HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-8-29, Page 4•14r 1 08r�- . . w,;. a 1�ww -- - -- -.--- ____ - - �„�u SALE. TT "NMI 1% OW YAWN 49wew.a ThouNbrthl� Teti H•elt► is strea8t►.-To p owt or coo. Z`0 t21er! --- FOR 1JAAJEe Bait Territory 1 .., :IY1r-dices J« b» iNiva� jM0 }N► qe•r ares" Y are of the greed" atmi.mests Ft" AM WONadest sleet Ors trnil.a Wets tq,oss. �p�r a eommanicati0a6 tapaed by one Robt DIAS 81eaALe RA been throulgh ever aimed as by rias i sad arveis Palmooe Hi Baboorither eters to reea co oihbM%, grossly libellous and • nrtualw (lr7!••af r.qe Y, m the tetlreahp • T 1 P• •OAII. Most of 16 North Rldiug made it my waters will r site* ears oo*ga, eats, tick, or Tal L aYabv it p.raers t 96.s"aers.-lermb cempany, for royally of oseAM•nth err el tbo s o I bare to regwt r is bWoees to agmula the opinion of eke- Mg in the two" and palwuawy coo earnset viand, til lot f u the sob tions., W. D., d the actio°, one hal( ern of laud, with - TALL f ERR D�=D 09 NLV .- -"I- of tkl. eamma°iati« n your "al P ns Aar Area tiiewla..ill eesti. �"� NORTH RIDING OF HURON genie e. r Yr. I sad f6 Town Lot. t. F'°° Loess, it • not in reply to Yr Gibbons, for 1 forest" regard to the different Candi- Pe• y. w .boat Our hundred tat fkeru4 lewd eitua Ali-" Feao;oo . w ecus.' P 1 "s' molds if not attended to sooner or later land Go•srw6,fit - g10AK1 eau► eve unrmols. Alt. led abort * ht yards from the resent hove It by the advice of my attorney to data now in the field. t, 7 1 P to Incurable cuusumptioa, and am elmaiV Ih Goderk► Salt orks. Adhoesaewr sn"twe ft pw.t•M)to the Jost, resort to aMr «w but to atau Timely the Tits information obtained, I now, w of the urun .at soon laib tf aagl•eted lie eLllLallta'- fH08 wSATHI Goolervob For farther particular apply b, letter or 4 1rLieve Oe�wafa* O.arlal A..wvu.rur urrq face of the (>.••, urd lot the pa°tio judge M- eordi¢g is promise, lay before you. I ,o.�,t an pert men" known for the can Having basis nominated by the R•- reosall to JUST 0900106 meen ns. Also. yen by publMb:21 tbm eco- � pore difference of opinion North than of theseeom lai°u is ••Br7ai a Pdmoa' form Convention, Mt"Clinton oa the 4th ---- y R. CAMPAIGNE, ,. ounicst.m will show lhet you had no aniww P EN bow Ism aw re.a sve her ever",u..,d ldur is publi"s a owns sod malieivus libel. I �� Is feet there v bat ee* opisiuo W.Hte " wh,ah bare bee° thoroughly tried of this meats as &candidate for the f%prs FOR BALE. [sep*r of County Owl. Auto ob..mn.few. witanse, sad kwwa soy or would not ask you to issart the wllo.iag, i0 the South Ridiag, said that in, that for the Irl tea J yeas, and bar* never nsatation of your RFdin to the Local Lego OT No. 16, 3rd eon. Wawesah, eompprrmY Goderieb. D". Ask, 1866. W4"tf two,- wen it not th it muJ of the reader of this the liberal eeadidatse will make sbinr ro bsea knows to (ail. Smg:n dad public lot.n of Ualario, sad�aog recoi•ed an L Leg 50 acres 15 "ens cloae.d. The Ismd s ken will alto derive great besefit from surasees of support from man friends, over ase g...0 l►. wit eo.. s..w.d lq,aa torp., Sis" du dot n.,i the .Your-he*co the prcaarltetives than the fur aeadidalce. 61 as nituatad 12 mil" from (ioderloh, uJ .ill NOTICE. t e uw of them. Sold be all mdiei" the whole crontitaaaer, 1 ba.e accepted the be said as reasonable terms for tWish. A I aim they re0. Me ad W lee.rr attuu m he4kr necrYiy of the rine rsmien hearing bale But is the North whether t u from the pP7 V.- sled of rho oruuu. ter nuwbar ot�modids dealers, at 23eta. per boa. nomination then made, and in doing w 1 to J. B. GORDUN SSI] , THS sader*igued having purchased the gra! tes, or the du• _ ho to receive a cordial and generous " C'e-m U. the aid day of Octoher, 1853, the fly between thea out being so pulpa• port )ea, to whom is eotiristed the pre- or E. CAMPALOId&, loge stock of Saddlery and anus Waumwa. Air w.d.the . 7 •... whou e:r Ano, in meld the harbor A Oude SAA•C FREDERICK g 6 Nov.n1, 1166. w41tf. at the Gaot. hoes rich nu upon boo North pier and as in the Scathe Or petit odor unit rile a o(t s fnoehiw. _ H A N D 8 B asstmal, pemrh.re wtuk seer hoot. .n ,a; ed) jadgsmouteeoms not to be ee easily 1fi principles y - ItilFro .M's rinci lean not each Y to rlast sy, .ad 1 her, e.r s.r , M, fiHld with water. On the following Iloody f formed. ALAR&every shade of political opinion ; they Tree Fssa ad Is Is sataaab,ag bsarto. uey len guldrer- morning, Capt Harrison, wbo nor h charge, hogver, Y r well known, w maintain what yf ,.?I' '�L W i� NOYY uArwed a of then Being Gia barrels of Then aro no les than all candidates - _ W*- t.7t' t r good -w reform w(tat u corr°pt and obso- *! whiskey on bwrd for m•, ud ith • reget soba he» tinned addrer"-Vauateae, tete, *sdsevonag to secure right overs- ti l tF. r . ito send somebody down ta p sat* the Hdmr, ShrD, Ila n, whll•hpd, and i i APYK>JHKNSION fie or1.a, �.. M rbbewa, W Just • regY straw, J 1 Wet, IO Y ecO.OwFCal • mNn Jef Y r COO-" Aad Iv soh. tarsr.r b.eaet t►at 1'u het ,oa .roti cargo, Not having mush to do t da,, I y,wlofe Gibson -Pkat oils would thtttk to Lokarteat north Hafer , res went myself. and .wltted to Taos Y 1' OF v. l oar consisting of some 40 bbls of baste and choose venin, still new are not coo There ars sc gent;oas before the pablio , Than W s. a. rate, W nor wiM a V cwt• ge/• t 4D a r and Tomo other icor items. When the hole test with sten that camber, and ten to of gnat lmportanee, Confederation having "'�' one if the would be satisfied if the six WATCHelAKLrR