HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-20, Page 66 Th* Timti’Advoeit*, December 20, 1956
And District News
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie McGregor, Phone 632-r-31
Many Win Fowl
At Legion Bingo
A successful fowl bingo, spon
sored by the Legion was held in
the Legion Hall, Saturday, with
88 paid admissions.
Winners of chickens were Mrs.
A. Orr, Mr. Taylor, Jim Smale,
Mrs. A, Clarke, Mrs. R. Taylor,
Sr., Mrs. Thos. Coates (2), Mrs.
Fred Corbett, John Glenn, Mrs.
Robt. McLean, Tom Kyle, B.
Noakes, Mrs. Clarence Reid,
Bert Horton and Doug Upshall.
Winners of turkeys were Mrs.
Mae McLellan, Red Bickell,
Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. A.
Rowell, Goderich; Mr. Taylor,
Mrs. R. Taylor, Jr,; Bert Horton,
Mrs. R, Baker, Jr.; Harvey
Boyce and Jim Smale.
Turkey door prize was won by
Douglas Upshall, Consolation
winners of chocolates were Mrs.
A. Clarke, Mrs. W. Brintnell,
Mel Graham, Mrs. Johnston,
Mrs. B. Baker, Mrs. B. Munn,
Red Bickell (2), Raul Boa, Mrs.
A. Simmons, Mrs. Clarence
Injured Playing Basketball
June Munn, 14, a twin daugh
ter of Mrs. Beatrice Munn, was
taken by Bonthron ambulance
Sunday to Victoria Hospital, Lon
don, with injuries she sustained
while playing basketball on
Thursday of last -week.
A student at Seaforth High
School, she was hit in the back
of the head, and the trouble did
not develop, until Sunday when
«he complained .of pains in her
head and back.
Thursday, December 20
7:00-11:00—Men's Curling
Friday, December 21
3:00-5:00—Rural School Skating
7:00.8:00—Bantam Hockey
8:30—Mitchell vs. Zurich
Saturday, December 22
• :00-12:00—Squirt &■ Pee Wee
3:00.5:00—Public Skating
8:00-10:00—Public Skating
Sunday, December 23
1:00-3:00—Open Curling
Call for Reservation
Tuesday, December 25
3:00-5:00—Public Skating
Wednesday, December 26
2:00-4:00—Open Curling
7:00-9:00—Open Curling
Thursday, December 27
2:00.4:00—Open Curling
7:00-9:00—Open Curling
Santa Treats [ChiseihurstWMS
Hensall Kids
The annual Christmas party
for the children of Hensall and
community was held on Satur
day afternoon. Reeve Norman
Jones welcomed Santa who ar
rived on the fire truck and Rev.
D. MacDonald spoke to the child
Over 400 bags of treats and
375 bottles of chocolate milk
were handed out, the
nated by Hurondale
Children and adults __ ____
in the town hall presented by L.
Tiberio, president of Hensall
Kinsmen. The affair was spon
sored by Chamber of Commerce
and.Hensall Legion.
Honor Treasurer
Of Kinsman Club
Hensall Kinsmen observed
ladies’ night when they enter
tained members of th Kinette
Club to a turkey banquet at the
Rosy Korner restaurant on
Thursday evening.
Past president, Dr. D. J. Mc-
Keivie and Mrs. McKelvie, of
Essex, and President Lloyd
Ford, of Exeter Kinsmen, and
Mrs. Ford, were guests. A pre
sentation was made to Mr. and
Mrs. Angus McLean, the former,
treasurer of the Kinsmen, and
the latter treasurer of the
Kinette Club, who are leaving
shortly for Paris. President L.
Tiberio made the presentation
to Mr. McLean, and Mrs'. John
Heal to Mrs. McLean. Frank
Pearce, new Kinsmen, was ad
mitted into membership.
Plans were outlined for their
annual Christmas project, the
selling of Christmas trees, which
are on the lot adjacent to Drys
dale’s hardware store, and also
at the Texaco service station
where they may be purchased.
Personal Items
Dr. and Mrs. D. J. McKelvie,
of Essex, visited with friends in
the village on Thursday and at
tended the banquet given by the
Kinsmen Club.
Jean and Robert McNaughton,
Jack Caldwell, and Mrs. Ross
Chapman, received prizes for
selling the most tickets on the
.Christmas cake draw, sponsored
by Kippen East W. I.' • -■
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Lindsay,
of Thamesville, spent the week
end with the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson.
