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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-12-06, Page 9
t Westinghouse Dryer Exeter See SANTA In Our Basement Toytown SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, DEC. 8, 15, 22 I ..One Complete Floor Of Wonderful Toys For Carefree TV Buy Westinghouse ® T©p Perferrhance • Top Quality • Low Price • / Beavers Hardware Phone 86 . OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT YOU COULD BE LATE! MAIL BEFORE DEC 17 for heal delivery by Christmas December 17 is the final dale for mailing to ensure local delivery by Christmas. Make sure your Christmas mail is addressed clearly, correctly, and completely. Print address -* and re turn address too--both outside and inside parcels, Wrap and tie parcels, securely. Be sure to affix correcf postage, And mail often through lh,e day,. Send greeting cards by FIRST CLASS MAIL* they’re eligible for transport by air, and you may enclose a written message. MAIL EARLY AND OFTEN- ST M<l«C This Is The Year To; Surprise Mother With An Automatic Exclusive West* inghouse direct air-flow system blows warm Air directly into the .clothes as they tumble. Eliminates slow, costly' drying. ' And with .Westinghouse, the incoming air is filtered. No possibility of dust, dirt or soot soiling freshly laun dered clothes. $219.95 ’•rtorm Rites.... At Grand Bend ■ Mary Jessica Barnard, daugh* i ter of Mrs. F* M. Barnard, of I London, England, and F/O John e Ashford-Smith, of RCAF Station, i Grand Bend, and son of Mrs. W. e E, Ashford-Smith, of Brighton,: s Sussex, England, exchanged mar-1 s riage vows before Flt.ZLt, B. Me- ? Lean at RCAF Station, Centralia,. ’ on Saturday,. December 1. I The bride, who has just recent ly arrived in Canada from Lon don, England, was given in mar- • riage by Sdn, Ldr, S. N. E. Beau champ. She chose for her wed ding a gown of white lace with net skirt embroidered in silver. She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses. The bride’s attendant was Enid Keiller, of Bend, a gowned, headdress^'of'pmrflowers and &vol^dJn “Christmas veiling. She carried a bouquet, of ' w”AaBlc pink roses. j F/O Lewis P. Weber was groomsman. ] Following the ceremony a reception was held in the officers’ mess at RCAF Station, Centralia. The bridal couple will make ti|eir home in Grand Bend, Personal Items Miss Sheila Finan of St. Jos-| eph’s Hospital staff, London, spent the weekend at h.er home in town Mr. Gordon Turnbull, London, who is a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, having under gone a very serious operation, is . now repdrted to be recovering nicely. Mr, Turnbyll has a num ber of relatives and friends in this district. •Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, Sar nia, spent the weekend with Mrs. Scott’s mother, Mrs Wm, Pat terson. • Mr. Harry Campbell Toronto, Who is Well known in this dist rict, being a summer resident, suffered a heart attack recently, but is now reported to be feel ing better, though still confined to bed, " Mr. Frank Dalton of St. Mich ael’s College Toronto, and Miss Betty* Dalton of London spent the weekend at their home in town Mr. and Mrs. C. ,L. Wallen ; and Karen of Windsor spent the ’ weekend in town. Mr, and Mrs. I Wallen operate the doughnut j shop in the summer season. j The Trash and Treasure Sale held by the Women’s Institute on Saturday turned out to.be successful. Mrs. Velda Bossenberry of j Kitchener spent the . weekend with Mr. and Mrs. .Glen Bren- ndr. I Mrs. Ida Ecclestone left by! plane from Detroit last week to'.. , aspend the winter mpnths in Los coJumn recipes and found Angeles, California, them very 8°°^ s6nt uS thls The n6xt meeting of the Men’s one’ Club of the United Church will be held in. Greenway United Church on Wednesday evening, December 12, with Dr. Wm. G. Scrimgeour of Parkhill'as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yeo of De troit spent the weekend with Mr. Yeo’s sister, Mrs, Mary, Yeo. , , Mr. Kenneth Flear of (the Teacher’s College, London, is a supplement teacher in Khiva School this week and is staying with his parents. Mr. ind Mrs. Ted Stanlake at tended the Wedding anniversary of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bryant at Point Edward on Sunday. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Devine were Mr. dnd Mrs. Noah Tetreau of Port Hur-; on and Mr) and Mrs. Fred Freeh- ■ ett6 of Detroit. | Mrs. Ted Stanlake visited her! sister, ,Mrs. ' P. M. Daniels in Strathroy Hospital on Friday. Anglican W.A. - .. Mrs. .Harry Bossenberry was day'by plane with her daughter, elected president of the Women’s j Mrs, Taylor, to sphnd a few Auxiliary of St. John’s-by-the months. Lake Anglican Church at- their j Master Lloyd Crich, of Clin- meeting oh Monday evening at "—'i:"" " ....... the home ,of Mrs. William Coch rane. Vice-president fbr 1957 is Mrs. Jam6s Cutting; -secretary, Mrs. Wm. Cochrane; treasures,Mrs. Fred Newton; Dorcas secretary, Mrs. Wm. Rendle; card secre tary, Mrs. A, Cox. Mrs. T. J. Hopcroft conducted the devotional period. The aux iliary decided 'to sponsor , the Christmas party for- members of the Sunday School. Holland By MARJORIE $TRIN|R Recipe From Last week we were happy to receive a call from Mrs. M. I Vandcrneut who gave us a recipe from her native land, Holland. I We appreciated the trouble she. I took to convert the measure ment from drams into our units pt measure. r The Christmas delicacy made ■from this recipe is best if made »vu.vx w. W(lllu X.CMU Kuwneu* Only 3 day Or tW0 before ChriSt- in oyster pink Duchess satin, with ’ t Wreaths” but the" results are t worth the effort Christmas Wreaths J (Mrs. M. Vanderneut) French pastry:’ 2 cups sifted pastry flour ’A .cup butter (cold) ¥4--Vz cup ice water. Put ingredients togetherPut ingredients together aS for pie pastry, (Do not use any substitute for butter,) After pastry * is thoroughly chilled, roll out not too thin. Fold up j and chill again. Repeat this chill- ling and rolling 3 times. Leave i pastry to chill while making i this filling. Filling 2 three-pz. packages almonds •M cup sugar grated rind of 1 lemon 2 medium eggs a little Salt Put almonds which have peeled, and grated lemon through fine grinder, Add _ and salt and mix till it sticks together. Put mixture all through grinder then1 let stand for sev eral hours. Shape filling into !roll about 10” long and size of a large sausage. Roll out pastry and place around the filling be ing sure seam is on bottom of roll. Arrange in shape of wreath 1 on a greased baking pan. Brus* with egg yolk beaten with 6 little milk. Bake in hot 525° oven for 30 minutes. After wreath is cooled, ice with thin white icing and decorate with red and green cherries. Slice to serve.,♦ * * * ♦ From closer to home came a salad recipe which is especially appropriate for the Christmas season .since it contains cran berries. We can’t think of any thing nicer to serve with turkey. Mrs. Earl Gingerich of Zurich, Who says she has tried lots of ” ' ' ’J ' ’ ' 1 them very good, sent us this I t>een rind eggs The Story In Elimville By vARo. ROoS SKINNER Cr|nb*rry Salad (Mrs. Earl Gingerich) pkg. wild cherry jello cup hot water cup white sugar cup jnneapple juice Dissolve these'’ingredients' and 1 1 1 1 tsp. lemon* juice . when partially set add": J/a lb. crushed cranberries 1 cup celery cut fine ’A orange (put through chop per} 1 cup crushed pineapple Vi cup chopped pecans.Pour into mold to set. % Most .of us find that, -even after a big Christmas dinner, we still have room for candy. .There’s nothing * nicer than the home made variety so we'll in clude a fudge recipe which