h rJSw$LER, absorbed all others, it in m desire that it • e u 8 1 N E $ B I Ada Iv Eve ser ro.t to deeta re nor ue^..rl dn...1 of the cargo sou on steers, I along sou► pt J y ,. bide Morrison r shewo by the rdisd affsda were made fifty. Some there are, loo, should receive a fair trial, trusting that it of Mr. Horace Horton, who has Men so long °d •t Pe 4 J WEST BT., (iODleAICH, will both* @woes of allaying the sectional N 40 rr I CJ Ei and favorably known in that capacity, beg to ' sleeted six bels, * which nor delivered s besides the" mentioned, who would fain P. III I me by Ca Merriam as m ro rt , and jealousies that have w long distracted the state that we am prepared w continue the �erW, my 4■ar sooner ys teaset I— oar Pl y P W y' ave the honour to represent North Hur• NM THE POST OFF1lCE. f r with the help of the Capt rolled them on to country. 18 HEREBY GIVEN, brines o. the sane favorable terms to per. arm.• In the meantime, however, I shall Haves been active) en for the last Tlfl reur•naeier,i.arrtheaaalarey te�:,d.r t.,esb, 'the :comb pier out of the danger of the nes- 6 , y Red HAT the fdlow.es rowarda will he pad for ebwn Y they have hitherto enjoyed. on notice those wbtr* who aro is the A GOOD droarrnr or tea sun m our municipal alfi Ile a: T ash.. kwroeof The Babnenben have on hood at their I grr,wl ar tanw dors, b. bur n., ..lr., +hers they rcauioed till the Weda"iay y �•' �1e �t �+ o forenoon t.1110■io .tea I brow ht them field As V.aMeae is fiat on m list 1 Gold and Plated Jewels on Hand, Penance i have g.Iosd ms,, if you es* fit to I N A Q A L D E $ E R T F R 8 Shop, Market Square, a ver, large Asort- 1e&bw""Is Kouy Yu,.t." and.ha'r.l..r. arm► 6• R 7 9 elect me, prove in further improving r .d„yes aoeror the sins and hnisled them o° the .eau\him,they th him, dad if say no Pro Pro 6 'not of W err @smetpal and snsewmsst laws• It might la any pan ofC:.eJ.,ane h.sefTrarnw bad- d���lAdV� ®��©�� dash of one of my ressets,-arid on which more m than the electors do, I ATCHES CLOCKS AND SPECTACLES .as to the enormu.. a actions &runes devises- not serve soy useful purpose to go into iso f ,1, "we"I Mr Greco won at the time chocku of will no fur whenever I mention- IN ORIAT VAIUXTT, en. ro dssr r+w aaaw eyh hr w +W:►.M clyr hr some cords that nor Mia discharge �gforg Immediate personal eaa•am, but l hope when I�For & Mnri on d each dssener. fdunnr Is svrRT nTTl.c, `( t ••tom ed biith the canvass, the answer ppn ' ►;mself. But o° the Monday sight pnvtons the contest fairly commeoces, to meet ou in Ik Tear 18411. Ll Is, is addition to expense* Its, meaeks..ltrreea torr,Wrthe@srygte& souia immnile,ara"humph." REPAIRING IN ALL BRANCHF.9 P g. ,pec h Saddles, Trunks. Valises, 7 gr vwiOY lanae over the lith. to a ex- sed i. Lal .are, -ranker reward us cool it commenced blowing, when anfonsantel A Anor eart,ty spot is terI-.ob,a,e W tn.., g' 1 Hosty fairly tboaRht of as a does on abort notice. in good *t l and war plaoauo and int forth la views at mater M special oven-u°rtaace.. most of the whiskey slut .on left o° the R y ! 4 °•, 1 R kc., tc., which thesn n,,�..,1 to offer to whes res wt a h.rt Y r te @r esu 641 dn..od is 7 f.-P•ealtj for peraueding persons w dew n a J P r- . Wee. beach was washed into the I aka, and •lot it irada bat, Y a public man ranted aecordiag to agreement. 7ktI and until that time, I would ask you ioproppeesty bust themselves, JSO, o&e-half to tb. public at greatly reduced prices, for a"h. destroyed. What Capt Morrison had delir- u su. T reformers have no to refrain from pledging year influence and the mfawv. Farmers will do well to cell and imlpett I' coed so w being oa the pier was eat of dao faith they en "he hY been tried D4- Wedding Rings always on Hand. support to any of my opPowente an that Iea; is Pesahy for ariwas, loaeesh.g,b■rhear their stock and priers before purchasing elm >, may be in a portion to ud for ournelvs i ear isploy,ag deveaters, YJO, one -hell to tb ," Wrw*n fer tae 8. pr. While the barrels were Iymp o° the and found wanting.' And the torins Jobs lett unclaimed m my hands will M ) ✓� 1 � ushers, Yweh • chance is seldom offered. 1 1 t+• ' deck of the vessel. Green said lie thought sold at the un irsuou of three wouths to d• "to Oar n l"'etive menus, I er. H. At W. MARTIN. C•mrseas Ar ms•aar. w"a aa&ru*,AsbM.._ oug have Darer forgiven him allowing him. P I am, gentlemen, 4.-I■ additius a whica Ioregol f`t penalties, i, ear Soc'err w tureen. - be could discover the inivalaof his name on self to be elected h the�erals, The fray "Pea•••• I any prr.oa giving tafurmu,on kadiag to the Goderiek. Oct. 16th. 1866. W3T s one of the bun and to save argument, 1 J 7 four obedient servant, -_ - - - The Rosi la, � All articles warranted Y n roasted. eMviaan M any person or paramos prown*g, Dins IfimOhlnesy that he wad too rain and'food of tits .uluetm « s.rrise dsaen.ra w,u Face..: • rk �tj told Capt Trench to deliver the barrel so t:), -The Mat quality of Cluck Oi st 25 ots THOMAS GIBBON. g' FARM FOR BALE. I.s.-mr.ee bong►. r the i,, slaimtd to finite, which was does. But tiootios to withstand temptatiso and hu a bottle. Howiek, Aprd 6th, 1867. sol ltf Autba rewsnd of t10. V n" •Ov' we • °c •'� �' 4 Grace after talo. .bat iu Ism he had no intellect was too obtuse to see th the lib• l}od*ricb, Nor. 14, 1866. 016 A. F. L DeHORSET. 