HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-06, Page 10P»9» 10 The Tim«s-AdvQcat», December 6, 1956 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .■■■■M||m Shop At Home For Christmas Gifts HELP TO BUILD YOUR OWN COMMUNITY The Perfect Gift For Everyone Smyth’s offer a complete selection of gift slippers for men, women and children— you’ll like the styles and the prices. See them now. * GIFT CERTIFICATES • Famous ‘Hartt Shoes For Men • Naturalizer Shoes for Women BAUER SKATES FOR THE FAMILY iBank Loans, iSavings Up I The Bank of Montreal’s annual , statement, for the year ended October 31. reflects substantial [increases in ledins and personal ■savings, according to,the B of : M’s local manager, C. E. Shaw, I At the same time, he said that i the B of M’s shareholders’ funds had. been substantially enlarged 'by the addition of $6,500,000 to , the rest account or reserve fund, i Earnings, likewise, increased ' moderately. Total resources, however, are at a slightly lower figure—$2,783 million compared , with $2,796 million in 1955. Quick* ily available resources, at $1,427 I million, represent 54 per cent of all public liabilities. To meet the heavy demand for loans, the bank made a substan­ tial reduction in its investment portfolio. Government and other public securities, not exceeding market value, stand at $916 mil­ lion—a ’contraction of $298 mil­ lion from the 1955 level. Total loans rose by $325 mil­ lion to reach the record figure of $1,383 million, representing an increase of 30 per cent. The enlargement in loans is to be seen in all categories, with the amount of N.H.A. mortgage loans increasing no less than 100 per cent since 1955 ■ Total deposits are almost un- I changed from the 1955 level, ; which was .the highest in the {bank’s history at $2,591 million. Earnings for the year, after provision for taxes at $7,795,000, i amounted to $8,975,940—up $933,- 794 from a year ago. Report On Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN SMYTHS SHOE STORE Open Friday and Saturday Nights From 1926 to 1954 infant mor­ tality in Canada was reduced from a rate of 94 deaths per 1,000 live births to 32. Approx­ imately 27.000 children lived to their first birthday in 1954 who would have died at the rate pre­ vailing in 1926.EXETERPHONE 376 .50 NO DOWN 1 mflSTER-VAC Complete with DeLuxe Tools • Oversize % h.p. motor produces up to twice the suction • Triple Filter system, with-throw-away Sunday School Anniversary Mr. Glen Wright, United Church student, minister, attend­ ing the University of Western Ontario, was guest speaker at the Sunday School anniversary service on Sundey morning, “Making Decisions’’ was the basis for the fine thoughts out­ lined by .the speaker. He emphas­ ized the importance of the work of the Sunday School in the life of thb church. Sunday school teachers and workers have the opportunity of helping the boys and girls, with whom they work, make the right decisions in life Special music for the service was provided by a men’s choir. Eleanor Mae Hodgins was the pianist. W-M.S. Elects Officers Mrs; "Murray Elliot was re­ elected president of the-W.M.S. for the coming year, Mrs. Geo, Dunn will be the first vice- pres­ ident; Mrs. Ross McFalls, as­ sistant recording-secretary; Miss Agnes Anderson, assistant treas­ urer. All other officers will re­ main the same as last year. Presentation and Dance There was a good attendance at the presentation and dance in the Legion Hall, Exeter, on Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Burton Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morgan. Addresses were read by Mr. Reg. Hodgson and Mr. Ken Hod­ gins and the presentation of a gift of money was m'ade to each couple by Mrs. Bill Johnson. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Morgan were Miss Pauline Eden and Mr. Raymond Crawford, of London, Mrs. E. Lamport attended the funeral of her sister, the late Mrs. J. Hunkin, in Exeter on Tuesday Mr. George Morgan and friend of Ridgetown, Mr. and Mrs. Bur­ ton Morgan, of St, Marys,' were weekend visitors, with Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster, of St. Marys’ spent a couple of days with Mr. 