HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-13, Page 3” 1 Report Cn Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Clandeboye Comments By MRS, J. H. PATON FOR •Dresser Sets .... Tweed Cologne ... Atomizers ... . Chanel .............. Cutax Sets ...... Musical Powder Box ... HER FOR HIM <3.98 tp $15.00 Schick Electric Razor ..$31.95 .. $1.50 tp $2,5Q.Yardley Shaving Bowl .;$1.50 $1.00 to $4.00 Paper Mate Pen .............$2.49 $3.50 to $6.00 Hair Brush, Nail Brush, Clothes Brush Combination ....$2.50 $L0Q Id $2.00 Fisher Lighter ..............$1-98 t Pipes, Kaywoodie ..........$5.00 ... $3.95, $7.50 GBD ............................$7.50 f CHRISTMAS CARDS Boxed Assortments 490, 790, 980, $1,00, $1.25 —________;____________J FOR EVERYBODY VIEW MASTER GIFT PACKET, with 6 reels ....... $5.95 Without Reels ....................................................... $2.95 BROWNIE HAWKEYE CAMERA GIFT SET........... $15.95 GADGET BAG FOR CAMERA, FILM, BULB etc .... $3.95 BOXED GIFT STATIONERY ........ 650, $1.00, $1.50 CANDY ROWNTREE FANCY BOXES — $1.90, $3.50, $4.50, $6.80 CADBURY—$1.50 Lb. NEILSON’S—$1.00, $1.25, $1.50 DAIRY BOX—$1.50 Lb. BLACK MAGIC—$1.60 Fresh Delicious Lb. DRUG STORE EXETER Phone 50 W» A. Meeting The Christmas meeting of the W. A. was held on Wednesday afternoon of last week in the schoolroom of the church. A. number of the ladies of the church were guests. Mrs'. Lloyd Hodgson presided for the business part of the meet- ini. The various reports were re­ ceived and Mrs. Lawrence Hirt- zcl, the parsonage committee convener, reported that the new cupboards in the manse were completed and the painting fin- ishe/i. The Christmas program, ar­ ranged by Mrs. 'Morgan, Mrs. A. McFalls and Mrs. J. Essery, was presented. Mrs. A Essery play­ ed Christmas music and carols were sung, Mrs. A. McFalls of- Affillation Meeting W.M.S. members, C, G. I. T. girls and visitors met in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday evening for an impres­ sive meeting. The president, Mrs, M. Elliott, was m the chair for the business. Mrs. J. T. Clarke led in the Affixation service of the C.G.I.T. group with the W.M.S. Auxil­ iary. The printed service pro­ grams were used, Auxiliary president, Mrs. M. Elliott, pre­ sented the girls With their World Friendship Insignia and wel­ comed each ‘into the fellowship of the Society. Mrs. Elmer Wilson was leader for the W.M.S. Christmas pro­ gram which included’ scripture reading by Margaret Lily Mc­ Cutcheon, solo by Bobby Lam- mie, readings by Mrs. R. B. Gates and Mrs. Elliott, duet by Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Hep­ burn, duet by Joyce and Audrey McFalls. A fine Christmas mes­ sage was given by Mrs. Elmer Wilson. This was followed by the presentation of the candle-light­ ing ceremony “His Constant Lamp” with Mrs. Wilson,. Mrs. Ross McFalls, Miss A. Anderson, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Gates/ Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Fred ~ ’ Mrs. Elmer Powe Couple Honored Mr. and Mrs. Exeter entertained „ ____ party and social evening at their hpme on Saturday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgson on the occasion of their fifteenth wedding anniversary. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Reg . Hodgson and Kay, Mr. S. Greb, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Pfile, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Greb and Glen, Mr. .and Mrs. K. Greb and Wayne. members,C. G. I. T. Bowden and taking part. Hugh Love, at a dinner LOW PRICES FRIENDLY ” SERVICE Buy Your Gifts At 1 • BOYS' AND MEN'S CLOTHING • LADIES' AND MISSES' APPAREL • DRY/ GOODS • CHINA • FOOTWEAR FREE DELIVERY STOCK UP FOR ROBIN HOOD OATS 5 Lb. Bag .................................. 