6 _ NTATNiNG 60 dem of g•Fea Farming The r.w.,wn or r.reissrr , sc tis• -- lies." 041 ewr. r�",� Kew ..a ..0 ore RM1 Iris � right too laid an iufurmation Mfon GiDbaas ereL were making s tool of him � Iena about 35 acres, of which are el»r accusing me of ateahug shot Capt Morrison, Sloan and Ila s coma Heil. doe Pt. Lawrence sad Lakes of Cansle. It J �Da TOg o the Free and Inde- .� tl is welt watered. log teen» and barn, yk,r,ap,,,,r,i,r 11r� had d:hrercd to me Y m own to rt H.M.S. ^Aaron ".s Quebec. peer., day, . 7 D Pt y- the" two together because the .. n wit situated 2; miles from the villsae of Te Us e.r 1-a.W.a .. l sod which a supported by the (nllowi- ex a IIdeIIt EleCtorB Of the Hsro► U. ISE, Tow sa.e tiect from afli tarns, and which affidavit• were t heD speaking to th of one speak of the other 0 0 M FACTORY Y reed.-.., w u @^• they seem to think them pretty ical on a A North Riding of Huron A..asmwna m.t all xtrn without ted knowledge. r mentally to and D I and ' Extract from afDJe•it of Capt G Morrison: Pat, y D J•aal J. GsNTLiYiB, Washer mega here, ser.,tkw beton, Ear you the mor°iug after the •enol was not much difference in age and experience. T A ��11 Under ordinary circumstances the term T1s rrv.wbi..ra.r, l wrreled, this deponant informed C. Crabb of They are alike in many ways, neither of Is c Dobson C(r Son• of the present Provincial Parliament would c r..,a a.b.en....crrs, w, the fact of then Ming Tis barrels of whiskey them was ever snked by any convection terminate in a few days, but since the Iaet F. very -, dad dee.. l` tt on board for hum, and that during the fore. w become a candidate, T e le never p ineirsl Election, very gnat political and °"" A. aesb.e.d ostia. n . r e.ws of said Noud q . be the said C Crabb, b PeOP AV[N ERPABLiSHF.D A FACTORY euesutatiuual changeshave liken plate which T1. r.w d ee...0 t..,01 yl,,l I g P"Ow gigtted a requisition in farour of either. H loo .rah others d.d mist thas de of im for the nufacture of Brooms in God- calls for mo immediate dissolution of Perlis, i u dor w s •u.a pus« . goeq ,' �..il ( rolling up a quantity of a hiskey on the said Both are forcing thelltaaltns unasked on erich, the en 'ban are prepared to attend sent. 11 ay..i.gnm..nd segs. tt »4 I Mach Y it came on shore, and the sed C the County. Both follow the same meth- to all orders in t sir line of business from The" changes were fiend necew.ry, ;s l i 1.,"'TM Crabb selected in 14; presence o%this dope. oil of canvassing ; the one stigmatises, de. any part of Cans ith promptoi u eoesequeoco of the muny difficulties arising we w r. rssell.I esr►issry, 1# r`'iz mast six b ami. w•itAota any apparent trusts from, and eemourr• Gibson ; the out of the proper carrying on, of responsible �,�nt Travel .ben an .W. ,yy` mark, and this d. y ,F� A T W HO L E ALE ONLY• government under theyC niers Act OCIR40. rill T'hr lore. d l..sroi.•r,o.er, ` +`�1 ponant farther Y,* from other does the name to Nhitehead, they ; R ty � the wet state of the barrels, and their Miag pt Lotrether, talk together, and when they Their facilities for ma tacturo will, the) I. 1465 s Coalition Oovarolaent new form• x 'r'' By news, rulers mdt 1,, covered .ith Ysd in cumin ashore from the l . (eel confident, enable them to eom to with ed for t :: �'_,,sr g can- redo 11r6ether, pronnK that -birds of P• purpose of devising • reined, for w. w she .we,rgnre.d r oti { r ^•, wreck• the marks on the bands were "ail y my cetablishmeot o[ the kind in the eoun the ax op curls, and • Union of the "stash 1` °k; all rubbed off, the wen saint legible, •father flock together" no wonder ipso t North American Provinces was proposed sod Mw nue.y too W'f� ; & 7 g rye ed ■ °. ,. re...eom (r...um ,j that he, this dvi-ouwt, Y• C Crabb in senor that lbs ekcwn isxing this dw•J• t;} Factory'Aa Kingston Stmt, opposite egos pas Bute. imy rest. age w q;i. �I�,r'l, ral instantw clean the said send fro@ the think of them together. They both pee• Huron Hotel, Addmw, Coder this arrangement we are to have a ., - ttw. nforr r enI►a iY = i I end+ of the barrels with bas hand .ilk Ike in. ser a'heut the same quantity of the •ear ISAAC DOBSON A RON, General Legislature and a local Legislature, pt� I ►„env„ pa.,e.loMNrwi q,r, tention of diawvenng what marks were ou act of (what you aptly term Spread Goderich, C. W• the former to have charge of matters of �d „ 1e r. mer,rr.,b -1 I= 7' 7 the barrels sod for no other r General ntemt &&etin the United Pro - n e en P•••• I eagle aloq¢rDee, or Y I heard a Sootcit- December 11, 1866. w46tf ►1 • R 4) Sworn baton A W Straehen, a som@r• .Loses, and the Inter to baro charge of local I.qr. u.0 wryr.e. yp 5 can in hu home) but forcible style To. - d t41` t' sinner is Q. B., 19th da) of Nov., 114.53. , J J - - mslters. T.w w w W ssr..r A6davit of Francis Tronch:-F, Truneb m1ask, "whatever I,ualificetioon they may MONEY T O LEND . Linder above cirear stances. I bare coo - 1E Of e.,r..r. den p l4 maketh oath and Yith that he was a witDas cleament o , its neither gab nor check." - •toted at the request of many warm fnends ;5 Tse sewer where ►are rte. Floor sebpern•d, on the examination of C Crabb. TM dein* indiv;dnal gave .bat I heliev: of all political creeds in our riding to become '" L a1Oe they be- ,erred •war• heron ft. m Intel of the town of Gods- to b• a pretty general opinion of the r1 F d R M P R 0 P E R T Y, J 3 p pwsebns 0 ' • Godidata for the Isocal L• rlataro of To w t►. Great r..e.n .wrby; rm.1 rich, and tkat hi., itis deponent'• evidence of them ge•U•man, by an s°oodote of a your riding, and Y one .ho has resided 'M sort of e.....anr, #{ 1p° o° lhst occonioa, Y lake° dune° by os. f►w 7°wD[ rtootch monaster, whe, in preaching A'ly F80Y 8 TO 10 P1gB Ci,AT, many veers in the north riling, and who g�d [ was incorrectl taken. He, this d* cis first sermon, attempted like S. and H. Q} Costs very soderste, taken a deep interest in its welfare, I hope it tt Thin suet l.,rumea.