Mr. Fred Kennings is spend
ing Christmas with his daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Hedden and family in St,
latter do-
Dairy of
saw films
This is YOUR big opportunity to purchase one
complete set of NEW GOODYEAR TIRES, the
money can buy, for your car. Suburbanite
or a
Sale Will Last Until
DECEMBER 29, 1956
sI ■*
Hensall Motor Sales
Phone 31 . Hensall
Win A
Free tickets for a chance on this beautiful cake will
be issued to everyone making a purchase of baked,
goods in our store until Saturday, December 22, 1956.
Draw Will Be Made December 22
Chooses Officers
Mrs. S. Dougall was elected
president for 1957 at the Christ
mas meeting of the Women’s
Missionary Society of Carmel
Church, Hensall, hold on Thurs
Other officers are; Vice-presi
dents, Mrs. Donald MacDonald
and Mrs, R. Y. McLaren; secre
tary, Mrs. W. R. Bell; treasurer,
Mrs. A. D. McEwan; supply sec
retary, Mrs. B. Edwards; flower
secretary, Mrs. William Bell;
welcome and welfare, Mrs. J. W.
Bonthron; assistant, Mrs. W. R.
Bell; Glad Tidings, Mrs. E.
Munn; literature and literary,
Mrs. J. Forrest; home helpers
secretary, Mrs. L. Purdy;
pianist, Mrs. M. Dougall; Mission
Band leaders, Mrs. Gordon
Troyer, Mrs. Mary Hildebrandt,
Mrs. Harry Snell.
The meeting was chaired by
Mrs. P. Campbell, who, together
with Mrs. R. Faber, arranged the
program. The devotional was
conducted by Mrs. Edwards and
Mrs. Faber.
The study book, “Keeping
Christmas,” was taken by Mrs.
Minnie Sangster. Mrs. E. Munn
contributed a piano solo, and Mr^.
MacDonald showed slides of
India, and spoke on Christmas.
Mrs. Earl Campbell brought in
the new slate of officers who
were installed by Rev. D. Mac
Donald. The group will pack
Christmas boxes for sick and
shut-ins at Mrs. Edwards’ home
on Tuesday, December 18. Hos
tesses were Mrs. Campbell, Mrs.
Faber and Mrs. S. Dougall,
Donate $170
Tp Refugees
Hensall United Church observ
ed White Gift Sunday on Sun
day morning and the special col
lection of $170.00 will be donated
to the Hungarian Relief Fund.
Infants who received the rites
of baptism were Joan Carolyn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edison
Forrest; Mary Elizabeth, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Black-
well; Daniel Wayne, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Smith; Donald
Patrick, son of Mr. and
Donald Joynt.
A duett was sung by
Pearl Passmore and S. G.
nie. Christmas -decorations ___
arranged by Mrs. Walter Spen
cer, Mrs. R. J. Drysdale, Mrs.
Russell Broderick and Mrs. E.
Chipchase, all members of the
Evening Auxiliary, assisted by
the flower committee.
The regular Christmas service
will be held Sunday, December
32, at 11 a.m. A special feature
of the evening serice will be the
presentation of a cantatta,
“Christmas Song of Songs,” by
the choir of 35 voices. Evening
service will commence at 7.30.
Present Cantata
At RCAF Station
Hensall United Church choir of
35 voices presented their Christ
mas cantata “Christmas Song of
Songs” at the McCurdy School,
R.C.A.F. Station, Centralia, Sun
day evening, December 16. Solo
ists were Mrs. H. McEwan Jr.,
Mrs. Carl Payne, Mary Ann
Rannie, S. G. Rannie, H. W.
Horton and a duet by Mrs. Pearl
Passmore and Miss Mary Good
■ This cantata, which is under
direction of S. G. Rannie, choir
director, and Miss Greta Lammie,
organist, Will be presented Sun
day evening in the Hensall United
Hensall Institute
Hears Minister
Rev. C. D. Daniel was guest
speaker at the Christmas meeting
of Hensall Women’s Institute
held Wednesday evening in the
Legion Hall,gay with Christmas
Mr. Daniel centered his re
marks on Henry Van Dyke’s
Christmas story of “The Sad
Shepherd.” He was introduced
by Mrs. A. Shirray and thanked
by Mrs. George Hess.
The brownies, 1st Hensall
Pack, were present and sang
three'Christmas numbers.
Mrs. Earl Rowe and Mrs. Ray
Paterson were program conve
ners and hostesses were Mrs. R.
Peck and Mrs. T. C. Coates.
