HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-20, Page 13Th# M 1W .. ISjifl I"................... ............................................................................................................................................... .. Times-Advocate Want Ads, Like Santa, They Deliver Pipe' In New Officers For Legion, Auxiliary Newly-elected executive mem-' Graham Mason and Dick w» hers of the Exeter branch of the ”JBRi^dnadian Legion and the Legion Auxiliary were “piped” into office at an impressive joint in- ,,on cei’emony at the Legion Hall Monday evening. The officers were escorted’ into the building by members of the Legion’s pipe band. Zone Commander Herman Young, of Kincardine, installed the Legion officers; retiring presi­ dent, Reg McDonald, inducted the auxiliary executive. New president of the Legion, ----- - — Whose membership is over 2Q0,1 Frayne and Mrs. Jack Cutting; is Harold Holtzman, who star-! secretary, Mrs, Graham Mason; red on the branch’s Mohawk +”........ ”■"* " ‘ ~ ‘ baseball team for a number of years. Vice-presidents are Graham Mason and Dick Watson. Sergeant-at-arms is Glen Ship­ man; secretary, Stewart- Dick; treasurer, Albert Ostiand; chap­ lain, Rev. N. D. Knox; assistant, Rev. Alex Rapson; executive, Reg McDonald, Cliff Brintnell, Gordon Sanders, Gerald Campbell, „.W, Cutting, Max Harness, Bill McLean, Lloyd Reynolds, Gordon McTavish and Jack Ful­ cher. The Auxiliary officers include: president, Mrs. Eugene Beaver; past president, Mrs, Gerald Law- son; vice-presidents, Mrs. Stan ■ classified rates *FOR SALE I EQUIPMENT FOR RENT !WANTED I it SUPERIOR , Propane Limited Your Distributor for Propan* Gas and Appliances fpr Farm, Hom* and Industry Call Stratford 4174 treasurer, Mrs. Doug Triebner; sergeant-at-arms, Mrs. Norman Worry. Executive committee members are Mrs. Bert Borland, Mrs. Elmer Harness, Mrs. Bill Hig­ gins, Mrs. Albert Ostiand, and Mrs. Gordon McTavish. Zone Commander Young paid tribute to retiring president McDonald for thd progress the branch has made during his term of office. Major project was the construction of an ad­ dition to the hall. Oil is the dynamic force in the currently expanding economy of Saskatchewan, once known sole­ ly for its reputation as Canada’s “wheat province”, - s s X ........................................................................... ............................... Cornish, Mitchell & Co. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS c. H. J. Cornish L. F. Cornish D. Mitchell K. W. Siad* W. E. Suchard DUNDAS ST. Dial 2-2651 LONDON, ONT.291 I Christmas 3 3 In Used Cars $850 195 TRUCKS : 3 3 »■ 3 o> TRACTORS 3 3 Ex&ter 1 LTD* $10 price L.S.M.F.T, ’56 FORD .COACH, automatic .................... FORD SEDAN, atuomatic, a beaut ..... FORD SEDAN, atuomatic, radio ...... MERCURY SEDAN, a steal ................ FORD COACH FORD SEDAN, Your Choice .............. METEOR COACH, overdrive, radio ..... PLYMOUTH SEDAN PLYMOUTH COACH, Your Ghoice-.. HENRY J. COACH ............................. CHEVROLET COACH FORD COACH, Your Choice ................ 50 MONARCH SEDAN 50 METEOR COACH, Your Choice .......... ’46 CHEVROLET 5 PASSENGER ............ ’46 PONTIAC SEDAN PLYMOUTH SEDAN AUSTIN SEDAN AUSTIN SEDAN Pay your money and ‘take your choice........$ $2,395 $1,550 $1,495 $1,295 $1,250 $1,095 995 895 25 w*rd« or l*ss 70 Mor* Than 25 Words 2? Par Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 4Qf& Mor* Than 25 Word* W P*r Word 20^ OFF paid with orderifad , ___ ...... Saturday following th* insertion Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to one column) First Insertion 990 Per Inch Subsequent Insertions I4p Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale copy should be in Tuesday at noon, or last by child's Snowsuit, 3-piece, rust color, size 3, May be seen at Rftady Cleaners. ___________________30 c MAN'S SUIT, 4-1’iecp, size 40; ladles' green coat, size 36-38; ladies' black coat, size 44-46; ladles* grey winter coat and rain coat, size, 16: also tan suit and tan dress. Mar be seen at Brady Cleauers. 