HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-31, Page 8Mr. and Mrs. Jack Soutllcott, i 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole, Mr Toronto, and Mr. Jim Southcott, Oil, City, „ with Mr. T\ 0, and Mias. Stella Monthcott. ' Mr. " "" “ ‘ Carol treal ilton, Mr. and Mrs. Charles White, Anne and Paul of Mon- and Don Welsh of Ham- with, Mrs* Wm. Welsh. ....... .fend Percy-Noels, Dalton, Marlene and -Dwight of Cen­ tralia, with Mr; and.Mrs. E. C. Appleton. Mr. .and Mrs, Ken Cudmore and family land Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cudmore .and family, all of London, ’With' Mr. 'and Mrs; Gordon Cudmore. On Christmas day a- phone call was received from their daughter,” Mrs. Thos. Calgary, of Pern- his son, Krause. r j S.-W Mr* and Mrs. Leonard Lawr­ ence, of Peterboro, with Mr. and Mrs. W,. IL Pollen. Mr. and Mrs.. Milton Luther with Mr, and Mrs* Bert Bissett and. Marilyn, Miss L. Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs* Jim Fairbairn and family, with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ballan- tyne, London* Mrs. E. Irwin and Miss Mar­ ion Bissett with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nobes de Burgh, London. Mr. and Mr^. Jim Barr, Ni­ agara Falls, and Miss Marjorie Barr, Buffalo, with Mr. and j Mrs. Glen Bonnallie. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jacques arid John, all from Hen­ sall, and Mr. and Mrs, Clifton Jacques, Centralia, with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kirk, Brant­ ford were home for the holi­ days. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kirk, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cowan, London, with Mr. and, Mrs. Louis Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford and family* Brampton, and Mr. Robert Jackson, Hensall, visited with Mrs. Frank Brierley^. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brint- riell, Sarnia, with Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Brintnell and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Brint­ nell and’ son with Mr. and Mrs, Eldon Robinson, Kirkton, . __ ____MH, ___ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brintnell: IIBsuoh jo ^o;m)sqaBQ Ahwh and family of London with Mr. > an'd Mr, and Mrs. Ward Neeb, and Mrs. Archie Brintnell. !of Dashwood, were guests of’Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Goldie Glen and j and Mrs, Wm. Horney on Wed- family, Brinsley, with Mr. and j nesday and on Thursday Mr. and Mrs, Sherwood Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Clarice Snell with Mr. and Mrs, Lee Claus, of London, Mrs. -Evelyn Broderick and Mrs. William. Consitt with Mr, and Mrs.-Orville Smith, Hensall. Misses Marguerite and Trudy Rickard, of Hamilton^ .are spend- < mg the week with their parents, i Mr. and Mrs. C. V« Pickard. Mr« and Mrs. W. IL Waddell, of i Galt, were with them for Christ- ; mas. _ . „Mr, Wm.. Davis, of Ottawa, J called on friends Monday, ” Little Miss Ann Robertson, of U Galt, is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. i Lloyd Taylor, While her parents, 1 Mr- and Mrs. Jack Robertson are holidaying in New York. ; Mr. and Mrs* Claude Blowes,. ; of Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Jos. i .Grant and two daughters, Joan and Helen, -of London; Mr. and i Mrs, A. J. Sweitzer and Mr. and . -- '“ ‘ ■’ Mr. i F. PtWe arines, Mr. Icott and .ajoy, B.C.. iniversity of dT Mr, and Bruce, Lucan, with Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons and Susan of Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Bev Parsons, David and Judy of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ducharme, Frankie Cathy of Dashwood. Missjjg^ Bellows of Londffi ■ Parsons of Ejgj Laird Finlavso£3 with Mr. and W sons and family. Mr, and Mrs. .Charles Harris and family of London with Mr* and Mrs. Milton Pfaff. Miss Ethel Dow of. Woodstock with Mrs. Anna Ellis. * Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stewart and Miss Gertrude Stewart of London with Mr, and. Mrs. W. H. Stone. Mrs. Frank Whilsmith, Mrs, Irving Snyder, Mr- and. Mrs» Art Whilsmith -of town, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Whilsmith and two daughters of London with the- i former’s son, Frank Whilsmith and family, in Toronto,.. Mrs..C. E. Zurbrigg, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shapton, Carol and Larry in Hamilton. Mr. Frank Coates with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coates, Hen" sail. Mr, and Mrs* Alfred Ilunkin with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hend­ rick in Kippen. Mr. and Mrs, Sam Hendrick in Wayne, Mich., with relatives,. