HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-13, Page 14$14.95 Thank FOR SALE Christmas Tree Apply RELIANCE SERVICE STATION, ELGINFIELD Th* Tlm*«*Ad¥*cal*, December 13, 1956 Phone 109 Lucan bit To Lucan Electors ✓ ■' M l 1 <"* *ndh £■ ■S 8: E s g PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQIPMENT ♦ Phon* 63 • AZALEAS • POTTED MUMS • AND CUT FLOWERS PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND , Experienced men to put your roof on. . • SnuiiHmutiminmidiiniminiuiiuiiuuittuiitiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiinniiituiiiHiiifiKiiii Flowers Capture The Christmas Spirit AND BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS TABLE/CENTRES Now On Display At Reder Florist Phon* 761 , North Exeter Lucan And District SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Lucan, Ont I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the people of Lucan who made if possible for me to be your reeve for the coming year. • POINSETTIAS * CYCLAMEN Correspondent: Miss Luna Abbott Crash Injures I Three Women Elginfield last Friday night was again the scene of a "car ; and two-truck accident which in­ jured three district women, ; Mrs. Vera Kumpula, 27, of 114 Empress Ave. RCAF Station, | Centralia was admitted to St. | Joseph’s Hospital, London, with a fractured left ankle. Mrs. EU i eanor Campbell, 32, of’R.R. 2 i Denfield with facial abrasions , and Mrs. Lucy Veall, 33, of 116 ' Empress Ave, RCAF Station, Centralia with facial abrasions, were released after treatment. Lady Councillor Heads Auxiliary The Ladies’ Auxiliary io the Canadian Legion Branch No. 540 elected officers at a meeting held in the Legion Hall last Tues- ’ day. Mrs. A. E, Reilly was named, ---- „ .... - ----president; Mrs, Dwight Ball and ridge Acres 3, Ailsa Craig 0. Mrs. Ralph Rummell are vice Skating sessions have had an presidents; secretary, Mrs. Chas, excellent attendance. It is our Haggar; executive committee, - - *- — Mrs. F. W. Hovey, Mrs. Bert Thompson, Mrs. David Egan and Mrs, V. A. Seifried; ser­ geant-at-arms, Mrs. Ralph Smith; I standard bearer, Mrs, Lloyd ■ Mason; auditors, Mrs. T. A. Hod­ gins and Mrs. Clayton Haskett, During the business session ’plans were made for the annual ’ New Year’s Eve dance to be held in the Lucan Community ; Memorial Centre. |CGIT To Treat Village Shut-Ins ! The regular meeting of the Lu­ can C.G.I.T, was held in the ; United Church’ parlors last Mon­ day evening with Mrs. John Mc­ Lean in charge of the-worship ‘ service. Jean Cochrane read the ■ scripture lesson. 1 During the business session it j was decided to fill the Christ- ■mas stockings left from the ba- (zaar and present to" "shut-ins” } when the members went carol • singing. Monday, December 17 i was /the date chosen for the Christmas party. The craft period was spent in the making of scrap books to be given to-the Evening Auxiliary. They in turn will donate them to the Isolation Children’s ward of Victoria Hospital. Plans were discussed for tire annual Q.G.I.T. candle-light service'’ to'■ be lield' in the United Church Sunday evening, December 23, Baptize Children At Gift Service Last Sunday was White Gift Sun­ day in both Lucan and-Clandeboye United churches. The’splcndid col­ lection pf gifts received’ by Bever,- ley Butler and Merry Roberts, be­ fore dedication, will be shipped to the Fred Victor Mission, Toronto. The Junior choii- under’ the di­ rection of Mrs. David Park, led in the music. During the service Rev. E. J- Roulston baptized, five children,: Sharon Ann Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Young; Robert William McGrigor, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McGrigor; Ann Elizabeth Mohr,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.- Lorne Mohr; John Paul Drennan' and Jo-Ann Dren­ nan, children of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Drennan. Personal Items Mgs. Dan .Lewis of Ailsa Craig spent a few; days with her sister Mrs. Gordpn Banting and Mr. Banting. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of Riverside and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rbvington and family, of Mooresville, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Sheridan Rev­ ington. ■ Arena Activities By HAROLD RIBSON Yours truly was just a hasty with the bouquets last week with the midgets and Irish Six both losing a game this week. The midgets lost 4-3 to Arva and the Irish Six bowed to Zur­ ich 2-0. However, the Irish did win an important game from Ilderton by the score of 4-3. Zurich displayed far more strength against Lucan than they appeared to have when they played Ilderton. To quote an old friend, Harvey Langford: "It looks-as though hockey this win­ ter- is going io have all the zest and - flavour of the good old- fashioned games of the past.” Lucan Irish will play host to Goderich Friday night. The standing of the South Mid­ dlesex Midget League is : Lu- i can 4, Byron 4, Parkhill 3, Oak- Elect Arthur Bell Legion President At a meeting in the Legion Hall last Wednesday -night, the I Lucan Canadian Legion 54(1 el»j ected Mr. Art Bell a"k president and Mr. F. W. Hovey and Mr, Ralph Rummell as vice presi­ dents; secretary, Mr. .Dwight Ball; treasurer, Mr. Harold But­ ler; Sergeant-at-arms is Mr Rob­ ert Holland; executive, Mr. Arn­ old Morley, Mr. J. W. Lockyer, Mr. Jack Baynes and Mr. Ralph Smith. Former Lucanite Wins Car Mrs. Art McLean (nee Eva Revington) of 672 Talbot St., London, last Friday night was most fortunate to have her name drawn at the Shriner’s draw and to win a Pontiac car. Beatty Washers Deluxe Model Features Famous Stainless Steel Double Tub, Heavy Beatty Wringer, matchless Beatty. Construction. Regular $229.60, only ......................... ............................ Liberal Trade-in Allowance Economy Model Here’s a washei' at a bargain price that any family C 1 OC can afford. Reg, $149, SORRY, NO TRADE-IN...... I GE Portable Mixer Com*s In A Choice Of 3 Festive Colors, Reg. $23.95 lightchfeck Christmas 60,000-ToH CARRIER Don’t let fire spoil your holi- # days — take these precautions with your Christmas tree: Set up the tree away from radiat­ ors, heaters or fireplaces « . . stand it in water , . < use only fireproof decorations , ♦ . place gifts away from lights , . . don’t leave lights burning when no one is home . . sets for fraying etc. . , .when needles start fall­ ing, discard tree. Play safe and have a happy holiday. Hodgson wTftt Man” Fh*m* 24 . Ex*f*n fKLu. ,.au., ..tuiliii. '-.dfafi.-. »♦ PROTECTIVE’ ii Any housewife would have thought of it! But credit goes to the builders, of the U.S. Navy’s mighty hew carrier, U.S.S, Ranger, for using aluminum foil to keep their product "fresh’’. During construction, a ship tests on wooden blocks, which absorb a lot of moisture. To protect their costly steel hull from rust and corrosion during the 18-month construction pe­ riod, the Navy simply covered the blocks with ordinary house­ hold foil. This brainwave was a natural for a marine builder, since nowadays he uses shiny, non-corroding aluminum so widely for superstructures, life* boats an,d other important ship* building ‘components. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF >M«flk ack dtVO ! F9, Skating sessions have had an intention to introduce some rac­ ing competitions. Figure- skating classes for jun­ iors and beginners are under way with classes from 6 to 8 Saturday evenings. Rates are reasonable. , More local musicians are be­ ginning to turn up. Had the op­ portunity to bend an ear to,Ger- ■ aid Hamilton, Don Black and a young violinist by the name of Elson last week. Mrs, Hamilton did her usual good job at the piano, This boy Elson has the makings of a first class fiddler. We ’are definitely assured of hav­ ing a' good local dance band in Lucan by^the first pf the year. Trinity Auxiliary Elects Officers The Woman’s Auxiliary of Holy Trinity Church held its Decem­ ber meeting at the home of Mrs. T. A. Hodgins last Wednesday afternoon, with the president, Mrs T. C.“ McFarlane, in the chair and Mrs. Frank Hovey, Mrs. Wilson Hodgins and Mrs. Harold- Corbett as hostesses. ■ The devotional was taken by Mrs. Roy Stanley, Mrs, Erwin Scott and Rev. J'. P. Prest, Nine­ teen members and one visitor were present. Mr. Prest announced the new projector had arrtygd and asked .the branch to' choose the hymn slides they would like.