The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-20, Page 7FREE Coupons on CCM Bicycle Comments About Kirkton By MRS- HAROLD DAVIS With Evgry Pwrchts# At SNELL BROS. Phon# 100 Exeter For HIM DACK SHOES $14.95 to $29.95 Let his choose his own style black or brown, in BAUER ICE SKATES For the Whole Family NEW AND USED We have used skates, almost like new, at very law prices. RUBBER FOOTWEAR For men, boys and children. Annual Meeting The Ladies Guild and W. A. of st. Paul’s Anglican Church met on Thursday evening at the home of Mres, Theron Creery with 15 present. Mrs. A. Irvine opened the W. A. meeting with an Advent hymn and special prayers, Mrs. Maurice Blackler .read the Christmas story. Ten dollars was voted to the ladies’ training college and five dollars to the Junior Auxiliary. Mrs. Harold Davis presided for the Ladies Guild meeting. Mrs. Eric Humphreys. gave a i report on the year’s work show-, ing a very active year for 1956. Two hundred dollars was voted to the church wardens. Mrs. Alex Iryine and Mrs. A. Knox were appointed tp look after the Christ­ mas boxes for the shut-ins, Mrs. Theron Creery took the chair for the election of officers in the absence of a resident minister. The W.A, officers elect­ ed for 1957 are: Hon. Pres., Mrs, Dymond; president, Mrs. A. Ir­ vine; vice pres,, Mrs. C. Dob­ son; sec. trees., Mrs. McCurdy; Dorcas com., Mrs. H. Copeland; Huron Church News sec., Mrs. Theron Creery; prayer partner sec., Mrs, R. Humphreys; assis­ tant, Mrs. A. Irvine; Thank-Of­ fering box, Mrs. 0. Dobson; birthday box, Mrs. Burfts Black- ler; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Blackler. Ladies Guild officers: presi­ dent, MrS. H. Davis; vice.pres., Mrs. J*. Roundcll; sec., Mrs. Wm. Blackler; treas., Mrs. E. Humphreys; floral com., Mrs. McCurdy; decorating com., Mrs. McCurdy, Mrs. M.- Blackler; pianist, Mrs. Wm. Blackler, Personal Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hern and family of Zion visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis.' CALVARY CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren ' DASHWOOD Rev, W. F, Krptx, Minister Mrs, Ken McCrae, Organist Sunday, December 23, 1956 10:00 a.m. — "God’s Christmas Gift to Men” Special Anthems 11:05 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Christmas Program Recitations, dialogues, plays and special musical numbers. Everybody is invited th come. CHRISTIA15 REFORMED CHURCH Rev. Verbrucj-jps Sunday, December 16 a.m,—Reading Service p.m.—Rev, Gritter, London THAMES ROAD PASTORAL CHARGE w. J» Moores, Minister Christmas Sunday, Dec. 23 Special Music Sermon Topic; "The Song of a Maiden” A Heary Welcome To All 9:45 2:00 ..... (English) ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON Rev. G|en R« Stroma, Minister 10:00 a.m.—-Worship f "God’s Peace" . 11:00 a.m,—Sunday School 7:30 p.m. — Annual Christmas program, by the Sunday School, Play: "As We Forgive” ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH i .DASHWOOD Pastor; K. L«* Zorn,. Phpne Sunday, December 23 11:00 a.m.—Service 2:15 p.m.—Sunday School Monday, December 24 7:30 p.m,—Children’s Christmas Service 1 Christmas Day, December 25 I 10:0Q a.m. — Christmas Service , with Communion 65 THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Rev. R, Van Farowe, Minister Sunday, December 23 p.m,—-Dutch Service Tuesday, December 25 p.m.—Dutch Service p.m,—Sunday School 2:00 1:30 2:30 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. Minister 10:Q0 a.m,—Sunday School A Christmas program in the Sunday School 11 :00 a.m.—Morning Worship A Christmas message and Chirstmas music. Junior Choir Fri., Dec. 21, 8 p.m.