HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-8-29, Page 11 I }, c' .. ,.4d,•,r°. :I'.- ifr`" _-. ` ..-,. .._•-..•.r,...-.• -w ..- ,.. _..rt.. -41L- - .4" t- ,%ret i +`s$4',.'., TM..Z-'.,.- JIB:.,.+.•.- L,._. _ q, x.h ,r.,.- e 1-'1Ty f :7 w .s tdp »gib ser(.. ej,M ^ I 4 qxi,. *. fi - ,....1p ad I _. , .. ,. > t r - , 1 , ,5 Y. rA 11 tea.. c, 5 F V - if ,, t - ' ! i , ' ., 11 Y: Ir •w .a i , , Y?". . , 1 5',[ i i y j {, I 1 ::I:' 4" 11 ::. ass 1 L I i, ' ,' C i l - oil'` n x WN =_l f- a.1 I i 5 I i E a11 I - - .,,. a G f • t ,. , ,, .F r. ,, r» ,e .19w6 - : ',' .. - .. , ` - , .i r .i ',`n r F w t p„fi TI ! y {, c. _.1 t . `VEEI LY EDITIO: T. 3 . 1'` . - -- - - - - Iw i►. T. QO2, Editor and Proprietor. • P a_7 The Greatest Possible 3ood,to the Greatest Por Bible Nlunberr'_ Yom'- _ "I r $1.60 PER ANN. IN ADVANCEI GODEIRICI , ONTAIRIO, D. C., TIIURSDXY, AUG. 29, 1867. )VOL. XX.-NU 8rl _ . _ _- -------.--- OPINIONB OF THE PRESS. prixdeged to examine these extensive 6d atmosphere, •s is permitted to dwell in the he mw Ritbaril standing eafa-unaltered- Il;nsiutsslirctto „ --- - - -- -- ---- _ , , rp Bu9lnteS lIrtillorg. . 6u0int8l3 MiTcd0vV- r DRUGS, T 1(- ` DR T G Q I imp.nuot evidence tel the material wealth tel room of who Ives •t the point of death. `a^•ff+c I ile go•ebad on him ion\ his _ \ egL jJ11 lJ V 1Jl ill` lJ v l,-) The members of the Association wen ren our country. At present 104 large boilers Sir Ompar wa. on hu chair, covered up teeth. r - _ • warmly received and feud 1.7 the people of or kettles aro in use, sod between fifty and with thick i:! !hvs• But a part of his face ' Was T ever unjust to you, Henri r said Dr. Y. A. ]eLeDoatpt Maloels P[lo6o - r • I fludench and the naw V.Iley, • (ell we stair barrels of mit aro manufactured daily, was visible. arid r be lay recv.hng upon (be Sir Gaspar. ' H as 1 ever otherwise than LL BB AT HOMB FOR CGNSUL SUIMCALUPRKATIVE ARD ECHANW DI: N I It 3Z I Y. I while it u es cted that in a ver "bort time cushioned seat, be seemtd U,j feeble, too genaror 1 My bow was your home, m' tenor 0j which will be given m our alert.- P• I _)W rations 1011 doloek,.* m., ever' dad •• AL ( the capacity of the wort will be doubled. sickly w tut much longer. He • areal I Pun" wait ops. to yea, my heart always beat MJ I visit patients at say hour alterward.,sigh i or. PH E L P R, KAlfhy f iazelle. the rapt manafacturod has been pronounced so debilitated that • slight shock, or •n ,ow," you, Aot nor I know ]oa 1 E know of day. D 1VT= SUROiCALtMECHANiCAL 1 UL1'desdyadd Wednesda,fullyonebun. p [ _- .-- _______-_ I ELEC'rKUPA'rHIST, Oce. U.ansr,Uu.ench, C', W. I dead, includws ladies, met at Grdunch, and by the most competentjudr(es" W be superior abrupt blow orally kind, might be sufnsient J° r 0 Zou have iniad at archei ht of (3. O. Bhaanon. M.D., TF:FTIi inserted id either• found comfortrhla qqusrtrra wt the numerous I 'ii 9avodr and quality to any in the world. to kill him. 7 t I Room@ over Xr.P.1ordan'sDrur Store F• aT O ; D . Wit well appoidted hute!s n sat lake turn," "red thus Ooderich people have every re■so. Richard rt or. the chair by the window, wickedness and goat which I shudder to con HY3ICIAN iURUBUN,AC.,Lo.,00DAft ti^a• Gold, Silver, or Vulcan to bas rood of the bi hl important discover silent; motionless, with a (ace Be expression. templet* I Your whole Iib bis been one aRlcm, C.M. Itr40.1 ta■d Rubber on re■sun■Ww Tenn■ t,-T,etA •al/.. sol wahout Palo by u"rel l(yuccessortoK.H.Rvyaoll.) chiefamowg which we may mention the V [ I Po 7 P ` y .c s r. tk • have made. as we hn•* no doubt the ler and impassive u seer. The two alone of villainy and dishotrRaq-of vile oomPir- ----__-_.-•-___-_-- rr(+dc" ever the Post Otc.. West strein p , •`Huron," Mr. Wright, its proprietor, •p I pas• hour of nine was - DR. MCLEAN, CoJench. _--_-- _--__ ___ _ _. J u•twlt.h,l .D +wt9•rlr .I irrmi o trWtes ofand anlheOtW.0 widllcebe very alowlymmerci were nthe W led out h the The bell of s o(b t one and, might Wen Jo to + M o d i (' Iib i II u,1 i, Pond tO us to be "ahs ri.rbt mea ill the right of but one utT"ice, [lot ht bs wilGn to 1) lace,' any a perfect type of the good land- down and annihilate the demands of m hear t PHYSICiAN, 911RGF.0?i, CORONER T P con*htrrably increased r the rewress of this Jorge doek'in the all .itbouL I 11 ( M. SAV ACE Cua.s-0Jo..37wr.,Co4.r1rA , urd, owing probably lu the fact that he is an for vengeance. But W you-e hardened ko. O/esud K.aaeawotbrrdde.nul. ALL RIGHT AGAIHt v *alt ha ng district decode mon full] ' Here they come, air I" said approaching Riche . [e y 1 central school CYRan•nelb\rant'•uk Urrfls Green- Id typo. Thecorporationand pooy!r v( developed. Footsteps were heard the nfTtan,whosagniltuseblank,whoseuffent•" ' - - backs- 'auonal ,,u-retie State notes, DISPENSING CHEMIST all DRUGGIST Gidench did everything in their power to ' e ad over • 00tims-to ea there can be --- J-• 'f be party trete driven to Gaffe Point room, and •Jit Gaspar, after arrvedging •fol.', pre J r , and ..current uue at current rate of__.