantford. About 450 brief personal, ’l^yXa.w asking for a.fixed 'assessment | appearances will be made in Canada. ■ * " The RdyM couple will be in Toronto' from 9 a.m;Ht.,q 6 p.m,, May 22'nd, G, Bannerman 314, A. J. H. Austin J:.K I $1,900’ over a ten-year period Car- ■.aried with h 274 vote and 59-against. Juveniles in Group .13 The groupings for the Ontario Jftprtmile Hockey Association have .‘ibeeti announced and tile local entry sponsored by the Lions • Club are in ,<»Pttp*'l& as follows.: Brussels, Luck- .mow;, Ripley, Tees water, Wingham. M^.tYhdk E. Madill’ of town is the LEGION HELD ANNUAL MEETING7 Officers for 1939 Elected 1 To nth |awy meeting *.of the La'd- to the Legion will be on Wednesday, Jan- week, .In future all >Ve held the secotijl - each month unless & The-.draw for ths JY the members which Kings window,,will nmet'fng. Wingham Branch No. 180 of the Canadian Legion, British Empire Ser­ vice I.eaguq held their- annual meet­ ing in the Armouries on Thursday eyf ening when the following ^fi<ys were elected for the ensuing ySmiu President—H. C. MacLcam, 1st Vice Pres.—*W. G. .Hamilton. 2nd Vice Pres.*-Duncan Kennedy 3rd Vice Pros.‘**E. S. Lewis Trea5|Hrcr—-Bert Isard. Sccretary^T. Y. Smith. I nves tied Serge Auditi ligating Officer—Wm. Ken- Uy* !Unt-at-Arm8—»jD, Kennedy, hrs—H. Browne, T, Mender* cfc yth, home of Irs. Pollock, etty wedding er 31st, 1938, fiss Dorothy i, a graduate ital, was mar- 11 Cooper of nd Mrs. Hen- rhe. ceremony . C. H. Mac- , lerator of the and London, a Canada, as- cLean, Wing- leet of Whiter’ iding music, silk chiffon in eep American olor was worn ather gave her' nvn was made odice and very 1 bolero jacket, er-tip veil was of roses, and rs. Her flowers tanna Hill roses Miss Marion on, the bride’s inctive gown of tones of green, wing lines, with match. She car- of Premier ros- ooper of Guelph, groom, was the cd the ceremony, >ck received her guests fmpire model of navy sequin trimmed, with of white roses. The mother ridegroom was gowiied in ro- blue moire taffeta, made On lines, with short jacket and lering into a short train, and corsage of pink roses. dr return from a short motor bride and bridegroom will h-Antford. ■town guests were: Mr. and hry Cooper, and Fred; Mr, Harold Hodgson and Fred; Mrs. Gordon Millet} Mr, and race Mack;*Mr. and Mrs. R.l and Misses Marion and Dor- . and Mrs. A. Clegg; Miks D'enc, R.N., all of Guelpla; rgaret: (Mains', of Hamilton,* Allison, of Hamilton;' Mr. I, of Simcoe;' Miss R.N., of Brampton';' McBain, R.N., of B'ramp- Mary D'owney, R.N., of Mr. Leonard’ Lee, S'treets- gucsts present were: Rev. MftcDbnaldV Lucli- Mrs. Kf •and Mrs. Ude Kelly, lock, Mr, r. Jack Pollbck, Miss is Janet Craig, Miss 0, Miss Catherine Janet Robertson*. n u Marie y wedflihg was held ine Moman Catholic C. H Euchre and Dance ; .. /. In Sacred Heart n$jv Parish on Monday, January 9th/ Cards 10. Good Music. Gopd Lunch. Ad­ mission 25 cents. : Accepts Call to Atwood Rev. J, R. Greig,' Bluevale, has an-1 nounced to the congregation of Knox; ^Presbyterian 'Chufchyhis acceptance of a" call to Atw<?$d Presbyterian Church, ' .. 2 ' ■ Appreciation Expressed' J ' ■ The- Superintendent, Staff ..amh-Pa*., tients of Wingham General Hospital wish to heartily thank everyone who contributed to the cheer at pital this season. Hospital Auxiliary to Meet The regular meeting of the Wo­ men’s Auxiliary to the General Hbs-=. pital will be held in the Council Chambers at 3.45 o’clock Monday af­ ternoon, Jan. 9th. • . . Held Euchre and Dance -* The winners at JH^chre at the Sac­ red Heart Parish Flail, Monday night were: Jean Fisher and Clayton Fry- fogl’e. Following the play” at cards , dancing was enjoyed, Holding Re-Union in Winnipeg r The Bruce County Association Manitoba are holding their annual union and dance in the Fort Garry ’ Hotel, Winnipeg, on January 24th. ’ Mrs, W. Marshall, 6-254 Edmonton St., is secretary of the association. 