—The Sun­ day School Christmas Concert. This Week In Winchelsea By MRS. F- HQRNE Mrs. Harry Ford visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry sparling in London. Misses Wilma Walters, Phyllis and Perla Hern, and Kathleen Horne, of London spent the week­ end at their respective homes, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batten of Exeter visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W. F« Batten. Mr, and Mrs. Wife Glenville of staffs, also Mr, and Mrs. Harold Bowe of Thames Road were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, William Walters. Mr. Beg Delbridge is a pa­ tient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ford visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Newman Baker of Wellborn, Last PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Main St, a,m.*-Sunday School •"The Christmas Mes- 7:30 "p.m.—Evangelstic in nature, using the Christmas Story. Special 'Phristmas music in all these Services. Come and enjoy with us the blessing of the Lord, as we again commemorate His birth. Wed., 8 p.m.—Annual business) meeting of the Sunday School; Fri,, 8 p.m. — Special Young People’s night. ( Rev. L. W. Krause, Pastor- i .................................................................I Tourist: "So you’ve lived in this out-of-the-way place for 40 years. I can’t see what you find to keep you busy.” Inhabitant: "Neither can I. That’s why I’ve lived here 40 years and like it," THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. N, D, Knox, B.A., Rector Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Fourth Sunday in Advent 8:30 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:15 a.m,—Sunday School 11:30 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Carols Christmas Eve, December 24 11:30 p.m.—Choral Communion Christmas Day, December 25 9:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 9:45 11:00 a.m.- sage” r* - ***** - ~ using: the Christmas Story. these services. l ELIZABETH ARDEN Blue Gra»s Bath $a«p and Dusting Powder —■ $2.0t REVLON Futurama — $1.75, $2.5«, $341 YARDLEY 3 Red Rose Soap — $1.5* OLD SPICE Bath Powder A Cologne — $1.7$ CAMERAS Films, Flash Bulbs i CANDY j Noilson, Rowntree, Cadbury | FRESH NUTS ] VIEWMASTER | Gifts Packets — $2.W, $5.95 | Reels, each — 5®0 blessing of the Lord, Wed., 8 p.m. J “ „ / Fri,, 8 p.m. Canada's 1955 total of 1,382 tuberculosis deaths registered a new low. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J*. Snell, Pastor Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M., Musical Director Christmas Services 10:00, a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon Subject: "The Glow, The Gift and the Glory” Anthem by the choir — "Glad Tidings” Quartet: Patricia Cann, Bar­ bara Kernick, Marlene Mc­ Bride and Jeanette Taylor. Duet by Jean and Grant Mc­ Donald Mr, Gordon Koch , at the piano will accompany Mr, Wein on .the organ. 7:00 p.m,—Evening Worship A service of carol singing and Christmas meditation. Anthems by the junior choir Girls chorus with descant A War’m Welcome .. Is Extended To All A Change I1^1 Wart or Mole MAIN STREET The United Church of Canada Minister: Rey. Alex. Rapson Organist: Mrs. A- Williard 10:0(1 a.m.—Service of Worship Nursery Class (three years and under) in the Primary Room. Beginners (4-5) will withdraw during the second hymn. 11:15 a.m.