(,he drep r . • 7dd l P> P ( ) J. FRANCIS C. HALDAN, i Doya.dan..,r, s".. _ a,., Bent further saith that he won sad r Captain through he Jselssator7 sad gsatia!ati.e elected Dever to betray the toast eea63*d b 4 of the Seders Bride, belong to C Crabb, that Powers, to strike hr fts gX with see sod Solicitor, ac., Kays' Klock. me. r T. AitarseaaMe he is a Frwach Canadian, sad not veq well sdmintion. On the road home a shrewd 01d*rieh, April, 1867 sol lit My politics am to sapport the hands of reread.. 60 wee; f'a- aogsaisled with Eaglish, but wishes to give old farmer by the same of Saudis was asked the coalition in carrying out honestly the In- OaesstiMoe World wait •N bis *videoce according to the troth, thea a whet ho taoapht of the wreaoq fJ.odas n h- Takes Notices tendons of the Quebec •Theme, and also to 11, �I, I. press W b ---T. the time of the examination and of giving ed, like • true Sckhmss, by Ykies su.Lr ,Ail $ support honest men and honest measures, To res the ver drwk,ees, his credence, he MGeves the magas,ntes gomios, "D'* k•u what rem'le amptiun , i,, �' and to do all in my humble ,ability to ac. wished to intimidate him, Y he won employ- i• T" ho sae answered is the a�rmwve. a verses the intemts of our riding and the Of f aagised+ ..hb qw& ; P 7 ., ' * ' a, .1 y R Tw ewercleared W ew..;bele � It? ad by Crabb, and they warned him mot to "Weel," quath Sandie, yon sermos bad the welfare of this my native country. wbor ui.r ee.wss W waw t 0 give eridence in Crabb's favor, std be rws'le, bat it bad"' the gumption." It u -Am-- 1 am well acquainted with many • in the farther saith that his evidence was that on just so with Slow° and Hays, for all their SAMUEL PULLOCK, F:eq., late Deputy riding, but I shall shortly make it toy blue - Grace tolling shad. ba rime, Grace Crabb, that o" of the barrels would be philippics and noisy doelamatiou, tad inew to all mertio in your different town• sin.. u. ,lr.oa d..b m .ane Sheriff bon pace appotn official Arai;e- ge And the a•rti Das. W B.aw, ty wen his, Crabb told him to point ;t oot,wbieh they fail w e:ou•mce. ee ander the, insolvent Act of 1864 for Ibe ships, when i shall explain my principles in Whe m-uldsd r I►oegn•se. Y: Once dil, when Crabb tolls the depoea°t to The opinion of the intelligest elector, is, United Counties of Huron and Bruce. detul and hope a °rest other spirants for ,,, p, give said barrel to Grace; after which be saw that the only chaste Sloan and Hays have o OW OBies in Cameron's Block, King- honors when you can have an opportunity of J. a. sod barrel blacked on the and, end delivered getting elected, live in blaekeeing the ebw- don street. judging an to the respective capabilities of Assess nth, leer. she barrel w blacked to Grace, by Crabb's seters of G.M,)s and Whitehead. It as February 20tk. 1866. r5o the candidates. ___ orders and Which wait the only barrel claimed therefore their intern& to m*k* tFens gestlw __ i may my that i am an admirer of British 11AHT WAWA.NO6X by Grace. mea ve W as they an, the, .het ,bey say contortion, and am prepared .t any time to -_ Si reed F H T 6 ht in the field (g ) T , a coin over not n r truth. an as enrs to M COLONIAL HOUSE r or in Any other *photo i¢ �° dugs 13th, 1867. Swore before Morgan Hamilton, •comm. over or under troth. That Gibson and [its, b maintain tbal co°nsxioa TheCione;l met this day parmont to ad. in Q. B., 18th Nov. 1953. Whitehead base been returned Tsar after -- GLOVES i remm° gentlemen, ar Sxttaut from affidavit of the late John teby the same co stituencies w to ® e Uoonty GLOVES! ® {ILO, LS Yonn most obediently, jos ret- Present, Motors. Curriat Help% Gal, Esq ,-That he was Croons at the trial Co¢ocil always retaining the entire coati- W. TUB�AFCE ElAYB. N*tbery, Scott, sod Taylor. The mines" Graft n Crabb, on the I,th Nov. tut pent, Bence of shoes constituents, always bearing J^YPhino's, Alexander's, Joavin's, Duchess of last meeting was read, approved, mod that the conduct of the bench won rndoesed weight to the Council of the County, which, [Am backs A Alexandrian in white, black and Goderich Ar,;I A. 1867 wl l tf signed. dad improper, and displayed grow partiality Laken " a criterion, will likewise bear colon. The largest Stock in the Counties. @ 1 CHAS. X. ARCHIBALD. �6 BARp�Y & BNOIT Petition of John Lear sad others, regard- est .rest loaning to the prosecutor and weight in the Council of the Province for 1sgalost C Crabb, sad that C. Crabb had dot the tw Who iso :fficiunUy royre*eot • God+nch, Aogwt 22nd. 1A66. ow10. Lag the d, when it wait of Samuel . H lirb a four sod impartial trial; kat oo the eosins, Township will look wall b the iofarnte of • f 1 !1 Lj R L L was read, .Mo tt was Moved by Yr. Bslos, tbat jnstico wY not done in the premie,. County. lT ll am •emooded by Mr. Taylor, that its further con .od eb.t the whop was a mockery of ,mines. The *lector@ likewise think that if they X oft FL -OUR AND FEED STORE, niderstioo he defirnd n*til the Pnlbnusten' l�iahel JOHN GALT. wibwa and SYhithon w o ad to renithom, CABINET MAKERS Into am returned. -Carried Extnet of affidavit of G Swartou:-Os r they have hitherto proved themselves Cmbb's Block Kingston Street Pwtitiou of Alex. Thomson, M. D. sad the evening 26th Otxrbey 1853, 1 overheard