HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-06, Page 14Page 14 Th* Tinws-Advocate, December 6, 1956 « YEARLING STEER, black, white­ faced, with, horns. Reward. J, Dyke­ man, R.R. 1 Centralia. 6c LOSTFOR RENT STOCK WANTED TENDERS WANTED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIESFOR RENT WANTED NOTICES TO CREDITORS Thank We Need NOTICES WARNING SERVICES dis- to has I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds ot horses, any size, any age. —G. J. Dow, phone 83, Exeter. ' IStffi Since we joined IGA one ' year ago, we've found you folks really enjoy the qual­ ity and savings offered by our organization. To show our appreciation for your patronage we are offering these outstanding food val­ ues. Come in today . » , 4-ROQM APARTMENT, private 3- piece bath; oil heated; unfurnish­ed; quick possession; $35 per month. C. V. Pickard, Realtor._ _____________________IStfc APPLY REG, McOONALD, Pres. 6:13c USED TV Bring your old set in ... we’ll give you a good deal, RUSSELL ELECTRIC Phone 109 Exiter Everyone's Acclaiming These Bargains!First IGA Acclaim Trustees I For Two Villages Trustees, at Crediton and Zur-I ich were re-elected last week ’ at nomination meetings. I Henry Beaver, Alfred Smith and Wiliw Wein were elected to fill the posts at Crediton. Zurich trustees are Jack Turk­ heim, Milford Schilhe and Lloyd O’Brien. COMING EVENTS THE DECEMBER MEETING of the Ladies Auxiliary to South | Huron Hospital will be held on j Tuesday, December 11 at 2:301 p.m. Miss Claypole and staff j will be hostesses._______6 THE ORPHA CLUB of Grand Bend will hold a tea in the Town Hall on Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. A display of toys and clothes for the Children’s Aid of Lambton County. AU ladies arc cordially invited._____________6c DASHWOOD FOWL BINGO—V. L. Becker’s showroom, Wedncg- . day, December 12, 8:30 p.m. Specials on turkeys, ducks, geese and chickens. Proceeds for Santa parade and gifts for children. Admission 500, which entitles you to 10 games of bingo. Spon­ sored by Dashwood Men’s Club. 6c CLASSIFIED rates 25 words or less 70 More Than 25 Words ■— 20 Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS 400 More Than 25 Words <— IV20 Per Word 200 OFF if ad paid with order or by Saturday following the last insertion f Semi-Display (Restricted to First Insertion Subsequent 840 Per Inch Classified ads accepted up till Wednesday noon. Auction sale iCopy should be in Tuesday at noon. if ad Classifieds one column) 980 Per Inch Insertions Wm. Coates Those attending the funeral of the late William Coates last Thursday included Mrs. Charles Dyson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dy­ son and Glenn Hunter from Lon­ don, Mr. Sheldon Powers, of Sar­ nia, and Mr. Thos. Willard, of Windsor. The pallbearers were Whitney Coates, Jack Coates, Roy Hun­ ter, Glenn Hunter, Clark Fisher and Charles Fisher. GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES short term—5 years pay interest, payable half yearly Unconditionally guaranteed as to principal and interest authorized investment for trust funds IN 5 YEARS $500 ACCUMULATES TO $624.60 THE STERLING TRUSTS CORP Head Office: 372 Bay St., Toronto FOR SALE GENTLEMAN'S SUIT, new’, grey, English tweed, S-pleee, size 42. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 6:13e 17 YOUNG FIGS, 7 weeks old. George 1'oortinga, 1 mile south and 1 mile east ot Hensail. 6* KITCHEN CABINET, ivory; New Home sewing machine: screen; chesterfield cjiair; several odd dishes. Can be seen at the Godbolt apartments. 6* ALBERTA COAL — Arriving next week. Let us have your order. Cen­tralia Farmers' Supply, Phone 885- J. 6c DRESSED DUCKS — Please have order in by liecember 12. Phone 24-r-12 Crediton. 6c SET OF QUILTING FRAMES, with legs. Apply 103 Huron St. E, 6* CHRISTMAS TURKEYS — Broad­breasted bronze. Apply Bruce Shap- ton, phone 599-W1 Exeter. 6:13* 3 HEREFORD HEIFERS. Plume 26-r-17 Dashwood or apply Joseph Swartzentruber. 