HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-13, Page 16P»SJ4 U >ie Times-Adv&cate, December 13, 1956
Adding Machine Rolls
s 403 ANDREW ST, PHONE 719
Heating, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Work
w-r Oil Burners —
-JU-W .IL"U!M^lff
South End Service
For Sale At
Canadians, on an • average,
each eat better than five pounds
of turkey annually*
Letter From
The Times-Advocate
Duffel Bags 7.95 & 9.95
Phone 81
$16.50 to $19.50
Bow Tie And
Pen Ensemble
Attractively Packaged
Clear Plastic Box
Wm. Bibby
Dibs At Elimville
Mrs. William Bibby, 70, pass
ed away at the home of her
daughter, * Mrs. Hubert Hunter,
R.R. 3 Exeter, on Saturday, De
cember 8,
Mr. Bibby passed away in
Surviving are three sons, Her
bert and Robert, of Kirkton,
and John of London, and three
daughters, Mrs. Robert" Roy and
Mrs. Francis Donahue, Strat
ford, and Mrs. Hubert Heywood,
Services were held from the
L. A. Ball funeral chapel, St.
Marys, on Monday with inter
ment in Kirkton Union Ceme
Personal Items
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Johns of
Sarnia visited over the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns.
Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and
family of Winchelsea visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cun
nington -attended the Rhomph-
Miller wedding at Clandeboye on
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson,
David, Stevie and Diane visited
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Stephen and Betty.
A large crowd attended the
4-H Achievement Night in South
Huron District High School, Ex
eter, on Friday evening.
Miss Shirley Jaques, of Zion,
spent the weekend with Miss
Brenda Skinner.
w Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephens
and Betty visited Sunday with
.the former’s mother, Mrs. M.
Stephens of Dashwood, it being
the occasion of her eighty-eighth
Mrs. R. Routly of St. Marvs is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
William Routly.
Miss Anna Routly of Toronto
visited with her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. William Routly, over
the weekend.
A special combined White Gift
service will be held on Sunday,
December 16, at 10 a.m.(. with
children taking part in the
The Winchelsea school concert
will be held in Elimville church
on4 Tuesday, December 18, at 8
p.m. Santa Claus will cajl after
the program to unload the
Christmas tree.
Confer Degrees ’ “
On Orangemen
One of the highlights of the
last regular L.O.L. meeting on
Friday, was the exemplification
of the Royal Arch Purple degree
on a class of three candidates.
They were Guy Hunter-Duvar,
Roy Triebner and John Flynn.
Brother- Emerson Paton with
his degree team from Woodham,
did a fine job. The team includ
ed Lloyd Hern, Fred Jameson,
Ron Denham, Burns Blackler,
Harold Davis, Alden Robinson
and George Davis.
Most Worshipful Bro. John
Hammond, general agent for the
Orange Insurance Department,
of the Grand Lodge of British
America, gave a talk on Orange
FREE Coupons
With Every Purchase At
Phone 100 Exeter
Usborne Cattle Men
Back Brucellosis Plan
Usborne Township cattle own
ers, who turned down the original
petition for a brucellosis control
program, have endorsed almost
unanimously the; new program
under which the province pays
the costs of vaccination.
Arnold Cann, president of
Usborne Federation, presented a
new petition, signed by 232 out
Of 251 cattle owners, to the town
ship council at its meeting
Council will forward the peti
tion to the livestock commission
er for Ontario. Officials hope the
township will be included m the
free vaccination program by
April 1.
Usborne was one of .three town
ships in the county which did not
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chesney
spent Friday in London.
Several cases of measles have
been reported in the district.
Mrs. Lou Clark Jr. is visiting
nt the horiie1 of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Clarke of Flint, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dawson,
accompanied by Mr. R. Thom
son, visited friends in Goderich
on Wednesday.Rev* -and Mrs. ’ N. McLeod
spent Friday in London.
Mr, and .Mrs, Eddie McBride
visited a day recently with the
former’s brother and sister-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mc
Bride of Kitchener, also Mr. and
Mrs. A, Gackstetter of Guelph.Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson
visited a' day last week at the
home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldin
Kerr of Winthrop*
Mr,'and Mrs. Vennermaii (nee
Gerta Binnendyk) of Hamilton
were ..weekend guests of . the lat
ter’s parents, Mr., and Mrs. A.
Miss Gwynneth McGowan, who
is with the T.C.A. in Toronto,
visited Wednesday and Thursday
of last week with Mr. and Mrs.
Wilmer Jone's.
St. Andrew’s Sunday School is
.holding a’ Christmas concert on
th&Mjvening-.0f December I8*«’Mr .and Mrs. A. Gackstetter1
of Guelph called at their farm a
day last week.
Women's Missionary Society
The December meeting of the
W.M.S., with Mrs. J. McLellan
in charge, was held at the
church on Wednesday afternoon,
Mrs. Morley Cooper led in the
It was decided to have meet
ings at the church for the follow
ing year and that the meetings
would be held on Thursday
afternoons for the winter, months.
The study was taken by Mrs,
Archie Parsons assisted by Mrs.
John Anderson, -Mrs. Harold
Jones and Mrs. Wilmer Jones.-
The candle - lighting service,
“His Constant Lamp”, was con
ducted by Mrs. Norman Mc
Leod, assisted? by Mrs. Bruce
McGregor, -Mrs. J, A. Cooper,
Mrs. Bert Faber, Mrs. Norman
Dickert, Mrs. Robert McGregor and Mrs. Winston Workman.
Mrs. Bruce McGregor favored
with a solo and Christmas carols
were sung.
Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse moved
a vote of thanks to those taking
part in the program.Mr. Robert Thomson, also Mr. |
and Mrs. Bert Thomson, visited
Saturday with Mn and Mrs.
Lome Schneider, of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKay
and. family have moved onto the
farm they recently purchased
from Mrs. William Martin.
The school concert at S.S. No.
14 Stanley is being held Thurs
day evening, December 20.
vote for the program on the first
canvass. But, under the original
plan, farmers had to underwrite
the cost of vaccination.
Directors of the Federation^
distributed the new petition. A
vote of appreciation was extend
ed to them by the council.
The Federation has also spon
sored a petition requesting the
county to pay a $3.0Q fox bounty.
Report on the Wurm drain was
provisionally adopted by council
when none of the interested rate
payers presented an objection.
Cost of the work, initiated by
Hay Township, is estimated at
$550 with Usborne’s assessment
being $471.50.
Court, pf revision for. the drain
by-law was set fdr February 11.
Since there has been no notice
of any application to have the tile
drainage by-law quashed, council
authorized it’s officials to file the
by-law with the provincial treas
urer, along with the necessary
affidavits' to provide $200,000 for
assistance in tile drainage work
in the township.
Tax Collector William Johns
reported collection of $45,884, or
approximately 42 per cent of 1956
Approval was received from
the Department of Highways for
changes in the road appropria
tion by-law and snow removal
In a statement of debenture
debt in connection with the South
Huron District High School, it
was revealed that Usborne’s
share of the unmatured deben
tures of $519,000 is $104,734.20.
The statement was provided by
Exeter, the initiating municipal
ity for the district.
Current accounts in the amount
of $8,150, including the 1956 de
benture payment to Exeter of
$7,921 for SHDHS were passed for
Former Barber
Dies In Aurora
Followifig an illness of three
months, Cecil McLeod, 70, of;
Auroras passed away on Thurs-1
day, December 6. I
Born in McGillivray Township,1
he lived in Lucan before moving :
to Exeter to learn barbering with I
the late Frank Boyle. He moved!
to Waterloo for a short time, and !
had lived in Aurora for the past
2^",years. j
Tn 1913, he married Edna Mac-
Kenzie, pf Strathroy, who prede
ceased him.
Surviving are three daughters
and ope son, two sisters, Mrs.
Samson McFalls. of Exeter, and
Mrs. Arthur McFalls, Centralia.
Funeral^’ services were con
ducted by Rev. Morris of Aur
ora United Church from the
on Saturday, with interment in
Aurora cemetery.
Mrs. Samson McFalls, and Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald McFalls, of
Exeter; Mrq.- Arthur McFalls, of i
Centralia; Mr, and Mrs. George,
McFalls, Mr. Boss McFalls and i
Mrs. Hugh Davis, of Biddulph,
attended the funeral.
Automatic transmission, tinted glass, signal lights,
tu-tone paint, light blue and white,t radio,, wind
shield washer, whitewall tires, 9,000 ,miles, better
than new!
’50 AiETEpfi Tuomiwrtsnow-tirep, JuI/^iCe,
’49 FOJtD COACH, make us an oMAX’X
J38 PLYMOUTH ™ns good. ‘
Sbuth End^er|ice
PHONE 328 Russ A-Chuck .En<l^ Exeter
...... .. .1
''yr Ayr VrmlrA
by Mrs.
20^0 To 307o Off All Our Table Lamps
We Selljand Install
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Woodwork Of All Kinds
Our Specialty
Rob't Robinson
Phone 62-r-10 Kirkton
come from
• Bridal Bell and Blue Bird
Diamond and Wedding Rings
Elco and Bulova Watches
Ladies' and Gents' Stone and
Signet Rings .
Rogers and Community Fine
Silver Plate
• Clocks for the Home and
Sparkling Crystal in Corn
Flower and Norfolk Patterns
Electrical Appliances
Watch and Clock Repairing
36 Years' Experience
GE Floor Polishers, reg. $49.5 5
Samson-Domir)ion Kettles, reg. $12.95 $8.95
: ,. We?tinghdMS0.*Rgnge
NOW ONLY $239.50 (Without Trad*-i.r.A-.
■. -*■*' 3*K ' • •
A '
$150 OFF1 Frigidaire Refrigerator
12 Cu, Ft. Cold Pfnfry Regular $649,95 NOW ONLY $449.95 .
For General Electric Mixer — Value $23.95
Each Purchase Before Christmas .
Free Ticket With
. . FREE Perfume
» Gifts Wrapped FREE
. . . FREE Hats
You Get More For Less, When You Buy From Hess
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PHONE 107 We Don't Just Sell—We Fix As Well ZURICH
Admiral Admiral Admiral
£1” Console. All-new Super 200 Chassis. Aluminized
picture tube and Optic Filter. Fingertip auxiliary
controls. Performance-proved Admiral Turret Tuner.
Local-distant switch. Smart “off-the-floor” styling.
21" Console "Champlain"
jSuper 200 Chassis. Golden Picture Frame. Top Front
Tuning. Aluminized with Optic Filter Fingertip auxil
iary controls. Local-distant switch. Removable Picture
Window, . ' .
21" Console "Montclair"
New deluxe • 300 Chassis. Twin Matched Speakers.
Golden Picture Frame. Lighted Top Front Tuning.
“High-Side” fingertip controls. “Lazy Susan” swivel.
Aluminized with Curved Optic Filter.
21" Table Model "Auburn"
Super 200 Chassis. Aluminized with Optic Filte^A
o Matching “Lazy Susan” swivel base optional1, extr>T
’ In walnut, mahogany or blonde wood finish,
Features, Performance, Styling HARDWARE
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