490 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 Lb. Bag ................................. $1.15 salada tea Brown Label, Vz Lb. Pkg. ...........610 W CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP 5 Lb. Pail....../.......... 690 SALAb dressing Miracle Whip, 16 Oz. Jar.....440 1 THE HOLIDAYS AYLMER FRUIT CAKE MIX ■Makes 2 Lb.^ Fruit Cake ........... INGERSOLL CHEESE SPREAD 1 Lb. Jar ..................................... .KOUNTY KIST PEAS 15 Oz. Tins ................. 2 for CAMPBELL'S SOUPS All Chicken Varieties ..... 2 for SCHNEIDER'S MINCE MEAT /28 0z. Tin ................................ 590 550 250 410 / W6 Have An Excellent Assortment Of Christmas Candies, Nuts, Oranges, Tangerines, Etc. On Display, Attractively Priced. GOULD & JORY PHONE .IS EXETER The Clandeboye Women’s In­ stitute held . their December meeting at the home bf Mrs, Arthur Hodgins with Mrs. Ernest Lewis presiding. I Mrs. Kurt Bebel showed a , house made from honeycake with a picket fence, trees and trimmings made from short­ bread, Jcing made very realistic snow on the house and fence and even tiny icicles hanging from the eaves of the house. Mrs- Gebel explained that the story of “Hansel and Gretel” fits in with these beautiful houses of cake and candies that, are made in Germany at Christmas time. Rev. John Prest of Lucan gave an interesting talk on points tak­en from the “Christmas Story/’1 Plans for the fiftieth anniver­ sary of Clandeboye Women’s In­ stitute which is to be celebrated in February were discussed and the committee, Mrs. Ernest Lewis; Mrs. Gordon' Eaton, Mrs. Mac McNaughton, Mrs. Karl O’Neil, Mrs. James Hall and Mrs. David Henry were named to make the final arrangements, Mrs. David Henry read a poem entitled “The Untidy - Time.”. Christmas carols were sung and Mrs. Albert Rosser gave, .a read­ ing entitled “Christmas Cake Song,” Mrs. Henry showed an attractive’ plate of cookies and gave a sample to each member and also supplied copies of the recipe to those who wished to have them. A donation of fdur dollars was sent to the War Me­ morial Children’s Hospital, Lon- Kirkton Group Names Officers The Kirkton Horticultural So­ ciety held its annual meeting in ^Aberdeen Hall Tuesday evening, December 4, wi^h 60 people in attendance, The secretary, Mrs. Eric Humphreys, reported 139 member^ had received prem­ iums, and also reported on the numerous activities during the year, * . The premiums were one.box 'of snapdragon plants and one chrysanthemum plant, The prem­ ium , committee included Mrs. Calvin Christie, Mrs. Anthony Getfler, Mrs. Wallace Selves and Mrs. Eric Humphreys. Mrs. James MacDougald 'and Mrs. Eric Humphrey attended the annual Horticultural Society meeting in Toronto in March. ' Two public meetings were held —the first in March with Mrs. Pearce of London Horticultural Society showing pictures and demonstrating floral arrange­ ments, and the second took the form of a flower .show in Russel- dale Hall. The group also enjoy­ ed a bus trip to the Royal Botanical -Rock Gardens and Dundurn Park Museum in Hamil­ ton. . • , . Mrs.- W. Selves was elected president of the society for 1957 with vice-presidents Mrs. E. Williams and Mrs. J. McDoug­ ald; secretary - treasurer, Mrs. Eric Humphreys, assistant, Mrs. J. Willis; directors-for one year, Mrs. J. Willis,- Mrs. G. Hall, Mrs. F. Johns, Mrs. C. Christie and Mrs. A. Gettler; directors for two years,- Mrs. N. Hazle- wood, Mrs. H/ Hern, Mrs} N. Brock, Mrs. N. Norris and Mrs. R. Marshall. Following the business, Mr$. Howard Switzer showed colored slides on the society's bus tour to Hamilton, also a variety of local scenes. A mixed program included vocal duets by Stuart and Joanne Dow, piano accordion solos by Mrs. Mitchell of Strat­ ford, numbers by the Fullarton men’s quartette, mouth ' organ selections by Mr. W. R. Kirkby, piano duets by Miss Joan Swit­ zer and* Mrs. Fred Switzer. There were lucky draws won by Mrs. M. Dobson,- Mrs. James McDougald, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. David