26th, 1938, ‘when Mary Loretta, dau- , ghter of Mr,, and (Mrs; James St. i Marie, East Wawanosh, was married • to Mr, Fred A. Robinson, of Green Bay, Wise., son'of Mr. and Mrs, Fred / Robinson, of Goderich. The cere­ mony was performed by Rev. Father McMahon of St. ’ Augustine, assisted by Rev. Father Paquette, Wingham. The bride was given in marriage, by her father, Her gown was white net over taffeta with train and she wore a tulle Veil caltght with orange bios* soms and carried Talisman roses and ' I lily-of-thewalley. Miss' Veronica St, Marie, of St: Joseph’s Hospital, Guelph, was her sister's bridesmaid- .Her dress waKs egg-shell blue taffeta; She wore a „ matching flowered hat and carried Talisman, roses. Ruth Lockridge, .of*Wingham, was charm­ ing as flower, girl, dressed in pink taffeta, , She word a* flowered' hand­ can and carried Talisman roses* and' forget-mcmots. VL.-X'yHV Rksbinsdn, the groom's brojjier^'w'as best man. Miss Mae K- Redm&'dd; hOUsln of the groom, played the wedd'ifig music liTicl* Mr. Wilfred1 Kinthan; also a* cousin of the groom,, sang; A reception was held following the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. For travelling the bride wore a wine dress?- grey coat and ac­ cessories of wine and grey. Follow- i ing a trip to Detroit and Chicago Mr, .... r,„----- ...... : ami Mrs. Robinson will reside at y morning, December Green Bay, Wise.# U?,S.A. LOCAL AND PERSONAL •Dr, Mary Cosens of Guelph, spent' the holidays at her home here. Messrs.- Alton Adams and John,'P.- McKibbon spent New Year’s in Tor­ onto. ' ■ ; ■•/ •./„■;.. Mrs. Mary Dirisley spent Netk. Years Day with her sister in Owed Sound/' • : " . ^ / . Mr. Alan Finlayson, Toronto, was a week-end guest of Mr, and Mrs/ Harry Towne. - Dr. E. S. Aitken, of Toronto, vis- j ited last'week with Mr, and Mrs. W. Elliott, Glenannan, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Vogan of Brookville visited over the holidayj with Mrs. J. W. Dodd._ ■ ■ / - ' Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bishop, of Bellville,'spent a couple of days last week renewing friendships. . Miss Ida Lutton, of . London; and Mr, Jerry Lutton, of Toronto, spent last week at their home here. Mi;' Arthur Gee of Toronto spent, week-end with his uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Parker. Miss Helen Miller, of Toronto, vis­ ited over the holidays with her par- - ■ent^*-.fM-r.t‘.an.d.'-MrS':v Wk A>.'.MUk.p'.vr - Miss Fairy Fells and Mr. E-lliott Fells spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fells. Miss Muriel Wordner of Napahee is. spending a rew days at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McKibbon. Mr. and Mrs. Eyerett Henderson ' and daughter of Detroit, visited in Wingham at his mothers,. Mrs. Robt. Henderson.‘Mr; • - - - - • - spent home ; R. T. Mrs. Jean Terv.it and 'daughter, , Donna of Port Burwell were holiday^ visitors with the former’s - mother, Mrs, Phoebe Arde. . X ’; . . Miss Barbara Holmes, of Goderich,,. • who spent the holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mac- Lean, returned, home on Monday. ■ Mr. and Mrs. A. R, DuVal Spent 1 last -week in Toronto visiting witji1 his sister, Miss Bmma DuVal who is recovering from a serious illness. Mrs.. John McCool returned on Monday after spending Christmas, and New Years with het < daughter, Mrs. George Schaefer of Goderich. Miss E. Musgrove, of Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Smith, of Guelph,, were holiday guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and.< Mrs/ A, 'Musgrove. / ■ / ."'