HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-20, Page 1616 Th* Tlmes-Advocate, December 20, 1956
... $4.95
For Father
$2.95 to $20.00
......... $1.98 Up
$1.00 to $7.00
$3.95 to $12.00
Bishop Confirms Second Man Mrs E. Smith
Dies In Bush Dies ,n c,inton
Ill WUdll Funeral services for the
The second London, man in
| two months to be found dead
in a car in bush south of Grand
i Bend was discovered Thursday
by a policeman during an in
spection tour of private property
in Bpsanquet township.
The man, Anthony Gooding, a
native of Stephen township, was
believed to have died less than
two hours before he was found,
by Ernest Gross. Police used aj
resuscitator for a full hour in a
Far Mother
and Pyjamas ................................
LOVELY NYLON SLIPS ...................
PHANTOM HOSE ...............................
Eleven Members
At the Sunday morning service
in Trivitt Memorial church Rev.
N. I). Knox presented to Rt. Rev.
G. N. Luxton, Bishop of .Huron,
for confirmation .eleven
They included Kenneth Arthur
Miles, Keith Ross Morley, Robert
Macdonald Turner, Brian Mit
chell Fisher, William George
Halliwell, Robert Kingsley Tag
gart, Nolan Howard Taggart,
Peter Arthur Cooper., Sandra Eleanor Taylor, Joan isohel Og-
ilbie and Mary Patricia Camer
Bishop Luxton, who is the
sixth Bishop of Huron, in his
sermon referred to the previous
five bishops as builders for
Christ in the diocese. Next year
the diocese of Huron will cele
brate its centennial.
.... $2.98 to $3.95
.... $1.98 to $3.98
.... $1.25 to $1.50
Second Line In
For Sister
TEMPTO TOG DRESSES ...................
SKIRTS, Sizes 2 to 20 .......................
BLOUSES, Sizes 2 to 20 ...................
For Brother
2 & 3 PIECE SUITS ....
BATH ROBES, 2 to 6 ....
BELTS AND TIES .........
......... $1.98
490 to 980
For Baby
PRAM SETS ............
DRESSES ..................
ROMPERS ................
For Everybody
Hundreds of Exchange and Gift Items
to choose from , . .
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Fischer were Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Fischer and fam
ily, Mr. Jared Lyons, Mrs. Bert
Black and Miss Lorraine Black.
The Catholic Women’s League
of St. Peter’s church held their
monthly meeting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs, John Spacek
on Thursday evening.
Miss Patsy Johnston of Ailsa
Craig spent the weekend with
her grandmother, Mrs. Jessie
Mrs. Jessie Lewis and Mrs.
Lloyd Johnston accompanied by
Miss Barbara Lewis and Roy
Harrison of London spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hod
gins, Owen Sound. ,
Miss Reta Cuff, London, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Dean Gibson. , ,
Mr. and. Mrs. Eli Brown,
Crediton, and Miss Mae Skinner,
Exeter, spent Wednesday with
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. McFalls.
Mr. and Mrs, Will Isaac spent
the weekend in Lucan with Mr.
and Mrs. Don Corman.
Mrs. John Rolco attended a
shower given on Sunday in hon
or of Miss Rose Chocpeok of
Oshawa whose marriage to Mrs.
Rolco’s son takes place on De
cember 29. , „
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs, Jack Blair were Mr. and
Mrs, Jerry Leitch and Debby,
also Mrs. Ellen Flannigan of
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Blair at
tended a turkey banquet at Arm
strong’s Restaurant on Thursday
evening held for the ,M.E. sec
tion of the Air Station, Centralia.
Merry Christmas A.
Happy Food
From Ricks Foodland
63c lb
Swift's Brookfield Pork Sausage Meat, idea!
Swift's Dutch Lunch Salami Chubs, lb. 650
Swift'* Premium Fully-Cooked
Christmas Hams. .
Iwift's Premium, Fruited, Skinless and Hockless
Pork Shoulders.
Either End
79c lb
’ NO. I'S, FROM 8 TO 30 LBS.
In Town
for poultry dressing ... 450 Lb.
Swift's Bruinschweiger Chubs, lb. .. 330
Honey Pod Peas STD KELEY’S 215 az.
TINS 35c
s Fruit Cocktail 2S DZ.c
Allen's Apple Juice 4B az.27c
Mix'd Nuts fancy lb.
Budded Walnuts
Popping Corn 16 az.
Coffee Bags
Coff'e Bags
25 DZ.
4 ..
24 bZ
Head Lettuce
Waxed Turnip
2 LB.
larbe 19c
LB. 5c
resuscitator for a full hour
vain attemt to revive him.
