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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-13, Page 10
10 Tht Time*-Advpc*t«, December 13( 1956 PS Students Entertain SH Hospital Auxiliary Hospital Superintendent Miss Alice Claypole and her staff were hostesses for the Christmas meet ing of the Ladies Auxiliary of South Huron Hospital on Tues day afternoon. Miss Claypole was chairman for, the program which opened with a carol sing-song, led by Miss Doreen Baker, with Mrs. M. C. Fletcher as accompanist. Mrs. Laverne Morley, of Whalen, gave a humorous reading. Grade three pupils of Miss Velma Ballagh acted out the Seven Dwarfs. John Pryde intro- l, ■ L..L..L1 Karen Jermyn as Snow .White, licicu jrnjrjjui;. Madge, voice of the mirror, Romaja Orenczuk, JUckyJMcDon- Bryan Baynham, Henk Gossar, the-' prince, Karen Heywood, the j. Roman Orenczuk sang a 1 Beavers a duet in keeping with I the season, with Miss Ballagh at the piano. l Mrs. Emery Desjardine ex pressed the thanks of the mem- (bers to Miss Claypole and the I staff for the program and the 1 refreshments which were served. 1 Vice-President Mrs. E. D. Bell (presided for the business meet- ling. The ways and means com- - mittee reported the tag tiay fund ' at $674, which includes $146 col- ' lected at the RCAF Station, Csn- vriH.a nanauiL flLlcu on, i tralia. A bridge and euchre party storv of Snow White and the :is being PIanned for January 24. Seven Dwarf JohnPryde intro-! £Irs’ Hopper reported. Mrs. duced the cast which inrl ded 1 Ernest Cerson reported on the Karen Jermyn as Snow White! I “ ‘5" Helen Cole, the queen, Phyllis I *°r the Madge, voice of the mirror, i cys’ •» i?Roman Orenczuk, Ricky McDon- Pn^?® old, Bobby and Billy Beavers, IBryan Baynham, Paul Mason; S9’ha "d AVn S V ted and Brian McLean, the dwarfs, jto J??'r hr sera Si™ m™ ■cr«a!- r-aeon^ ' m.inPP and MIS. J. G. Dunlop and Mrs. Karen” Heywood"' the reader IH- H- Cowen- with the President, Sman OreS sang a^soloj^s. C S. MacNaughton, were and Paul Mason and Bobbv! appointed a committee to meet ana raui Mason ana tfoony iwith Principal H L< sturgiS) to —— ■ discuss a bursary for a student of S.H.D.H.S. who wishes to A make a career of nursing. I Mrs. V. Heywood {Heads Trivitt WA ! Mrs. Vernon Heywood was ’ elected president of the W. A. } of Trivitt Memorial church for > 1957 at the annual meeting in the Parish Hall on Tuesday eve ning. Vice presidents are Mrs. R. Dickins and Mrs,’Bruce Tuckey; secretary, Mrs, John Luxton; ass’t, Mrs. John Stevenson; treasurer, Mrs. H, Bierling; ass’t, Mrs. A. Andrus. ■ Rev. N. D, Knox presided for I the election and tribute was paid ;to the outgoing president, Mrs. Bierling, and treasurer, Mrs. Andrus, for efficient services in these offices for many years. The treasurer’s balance of $300 ’was voted to worthwhile projects. Mrs. Wm. the contents the Mohawk Mrs. Fred ■yvwrzn ^COFFEE" ^GEE.1 IF IT'S THE GOOD i ttICH CREAM FROM IRICH CREAM FROM | HIGHLANDWLLDAm © LOCAL TRADEMARKS, lac. Middleton detailed of the bale sent to Institute last week. .Dobbs and Mrs. 0, Hodgins were hostesses for the social hour which followed. In Canada in 1955 teen-agers made up one quarter of the total number of brides. I Palmers r I | s t s s s Beauty Lounge Opening At Hensail I Thursday, December 6 COLD WAVES, TINTING & HAIR STYLING Opening Special - Free Hair Cut with every shampoo and set till December 15 ENTRANCE AT FINK'S HARDWARE Main Street PHONE 230 i ' HENSALL RS R?R5 RS RS RS ►S RS RS Ra ’a! Superior fcFOOD MARKETS^! Apex Peas Special Process 2 Apex Fruit Cocktail Apex Sliced Peaches CHOICE Apex Pineapple, Tid-Bits Apex Bing Cherries t Apex Spinach, fancy Apex Diced Carrots Apex Diced Beets Apex Asparagus Tips, Robin Hood Oats QUICK COOKING Golden Dew Margarine 2 Gold Seal Sockeye Salmon 7r;“' 2 2 2 2 FANCY Christmas Bo Handkerchiefs + Scarves Exchange Vows At Thames Road The marriage of Vera M. E. Watson of Exeter and Charles H. Stephen of Elimville took place on Saturday, December 1, in the United church parsonage, Thames Road. Rey, W. J, Moores officiated. Mrs, Ralph Taylor, Long Is land, N.Y. and Mrs. W. J. Moores were