__1­­1­-­ render the stay of the Association ill Ooderieh no ity-tor you no men l' Ai(x1lCn1. If , 2% t R i I': 3 1 I' aNsNnt,ssdlobpori•ref the ane vi town when .splendid view ch of the ce o which b7 ora' him, awaited the pp 1 J exehtn e. ,-,- pleasant and agreeable, and they succeeded rl ask for none !' creed Henry- [ expect Dv R •- the Irks sod town was obtained, after whack utrsnos of the visitors. T POc Mchas t Moore. PHOTOG8IPH G►LLEg l 19th Dec., 1865. w4myr{ ada trebly in causing every person on the none-and bast of all from ou f But yell i Ci I: N U I.N 2: P It U Ci S they were taken on Denial the Gunboat home in 1' said Richert! r hock I PHYSICIAN, rlargaou and Aeeouahenr, IN _ _ _ trip W ,-.try nose, the f&vorah!e CA.n.b. • • . to conclusion we desire sounded at the door. t.anut punish me. Who can prose ai,tbwq manchrter, C. W. * CAswseaJ.,P.r/'way, mpreesiou of Godrreh as s Bummer rraort W add that the excursicnitta must feel that The heavy portal was thrown open. again&& me 7 If my rruarer wen um..c Feb 71b, 1967. w3yr fl r without R rival in ilnurio. I he crowds of easeful, the were artful) contrived, sod f , __ February ______ J _ I THE" PROVINCE, JI & J. SEE LER,, Halt r r.th, and .Ns.l "ca%hee Ihe] owe a warm debt of gratitude W Mr, Henry D'Arcey and he ion Reginald slowly T T _•7•• American visitors who tvn"uctl, tbrunX its 1%ix of the Huroa Signal. for the groat entered and quietly approached the chair of •m "etre 1 stand involved in as irpaoetnbb W I rH A /•i MT8,01La, COLORS, wa Syrtis, thirteen hotels during the heat-d month", exertions he put forth to addjlo the comfort, Sir Gaspar. well. Who are they who can be witnesses (i, M. McMId7iIPfd. M. ID. TAIYIV E ! proves that it has already taken a hirb postti 1 • ain*t ma r' New & Magnificent Sky-Light Pleasure sod tutertainmeato(thve members Good morning. brother l" exclaimed [ LICBNTrRTB COLLEGE PHYSICIANS fl I IiOIiSESc CATTLE EDICI IE6 so as • waterrig piece, and the ii.eabaasiiDle !of the Press and the ladies who accompanied Henry U'Army, " he came up to Sir Goa i Cnd Itichsri, advancing forward. AND somOtoxe, C. K. Residence -the , AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED ,j,I ALE j I I Supply of the pureat brine in the world for Ihrm on this their tenth annual excursion.- par, My God I how pal" you an 1 Uo ' ( have your papers. I knew secret per bow formerly 000*od by Mr. 3"" L 11 L R, , CARDLMOttDO.:C..aC. mrai.X Salt, Combine to raise Goderich to a Dundas Banner. Jou fall no better?" •tell to tie turr"Pch•mb" which you knew Caledonia Terence, (iodmyisb. w19 3E 0 0. ~I t • .D- g J 1111 1E first P.bition amont the chief towns of ilia r not I' Orderstrem Medics: men unrtuallvattoadodle No." said the sick men, faintly. IR P Uamunon.-Sl. AJdni +Argos. ---- - -- 'There I 'tis over 1' cried Henry'Areer, - --- at Jw..•s.r *load. P...... ' I have, not base able to vett you, dear 7 Dr. lstanbw►r, N.K.-Ph ictaa'. Prescn tion eantall he Votes of thrall• weir taeniid to the May Th" Adrerfiser reports that, in the coursestaggering u the h a blow had struck him. LEATHER EIKDINGS r• r ) brother,' said HenryHITArcey, ' so frequent- RK [ t RADDATE of Ili, MedSs"1 0.poise&1 of * l Ct n.e1l. or and Town Council of (i•,drrich rod to the u( fret week, Mr. Sur on received froo I' ?kcrtt re I hood hrweo& ! lYl: G Victor. U•.•...tw, Tesoro, and late rel the Es Le .l O hl NSON Spurgeon u I would have wished• for these last p^rU[ J enchJae.10,155L, editor of the Huron Signal, Mr. Cox, to mei uartera contribution of £600 towards dd I not think of that T' Hupp,tat ■id th.peaesr , Sew York• Readewee Uy to mfurm Ins cul patn,ns,ad tie putA,- ,Y,..&c the trouble lhr had trlcu W render the visit I ) few weeps. 1 frust yon will forgive me ?" D MaD*eRatl•s (KOJJ BayMd. Susi Moo' B ...velli, that Mea+• at moth ea nos, /1 ' j h t intended orphanage, and £300 from ' O, certatdly,' rid Sir Gaspar. ' Who are your accusers V cried Uoeel, ----- rP "° aODERICH. C. ri . --- __ of the Assuciatwu ajrerrbte, and the mretlug ar,,,lkrr, p I heedlna di bis uucle'a remarks. " Thw en u bis rooms, in STEW ARTS' New fM. " l sm der I ieved t" See yon so low IR.% t. turner .,. Haahos arras ail Syn%re, Mjisr41ed. The death of Marie Sophie Amelia, ex- as this. I thought that the last medicire Jyint testimony of Philippe, which u avail ROBERT J. $LOAN+ X. D. UoJenrb, ta such " "till ase luremler Them IDB I February 17, IbW. w(7 The members of the Aaoen.lian who heal uue in the beds of the lords at bOmc,' &near tet In,Countr',sod the beet ride ed Ida the L1.3:i r . LTGHr ! LI GGT reached "winch u to Wednesday m .nisi Quelrn of Naples, is announced. which I int you would p.t,ne out of rain," ` PnrAIC[AN' SCROLON, 1,G, A p/ ---- ---- - - P I R "h did, neat murmured the sick mon. ' Philippa? cried Harry. a-1.:. IA,.h,ne.t w bod-ala. work ,o Ilia it I .to wire taken in charge b the Mrvu-, the I ,British Government bis instructed ib y" and trvauutul art. Thosedri rowel h■• ng P.e•g I Henry'Arce a face wore a strange ex- ' And hero. too, crie! Lionel, drawing INSURANCE- v Warden of the Count and memirrrs of YTinisler at Washington to make ingtine' 7 R TI years surgeons a Ibe If, P. A donnt fur" of -- ` I inW the recent killio of Cat S r b •a provision u he head his brei ber's reply. forth • paper which Hvnry U Army welt 1 M" l.r" sin. U•eoflN."Wirlitwrcrot. li i L 11 !2. F. ROCK ^ OAL OII,.7, lowu Council, and driven to .il IDs palate I g p' p•° 1 "1 ho m ' ( knew,' hen, ton, is a testimony in you. ew l7. it, Il.wpilei Steamer it D.A. I..u■.y.o fire, Marine and Life Insurances - of intemst in and around the Turn. G.,d• American soldier. •• . sem 7 brother," he said, hope ) ai•i that Jou my vet recover." If the papers which [iicbard mlrht Rod could I 11 Aaw.a. to "I"", -Z fee the Idols Army Corp at taken will please bring to the morning. arrtC7zt, ode RxASOMA.It Iermtx. :'Burning Flu ,Latspoils. ,rich is the terminus of the BafyJii t L:.;e I Li--loo, Aug. 20.