HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-13, Page 6m* Hensall The TimW’Advoeat*, December 13, 1956 And District News CORRESPONDENTS Mrs, Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs, Archie MeGr&gor, Phone 682-r-3J i Euchre Capture Prizes The euchre and dance sponsor­ ed by Kippen Bast Women’s In­ stitute, held Friday evening in the Hensall Town Hall, was successful.and largely attended, with 23 tables in play for the euchre. Winners were: ladies, Mrs. Charles Eyre, Kippen; Mrs. Carl McClinchey, Mrs. Rapson, Hen­ sail; gents, Lome Luker, Hen­ sall, William Souter, Brucefield, Ross Broadfoot, Kippen; lucky prize, Mrs. Emmerson Kyle, Kippen. „ Mrs. William Deitz, of Kippen, was the winner of the Christmas cake which was made by Mrs. Verne Alderdice and Mrs. Rus­ sell Brock, and decorated by Mrs. Gharles Eyre. Mrs. James McNaughton was ticket con­ vener. Mrs, W. S. Murdock, of Brucefield, drew the winning ticket. The Murdock orchestra pro­ vided music for the dance. A Film "Cinderellla" TOWN HALL, HENSALL Saturday, Dec. 15 7:30 p.m. Adults 250 Children Sponsored by Hensall Kinsmen Thank e Hensall Voters 150 I would like to express my appreciation for the sup­ port I received at the polls. Lome Luker ion Auxiliary On Saturdav Treats Veterans XZII AjClIUlWCiy I At annual Christmas meet- Santa Claus will pay his an-'lhg of the Legipn Ladies AuxiL nual visit to Hensall on Saturday,; Lar-V. bold on Tuesday nr the December 15, at the thomomwefl«ro«i Christmas party arranged by Chamber of Commerce and Hen­ sall Legion. In charge of the Christmas tree are Al Scltoll, William Smith, Don Joynt and Jim Paterson. This party is given for the. children of Hensall and com-1 munity who will receive treats, and see films later in the town hall. Zurich Institute Host To Groups Mrs. A. Araacher of Zurich was guest speaker at the Christ­ mas meeting-of Zurich Women’s Institute on Tuesday evening. Members of Hensall and Sea­ forth Institutes were guests, Mrs. Amacher: chose for her theme, uWe are building every day.” She stressed three things -to do each day: think beautiful thoughts; do helpful deeds, and see something beautiful. Mrs. Amacher was introduced by Mrs. E. Hev. Mrs. R. M. Peck of Hensall. commented on the motto ‘-‘A child has three teachers—home, church and schpol.” Mrs, William Siebert demon­ strated the making of Christmas decorations; A maho solo w.as contributed 'by Miss Grace Erb, Zurich; readings by Mrs. W. Coleman, Seafqrth; vocal solos by Mrs. Carl Payne, Hensall, Sharon Strong, . Seaforth, and Robert Erb, Zurich. Presiding for the program was Mrs. Leonard Erb. Mrs. H. Rose, president, conducted the business when gifts were donated for the Children’s Aid Society at jRode- rich. Mrs. Erb gave highlights of the South Huron W.I. execu­ tive meeting held at Hensall recently.. s DRAW FOR ELECTRIC TRAIN With every $3.00 purchase» You receive one chance- on the draw. Wm. J. Clement Texaco Station HENSALL 1 Legion Hall, the members agreed. ; to send the war veteran in I Westminster Hospital a Christ- ■ mas parcel, and also send (-Christmas boxes to servicemen ; overseas from the village. In . charge of packing are Mrs. S. | Rannie, Mrs. Ron Mock, Mrs. (Byran Kyle, Mrs. E. Shaddick. A motion was passed to do­ nate Christmas boxes to sick ; and shut in members of. the Legion and Ladies Auxiliary. Members, are asked to leave all donations at the Legion1' Hall on Friday, December 21, in the evening. An electric clock was donated- to the kitchen by 11 members of the auxiliary. Nom> inations were held and elections and installation will be held at the January meeting. Mrs. Wil­ liam Brown won the mystery prize. The hall was decorated with an illuminated tree from which members exchanged gifts. Mrs: S. Rannie and Mrs. E. R. Davis were the decorating com­ mittee. Winners of euchre were Mrs. Wes Venner and. Mrs. J. Drys­ dale; croki'nole, Mrs. William Brown. Entertainment commit­ tee were Mrs. J. Henderson and Mrs. L. Baynham. President, Mrs, Davis,'chaired the meeting. . Kippenette Club Sew4 Garments Mrs. W, J. F. Bell was host­ ess for the Thrifty Kippenqttes for their fourth meeting held at her home Saturday with ten members answering the roll call. Miss Ruth Ann Jarrott was ap­ pointed president to replace Miss Eleen McLean who was not able to take this project. Plans for achievement day were dis­ cussed. Mrs. Bell showed the girls how to make bias binding, how to fold the material to get a true bias also understitching on a collar. Their home assignments are to'work, on garments and work on, record books. Personal,Items . ■ Dr. A. >R., Campbell and Mrs. Campbell, of’ Guelph, visited this week with Mr, and Mrs, R. Y. MacLaren. . ' ' , .Earl R.» ^oldlsm Marries Nurse A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at Hensall United Church manse, Saturday, Decem­ ber 8 at 3 p.m. when Rev. C. D. Daniel united in marriage Gloria Swanson White, of Seaforth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eu­ gene Smith of Nova Scotia, and Earl Ralph Soklan, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Soldan, of Hensall. The attendants