HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-13, Page 12It The Times-Advocate, December IX 1956 WW>l.l..lll|ll!l!li|ll|IU!M|i!)|l ww i Times-Advocate Want Ads, Like Santa, They Deliv l Letter FromThis W«ek In Winchelsea I Brinsley By MRS. F. HORNE j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters and ! children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wicks in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and Randy of Exeter were Sun­ day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Arm­ strong and Janice of near Hen­ sail, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Den­ ham and Barry of Sarnia were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wib Batten, celebrating birthdays for Mrs. Batten and Mrs. Armstrong. Sew-Easy Club The Sew-Easy Club held their meeting on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Hern. The meeting opened with the theme song.Roll call was answered by ‘A pattern alteration we make and how it is done’. Roll call for the next meeting is ‘A good sugges­ tion for your record book,’ and will be January 4 after school. Plans were made for Achieve­ ment day and the girls worked at making a bound button hole. By MRS, CECIL ELLWOOp Mrs. Rose Atkinson and son; Jack, visited with Mrs. Ida Prest and Mr,, and Mrs. George Prest Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fenton en­ tertained a few neighbors and friends on Friday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fenton’s forty-sixth wedding an­ niversary. Mr. Lin Craven, a former res- dent, returned to his home in Parkhill from Victoria Hospital where he has been a patient for several weeks; Mr. Wes Dixon, a former res­ ident of this community, who has been very ill at his home in Denfield, was taken to St. Jos­ eph’s Hospital in London. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dixon visit­ ed with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Simpson of Exeter Sunday eve­ ning. The Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of Brinsley United Church held their monthly meeting in the basement of the church on Wed­ nesday afternoon. FOR SALE IF BACKACHES are slowing- you up. take RUMACAPS and help yourself to relief from pains and aches. Ask your Druggist. 13c I HOCKEY GLOVES, shin pads, ’excellent condition. Phone J.20-M- i 13c 1 TON TRUCK. 19'19 podge, winter­ ised, new plywood racks, A-l con- ditiion: would exchange for pigs or cattle. Phone Zurich Sl-r-8. 13:20* WOOL BLANKETS, with or with­out sc.'.;.. _" 'will sell reasonable, good Christmas gift, pant kl;.;real good condition, __ ___too small for owner: will sell cheap. Apply Airs. Whitney Coates, phone 39-1-3 Kirkton.______________ 13c- PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM. 4” x 12" speaker, hi-fi, Hammond, ampli­fier. 25 watt, microphone; also records. Rhone 679*J Exeter. 13c SKATING OUTFIT, white cordu- iroy. size 7-8 year, $5.00: also boys’ hockey skates, size 7, $3.00. Apply Mrs. Bert Faber, Kippen, phone 671-1—15 Hensall. __________13c LADIES’ FUR COAT, black, size 40, Can be seen at Brady Cleaners.13* ;atin bound ends, large size; Would make __ _ Also man’s 2- suit. blue-grey, size 36, in c;..2LLn, dry cleaned, APARTMENTS—A number of 1- and 2-bedroom apartments. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 15tfc 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100. Zurich, 9tfc Canadian egg eaters: Per capita in. 1955 Canadians ate 24 dozen eggs against 24.4 dozen in 1954. Woodham By MR$. ARTHUR RUNDLE Message From Greenway FOR SALE SPECIAL for Christmas-?Guaran- teed Hartz Mountain canaries and baby budgies. Cann's 2>lill Ltd., Exeter. ___________■ ______13c FOR RENT TO THE RATEPAYERS OF McGillivray Township School Area My sincere thanks to all those who voted—particular­ ly those who worked and voted on my behalf. Sholdice Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Makins, Bayfield, and Mrs. Mary Talbot of Brucefield were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bodden. Mr. Wm. Bell of Kippen visited with Mr. Wm. Rinn on Sunday. Mrs. Jack Stephen, Mrs. May -Stephen and Mys. Vic Chatten were in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Aziz in London. •Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Swit­ zer, Judy hnd Dennis, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Switzer on Sunday. Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean visited with the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mountain and family, St. Marys, on Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Marriot, Ronnie and Mary Ann, St. Marys visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dewar during the- weekend. I ^uiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiliHiitiiiiiini....... 1111111,111 tuiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiitilii^ E K S SPECIAL C E E This Weekend Only BABY BEEF HEART — LIVER — TONGUE t >250 per pound It is fresh killed right here and a delicious meal for every member of the family—a real bar­ gain. : ‘ Extra .heavy sales of EXETER BEEF have given us an over supply. BUY THIS WHILE -IT LASTS. WE WILL CLOSE DECEMBER 24 AT 7:00 P.M. We Would Like To Spend Christmas Eve With Our Grandchildren Exeter Frozen Foods Phone 70 Main St- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hartle of Woodstock visited on Wednes­ day with his parents, Mr.- and Mrs, Henry Hartle. Mrs. J. Gardner returned home last week after spending several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McAlpine of Ailsa Craig. Mr. Bus Lagerwerf met with a painful accident last Friday when he became caught in a cutting-box. He returned home from the hospital on Monday. The annual Christmas concert of the Sunday Sch6ol of the. An­ glican Church will be held in the parish hall on Friday, eve­ ning , Mrs. Jos. Eagleson has been spending some time- with her daughter, Mrs. Ennis Rock of Parkhill. Mr, and Mrs. Russell Brown and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Dav­ id Wilson of Arkona. Mri and Mrs. Cleave Brophey and Glen of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Frances, Sunday School Meeting The annual meeting of the Sunday School of Greenway United Church was held at" the home of Mr. and Mrs, Carman Woodburn when the officers for 1957 were appointed. Sr. superintendents are Mr. Elton Curts, Mr. Roy Whiting and Mr. Bryden Taylor; Jr. supts., Mrs. Lloyd Brophey and Mrs. Carman Woodburn; secre­ tary, Mrs. Hugh Eagleson and Billie Woodburn; treasurer, Mrs, Bryden Taylor.., Teachers are for, Beginn.ers, Frances Brophey, Marlene Wood­ burn; Primary, Mrs. R. Brown, Mrs. Harvey Eagleson; Junior A, Mrs. Jack Hutchinson, Mar­ ion 7. oodburn; Junior' B, Mrs. Paul Eagleson, Mrs. Don Mc­ Gregor; ' intermediate,. Mrs. L. Curts, Mrs. , Ed. -Stewardson; seniors, Mrs. Russell Brown, Mrs. Jas. Geromette; Young Peoples’’, Mrs. Elton Curts, Mr. Manuel Curts. Temperance supt. is Mr. Wil­ bert Young; Home Dept, supt., Mrs, Jos. Horner Sr.; missionary supts., Mrs. Dean Brown, Mrs. Albert Pollock; cradle roll, Mrs. Harvey Walper; /pianists, mem­ bers of the Young Peoples’ Class. ■ ,.......... - - ■ .......................... 150 PULLETS, 6 months old, lay- in;. Apply Joe Miller, Dashwood.13 c CHRISTMAS TREES — $1.00 and up. Bailey's, phone 276. 13.c GOOD BROOD J.IARE, 4 years Old, sire Bennett Volo, dam Donna Hen­ley, dam of Single Chips 2.05, Reasonable for quick .gale. Apply Mrs. Levi Budden, phone 70 Kirk­ton. 13c 1952 Chevi Pickup i/a TON Perfect Condition, Low Mileage $650 or Best Offer PHONE 18, GRAND BEND 13c GENTLEMAN'S SUIT,’ new, grey, English tweed, 3-piece, size 42. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 6:13c SET OF QUILTING FRAMES, with legs. ’Apply 103 Huron St. E., phdne 225-J. 13* CHRISTMAS TURKEYS — Broad- breasted bronze. Apply Bruce Shap­ ton, phone 599-W1 Exeter. 6:13* LADIES' MOUTON COAT, size 14, in excellent condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. • 6:13* <PIANO-ACCORDION, 120 bass. • as good as new, $85, Apply H. Wain­ wright, 11 Warwick St., Grand Bend. -6:13c GET YOUR “HOLIDAY” regularly. Subscribe to 'Holiday” at a wonder­ ful bargain price of 14 months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the newstand price. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770, 8:23-10:25 LADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save half the single copy price by sub­ scribing now at the special rate of 23 months for $4,03. We're agent for all magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:18 FOR RENT HOUSE, on Huron St., 2-storey, new. Available January 1. Apply Hilton Ford, phone 37-r-2 .Dash­ wood. 13:20* TRAQUAIR APARTMENTS—Lower apartment available, private ent­rance, 4 rooms, furnished, heated, hot -water, self-contained. Apply 59 John St. East, 13c BED-SITTING ROOM, large, un­furnished, 2-piece bath, pantry with zinc, hot and. cold water, all utili­ties paid, private entrance; would suit middle-aged couple or two working girls. Located on Sanders fit., Exeter. Rent reasonable. Avail­ able at once. Apply Mrs. Whitney .Coates, phone 39-r-3 Kirkton. 