- -Though it is difficult ho-why hope 607 foolish Y' mid Sir Prove nothing against you, this would serve I V.c.sburg, Miss.. stc.,&e. Photo rapLs 1:6k0D lII Owory Bty10 Por Sale Huron Railway Unit foaseases a time harbor. I to obtain any reliable information from Spain, Ona at to brand you, and bang you as • Rassiair thins ■td NrsJeOw -Mr. T. O. J.eksoa'• known to the art, &,,it Old Aml,roty and (A C - It is built upon high round overlooking The D Pass Office-J. F. C. Haldan'+ L%+ hai,ben. JOaDA V, I P` : g I d n r known that (inn. Frim ss still H the 'Yet let mw hope-there is a pleasure in •DI 1' Lest.' wmga•m .errw { R g■,'s Rla'k.earder C-.urt House `Square and Qud Ja0.17.1bbs' so lake is • n m.rkaLl' herr v sitwtiun. heal of the inenrgenb. be insurrection bopmq. Iii I come tO Jou, dear brother, A spy I' erirr Henry IYAreit, now no H a-1'awb■I,". M surgical Colles atoead- t y (3 coped r PDworn .hs, A Lv e ett-k Odt ■rd Rear-Wood Frame. Oway'•on beau!ilitll laid Our, and the tar ser •vlrrl ad is all Peru of The c...."y. a .,.it Also Also ALIHIMA, vrry, i P. Rtes: St.. Godench, C. W. -- - ---- --- r regularly hmi not heen quelled. It is reported that with dreadful news this mooring-" longer muter of kilneClt, sod voaDie W bar Mir= C. W., M"roN fhb, 14.7. WU 4m }.. L. J , m returning thank. tot the liberal JOHN H _ALDA%, JR., i - ,,.._ , ; r,., I ,veil t. 1t posseiu.wXrcrt IrcJtin for trade, I Gcn. Freta is Supp!.ed with funds by proret• "Ah f" avid Sir Gaspar quietly. op under so much disappointment. ' A spy T ; y"orongrw of the P.M. Irri. "treed that nears Arent. and its fi.hrties .red "It well" %iil prove a I deal bauken at Paris- "Dreadful news-most dreadful--eo terri. Who told you that t It cannot he proved 11 - tea L ,Pvs...mprur,mrntswill.it.WehimWMritacortina• Godit ich, 27th Sept., 1866. *:left source M great wealth.-Pans Star . _.1111110111111111111 rr 12 A RRT ST E R A YEi ATTCBYBY-AT once sod ,ne'vase ter .he ..n.e• __ _ __ The members, with ladies emismutii,g a ! -" - blw that although i heard it several days ego, 1 s"i"r it Cannot. No nue m England lJ + I had not the courage to fell you-" know" k 1 Perth i 1 tell you 1 am not. Law, sad iehetrw•iw•Ck■ sWea Conn , G. L. JOHNSON. part] a ked k one hundred, G were titrated } "Indeed ?" What are you, that you dare to bring rep C.ow■Autww•,,uwlesic\:%OasJaWen. u6ee Uod•rtca, M.rch I, IbG'!, - rose QODEBICH FANNING aLI. with marked kind„ees in Glderich.-F:,•r,I1HE SOLDIER Lal\1J THE ■ Corn Hear .vlsaeo _ - __ ___ Panzement had been made for tbrtr comfort Henry U'Arcr, was evidently eurpiRaA. such a charge ■I(einat met Begone I I em SPY. "M• brother, 1 pit ou P he want on to w tree man That letter-it is • secret -- - --- - YI11111 SctOr NEW 0 OD h AI r. Case, of the Si nal, in Odo;ti.ru to T• t l' t M. C. Oas*ren. D HOTEL GODERICH P ' g es "Fur most met be the unwilling beer- •, I It i Who or deter i ill me.mng t' wAi carri.Q" wero planed at their tiupoaal er of this most awful tntelli en ' !t is • r her of our myenUon, aoswer BkRRI3TBK, A TrURNBY. co.YBY + THE 9L"R9CRTB1dRBEGR TU iNFOR)1 } a being id for by Ib• membersof the curpor- .$call.%..K.Gotetos.troet.uo"ricb,C.W 1 tbadbabit•.NroltboCan■Iise "I'll.".. A T BUTLER'S at,o ter a drive through theprincipal Tbere wu • pause. Henry and his "on ed Lionel. TFYed n,e when you geek -_ E. HUSKER, PitOPRIF:TOR. THF, trey Rn.rrthat \et■eillMawheturinR,.oJ b■. A Tale ofihe Stege of Sebastopol, drew nearer to Sir Oupar, add did not we YOU do. flee this cypher. i" it notetplain -------. above i. mos110.a.-Ily"ilu■ud ... ■r gym♦ atreeu oft 19+n, the part' pad a visit Tu ed . And do you think that writing n this un hand ••umherof\rs; Stationery,, Toy, p Uichard as he silently went to the door and T X ./elan p.rteoa asn,en e Itooeet high,.•erlooktas the Herb.r • J a O , Fallrid the '•G"drri :ialt_ Wella," wh,ro is mauu turned the noiaaless lock. kind could be a Dtrner to discovery t l;e• ( kR1t1%TKR.ATTORVRY,SULTCETOR ".d t.