were Miss Don­ ald a J. Nicholson of Seaforth, and Leonard Clark of Hensall. A reception was held at the home of the groom’s parents. Upon their return from their wedding trip spent ip the United States, Mr. and Mrs. Soldan will reside in- Seaforth, where the bride is on the staff of Scott .Me­ morial Hospital, Chiselhurst YPU I Plan's Yule Ride Hensall — Chiselhurst Young1 People’s Union held their fourth; meeting irr the schoolroom of i Hensall United Church with the president, Nelson McClinchey, in the chair. The meeting opened with the singing of Christmas carols. •' Charles Mickle,was in charge of the opening exercises, which included the lesson presented by Rev. C. D, Daniel. The group will, hold a sleigh ride party during the Christmas holidays. Ken Parker, Gerald Horton and Don McLellan were appointed to look after this project. The next meeting will be held Friday, December 28, at Chiselhurst United Church. Arthur Dignan Native Of Hay Arthur W. Dignan, 77, passed away at his home in Marquis, Sask,, on December 4. Son of the late Warren S, Dig­ nan and Many Rife of Hay Township, Mr. Dignan went to the West when a young man some 55 years ago, and took up a homestead in the Moose Jaw district, where he farmed suc­ cessfully, He was a valued member of the Marquis .United Church and at one time superintendent of the Sunday School. He was twice .married. His first wife was the ,the late Celia Meilis, of Kipnen. One daughter, Mrs. 'Fred Mar­ shall of Etomani, Sask., was born to them. Several years' later he mar­ ried Carrie Anderson, who sur­ vives him, together with two sons, Perry- and Allan, and one daughter, Mrs. Dale Hicks, (Bessie), all of Marquis, and eight grandchildren; a brother, David Dignan, and two sisters, Mrs, Victor Fee and Mrs.- Wil­ liam Forrest, all of Hensall. BUrial was in MoOse Jaw ceme­ tery. Personal Items Mr. John Hazelwood has been admitted into the ■ Queensway Nursing Home here. . Miss Minnie McIntyre of St. Marys is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burtt at the Queens^ way Nursing Home. Black, Brown, Phone 62 * ★ ★ ★ Pyjamas Selection ★ ★ Sweaters by Warren, Tony Day, Forrest Car Coats by Bantaniac, Victoria Hats (Gift-Certificates) by Dobbs and Biltmore Shoes (Gift Certificates) by Scptt McHale Slippers,. Flight Boots, Work Shirts, Match­ ing Shirt and Pant Sets, Caps, Tie and Sox Sets, Initialled Handkerchiefs, Belts and Scarves Lined and Unlined Gloves, Grey, Natural Broadcloth and Flannelette Dressing Gowns — A Widq i ★ Arrow White Shirts W Sport Shirts—Stripes, Checks, Plains ★ Currie Ties — See the New Ties of Provinces ★ Tie Bars, Cuff Links, Matching Sets ★ Give A Gift They Can Wear It” Middleton s Drugs Browse Around AT ' Gifts For The Whole Family SHOP T. C. Joynt & Son Hensall PERFECT SELECTIONS PHONE 15 HENSALL Bonthron'sFor Mother Electric Heating Pad Electric Hair Dryer Electric Rater for under arm Yardley Sets, Writing Paper to choose from X ELECTRICITY AND MEDICINE - i %e e / I ■ PHONE 16 HENSALL jp e SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES The very BEST because they're FRESHl ) hair and Toni Sets Sundry Gifts For All • Gift Stationery • Choice Toilet Sets • Cameras and Ink Pens • Ball Point Pens—290 to $10.30 For Father Electric Razor, Gillette Razor Blades Fine Leather Wallets Smart Looking Lighters for the man that smokes Bachelor Shaving Sets GOODWIN'S i z FREE • SWEATERS * Far Gift Box ' CLINTON DRESSES BLOUSES MEN! WE WILL GIFT WRAP FREEA I 1 HENSALL —«.—..... Ontario Hydro ’will continue to provide adequate supplies of power to meet the needs or our hospitals, homes, farms and industries. Free Candy Free Movies All Children Invited Sponsored by Hensall C. of C. and Canadian ............Lao ion ................ Chance On A Westinghouse ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR With Every $1.W Purchase comes to HENSALL "so YEARS OF PROGRESS '' klii*. £t!SCi.AaR. MAWAXtOU. v?-.;t U. Medical science continues to advance well beyond the far­ sighted concept of even the most optimistic predictions of a f&k years ago. Electricity makes much of that progress possible. Today, doctors Use electricity in a variety o£ ways, from diagnosis to treat- miejrtt. Specialized lighting and electrical aids to surgery make possible Intricate -operations un­ dreamed of half a century ago. The X-ray, perhaps electricity’s great­ est single contribution to medicjne> has itself assisted In saviftg thousands of lives. Electricity’s role in medicine certain to become increasingly im­ portant and its potentialities greater as more electronic aids come into general use. It is another important way in which electricity, the silent co-worker in so many projects, is continually being used to help provide higher standards of health, living and prosperity for us all. COME AND SHOP AT f .. Middleton s Drugs PHONE 20 HENSALL SANTA CLAUS Sat., Dec. 15 2:00 p.m. Just To Remind You We still Jave~ LINED JEANS, JACKETS, UNDER- , other articles the family at WEAR, OVERSHOES and numerous suitable as Christmas Gifts for • all reasonable prices. GLOVES SCARVES GOWNS JEWELRY IRWINS Ladies Wear EXETER