HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-20, Page 15^■wwiiwri vw ^cnooi Elects '57 Officers * The annual meeting of United Church Sunday School was held on Wednesday evening. Rev. A. Rapson opened the meeting and Mrs. E. Lamport presided for the business. Mrs. Lamport ex­ pressed appreciation for support given her during the past year b y associate superintendents, teachers and officers. Rev. Rap- son presided for the election of officers. Mrs. Ed. Lamport was elected superintendent with associate Ed. Lamport, Ed. Cham­ bers, N. Lamport, Earl Neil and Jas. Mawhinney; treasurer is Ed. Chambers; secretary, Mrs, H. Lightfoot; supply secretary, Mrs. Eel. Lamport; attendance secretaries, Paula Boulianne and Doreen.Kenney; librarian, Ralph Finkbeiner; pianists, Mrs. L. Priszcator and Miss Mildred Dundas. « Teachers were appointed: Mrs. L. Preszcator, with assistant, Pat Chambers; Mrs. N. Lam­ port, Mrs. Earl Neil; Miss Betty Bender, Miss Connie Jackson; Mrs. J. Galloway, Miss Mildred Dundas; Robert Galloway, Nel­ son Lamport; Edward Lamport, Russell Finkbeiner; cradle roll, Mrs, R. Motz, Mrs. R. Fink­ beiner; missionary ‘ convenor, Mrs. H. Lightfoot; temperance convenor, Nelson Lamport, Or­ ganized .classes will hold separ­ ate elections, ALDON THEATRE Grand Bend FRIDAY & SATURDAY December 2J and 22 "SO BIG" ★ Jane Wyman ★ Sterling Hayden ★ Nancy Olson ★ Steva Forrest Jade was’ ready to forget she ever was a lady. • Comic Strip1 and Short Subjects One Show Each Night—8 O'clock that a Lyric Theatre PHONE 421 Previews Its Coming Attractions |W* A* And w. M. 5. Christmas meeting of the Worn- I en’s Association, and W.M.S. of i the United Church was held .with several visitors present,. Mrs. R. Motz presided for the W.A. business, A decision was made to serve a congregational supper the night of the congre­ gational meeting. Welcome let­ ters were read from two former members, Mrs. Ray King and Mrs, Albert King. Appreciation was expressed to retiring presi­ dent. Mrs. Motz for faithful lead­ ership for the past several years. Mrs. G. Hill convened W.M.S. business. Acknowledgement was read for bale sent to Alberta and . reports given. A candle- flighting exercise “The Constant | Lamp,” , was given by several members, led by Mrs. G. Zwick- er. Distribution of gifts followed, which revealed the identity of past mystery sister. Names were again drawn for the n6w year. Hostfesses were Mrs; Jas Ma­ whinney, Mrs. Haviland, Mrs. S. King, Mrs, L. Hill, Mrs. C. Brock, Mrs, C. Kenney and Mrs, D. Kestle, Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Russell Clark of Detroit spent the weekend with Mr. Francis Clark and vis­ ited Mrs, Clark in South Huron Hospital, whose condition shows improvement, F/O and Mrs. Earl Whalen and sons of Winnipeg, Man., ate spending ft. few weeks with Mrs. Whalen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam King and Marlene. Mr. Elgin Woodall and daugh­ ter, Marie, of Royal Oak, Mich., visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Mrs. Emma Wing and daugh­ ter, Mrs, Della Jeckel and her daughter, Geraldine, of Pigeon, Mich., spent a few days last week with Mr., and Mrs. Clifford Hill. Mrs. Leonard Wing of Bay Port, Mich., visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Howard Haist of Fenwick spent last Thursday with Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kraft of Saskatoon, Sask., Miss Pearl Kraft and Mrs. Eagleson of Dashwood attended service in the Evangelical church Sunday morning. Mr. Gerald' Zwicker spent a few days in Toronto last week, William Oestricher spent a few days this wbek in Fort Erie. A : • • * I \ 1 ' W1tfli Hi \ % BLEAK CHRISTMAS—George Summers, of Clandeboye, to escape the blaze but only a few belongings were saved, stares at the ruins of his rented home and his family’s Clandeboye and Lucan neighbors have donated gifts of possessions which burned in a fire early Friday morning, clothing and money to the family, Mr. Summers works A passing trucker aroused the family of four in time in London. —LFP