+tr Hrrud;--tr•,or. thchaN•, liarie■.and SUPERIOR FANNING Mlll& de PUMPS. I S Store. faclare the tin t alt in ase in the proriuee. &Jan Ck.nr•ry. eft Otare, Market Sgvewo Novel Wstkntt,r•ael. Board $I perdy;.ugle Each c( the a cry was prcamled with a "Sir Caspar-my brother !" continued hold I I have discovered it It Carserwil0exat.witreet Jiod•n.h. hag K"Ise rB•ia.x o•O•. •IaslOvlr ,Ie.a. he puna "Asea drew +nen&oro to Di I i;}1 BY CAB Conducted Henry D'Am], in tenant tour. Henry i1'Arcey "camped his fool aped the __ M, Ile. .wwarra■uhe.owirretxheuir,,,■ , small porion, pro rl' parcelled iso that Boor in rage• he darted forward toswteD almclaer 4 t7 allser, wau,corkte, char, gte. Pumps m.Jeto urdrr - it is to be hoped thus a utary au preasnatiwe Ir.ndon. Filled with the utmost feeling of "Whet P' replied Sir Gaspar, with •enol the paper. Eionel drew back. omennerelal R Dlel.v111eAel IC.W .red w■rremed. of all kinds, "tyles and pricer, exeelient qualifications of the lilt gift may have a i r.: nal,, for his father's Condition, and utter& none wkich to his brother was Utterly inex• ' ha king of darkness himself has esa:afe.1 BARMSTERS, ;SOLICITORS, CON- Factory.. Nrl.wa .t., A.r+se V.etarsrst", quality ..o first class finish, beneficial influence on ed. riul t ration fist J 1 van•$ ., ate, oDiAr. over the Store of q I s .. I I u.,Sble w bear suspense, he hurried his two PIiN•Me. J]ou I He hall turned from me to yon, and vµ t &WOnosy Ce*soru Rod• • year to come. GoJrnch u • Too are childless r h* alone hr brought this about I' HenryV.1Jst1•r Jt 1Sw.0oder.ta. -- 1 Dne• clean, and nnntlr hos thy town of , lair c.mpanion•, and by the first train Sur X ._ .--. [OHV HICKS, Proprietor. This is th AL*o,age^t(Oft Msalt Of Morgan'. premium The Dominion l letbes-Wringer , PP I the "„uthwrt counties, the r1J left Loudon, "A\ T Indeed I" D'Atre, tried, in a kind of frenzy. / t•rgo"tand btu C,wutry Hotel in Wester sad ■t.ntCIILTIVATOR. sth.rh h■.never vei about fo.r Ihau■ard idbahitanV. Et is slider. pa 'The kin orderliness? 7 No I Yose, wbd 'Test Ak: Mosewr I ana.l■,aoJ A■rge. ■. m.dentaa+ •nr HSiu a tori•exenoaountw•Irontof woe wbo The beat in one ; wholesale and retail. stood W have been its own sar:e . Ir the O0 their any W 1leacon Hdl. "Good bewr"a, Sir Gaspar," said Henry, 8 •. TTORVIBS,SUL[CITOM, fie.,. ede ,.Macre... Sta *Pre iter. Uuud.atdi■ for ! u I Llodel took not the paper wberood were now roused and exupentOJ DJ this on. recognize no other ruler,' yid Sr Gasper, TO .4 s, Wce-GaABB'4 NEW e a s kaveuseJibem. middle of R large octagonal rYva and the secret c her letters-tM cr ro n b expected 'bo you hear what I 'Too may cell it the power of the king o1 f KA Hune•. Horses sed Carn•gs. fur Hat, ea HENRY DODD 't0 Ream" of Blue- line cre^m-!nid letter I suppose in the middle of the viwn, ands t , p I}' X p s, P• ' T dyou a ; but we recognize anotMr wor ISL x K I dbeo !!.t Motwoo II,t tiy yo,.l A7AOawe ire. s the COurt Hutrae, ser • riuel slid I,unied imself in the Wk of deciphering my 1" [ -..cr r. a., gawn+e.rw•u. I Frper. I50 lie•mS Ceram laid, ISIas laid, rT rPr'P J P I. With • led pencil in his h.ad, be sat for 'i do." -it is that of the Most Higy(h, who wi 1 not L.J•wek.Aatmett7tb• 11141• sw10Iw71 - -- - -- - and in tall range of every street rumm q W t I five houn.motioalene, poring over the paper, "You aro shildler r' soebr the indoceut LO peri6 dor the guilty i I square ; and I might hen ea7 tbAt 71 s, atter r, to er t i' - - -_- THF RRTTISI EXrlI:INGE HOTEL A Variously Tinted Note Papers. rccnsiouslly ,topping to mark something; Ah r' Pa RE DY-MADE wishes M s:iy co in Oode.ich „ ♦Wsttlwm T i 1OU 50 Reems illus end Cream laid at all, it most take that direction. Ever r making more and more frequently, the 1 moon," said Henry, in a loud tone of Then then is no more need in remain TTIIRVF.Y-AT-LAW,10LfCiTORi?1 $]$$j•r * ( I tan rhe d. Voice. ^I mean that your son, your bo the here' said HenryD'Areey,moving towardw 1 Chaower•.Y,w■"pemic,e"vey"wret,.rr• V T J ri, T T 1 ( I 1 building upon the "piece s^rme• to rte"d I [•k ] J ' tM oor. Ha turned the knob, ih* door c to--0&d,wnre. L. wan retrial a A14OUS McDONALD, Pro rie:or, C 1 l 11 FOOL S C A a n a cornwr;'and ever building anywhere At "t Ee drew himself °p, and handed r light of Jour es-,our comforter a pro• U 'der" b, •aoat9 P 1'O 1 R 7 the Is to Irene, who All this time bad lector, will return no more to you I Lionel a wait locked-Richard held the key. OF' ALL WEiCAll'i A\D PItiC1sS rtoro, Cuba's aI•ek. rix seems to aund when U hk". Takeo Honey to Lead sR Ileal P:rroerty NU effort will be spared on the part of the as a whole, however, the situation of God ! c e ere h sympathizing, t and occasion 11 dell 1" An got going to detain me as prsonert' _proprietor of the •bow* hotel to reader • I r ." y ,rich is very beautiful. the '•der cheered ho ye pleasant remark or a friend- "Liar r' soddenly sounded from behind M *reed• -_- _ -- --- nnn L 7 t P word. Henry'Arce to the fierce toot" of• voice ' Tv what end t No. Bat yon mat n- `_-- his hour all that can M required bthe / f7 lull/ I'i `rEIAOP I'.1.7 blue waters" of Inke Huron, and constituting y I' - main a moment longer.' p. vel.ad• (ior11 xllna, travelling toramunit (live him a call. the terminus of all Catiodirn railws enter. ' Have you 'shed it T said she, which could not be mistaken. [r •' t11 I 1RMiTKit, ATTORNEY, SOLTCET R 7- All Colors, Quality, Sizes and Kind". 1 I Yea.1 said Two 1. The (ether and eon turued round in terror, I ' T aeknowlydga myself beaten, baled, ea,.ltc..Uv.arom,C, M )•rirt: las April 17th, 1867. w1'1 Prises W the north- ot. i may my, also, foiled,' said Henry, P I Dene wok it. er *Very letter Lionel amazement and dismay I At the same time, t. walling bank • at , " that id no town id Canada have the mrmtw!n i had •ut ill riwale 1, and then it w the curtains were pulled wide p "wa M•twO's Rlmt, Moet SL; satr■ncr _ _ _. _ COATS, ^ All the Pnrular 6;ngeziu" rtceired , eq as, p de •port-the • thought seemed to strike him. 