HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-31, Page 7Correspondent: Miss L»n4 AbbottPhen* IM Lucan
This was followed by a
All Kiev’s — Feather Ticks
nF you Feel
These <Uy? most people work under
pressure, worry more, sleep les?. This
strain on body and brain makes physical
filnes? easier to lose—harder to regain,
Tyjay’s ten?e Jiving, lowered resistance,
Mw-ork, worry—any of these Jmay affect
kidney action. When kidney? get
out of order, excess acid? and w'astes
remain in the system. Then backache,
disturbed rest, that "tired-out” heavy-
headed feeling often follow. TJiat's the
time to take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
stimulate the kidneys Jo .normal action,
Then you feel better—sleep better—work
better. Ask for Dodd’s Kidney Pills at
»nf drug counter. 53
Pharis .423 ’Exeter
Here's toy our
■f health ♦ . .to your
happiness.. <
to. your good
fortune in the
year ahead.
Beauty Bar
Bhone 522 Exeter
bz Another year has
in which we wCre
happy to Scr.ve the many
good friends whose patron
age we value so highly. To
them, our warm thanks and
best wishes for thcNcw Year*
sv. J,
J, Rouls
ton; TTIclay/Uanuary H, Pente
costal, Rev, J. P. Brest.
List Winners
In Yule Draw
On Wednesday afternoon, Dec,
24, hundreds of Lucanites stood
in the drizzling rain to see the
five major prizes go to Air, Karl
O'Neil, Clandeboye, a davenport;
Mr. Alton Neil, Granton, electric
mixette; Mr, Peter Voisin, Ailsa
Craig, set of dishes; Mr. George
Alercer, Ailsa Craig, electric
lamp; Mr, Wilmer Scott, dander
boye, wool blanket,
Reeve Cecil Lewis made all
the draws for the three Satur
days and the Alonday. Constable
Don Laughton and Air, Will
Haskett, Lions Club president,
read the names. By a strange
coincidence all the big prizes
went, not only to outsiders, but
to men.
Missionary To* Addross W. A,
Alias L< Powell, a missionary
from Japan will address the
Woman’s Auxiliary from Lucan,
Ailsa Craig and Clandeboye in
the Parish HAJI Wednesday,
Jan. 2,'
Personal Items
Aliss Marlene Bevington spent
last weekend in Collingwood,
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C,
W. Parkinson and family,
Air, and Airs. Donald. New
combe and family came'from
Thamesford to attend the school
concert and stayed overnight
with Mr. and Airs. Thomas Eng
land and family.
Miss Merle Law of London
spent a few days last week with
Air, and Mrs; Alurray Hod gins.
Other holiday guests included
Mr. Cliff Law and Airs, Walter
Longfield of Crampton, on Sun
daw ahd on Monday the family!
of . Mr. Ward Hodgins, which in
cluded Air. and Mrs. Ralph
Ainslee of St. Alarys, Air. and
Mrs. Emerson Hodgins, London,
Mr. Bruce Hodgins, Guelph,
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Hodgins
Guelph, Mr. and Airs. Arthur
Hodgins, Mr., Victor HOdginS
and. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hod
son, all of Clandeboye.
Mr, and Airs, Richard Davis
and. family and Air, and Mrs.
Don Corman were ' weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Johnston of Toronto.,
Among the list of the "Kurly
Kate” contest winners this week
appears the name of Mrs. J. C,
Murdy, Lucan.
Robert Ford, Aon of Air. arid
Airs. Fred Ford, who lias been
stationed in Korea for the past
two. years is home on a 30 day
leave. His brother, Ralph, who
is in the Alarines is stationed in
Mr. Eli Thompson called on
Lucan friends last Thursday.
Air, and Airs. L. Burley of
Saskatchewan spent a few days
with Mr. Chas. Cooke before go
ing to Iona Station. - , -
Air. Harry Wong drew Heather
Acheson’s name at his .restaur
ant last Saturday for the doll
and outfit , sponsored by
Legion Auxiliary.
Air, and Mrs. Maurice
Donald and family, who
spending the winter with Airs.
Will Dickins, spent Sunday in
Ailsa Craig, the 'guests of Air.
and Airs. Tom Cooey,
While .working on the rectory
garage, Air. Wilson Hodgins, one
of. the church wardens,'had the
misfortune to step on a nail.
