The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-24, Page 12ige 12:The Tlme$«Aclvocate, December 24, W&
We herald the holiday sea
son with warmest wishes
for the health and happi
ness of all our loyal
friends and good neigh
bors. Merry Christmas,
Betty & Arts
Bluewater Highway
Phone 72 Grand Bend
May your family hearth
be warm with happiness
at Christmas . . . may its
good cheer long glow in
your memory. This is our
sincere wish for you.
Len s Place
(Dn Bluewater Highway
Phone 52-r-J8 Grand Bend
May your holiday season
be a time of gaiety and
excitement . . and a time,
too, of quiet contentment,
warm with the blessings
of home, family and many
friends. .
Phone 45 Crediton
To .the many fi’iends,
whose patronage has made
this past year such a good
one for us, we send
our very best Christmas
Shoe Store
May the bright and shin
ing joys of Christmas light
your way to a whole new
year of health and hap
piness » . .. deep content
ment and peace.
Phone 14-W D.ihwood
Here’s hoping your Christ
mas Day will be a shining
success, bright with all
the joys of the season.
Pills and Things
Phone 149 Grand Bend
May the message oF the
first Christmas dwell in
your heart at this joyous
season, inspiring renewed
devotion to its shining
Ideal of Peace on Earth,
Good Will toward Men. ■
Peariso And
Esso Products
Phone 52 Grand Bend
From all of us at Flears,
we send along best wishes
to our friends and patrons
for a very Merry Christ
mas and a Happy New
Flear's Bakery
The Home of Good Baking
Phone 142 Grand Bend
To all our friends’ and
patrons,’ we extend our
heartiest good wishes for
the merriest, brightest
Christmas ever, Happy
holiday, everyone!
L. P. Boulianne
Phone 31-W Crediton
We send along to all our
friends and patrons the
very best wishes for the
merriest Christmas ever
and a Happy New Year.
Phan* 151 Daihwood
ERECT NATIVITY SCENE—Members of the Walther League of Zion Lutheran
Church, Dashwood, constructed, this nativity scene on the lawn of their church last
week. Four officers of the young people’s ,group, shown arrangihg the scene, are,
left to right, Arthur Rader, Christian growth chairman; Pauline Becker, president;
Barbara Koehler, vice-president and Jim Becker, treasurer. The scene is floodlit at
night, ’—T-A Photo
Crediton Wl
Assists CAS
Crediton W o m en’s Institute
held their Christmas meeting in
the Community Centre Tuesday
evening with an attendance of
over 5(J.
The president, Mrs. W. Mack,
presided and roll call was
answered by naming a “Christ
mas custom in our home.” Re
ports were given and Mrs, Nel
son Schenk was appointed as
representative to the Federation
of Agriculture. The meeting de
cided to remember elder citizens
who are shut-ins. Plans were
made for Family Night, to be
held in January.
Mrs, William Gaiser presided
for the program and also spoke
on the topic “Christmas”. Mrs.
Molitor re v i e w e d the motto
“Happiness grows at your own
fireside.” Mr. Stephen Dundas
and daughter, Mrs. P. Schenk,
pl’ayed violin selections and
were accompanied on the piano
by Mrs. Dundas. They also ac
companied Barbara and Donald
Dundas who favored with a
duet. A trio was rendered by
Mrs. L. Hey, Mrs. William
Smith and Mrs. Gordon Morlock.
Mrs. Arlis McKee favored with
a vocal solo and Dr. Lulu Gaiser
gave an interesting talk on
“Legend of the Christmas
Flower—the Poinsettia.” An of
fering was received. for the
Children’s Aid, Goderich.
The meeting closed with an
exchange of gifts. Evening hos
tesses were Mrs. Aaron Wein,
Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Wil
liam Gaiser, Mrs. Allan Pfaff,
Mrs. Harry Yearley and Mrs.
Maurice Beaver.
Personal Items
Mr. Gerald England, who is
installation representative on the
mid-Canada linez of -the Bell
Telephone Co., near Churchill,
spent several days at his home
in London and with Mrs. Eng
land and family, visited his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eng
land, here. Gerald left Montreal
by plane on Thursday.