Photo THURS., FRI. & SAT. E»*cemb*r 20, 21, 22 "THE LOOTERS" ★ Rory Calhoun > Juli* Adams- - , f CARTOON i NEWS MON., TUES. A WED, December 24, 25, 26 "THE SECOND GREATEST 5EX" ★ Jeannie Crain ★ George Nader , CARTOON & COMEDY No Matlhee Christmas Day Matinee Wednesday, Dec, 26 Thousandth Baby Dies In Hospital Cornelius Otto Verkerk, six month old twin son of Cornelius and Gerritje Verkerk, died of pneumonia in South Huron Hos­ pital on Sunday. Born on June 25, he was the one thousandth baby to be born in the local hospital. His parents came to Canada from Holland six years ago. and for the’ past three years have lived on the •second concession of Stephen township. Surviving besides' his parents are eight sisters1 and two broth­ ers. The body rested at the Dinney funeral home where the Rev. G. J. Hoytema, pastor of the Christian Reformed Church con­ ducted the funeral service on Wednesday at 2 p.m. Interment mas in Exhtfer. cemetery. Residents of Clandeboye dist­ rict are playing Santa Claus to a young family of four who lost their rented home and posses­ sions in a fire early Friday morn­ ing. Neighbors are donating food, clothing bedding and even furni­ ture to Mr. and Mrs. George Summers and their two boys who escaped from their blaz­ ing house with little more than the bed clothes on their backs. Appeal for the special Christ­ mas gifts was made through St. James Anglican Church, Clande­ boye, by its minister Rev. J. P. Prest, Lucan. A canvass of the area was made Wednesday by Moore Cun- nigham and- Ernie Lewis. ■Although- these -gifts from “Santa” weren’t fancily-wrap- ped, they’ve been the most wel- The Story In Shipka Two-thirds of Canadian fami­ lies still carry no installment debt and official statistics show that of the 1,5000.000 Canadians who are buying things on time, one-third have savings greater than the amount they owe. A very Merry Christmas to all from the Management and Staff. | ■ Plan Now To Attend Christmas Eve DANCE■s EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL MUSIC BY CLARENCE PETRIE And His Nite Haw.ks I £Monday, December 24 "SPOT DANCES" | Admission 750 Dancing 9 to 12 I Jackets and Jeans Not Admitted y——»—.hi mi. hi i ■■■■■■ i ...iii.iiij — W.A. Meet's The regular meeting of' the Woman’s Association was held at the home of Mrs. Matt Sweitzer* A Christmas program was con­ ducted by Mrs. Ross Pickering, with Mrs. Cliff' Russell, Mrs. Wray Sweitzer, Mrs. Colin Love, Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Mrs. Jack Ratz and Mrs. Harry Sheppard taking parts. Rev. Rapson gave a talk on “Foreign Christmas Celebra­ tions.” The election of officers took place for 1957 and were in­ stalled by Rev. Rapson, The January meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Harry Sheppard. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell and sons visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gunning of Granton. ‘Sunday visitors with Mrs.'Mil­ ton Ratz .were Mr< and Mbs. M.' C. Sweitzer, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Finkbeiner, Mrs. Jacob Ratz and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratz and Donald. Mr. Roy Comfort, of Fenwick, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Charlton visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs*. Harry Sheppard and Dave. Miss Eleanor Sharpe, of Lon­ don, spent the week-end at her home here. There will be a Christmas pro­ gram in the church on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Duncan and Peter, of Stratford, spent the week-end With Mrs. Lamport. ■MOM——■ I Him come the young family’s ever (day, “We wanted to pick up a received. ’ I few things for the boys-a couple Still unknown is the passing of toys each and some clothing,” trucker who saved the Summers............... lives. He spotted, the fire from the road and roused the occu­ pants of the house in time for them to escape. Saves TV .Set,’Chair The ..trucker carried out a TV set and chesterfield chair from the house and the family saved the father’s suit and one box of clothes, but that’s all. “I don’t knpw who that fellow was,” Mr. Summers said after the blaze, “but we owe our lives to him. All I can remember is somebody pounding on the front door. I ran downstairs and this chap told'-me. the house was on fire and to get everybody out.” Mrs.. Summers picked up her two sleeping boys, George Bern­ ard, 24 years, and Arthur Leslie, 17 months, and ran barefoot with them across the highway to the home of a neighbor, Moore Cun­ ningham. 