came to us from Mrs. James Eaton of Clandeboye. Sour Cr*am Fudge (Mrs, J. Paton) cup thick sour cream I 1 2 cups granulated sugar V2 tsp. salt , 2 tbsp, butter Vi cup walnuts or pecans Cook cream, sugar and salt to the soft ball stage, Remove from heat, add. butter and let cool until pan is just cool, enough to be held on palm Beat candy . until it shine and begins to Quickly stir in nuts into a buttered pan. squares when firm, lbs. of hand, loses its “fudge/1 and turn Cut into Makes 1J Second Line In Biddulph By MRS. H. ELSON Mr, Elgin Skinner of New Tor onto -spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner. Mr. and >Mrs. Lloyd Vogaii' and Sharon of Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunnington, and Janet visited, ort Sunday | with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cuhning- I ton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bibby and family of Kirkton, Mr. Keith Heywood of Camp Borden, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Armstrong of ! Stratford spent Sunday with Mr. I and Mrs. Hubert Heywood. I Mrs. Ralph Taylor of Long Island, N.Y. spent the weekend i with relatives, Mrs. Thomas Bell . returned to New York on Sun- St. John’s-by-the months.. . « — v ' ton is spending a. few weeks with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym,I Mr. and Mrs. Ollson of Lon- ’don visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper. Mr. Clifford Drummond of Alexander, Manitoba spent a .........:. and Pastor Describes Mission In West Rev. H. J. Snell gave an ac count of his recent preaching mission at Pilot Mound, Mani toba, at the annual meeting of the Comrade’s Bible Class of. James St. Church on Friday evening. ' i A Bible contest was conducted i by Miss Nettie Keddy. Mrs. FHnk Wildlbng contributed <1 piano solo and Mrs. Arthur) Rundle two readings. Mrs, Run* T die also conducted a spelling i match. | Rev. Snell presided j election of officers. All ficers were returned for year The members have $76.75 for missions for the year and $60 for "the general Sunday School fund. • < ...... .... ................................. -1......8|i...li;i,.i.»!WW!.||NWiL»l ■ LI>.UWigl",i| 1 wlftlUlJ-Ufl.J1. XjSiyB I X z XI ,x X for the the of- Another raised: 4 4 The Story In . Shipka s £ £ SUMMER ri OTHFSIm> Vwr I JI Im ear WITH US ★ Mothproof ★ Fully Injured ★ Refrigerated ★ Firepreof ★ Thiftproof Storage FOR JUST A MORE THAN THE CHARGE FOR CLEANING LITTLE Brady Cleaners And Laundeteria Ltd. PHONE 106 AND 107 Ml’.- tand Mrs. Edgar Webb ahd Mrs. Holloway, of St. Cath arines, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Russell and sons Mr. Ken Flear, of London Teachers’’ College, is teaching at Khiva School under the su pervision of Mrs. McDonald, this week, i A.B.L.M. Den Love, of HMCS, Portage, has returned to Hali-1 fax after two weeks at his home here.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fink- beiner and sons were in London last Friday to welcome Miss Audrey Finkbeiner who has been at St. Lucien as a missionary for 1 three years. j Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pickering ■ and Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Russell attended the . Imperial banquet in London last Friday, Larry Ratz had his tonsils re moved at South Huron Hospital last week Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Clare and Kathryn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Love and family, of Exeter. Mr. "and Mrs. Dennome, of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pickering i and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Prance, Grand Bend, visited recently with Mrs. Baker, z E I SPORT Shirts V«dM Exclusive Stylet Newest Celert Hellyweed Cellart Galore! Mrs. Jessie Lewis accompanied by her daughter, Miss Barbara Lewis, and