Coroner Dr. A. M. Calder,
est, pronounced death. Cpl.
Chamberlain, Grand Bend,
there would be no inquest.
Mr. Gooding had been employ
ed as a tapman at a London
hotel for the past nine months.
He had bee n in i 11 health and his
wife, the former Veronica Gan-
ney, has long been a patient in
Beck Memorial Sanitorium, By
Surviving besides his wife are
two sons, Patrick, of Parkhill,
and Robert, Mitchell; his father,
John Gooding, London;,and five
Funeral services for the late
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, 93, who
died in Clinton on Sunday, were
held from the Hopper-Hockey
funeral home conducted by Rev.
Alex Rap.son on Wednesday af
ternoon With interment in the
Exeter cemetery.
Mrs. Smith was the former
Elizabeth Quinn and spent her
early life in Port Lambton. Since
her marriage to George Smith
she had lived in Exeter. Mr.
Smith died 19 years ago. She I was a member of Trivitt Me
morial Church of England,
Surviving are two sons, George,
Dearborn, Mich.; William, Exe
ter; two daughters, Mrs. Harry
Sidon, Saskatchewan; Mrs. Wil
liam Webber, Usborne Township
and one brother, David Quinn,
Blind River,
brothers, Norbert Gooding, Lon
don; Gerald, Parkhill; Basil,
Windsor; Reginald, Brantford
and Fred, Dorchester.
Funeral service was held Mon
day in St. Peter’s Cathedral,
Grand Bend Firemen
Raise $200 In Drive
Gaily decorated B of M
Christmas Cheques art
the ideal short-cut tq
shopping for the
hard-to-pleasc, to
acknowledge services
rendered, and to putt
seasonal lift into
„the youngsters’ s^vingt
This is one present
hits *• wonderful future
for the inaall-fry,
because festive Christmai
passbook covers encld.se
the gift of thrift that
grows with the years«, •
B of M Savings Account
of their very own.
’ Members of Grand Bend fire
brigade have raised over $200
1 for the muscular dystrophy fund
1 through a house to house canvass
! of the villagd. This is the first
drive the brigade has sponsored.
The money will be used for
' research to aid in finding the
' cause and cure of the disease
■ which is 100 percent fatal. Part
■ of the proceeds will also be used
> for patient care throughout
; Lambton county. There are 14
cases of muscular dystrophy in
Lambton and over 10,000 in Can
Final date for receipt
nations is December 25.
Christmas Meeting
The Women’s Missionary
ciety and Women’s Association
of the United Church held its
Christmas meeting at the manse
on Thursday afternoon. A record
number of ladies was in attend
ance. The W.M.S. took the first
part of the program with Mrs.
Wellwood Gill in the chair.
The meeting took the form of
a candlelight service, with Mrs.
Wm. Love, Mrs. J. H, McGreg
or, Mrs. Douglas Gill, Mrs. Ray
mond Kading, Mrs. Willis Gill
and Mrs. Emery Desjardine
taking the parts of the different
countries. Mrs. Allan Miller read
an encouraging financial report,
after which the meeting was
turned over the president of
the Association, Mrs. Willis Gill,
taking the chair. Mrs. Donald
Hendrick read the financial-re
port, which was very gratifying,
Rev. A. E. Holley then took the
chair for the election of officers
for 1957 for both societies. Mrs.
Douglas Gill was elected presi
dent for the Missionary Society
with vice presidents Mrs. A.
Hamilton and Mrs, R. Kading;
sec’y, Mrs. Chas. Reeves; asst,
sec’y, Mrs. H. Pfilc; treas., Mrs.
A. Miller.
For the Association, president
is Mrs. Willis Gill, vice presi
dents, Mrs. Devine and Mrs. T.
Stanlake; sec’y treas., Mrs. D.
Hendrick and asst., Mrs. Wm.
Sweitzer. ThO meeting closed
with a Christmas cake luncheon
served by Mrs. Sweitzer
Mrs. Wm. Love.
Legion Auxiliary Elects
The ladies auxiliary to
local branch of the British
pire Service Legion held its el
ection of officers on Monday eve
ning, with Mrs. Wm. Rath named
president for 1957; vice presi
dents, Mrs. Wm. Finch and Mrs.
J. Waldron; sec’y, Mrs. Tony
Rivers and treas., Mrs. R. Ra-
Orpha Club Display
On Wednesday evening the
members of the Orpha Club
held a successful tea in the town
hall, which was artistically dec
orated with Christmas decora
tions, the occasion being a dis
play of many dolls, toys and
clothing which the Club has since
sent to the Children’s Aid So
ciety of Lambton County at Sar
Mrs. Ross Desjardine and Mrs.