Mrs- A. Shirray presided for
the business. Response to the
roll call netted $12.25 for the
Sick Children’s Hospital. The.
group voted $10 to the Hungarian
Relief Fund.
Kippen East Wl,
Treats Children
Children of pre-school age
were guests at the Christmas
meeting of Kippen East Women’s
Institute held at the home of
Mrs. Russell Brock with Mrs.
Fred Brock as co-hOstess.
A Christmas story was told
by Mrs. Robert Gemmell. The
motto, “Let us keep Christ in
Chirstmas,” was discussed by
Mrs, James McNaughton. Mary
Ellen and Monty Plumb contri
buted readings.
Mrs. Charles Eyre demon-
started the icing and decorating
of a Chirstmas cake. Members
exchanged gifts and also brought :
gifts to be forwarded to the
Children’s Shelter at Goderich.
Plans were made for a euchre ....„ ----
and dance to be held in Hensall | for etching ’with * contrasting
General Coach Works i
Entertains Employees
Goderich Pavilion on Friday I ping foils were won by Ililton
evening was the setting when ’ TT "
some three hundred employees
and staff of General Coach Works
of Canada were entertained at a
Christmas party in their honori.
A turkey banquet and all the
trimmings was one of the high
lights of the event.
Officials of General Coach from
Marlette, Mich., attending were
President John Atkins and.Mrs.
Atkins, Riley Ramsay, vice-presi
dent, and Mrs. Ramsay; secre
tary-treasurer Guy Arnold and
Mrs. Arnold; sales manager
George Nihart and Mrs. Nihart.
William Smith, manager of the
local plant, presided for the draw
and the winners included Mrs.
Joe McLellan, Kippen, refrigera
tor chest; Mrs. Andrew Anderson,
Exeter, steam iron; Mrs. Chris
tina Grarinick, Zurich, lazy
susan; John Baker, Hensall, cof
fee percolator; Mrs. McNelly,
Goderich, ham. Christmas wrap-
Taylor, Hensall; Glen Swan,
Brucefield; Miss Margaret J-Iay.
ter and Mrs. Janies Paterson,
Lloyd Wright and his rangers
from CFPL-TV, London, provided
music for the dance.
Harold Soper, on behalf of the
employees, thanked the manage
ment for an enjoyable party.
Buy & Use Christmas Seals
Prepare Boxes
For Shut-Ins
Members of the Women’s Mis
sionary Society of Carmel
Church met at the home of Mrs.
B. Edwards on Tuesday after
noon of this week and packed
fifteen Christmas boxes for sick
and shut-ins of the church.
Ladies Aid Group
insalls Officers
The Ladies Aid of Carmel
Church met Monday evening
for their December meeting,
with the devotional in charge
of Mrs. Clarence Reid and her
group, with Mrs. Reid presiding.
The devotional, “Christmas Nine
teen hundred years ago,” was
given by Mrs. Glenn Bell.
The program included a pi
ano solo by Mrs, E. Munn; a
reading by Mrs.- Archie .Hoggarth
and a solo by Mrs. Wm. Brown.
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall presid
ed for the business period. It
was decided to hold the winter
meetings in January, February
and March 'in the afternoons.
Mrs. Harold Bell, choir director,
expressed thanks to the Ladies’
Aid for their donation of §25 to
the choir.
The 1957 officers were installed
by Rev. D. MacDonald. Luncheon
was served by Mrs, Reid and
her group.
Personal Items
Mr. Glen McNaughton and
twin daughters, Susan and Shir
ley ,o£ Toronto, were weekend
visitors with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Mc
Naughton, of Cromarty.
Mrs. Earle Sproat has returned
to town after six weeks spent in
Florida visiting with friends.
Mission Society
Meets Allocation
The Womens Missonary So
ciety of Chiselhurst United
Church met Dec. 11 with Mrs.
Cal Horton, first vice-president
in charge of the meeting. Mrs.
John Glenn conducted the wor
ship period, assisted by Mrs.
Cal Horton, Mrs. T. Brintnell, i
Mrs. Clarence Coleman, Mrs. I
Harold Parker, Mrs. Ed Dick,!
Mrs. Bert Wren.
The study on’ “Korea” was!
presented by Mrs. Harold Par-•
ker. It was disclosed that the
group had met their allocation
of $130.00 which will be forward
ed to headquarters at Toronto.