faithful blit servants, nomethin might be . leaked he ` °°� " the, send �laa mod WOOD -TURNERS! praying y ono of the magistratesctobwho .r at the ex• FLOUR Oat -morel, Coro -mond and Mill Othersfor • Union Seknol at Blyth � Hays, they would not know -hat to expect- i- amination of Crabb and W S Grace, brag Feed. nor .hen it new Moved ° Mr. Nethe � for, Ming w utaseruplons to got elected they resod 1 7• ing how the kad fixed Crabb at last. Wns' ALSO, a lot of prime Seger Cured HAMS @ipbt, and my likely .osld, ho mach wove nee by Mr. Scott the the Clark entity the present at the tri•)f and the Mach displayed if tbiy were. Such u the way the more ;n- sed Rolled Bacom p"Ims concerned m the view of making the I grow pert;ality spinet the defendant C Crabb tolligoot reason, " for the unintelligent- Jut 600Bushelshabil orrring, ns. 1 I A UNDERTAKERS9 proposed change. The grant from L sed in a r of the pleintiff. W E Gram they Dever reason any. P • Wawanoob to eonsut of eta 40, 41 and 42, (RFgn of tr BwANSTON. 1 have now fol6lled m 1000 ' rats' Hamilton Alt Goderich Sworn baton A W Strachss, •eom. for y promise of giving T. R. VANEVRY L Co. „ y ou the IM e«., and lot 42 the Iled con., etOU a sketch of the feeling and opiate s i• takisp affidavits Q. B., 19th Nov.,Nuv1853. °I' Ooderich June T, 1867. w20tf. 1 the north. If i beer or we anythingof con IS and N. of 41 on 3rd we., lot ti S. { - --- K ales constantly their]t oe hand for sale sl! arti- 41 ou 4tb eon, sod lot 47 oa bth o«-1600 i have affidavits that eon lead to no other sequence either North or S"the yon will GOU ERIUH I� sl" m their line, lath Y conclusion, but that one of of the jury won hear from mw again, meantime. $edt!tead/, Chairs, Tabled, awes•-CYrled. bribed, and affidavits from one the jury, that I am yours, be., i Chief Librarian's report wait read sod he was wasleal by the statement of the fore ff• WA�rUN CAxR1IAGE Sofas, fIC•, adopted man, who told boa that • majority won all iAs All kinds of wood -turning don#, such en tb.t .on required for s verdict, and gave is col posts, stair bannisters, neckyok", !e Petition of John Beoeneft and others pony. ac,o,d;*gly, but wished to write down on a '1'HH 1Fi:itB'I' Ra"I'IIliN6. Always on band, a complete Ing the Council to psruhsr a road allowanns pace of paper thet in his Mlie( Crabb w West Northumberland and Lincoln elected ASSORTKEHT OF COFFINS an let iso, IOtb coo. eY road, whes it was eotp '1119 bat eon proveefad by the foremen, a Mored by Mr. Taylor, me, by Mr. Hol who i hen every recon from ifiidavits in their ropmentatives yesterday, and it u a and a HEARSE w hire on resoo.able term tbat the Clerk oorrn ad with Yr. McGw my powerian wait bribed for the occrion. wmewhot remarkable fact that, in spite of Goderich, May 3rd. 1866 lfiw6m• Pe r Ty truth is that on to fiat.oacall what their n the the Government . hale tailed to Butter Butter Butter I (the Ow"r of said lot) in relation thereto.- Gibbous nfesed w allow e b all whet evidence I wanted obtain the Ent returns. Mr. Frs"r, elected Carried. to, and even threatened to to the Assembly Iso Wsel Nortb¢mbar!and, f f seed F. Troch to pool if he gave evidence y A& 4A, D i1 t A O t O r Warrants for the collection d the lotto+- p - v1TANTEI�. se my favor al the trial. After the ase for i• a sound Reformer ; and Mr. Benson, elect• ing taro• wen received from the Trmt*r l rrHE.Humn e d Sri •°eor•rrto tk: Pett �T D. tF.RA JR , t CO'S OLD STAND the proeacatiea nest closed, John Strachan, .d to the Commom for Lincoln, refused s 1 01 Huron &red Br°q that h. hes oa k&wd Of 8, 89 No. 6 $251, No. 7 $118.50, No. 8 Fail., by the advice of H McDermott, I ,set is the " Patent Combinstien," Mr. rsdwillmak.toerderC:mes" Wasseeees, H•. �t/1Q GOOD 1124, No. 9SITs, No. 10$267 No. I1 cdiedno*ridep" for the deteoce, for the rows,ke.,which wil:bsnOwe►eall' rees►es 10000 HL�RO GOOD BIITTEfl, r Cockburn, Ota flohcitor General, elected for reason. He said there was out one reticle sort Northombarland, and Mr. R b a mevederedit. na und anJ Ior esl.ches e 5230, No. 11 i90, UeFea No 7569. p P q p' Coat fforM or's aewouet for sone m m ares% hi k convict m• on, not for one y rt. for JUHN PAS9A(URT4, for which the Abe al Merkel Price 7 y 7 R wowst thinking the magistrates (the Judge Lincoln, sn eeoesrruivas,-fiio6e 22iuli. t VFeterretr.wlJ3•oJanca. w;ll ho paid. rand allowance between tom Of and 37, in Ming •been&) would act the way they did. _ _-. Astill•t.t"g wall dos Goderieh, Jane ITth. 1867. w21 the 6th son., and fee levelling ,ted e,.ktag After verifies John 8traehan moved for w- Perin, August 21 evoniag.-Tba rmi. - - - pro6lo of approach to bridge on i Oth tors., riot o(J•dgwout, but which they would not ofcial rase of thin cit deelam that the T 0 WN PROPERTY $9. Ordered e he grant, .. in in term auto for . ane P 1 1XV P.XE'RIFISK I Pw'd' Wslr but in the then cute of the lo., Costoreewe of the Smparon at Sal"Mop ;e- FOR SALE Appliatio• of John Ilrsodon for value of it won Impowlbb to obtain. The o•'y n- seer s long farm Of poem for Europe. An. s sbwp, with mogisllMle'a certi6a"a were msec we h.d left, w" to apply to the other rathering of European Soversigaa r n" "'&_','�!I`'• (� read and ordered lelselaid over until seat Government and Council for reref, which expected to take place hers it s reported Olt'' l' VE R �e CH EA C . .seting of Council. van don*, a memorial, signed ned b severalrbbous fri•*d' at that their Majestla• Queen Victoria of Ear oT No SOD, oa Moved by Mr. Helps, ea% b Mr. R y Qeeher