A. E. Holley poured tea while
Mrs. Wm. Cochrane, the preSi-J
dent, and Miss Mary Yeo, the
past president, received at the
door. Mr. Wm. Bates, in charge
of the Children’s Aid in Sarnia
spoke a few words of apprecia
tion during the evening. The
amount realized for the .tea, as
well as a number of donations
toward their display, was $31.50.
Sunday School Party
The Women’s Auxiliary of St.
John’s-By-The-Lako sponsored a
Christmas party for the members
of the Anglican Sunday School,
m - the town hall on Saturday
afternoon, during which Rev.
M.' Pinkney, the rector, spoke a
few Words of welcome, and ex
plained the Christmas festive
season, what it meant, and why
itj’is hold. Each child received
a suitable gift and a bag of
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stanlake I
entertained a number of friends
and neighbors at a dinner party
on Wednesday, the occasion be
ing the twenty-fifth wedding an
niversary of Mr. and Mrs,. Ted
Stanlake, who were the recipi
ents of many beautiful gifts hon
oring the occasion. .
Personal Items
Mr. and
spent the
Mi*. Jas. _____, ............. __
accepted a position with the No
Sag Spring Company in London,
spent the weekend at his homo
in town.
Mr. and Mts.,Wm. Rendle are
spending a couple of weeks with
their daughter, Mrs. Douglas
Coulson, in London, to whom a
Son was born last week.
Mri and Mrs. Thos. Baird vis
ited with Mr, and Mrs, Carl
Vannet in London on Saturday,
and with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
of do-
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Mason
of Maicam, Sask., spent last
week visiting with Mr. Mason’s
brother, Mr. Mansell Mason and
Mrs. Ma,son.
Miss Jo-Ann Dalton is visiting
this week with her little , cousin
in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bossen-
berry attended the fiftieth wed
ding anniversary on Wednesday
of Mrs. Bossenberry’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Russell in
Mrs. Earl Finan returned to
her home on Monday after a
successful eye operation in St.
Joseph’s Hospital.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs,. Wm. Sweitzer were Mr.
and Mrs. 'Samuel Sweitzer and
Brian of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Sweitzer and family of
Shipka, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Ciarke and family of Thedford.
The evening service in the
United Church on Sunday will
take the form of a candlelight
service, which will be conducted
by the members 'of the C.G.I.T.
at 7.30 p.m.
Mr., and Mrs. Ferdinand Des-
jardine left last week to spend
the winter in Florida.
Mrs. D. Wood and Miss Ellen
McIlroy returned to Toronto on
Sunday, having spent several
days with their • brothers, Jack
and Eric McIlroy and Mrs. Mc
Ilroy at Merrywood Farm. The
family attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Florence Neill,
in Windsor on December 12. Mrs.
Neill for a number of summers
assisted in the Surf Shop at
Lakeview Casino.
If you, too, are a harried Santa Claus, caught in the
Christmas rush without enough time to shop for
all your gifts .«. take a deep breath and relax.
Just follow Santa to the nearest branch of the B of M,
where you can solve your Christmas shopping
problems with a few strokes of a pen.
There is a practical B of M gift for everyone on yoiir
last-minute Christmas list,.. for. friends, aunts,
uncles, cousins, nephews and nieces — or for your own
youngsters, or your grandchildren, as a special,
extra gift. So drop into your neighbourhood B of M
branch today; See if it doesn’t restore that cheery
Christmas chuckle to your gift-giving.
People like to receive a
practical B of M mciney
order in its special
colourful. Chxistmad I
envelope because it ■ I
enables them to select -
exactly what they prefer.
It saves you needless
guesswork and ■
disappointpient. Art.
especially practical gift
for servicemen at hpma
and abroad
Note to Employers:
■Brighten up your stafFi
Christmas bonuses by
using colourful B of M
Christmas cheques. I
Bank'of Montreal
X9 t Kiuwt’wwi
Exeter Branch: C. E. SHAW, 'Manager
Centralia (Sub-Agency): Open tyfon., Wed. and Fri.
Grand Bend (Sub-Agency): Open Tuesday and Thursday
Crediton Branch: CLARE IRWIN, Manager
(Open Tuesday, Thursday and on Friday 4.30-6 p.m.)
Dashwood (Sub-Agency): ' Open Mon., Wed. & Fri.*
Hensall Branch: KENNETH CHRISTIAN, Manager "
Lucan Branch: ’ ' JACK STEACY, Manager
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