20* DINING ROOM SUITE. 8-plece; best offer. Plione 750-W.l Exeter, 2IIC BULL CALF, Holstein.. Apply G. J. Dow, phone 83 Exeter.______2iic i FORD 3 TON DUMP .................... FORD 3 TON STAKE DUMP ...... 53 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY ’52 FORD PICKUP ................................ ’49 FORD PICKUP ....... ......................... SPECIALS The following 30-day units to be reduced p6r day until sold, Thursdaye METEOR COACH .......................... METEOR SEDAN................................... MERCURY SEDAN, a good one ............. METEOR COACH........................................ STUDEBAKER “STARLITE” COUPE . CHEVROLET COACH g.m.c. Pickup 650 250 895 595 395 720 625 395 370 115 570 ’48 FORD HEAVY DUTY INDUSTRIAL LOADER, a steal ’51 FORD ........................................ $ $ 795 695 Larry Snider Motors Phone 624 Two Resign From Board Two members have resigned from the South Huron District High School Board- Chairman C. S. MacNaughtan, representative of Exeter, sub­ mitted his resignation to town council last week, He succeeded Dr. H. H, Cowen as chairman of the board two years ago. Harold Walper, of Stephen, who has served for a number of years on the board, will retire at the end of the year, A county repre­ sentative, he has been replaced by Edward Chambers, who formerly has been a township appointee. Stephen council will name another representative to the board to fill the vacancy. Election of a new chairman for thA board will take place at th 6 inaugural meeting, January 8. [BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AL” _ _ --„rmake good with a Rawleigii busi- nets? in Huron County. We help you get started. No experience needed to start. Write Rgwieigh’s. Dept L-202-2, Montreal, J’.Q. Jj’.ic LOST HEWING MACHINES - Electric PLAY FEN. Jn good condition. Box hF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS. you ra«r portables, by the week. Hopper* “6”, Times*Advocate, with a iUL$vi>irh hurt*Hockey Furniture phone H JCx- ......W|l.. ■„ .................................... j _______________ _______TENhEDC WAMTCD Floor Sanders Floor Edgers. Floor polishers (’leaner*. Tools. Etc, PEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER TENDERS WANTED LICENSE m-ATJES. Nd. IlMSI. Finder please • leave it KoraM-M Slaniake’s or phone SQS. W* SERVICES SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im­ mediate service. Butler Bros., JLu- can, phone IOS or 130-W. 12:6-1:21* ELECTRIC RAZOR—Schick, usedonly 6 months—good as new. Phone 1 462-J2 Exelpr, 2(ic '■ I MANURE LOADING—Apply Nor- I man. Whiting, Exetir, phone 655-W evenings, ________ itfC OVEN-READY CHICKEN — Quick- frozen or fresh. Carl Qestricljer. phone 57-r-23 Dashwood._12;2Q-1:24* 2 SHORTHORN BULLS. 5 Short­ horn calves, all females, vaccinat­ ed against bangs, herd accredited. Rhone 45G-r-2 Exeter or apply Edgar Monteith, R.R. 3 Exeter.__________________2(1:27* 1 TON TRUCK. 1949 Dbdg'e, winter­ ized, new plywood racks, A-l con- dltlion; would, exchange for pigs or cattle. rheme Zurich 81-r-8.13:20* FARMERS Ship your livestock to Whyte Psckinq Co. • .For faster handling'. • For reduced shrink. « .For shorter hauling. » For a greater net. Call Exeter 15 Collect Shipping Thursday Instead of Friday for Winter Months 20c AUSABLE RIVER CONS ER VAT1ON AUTHORITY TENDERS FOR PAM Seated tenders marked "Tender for Morrison Dam" will be received, by the undersigned at Exeter, Ontario, up until 12:00 o'clock Noon ,E.S.T. onI Kth January 1936 for construction of an earth Till dam with reinforced concrete spill­ way near Exeter, Ontario. The construction includes piecing ap­ proximately 40,001) cubic yards ot earth till' arid 1.600 cubic yard# ot reinforced concrete. Information specification# may be had for each set Engineers, M. -M. Dillon 1 1 EMPLOYMENT wanted 16-YEAR-OLD BOY. good worker, poujd like to learn trade: good j references. Write lo Box 385 Ex- | pter. 2t)c I BABY CHICKS FOR SALE FREE Coupons on It Special Prices . If Picked Up At Farm Oven Ready, 8 ■ 25 Lbs. will pay ydu to phone uS. 9 EDGAR CUD'MORE • Phone 171-r-14 Exeter 2UC CHRISTMAS TURKEYS’ — Broad­ breasted. bronze. Apply Bruce Shhl>- ton, phone 599-W1 Exeter. 