het.. den:h. 1 Mott, stg*ed by myself nal),nsppoctad by Itlidavis•F land sad the 1?wep:ror Fdaeeis leaep► of •• e"' i .ad f, The book k of Like Herder Hat He following be Nor esti omes far the sad 1 w immediately (without my a.mmawi Austria, will meet Napoleon a Paris is o•erinektwg the b an ehg.Ma situ woe for peelrrt year, via : sellas with the bench) set at liberty and with I October. , , , f w 91 . ■ wmwer Heti. vier Coent a very kind lett*, from One at bin excolloney's f 0lrrpnsns si110.07 ^ �� For terms, dc., fa aslsrw and contingencies 400.00 drineFs, of which lbs followtsg r p extrset: .,w DD1 The anit of the Fourth ultate iter J.;RANCISHALDAN. �idmprovem"te 1e. N82.17 To C. Cues E'ugt year w she the mat enccagafal Wet ban fldintorMe. aq4 aoak,U/deneh 611T2'>a Ste, -1 have int pleasure in iufovmis 701 Laken place. we left Berlin on Tuesday Go4ey,"k, J.ns 1, IMT. Visit, whish will "gwi" a sale (It err coat said R P g NouiV the il► Inst. k7 the 6.3e train fur _ owe ssilY dollar a• sal the retseblw' that ynar re.wMwi&I to bas u"IlsFrey, t - _-T �M�►ky P1e the _ been decided in four favour, and with Goderiab, rnsehtsg tN healthy sed thriving a� ar s H O Y S T E RBI ! A& O T 3M rrsene eat jaw is . and tkst the Clerk the remark that a more berofwd ..free.- town at 10.30 the some *r•nmg. The fol• r AT abwadT *oeordaap wilt the the of imbed "war come under his Notice. lowing morning ollwr psrtskiog of a hearty WwOr.e*AL11 AWD a•TAtl, rCTCiHT I'TrTTt C71C2wT:: )re»d Mr. N You have sot asked for any rearm. I have br"hlsst at Dark a hotel, we foe" earriagss b res• by W. Pott is wwtin for member* or the Peer Amemse BY THE BEi� OAF OR OOIIHT T H" &v by Kr new •��-- h meet is to ars* Too that If you forward a wa,n rial f . Lent Ion Mo -yrmou, wga pkie raw the removal of those m ties to visit the didennt objects of Internet LOBSTER, SARDINES, M the Set► Arg d September next.- R sgetraW ie and erenud the lake a.*. The Mayor, AND CI,AMA. Apply at Ossid. mentioned in your memorial to His Ince; LAB TISDAI,E ,only. the it Will Moatwisb Prompt aroasfi.a. pMr. Dellor and other members cf the Oor- FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, will. 0. s @g block Tewenyp Olork. It r moles to .nk yon to publish the res. T Lividly seeompsaiea she party. (bamw ry ase Lw OIiie., Cnbb's block an wby I was so pe led, for i do am he int plot visited .an the eel% well Cocoanuts, Pigs, Crapes. GodwrieA. bank o about a mile (roes the to.a a 1M God.rieh, Mareh Ath, ]pay. •066 expect you wont Publish r ns it e 1 stns*, &0. &C., &a., at _-. _ _ bas! dike Yaltlaaa wirer. Hers, nor ma) , • a..rea,a.-Tho t.. sod fat the p.Dlie ).dg. res themselves. that se a" should visit 0od 1 �:_ B Z 1�' C# IT A M 13 , 1 MONEY TO LEN D psaMem winds /lot 0. CiIAB0. iaepeeu Woo sit YerAOf eared t►seagb Gselpb « sop that -- • . Ytbewt efrs•� infer rN Wall is now thlrAsb.Me+J .OWL �a , r aT ibe in. .ea egg* w ase tat the a*d The nv«w of the tin °ts`a~ u . 7 --_ R I G H T I F, R CEN T susakd0srert»apw„hns ty *ane glom of Preriw wb ve "ver sseaOak we .n opentios. �jntoi� HieiitZle I■ tars or M wanlsAw ihmwias bars "d r� w in eve Yliofaelnry sate, the income • • e And here we 6 0 it dune so the :■ ag IiaNIL� llelkrs aSj g�rdg w� •aim ,be "aedin t6* .x itarw C O M M i SA 10 N 1i E R 0 H S tPNT w rli •wet ►Ig► w •+(4..1 p7.. t lewd irayev sd awl is do w oodreinb e, dMl sew sinew that v♦ggN peg me • Thee r • reaaw.b»aa Hat the Rarpwrw Nsfi they *nulla the teat hae.YuM m"- BT L A9 8T. ratgCOre IC/sled STaagFp ] ^'7MA a NOOR11, sew pr"m d a suds •Fes er of the French willpai • Tidt to she %li*h esus Be ibe Pres AdsoaNY«. Nehbor e O a T a a A b . edmflrl hoimielay tmowdslg" ~•r • Onert 0 N Imrl /'A use see mach be am of Mr. Oew of the C1At1'e Raw ■ « i•F T1s R of Lords has. by a large m who •spy by elm" W -A- Ad.ane" ,*A* r" oftn6gesses a •e Pre g•HC1t �� w/emde' level f city, mjs( the bill w aheli► (`,hurt► rates ttbo voWt M big b"Mrw •gib per Y plus (inns to iherpnwl. 01mirw mod eta part risk, Sam. Mb. 18H. daft W-7:- barer s inn ofwens, .h eh was Ire Oman" *gra•• AN p pow"; and tba he � a I.ese N nrs0ea11• r%b wbo eau she •silos gr �d by asst uM Line An" Rrftain. + flap a.,A Rest The t atooms ebiny Ii.» ww/ee� wail, all wbe were press., Most ( n{g m.*M of ASW% noose, IAO., to a N ►..# �"lrww forma, Ashen A!- tags rate moi, i �e" fatmlirw. l •1r. o.afittnn. r t.;,1m. eH f` "Sia'f3, ;:' ..'"em -Mlle•• - _- mew `Tyr,IaIr� '.win o, ;"W"W"1 m.a MTA -- Osaalsb , ,1. *, . ., ----- - water on one gravel road, will be Bold. A bargain I For pwtieolan apply to JOHN LUG AN, Tea ibe Independent Electors T..."te`p ° CalAea/sar�Y�a/rch 10, 1RST./��/1 .8m Of THE _- _- ._ Notioe o Wool Growers. m. BOTTTH RIDING ITtHF. undersigned woa!d beg to inform bid 1 Or Tse cmeromen and the public that he ori, COUNTY OF HURON, again, daring thie year, be found personally in attendanee at the Wool Ceding and Cloth Gamsmax,-Having boon nominated at inF business at the old stand, Piper'• Mille, until hie new factory in Town he completed, the Convention of the Liberal Conservative and having had the machinw7 connected Forty, held at Clinton on the 29th nit., as a with the same pat in good working order an der his own personal surwrintsndenep, con, Candidate for the reprenentation of this lumen may rely upon satisfactory workman Riding in the Leal [.egaslalaro of Ontsri0, ship. and having received numerous arsrsscee of N. B. -Tri "t•ninr thanks for the liheral support from persons of various shade@ at support of former yeas in the above bnsF political opinion, i have consented to ober Hess, he ho by strict atttion to the road to still receive ena short of public patronage. myself for your suffrages at the election to TdOS- LOGAN. take place, in all probability, at no distant Goderich, 25th, March, 1867, w91f period. -------- 0 . _ _ in the meantime, i shall take the oppor, WANTED. lenity of visiting the several municipalities, � - thal you may become batter sequaloted with AN experienced Carder. Apply to the undeniewd, at the Godwnsh Wooles the sentiments which I Penrose, and I trees Mills. t►athoy will M found to accord with THOS. LOGAN. your own, that you will be enabled to give 00derich, Us. let, 1867. 