6* -TON PICKUP. 1952 Chev., per­ fect condition, low mileage; $65(1 or best offer. Phone 18 Grand Bend. 6c LADIES' MOUTON COAT, size 14, in excellent condition. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 6:13* 40 PULLETS, 5 months old. Apply Mrs. Gerald O'Brien, Dashwood R.R. 3. 6c. SWEATERS—Several young men's lamb’s wool sweaters, in sizes of medium and large, in good condi­tion. Apply Times-Advoeate. 6c 12 WEANER PIGS, 8 weeks old. Apply Maurice Love, phone 174-r-3 Exeter. 6* DRESSED GEESE—Taking orders for Christmas, R. B. Williams, phone Kirkton 24-r-9, 6c SMALL RANGE, warming closet and good reservoir, $25. phone 880- W3 Exeter. 6* - ' • ■...................... t SUFFERING from Backaches, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago is Over if you let RUMACAPS help you to relief. Ask your Druggist.6c PIANO-ACCORDION, 120 bass, as good as new, $85. Apply H, Wain­ wright, 11 Warwick St., Grand Bend. 6:13c TURKEYS—Order your Christmas turkey early. Phone 32-r-2 Grand Bend. * ’ 0* ACETYLENE GENERATOR, 50-lb., in perfect condition. Apply Carl Guenther, Welder Shlpka. 22:29:6* GET YOUR “HOLIDAY" regularly. Subscribe to ‘Holiday" at a wonder­ ful bargain price of 14 months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the newstand price. Exeter Tjmes- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:25 LADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save half the single copy price by sub­ scribing now at the special rate of 23 months for $4.03. We’re agent for all magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:18 FOR RENT TWIN APARTMENTS, steam heat­ ed, fully furnished, separate kit­ chen, beds and living rooms, with bathroom shared. Very posy for 2 chummy coppies: $40 each per month, Phone 476 Exdter. 6:13c 3-ROOM APARTMENT,- unfurnish­ ed, heated, hot and cold water. Phone 78S-M. 6c APARTMENT, self-contained, fur­ nished, downstairs* separate ent­ rance, centrally located. Apply at Tlmes-Advocate. 6c LARGE BRICK HOUSE, with oil furnace. Situated on east side of town. Phone 441-W. ' 6* LARGE BEDROOM — Housekeeping privileges to congenial person or Couple. Apply Box “P", Tlmes- Advocate. 6* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, downstair, private entrance, Oil heated, fur­ nish Available first week of De­cember. Apply 41 Simcoe St., phone* 242. ’ • 6* 6-R00M FLAT, furnished or un­furnished, 3-plece bath, hot and cold water, also adjoining garage, winter months reasonable, avail­able now-. One mile west and half mile north of Exeter, Apply Stew­art Trelbner. 29:6c 3 ROOMS and use of bathroom and. basement. Phone 9 or call at Mrs. Alex Zimmer’s, Dashwood.22:29:6c APARTMENTS—A number of 1- and 2-bedroom apartments. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 15tfc Provincial gasoline taxes vary from a high of 17 cents per gallon in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia to a low of 9 cents in Manitoba. 4-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, cupboards, bath, garage and prl- I vate entrance. Home in the coun­ try. Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hensail, phone 683-r-33. 8tfc 2 APARTMENTS, ground floor, 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished; both are heated, hot and cold water, built- in cupboards, use of laundry for washing; private entrance, Blateh- ford Apartment. 6* 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished and heated; available December 1. Apply 68 Sanders St or phone 144.6* The Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion has a VACANT ROOM 31’xll', in their new building:, which could be used for 2 or 3 OFFICES OR CLUfe ROOMS for different organizations. This room has an outside entrance and is heated. 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100. Zurich. 