witnesses. Following the ceremony the couple held a reception at their home for the immediate families. Mrs. Theis. Bell poured tea and Mrs. Harold Bell assisted in the dining room. PHONE 474 - SEASON'S GREETINGS To Our Customers Two Experienced Operators: Elinor Wasnidge Ethel Desjardine, Proprietress Mrs. V. Armstrong 89 Anr»« St., Exeter Phone 125 ’Y GO BY' Beauty Bar Myrland Smith, Prop. Individual styling, Permanents ‘ Hair Treatments, Tinting Manicures, Facials 409 Main St. Phone 522 For ALL Your Girls] nna Chesterfields PHONE W EXETER Dining Suites We’re ready for your Christ list with a perfect gift for e girl, young or old, on it , . . invite you to inspect our beauti clothes, unusual accessories- al lovely lingerie , . , FREE CHRISTY MAS SHOPPING BAG to every customer. Bi W i 1 WINS AWARD—At the semi-annual prize-giving banquet held recently at the Ontario Agricultural and Veterinary Colleges, the Macdonald Alumnae Association Award to the first year degree student of Macdonald Institute who stands highest in her year, was won by Joan E, Thomson, right, of Exeter, and presented by Mrs, W. M. Gordon, president of the Guelph Branch. —OAC Photo FANCIES Junior Auxiliary Elects Officers Shirley Genttner was elected president of the Junior Auxiliary of Trivitt Memorial church for 1957 at the meeting on Thursday afternoon. Sandra Hunter is vice presi dent; secretary, Dawn Spencer and treasurer, Marion Bentley. The members voted $10 to the church for fuel, sent toys to needy children in the Yukon and contributed to sevei;al mission ary appeals. The girls finished I their embroidered bath mitts and started on'stuffed animal? as the next project, + Handbags + Blouses Gift Towels + Hosiery + Gloves Sweaters + Ear Muffs Hurondaie Jills Shown Sewing The Jolly Jills 4-H Hurondaie Homemaking Club held their third meeting at the home of Mrs. Bruce Tuckey on Monday night. The roll call was answered by naming “a seam finish I will use on Mrs. strated French of the Tuckey pattern my pyjamas.” Arthur Rundle a lap seam seam and each group made one. showed how to alter a to fit each individual. demon- and a member Mrs. Main St. Groups | Combine Officers; The Women’s Association and Woman’s Missionary Society of Main St. church at their Christ mas meeting on Thursday after noon decided to elect one slate of officers for. 1957 instead of two separate lists of officers as formerly. Mrs. A, J. Sweitzer was named president with vice presidents, Mis. R. E. Russell and Mrs. >B. W. Tuckey; secretary, Mrs. Reg Beavers; ass't, Mrs. E. R.-Hop- —Please Turn To Page 18 Rebekah Lodge Treats Children Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge i members took toys, books and'! articles of children’s clothing for I Huron County Children’s Aid So- ! ciety to last Wednesday night’s . meeting. I A donation of $150' was voted toward the addition .to the Odd! Fellows Home at Barrie. N.G. Miss Ruth Skinner an nounced the annual Christmas party will be held on December 19. Ethel's Beauty Salon PHONE 18, GRAND BEND + Slippers Free Gift Wrapping FOR BUSY MEN j Gram Says:i Turkey . 1 Talk | By MARJORIE STEINER . i shallow . pan to circulate We know our experienced ; loss of juices.. A homemakers really don’t need'allows the heat ______ tips on cooking a turkey but) around the bird roasting it even- when we write this column we ly. A rack at least 16 inch .high often think of our young home-1 raises the bird off the bottom makers some of whom will be of pan keeping it out of the preparing their first Christmas juices. dinner in their- new home: J For best results follow these Fo^ them we .are gojng to pass \ simple steps after the bird has on some information sent to us, been wiped with clean damp by Helen Rogers Bahen from the Public Relations Department, J. Walter Thompson Co., Ltd., Mon treal. First Mrs. Bahen emphasizes that the turkey should be stuffed just before roasting; do not stuff it ahead of time. Combine in gredients just before stuffing the bird. Low cooking temperatures as-, sure better flavor and appear-' ance, less shrinkage and less1 -a RS rs RS Values Effective December 13, 14, 15 20-OZ, TINS 15-OZ. TIN 15.OZ, Tins 15-OZ. TINS 15-OZ. TIN 15-OZ. TINS 15-OZ. TINS 15-OZ. TINS 47c 23c 51c 39c 31c 27c 21c 12.OZ, * TIN * 5-LB. Sag 48c LUX Toilet Soap 5£ Oft. Deni Regular Bars 4 for 29c White Breeze 5$ Off FREE TEA TOWEL %akn0T 78c MAPLE LEAF Soap Flakes Large 3-Lb. Box 95c 1 cloth ’ or rinsed quickly under I cold running water: 1. Rub cav- 1 ity lightly with salt. 2. Put stuff- ! ing in wishbone area to fill it ; out. Fasten neck skin to back with skewer. 