015 b Ise a generous support.- i►m,gentlemen, Yearrobedient wnud, SASH AND DOOR ISAAC CAaL NG FACTORY Exeter, 3rd April, 1867. wllt( Grocery and Prodsion Stere, THE,,,,rend M sh 11perch.sel the 1ben• m, MIII and AoA 11-10". w rup.l by lhrald C.mteing, ■reesd w,ped eo carry o4 the business o1 manulartun,g Sash, Doors, Blinds, AViNO noted and fitted op the Ston lately occupied by A. F. Barb, for the Mouldings, Flooring, above business,an now prep" to famish Siding, families with Groceries and Provisions pd all him%.f c i R c 7. >� w v Ii[, which I shall sell at the Lowest Cash prices seek a. Conde .ad .r.dhlt fist dad . �'r� JL A nr o add Feed They th.ek ILMI (heir .xperie@Ta . ..cool wart. that /1ve i n iv • ■ ernsfaclnrt all ora, kept constantly on hand.ms] Ivor them neap • ah. p, a�1 liberal d,eca.w to the toasts. A Shan of your patronage will he thank fullyn"ivedsedfsithfullyattended tn. JAS BUCHANAN, ' Wines and LI vers, Crocker DAViD LAWSON, JAS ALEEASDER, and6lasaware,Faney Ctee�e, Ond*rrh. March 4th, 1967. m66 - -- --- - &C., Oatmeal, COMEGAl, G O D E k I C IN Buckwheat Fleur, &C., kc OIL 1ANDCOAL XFA,"00AL OIL LAMPSD. F&RGU80N. P. 8, -Goods will be delivered is any part eft"' `°"XE Godarieb. Feb..1ed. FACTORYi 1866. ew4b . SALT T�RITORY T"fl .q"", tees h-vmg rc,nmmearpllhe Axe FOR SALE OR LEASE. AT THE OLD STAND, WITH Bd1NI50yards The prewatoadarek t Works. Aloe, . "n the ('nn.r "f Waterloo and Ltt '15 �,fit-1[ouse StroFts F A R M I N G L A N D 8 would beg to in"male to his old Irood., and e env"lost to that Ice til A� ly In JOHN118daf.t,.. me ay new risen a le•oee* him with a call ■a, Ina], that he will produce sed ail ■ and ,,,b WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEAF Oed.n.h, Ive Dec.. testi, W", atm OW ono jumped at a .retell ...1, Pick., Ste. -- __ -___ Mede and 8hnpened as short notice 118HUY TO LEND tl.d._Ar• •lamb i 14ki,bo nn band. JOHN MoPHERSON. ON IMPROvRD FARMS, i _ - - AT 8 PEh CENT ( GODERICH -At.so,- Some to Invest In Town Property J. B. GORDON, a er,le.,Ooderiel _ Goderieb,8aot.1%I884 awLtl --- __ - ____SNOMWE Commercial Course MARBLE WORKS, AA Li, Kinds of Rook-kespin ineleding Ranking, be., 11 W. C. T R E L E A V E N. (Theoretical Practical PENMANSHIP, (Busine•a, ) ARITHMETIC, (Mental naWrisOMRCALLAWlw- Lod Monuments,Headstones,lombs, Chines SMIANO AND T)TCTATiON, Tablets Table -To s Ac. 1 P CORRSBPONDENCF,. Ohio From Stone kept on hand for Build• Addltfonal lnrumw,OeeTaingto ee ing purposes such to Caps, Bills, Ba- sse, ke., Cheer for Curb. to th"ot w1se desire t0e�, GOOERICH C. W. GEOGRAPHY, GRAMMAR, --- - --- __.. --. - AMA, HTSTORT, ENSU uEOMIt'fRY, I(F,NBIIRATION, THE R i D G E PROPERTY F ftNLATIN, Oat=. r O IR B e L M. THR RESIDENCE OF THE LAi E JUHN RramcresTamnlhtfor ar\ferlaw." GALT. Fog. to as sutra Aarne. MADS property is dwsetifnlly situated nppo- Tale,l_ din'R, P h j iendaeops, ArebtMNersl, F��v" a ,I IJeaar a nu the gown Sf (}0der1o0. o* the NoHh Rs°! show- In" Psi•ting, in Wat#r Celenr Sep.s, rediaink, and Youcebromstie; Modelling of the RIVER MAITI.ANI), In Planter and Clay; lied an the Books of [eke Huron. ft soe- D1D1.6�ge**I■ DERINanIP. M/iLlllAlr i CII "m . Land h Nov. t tem, IotY 81 Dwelling wftk n.auilpg aanw, Outhouses, Suhlee- t8teenemt nlm erd b onstsalmed for Two Sollars and rlflfy eeates he., with level Garden, Vinery sad Orchard. The Wood lead e^asisteprMte4rall7 of flak and the flawariag Lindon, Cherry, Maple, 4. Pew mei ht. The Grounds are in rely good Order. Then an etre never failing springs or pare Witter For lien" Partla:MlaM TeraOe, !e. on the Property. The situation for • pirate 14t0d low tA""I r. reoillence cannot he darpasood in the Prov Addre" I J_ -w- ines. For tarn appI to J0l.-Tm , AOS. GALT, Reg., 'riWpal of Laudon CeMrreial ('Alage Roamer, Terontn &M,46u, a W.I D. SHADR GOODING, Meq Il, 1061. w2 narrMte., G•deri.b. Gode►lo►, 6th Jail, 1866. aw" To 'the Y ndepende n t Electors of the Bouth Riding of Huron, QENTLEA(EN : - Hartsg received the tsomiu•tioo sk the Convention hold in Clintoa, on the lath iasl.5 Y Reform CaLdtato for the IwgiAstive As- sembly of OOtari.), for South Haron, and harto6 accepted the name, I em mow prep&r- ed to tat. the field, and hope to receive a liberal support. As the election will tet, probably, sake place for some Ila, l shall be able u W proper per" to make a personal contain of the RdmR, whoa, at mestsg• to be appatst ad, the views of both parties sen be baud and compared ; and in the meantime, 7 trust yes will wit pledge yourselves by ri,quisitioe or otherwise to any other imedidele. I have the bones to be. Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, sos$aT tsissoxs, Godedeh, Meeh 19ib, 1867. orb LANDS FOR SALE THF. S*bser"' Offen the following lead for sola, via : - A Farm In Tuckeremith, Being lot 22, a«. 