13c 3-ROOM APARTMENT, lower, in Exeter, private bath," furnished or unfurnished, private entrance, 321 Hufon St. West, after 5 p.m., or phone ,680-r-21 Hensall. 13* TWIN APARTMENTS, steam heat­ed. fully furnished, separate kit­ chen, beds and living rooms, With bathroom shared. Very cosy for 2 chummy couples: $40 each per month. Phdne 4"6 Exeter. 6:13c APARTMENT, self-contained, fur­nished, downstairs, separh-te ent­rance, centrally located. Apply at Times-Advocate. . 6:13c This Week In Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM RHODE ,4-RQOM APARTMBNT, heatqd, cupboards, bath, garas® and pri­ vate entrance. Ham® in th® coun­try. Mrs. Stewart Bell, • Hansall, phone 683-r-33. Stfc 3-ROQM ' APARTMENT. furnished and heated; available December 1. Apply 68 Sanders St- or phone 144. FOR RENT The Exeter Branch of the Canadian • Legion has a VACANT ROOM 31’x44’, In their pew building, which could foe used, for 2 or 3 OFFICES OR CLUB ROOMS for different Organizations. This room has an outside entrance and is heated. NOTICES TO CREDITORS & • ..____ _ In the Estate of Henry Edward Zimmer, deceased. * All persons having claims against the estate <5f Henry Edward . Zim­ mer, late of ■ the Village of Dash­ wood, in the County of Huron, Mex’chant, who died ’on or about the 19th day of November. 195o, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, So­ licitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of December, 1956. after which date the estate will be dis­tributed having regard only to those 'claims of which notice has been received,Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administratrix, Exeter, Ontario. , ’ NOTICES HELP WAN LOST APPLY REG. McDonald, Pres. 6:13C YEARLING CATTLE BEAST, from Lot 5, Con. 4, Biddulph. Finder please notify Hugh Carroll, Lucan. 13c APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on Shipka highway. Phone 6-3 Crediton. 16tfc ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 12-sulte steam-heated apart­ ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private ba.throomB, plenty of closet space, stove, re­frigerator, (some fully furnished); janitor service; plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very reasonable rates. One vacancy now. SANDY’ ELLIOT Phone 476 or 646-J Exeter8;9tfc EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES Electric portables, by the week! Hopper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­eter.______________ 8tfe Floor Sanders Floor EdgCrs, Floor Polishers : Vacuum Cleaners, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE? EXETER REAL ESTATE HOUSE & PROPERTY, on Simcoe St., at 93, including 95, at fleeter. Phone or write - to JSxelep P.O., Ezra H. RobinsBh. 13* RANCH STYLE HOUSE of cement block with crystalite finish ; 2 bed­ rooms with attached garage- and porch, landscaped, cement driveway, 2 'blocks east on Huron Street. Im­ mediate possession. Apply after 5 p.m. to Eric Heywood, phone 649. ' .- 13* 2-SiOREY BRICK HOUSE, duplex, separate entrances and baths, oil burning furnace, garage. 5- ROOM HOUSE, 1 floor, bath, new furnace, garage. 6- ROOM BRICK HOUSE, full bath, garage. DUPLEX BRICK HOUSE, $1,500 down, $30 per month for balancp. We have a list of good farms, 50 to 250 acres- worth seeing, and .some small acreages with buildings. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, phone 435: Earl Parsons, 507, Fred Cole, 536-M, Salesmen, 13tfc NEW. MODERN' HOUSE nearing completion, 2 bedrooms, oil fur­nace. Reasonably priced. Apply A. Whilsmith, plione 270-J. lltfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John FALSE TEETH—Set of lower false teeth. Please phone 453 Exeter. 13* PAIR OF BOY’S GLASSES, dark rims. Please leave at Tlmes- Advocate office. 1<ic TOWNSHIP OF HAY is offering to the public the opportunity to loan to the Township,, of Hay money in sums of $2,000.00 or more to cover the $40,000.00 2-room ad­ dition to the Zurich School as per By-Law No. 6, 1956. far a period of 20 years. If interested, please contact H. W. BrokensMre, Clerk- Treasurer of Hay Township, Zurich, Ont., Phone 192 Zurich, ..13a WARNING According to Town By-Law it is now illegal to leave .an auto or truck parked on any town street between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m. This by-law will be en­ forced in. order that, the ” may be cleared of snow. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, Exeter streets 6:13c $25 REWARD for information lead- i Ing to the return of two steers with a notch, 1” square, out of Jower part near the outer end of right ear; weighing about 1,000 lbs; Strayed from -Lot 19, Con, 10, Mc- Gilliyray. Grant Amos. 6:13* OVERSHOES — A pair of men’s black cloth overshoes, 1-buekle, size 8, were taken by mistake at the presentation and dance in the Exeter Legion Hall on Friday night. A pair of 2-buckle overshoes were left at the hall. Please ptyne 730- Wl. . 6:13c WANTED GOOD USED PIANO — Will pay cash. Apply W, Martin, Exeter, phone .43. ■________‘_________13* GOOD FRAME COTTAGE, 5- to 7- room, suitable for moving. Must state price. Write’ to Box 218, St Marys. 6 SERVICES .............'T SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im­mediate service. Butler Bros,, Lu- can, Phone 108 or 130-W, »12:6-1:24* SPRAYING CATTLE' for lice. Ap­ply William Watson, Phone 37-r-19 Dashwood.__________ 22:-9:6:13c MANURE LOADING—Apply Nor­man Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W evenings. iilx HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St. E., Exeter, phone 454.____________ ________ lg ' ‘ WATERLOO CATTLEBREEDING ASSOCIATION •‘Where Better Bulls Are Used , For artificial insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds, of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton Hu 2-S441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. We have all breeds available —top quality at low-cost. 4:26tfc RELIABLE WAITR12 noon. Apply in nersoi®; Restaurant, Lucan. 2 COOKS, general, expei^HHH^H RCAF Station Central® ? Civilian Personnel Off1ce^MMMM| Applications will be rec'^K>^"rJ to December IS. 1956, atCounty Federation of Ag^^®H Office, Box 310, Clintonthe position ofSECRETARY-TREASURjJ^HH& FIELDMAN IMS for the Huron County Feda^fcS of Agriculture. Applicants state age, qualifications, expen^^B and salary expected. Duties to mence January 2, 1957.Lowest or any application nW necessarily accepted. For furtliJW particulars contact Gordon M. Greisl Box 310, Clinton, phone Hubert 2-] 9642 or Brussels 44-r-5. 6:13o BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAY HATCHERY has chicks, im­ mediate or later shipment, for pro­ duction on all markets. Laying strains—aim for Grade A Large best-pay markets—-broilers; cocke­ rels. Ask for particulars, agent: Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. 13c BOB MOLOY LET'S LOOK IT OVER AND UNDER! No half-way measures about our car inspections. We check everything, every­ where, bumper to bumper and top to bottom. If anything's Wrong, we're sure to find it and make .it right pronto . . . saving you much trouble and expense in the long run! SUPERTEST DEALER Phone 738 Exeter ONE-STOP service that keeps you on the GO I .^iiiiiiiniiiiKiititituiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniliniinKiiii...... . EXETER ®mnrs ktk noMt W.Ae.And W.M.S. . The December meeting of the W.A. and W.M.S. was held on Wednesday afternoon in the church basement with Mrs. Wil­ liam Elford and Mrs. William Johns as hostesses. . . Mrs. Wiseman,., vice-president of the W.M.S., was in charge of the meeting? She led in a candle­ lighting ceremony entitled “His Constant Lamp.” She was as- sitsed by Mrs. Archie Morgan, Mrs. William Cann, Mrs. Victor Jeffery, Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mrs. W. J. Moores, Mrs. Percy Stone, Mrs. Melvin Gardiner. Mrs. William Cann. rendered a vocal solo and a quartet com­ prised of .Mrs. Robert Jeffery, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Donald Bray and Mrs. Gordon Stone sang. Readings were given by Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Moores. Rev. W. J. Moores conducted the installation of officers 1957. _ 3M Banquet On Thursday evening of week 30 members of the l^._ Club met in' the church base­ ment. for a turkey banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Rob.ert Jeffery were in charge for the evening. • • After the banquet, Mrs.