The new sound system, with
speakers in the sanctuary, base
ment and tower of the Evangeli-
ccal U.B. Church, was dedicated
on Sunday-morning.
The system was placed in
honor of the late Mr. William
Beaver who passed away one
vear ago and who was generous
in his remembrance of his' home
Seeks Renewal
Of Bridge Grant
■ "Osborne council, meeting last
week, asked the Ontario Depart
ment of Highways to renew its
approval of the township’s share
in the cost of the bridge over
Morrison Dam.
The department agreed this
year to pay 80 percent of the
bridge cost, which is estimated
at $18,000. The offer, however,
expires at the end of 1956.
Council has applied for an
extension so that construction
can proceed this spring if tile
Ausable Authority lets a contract
early in the new year.
Tax Collector William Johns
reported outstanding taxes at
$16,000 about the same amount
as last ygar.
May Your Christmas
De Happy,
Your New Year Merry.
Thanks for your
Beauty Parlor
News Budget From
. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snell
and Beth spent the weekend in
Detroit with relatives.
Miss Gertrude Beisenthal left
Friday morning to spend Christ
mas with her parents at Wind-
thorist, Sask.' She was joined by
her sister* from Michigan and
they flew by plane from Malton
School Concerts
Mrs. Emil Becker and her
pupils held their Christmas con
cert at Smoky Hollow last Wed
Mrs. Melvin Desjardine and
her pupils had the mothers as
guests at their party in Dash
wood Friday afternoon. The
three rooms joined in a program
Wednesday afternoon. An ex
change of gifts followed and
Santa presented the children with
packages. Mrs. Desjardine, who
is leaving at Christmas, was
presented with a gift from her
Mr. Stanley Haist and pupils
presented their concert Tuesday
Walther League
The Walther League of Zion
Lutheran Church enjoyed their
Christmas party Tuesday eve
ning. The committee in charge
was Deane Kraft, Donna Weber,
Anne Koehler, Pauline and
Brenda Becker. The evening was
spent in playing Bunco. Winners
were Ernest Miller and Eleanor
Rev. and Mrs. Zorn were pre
sented with a gift and Arthur
Rader conducted closing devo
Mr. Jack Gaiser was at Zee-
land, Mich., on Monday on
Mr. and Mrs. Clare Irwin at
tended the funeral of the lat
ter’s father, Mr. George Little,
at Gananoque, Ont., this week,
Present Gifts
At Elimville
The white gift service was
held on Sunday morning in a
combined service.
The choir rendered two Christ
mas anthems assisted by the
junior girls dressed as angels,
singing “Away in a Manger,”
with Frances Skinner as Mary.
The scripture reading was given
by Betty Ann Stephen, Brian
Hern and Joanne Miners.
Mr. Philip John?, the Sunday
School superintendent, was lead-
ei’ assisted by Mr. W. J. Moores,
Miss Grace Routly read a poem
and the Christmas stories were
read by Mrs. Jackson Woods
and Mrs. Delmei’ Skinner.
The collection was taken by
four junior boys, Larry Skinner,
Edward Johns, Edwin Kerslake
and Larry Lynn.
Winchelsea School Concert
The Winchelsea school concert
was held Thursday evening at
Elimvilld Church auditorium.
Rev. W. J. Moores was chair*
man for the evening’s program,
Mrs. Reg Hodgcrt and Mrs. Don
Jolly and pupils presented an
entertaining program of dia
logues, choruses, recitations and
solos.Santa arrived at the close and
j gave out bags of candy and gifts
were distributed.
Special Chirstmas Service
A‘ special Christmas service
will be held on Sunday at the
church at lo a.m. The children
will attend a special carol sing
ing service during the Sunday
School hour. Gifts will be given
to the different classes at the
close, - while the Bible classes
remain in the basement for the
lesson period,
Elimville Mission Band
The Elimville Mission Band
meeting was held Sunday after
noon at the home of Miss Betty
Ann Stephen. Mrs, Ross Skinner
read the Christmas service while
the members acted out a story,
Mrs. W. J. Moores was guest
speaker. Mrs. Howard Pym read
a story. Carols were sung and
the election of officers for the
coming year was held,
I Personal Items
I Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and
PS Concert
At Centralia
The schoolroom of the church
was filled on Monday evening
when the Sunday School mem
bers presented their annual
Christmas entertainment, There
Was a fine program with Santa
arriving at the close to distri
bute the gifts.