A brief meeting of the Wom
en’s Association followed chaired
fy the president, Mrs. J. Brint
nell. A pot luck supper is sched
uled for Wednesday .evening
Decembei* 19, the Sunday School
scholars will provide the pro
gram. Rev. C. D. Daniel pre
sided for the installation of the
1957 officers for both groups.
for 3,4,
and 5 years
T® for ope and two years
on Debentures
and Guaranteed
Trust Certificates
Head Office — London, Ontario
Lloyd B. Hodgson, Centralia; F. G. Bonthron, Hensall;
, W. Haberpr, Zurich; B. M. Francis, Exeter; Bell & Laughton,' Exeter
Letter From ’
Kippen Young People's
The December meeting of the
Young People’s of St. Andrew’s
United Church, met at the home
of Mrs. Russell Consitt on Mon
day evening. The devotion was
taken by Marion Turner.
Keith Love took the topic “Suez
Canal Situation.” The Young
People are going to canvass for
the Bible Society.
Games were under the direc
tion of. Marjorie Charters_and
Phyllis Lostell. Wayne
thanked Mrs. Consitt
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs.‘William _____
and family, have moved from the
village to Clinton.
Mrs. William Chapman, of Sea
forth, is visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert McGregor.
Jimmy Cooper, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Cooper, is-able to be
out again, following a minor
Mrs. Wesley Bowen, of Royal
Oak, Michigan, visited a few
days last week at the home of
her brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. John Cooper, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy, of
near Ailsa Craig, were recent,
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Littleton.
Mrs. Ross Corbett, of Hensall,
was the winner of a five-pound
Christmas cake in a draw at
Dickert’S store.
Those attending the annual
meeting of United Co-operatives
in Toronto, last week included:
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride,
Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. Robert
McGl-egor, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
McGregor, Mr. Roy McNall,
Mrs. Joe Lostell has been con
fined to her bed with a heart
Special Christmas service was
held in St. Andrews United
Church on Sunday. Rev. Norman
McLeod chose for his subject
“White Gift Service.”
Mrs. Robert McGregor ar
ranged the candles and the bas
kets for the gifts. Margie Elgie
and Keith Anderson read the
Scripture. Bobby Cooper gaue a
reading and Ruth Turner told the
story “Painting the Christmas
Story.” Keith Hay and Donnie
Littleton lit the candles.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood and
Joyce were in London on Tues
day of last week. x
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs
Robert Spears and Mr. N. Long
were in Brussels Sunday after
noon, paying thfeir respects to the
late Donald McKenzie.
Mrs. S. Cudmore underwent ail
operation Thursday in Victoria
Hospital, London.’
Mr. Ross Faber, of Ridgetown,
was home with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Rochus Faber, for the
Mrs. William Workman is con
fined to her bed with a heart i
Thrifty Kippenettes
Mrs. W. J. F. Pell was hostess
on Saturday to the Thrifty Kip
penettes, with eight members
answering the roll call. Mrs.
Bell demonstrated a shell hem,
sewing on lace and using cord
I. C. Joynt & Son
Are Always
★ Toilet Sets for Men
★ Toilet Sets and Cameras for Ladies
★ Coloring & Cut-Out Books for Children—100 to 490
Shop At
Our Larege Display Of All Kinds Of
Up-To-Date Furniture For A Real Christmas Gift!
Phon. 15 Hensall
Time Is Running Out!
Phone 16 Hensall
★ Sweaters by Warren, Tony Day, Forrest
★ Car Coats by Bantamac, Victoria
★ Hats (Gift Certificates) by Dobbs
-fc Slippers, Flight Boots, Work Shirts,
Matching Shirt and Pant Sets, Caps,
Tie and Sox Sets, Initialled Handker
chiefs, Belts and Scarves
★ Shoes (Gift Certificates) by Scott
" McHale
Middleton s Drugs
Has "Choice" Gifts For All
for her
Arrow White Shirts.
Sport Shirts—Stripes, Checks, Plains
Currie Ties—See the New Ties rf
★ Tie Bars, Cuff Links, Matching Sets
★ Lined and Unlined Gloves, Black, Grey,
. Brown, Natural
★ Broadcloth and Flannelette Pyjamas
★ Dressing Gowns—A Wide Selection
Dresses •Gloves
Skirts •Gowns
Blouses •Jewelry
Sweaters •Scarves
Middleton's Drugs
Phone 20 Hengall
You Get A Gift Box When You Buy At Irwin's
And For The Men, Gifts Are Wrapped Free!
Irwin's Ladies Wear
Come in and inspect our wide variety of wearing
apparel. Jackets, jeans, overshoes and underwear
are some of the choice Christmas gifts available.