Mr, Roy spent the Weekend in Owen Sound with Mrs, Lewis’ daughter, Mrs. Joe Hodgins. Her grandchild Judy, who had been visiting with her for. five weeks, returned home ’with them, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coates spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eadie, Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Weiberg attended the funCral of the'lat ter’s grandmother, Mrs. Mary Dalrymple of- Dublin on Mon day. Mr. H. and Mrs. Elston and grandchildren, Sheila and Wendy also Rev. Simpson of' Siloam, were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Gibson of Denfield. , Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Atkinson attended the funeral of the lat ter’s aunt, Mrs. Arthur Willert, Dashwood, .on Tuesday, „ On Tuesday evening, Novem ber 27, Mrs. Ross McFalls, and- Mrs. Sam Skinner attended a shower at the liome of Mr. and *Mrs. • Chas. Tindall, London, given in honor of their ’daugh ter, Shirley, bride-elect of the week. / Mr. and Mrs* Ross McFalls were guests at the Thomason- Anderson' wedding on Saturday which took place in Robinson United Church, London. Mr. and Mrs. L. Thompson of London spent Saturday With the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fischer. v Miss Joyce Fischer spent the weekend in London with her sisters, Mrs. L.' Stanlake and Mrs. Joe Mordush. Mrs. M. H. Elston accompanied by Mrs. Ken Hodgins attended a meeting in London on Wed nesday evening at St, Paul’s Cathedral when the church or ganists of East and West Mid dlesex deaneries were invited to assist in helping to organize a i choir festival to be held at some . future date in the CathedraL ! I $3.9* .1 Gift Sox $1.00 and $1.50 I Topcoats -14.95-39.95 Smart Ties From $1.00 Up »/«\/ ** A r * v I t Suburban Coats Compare Price and Quality % Mens And Boys Wear OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 4 I Superiori i___________ _ j couple of weeks with Mr, Mrs. John Miners. Sunday visitors with Mrs. ip Murch wefe Mr. and Wm. McDowell, Mr. Wm. of Denfield, Mt. and Mrs. man Jaques, Harry and Shirley of Zion. Master Larry Skinner had his tonsils removed at South Huron Hospital on Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym visited on Sunday with Mr. Al vin Pym of -Exeter. Phil- Mrs. Veal Nor- FOOD MARKETS “Why did you keep going after, I whistled?” asked the police man. , “Sorry, officer,” she said, and smiled coyly. “I’m a little deaf!” “Don’t worry, lady,” was his: unimpressed reply. “You’ll get your hearing in the morning” | *ho Finest Gift A Family Ever Had . From 69$ to $5.95 MacMillan's These are just a few of the hundreds of item.4 in dur Fahy Shop. The Compute Children'* Wear Stere Put A Glamourous New '57 From 49^ to $5.95 NYLON DRESSES' ... ' From $1.98 to $5.98 BOOTIES ................... 98<4 HANDMADE SWEATER SETS .......... From $1.98 SHAWLS ..................................... From $3.95 to $6.95 CHERUB UNDERWEAR BLANKETS SOFT CUDDLY TOYS Jello Jelly Powders All flav, 3 pkgs. 26c Quick Quaker Oats LARGE sox Fry's Cocoa ' ' ™' Coffoo INSTANT'CHASE & GAN 1CC OFF Top Crop Popping Corn Dromedary Pitted Dates Cherry Pie Fill e.d. smith s CriSCO, 3C OFF PACKAGE OlJZ, IOC OFF PACKA13E Joy LIQUID'.DETERGENT, IOC OFF TIN Jams & Marmalades ASST'D Good Luck'Margarine 2-OZ. jAA 216-OZ. AAGS PER PKG, 20-OZ. TIN EACH GIANT pkg. GIANT TIN 2^OZ. jAAs 1-Lfc. PKG. 36 c 39c 57c 29c 27c 35c 35c 71C 71c 41c 35c Values Effective December 6, 7, I RIG ARMSTRONG W motors Phiti* 116 E»»«r rnwiFB]izk Apples Cookihg Spies BUS. $2.00 i/a-ius. $1.00 "t" Grade Spies RAsy ind Crlstf bus. $3.39 •Z2-bus. $1.75 Mixed Nuts All Naw Crop FMney 1-LB, 49c Budded Walnuts Fancy . i-Lfc. 63c Opert Friday Till 9 p.m*, Saturday 10 p.m., Chsid Wad. AfMrnobn, Die, 12 , The Best Place To After All l Fret Delivery# Including PMQ* Area