'Yet [ -'i seat Uoe• west el (MOSCOW it-". v1 171 y of the Canadian Press Association been so i *a Bann as puhliahel• de.i .tiered-the tram ion bei. writt o loom fled-ard the n s of the mn stream- have ane trkdgle Consobtior. rt .dots da - CdNADIAN HOTEL, 1 kind) received, and d. well treated aA is ! S K R 7 concerti you, Sir G r ba it eoncerna AQ ilseellaneous B 001 $ . Chs.-C.Jaur World. I eaey. .eoualy. To road i off wan wu an tog in, fell upon the noble form and features 7 aaP• . \\ solm R. CioMoo, X ear tisk. of Lionel D'A• w 1 There be stood-alive Jon boy- yon stripling Y he repeated, con• i TTORVRi'•AT-LAM, yUL1CiTUR iV CLIliTOli, C. W. n un htndalwaye. Also., nu ratc sne neck The to'+ri b cline and healthy, *red eon I. I' Casarerv. N'w*ry rVIA. Cwvfaoeer, ; r , of the rains mvi, rzceheut *torr■ •ted private 1'hie will be eomelhing tth which to I -w*II-etre°ger only through all hie mu- tempter) TP 'who was ihs tint to give me g,y„Jtr , o}oderstb, Casrt• tor. U r-cn tt •, TCDSSiII' It\' Troprlftar. Felt Hata) rcsidencr*. The 1&d of the ■tea a is I confront him, it was worth) t trouble of fortunes. Chir xnousot di"ppointmenu. For he mit %.contb..deofWe.l+ir"t,ib'edil-rfromUe p P Jae, heti ' said Lionel' •A b (arefull "Liar 1" he cried. "ilial who comes stay here in England, white hie Uncia. 4t.n a te.e.w••"• Cas Vari>Sns SehoOl BOOICA ! orfegonal. The Cents or Plvulrbu0t which r °p. I maiden-hie betrothed-is far awe For THLoet.hli"•meat r. r.rnuhed w ih ■Il the nn I the town radiates ism hands ime Court Himmel I tul,!r.l l rep. 'Aero i only to bre this than to torture mJ fatbea Is this Jodi work T --- ----- -- r rrromale esieaw I to to r w vied him, it would give we ow over this the seecer of our magnificent scheme T him then will be to joys of love and watri ----- - "1 A v,rr is-g, and verity edteL of Ladies, hcm wkiyh the eight "Tieris stretch out in I g [ r I g won to erown his res-ii h, ,• 1 p, t., poste, a+••r"• wase Shirts, (•' , him, et the thought of which be well ht Allot, baffled wretch r' I P I ' ' ^ .7. nnJ (itn•tlemri,e' thus direction 0( the sure pointe of the I t is awe safe onough, i Sa+ m. ,. msmu ...,,, D A R R i S T K R, Ac•, Godaatcf, C. W• --- - (•nrrrr.al(y CAenp - cress u. We "n out sore Sha th s pi in i& I trnmhls.' I ban fume of Henry D'Arce] akovk with Tr 1 B Orrice-sa"Co's %Vele Bleat. , FANCY & SPO.tTING GOODS pa P For the remainder of tb* w• Lionel was • thousand emotions. lie was • chless. and her Lionel must sigh in van fan hurt i F'nr f'u•h • ew.panble with tba equo"•hlock syotem I' Burin the Ion years of this Suer r -- rRlNC.l'i OF 0111 6x'. HOTEL o'wny" nn hand, all or wbich ase, houzht and sdn lZd in most cities, but eeruinl the himselfegai". The dnnr he approached His son stood b, him, and in the immensity R [ . ,. D J Lionel said not on6word. ,f. Y• )Elwood. imported direct from the A:er F.uraprsn rffert in (Fbdeiich is Very picwreagnr, The to his home the mon his Floom and sadness of their astonishment they seemed stricken DUNGANNON. and American Manufacturers. out-kirtosvf the town embrace exceedingly died "w"y, the more his natural gaiety ro. dumb. "Arid her property, too• is there; if that BARRi TBR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, R J aimed ill sway. You thou ht T wait dew]-did Ina T.' be env additional grief," mid his aneb, Cw• • .nr•ev, ate. o.RAO-slate'• Bloat, A ItLACii, t F•erTthin in Stock will be sold at a very romantic scenery, W view which properly .hs gg I-'a - - R n Wnnrt .hoold steed upon the blufr to the Sir (:aper D'Arcey wait restless, as he sneered Lianwl. ­You trostcd 1n Philippe a m■lieiousl,. e,.pr,te tae P.M UA.•.,(JodonaY. •moll ulr*nre on cost. P J marl 3.10"• *wI7 i'•'•`7"'frlc"•' - north of the Mritlrnd. \laiy Ame. it.%"A he* refs in his hale Sum chair. Richard stood Blotter. enol &the r ulna f your r infamous Still Ltsour d o footsteps o , A.nplr .eratnr„xd*rum.. '- r s tiding the somcer here• mbs'linif oerr him, bus usual igen as asusl motiod• plotter Ibehold the result of ,our infamous d light sound of theed Sur athen o beard, n..;rri„iwu.+"dgnod a _--seta- All thePopult ,r Ballads thus health bnrtn •rel harking in tD* Ira., *red be u °anal silent. scheme I I, who well esteemed dead, am and armali door rt the and of the mint+M .f. A'rancts O• Ballon Irnd"r. l clear ealth. R seem' ofd hat we ire ' I is strange Lionel hu not tome yet,' livin and come home for vengeance • while v ned. Eleni iTArce and his son looked A TTORNRY-AT•LSM• SOLiCliORiN AT Son t'ne*I end inarnmrnul \fueie, said r g Pe J A t ,f g, r Chsrcr.r. r'^^•" •wee, fte fie , "of O."p rt-, Netts. IM's r F"'' it as our babel that OOderich wodid soon 4 Gamper, impatiently. ' Ha should he m whom ]OY trusted, has died, cuaf"eidg at one Onolher m toaslernation. For than. ,X r M. OLoes-KOy' •.r:. Sus tf A. SMITH'S, procured in two day.' notirr, and tike rank as sn attractive Canadian watering hose h.een hero Iwo day. ago, I .m alnid all hie sine I" beautiful as ever, stood Irene, and Maid* her Wilt C.' &.1 Is*' Merchant Tailor. sold at PdblrbaCs Prices. lace. Lel the men of enterprise take the "o^^thing hail ba pened to him. For here Lionel moved towards his trembling encle. was the stalely form of Madames Arbanou. St..