20CDairy Farmers Plan Campaign Dairy Farmers o£ Canada, national producers’ organization, will spend $372,000 for advertis-1 ing and promotion of dairy foods inT1957-,. , .. . Iij making this decision, direc- 23 months for $4.03. tors from across Canada noted the effectiveness of the more than $2,000,000 which had been spent in advertising by dairy producers since 1950. Increased per capita consumption of dairy .UUU)a, cup­ foods all along the line had been boards, 3-piece bath, available now. noted in 1955, the last period for ! aL P.4- Huron St> ot> which complete figures were ^V^xeten------------------2Q._-7^ available. Canadians ate an aver- ‘ senior st.— 2-bedroom, modern ag6 of 1,037 pounds Of dairy foods i bungalow with oil heat; $75 p6r it? thd Vnnr r month including garage. Availablein tne yeai. . . J January J. 1957. can MrA River,s,Dairy Farmers officials point, Exeter 267-j. Canada Trust, R6al- OUt that a budget of $372,000 is tor. London, Ont. 20c GET YOUR “HOLIDAY" regularly. Subscribe to ‘Holiday” at a wonder­ ful bargain price of 14 months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the n e w s t a n d price. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. S:23-10:25 ____5 HOME JOURNAL—Save half the single copy price by sub­scribing now at the special rate of 22 menth" for $!.(,'?, We're agent for all magazines. Exeter Timfes- Advocate. phone 770. 8:23-10:1$ FOR RENTI —.----------------------------------------------- ' APARTMENT—Living room, 2 bed- I rooms, kitchen with built-in cup- in thd year. . Lu.,; * uxuiutu vuiukuw Jt'VF.A.U , IVXeiCL VIM out that a budget of $372,000 is tor. London, Ont._________________ inadequate for the job of dairy j APAaTMKKTS-A number of 1- foods promotion which needs to flnA 2-bedromn apartments. W. C. be done in Canada. As an ex-; Pearce, Realtor, sg Anne St. i.ltfo ample, they cite the case of fluid ■, AT,;L;-,;;rTW,L,„,a milk consumption which in itself < 9^ is low on a per capita basis. I----:------------------------------------- In a country where one-third 14-room apartment, of the population is children, the bat 1-’- gara.R’ per capita consumption of three A|rjJ quarters of a pint, of milk per ( ’ person per day means that a; great many people wjio should be i doing so are getting no milk at i all. Nutritionists are increasingly i disturbed by the fact that older people do not get sufficient cal­ cium whi'ch can be most easily 1 and economically secured from milk end milk products. 1 Six month-long promotions will , be run in 1957 by Dairy Farmers, I as follows: February, concen-. trated products; March, butter; April, fluid milk; June, all dairy foods related to summer eating; October, cheese; November, but­ ter. Only major media change will.be in the size of ads used in , nAxcir stvltc house, cement daily hewspaners. Size of ads block, cj'ystftlite finish, 2 bedrooms, will be sacrificed for frequency ,attached garage anti, porch, cement-, of appearance of the ad> mes- (1I'ive' . 2?, sages. In some panel's frequency , 2-STOREY brick house, duplex, .Mil ba tnpvaaeH separate entrances and baths, oil of appeal ance will be inci eased , jnil,111ng. fUr)iaP(i( garage, three times over the present rate. - .............. — - - • -*• __________ _ heated, .. ,______. bath, garage and pri­ vate entrance. Home in the. coun­ try. Mrs, Stewart Eell, Hensail, | plipne 683-T-33._____■ <____ Stfc I APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, I hot and cold water, on Shipkji | highway. Phone 6-J Crediton. IGt'fc I ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 12-suite steam-heated apart- I ment building in the town has self-contained . apartments with private ' plenty of closet space. , fi-igerator, (some fully -------------- i janitor service: plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very 1 reasonable rates. One vacancy now, SANDY ETXTOT Rhone 47G or G16-J Exeter 8;9tfc centre of 1-bedroom bathrooms, slove, re­ furnished); REAL ESTATE HAVE TOUR, SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew's Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St. E., Exeter, phone 454. 