-Melvin Gardiner presided for the pro­ gram which included carol sing­ ing, a .reading by Mrs. Robert Jeffrey and a quartet number by Mrs. Gordon Stone, Mrs. Donald Bray, Mrs, Edwin Miller and Mrs. Robert Jeffrey. , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller and Mrs. Robert Jeffrey. lyir. and Mrs. Edwin Miller showed local pictures taken with their movie camera. Mrs. Don­ ald Bray conducted the business followed by an exchange of Christmas gifts. The Sunday School Christmas concert will be held on Friday evening in the church and on Sunday morning a combined White Gift service will be held in the church auditorium., Personal Items Misses Margaret Bray and Marion Lamport of London Spent, the weekend at their homes here. Glenn Rohde had his tonsils removed oh Friday morning at South Huron Hospital. Mr, Alvin Passmore fell off a ladder last Week and fractured five ribs. ' Mr. and -Mrs. .Edwin Miller, Brian and Barry, were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Winston Shapton of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Watson and Bruce of Anderson were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson. Mrs. Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Her­ man Dettmar and family of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris and family of London, Miss Lois Cottle of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Nesbit and family of Bly th, Mr. and Mrs. James liar* ris and family of London, Mrs, Ivor Morgan and Mr. Art Harris of Toronto were Sunday guests for last 3M C. V. Pickard. < Exeten have clients looking forWe 1...... ......... .........„ and. 3-bedroom houses located Jfixetdr. 3 - B&DROOM BRICK, close schools. This is a tidy home in good repair with all conveniences. Nice lot with garage. $7,000.00 —* 4-bedroom house with modern kitchen and bathroom. Extra lots and garage. Small down payment. COMPACT 3-bedroom brick, good kitchen and better than average bathroom; oil-burning furnace; garage; reduced price; liberal- terms. 1 ACRE OF LAND With good brick house and small barn. House is in excellent condition; gdod kit­ chen, 3-piecA bath and heavy wir­ ing. Reasonable price. Terms. ' FARM100 Acres with comfortable house and exceptionally godd barn; drive­shed; hydro throughout; productive loam suitable 'for all crops; 7 acre’s of bush; price $10,500.00. Terms. Possession to sujt purchaser.If ypii wish to buy or sell, see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 39.-1 Main St., Exeter; phones 165 and, 628.. 15tfc STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, Any Size, any age. —G, J. DdW, phone 83, Exeter. z 12tfc TENDERS WANTED AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY TENDERS FOR DAM Sealed tender^ marked ’'Tender for Morrison Dam” will be received by the undersigned at Exeter, Ontario, up Until 12:00 o’clock Noon, E.S.T. on 15th January 1956 for construction of an earth fill dam with reinforced concrete spill­ way near $Xeter, Ontario. Th'e construction Includes placing ap­proximately 40,000 cubic yards of earth fill and 1,600 cubic yards of reinforced concrete.Information to .Ridders, plans, specifications and form of tender may be had on deposit of $25.00 for each set from the Consulting Engineers,M. M. Dillon and Company Limited , 141 Maple Street,London, Ontario 69 Eglinton Ave. East a ■ Toronto, Ontario Each tender must be accompan­ ied by a certified cheque in the Amount of ten percent of the bld lump sum. The successful tender will be required to furnish a per­formance bond for an amount equal to 100% of the Contract Price. Tender must be submitted exactly in accordance with the Information to Bidders. . ..Lowest or any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. H. \G. HOOKE, Secretary Ausable River ' - Conservation Aulharlty» ’ Exeter, Ontario,, ...................13:29c. JANITOR WORK , , Separate tenders will be received by the undersigned until December 15 for Janitor work for schools In Stephen _ Township school areas, namely School Sections Nos. 4, 5, 6. 7, 10, 14 and U.S.S. 16. Winner D. Wein, Box 1SL Crediton, Ont. Top LOW PRICE We're Taking Orders Now For Christmas DUCKSTURKEYS CHICKENS GEESE There’s "no need to worry about your Christmas fowl—just leave that problem in our hands. We’re arranging to get top quality birds at the lowest market price. Tell us your requirements—we’ll buy the best for you. G. Giant Niblets 2-3 3c Mixed Nuts Mincemeat 25 Coffee EARLY RISER LB. □ Z. LB, 49c 97c 133 Ketchup HEINZ 11 az. 2-45c LB. '17CPopping Corn Coffee Bags R & ■« Coffee AUNT MARY LB 1.17 LB 1.09 Instant Coffee 5 az. Golden Hour Chocolates Ornaments XMAS lb. 89c 6 39c $1.75 V "S Prompt Attention To Your Sliced Side Bacon • * » , Boneless, RolledOf Veal 2 LB. SOUTH EXETER * Standing Rib Roast Boneless Stew. CALL 571 Small Link Sausage BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES RAWLffldH BUSINESS h<jw 6Pfn in Huron county. Trade well estab­ lished, Wdrlimlty. Ftiii time. jW’Hte AtmmA tuwfotgh’s, jj PHONE 571