2, Huron 8urv*y, 100 seres, 76 of wbieb am soder ealtivatien. The lead as of excellent quality, well water• ed, and with hardwood timber. The Town- ship is known to be one of the best in Upper Canada for farming. On the lot than in a Vfume bones, freose bars, and out. iaga to correspond. Also s gleed as• obsrd, of a bearing trses. FARMS IN MORRIS, Being 350 acs, composed of S. i 3 and 4, son. 5, 200 acres ; 26 teres ander roltiva, ties. The land Ming of fir.t quality this ism meet desirable (arm. Also S. t 19i eon 36 100 acres, no c'esnag ; and W. t o18. t Ito con 3, 50 acres, all beet quality of lad, Teras reasonable. Indiapstable titles. Per particulars and terms apP1 0 ALI 1� CAMPBELLI lot 22, 2nd eon, Tenkersm t6. Sesforth p.o., March 22, 1867, W9 6m• SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. County of Home �7Y restos o!& writhe ro wit: B F.e)+ Fae.Y i sired out of Hs Court Crimmea pl"s, 6.1 tum Mo me dneeted h r o spiwl the land. end t. aemea W Juba Mcleevm u sad Rol.rri Mrintyrr, the de/rnaests, at tki nen of John Ookite sad Hugh Mecallock, the Plaintiffs, 1 here -,Dor sad takes is exw-mtioe all IM right, title sed ,emit .1 the .,it defendant. ,N and to Ids eumhen rxieve and rvsewa, .. the el-resth c ces irm o1 the T,,.nsh,p W (:rry• and lot aamhrr .,.,-.,a The twe:!ta cgn,essu,n 1 the wd tnwn.h,p el Gray m the ( ounl, iso Heron, when lands .M teaeawst. 1 .ball titer f- sola my ..els i. the Coon House. .n the Tow* e1 Grdem:li, on Tuesday, the F,.i-.tb day w Oetobvr•hexl, at the hour o1 Twelvere the cluck, ear. JOHN McDONAI.D. a .+tend of Horoa, B►er,f"s Oeke, Godeneh, f 4th J.1y, IM7, i wild ti SS. MM'S SALE OF LANDS. Crary n(Haton,l T7T v.noe d a Writ rel To Wrt: `D F.rn Faere tweed out at Her Msjeeyh Crean, l•eten m to* U.,ted C-ribin of Huron .,it IS.-, .ad m raw J n. ted -goon the La*4 and Tese.esus a L.usbb. 8urhnw aI the sod of Ira, eeehaanan sad Ada. Hope, I Mre ssmrd esd tot -a m &A". non all the ,,g►1, title, sad interne .1 the .,it d.lendahl, to sad to We nembrr Eight— is the Fourth n essio- of Iw Tuw.•brp o1 H.I1n1 In the County-! Hamm, whirs Land. sad Ir.e- w"e 1 shell offer 1or eel.. at ay lhtiev, .s .b* ('urn H°nr, in Ib. Town or Gavle -h, r. 7°earA77�,be Eyhuh day of L".ber .eat at the ►ow e! Tweln a the c4wk rano. JOHN MACDONALD. • aherie H, ll 8berifr's Office, Godefiek, j 26tb Jose, 1867. 1 .23 N FOR SALE ! OR: TO RENT. THC WF. I.1. KNUWY Maitlandville Hotel ITUA TEU on lbs res cor n( the N, ter m S Cn• el Itrred to La,knuw, nor sur h..m C ed•vieb, end w0h,a use bu.dnd ml .idly Tarts of Ili- eioderich 14ALI W nRKA @o. in „pent.ns, This pn•perly in Inoa"tufly onu•te i for • Bah Well, orals...., one acre dad on, eighth of land with ■ large two-rory Urea Heel, fifty WILY brtT•es, red a Ln{ie 11.1. after" thereto mob good N&Wmg sad Mh" (hn-hu.N.Nge, 7 hen e • rv.r ode, .pr.se et The rr.r er ibe propert esa,rent to .arply all Ibe .a1er rrgelred for jronn, a A*II belt. Also fbr Bab, Lot Tp. 71 e,( Is the Town or U,drrwh. annated o. the Is -ret Pd. rel V.ori,is e.lert, . ,ornrr l,.t 1p w.c 16. Raining Ferunry, with ■ Bract Howse *red. Prime 14t.ele that o.. Aad apo Lot No. 1017, In the Town a (Ind -1 -Ii, nt.ied a the fork *ids of Este prem, rev the Itshoed Mt.1- wish • goad Frame House mod loge Malia,bere- Or. A elew title ran Iso given for ibe whole. The.heve pnM1pery will Iso irk er nibaable I— -I. to nen ppvv hsssn. Por particulate apply tn 8 L. DUYLE, Barr fe , tr.. ,J.6,1,, .r G. M. TRUEMAN, Godm,b, or the .uhacnhe,. Ma.tleadville, Tits dC.BKANRUN.COlhorse, , February Isth, IM ,Two a - .,s Farm for Bale. BFING Ties 24, ,.at,@ road, God.rich Township ; 80 sew, 66 eiesred snd well fnwd, frame barn end atahles And log house; wall wstwred ; fine howinr orchard ; land of the very best quality,Fq.idWw% from Goderich. Ba field and Cinton. Time given for part of price. For particulate apply to W. T. Cox, Signal office, or o* the premises to Ay 12, NDRR HAMi*� Godwrich. J.I f 2, 1867. NOTICE.' Farmers of Haron TPrE VICTORIA MUTUAL inRE INSUIIANCE COMPANY, OF aANADA,, :GAD 07710a, HAMILTttON, 11 AVR 9$TABLISHRD AN AGENCT IN Oedaneh for thin r'mrnly. Robrr Gib_ hon., Eno.. Wordo of the Co°at), has kind'y nw ee. to eel es Atwater for Haron. win. Hardy, Now of Goderleh, in the rnnge: 's Tn_ relb.�g Aggeest. TM Vilna aIn,y e, and boa a1rnJy ewsMt4ed for recoil • very, hit1b M. pwatrr nor p oorpons*e 16 the ,teywve, oftomes. end """'""'T"ods neasgrnnent. The coat oI "-"as .n Iter Comp,ny far 1 Year is kne Ibon any other reliable Costively dn,ng wwerw ie Cams. Any f rr.n wrbmlr le ea"n wilt pb•r a ". In Wm. Hardy. (3Merieh ,iT,,,` T wn,hip, numesr of ennceraa, sod line en+ titer Agat wdl gree prompt detorted to he re- quwt. D(kaeToa.: News. I).o. 8. MUIs, Me��,,ttihna i ♦taw, Brown, F.*r Fl. mtv,•N ; lowph R, Rannw TAT. LmunA,r, f4r,r I LN1 Lewis, Links ly Jam" Canoeists., Hamilton , fiez.4 Il. W-Tlie, G;swron,l i A. T. Wood. H-wudlnn Jan"('eks*rAtAa-ster, aebt.0,14ons Go&— "is'' h I Jwob rt. Puher, N*Ises 7 a... icon" Hamitic. t Henry Hall, Anhrnot ; Perri car- rol, E. Plain , I Ths. MTllwn^h, Ila.it. tan. 14110.x7.., _W.. n. Bank., 04k* peat M Mr. Rneeoven•s rnendn an Cambria Per".. Will. HARDY. Aa!a( (fedrnr►. IMh JA),, Iraf7. w16 i., „p MC HELOK BARK WANTED rrHR subSWINT want. I IN10.ards cf Eelll(. if lock hasp, for which she highest mark@% pri.e 0111 bei* auk en delivery at ria Ford at 110 IM.k. W. M. SAVAGE. ; ' WOOL 1 WOOL I WOOL I •A TUS "6"Oibwr is prepared to pet the highest Market rriee to, err gomsWy If wool. wtq