HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-20, Page 12L - l >AWt4tt3 ^ VITAMINS ARE 7^ SOMETHING YOU GET LOTS OF IN THE GOOD RICH MILK FROM MAM Jack Smith JEWELLER EXETERPHONE 501 Use Yopr Crediti • Kitchen Clock* Don’t crowd the bumper of the car ahead, Leave one car length for every 10 miles of speed. Th, Tjm»»-Advoc»l», D«c«mh«r M, 1W J Keeps On$18.95 Prices Effective December 20, 21, 22, 24 Junior Farmers Vie In Toronto Two busloads of Huron, County' Junior Farmers will attend the; provincial association’s annual ’ conference in the King Edward! Hotel, Toronto, I Marion Creery, of Woodham, ! will be participating in the pro-! vincial public speaking finals. I The Huron junior’s choir., a male quartet, a girls’ trio and mixed quartette is also entered, in com­ petitions. Town Topics Leo Witmer and Miss Mary Lou Abbott of TiUsonburg spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Wes Witmer. Miss Edith Kipfcr, town, has been visiting with her sister in Kitchener . for the past two weeks. Plaster W*ll* Workmen started this week to plaster the walls on the five- room addition to South Huron District High School. Prepara­ tions are being made for laying the terrazo floors. Most of the drainage tile has been laid. OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS Lindenfields Christmas Gift Hints For The Home . . . . Chrome Dormeyer Mixmaster With meat grinder, special .............. Cooey Chrome Step-Stools, special Ekco Flint Kitchen Tool Set Stainless steel, special........................ English Steak Knives Stainless steel, special ...........,........... Electric Hair Clipper Sets ........................ Coronada Swivel Top Vacuum Cleaner GE Floor Polishers, special .................... I Coleman Camp Stoves, special.............. [ Suitcase Picnic Set, with dishes, special $62.95 $16.95 Revere Ware in Sets or Separate Pieces Stainless Steel Flatware and Dishes Several Lovely Patterns A Small Deposit Holds Your Selection VISIT OUR DOLLS • GUNS • GAMES PEDAL CARS * TRICYCLES WAGONS • FRICTION TOYS Superior^ k^FOOD MARKETS Honey Pod Peas STOK’L’YS 2 Cheery Morn Coffee FR’SH Lushus Jelly Powder 3 Aylmer Pineapple SW 2 Cranbe'ry Sauce □ CAN SPRAY Dole's Fruit Cocktail Shirriff's Fruit Puddings Tomato Ketchup HEINZ b< Margene Margarine Wheaties Dole's Pineapple Juice Allens A pie Juice vitamin IMPROVED POSTAL SERVICE—Opening of the renovated Exeter Post Office last week provided residents with hundreds of ne\V hoxes for more convenient mail de­ livery. Over 300 aluminum boxes have been installed in a separated section on the north side of the building. Using the new -facilities above are, left to right, Elsie Gosar, Bill Harvey, Patricia Ferguson and Shirley Genttner. —T-A Photo Chief Urges Extra Care Wishing the citizens of Exeter and district the compliments of the season, Chief Constable Reg Taylor this week wanted espe­ cially to pass on his thanks to all the pedestrians and drivers of this community who have stayed out of traffic accidents. “This season of the year, with its many happy distractions, re­ quires a special effort to remem­ ber to be safe,” the chief pointed out. “With more peppie on the streets later in the evening, shopping and visiting, t the chances of a pedestrian accident increase many times. It is an un­ happy fact that the final ten days of the year, when thoughtful goodwill is undoubtedly at its best, is the most dangerous period of the year for traffic accidents. “It has often been said that if you could warn a driver or pedes­ trian in time that an accident was about to happen,’ the acci­ dent would never occur. It is my hope that all our people will accept a warning that inattention and carelessness are the two greatest causes of traffic acci­ dents. “When you are driving, drive alertly. Consider what you are doing and leave distracting thoughts for better occasions. When you are walking, remem­ ber that there is always a good deal of traffic about at this sea­ son of the year. Stay on the side­ walk until you are sure you can cross an intersection in safety. Follow the traffic signals. And don’t trv to cross the street in the middle of the block. No mat­ ter how good you think your —Please /Turn tj Page 12 15-oz. OE/» TINS vQG 99c PKGS. 26c 15-OZ. | TINS Vi G 20-OZ, TIN WVG 12-OZ.TIN VwC FULL DISPLAY Candy NutS, IN SHELL' Oranges Grapes Tangerines Apples Cranbe'ries PACK fit) ro YOUH • (Please allow a few hours for preparation.) Store Open Thursday^ Friday, Saturday and Monday Evenings lirr J. H. Jones Groceries D«Hv«*y, Including P.M.Q. Area Phon* 532 sS. i THANK YOU SANTA—Danny Haugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Haugh, stretches his arms fpr a gift from St. Nick at Exeter Kinsmen’s Christmas party on Sunday. Announcements I Words cannot express my grati­ tude to iuy friends and neighbors for their kindness to me while a patient in Clinton hospital In send- i ing flowers, gifts and cards; to Dr,I (lakes, the . nursing staff, Rev. i Donald MacDonald and Rev. N, D. II say a very warm thank-you.