7c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Be,tter Bulls Are Used” For artificial insemination infor­ mation or sei vice from all breeds ot cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattie Breeding Association at; Clinton Hu 2-..441 between 7:31) and 9:3t) A.M We have all breeds available —top quality At low cost. 4;26tCc HELP WANTED Office Clerks for Department of National Dftffcnefc (Air) at Centralia, Ontario. CLERKS 1 — $1620. - $2070 No experience required. CLERKS 2A — $1950. - $2550. 2 years office experience or High School Graduatibn, DelAiia and application formM at Post Offices and National Employ­ment Services. Apply before Janu­ ary 14, 1957, to (he Civil Service Commission, 25 -St. Clair Ave. E,, Toronto 7. Quote 1310 for Quote 1311 for to Bidders, plans, and form of tender on deposit of $25,00 from the Consulting and Company Limited 111 Maple Street, London, Ontario 69 Eglinton Ave. East Toronto, Ontario tender must he acepmpan- a certified cheque in the at ten percent of the hid trn. The successful tender j tequlretl to furnish a per- ; the Contract Brice, j MAYBE YOU WANT pulleig now. 'growing tn the good Grade A LargA ! markets—Bray has them, prompt sliipmont, some started. Or ‘meat* birds—Hatchery Jias .wide choice nt fine stock. Ask us for particulars, agent; Eric t’arscadden, Exeter, j phone 246-W\ _________2He Each led bv amount lump si will be ____... .... B.......-....... .... formance bond tor an amount equal to of r r.:... Tender must be submitted exactly in accordance with the Information to Bidders. Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted, H. G. HOOKE. Secretary Au,sable River Conservation Authority, Exeter, Ontario. „ 13:20c . NOTICES TO CREDITORS | I In the Estate at Henry Edward Zimmer, deceased. All persons having claims against • lite estate ot Henry Edward ZIm- I mer, Jate of the Village ot Dash­ wood, In the County of Huron, ; Merchant, who died on or about the 19th day of November, 1055. ' are required to file particulars of ’ same with Bell & Laughton, So- < Heitors of Exeter, Ontario, by lh* I 22nd day of December, 195l>, after i which date the estate 'will be dis- | fributed having regard only to < these, claims ot which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitor^ for (h* Administratrix, Exeter, Ontario. BUY AND USE CHRISTMAS SEALS * CCM Bicycle With Every Purchase At SNELL BROS. Phene 100 Exeter ALF ANDRUS 403 ANDREW ST. PHQNE 71 f Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work —- Oil Burner* — For Sale PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND Experienced men to put ypur.roof on. PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQIPMENT SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phone 63 Lucan, Ont. x 5 s i i competition, number 5S-T- Cldrks 2A. competition number 56-T- Clerks 1. FdRD experienced MECHANICS With Class "A” certificates. Ap­ plicants must.have own tools and be thorough conscientious workers interested in earning top wages. This is an opportunity to Advance to a’ progressive, well established dealership whOrfe top Wages are paid for honest effort, Alt benefits, excellent shop and equipment, vacation with pay and bonus incentive system. These ar6 permanent positions and applicants must hAve godd mechanical background add good referenced. APPLY. TO MR, R. SEDDON. STEVENS MOTORS. LIMITED 471 Kino St. E., Kltch4n4r, Ontario ioc Buy And Us* Christmai Sail* snrtwxr CHAIN SAWS CHAIN SAWS , l R. D. Jermyn TRACTORS IMPLEMENTS FARM MACHINERY NEW HOLLAND GRASSLAND MACHINERY Exeter Farm Equipment PHONE 508 WILLIAM STREET FARMS $1,195 53 Pontiac Sedan * ■* s< C. V. Pickard Exeter have clients looking for '53 Pontiac Sedan4-bedroom house with bathroom, 5- ROOM HOUSE, 1 floor, bath, new furnace, garage. 