Fortunately it was a new nail ko
no serious trouble developed
other than a sore foot.
Airs. Al,
Smith at’
home last
mile air _ ___ _______
Saskatchewan Where the tem
perature was 52 degrees below,
i Mr. Sniith thinks he must be in
Florida now with not a speck Of
i snow and such mild temperature
in Lucan. <
Airs. Alvin AIcLean and Mrs.
Cliff McLean attended the Aledd-
Hodgi'ns wedding last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Lee held
their Christmas family dinner at
their home last Sunday.
Airs. George Coursey of Iona
Airs, Isabel Underwood or Lon
don were weekend guests of Air,
and Mrs. Tom Coursey,
Nancy Haskett, .10 - year - old
daughter of Air. ahd Airs. Clar
ence Haskett, flew io Florida
Sunday evening with her aunt,
I Miss Angela Armitt, of London,
i where they will be guests of
[Mr. and Mrs. L. Armitt of
Tampa till January 4, All Lon
don planes were grounded but
they were able to drive to De
troit iti time to catch a plane
there, Nancy’s parents arrived
home from Detroit in time to re
ceive' at wire announcing their
safe arrival in Florida.
Mr, Wilson Hodgifts won a
turkey at the Granton Consistory
Club draw.
Airs. V. N. Prest of London is
spending the holiday week with
Rev. ahd Mrs. J. P. Prest.and
Fred Culbert, son of Air, and
Mrs. Aljoe Culbert, who is at
tending the Agricultural College j
at Ridgetown, spent the Christ
mas vacation at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs, Henry Ritchie,
Jr,, called on Mr, and Aits- Cal
vin Haskett and family last
I Mr. Howard Kew has return-*
! ed home from a bitshtess trip to
Sudbury, North Bay and the
Soo. 4 ,Air. John Park and Jackie
soent last Monday in Betrolia
with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Park 1
and family, j
Air. Wes RevihgtOrt hold^ a
a sore foot.
0. Smith met Mr.
Alalton. He arrived
Tuesday after a 2,000
trip from Northern
And District News
PS Concert Attracts Large Crowd
Even by using all available
benches, there was still not suf
ficient accommodation for the
large crowd of parents and child-
ten who jammed the auditorium
of Lucan's Community # Memor
ial Centre last Thursday night,
for the Public School concert.
Mr. Harold Whyte, chairman
of the board, was chairman for
an interesting and varied pro
gram beginning with a “Wel
come Song" by the school choir
and a girls’ chords. "Twelve
Day? of Christmas," Mrs, Cob-
lOigh’s Grades I and JI drew a
I big hand of applause with the
i "Rythm Band" and "Toy Shop.”
(Mrs. Allison’s Grade II and III
i staged the "Shoemaker and t'hg
r Elves."
[ guitar solo by Don Black.
j Airs, .Black’s Grades' IV and
V put on a‘colorful Christinas
tree drill and a choral speaking
number. Air, Elliott's Grade V
and VI are to be congratulated!
on Staging "Hansel and Gretel"
and for a duett by Bonnie Dren
nan and Marsha Hibson and a
choral speaking number. Bar
bara Laughton’s tap dance drew
a big hand of applause. Mr.
Clow’s’Grade VII and -VIII put
on a two act play "Squire How
ley’s Christmas"' and a chorus
"Carol of the Bells". ‘Alias
I^eake's Christmas pageant was
well done,
In the middle of the program
the staff came to the stage and
were introduced by the chair
man, Also Airs, Sheridan Bev
ington, president-, of the Home
and School, and Air. Elliott,
Candle Service
Attracts Crowd
The Lucan United Chupch was
nearly filled for the impressive
C.G.LT. candlelight service last
Sunday night The Anglican
Church held its service at 6.45
to permit its members to attend
There was also a number from
the Clandeboye churches.
Mrs. John McLean, assistant
leader, Jed in the prayers and
read the poem "A Christmas
Prayer." The C.G.LT. president
and secretary, Beverly Butler
and Ilene Donaldson, read the
lessons and Mae Cobleigh, Jean
Cochrane and Marilyn Culbert
lit the candles.
A grolip of Lucan-Clandeboye
■Explorers assisted in the pro
gram, each’ carrying a lighted
candle. Two ExPl°rers, Judy J
Haskett and Dana Culbert, took
up the offering. The ROv, E, J.