Holland and Mrs. Howard Switzer. Mrs. Fred Johns and Mrs. Norman Brock were appointed delegates to the annual meeting in March in the Royal Con­ naught Hotel, Hamilton. , A pot ludk lunch was enjoyed and each one,, attending received a pot of narcissi. Euchre Winners The Huron and Perth Farmers Union held a etichre in Aberdeen Hall Friday evening. Prize' win­ ners were: ladies’ high, Mrs. M. Doupe;, lone hands, Tom Crew; men’s high, Alf Mitchell; lone hands, Alf Mitchell. , Celebrates Anniversary Mr. and. Mrs. William Hunter, Edward street, «'marked their 1 forty-fifth wedding anniversary on Sunday. Celebrating with them were Mr. and Mrs, Dalton Heywood and family, Putnam; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and family, Petersburg; Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and family, Lohdon; Mr. and Mrs. William Whitehead and Kenneth, Stratford, and Mr. arid- Mrs. Russell Snell And family, of town. Hog Campaign —Continued from Page 1 plus of $6 millions. There is, however, a “floating balance” of between two and three mil­ lion held in a trust account. This represents the money being held by the cd-op between the time it is pdid for its pigs and the farmer cashes his Cheek. - Mr. Hergott outlined five ob­ jectives of the campaign; 1. Orderly and economic trans­ portation patterns, 2. One hundred percent of hogs on the open market. 3. Competitive bidding to yield highest prices. 4. Securing the co-operation of truckers. , 5. Providing means to pro­ ject of the contoversy is not due er s for getting hogs to the open market. ~~~ t Shortage of freight cats at the end of the Second World War emphasised just how much Canada depends on rail trans- dpn. The White Gifts were given to the Ailsa Craig boys’ farm, R.R.j Ailsa Craig, Bible Sunday was observed at St. James ■ Church on Sunday when fhe rector, the Rev. J. P. Prest, was assisted by Mr. Stan* ley Tomes, a student of Huron College, who read the scripture. At the United Church the min­ ister the Rev. Edgar Roulston received the “White Gifts” from the Sunday School pupils dur­ ing the service. The gifts are to be added to the Lucan collection of gifts and to be sent to the Fred Victor Mission at Toronto. Mr. Orville Rollings returned home last week from St, Jos­ eph’s Hospital where he spent some time following a serious accident, receiving head and neck injuries. He was an em­ ployee of the Eljis Don Ltd / con­ tractors. While in the hospital the company sent men io finish his newr house so that the family might have the use of it. Mr, Andy Carter met with an accident last week, when he suf­ fered a broken rib and bruises, while assisting dehorning cattle. Miss Betty McIntyre, teacher and pupils of $,S. No. 4 McGil­ livray, will have their Christmas concert at the school on Wednes­ day evening, December 19. Mrs. Wesley Watson, teacher and pupils of S.S, No. 3 McGil­ livray held a very talented school concert on Thursday evening, December 6. On Tuesday morning the pre-’ schobl children received their shots for polio ■ preventive by the M.O.H. Dr. F. S. Kipp of Granton, at the Clandeboye school. 1 4 ____ . . .. Report On # > Saintsbury s By MRS. H, DAVIS j W. A, Mating I The W. A. of St. Patrick’s1 church met at the home of Mrs. ■ Heber Davis on Wednesday af*| ternoon. The yearly reports were 1 given. All obligations were paid! and the surplus voted io thej church budget. In the absence! of the rector, Mrs. James Turn-! er took the chair for the election1 of officers for 1957. i Mrs. Turner observes hex’ eightieth birthday this month and was remembered with a gift and a birthday cake from the branch. Mrs. Raymond Greenlee assisted the hostess, Th* TimeFAdywte, , tjggpi INSTRUCTION FOR HAWAIIAN GUITAR SPANISH GUITAR, MANDOLIN AND BANJO Mr. Ira Carling, of Lucan, a professional instructor for 40 years and now associated with the Martin Boundy