9tfc APARTMENT, 2 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on Shlpka highway. Phone 6-J Crediton, ltitfc A P A R T M E N T, furnished, self- contained, hot and cold water on tap, private bath with shower; private entrance, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, built-(n cup­boards; available now. Phone 400-W evenings. ,, _________30 tfc ELLIOT APARTMENTS The 12-suite steam-heated apart­ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty of closet space, stove, re­ frigerator, (some fully furnished); janitor service; plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very reasonable rates. One vacancy now. SANDY ELLIOTPhone 476 or 646-J Exftter 8:9tfc EQUIPMENT FOR RENT SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hupper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­eter.________ ■______________8tfc Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum CJeahers, Tools, Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE. EXETER REAL ESTATE NEW, MODERN HOUSE nearing completion, 2 bedrooms, oil fur­nace. Reasonably priced. Apply A. Whilsmith, phone 270-J. lltfc NEW, MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter: close to schools. R. E. Balkwill. 47 John St tfc FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter 3 - BEDROOM BRICK, close schools. This i~ „ C.L l.„._ ... good repair with all conveniences. Nice lot with garage. EXETER NORTH—3-bedroom cof- tage with extra lots and good barn. Illis is a comfortable home and is in good repair. PricX $3,800. Terms. $7,000.00 — 4-bedroom house with modern kitchen and bathroom. Extra lots and garage, Small down payment. COMPACT 3-bedroom brick, good kitchen end better than average bathroom; oil-bUrnlng furnace; garage; reduced price; liberal terms. 1 _ ACRE OF LAND with good brick house and small barn. House is in excellent condition; good kit­chen, 3-pl‘ece bath and heavy wir­ing. Reasonable price. Terms. FARM100 Acres with comfortable house and exceptionally good Karn; drive­shed; hydro throughout; productive loam suitable for all crops; 7 acres of bush; price $10,500.00. Terms. Possession to suit purchaser. If you. wish to buy or sell, see 21 X; Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., Exeter; phones 166 and 628. IStfc ---------, _.— to is a tidy home in JANITOR WORK Separate tenders will be received by the undersigned until .December 15 for janitor work for schools in Stephen Township school areas, namely School Sections Nos. 4. 5, 6, 7, 10, 14 and U.S.S. 16. Wilmer D. Wein, Box 181, Crediton. Ont. 6:13c AVAILABLE AT ONCE — Good Rawlftigh business. Selling exper­ ience helpful but not required. Car necessary. Write at once for par­ticulars. Rawleigh’s. Dept. L-202- TT, Montreal, 1\Q. 6c In the Estate of Henry Edward Zimmer, deceased.AU persons having claims against the estate or Henry Edward Bim­ mer. late of the Village of Dash­ wood. in the County of Huron, Merchant, who died on or about the 19th day of November, 1955, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, So­ licitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of December, 1956, after which date the estate will be " tributed having regard only those claims of which notice been received. Bell & Laughton .Solicitors for the Administratrix, Exeter, Ontario.- 6 According to Town By-Law it is now illegal to leave an auto or truck parked on any town Street between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.in. .."1 forced in order that tile may This by-law will be cleared of snow. C. V. PICKARD, Town Clerk, Exeter be en- streets 6:13c $25 REWARD for information lead­ ing to the return of two. steers with a notch, 1” square, out of lower part near the outer end of right ear; weighing about 1,000 lbs; strayed from Lot 19, Con. 10, Mc­Gillivray. Grant Amos. 6:13* BABY CHICKS FOR SALE BRAy BULLETS — special laying strains. Aim for the best, Grade A Large markets with early 1957 pullets. Hatching regularly; pretty prompt shipment. Chicks for broiler markets. Cockerels. Wide choice. Full particulars from Eric Cars- cadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. 