11 Fire started in a ‘woodshed at' the rear of the two-storey, brick­ veneer house and spread through the.building like wildfire. Neigh­ bors believe faulty wiring was the cause. When Mr. Summers tried to get water to fight the blaze, he found the * pressure pump -wouldn’t work. The Summers moved to the farm--the former McWilliams homestead-in- September this year* They rented it from Mrs. Jack Harrison, Aylmer, a daugh­ ter of the late William McWil­ liams. A , fireman at Mount St. Jos­ eph Motherhouse, London, Mr. Summers kept about 10 pigs and Several chickens in a barn near the destroyed house. With a strong wind blowing at the time of the fire, neighbors feared the barn would catch fire. No Christmas Shopping The* blaze turned, what was planned to be a happy day for the family into a disastrous one. Mr. Summers revealed he and his. family had. intended to do theii; Christmas shopping that ho said. Besides losing its possessions, the family lost its get dog, Las­ sie who was in the shed. Lucan Fire Chief Alex Young, whose brigade was called, was unable to.fight the fire. “The flames were in every room of the house when we arrived,” the chief said. “There wasn’t any water* available and fire ex­ tinguishers were useless.” The family stayed for several days at the home of Mr. Cun­ ningham under the care of his housekeeper, Mrs.-Fred Simpson. They plan to move to London. Consider Traffic Lights Ontario Department of High­ ways has informed Clandeboye Women’s Institute that it is con­ sidering th.e group’s request for caution lights at the diversion of No. 4 -at Clandeboye. A. G. McNab, registrar of motor vehicles, said the request South Hurori District High School Presents Its Annual Variety Program and Commencement Exercises 0 Singing! e "Teddy Bears' Picnic" • "The Lost Chord" e "Memories" • School Orchestra • Gyrhnastics ^'Thursday, Dec. 20 Diplomas Dancing! • Tap • Polka • Kickline Dec. 21 Grade 13 Diplomas and all Awards 8:00 p.rri. Drama! • One Act Comedy Massed Chorus • Over 200 Voices ‘ w Reserved Ticket* Can Ba Purchased From Students Adults 5G0 Children 250 .... f . ...l .. , x..., 2 News Budget From Dashwood ' By MRS. E. H. RADER (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Latta of Waterloo spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Weiberg. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Gamble and family of London spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Rader. Entertain Husbands The WSWS of The Evangelical United Brethern Church enter­ tained their husbands at a Tur­ key dinner Friday evening Harry Hoffman and Mrs. E. Haist sang a duet. Rev. Krotz . showed pictures of local interest. Carol singing was also enjoyed. Mr. Don Gaiser is a patient •in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London. Mr, and Mrs. Emil Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Lome Becker spent the week-end in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs, Sid Baker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemayer and family at Plattsville. Mr/ Stanley Haist, teacher i...z . j ____12 No. 11 held their Christmas AVJ.1 • w Lrt J J j JLjLcIamL) L t»cl L* 111 and pupils of Black Bush School cert in the school Tuesday eve- ♦ > t________ , ,___ jning December 18. Men's Club Re-organize j The monthly meeting of the men’s club of Zion Lutheran church was held last Wednesday evening. The business meeting t was devoted to re-organizing i the club and re-drafting a com < stitution. Twenty-one- members ! were present. The following t officers Wore (elected: president, Reinhold I Miller; vice-president, Valentine Miller; social committee. Cliff Salmon, Adolph * Koller, Earl i Dators, A social hour was' cii- | joyed playing dart baseball. Kon (Keller’s team won with a score 24 —12. Leonard Restemayer .starred with several homeruns, j Th6 next meeting will be Dec.27, Lucan Personals Mr. Harold Corbett was a — egate at the Progressive-Con­ servative Convention in Ottawa last week. Mr. S. B. Ashby, of Brantford, was. an overnight guest with Rev, and Mrs. J. P. Prest last Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee spent last week-end in London, the guest of‘their son, Mr. Cecil Lee and family. Miss Lina Abbott accompanied Mrs. Warner McRoberts to her school concert in the Whalen School last Friday night. The concert was followed by a visit from Santa Claus. Thomas Wilkinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Wilkinson, has enlisted in the army, and left for Petawawa last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Knight and family, of. Kintore, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Butler and family;, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eizensa and- family, and Miss Tina Eizenga attended the Demp­ ster-Graham wedding in Toronto on Saturday, December 8. Dempster-Graham In a * setting of white Shasta ’niums in the Evangelistic Centre, Toronto, at 4 p.m.- Saturday, December 8, the Rev. James Taylor, assisted by the Rev, J. A. Graham, united in marriage Kathleen Esther Graham and Robert Dempster. The bride -is the daughter, of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Graham, of Toronto (re­ cently of Lucan), and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempster, Toronto. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was gowned in white brocaded satin with tight qodice and cathedral train. Her finger-tip veil of illusion was held by a beaded tiara. She carried a white Bible, crested with an orchid and streamers. The attendants, Miss Tina Eizenga, of Lucan, as maid of honor, Miss Lorraine Graham, Of Milton, Miss Alice Noseworthy, of Tpronto, as bridesmaids, and Joyce Butler, of Lucan, as flower girl, were all dressed alike in red velvet ballerina gowns and head­ dresses of white feather bands. They carried white fur muffs, crested with red roses. The best man was Ken Pliecny, of Toronto, and ushers were Walter nF Scarboro, and Rex Allen, of Toronto. Miss Charlotte Pike, of To­ ronto, played traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Miss Joyce Lowrie, of Toronto. Al; a reception held in the Evangelical Centre, the bride’s mother received in a navy sheer dress with corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by the groom’s mother who chose a mushroom crone gown with matching acces­ sories and corsage of pink roses. For ft honeymoon trip to Detroit the bride changed to n dross of gold and brown candy *,l,,!no on background of beige r \ ‘on, with brown coat and an OD’hid corsage. The young orratde will make their home in Toronto. del- has been forwarded to the plan­ ning division of the department “and a survey will no doubt be made of the location in ques­ tion,” Alarmed at the number of fatal accidents which have oc­ curred at the Clandeboye turns, the women’s institute felt cau­ tion lights would, help ■ to warn, motorists of the danger there, DANCE EXETER LEGION HALL Friday, Dec, 28 GOOD ORCHESTRA "Huron County's Own Elvis Presley" Sponsored by South Huron Junior Farmers EVERYONE WELCOME .........nBW1 Crown Institute Queen “ At Dashwood Meeting I Miss Mw Tiemaa < Alma I College is vacationing with Mr pju-epfts, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyi 1 Tieman. The Walther Leaguers of Zion Lutheran church have erected a (nativity scene on the church property. All the members west active in constructing the Christ­ mas scene. $ant# Here Saturday Santa Claus will be in Dash' ; Wood SatM Dec. 22, at 3 p.m. with treats for all children. 