School of Music, London, is prepared to open a studio in Exeter if there is sufficient interest.studio in Exeter if there is sufficient interest. If you would like to loam to play any of the •. . . instruments listed above, writ# to: IRA I. CARLING, BOX 13, LUCAN, ONT. 9'&9 9 *• 9^ • I Meet Santa At BEAVERS' Toytown Every Saturday Afternoon Until Christmas Our Toytown Is Stocked with Fascinating Playthings! Choose gifts for your children while our supply is plentiful. (Note—All children coming to see Santa must be accompanied by parents.) Receives Licence To Practice Here Mrs. Margaret Lance, of Exe­ ter, who graduated from pharm­ acy college in her native Australia, was recenty granted a licence to practice in Ontario by the Ontario College of Pharmacy. She is employed at Huntley’s Drug Store. Mrs. Lance’s husband, a mem­ ber of the RQAF at Centralia, is a native of South Africa. The couple live in Armstrong’s apartments. Rob your Rest Many people never aeem to get a good night’s real. They turn and tow—blame it en ‘nene*’—when it may be their kidneyt. Healthy kidneyt filter poitont and exceu acids from the blood. If they fail and impurities stay in the ayatem—disturbed rest often follows. If you don’t rest well get and use Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Dodd’s help the kidneys so that you can rest better—and feel better. ‘ 136 Dodd's Kidney Pills ■ A V■Ip® BEAVERS HARDWARE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS ExeterPhone 86 Buick Super '4-door Riviera &in each’57 Buick-SPECIAL, CENTURY SUPER, ROADMASHER I WHEN we tell you the 1957 Buick is new, we’re not kidding. Because we mean new in everything,you can’t see, as well as everything you can. And even, the "Seeing” is new from both the front seat and the rear seat—for the new, wider, rakishly angled pano­ ramic windshield with its 200 more square inches of glass area widens the forward view of all passengers. Take other examples. Its styling is new. Never before a puick like this one- sleek and shunning, add low as a cat-crouch. Its engine is new—and you’ll know that the first time you crack the whip. Never has any Buick boasted so big, so powerful, so obedient an engine as the purring V8 engine,that gingers every ’57 Buick. Its performance is new—and right here We mean new like nothing else you, ever experienced before. For now with Buick’s Hew record horsepower, there’s a new advanced Variable Pitch Dynaflow* that’s so instant in ’ action, So vividly responsive, so smooth and flexible and Jtill-tor(jue throughout the entire ’’Drive” range—the need for ’’Low” is virtually eliminated. I K> But there's even more than, all this to the newness of every ’57 Buick—Special, Century, Super and Road­ master. There’s a completely new chassis that gives the car the lowest centre of gravity id Buick history—for a steadier, safer ride. And a new kind of ball-joint suspension for 'surer handling, safer cornering, and a wonderful ,new levelized braking, - There are safety features galore—new safety-padded In­ strument panel, new dip-centre safety steering wheel/new controls recessed out of harm’s way—even an ingenious new Safety-Minder* that, lets you know when yotfreach the miles-per-hour you’ve preset for yourself, Of course, the only way to get the whole new wonderful story is to take the wheel of one of these lower, roomier- than-ever ’57 Buicks and let this magnificent big new car do its own talking. And that’s something well be most happy to arrange first chance you get. Come in today, Advanced Wartable Pitch Tiyttaflow it the tntly PyKaJletie Buick builds 'today, It is Standard M Headmaster, Super. aitd Century—Optional at modest extra tost on the Special, Minder standard on RoadtUastee, optiottaI other Series,- A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THEM ZURICH Phone 78 Pearson Motor Sales •r FXFTFftBw '/X a# I w 1% ’ Phone 60S