6c HELP WANTED 2 COOKS, general, experienced, for RCAF Station Centralia. Apply Civilian Personnel Officer. 6:13c Applications will be received ' up to December 18, 1956, at the Huron County .Federation of Agriculture Office; Box 310, Clinton • for filling the position of secretArv-treas URER & FIELDMAN for the Hurpji County Federation of Agriculture. Applicants please State age, qualifications, experience and salary expected. Duties to com­ mence. January 2, 1957. Lowest or any application not 'necessarily accepted. For further particulars contact Gordon M. Grdjg, Box 310,, Clinton, phone Hubert 2- 9642 or Brussels 44-r-5. 6:13c QVEBSHOES — A pair of men’s black cloth overshoe?, 1-buckle, size 8, were taken by mistake at the presentation and dance in the Exeter Legion Hall on Friday night. A pair of 3-buckle overshoes were left at the hall. Please phone 730- Wl._______ EARRING with airforce crest it, Phone Crediton 8. TRICYCLE, Blue Thistle, medium size. Apply Jack Fulcher, phone 3S6-R Exeter. 6c HEREFORD DURHAM STEER, SOO lbs., from Lot 1 Concession 1. Me- sGillivray, Please notify L, Tasko,R,R, 1 Clandeboye, phone 881-J3 Exeter. dOQD FRAME COTTAGE, 5- to 7- room, suitable* for moving. Must state price. Write to Box* 218, St. Marys. , 6:13*... " ------——T '— ! —■ GOOD HOME for collie dog, fond of children, good cattle dog. Apply TJmes-Advocate. 6* ELECTRIC TRAIN — Must be in good working condition. Box 12, RCAF Centralia, phone TQT-'Wl.__6c SPORT JACKET, to fit & teen­ ager, size 38. Phone 5 Hohsall. SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Im­mediate service. Butler Bros., Lu­ can, phone 108 or 130-W.12:6-1:24* PAINTING AND PAPERING -CABINET WQRK - TILE FLOORS THOS. H. WALKERPhone 553 * Exeter 4c SPRAYING CATTLE for lice. Ap­ply William Watsbn, phone 37-r-i9 Dashwood.____________ 22:29:6:13c Repair SERVICE S' Stove Pipes Cleaned, Oil Stovfes Vacuumed and Carbbrators Cleaned General Repairs Painting Interior and Any Kind of Odd PHONE 74 GRAND Exterior Jobs BEND 29:6* MANURE LOADING—Apply Nor­ man Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-W evenings._____*________ ltfc HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way, Stew's Sharpening Service, 105 Sanders St.' E., Exeter, phone 454. 7c WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" For artificial Insemination infor­ mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association at: Clinton I-IU 2-.->441 between 7;30 and 9:30 A.1>'i. We have all breeds available —top quality at 10w cost 4:26tfc GREEN GIANT, 14-OZ. Niblets Corn 2-33c HEREFORD Corned Beef , TIN 3 7c Margarine ba 2-55c MAPLE LE^F Mincemeat 2 lH. tin 3 9c MAPLE LEAF FANCY RED Sokeye Salmon 7 3-4 az. 43c SALADA Tea Bags $143 AUSTRALIAN SEEDLESS Raisins 2LBS.39d NO. 1 CHRISTMAS MIXTURE Mixed Nuts i lB 53c bathroom. TN » MEATS bath* brick barn, Oven-Ready, Fresh, Stuffed, Picnic Style Pork Shoulders .... 870 .... 990 $1.07 Tablerite, Blue Brand Beef Steaks Or Roasts Round, Sirloin, T-Bone or Wing A T I O N Branch Office 1-3 Dunlop St., Barrie 4-5 Lb. Ave. 53c lb. Bologna BY THE PIECE 69c lb. 1Oc OfflGA Coffees! Bring this coupon to our store and receive 100 per pound off on the purchase of any one of IGA's famous coffees. There is one to suit every taste. SUNNY MORN, Less Coupon ROYAL GUEST, Less Coupon IGA DELUXE, Less Coupon .. 19c lb. One of Canada’s Fastest Growing Health and. Accident Companies is looking for Agents EXETER AND DISTRICT AUCTION SALES BUDGET TERMS, CHARGE SHOP IN EXETERJACK OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL 9, SATURDAYS UNTIL 10STORES JEWELLER EXETERExeter Businessmen's Association ALUMINUM CCWANV OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) IGA FOOD MARKETSMITH FREE! THURSDAY To the first 50 Shoppers who purchase a $3.00 or more order after 1 p.m* Thursday will receive Free MIXED BAG OF CITRUS FRUIT 2-FAMILY HOUSE, insul-brlc, 2 bathrooms, oil furnace. Price $6,000; $1,50(1 down, balance by month for 10 yearn if desired. ELIMVILLE HOUSE, barn and 5 acres. BRICK HOUSE, furnace, bath, water pressure system, attached gai-age, in Crediton.BRlOK HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, full bath, oil furnace, large garage.FRAME HOUSE, baseinent, living room, klfChen, 3 bedrooms, room, one floor,100 A ORES, Kirkton area, house, new furnace, bank driveshed. 