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kestle and Mrs. Thomas Trevethick in London with Mr. and Mrs, Mil- Mr. and Mrs. nd family, St d Mrs. D. family, South John Hicks of Western XWa Mrs. John A1 Mir. and Mrs. Harold Broder­ ick and Bob with-Mr* and Mrs, Robert Flynn of London. Alex and Wesley Hackney, of Russeldale with Ray Broderick. Mr. and Mrs. Centralia, and Lloyd Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Broom. Dr. and Mrs, Frank Hutson and farhily with Mr. and Mrs. Lord Butson, c* Mr. anl Mrs.' W. ford. ( Mr, and Mrs. (London, with Mr. * Berends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons, Janice »and Brad, Oak park, Mich., with.Mr. and Mrs* Gor­ don Baynham and family and Mr. Earl Parsons and family. Mr. Harvey Herbert, Bramp­ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pull­ man, Whalen, with Mr, and Mrs, Roy Johns, . Mr. and Mrs, Wilford Munds, London, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Coates, and Miss Verna Coates with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wuerth and family with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hunter, Strathroy. Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Huntley and family with Mr. and Mrs. , Don Charlton, Oil Springs, i Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Foster( i of Aldershot; Mr, and Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. Norman Flbody, 'David and Janice ,of Windsor, Christmas weekend with Mr- and Mrs. E. Lindenfield, and. rela­ tives in Exeter. I Mr. and Mrs. ! Peter and Paul, ________, ! Mr., and Mrs. G. A. Cann. f Mr. and Mrs. Tom Carling, j London, ' Mr. and Mrs. Joint .Carling. Weston, and Mr. and [ Mrs, Bill Jarvis arid two daugh­ ters, London, with Mrs. William Carling and Mrs. Louise Craig. Mr, and Mrs* E. IL Carscad- Iden and family, Mrs. Garnet Miners with Mr. and Mrs. John Miners, Elimville. ■ , ■ Mr, and Mrs, Amos Warwick, Gary and Terry Lee of Port Mr. and and Mrs. Lome Branton Bobby, all of London, .with and Mrs. James Kirkland. Mr, Edwin Kerr, Miss Grace Kerr and Mr. Paul Wuthrick of Toronto; Mr. Howard Kerr and Miss Mary Kerr of London with Rev. S. and Mrs. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pletcher* and family, Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hooper and family with Mrs. John Fletcher and Mr* and Mrs. Ray Fletcher, Mr, and Mrs. John Kerr and ■ family, of Toronto with Mr, Luther Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tanner of Guelph with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eller- ington. Mr. and Mrs.r Harry Beaver, Crediton, Misjt Gertrude Beaver, Detroit, and Mr* Howard Beaver, Hamilton,- with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beaver. Mr. and Mrs. John Malcolm and children, Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Walper and child­ ren, Orillia, with Mr. and Mrs. B. W.' F. Beavers. Mr* and Mrs. Verne Becker with the latter’s parents . in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. John Goman and family in Kitchener. Miss Leona Alderson, Hamil­ ton,. and Bruce Alderson, Park­ hill, With Mr. and' Mrs, Roy Alderson. , Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Quig- gins, Cathy and Billy, Clarence Armstrong, Mr. and- Mrs, Dale Armstrong and Debbie, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford, Woodham, and :Mr, and Mrs. Leland Armstrong with . Mrs. William Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Atkinson and Mr. Perc Jackson, Duimville, with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Borland, Mr. and Mrs. Hensall, with of Munro, and Porter, Strat- John Melzer and Mrs. T Kennedy and family of Mr. Herman Krriuse broke at the home of Rev* L* W. -arid Mrs.’ Mr. , a.nd. Mr-s« Harold Kelson and- family, of Milton, with Mr, and Mrs. G* S. MacNaughton. Mr, and ’Mrs. Art Broderick and Joan'with Mrs* Finlay,, of Detroit* Mr. and Mrs.. Wm* Henderson arid family, Chatham, Mr,' Al­ fred Westgate ’ near Hamilton, With Mr* and Mrs. Stanley Love* Mr. and Mrs. Robert Luxton and Mir* Bill Luxton of Exeter, 'with Mi\ 'and • MrS, Fred Lux­ ton in St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. F* A. May and Mr. and Mrs. Warren May and ,family with " " “ ’ Richardson nia, Mr. and.-. Susan*" and and Mrs. James Pomero;,, don with Mr', and Mrs,. Rufus Kestle, Mr. ..and Mrs. Fred Bell of Utica,'Mich., Christmas week-, ejttK-’wjlh Mr, *and Mrs. Harry ) and two boys, London, with Mr. •Cole. ■ .land Mrs* Owen Atkinson. Dr. C. D. and Mrs, and family in Sar- .Mi's. Jack Kestle, Janice, of Toronto Lon- I Mrs. I, Armstrong,- with Land Mrs.- Ralph Sweitzer, Mr. and .Mrs. Ross Tuckey land family and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mason arid family with Mr. and Mrs. B. W.. Tuckey, CpL ‘ Al and Mrs. .Horton, of Camp Borden)' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hennessey* and Paul, of Harrow, and ’Mr., and Mrs. Pat Hennessey,, of/Chatham, .with Mrs. Leo Hennessey., ,Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Schmet- zer rind John,' Kitchener, with Mr. and.Mrs. Bill.Sims and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heywood. Mr,- and Mrs, Ulric Snell With Mr.' and Mrs,, Cecil Laing at onto, with his parents, Mr, and : Burlington, Mrs. Thos. Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kestle, Clinton, and Dr. and Mrs. S. Striiner with Mrs. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. with Mr. and Mrs. at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. C. and two daughters, with Mr. and Mrs. gson, Huron, Mich., with Mrs. Clark Fisher, Miss Mary Easton, tVifh. her parents, Mr, Andrew Easton. I Mrs. Lillian Blair.................. i Mr. and Mrs, Jack Blair and family, Mr.' and Mrs. Bob Blair' and family of Biddulph,- Mr..and Mrs. Don Blair .and family of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Fletcher, Woodham, on Christ- 'mas Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Boddy, !Sandra and Bruce, [with Mrs. . Christmas Sunday, Mr, Grant Collingwood,. Ton Toronto, and Mrs, Exeter, ‘ I 'j ... Kitchener Charles Harris on stock Ellerii and M borne. Mr. an Hopper, of HanlU eneral j Hospital, with Mr. and Mrs. E. I uuy epiamd ssijv pus O)uoai R. Hopper. ! ■Mr. A. J. Penhale and daugh-l ter, Margaret, with Mr. and j Mrs. Wm* Crawford at Belntont. | Mr. and Mrs. Garvey Ache-) son, St. • Thomas, with Miss ( Amelia Acheson and Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Acheson and Sally. Mr. and *Mrs. Don Gravett with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. chenei* and ; them visited Midland, Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Miss Lorna Taylor, of London, is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Taylor. > Mr. William Fairbairn, Hen­ sall, with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kit-I. Gravett at accompanied by in Toronto ana Gordon McTavish at Shakespeare. Miss' JO- r^and W* Cromarty Frank 'Par- Appleton, Miss Mary Lou Post of Wind­ sor- with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Willis Powell. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taylor and David, of Sarnia, with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Taylor, Mrs. Frank Bruce in Windsor with Mrs, David Bruce. * j Willis Walper with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walper at Grand, Bend. Mr. and , Mrs. Kenneth Johns and Charles Johns, Elimyille, with* Mt. and Mrs. Henry Bier- ling. - ■ Mr. : dnd Mrs. Harry West- away, Of ’ St. Tbpmas and Mr. E. I Arthur Pearce i Gaiser E, Hodgson. . „, . .. . . of London * and Mrs, Gordon-Snqlgrove, and W. H. Hod- two children, of ’ Toronto, with i Mr, ,and. Mrs. A. J. Snelgrove. Wm. Mrs. Arnold Gachstetter and four children of Galt and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz, of Crediton, were their guests. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Jones, Kitchener, with Mr, and Mrs. J. Hubert Jones. . Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bell and ton Hod ger t. daughter Ann at Harriston. } Miss Nettie Keddy sbent Christ- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McBride mas weekend in St. Thomas and in Toronto with their son. I Sarnia. GRAHAM ARTHUR MOTORS . Best wishes to oUf friends, • ■' ' old and hew, for a healthy, HARPY NEW YEAR! May 1957 paint a bright future for’ You, 'o'ne: and. all! , As the bells ring out in come to 1957 may they the beginning of a • abounding in the good things of life >'for. you and ■. yours. Happy ’New Year!1 - * k These Merchants Wish You Peace . SPENCER LUMBER ’ • Planing Mill Phone 102-W Hensall Our wish'— that the-joys , of the. season stay' with ■ • .you ’ail'through the.year! CHAINWAY " STORES LTD. Main St.Exeter Hearty wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR!- .. • . ’ HUNTER-DUVAR & sons ltd: r. Flwne^ 38 W* 0. GOODWIN • Dry Goods Phonfe 16 Hensall to’everyone in this wonderful community! Exeter We’d like to pop -in with our ' thanks" ‘for your past patronage and wish you— HAPPY NEW YEAR! BRODERICK BROS. Phone 277 Exeter MacLAREN PHARMACY , Pills and' Things Phone 149- Grand Bend y.-’'?! Prosperity As we ring in the New Year, •we would like* to chime in with our sincerest wishes for your good health, happiness and prosperity. May ’57 be a > memorable year for all of P. 3OULIANNE Feed Mill 31-W ’ Crediton A BRIGHT N£W Y/ZAft May a steady glow of happi­ ness warm, the hearts and brighten the lives of every . one Of our’ friends throughout a New Year, richly rewarding . in achievement. BETTY & ART'S FOODLAND . Phone 72 Grand Bend Thank You We appreciate the gene­ rous patronage given us in the past and solicit the opportunity to serve you again in 1957. We promise the same courteous sei^ vice. r-"' " MAY 1957,. BE, YOUR HAPPIEST ’ AND .-MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR MURRAY SCOTT Supertest Farm Agent Exeter GOOD CHEER GOOD HEALTH GOOD -FORTUNE! We hope,you get \ . w- the -lion’s share of health, wealth and happiness! May good health and good fortune • follow you through the year! May all your hopes and dreams come true in 1957! We hope that 1957 will bring all of. you the brightest year yet! McFALLS GROCERY Phone 437 Exeter WHITE'S ICE CREAM BAR NORVAL C. JONES Trucking Phone 413-W Exeter MATHER BROS. North End Shell Station Exeter BOB COOK MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE Phone 178 Hensall 773 *<*< Best wishes to all for a' ' VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! ' . A JOYOUS NEW YEAR! happy NEW ( VEA£ oHere’s hoping success will' jump your way in 1957! •*< To our many friends: best wishes and thanks’ for your patronage!« An old, greeting sincerely, meant! SOUTH END SCOTT'S BILLIARDS Exeter SERVICE W. H. HODGSON "The Insurance Man" McKENZIE'S PAINT STORE t DOUG RIVERS GROCERY Exeter Phone 79Phone 253 ExeterExeterPhone 24 Exeter Rusi And Chuck Snell Here’s wishing that Success gives you a - green light in 1957! A JOYOUS NEW YEAR to our many friends! MARSHALL A MURRAY EXETER PRODUCE and STORAGE COMPANY Limited Phan# 580 Exeter An old fashioned greeting, never more truly expressed!' FISHER HARDWARE Phons 29 Exotor May every hour Of the New Year hold much happiness WlTTEMAN BAKERY Fot All Baked Goods Phon* M Exeter Each year we appreciate more fully the loyalty of friends. Happy New Year To AU! COLE'S DRUG STORE Phona 65 Exater ■ ..... ■■ . ■ .... JV . No other words say it so well-— HAPPY NEW YEAR! EXETER CO-OP Feed Service A Pert I liter Phone 287 Exeter Wo’re glad to wish i you, one and all-— HAPPY NEW YEAR! W k-GMC PEA MOTOR Pontiac- Phono, 608 y