6- ROOM BRICK HOUSE, full b$.th, garage. DUPLEX BRICK HOUSE, $1,500 down, $30 per month for balance. We have a list of good farms, 50 to 250 acres worth seeing, and some gs. ... .. ______ ______ Exeter, phone 435: Karl Parsons, 507, Fred Cole, 536-M, Salesmen._______-13tfc Hensall bekali Lodge the group donated snlJtn acreages with building: $94.0.0 to thd HomJ_ Extension j w. C\ Pearce,_ Realtor,_ _E Fund for'the I O.O.F. home at Barrie. The annual Christmas was held Wednesday when mem­ bers exchanged gifts. Mem­ bers brought gifts to the meet­ ing for the Children’s Aid at Goderich, gifts included toys, used clothing and gifts suitable for children. A marathon is planned after Christmas to raise funds. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bell and family, of Chatham, were recent visitors .with the former’s par­ ents, Mr.* and Mrs. William R. Bell. Refeve Norman Jon6s and Clerk James Paterson motored to To- rorito on Monday in the interests of municipal affairs. Mr. and -Mrs. Keith Lindsay, of Blenheim, spent the week-end 1 NEW. MOpERN MOUSE nearing completion, 2 bedrooms, oil fur­ nace. Reasonably priced. Apply A. I WliilsmiUt. plione 270-J._______Ulfc NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace: east side of Exeter: close to schools. R. E. Balkwill. 47 John we 1............ ....tlnd 3*beclroom houses located Exeter. 3 - BEDROOM BRICK, close __ _________, _ ___ ______.... .whools. This Is a tidy home with the latter’s parents, Mr. andi^t coaVe>'ieilceS' Mrs.-John Henderson. r ’ * Miss Joyce Helm, of Tiverton, i ultehcn*"”1{nd "bathromm and Mr. George .Tacksoh, of;Extra lots and garage. Small down Clinton; ..spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid and family. The 12 street light standards on main street are much ad­ mired these days, being beauti­ fully decorated in Christmas motif and varied coloured lights, the Work Of the P.tf.C. Mr. George T. Wren of Chisel­ hurst was' taken by ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday evening having suf­ fered a stroke. Mr, and Mrs. Alf Ross, recent bridal couple, wore presented with a purse of money at a re-, ception held last Friday evening. It was largely attended, Mrs, Robert McLean was taken by ambulance to South Huron Hospital, Exeter on Tuesday evening with a heart condition, COMPACT 3-bedroom brick, good ‘” than average * f u r p a c e; liberal terms, wit li good rn. House good kit- "ivy wlr- kitchen and better t bs t li room; oil - bu rning garage: reduced price; I I ACRE OF LAND ...... brick house and small barn, is in excellent condition; f... ehCn, 3-plcce bath and heav Ing. Reasonable price. Tern FARM ■ ’ 100 Arres with comfortable and exceptionally good barn; shed; hydro throughout; pro; loam suitable for all crops; ' of bush; price $I0,5()(i,(i(). Possession to suit purchaser.If you wish to buy or st C, V. Pickard, Realtor, SIM ™ St.r. Exeter; phones 165'and 628, '52 Dodge Sedan '51 Plymouth Sedan (2) '50 Meteor Sedan $1,115 $745 '51 Dodge Sedan '50 Pontiac Sedan $845 $545 Mihhift: “That cat Mabel is going around telling fibs about lite,” Winnie: “So what? Think how ise ’A- '50 Chev 1-Ton Truck 9 PHONE 200 DAYS Frtd Dobbs. Proprietor YOU CAN DEPEND ON Whin kidntyn Lil to temoV4 oxceM »(sHs ind w*stM, back­ ache, tiled feeling, disbit'bed text often ■’fslidw., Dbdd'i Kidiie.V till* Rlimii- Isle kiditfcyi U Sdfmel dtilv. Yon feel heitet—tileep better, work better. Get Dodd'e Jit thy , rirnt tlAFa-Vi-.it '48 Dodge Sedan '39 Dodge Sedan $625 $195'46 Mercury Sedan Bargains On Other Models NIGHTS 762-W. 76»M