Roulston was the speaker. He
ehose the appropriate text, "Ye
are the Light of the World," The
Rev. J. P. Brest pronounced
Friends Shower
Marie Hodgins
Miss . Marie Hodgins, bride
elect, was guest of honor at four
showers prior to her marriage
last • Saturday to Mr. Donald
On. December 15 Miss Elaine
Hodgins was hostess for a mis
cellaneous shower when she
entertained the girls where Marie
On December 16 the Hodgins
family met at the bride's home
and .on December 18 the Loft
family presented miscellaneous
gifts. On December 17 Mr. and.
Mrs. William F. Hodgins enter-
tained members of S.S. No.' 1
Who presented the bride-elect
with a step-up table.
John Baillie
Funeral services for John
Baillie, 80, who died at St, Jos
eph's Hospital, London, were
conducted from the Murdy fun
eral home on Thursday, Decem
ber 27.
> His • wife, the former Ellen
Hodgins, predeceased him some
years ago.
Surviving are one son, James,
William mvu auguLuu, xA/iiuun,
and Mrs, Thomas Simpson, Lu
can; one brothdr, Alex Baillie,
Whalen; and one sister, Mrs.
David Russell, Vancouver.
Interment was • in 'Necropolis
cemetery at Toronto on.Friday.
Business Men's Third Draw
The drizzling cold rain, which
had been falling dll day last
Saturday, abated in time for the
Business Men’s third draw<for
three more; $5 vouchers. The
winners were Mrs. John McAl
lister, M^. Charles Windsort (who
won last week) and Mrs. A. C.
Not only was Larry McFalls
called again but also his twin
brother Gary and both were
absent, Mrs. George Thomson
and Mr. Carl Van GOel were also
Farmer Found Dead
Ralph Henry Norton, 44, a
bachelor farmer on Con, 10 Lon-1
don, was found dead on his 100-1 iaKe pai v LU UIC A rtAJiCIT
acre farm last Thursday by a J ment. He should have some ,Very
.neighbor, Ted McIntyre, who . interesting experiences, to, re-
Well at long last, Ildertoh has
taken a game from Lucan. Yep,
it seems that Ilderton produces
better speakers and politicians,
in a committee room, at -any
rate. When Lucan beat Ildei’ton,
in their first meeting of • this
young hockey season, 5-4, Ilder
ton had the better supply of
home brew, so Ilderton grabbed
the opportunity to-slip in the
back entrance of the committee
room, to- protest and win the
Jack Ready, Lucan president,
got a little too close to Alerv
Horde, of Ilderton, in the. prom
enade of the Arena, during the
hockey gafne. The- conversation
was rather on- the rapid and
heated side, to say the least,
portending a rough time for Il
derton, come F.riday, .Dec.. .28.
Ivan Hearn, Lucan .Manager,,
will, we feel sure,- come up with
a little more
next time out.
This is the
tried to say a
Don Fletcher, a chap who comes
up from St.u Alarys 'way, and
plays a whale of' a game,., for.
"the "Irish Sik’L He* may 'not be*
the best hockey player in the
world, but he’s-got- what it takes
under the sweater. His all-out,
hard working Style, makes him,
the 'real spark' plug, in the Lu
can line-up. I. hope he inspires
a few of the younger players
with some of his spirit and fire,
as well as ability for team play
ing. ' .................
* * '♦
Hoiks, .you are missing so’me
great hockey entertainment, by
not dropping around to' see the
little fellows play. The Lucan
Bee-Wees have played two games
of a three - game scries. With
London South Lions, losing . the
first game 4-3 and tieihg the
second game 4-4. The third
game will be played at 1 p.m.
on Saturday.
>i< * -v
I guess there will always be
a Revington and Paul in.: the-
hockey lime-light for -years to
come. Gary stepped out Satur
day and scored, two goals. Randy
Paul and Jimmie -Drennan were
close behind with one each, All
the hoys played good, ‘heads
up’ hockey. Lucan Midgets play
a league game
a curtain-raiser
game, beginning
day night, .
» *
It may be interesting to note
at this time, .that Alien Ready,
president of the "Boys< Club"
and a good ’ all. ’round athlete,,
left on Dec. '26 for Ottawa, to
take part in the Boys’ Paflia-
__„___, _ , whol interesting experiences ' to, re
found the barn door locked from late when he returns,
the inside. ■ I * * «■ * .