200 HIGHWAY ACRES, good build­ ings, water On tap, silo, convenient for schools. . can show you farms of 50 to 250 acres, Cheap or high class, . w. C. Pearce. Realtor. Exeter, phone 435; Earl Parsons, Frdd Cold. SaUcsmon IT, PAY CASH Do all your shopping while our stock is complete $1 will hold all your gifts until Christmas. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft >r Him...For Her... Wrist Watches • Diamond Rings Signet Rings • Signet Rings Stone Rings • Lodge Rings initial Rings ft Wrist Watches Lodge Rings • Costume Jewellry Electric Shavers ft* Silver Holloware Cuff Links ft China Gifts Ronsan Lighters • Compacts Colibri Lighters • Glassware Billfolds ft Brassware Silver Cigarette Cases ft Kitchen Clocks If you have written your local Member lately, your letter found its way to the new alu­ minum mail box recently install­ ed in the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, With their attractively bevelled and sanded doors, these lock boxes look handsomely at home in the vaulted corridors of the Centre Block. Imagination boggles at the tonnage of praise and blame . that will flow through these boxes in years to come, to M.P.’s and Senators yet unborn. Mean­ while we find it fitting that a metal that has become such a vital part of the nation’s ccon- “ ’ omy should grace the nation’s legislative halls. We Offer: • SEVERAL DEFINITE | APPOINTMENTS PER DAY • • COMPLETE GROUP INSURANCE YOU WILL REPRESENT CANADA’S FINEST MEDICAL PLAN ABOVE AVERAGE HOSPITAL PLAN SELT,ING TO PERSONS tJP TO 80 YEARS OF AGE COMPLETE RANGE OF .INCOME PLAN > We Expect: V • EXPERIENCED OR INEXPERIENCED men GYBE ■ 21 WITH UNLIMITED AMBITION AND A CLEAN REFUTATION. For appointment please contact MR. H. JASKULSKI, Branch Manager, British Pacific Insurance, 410 WharncliffO Road South, London, Ontario, Phone 3-6171 AUCTION SALE . Of 100 Head Stockers AT FARM OF DELMAR BARNES, 1% Miles Northwest of Denfield, on 16 Con. of London Township MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1956 at 1:30 Sharp Consisting of: 25 good stocker steer- calves: 25 good stocker heifer calves. Balance in shbrt keep lieifdrs and stocker steers. Three thousand bales of hay; 4 tons of cob corn. TERMS: Cash.J. B. KENNEDY, Clerk BOB McNAIR, Auctioneer v Phone 617-r-2 Ailsa Craig 6c Christmas AUCTION SALE Of New and Used Consigned Articles ■ CORBETT COMMUNITY SALES ARENAWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12 ' 7:30 p.m. sharpThe following: New electrical ap­ pliances—larpps, toasters, fry pans, razors, radios, clocks, etc. New tools—hammers, vice grips, wreck­ing bars, pine wrenches, saws, till snips, trouble lights, ‘wrench sets, electric drills, • etc. Panda bears, poodles, monkeys, pyjama dogs and many other articles, suitable for Christmas gifts; bicycles, tricycles and wagons. Produce — Christmas turkeys, trees, apples, carrots, tur­nips. etc.TERMS: Cash.SANTA WILL COME TREATS FOR THE KIDS Sale Managers and Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON & HUGH FTLSON Denfleld, Phone Ilderton, Collect: 10-r-14 or 2‘ Tell Us What Night You Want To Shop CHOICE Because we want to give dur customers the best possible. service, we’d like you to state your preference between Fri­ day or Saturday night shop­ ping. Just fill out the accomi ■panying coupon, clip .it out and drop it into any of the ballot boxes provided in Ex­ eter stores. Thank you I Shopper's Ballot I Prefer To Do My Shopping □ FRIDAY NIGHT □ SATURDAY NIGHT Name Address 2-Lb. Cello Pkg. Shamrock .Weiners ALL FDR $1.39 FRIDAY NIGHT To the First 50 Shoppers after 7 p.m. ONE 20-OZ. CELLO PACKAGE OF FRESHIE CARROTS