•t. I limck, ted Mr. Pate qd. ears M BDTLEH'S• P P Have, -- Uodench,Juda 41sT, Itr67. w37. hint. We suppose it would be an oil ]on. I it is now nearly the night of the 19x4 and "You aro dyed and stained by s thoo"nd ' It is tints fur me to go 1 My last hope " 61fi Mr. Hs0An will be ■t his fir"arh .wee, - Goderieh. June 28tb. igG7• w(8 able offenrw werearea neglect speaking of )rt he is not here. Ha-by Jove. Look infamous crimes. 1 know enough of ou to u Nowa I" , IiaydeW,wwy Mosd.y from 10 •. m. Ida A P,re- IGchanl. Who is that, walking n Lionel'" brio .WNW36 RO_ YAL OAK HOTEL' the Salt Walls. And in oath, tl.ey a" well I R P R you to the gallows, and b "n our ' e and cried i.her a, he a" how toward" Lt)CKNOW. tt iT 7 • . wortt•y-ot mention. 'I hos well is Shout a i tsv""tits path, back there 7 lion, Richard, son an*sternal exile from bill home. et i inns and took her nand, .se bre+ heavily -- _. - -- ' AWFUL Cs U L ChI.A i% lhuuw.nd Bret in depth, and. is covered by O nun- will not do on, What punishment is w 1109- your cane aid hitier strut h fall down upon, William $, $min+ B. A. __ _- -- 1.The man vanished. were to one like you an the m%ddenin con- m devoted head I Russia I Ah, you thought E R Y IAIt68 tWIELL, Proprleter, derrick similar in thous sten m the oil t J R d x A N _ _ BOOTS .fit SHOES ALLAN P+ M ACLEANI ng cos. The bone, which n the world,strongest Sir l to a:r , heart beat with s violence beatsectousnow that in ewer, poo . hr bac r that beloved coant•J was the home of any and purist yet iixo•en•d in Ma world, is dnuonal to aqr!, as he waited the earn of beaten. For you aro overthrown. All Jonas Irene I' AND B&ST OF Eli h LI IJ01Lg. 11, conveyed by pipes ititu a large lank, and 1lichnrd. Soon he hrard returning foot*teps. schemes have come W noti.ing. YOU ere ' On I'said Gasner to lii" timther, rarity I O F' F' 1 E a Q from the-nce conducted as required a the I sprang from his Swat. The door o reed• rained, and beaten I" Begone forever 1 Never more let your shadow LAW ---- l p kettle%. filly four in number under which • F't w moment, ,Sir Gasper padRad, In an. • Boston 7 haRled r answered Henry darken this threshold I Never more let your Cat"il A V*w 11 111.n1114, K,,ri,y. r STRex Good Aceoaadlllou for Travellers, WM. DUN6AN CC -1 , but fire is kept d.,y and night. 'The salt •'t her moment his son was in his arms 1 D'Arcey, makint a mighty ot6rct to throw fees come near to mine 1 Begone forefeet r ' O O D F. R i C H • All received at his store West Side ?Tar 0 r ' Lionel ! Lionel I m brave bo , welcome off Lin • italinnI Moiled T' he re .tial. and let me never ere you-never never bear of = grwitrtes W the borlore of the kettles ; it tr I 1 j g P° T r,00I) STARtd NO ARU Ar ,14TIVR IIOPTI.F.Ra H ket 9q.•re, s large Summer stock of J z _'J then dipped out with iron ladies deposi W sour home. and to your father s heart.' gathering confidence 'Mm the anond of his yon-or,' and his Voice grew deep anis terrible ".r' N. A.-Conveyane'ng• Money lent on TAtkeow, 5t\ March, 1864. w8tf m ' Father I' ened Lionel, in a transport of own voice, ' Eby I when did you cone in ill menacing tone, ' or ynu will see what ` _ Boost and Shoes, which will be sold •t very _ tali in facile baskets to dry. 'This is lhr reasonable terms. Reputed and defeeLits --- --.- - R I am"wment anit h% h till" to real estate Qni.tsd. LOW PRICES FOR " - - whale ol,rr.ri(m. A huge c0wlxnge has rl'mane. ' you are will home, that goal are ignorant of that Ocmpleu punishment n id Kon lora Rwnan tPw. Goderieb, DEC,• u, 1946• tw34 Wlyj, ELLIOTT. . i been eat%nlnhed in connexion with the work+. 'gst"• 1 was told tdat Jnm wan dZing- soc Sus of one me home T• nA9 JUST RECEIVED A i.ARGF rhe brine is apparently exhaustless, and it is 91*ltk low, my boy. Richard, we is He apo to with a bitter aw*er, and an ex• (}*neral Horse and c.nta Parrler. PflUNLLLA BOOTS ASSORTMENT OF CLOTHS f"^'i"U•IfJ ioeroasing id ttm"g'h' 'I be mus brother anDepM., Did they em pr"•inn of Rendk.E malice in hie lace. - ++ 11 .orti will ire incrcraerl IrrgelJ, and new well■ Lionel P ' Sorter in any of year schemes is what i ts. slictuFNOls New (rote and Tem rance House, Ccn*wma in p*n cf We*tef En-k. Rreal V0, air. They Rre spat the hermitage.' would wish at this moment to see you show CHAI-1-F.R S[IV• TTOa.YBY AT-LAW, SOLICITORAN rY Temperance in great verieq. From x.i rte upwards. ckth., Hos*ver., It"wiriev.L lker•kr .. psi S, sunk. bin ec I the Sr visit k@, Th h iienmillar. English. eeweh,"nd F"■cA 1"wawl.,rw.hnerts, wnhhoat inspecting the Sr!t WOrke, The O, Ric Mrd. Go to Norbury with t me,' mrd Lionel. A Cttyacittt, Aa, Le.r Ac. OIII, -Yte`. I party beset went on bowl 11. M. gunbnaia I c•mwge. Mmdsneo Aibanon and kat danght- Though T may not have the mnnroCol TRt DlRoeawxMT. Dton t Goderieh, 6 door Sus" of CC W }t Ll. lurni.heA at%b!e, "u.nti•, hw.Urr, Q'} C•11 sod impact, and you will be can plain,'eel;n, Bred variety tVesatiiep, Clotho; Cherub and Prinre Alfred slid were kindly er u* there. Can Joe brind them alp-on eonsolstion of telling my brother that hi i- rtr + A and ■11 nares+. *,rommodatian (or if., to bs roceived b the ot6can a1A crew, b w6nai the a'w-yon know, and let them into their Wowed bre bin noble 1,'0nel, is dead, Tet s'+'0600's Iww Once. n y ll M. DliC:7AN. Orove.' O•p•' Asceke' I T j 7• OR the da after the intidrnte deacriFwtd id IKO!rti 7b La1Rn• W20 Pana', at very mmOsObN row He feat, ronfdent of giyiew +ai.focpon to s6 aid quartan, unknow" to unch I" 1 A•nm•Ilar, MAY 15, HEM. 17wim$pe, Oadericb•May 3. 