3. Stuff cavity well but do not pack too tightly. 4. Truss bird and place 'on rack in shallow open pan. 5/ Grease skin thoroughly with fat. 6. Cover top and sides of bird with loose cap of aluminum foil or fat- moistened cloth — preferably clean white cheese cloth. 7. Place ■ in preheated oven set at 325° F. ! 8. Do not sear, cover or add i salt, 9. If cloth dries during cooking, moisten it with fat from bottom of pan. To truss bird, drfaw neck skin down over the back and skewer; close body opening with tiny skewers and lacing of string or sew it. Skewer wings close to body folding tips underneath. Push thighs high up against 'body and skewer in place. Tie with string winding it around end of skewers and crossing the string on. the back. Draw leg bones close together and tie to * $ week we -heard from an- lark 1.LB, PKGS.53c 49c Duz 10* Off GIANT 7OaPKG. IvC OUR BABY FOOD DEPARTMENT HAS BEEN ENLARGED Now On Display; 135 Varieties Baby and Junior Tinned Foods 22 Varieties; Cereals Heinz, Gerber's, Swiff's, Pablum Open FrL Till 9 p.m., Sah 10 p.m,, Open Wed. Afternoon, Dee, 19 J. H. Jones Groceries Fran Including P.M.Q, Area Phone 532 Last other former resident of Exeter who now makes her home in London. Mrs. Richard Berry, a sister of Mrs. M. W. Pfaff, sent a recipe for Niblets which are a mixture of nuts and cereals. Mrs. Berry says ‘ihey are good to nibble at anytime and especial ly good for the holiday season.’ Cocktail Niblets (Mrs. R. Berry, London) " 1 pkg. wheat Chex 1 pkg. rice Chex 1 box straight pretzels 16 box Chcerios 2 cans mixed nuts Melt 2 cubes margarine and add: •16 cup Worcestershire sauce ■ J tsp. celery salt 1 tsp. garlic salt 1 tsp. onion salt Pour over cereal mix well. Place in and bake 1 hour __ _____ . Uncover and bake 1 hour longer stirring every 15 minutes. This recipe reminds us of one we printed some time ago and which we have been asked to repeat. It was contributed by Mrs, Phyllis Maybee, who now makes her home in Simcoe, and has the intriguing name of Screws, Nuts And Bolti; | (Mrs. P. Maybee, Simcoe) 1 small box Chcerios 1 box Shreddies X box pretzel sticks 1. lb. mixed nuts or peanuts % lb, butter Va lb. margarine Molt butter and margarine in {largo pan or roaster, Add in gredients which have been mixed together and place in 275.300° oven for U hour, Reduce heat to 25o° and roast 2 hours longer stirring every 15 minutes, WhcfiJ ookl placs in covered Un con-1 mixture and covered pan at 200-225°.! Dot’s Beauty Shoppe (South of Jack Smith, Jeweller) Naturelie Permanent Waving Lustron Cold Wave Dorothy G. Pfaff,'Prop. Phone 71-W Exeter The Beginning Of Beauty ..; For every occasion . Spirella garments styled to your in dividual figure. Let us measure you in the privacy of your home. Win A Percolator! For every $1.00 purchase made at our store from now until Christmas, you’ll receive FREE a ticket on a handsome new WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCULATOR! Get your name in early. IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR AT HOME 3 wonderfully heart-warming time the year ... a time when families get of , - - to gether . . . when homes must look their best. May We suggest you visit here, whether you want something new for your home, to give it a lift for the holidays ... or whether you want to choose Furniture Gifts for the family or friends. Just come in and browse to your heart's content You won't be urged ft TV Lamps Table Lamps Floor Lamps Occasional Chairs Smoker Stands Mirrors Hampers Cedar Chests Sewing Machines Sewing Cabinets. Magazine Racks Desks a Foam Pillows Figurines End Tables- Coffee Tables Hostess Chairs Occasional Chair! Chrome Dinettes Buffets