In last week’s paper the W.A.
meeting was only p a r t la 11 y
printed. The following para
graphs were omitted from the
Christmas program:.
A skit by Mrs. A. McFalls and
Mrs. J. Essery, a reading by
Miss Flossie Davey, a quartette
by Mrs. W. Essery, Mrs. J.
Essery, Mrs. K. Greo and Mrs.
L, Hodgson, a duet by Mrs. R.
Hodgson and Mrs. L. Hodgson
were in keeping with the Christ
mas theme. Mrs. A. McFalls
read the story of “The Black
The hostesses were Mrs. H.
Lightfoot, Mrs. M. Elliott, Mrs.
O. Langiord, Mrs. George Hep
burn and Mrs. J. T, Clarke.
The Christmas Sunday service
will bo held next Sunday morn
ing. In the evening the C.G.I.T.
will hold their vesper service
at 8 o’clock.
Mrs. William ... _
Sunday visitor With Mrs,
Baker and Mrs. F. Reeder at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Cooper McCurdy.
Bowden was a
News Budget From
Mr. and Mrs". Kenneth Lang
ford and: family spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Trewartha
of Holmesville.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Hern and family Of Zion, Mrs.
M. Hern of Exeter were Satur
day evening dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson
and family were Saturday guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chittick
of Glendale,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Ste
phens of Anderson spent Sunday
with Mrs. James Mossey.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mills and
Gwen Spent Sunday afternoon
with friends at Auburn and call
ed at the funeral home to see a
departed friend, the late Mrs.
Albert' Campbell.
Miss Anne Thomson spent the
weekend with Mrs. Lottie Jones
of Glendale.
Latter From ***-.», a
Miss Winnie Keogh and Mrs.
Jas, De Tinney and Debbie of
Ottawa, arrived home to visit
their father who has heen quite
Mr. and Mrs, David Morley left
on Tuesday for Florida to spend
two or three months.
Sunday guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Earl Hixon, were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Hamilton of Lucan,
Mr. and Mrs. Les Howland of
Detroit, and Mrs- Cecil Ellwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Howland of
Detroit spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon.
Mr. Andy Keogh has been on
the sick 'list.
Council Holds Supper
The McGillivray Council held
a turkey supper for their, mem
bers in the hall on Saturday
evening. There were no new
changes in council but the
school board took quite a slide,
with three old memhers being
replaced by new ones.
Mr. Dean White, road superim
tendant for McGillivray town-
shij, has-been laid up with a
sore eye.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dundas of
Detroit spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton, of
Lucan and with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil Ellwood.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Odd and
Carolyn of London’ spent Satur
day afternoon with their par
HFA Interviews
Three Applicants
Directors of Huron County
Federation plan to interview
three applicants for the position
of county fieldman on Boxing
The three were selected from
five who Applied for the position.
Applications were opened at the
directors’ meeting on Thursday.
The fieldman will replace
Gordon Gregg, who retired after
six years of service.
During 1955 the average Can
adian family income went up
eight per cent to $4,460.
s ..Eg
w join the jolly
choristers lo wish you
all a Christmas that
is a cheerful, hopeful
and beautiful as the
carols they sirtg. . ,
T. Harry
May the glad tidings of the
first Christmas echo in yout
heart and bring you good
cheer and high happiness,
V. L. Becker
Your international * Harvester Dealer
From The Friends And Merchants Of
And Grand Bend
Kail and Ki-Ko! Santa
his way! Now’S' the season
for fun and -well-wishing; so,
happy holiday to all!
ratton & Hotson
II their friends
f eason's Greetings
Merry Christmas!
Felix Navidad!
Kalla Hristouyena!.
Felix Natal !
Buon Natale!
In Any Language,
h's Still "Merry Christmas"