1867. w15 who my(.verhun with their cater". cep •nations wen fig, d tn, r J rxper one solace my b* left I Young, _ _ __ _ _ ,The annual mretin and aha ituicelars ^t"t r^^. master lri"nol." the Irl Chapter, th* steamer for C%bit left _ q, p inexperienced, unsuspecting bre, I When You thus rt of Du•er, with •large company of TWEED 9QETt (all wcOl)}12 andapwarda. of the trip to Saginaw, have already been • Well, haste 1 But what are YOU wailing go from your home, why do you leave 10"18 Pe The , fig. ?"oeefaton. J. D. CAMERON, --- given in the" columna. The Prow AMOCI- for V ter the hands of those who know how to tse p*r."gets' ver day wall dreary Aerosis I e .11 c HARRIMIL rtetwtwy' odim-, Are Ore. 11(IT N..:.-Cetting done to (IrAer. I t Richard stood still with his eyes fiulroed tbeen T' tome, end "oral, cold. 1M dell W3( wu aamrn*e r■nus Twe t'e.r*+L m .tion are °red«t 0bligauons to the nfieia s and leaden sky the wad drifted with dizzyin/ Clmto•. C. {M. y y , 1 T Goderith. Sept 251h. 1866, w le o(Ouderich, and w Mr. Cox editor nes Lionel, and a tear-is tear, trembled i° ' Tools T' mid Lionel scorrrfull 1[ONBY TO i.RND. Tho B ayfleld Hotel 1 ,&notion & Commission. people the corner. T' velocity, while the strong wind, rushing from __ of the Huron Sigtsal, for many acts of kind- ' Yet, tool* moth as he.' Ile Pointed to the realms of night and eternal winter, rolled tt Illua Fra/*r• (former!v kept D, Mr, LabyJ GO LW.H IC.H & C LI NTON ne"s and court". The trip to tloderich, 1 O. mus Jbung mala I I am glad to •m Richard, who rose up, and with his analt"n- the waves of the North BM through the A rTURl' '!'-LAW.ftU1.ICTTOR 1N though made under Anmewbat veofwnnble Pill."Me eoantenanM Hood reverentially beton Channel In black nlQ", while tM foam, A TO R'if y. Oo■",.aser, ate. RrdM-raw ON9TA NTLI on Dared, the hal of Ligon + )1.Mtln:blifthe(1 1f"_'4Ci•'2• eiresmstanrra. will not soon be forgotten.- Liosol I irRxped the faithful old fellow's Idem. ' TOOIR t yea, tool". Yo^ Spike of hood hearse IGahard hastened from the i FAili end IO a I+aler lbw. Fhiti b IS sway as tepidly as it was farssedf Cal. mer•"•• _ .14a1a.1' C C{g■,•, Are. end .n atrnti•e LceM'. .al - CABINET WAREHOUSE, J "la'f bis. Adr+rvtisrr. I• rP^• R '.`+ _ Strip s"arm"n to business hopes to merit ■ ``A LRS of Kill Th- Pmporq I. Co.hnrh Thr members of the Canadian Prer" n'n1O' bee* 1 Hq be I' laughed the villain, boldly was driven eIlio Aneame al!T in show*rs of ''y aJ e•m lioursler,.wJ w CfirWa ever, Wed- - Then Fir Gaspar and Lionel carefully mockingly. ' H \O I 1 cannot m now, any. The lithe steamer bbnercd ►OSVdy, -- a* tYeayy,,y veld ru,a „rsWw p■lro• p pp (`1[VTL K.,f7J .IKgRA2ED KO i110TAL may 'Mambs.1 7. evil Go veal",. - A.snciulnnw\o were able this Mew I T t1• av T Ihovgh she was usnneb and strong, with CIVIL StneI Ta•e$te9tmol'uv.dwne., _ - i their homes, (nand in IM incidents connected I^Nsned the door, talked long about the pea 'Father, your eon is dead I' bat Chi. i can •IMI Mmwyadvenretl nn PMprny f. r imme+liate sold much about the immediate future. Ric T Mt bows now rising high in 1M air, and anew m'e•nd pt rrtur is made. - with the meeting Rod excursion a most my, 'Aon, JOtr (cher is dying S' ytehnld r dna In lbw water .bits eM rolled __ THE OLDEST ESTABLiJHMENT F*tm .mad rah« R*Irs p■nrtnrdly.uead' Ompar, Lionel Irede--all looked forward to he Cried triumphantly, tuning and pointing plunging P rt at OWN- ad to the ronnty, so etc las twang* from the ball end Write o1 from silt to aid", one paddle-wheel ubeing ed \ the morrow. W &r Gaspar whO had hitherto been silent. r.d i t(VIL RNG[`% out 4D IiURYRYOR ITT T O. Y.7 RL'F.MAN S Mwt,rn Mort. an exciting contest. The meeting lookoccasionally clear, while the olllrr Sum her \ J Lasd SAC.-ta•d CoaVaynawer,RnesMa--- - , Sir (ill s flan nR od nil roe vi nus- in lM water. Voler41 Marker uel,or,Uudench \ place in the of Goderich whole claims u a D• R q 4 t \\ 11, % "a % __ 1 dinghtfdl "owmer resort ase* an+ on lull, Orly r his feet, strode lop in d ca his The a n boddled together in the , ---- Money to Loan on Real E'st%to, - arc"{tn,•ed h7 the American" that they have CHAPTBB RRiIf brother and folding he Danes, gained strrnier embin, cliingin t their sats, and eorrobne ' relentlessly upon him. The younger broth*r clinging PPRAISER 1e the T..ur end Iwr■nComp"^y • ran ect on foot for the erection there of a nsilwd beneath the Reser • lone* of those, themselves for the roe hnrss of th* QaROalatO Of rise IItl(tet SaaIM• (TFiF OLDr,9T f V THR COIJNT filo clan hotel, orwel%Ily designed for their I q t [ P••••+• Ag110rlea. df7ppOrC.nwd■. R TOt twexrttrw nus AAtnAay. terrible rya*, and • n In sudden asbeish- DJ the hope the it •natal •oke M n•rr. Pet 23 A 7t:C sell 11 O T 10 If- - O. M. TRI7F,MAN, D. (CORDON awn secomm„dation.