_ ______ —--------------------------- While reading through a Sdu-
I venir Book of the opening, of the
IL u c a n Community Memorial
j Centre, dated June 14 and.. 16,
[ 1950; I felt that some thought
Contained in the chairman’s,
message, could . stand repeating
I at this. time. I hope the citizens
will now go. ahead and make a
; suitable athletic field and... fec-
!reation grounds. Healthy, clean
1 sports decrease juvenile delin-
[quency- and devolop youth’s tab
[ ents, thus making them partic-
iipating citizens,
i This Community Centre is- not
meant to supercede our schools
or churches or any other organ*
iizations, but merely to .help the
; activities of eyery age in the
t vicinity. After all, it is the adults
who set the stage and provide
the feftvh'Oftmcnt irt which child
ren grow and- develop.
’ What seemed to be a dream
for a few years prior to 1949,
rapidly became a reality,'with
; donations of money and hard
j work by the people of Lucan
and district. Let us hope that
a few. will not be allowed to
destroy that which so. many
worked so hard to build.
Happy New Year Everybody!
home brew, the
* ; *
third time I’ve
few words about
two daughters, Mrs’.
McNaughton, London.
Report Oh
Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire
and boys were guests on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Maguire
of London.
Mr.’» and Mrs. James Turner,
Mrs. W, J. Davis and Mr, G.
Weinstraum were guests with
Mr, and Mrs. CMrertce Davis
for Christmas.
Airs. Fred Davis is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London,
with a fraeluted hip.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Davis
and family were Sunday guests
with Mr.., and Mrs, Earl Green
Miss Almarie Davis R.N. of
London is spending the holidays
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Heber Davis.
Miss Joan Barker and Garry
spent Saturday, at the home’ of
their grandparents, Mr, and
Lome Barker.
man and his wife, married
ten years, suddenly were
for ____ _ _______v ____
visited by a lomdo. It ripped
the roof bff, picked them into
the air, and set them down a
mile from the spot. The hus-
with Zurich as
to the senior
at 7, p.m. Fri-
* 4-
Ethel's Beauty Salon
(amUy Christmar^atltering^ast band, seeing his1 wife sobbing, °Pen 9 tti Monday to Friday
Earliest industry to nourish in
the. territory that is now Saska t-
said: "Don’t cry, dear. You're
safe," 1
She moaned, "Dm crying he- !
cause I'm so happy. Don’t yon ■
realize that this is the first time,
-'h’PfhH. .JhAlhbis ■■ irt1 Afl',-,,
Friday Evading till W .
SATURDAY. 4 to li
Efhd b.HiarH>n0t,Pr6brMi^U
Pick Committees T
'For UC Group ’j
At a meeting chaired by Airs. -
Cecil Robb in the United Church I
parlors Just Tuesday,’ the We* i
men's Association executive ap- I
pointed committees and planned
the year’s work.
The flower committee is Airs,
Myron Culbert and Airs. E«' J.j
Roulston (co - conveners), Airs.!
Alex Young (treasurer), Mrs. E.
R. Pitt, Airs. E. M. Cook, Mrs J
Edgar McFalls, Mrs. Annie 1
Fairies, Airs. William Frost;j
kitchen committee, Mrs.1 H. B. j
‘Langford (convener), Mrs. John:
Park, Airs. George Thomson.
Parsonage committee, Mrs, Ira
Carling, Mrs, Harold Whyte,
Airs, Sheridan Bevington, Mrs,
John McLean, Airs. Tom Lee;
secretary on co-operation with
C.E. committee, Mrs. C. H.
Ge0r_ge; literature secretary,
and j communion, Mrs. George Paul,
Ten dollars was voted to the
,the Senior Boys’ Parliament at
Waterloo, December 26-31.
Christmas Surprise Party
Receiving a "fake" invitation
to have dinner with her daugh
ter and family, Airs. Henry Hod
gins hurried home from church
last Sunday and got ready for
the trip.
Not till the other members
of her family began arriving
did she realize something was
afoot, It was a happy occasion
for both Air. and Airs. Hod
gins to sit down in their own
home to a grand Christmas din
ner with 18 members of their
.................... ......