'and Mr?. N. Morgan and Mr. Wellington Skinner and all attended the funeral of Mrs. Foster’s mother, Mrs. J. Hey­ wood in Exeter Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Paynter, of Kirkton, were Sunda yvisitors with Mr. and Mrs. J, Bowden. Mrs. Andrew Proctor . Mrs. Andrew Proctor, a form­ er resident of Centralia, passed away at her home in London on Thursday, November 29. She is survived by her hus­ band; one son Cameron of Clin­ ton; one daughter Dereen, Mrs. Douglas Wilson" of Strathroy; two sisters, Mrs. Ewart Powe and Mrs. William Skelton both of London, and four grandchild­ ren. Service was conducted on Sat­ urday by Rev. W.* M. Kiteley of Calvhry United Ch’urch with interment in Brandon cemetery near Belgrave. Pupils Aid Blind Fund One class of pupils at Exeter j Public School has helped the ■ local campaign for the blind by i collecting coat hangers and con- ; ducting an odds and ends sale, j The class, grade seven, donat­ ed $32.00 to the fund this week | as a result of their activities. ) Teacher is Ronald Heimrich. CNIB campaign chairman, S. B< Taylor, reveals the fund is still $100 below its last year’s total of $800. Contributions to date amount to $692,30. Donations from the town of Exeter have' passed the $500 mark. Second highest community contribution 4 is from Crediton, which has given $91, The totals are: Exeter, $504.15, Crediton $91.00, Centralia, $65.00, Dashwood, $23.15, Woodham, $5.00, Granton, $2.00, Kirkton, I $1.00 and RCAF Station Cen­ tralia $1.00. Report On Saintsbury By MRS, H. DAVIS He/p Crippled Children,..... Buy Christmas Seals EXTRA SPECIAL Takes the work out of waxing and polishing Message From Greenway Mrs. Earl Greenlee and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee visited the latter’s father, Mr. Malcolm Guilfoyle, a patient in a London nursing home, on Sun­ day. Mrs, Fred Davis spent Mon­ day at the home of her sister, Mrs W. J. Davis. Misses Almarie Davis, Lon­ don, ’ and Alexia Davis, Exeter, spent the weekend’ at their home. Miss Joyce McDonald, London spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McDonald, Miss Margaret Bertrum, Exe­ ter, was a Friday guest with Mrs. Harry Carroll. On Tuesday of last week the ladies of the W.A. and Guild met in the Parish Hall and pack­ ed a bale of new and "used cloth­ ing and other articles which was delivered to the W.A. House in London to be distributed to mis­ sions. Mrs. Harvey Latta spent a couple of days visiting Mrs. Rd. Dickins in Exeter last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis and family and Mrs. W. J. Davis were Saturday eyening guests .with Mr and Mrs. L. Lamborne of Birr. Mr. Harry Carroll is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta and family were Sunday1 guests with Mr and Mrs. Earl Atkin­ son. Mr. Maurice McDonald has ac­ cepted work with a construction company in London. and Mrs. McDonald moved to Lucan with her mother, Mrs^ W. J. Dickins, where they intend to stay for the winter. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Godbolt, Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. P. Dymond, London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis on Sunday. Misses Rowena Abbott and Al­ exia Davis were guests in Lon­ don on Saturday at the wedding of Miss Shirley Anderson, form- crly of Exeter. 20$fo To 30^o Off All Our Table Lamps GE Floor Polishers, reg. $49.5 5 — $39.95 Samson-Dominion Kettles, reg. $12.95 — $8.95 EXTRA SPECIAL $100 OFF - Westinghouse Range Regulad $339,50 NOW ONLY $239.50 (Without Trade-in) $150 OFF - Frigidaire Refrigerator 12 Cu. Ft, Cold Pantry Regular $649.95 NOW ONLY $499,95 FREE DRAW For General Electric Mixer — Value 23.95 Free Ticket With Each Purchase JBefore Christmas For Mom .... FREE Perfume For Dad . . . Gifts Wrapped FREE For Kiddies .... FREE Hats You Get More For Less, When You Buy From Hess HESS ELECTRIC PHONE 107 We Don't Just Sell—-We Fix As Well ZURICH 3-BRUSH COMBINED WAXER POLISHER-BUFFER-SCRUBBER WRAP UP YOUR GIFT PBOBLEM NOW—AT A WELCOME SAVINGSl Tliis British-Built 3-Brush Floor Polisher oilers new convenience and time-saving .ease in Boor care. No effort, no stooping. The 3-brush' triangular design polishes right into corners, under furniture. Perfectly kalanced—easy to guide, no "walking away". Rubber bumper pro­ tects furniture and woodwork, Streamlined styling in handsome ivory «nd maroon; haridy tip-foe switch and fingertip control switch for easier operation. Complete with 3 -waxing-polishing brushes and 3 