/ i GIRLS’HOCKEY ; PRACTICE FRIDAY A hockey practice fdjt’-girls will be- i held at the Arena'Friday evening of this week' from 7 to 8 o’clock All* girls wishing to catch a place on the I ..team are requested .to attend.. Turn .out,, ,girls, r yob. ar^.,. a,B. a- . Euchre and Dance at Belgrave . Euchre and Dance in the Foresters’ Hall, Belgrave, at 8 .p.m. -Friday night this week. Lunch served. Admission 25 cents. . , . ' . ' Play at Harriston Friday Harriston has entered the “B” In- , (ermediate O.H.A. and are placed /ih the same group with Wingham. The local club will go to Harriston Fri­ day night this week to take on this new entry. . This makes' the group six . teams: Wingham, Palmerston, , .Arthur, Listowel, Lucknow and Har­ riston. A Prolific Cow 1 Mr, A. E. Purdon, of Whitechurch, has a thoroughbred Durham cow which will be five years old in April, that gave birth to twin calves last ■ year and on Sunday, Jan, 1st, gave a repeat performance. All four calves are identically marked. Mr., Pardon has six of this cow’s steer calves, the first calf not yet two years old until ' March, All the calves., are. beauties' and Mr. Purdon Js rightfully proud of his cow and her herd of six calves. If . J. ' . . - ' .•' X-A' HURON COUNTY COUNCIL FOR 1939 Palmerston Won .at Lttckttow . /■/• On Tuesday night at Bucknpw,. the Palmerston boys*, won ah' intermed­ iate “.B'-J hockey game from the Se­ poy crew .’by a. 4-2'- adore; | •’ Teeswater Efaying; Games? fier<£ - ‘ The1 Teeswater O.H.A? Juniors- have made arrangements' tb«y play :their.homes games at the Aren®, here. Their firs^’. game is Thursday'pf this I week wlitjh Kincardine will $Pi>osc I them. . ingham Bridge U)ub held'(in the^ia^onic .Hall on- Wednesday eyera^fe LL. Week... The winners were-: 'South: lst\ J,. Mason -and .Jiamsj tled\2nd and 3rd, Mi^Rdlterts and Ifcti jSymers, Mrs*-,, and I^w'BlaekwO'odi*^ Wilsdn-hntl J. H; West: 1st, Hr. Geo, an^l 2nd, D, B, ;3rd, Mrs. K Miss Marj Crawford. ’ • L'.jO. ‘Jr. J./N .■■•■■!,/ . ; Ashfjeki, Alex< F, McDonald A'slifield,. (dep.)» Gilbert Frayne Colborn.e, George Feagan Goderich Twp., Wilmot Hardee Grey, Henry Keys Grey, (dep.), Thos. C. Wilson Hay, George Armstrong Ho wick J- w. Gamble Howick, (dep»), David L. Weir Hallett,. James Leiper McKillop, N.. R. Dorrance Morris, L; E, Cardiff. Stanley.,. Fred Watson • Stephony Chester Mawh’mncy ■ •Stephen,. (dep.)T Ed, Lamport Tuckersmith,, Samuel Whitmore Turnberry, Roland Grain Usborne, Percy PasShiore . East Wawanosh, Raymond Red­ mond * WW Wawanosh, Thos. Webster Clinton, N, W. Trewartha ■Goderich, R. E. Turner Goderich, ’ (dep.), A. D.. Brown Seaforth, J. R. Scott . Wibghaui, R, S. Hetherington Bytk George McNall if|Brbssdk, W. C. Kerr leusail, R. IL ‘Shaddfck "'/JI- Iter, W. X), Saunders Penalties,-— Whittaker; Bateson, Mellor, s . 12nd Period 3 Arthur—Whitta,ker Penalties — Marshall, Patterson, Sturdy, O'Neill. 3rd Period Arthur—Doyle (Jackson) Wingham—Baker (Patterson) Arthur—(McDonald (Hillier) 17.42 No penalties; ” ’ ’ 14 mins,... Jackson, . '.•••■/' ..c '■ X 12.01 Attended Funeral in Peterborough .. Mr. A, ,J. Walker attended the fun­ eral of the late Chas. E. jMcIntyse^ in Peterborough on Thursday. -Mr» Mclnyre was tire father-ifi-law of Mr; Walker’s sister, licta, Mrs. C. ,C> Mc­ Intyre; of Peterborough,** -■ Murray Rae Stars at .Tavistdck1 Murray Rae, star of last year’s Luc­ key club, a local boy; who is" Sajily missed in. the Wingham Bne-u^. this year,Jed. the attack at Tayist'ock ag/ amst Goderich,' Tuesday night' and with his . wings Neeb, and Vogt ac­ counted for five .goals. The' Goderich 1 Sailors lost' 6T. Murray notched' three goals, \ 1 ■ •/"’ Lots of Snow J- .,■■ ••; /i^'- • The toads in this district Were getting nicely opened, when \ Saturday night and .Sapday plngggd the side roads and the snpw 'plo^ (>; had to keep gq’ing to keep the’High?” ways open. The drift during Suudhy night ^topped travel on Highway 4 south of here until . came through about E; Mz iTm W snow plow came thf-onght from,4JMw ■"il owel d- little earlier the'^'^k '4hy« With' plenty of snow a'hd. much ground drift It surely .id-'jn old fash*/ Toned winie^-'-' The deliver,y in tfe' '/ rurual ror/es' is ’ very Jiff omit ‘' week- som nd two 6 s. A., t and foss-i