Happy New Year I
Andrew st» phonc m
Phone 102'I
4 '
Service Station
By Miijor Oil Company
Propane Limited
Your Distributor for
Propane G«» and Appliances
Mr F*rm, Homo and Industry
Call Stratford 4174
2. Sell Discarded Or Outgrown Clothing
3. Rent Your Spare Room
4. Cash In On Musical Instruments Na Longer Used
5. Sell The Old Piano Or Radio
6. Rent Your Vacant Garage
7. There's Always A Buyer For Sporting Goods
8. Sell Livestock For Cash
2. Sell Your Services With A T*A WANT AU
Phone 33 NJ
»I (last year's Grade VIII teach-!
’ or) presented graduation pins to?
[ Merry Roberts, Anne Reving-j
> ton, Marie Whiteliead, Caroll
l Young, Mary Neil, Maureen
Fenn, Connie Neab, Terry Cul-ju® or ge; jiierarure secretary,
I bert, Bill Chown, John Armi-|Mrs. Clarence Stanley; January
; tage, Gerald Hamilton and communion, Mrs. George Paul,
[ Frank Egan. (Pins will be sent;Mrs. John Park.
■ to absentees Clif(ord Acheson, Ten dollars was voted to the
I Ken Young, Allan Ryan, Caro- I sending 4 of a representative to
jjyn Odd and Harold Frost) - -l
’ Santa arrived just in time to
’give out bags of treats to all
j the children, present.
Five Area Youths
Sit At Parliament
Walter Parson, George DeKay,
Alan Ready, Douglas Ball and
Burt McKinley were the five
teen age boys chosen to repre
sent London and Middlesex at
the Ontario Older Boys’ Balia-
ment in Waterloo from DCc. 26
to Dec. 31,
Lucan, is proud to have a rep
resentative, in Alan Ready, son
of Mr, .and Mrs, J; B. Ready,
who will represent Middlesex
.East. Alan, who is 16 years of
age, is a student of Medway
school, a member of the Hi-C
Class in the Lucan United
Church and assistant secretary
of the Sunday School.
Appoint Officers
For Ladies Guild
The Ladies’ ‘Guild of Holy
-Trinity Church held its December
meeting early this month, De
cember 21, owipg to Christmas
festivities. The president, .Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins/ presided, and ’Mrs. H. T. Bond's group had
charge-of program and refresh
ments. Miss Lina Abbott read the
Scripture Lesson. Rev, J. P,
PreSt spoke briefly.
Mrs. T. C, McFarlane'■present
ed the slate of officers. Honorary
president is Mrs. J. P. Brest
and past president, Mrs. Harvey
Hodgins. Mrs., Kay Egan was
elected president, with vice»
presidents, Mrs, Allan Ryan and
Mrs.' Wilson Hodgins; secretary.,
’Airs, F. W, Hovey; treasurer,
Mrs.’ George Hodgins; council
lors, Mrs,. Jack Murdy and Airs.
Harold Hodgins; program com
mittee, Airs. T. C. AIcFarlane,
Airs. T. A. ' Hodgins and Mrs,
Harold Hodgins.
. During the business, session
45300 ;:'yzas • voted ‘ to,, the Wa rdebs.
It was decided to purchase ma
terial for mote cassocks, for the1
senior choir, also plates, cups
and saucers, .knives and tables
for the kitchen.
After the business,. Airs. Bond conducted two contests, which
were won by. Airs. Harvey Hod
gins and ‘ MrS. Kay Egan, Who
by a strange coincidence are the
retiring 'president and the new
A vote of thanks was extend
ed' to Airs. Hod gins for her un
tiring services as president dur
ing the past two years. *
Christmas Displays
Never has the village of Lucan
looked more -resplendent with
Christmas decorations than this
year, especially Alain St, South.
Perhaps by next year it can even
compete with the village of Lam
beth. At least it will be some
thing' for which to aim. •
Good, heal th tint
prosperity and 4
big helping 'dfl
happiness is what we wish
for you in
Phone 366 Seaforth/ Ont
Moy 1557
ring ih«year
onrf pros-
you and yours.
New Year hells ring 6uf with
best wishes for everyone for
We hope this year will be a
wonderful one for you . . , rich in
happiness, bright with success . ,
full to overflowing with warm,
lasting friendship and love'.
1. Get Cash For Furniture No Longer Used