lambs- Wool buffing pads, (scrub brushes available). SALE PRICE filter bags the beautiful new 1957 MASTER-VAC gives you the "most wanted" features Powerful 37-50 7 C PAYMENT ■ ■ Terms to s *. Caster Coaster—More Suction — Time* Saver Tool Clips— Swivel Top—Triple Filter —Tip-Toe Control—-Work- Saver Tools and At­ tachments, NOTHING TO PAY until Next Year Suit Your Budget Say Christmas with MASTER-VAC Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts .visited on 'Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Doan and Cynthia, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs; Fred Steeper and other friends in Sarnia. Miss Frances Brophy , and Miss Margaret Woodburn, students of London Teachers’ College, are teaching at S. S. No. 10, Stephen, this week, where Mrs. Wilma Desjardine is teacher. Miss Sandra McLinchey is , a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, following an operation. The Men’s’Brotherhood meet­ ing of Grand Bend and Green­ way United churches, will be held in Greenway United church Wednesday evening, December 12 when Dr. Wm. Scriminger, of Parkhill will be the speaker. Mr. Albert Pollock spent the week end with relatives in De­ troit and attended the Dettloff- Staddard wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown and family visited on Sunday with relatives in Sarnia. , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Pollock visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock in London. The United church is holding a Sunday School • corigregational supper on Friday evening. Cloverdale W. I. z A panel discussion on TV and radio programs was given at the November meeting of Cloverdale Women’s Institute held at the Home of Mrs. Arie Lagerwerf. Those taking part in the dis­ cussion were Mrs. W. J. Dixon^ Mrs. Elton Curts, Mrs. Norman Mollard and Mrs. Lloyd Poore. Mrs. Milton Pollock gave a paper on Canadian consumers. Mrs. Bruce Dixon discussed the motto “Take time to read, it is the highway to knowledge.” Mr§. Stan Mollard conducted a contest on books and their authors.. Several questions <in the ques­ tion box were read by Mrs. Bus. Lagerwerf. Musical numbers were given by Miss Grace Shanks on the piano and Miss Mary Lagerwerf on the accordion accompanied by Miss Shanks on the piano. The Institute members will visit Green Gables nursing home in Parkhill, December 18, after which they Will meet with their husbands and friends for a euchre party at the Brick school. An- invitation tvas received from Grand Bend Institute to attend their meeting on Decem­ ber 20. A door prize was won by Mrs. Ellison Whiting. “Mama, why doesn’t daddy have any hair on his head?” “Your daddy- thinks a great deal, dear.” “Mama, why . do you have so much hair on your head?”.. “Stop talking and eat your por­ ridge.” EDEE rrKEE Coupons on CCM Bicycle With Every Purchase At SNELL BROS. Phone 100 Exeter Delay Is Dangerous E a r 1 y diagnosis and treatment gives the greatest opportunity for cure. Delay lessens the chance of cure. For free literature write F. R. DOBBS EXETER GINGERICH'S/M HEATING" ENGINEER. kWATER OR A HEATER GIVES . YOU WATER/ >7 A LITTLE 'HOT WATER HEATERS! 436 Main St. Exeter Phone 421 Milton R. Rabbins 52 GIFTS For $3.00 GIVE A GIFT SUBSCRIPTION TO THE TIMES-ADVOCATE ..'Wil Sand The Card'* GINGERICHS \Heating-Li6HTing-Plumbing \on burning-air conditioning fOUIPMENTX SUPPLIES El fCTRKAL Rf PAIRING 34 AACHOR REWINDING UM L Rushed These Days? We'll Be Glad To' Take Your Grocery Order Of The Phone Arid Give It Prompt Attention. You Can* Be Sure Of Quality Food And .Low Prices At Rick's. CALL 571 • • Delivery 2 29c VEB. OR TOM. t • 3 for. 33c TWO L.S. TIN ’ 29c 100 FT.25, SJUART HOUSE FOIL, 25'x12" .. 290 VELVET FLOUR, 5 lb....... ............... 430 s CLARK'S TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. . 33^ Quaker M uffets Aylmer Soups Bee Hive Corn Syrup Save-All Wax Paper FIVE ROSES FLOUR, 25 IB....... $1.75 SEEDLESS RAISINS, 15 oz.......... 260 LIBBY MINCEMEAT, 25 oz. ........ 43#. / J 9 Fresh, lean, tenderloin portion Pork Loin Roast Meaty loin, Well-trimmed Rib Pork Chops Swift’s premium sweet smoked Pork Loin Roll . Swift’s sliced rindless, 1 lb. Premium Bacon PRODUCE \ 69c 89c 69c fancy Macintosh Apples ‘ Bushel Hamper $3.79 6-Quart Basket — 750 ■ Oranges FLORIDA — DOZEN 33f Grapefruit/^ Sweet, Juicy — 5 for 29£