— BIRTHS .DREANY—Mr. and Mrs. William D. ■ Dreany, 27S Algonquin Drive, RCAC Station Centralia, announce the birth of their daughter, Marcia uonaKl Maeuonaia ana nev. xx, u. Dorlel, al South Huron Hospital, Knox. To each And every one may December 13, 1956. ' I say a very warm thank-you.— PDANTE — Mr, and Mrs, Bred Annabel Cameron. 20* Plante, RCAE Slation Centralia, • announce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, December SC HENNING—Mr. and Mrs, Henry ’Schenning, R.R. 1 Alisa Craig, awnv four years' ano' announce Ike birth, of a daugh- +\“,?n * hl. L ioso * S DereemberSlSU19.>?’J1'On Hof,plWl‘ k"«w that she was suffering. SI,Al’GHTER-kMr?‘attd Mrs. D. A, I of a daughter, Ellen j : at South Huron Dos- , iltlhfM* 12. 1 - * December^JS, 1956, u _ Slaughter, Grand. Bend, announce the birth of a (laughter ”” DorrAine, l'_ ----pital, December 12, 1956—a sister for Susan. WEIN—Marven and Donna Wein (nee Corner) are happy to an­ nounce the- arrival of A Son, Marven (Gary) at st, Joseph's, Hospital, I,ondon, December 15, 1556, Special thanks to Dr, Scrim- geour. 4 DEATHS SMITH — In Clinton, on Sunday, December .16, 1956, Elisabeth tdulnn, beloved wife of the late George Smith, of Exeter, in her ninety-third year. cards of thanks I wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with visits, treats, cards and flowers while confined to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since, returning homo. —Mrs. Russel Wanner, Grand Bend, Me 'To the ratepayers of McGillivray Township School Area.' 1 would like to express my sincere thanks to all who voted: especially to those, who worked on my behalf, «-*■ Arthur Simpson, 2oc I wish lo thank all those who so kindly remembered mo with flowers, ,.cards, treats and visits while a patient In St. .ioseph's Hospital: also -Ml who helped in any way .with ilia work at home. Special i thanks to- it. coward And Wayne I'ltftwL Dr.*, iHMeher and the nurs­ ing staff of ths hospital, it j* ah i.Vtaw wtueft suOrsHsi frd.Percy > IN MEMORJAM Class Sponsors Christmas Party AU members of the families from the youngest to the oldest of Main St. church gathered for a Christmas party Monday eve­ ning in the church. The party was arranged by the Kumjqipus Class of which Mr. Cecil Wilson is teacher and who presided for the program.Mr. Jack Farr Rd in the de­ votional opening exercises. The primary department sang two chorus numbers and also con­ tributed readings and solos. Duets were sung by Mr. Frank Wildfong and his daughter, Mar­ garet, accompanied by Mrs. Wildfong and by Sterling Ince and Bob Russell, AU joined in singing Christ­ mas carols and Sterling Ince, superintendent of the Sunday School, spoke briefly. Sant* arrived to conclude a fine party. FREE Coupons on CCM Bicycle With Every Purchase At SNELL BROS. Phone 1OO Exeter • Diamond Ring* • Signet Rings • Lodge Rings • Wrist Watch** Costume Jewellry Silver Hollowere China Gift* Compact* Glassware Bressware Wrist Watch#* Signet Ring* - Stone Ring* Initial Ring* Barometer* Electric Shaver* Cuff Link* Binocular* Colibri Lighter* Billfold* Silver Cigarette Case* rcaVictor Hours of happiness comes packed in every Christmas gift of RCA VICTOR RECORDS. Choose here and now from our wide range of SSVa, 45 and 75 rpm discs ranging from religious to rock 'n' roll. If ydu<re not sure what tune* they like best, give an RCA VICTOR GIFT CERTIFICATE and let them pick out their ownl CALYPSO Perry Classics I Spectaculars Perfect Gift For The SHDHS Set!1 Smart, Two-Tone Bi1_ las suffering, ere hard to climb, weary eyelids, peace be thine. ibered by Audrey 20* memory of who passed God knew that she That the hills ’ So Ha closed liei And whisper ’ -Lovingly rei .and Byron. GUNNING—in Mrs, Alice ............ ....~ ..... away one year ago, December’20, .m. Hoving and kind in all her ways, Upright and just to the and of her days, Sincere and true in her heart and mind,Beautiful memories she left, behind, —D o v 1 n g 1 y remembered by her family. 20* Kn>I'T>lH-+In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs, Deah Klpfe.r, who passed AWa.v 13 years ago, December 24, 1512, What would we give if we could in the same old way •oicu and sfee her ... .^ and phat a. while, and Mrs. Elia besjer- 20c loving memory of a mother and grand* nirti Mason, who pass* 'Cd, nei 3-Speed Portable 1 OV Iliff Gunning This 3-speed portable comes in light-weight leatherette carrying case iri two-tone brown or green, has powerful amplifier arid Vie* tor's "Golden Threat" tope. say Bello Moi lictTo hear iier smile, To sit with hoi ................ _ ----- —Always remembered by her daugh ter*, Edith ‘ ........... ........ dine, MASON—In dear wife, mother, Ah.............................. ........ed away December 23, I9a5. She bade »no one A last farewell, She said good-bye to hone.The heavenly gates were open wide, A loving voice snid “Come".,The blow was great, the shock severe,little thought her tfMUH so near. Only these who have lost can tell tellThe sorrow of friflrttn# without farewell.—Sadly missed by husband William, RCA Victor TV, Too Phone 18 "Merry Christmas To All"