-—The Church School Superintendent: Mr. Sterling Ince 7;30 p.m. — Carol Service by Candlelight (Featuring "Carols of .Other Lands" by the Choir.) Worship As A Family At The Christmas Services Price Incorrect In Hensall Ad In the advertisement for Al's Super-Save Market in Hensall last week, The • Times - Advocate incorrectly printed the price of cigarettes at $2.00 for 200. According to the copy sub­ mitted by the firm, the price should have been $2.99 for 200, The grets caused*to Mr,-Al Scholl and his staff and extends apol­ ogies to those purchasers who were disappointed. A Danger Signal That MAY Mean Cancer See Your Doctor IMMEDIATELY Romeo and Hollandia SLIPPERS Tiihes-Advocate ' re- the embarrassment For' free literature write | F. R Dobbs | EXETER j Why shop around? Come to Wuerth's SKATE SHARPENING Shoi ,and rubber repairing promptly attended to. MEATS 43c Ib. LARGE 25-0^ TINFOR DELICIOUS HES AND TARTS • > * USE & / 3 LBS. $1.39 TIN LARGE AL’S JS> S X Open Fri. & Sat Evenings 3 r As s 100 120 Mm GREEN GIANT BRAND NIBLET CORN HENSALL PINEAPPLE AND GRAPEFRUIT JUICE del monte le-ox. Bti. ........550 Btl. 290 Cello 430 Cello 450 14-OZ. TINS 33c 48-OZ. TIN 33« 2‘LB. BAGS 2 AW J POPPING CORN, Golden Hour, Lb. Cello ...................... 170 ICE CREAM, Frontenac..... Pt. Brick 250, Va Gal. Ctn. B90 WALNUTS, Diamond Budded California, Lb......... SAGE, Supreme Brand, Shaker ....................... . POULTRY SEASONING, Supreme Brand, Shaker STUART house Foil Wrap 25-FT. «ROLL G I V SUPER SAVE COFFEE YELLOW QQ. BAG LB, Gblden Hour Christina* Chocolates Head Lettuce HEAOS-ARlZaNA Crisp Gr'en Celery Grapes cau«rnia reo kmf. CRANBERRIES - CARROTS CABBAGE . GRAPEFRUIT — FRESH SHIPMENTS DAILY Five Scotchmen decided to go horseback riding, so sent Sandy to bargain with the stable owner. Sandy inquired the price of a horse, and the stable owner, be­ fore answering, asked, "How long?” "The longest ye’ve got,” re­ plied Sandy. "There will be five of us going." THAMES ROAD MENNONITE MISSION exetIr Sunday, December 16 10:30-12 a.m. — Christmas pro­ gram for all. Christinas Message: Bev. Al­ bert Martin. Sunt.: Stanley SaUder, Zurich EXETER mi Everything, but everything, you need to high­ light your holiday with fine feasting is right here at SUPER SAVE—and everything, but everything, is low, low priced to help you feast for the least. So do your Christmas food buy­ ing early . . . easily . . . economically. Shop in ohe quick stop at SUPER SAVE—every­ body's SUPER SANTA for Holiday Food Values. - i 1 ’ ’ • . ' t’ ‘ IT’S CHRISTMAS TIMEI : RED. i MARASCHINO CHERRIES ...... i GREEN «-cr. \ MARASCHINO CHERRIES .................. ! super Save 2-ib. i SEEDLESS RAISINS ......................... 5 SUPER SAVE 8-oz. ; WALNUT PIECES ................................ PURE PORK SAUSAGE HAMBURG ... 3 lbs. for $1.00 SUNKIST NAVEL ORANGES ROUND STEAK . ... . 55c lb. SIRLOIN, T-BONE STEAKS 59c Ib. PORK CHOPS .... 57c Ib. 5 LB. MINCEMEAT libbys 39< 15-OZ. TINS 35= FANCY QUALITY PEAS GREEN GIANT 9 4Kr FaR VICTORIA MIXED CANDY CREAMS, GUMS 59= IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME AT SUPER $AVE Cranberry Jolly, Ocean Spray, 15-ox. ,, 230 Tomato Juice, Libby's, 48-oz. tin .......... 340 Grape Juke, Welch's, 24-oz, btL ...............390 Instant Coffee, Super Save, 5-oz. jar'., $1.33 Coffee, Super Save Green Label, lb. $1,03 Salad Bowl'Dressing, 16-oz. jar :.............350 Pickles, Supreme Sweet Mixed, 48-ox, .. 590 Gherkins, York, 16^oz. jar ............ ■„ 350 Olives, Wagsfaffe, Stuffed Manzanilla .. 570 Pineapple, Hawaiian Sliced, 20-ox. tin „ 350 Peaches, York, 20-oX. tori ..................... 290 Christmas Cake, Aunt Mary's, No. 1 .... 590 FROZEN FOODS IT'S CHRISTMAS TIME! FEATURE! STRAWBERRIES, frozen, 15-dz. pkg......... 390 ORANGE JUICE, Birds Eye, 6-oz. 2 for 370- GREEN PEAS, Birds Eye, 12-oz. .. 2 Pkgs. 450 BRUSSEL SPROUTS, Birds Eye, 10-oz. .... 310 FRENCH’ FRIES, Birds Eye, 9- oz......2 for 370 Also Available: GRAPE, LEMON, LIME BLENDED A GRAPEFRUIT JUICES ~ Fancy Quality Golden Mixed NUTS ib. 49c STALKE 2a FOR 29c 2 LBS. 35c