-• lraf%rd flearon. g•' nae •moat them Seemed the very spirit of W4{ Market S.rt■n,roderit, We veers domtcdel at the Iluron Hol*', Timom arae in a cloudless sky on that ap went was still. an " Rw wag •teen OO•anted Is lite welld. 0506botrtfre-9o'clock,•.a.,baMARTIN AX&NN - - 1,AIRi I-'I 11AiiVIit "Henry'ArtvI Rwi*aldD'Areay! wDirb rrsliWiml n admirably adapted the obi p,in•od de 110•rda which all tam inwelre T 1 !S diacid and ion pfd in • shell bas close !dock. P. a• FiO9 TO iNFORM HIS Oi,D CTT9TOM AND uNDERTAKER Iwo comfort of %he tell telling public, the boa, of Rosen lEall now looked with such Varied BalW here sow i* our I .par de T L Itsaeon ( "! vi B Laded OtflORr 7 JJ *lea►. H* epsno to no one, Ib to \u , 1)• Do 1 en, that he i" still able to sell for cash, RED18TLR of lmpnned permit W M.W Kr. J. J. Wright,brio in every respect • Mlinp and *tpesfetiona. TM old hall, Bal roan t li 86 Gaper dead T • wsnA►ted errerily Idem 1bos to face. ;:i K AAYFTBI,D HIM lowest retell, A Lasd Mr Pale, Vsnursrtnn• "nos bis %"w ion bane • rnrpl. I R Faber and con wan .&lent. ]r ( 1eRTls DAU PiON *r+."..at 1p"'aneee'.tbiswerrr"em.H Igenial,acsmtmdatingendjovial ts(reran- RbmiveM by the rising son, laid maile i4i noee■'r sal-ere histm":Ilo eewpsw L O.awy eo Rarwve. Nus a •Ilwy. ,•r ester O. M. TRUF.MA N. ration wf tar* merry sone of old F•egl■rrrl, dm .ml mpurior ase, sol Mmme bright And think )OO kirhard was a tool t Tea, (ons with tM ann ecce and p*rwaps peril ve..r•unv N • *ddtO• we•Svrg ALL KINDA OF' FURNITURE ase.,-,,.. Mere, 1, 1Ne7. Mortet s%tan W EST IITRYET, GODERIC + and withal • t n in former•limrs him"if and rhesrfel it ib • atence, Thw gelds .hn are Proud ^f J^er prnMnlieu-JOa. w\a OJ typo ppe e( their sit+ntiea twig " not help .11, I -_._ ------r------ At wan "hop tan KimNstoa Sir",., nppoin 1, _ _ - `_- err* As The F.xeamom- ern "Raised vwrr without, the, EMT" and bolt^♦, the hr"oM e•R ^•roll wT arol►wr-look a kiss I He, Ing the me eaten. Of tA trnngw pa m. '' :.~ Joan C)OMPeell. as Renin Hotel. (i0jgs{e►. oil. res • C(1I ONIAL ROUSE Rw(rw, Roves", Tables, ARdetaeds, Hair, kind) by Mr, Ntler, Mayor. And tho mem- Dad streams, all became bwwtilted in the •rid only b the eat" w1 your rain. To 1tnRA1. CONMrMION AGER'1' on, i 7 J IngAMw sitting fat • d 14-fle iD tM / .`•' AN4tleb. Ost.>L Ins. srllw37 Carird W(wrinosted CMM, Oils y Ont ng who of thw Corp nrnn of (loderteh, at its noble goose. Nana \sal the owl loll Bed &" ble' aro moptibl for this. Ant far with mMn, we would nd6" yw+tg • awd gysrawsaa Qma.a. Ill %►.IerlabN --- - - ':d,,..,,I GIerM.in variety ww0.a ex Barri ass wan lOrnishad u its nOblw r*enids appeared s^ -am11 and wt"• rDOOrtaEYliaN Rdelil). neinglwd with y ise , too,,* jAo OMOwmroal f HF Aah"riwwr alwaysk*aps tk6laYgMl Hone Mgnefaetare alld ILI TIPA Pew y t PPO• [ tnbNsect"? of wet. sea would dere ^Ran dF"'t mak. Twaw* .kw welt 1 ws•ww Zim"`fe•• N' 'w• "' ane tb Lendf • yerMty con•ry tM psr1J to lh* V*rtod lairs Of Aet within Ihw IarQs R rtm*nt of lllr Gr• iwM•", twit Mr, mw him wli%ging fe a rope, ng ` • j' ' ! and hit Stock of PP 61len •tensa W oma villainous eels 1 He forth wpm iii* be11t^s w•hra "' • *n i D. G.bs.1.a son band a eamfJrfesea intent in the nighhrwhond. ThO 411 w&r D'Arewy, all Sur gnolo ►ard Asrtrtsne. y + j 7 0 y ser l,r --t\" tool-tM daVa to 1 ►e-RicMid, wild mad sgrtated, that it seemed tet t " OIBERY da aidiiv e I ortmar t of 00P1tI18. Also, 11FAIt.9E9 Works which hos• "cants Man wt in Oefr Mred wane drawn closely t►a reasonable /e11M• Ay y N ui i jm.l nose do IM linin of the cnrpnnti- esAsewl !lot • meant mPply c( light b "asst the bauble valet I M bas ^^^gwwd yet r' the deicer of eft entry Avd 1c [ ORMAllDlpiR A ^ Dy hls af j TO BTHii. ion, an IA" Mhta w( tM Maitland. .%" LbO anew, end bsnid th* fiisn*r saA Iwdl$ 7wrn light SPA kRwwl"dg► 9srW nso the 1r 1. IN f H$ COM7TIRA. To •ad Cordwood takes a x• minds n( Henrysal WlgiDsN-l\ew tbs M Sur m r%etlw r G tb HND ssorwbawt.)IyytwRwla C, R. (. i)0Y ale• Ptrwhece inspected and two entire party jetrwd is Onelaen of loll veered, bas Ifedo e.efA M I j eb0oged bb phese r Whom to a hitt r '. "-" d eaeeat.wdlaAed. A)edirsRa of any triad es-1 1'P'' CRAA, E. ARCHIBALD. amonugg el asp,oneseg their graph"tau a Mug disturbed, It was niob a lig►ty toad stssb r b1Mw sod eode•eMd all. M fisa ttels{r 1 ,t.dt.biw wdime, V.0 w^rlafteatfas 9e.agals now lAerb. Guswmrb. Mb{M• IN a76 a 606"hbJ&a. 1M9. w&1 ooew li.Atrbttfled,1Rot. wide - 1.. *" 11 I " b' ♦tt •i yy. '' "Vel T•♦ •"', '. n, ... `,-. ...-.,. ,r f#u'... •, w., , 1 yyllrr,, Fr •-. ,,,, - J`'!r'. M' _ f , , .,.f: a 1 ma`s. ,. a•t^I '+jus^ •a:wW-I•v. : - . ! ry r^Yr ri .0. 4 ,,". - g ,. .. I ' y a 4' .); ,r 's IT" - a to t}, P.1" P""", ,iY . r. 9, ... Y rC xq. Jy°•. s •,Yr.':1 fr ( ,. ' , .,, r 3 ` ... C. ' ..;s4.f_' e ,} r' , •': ,:t, 1.. .,." 1, It ^ v-r :i' ,G .e. a*,e "'*',e ,.l r «C;. ,,.. W,-1 ,..,.,.. s. od: _ - y;.,p' t 0-1,wil".'',: + rA;.... k ..:. „i n , ,'. i rP., . , . r s. .. c _ d' ^v+, ; ..l". a.: r. "G' h ',: --- .,:. . G...j .. , - .' . ti SX . . 1 1, t , w +i...' .. . e .,,,'. err. .._'',.x...,... ,'+ .. .,eA .,<'Y+' ;rll'.+'Jl:fw'.: 'r' ,. . ) :5'` aig ­" , ( I 11 ..d5'.,e 6 e3 ,. . _'tp ,,. Sq: J+" i:r 'z +.aM.ww.,.y' < - • _ I_. _. .Y ne r^ .VTv',tliir i. . r3 •. -