‘Mrs’. Jack Murdy reported .the Little Help­ er’s collection now amounts to $11.30 It was decided to send a Christmas gift of $5 to the branch’s "adopted” minister, Rev. A. E-. W. Godwin of Al­ berta, Mrs. Harold Corbett on behalf of the nominating com­ mittee, presented the slate of of­ ficers. Mrs. T, C. McFarlane was el­ ected president and vice-presi­ dents are Mrs. - Harold Corbett and Miss Lina Abbott; secre­ tary, Mrs. Frank Hovey; treas­ urer, Mrs. Jack Murdy; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. T. A, Hodgins; assistant, Mrs. . Harold Hodgins; Program convener, Mrs. Har­ old Hodgins; assistant, -Miss Lina Abbott; Living Message; Mrs. Erwin Scott; Little Helpers, Mrs. Jack Murdy; delegates to the annual, Mrs. Harold Hod­ gins and Mrs. Erwin Scott. Hon­ orary president is Mrs. J. P. Prest. ’ . After the business session Mrs.' Harold Hodgins read the account of the Christmas’ story put on 14 times each year in Holy Trinity Church,. Toronto, to an audience of 10,500 people. Mrs. Jack Murdy offered her home for the January meeting.. Auxiliary News The. Auxiliary to the Legion last Saturday catered to 115 members of the Forest City Pig­ eon Club in the Community Me­ morial Centre. On Friday, December 14 they, are holding their children’s Christmas party with treats for children up to 10 years. They are also sponsoring a hand puppet show staged by the London May­ court Club. Lucan Couple Feted A reception and dance was held in the Lucan Community Centre last Friday night in hon­ or of Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Van- derhock (nee Tanny Arenthals). Music was provided by Mrs. Roy Hamilton, Gerald Hamilton and Don Black of Lucan and Gordon ' ElsOn of Clandeboye. During the evening the young couple was presented with a purse of money, Mr. LaVerne Harrison reading the address and Messrs. Don Abbott and Lorne Hodgins making the pres­ entation. Anglican Evening Auxiliary At the^ December meeting of the Anglican. Evening Auxiliary held At the home of Mrs H. Stacey the members voted to donate $40 toward the projector for the church. A letter was received from the prayer partner, JRev, 0, L. Fos­ ter, telling of his work with the Indians on the Sateee. reserva­ tion. It was decided to serid five dollars'to Rev, Foster at Christ­ mas, It was voted to purchase mem­ bership pins from the funds.. Plans were made to serve tea and cookies at the February meeting when the world tour pictures will be shown. ’ 11 A contest was won by Mrs, ; Norman Hardy.. Mrs. Gotakb Lewis. Mrs. Clarence Haskett., I would like to express my sincere thanks to all citizens of Lucan who voted for me in the recent elec­ tion. Jack McIntosh PROCTOR AUTOMATIC TOASTER. Perfect toast every time,' reg: $19.95 STAINLESS STEEL * CUTLERY SET. ...................... $5.95 24-piece set, modern dos’gn, ragular $9.95 FILTRO AUTOMATIC PERCOLATOR . $10.95 Eight-cup* size, regular $13.95 CANN1STER SET ...... $7.50 Chrome and enamel, four pieces, regular $11.50 RID-JID IRONING TABLES $9.49 All-metal, adjustable, regular $11.00 BATH SCALE, Reg. $7.95 ..... $5.95 Best quality mechanism, magnified lens DRILL SAW KIT ,..... $:9.95 Over 30 pieces, Cummins pistol-grip drill, regular $24.95'L PORfABLE \ a ELECTRIC SAW ............... $49. , SW* saw, made by Skiltools, regular $59.95 PHONE 29 EXETER MEET THE LONGEST, LOWEST METEOR IN HISTORY—EVERY’LINE SAYS "GO” 1 . -■f ENGINEERED FOR PERFECT BALANCE OF POWER, BODY AND FRAME INow balanced-ride front suspension < steps over bumps—controls sway c NEW 8WEPT.BACK BALL-JOINT SUSPENSION lifts front wheels overt bumps, ’’ i I 2 3 4t balanced-ride! Mighty, new Meteor power* balanced by all-new body and frame UP TO 24S H.P. FROM THREE “V-S'S- AND NEW BIX . . . MATCHED BY NEW BODY AND FRAME. Naw safeguard-contoured frame •■ gives balanced riding platform FA**eNQ£R« ARE cradled within FRAME RAIL* , » . FOR ADDED SAFETY, COMFORT. New balanced-rfde rear suspension minimizes nose dive NEW, LONCSKR-LEAf SPRINGS COUNTER­ BALANCE «UDDEN FORWARD MbMENTUM. $ 1 bi i « -SC'S I■■ New 118" wheelbase—unsurpassed ’ u , J tn the low-price field on all Rldeau 500 and Ridaau models, New 116" wheelbase for other models. ONE OF FORD OF CANADA "Si FINE CARS , III TH* MAONIFICCNT 1d57 MSTKOR At YOUR NBARBY MIRCURY-LINCOLN-MUTIOR ORAL*!* MERCURY-LINCOLN-METEOR DIVISION, FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED'• .......................... ,,...- ----- ---l,- Lucan Motor Phone 112 or 222 - i I Main St. Lucan ±