4-H Homamaking Club The fourth meeting of the 4-H club was held with 15 girls pres- net. The Singer Sewing Machine Co. loaned them two machines so the girls wire able to work on their pyjamas. Dashwood W. I. held its Christ­ mas party » Zion Lutheran church basement with t Grand Bend, Crediton and Zurich In­ stitutes as guests, Mrs* Kuntz was chairlady. Mrs. J, M. Tieman conducted carol singing. Mrs, G. Anderson of Thedford favoured with read­ ings and Mrs* E. Kipfer played accordion selections, Mrs, Ervin Rader, Mrs. Glen Webb, Mrs, Ervine Devine, Mrs. Rudolph Miller, Mrs, Leonard Schenk and Mrs. Ernest Koeh­ ler presented a skit, “Too Many Beaus”, Mrs. Ed. Lamport of Crediton and Mrs. Willis. Gill pf Grand Bend gave readings. Highlight of the- evening was the crowning of an Institute queen. Each Institute had a can­ didate- Zurich, Mrs. Rose; Cred- iton, ’ Mrs. E. Lawson; Grand Bend, Mrs, Ed Gill; and~ Dash­ wood, _ latter was crowned. Mrs. W. Mack had the lucky chair, Mrs. A. V. Tieman and Mrs. E. Koehler displayed table centres and decorations for’ Christmas. Mrs. V. L. Becker and Mrs. M. Merner were lunch convenors, 1 Zion i-adies' Aid The annual meeting of Zion Lutheran Ladles’ Aid and Christ- iri3$ party w as held Wed., Dec. 12, in' the basement of Zion Lutheran church. The treasur­ er’s report showed that .$1,573.00 had- been taken in during the year and there was a balance of $450 in the treasury. The women’s missionary league had collected $76,50 Christmas boxes for the sick are being packed Dec. 23. Officers were elected. Presi­ dent is Mrs. M. Merner; vice- pres., Mrs. Ervin Rader; secre­ tary, Mrs. E. Koehler; treasurer, Mrs. E. Kleinstiver; secretary, flower and treat fund, Mrs. Al­ bert Miller; card secretary, Mrs. H. Wein; pianist, Mrs. Edgar Restemayer; auditors, Mrs. C. Salmon, Mrs. L. Restemayer;. librarians, Mrs. Rud. Miller, Mrs. Elmer Rader. Mrs. Carl Maier’s group was in charge of the social hour, Santa appeared with gifts, for all. Carol singing and lunch fol­ lowed. Group 3 will also be in charge of, a pot luck supper in January. Local Items The Christmas program of the E.U.B. church will be presented Sunday evening, Dec. 23, at 7.30. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman, Lynda’ and Mary Jane Hoffman attended the candlelighting serv­ ice at Alma College, St. Thomas on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A, AUemand, The Judge: “Guilty or not guilty R a s t u s : “Guilty, I thinks, Jedge; but yo’ ‘all better 'head an' try me to make sho’7* JIExeter Arena Schedule Thursday/ December 20 7:00-11 !0O— R.C.A.F* Friday, December 2 J 4:00-5:00—School Skating 8:00-10:00—Rock >N Roll Public Skating • Saturday, December. 22.. 8:00-9:00— Panther* v«, Flyer* 9:00-10:00—Hornet* Vi. 'Royal* 10:00-11:00— Flashes vs,. Wing* 11:00-11:30—Mohawks vs. Bomber* 11:30-12:00—Squee Gees 1:00-2:45— Public Skating 3:15,5:15—Flour* .Skating 8:00-10:00—Public SkMtinfr Sunday, December 23 , Hockey Practice Monday, December. 24 9:30-10:30—Panther* v«. Royals 10:30-11:30—Girls Hockey 2:00-4:00—Public Skating- 8:00-10:00—Public Skating Tuesday, December 25 Arena will be closed all day. Wednesday, December 26 ' 2:00— Films at Arena "How To Flay Hockey’* 2:00-11:00—Curling 9:00—Teen Time uiiitintiiiHiH.nitiniiiitHiitiniintHitHiiiiiiintiHiintiiiiHiiHiHiiMiinMiHiiniiHiiniitiiiitiininitiiiiniiHtHiiFV 1 DANCE Every Saturday Night EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL MUSIC BY CLARENCE PETRIE and his Night Hawks SPOT DANCES DANCING 9-12 — ADMISSION 750 • Leather Jackets and Jeans Not Permitted 3 I s j 3 2 S ! 3 Santa Comes To Town BRING THE KIDS TO EXETER " SERVICE CLUB'S Children's Christmas PARTY IN FYFTFD Km Em I mmi Imu o € ® m hi a* i* <2r 2 Ft^q iesl 'TWO SHOWS! TWO PARADES! 12:45 and 2:45 p.m* Boys and girls may attend either show—-buf, not both* NOTE: Children are requested to meet at Snell Bros* Ltd. Garage for Parade up Main Street to Lyric Theatre, See Santa in his new convertible. ALL PUBLIC AND PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN IN EXETER AND DISTRICT ARE INVITED Sponsored by Exeter Legion/ Lions and Kinsmen