HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-8-22, Page 2tr : � t ,r, > r-. r -,., , , .. I, �� � , �, ,7k
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•'b, y«y tool ■lAr &t tLr ease tiul�, Jid - "- - - ---- - - d
y« Yes. TIIE TRUE UNION TIM T � __ __ _ ___ _- _ .__ -_ „-�""': ,�o�� ak•uu ,*rare w muriee Iq ourmsey Josef_
NO 1T too IarRe, gree is IIrILLrh eawmudtw fo �. C10rseat rue Oibbom have eall.d hire Wlw call dollar•, coined during the nig* of tie
Fur Im" ked wslatrd to Lionel the whole 1� IATION3' Not Ile site '(ones quietly and studies ( Awstings air Carting ant kilehira' done- SIR • sae in the last irwe of the ^Ati;wt l5th,1867• lsto emperor, Maximilian.
Ns peOP10 he has to deal wills, and, D I when will the culwrvelive c is IJates hate IGodI tm�'tur, a lettersigued • C. Crabb,' - -_
,';w _. ezpsr:erci of her pal lila ►ince IhPy hrd ---
keea wonder, wlarn ►bey wen at Ildtara, 7 To the Ed,wr r/ the Hw.0 Signal A laughable incident occurred at the d#pot
t10■*mtiil a tut of little pelty tries, and tb pleek to all • meeti,lg at OOdrrieh., wvR •sserb that Hobart UibboD+ and Data Sixr-In r recent knee of our in a4Va,I11Yb, (i.ur w. '1 he t:oiu Irom
C Aad die trial ts ill li'm hot 0 g 7 Y
" No, yea ebtrp fella,. h is an Y„• SOUTH IURON aping • uuwbcr of wua•rrblu suburfn ■ Bring drew E:I/l,tt, Mr. Carling, a number of I,cwyer Sinclair are making assertion■ M.We true hl u , ".real barn's u1 .bell
Yt eentsmpurvey, there appeared •n srGcle upon d {
• 1 people hon • sial Gkw to e" him rt tea babied his Lack that 1Lcy dare U01 make tke m,oage question -(Mr, Hrolr' priuciprl °Seton. A umubrr of country uegrws etooJ
kno.0 hn2wge." and baaanexscs,arten drlileraf.I} °pat the �
•• You Auld a Cypher -a lireet wlitiuX." r I reuM •bead, cbildan hell rice. 4l, root nwrxr Lc,inll etre oys,eu befmv,
" 1 .aid so, becru•e I t4tad61 u I ward ra AT BIifUCEFIIiI.D, I work of hunibuyyiwy those whew he Ewe• j _ P I before his face Now, air, what are the stock in trade, Sod which hex beau d•scus•ed wen somewhat 5urp, teed rt the rppranutw
It is formed of grotesque evmbu w .Icl, cru l�'FrFday 11N
dourly Jenowivatu, "Cha free aRJ iulrl- I li'w are nqu tee sal w stag tkrt SGJA,id facts ? This is the third scurrilous lost• ad a)tteaua5, both at puhllc mectings and of th, birches. •%%'here Le muuf T exelaimad
a wlhing el" than •seem ct ybe,. , 31kk hsR, at ro0a 'tigers electors." Hs Arcane Lirelin s,+ Mucro •Lund mer, will *alga r , ehguu+ ter Cnbb her written about me stare our through the press) the writer of the article 1 one of the Wast influlahive. 'lluw um rat
Klee we'll to a disk • hien sto,A upon r �_ S Joe evrula Has bi•umlf, and he Ciolly I I thiuk am nothing, sept Kum, Yoh
and a their dirty work proceeds, h meeting ill Ybox's eburch tom( z I6rat mcetiu(( in April, but I Irnrtad all +oF'P •e to be Mr. y v►h I' he cop-mur•d, laughmr al Lis wit. •1
taAle ill tke Corner W the ru.un, and 1„ext Irkex oP eo eudrrwun to f.etcu the ch.rgP rd being
from it the Paper. 00491 1 --ked .t it. 11 18996, In his sleeves, at (Le succ •ss of hs alter rebirth a Culls"109 wiipr his producliana until now with that °0o- ipec sum "hila men Tiolk nigger a tool .Asn
wag written III ■clangs and nnll,t&❑ .ijns, N01►TI11�1DINO l p I kis behalf. _ ___ - tempt wLioh fury dnaerved at my hapds, dLingrwuews upuu Mr. Gingow, It eau hs cell that tetra' Jwt then Le dwcwen•J
which wen evidently cypher iolranl. d to, IM . attain d !u Ju a tLn Ur..•at PuLlic. Ills _._. __ rns,ly'lle sbewu, that the writer of th* article rn open ulster, end arising it, he eyed 11
-•'in, trachea and Now for a few facts connected with this i . c1 tel Out satisfied risk ■he exrmiwtion
SOUTH - HURON, AT BLYTB, Du7p liar is that hr will DJ JiaconreJ, seal I Y1c- Ito. -The er' u r wan of considerable ingenuity himasll. l
p•" of ending •acres tommuai utie6' nab S,tbb&tb School, of last ora. Several Years a o Mr. %Vin, he placed it to Lis Ins" ; but no sooner was
Ieosrl glanced u! -w it, sad aro plu;n l his whfwee esl4seeJ ere hu ons baiu Cha fele° {s of the Wve R As Cha loarm mrenutg of Uuuocil esu d sevu that Or •all iury ted between the shells, t►Au
Ft epos the taGlr fk•Nrr kine, lou:ad ext 'I OR Tloursdarr Ibe 29th i eercl(hl orh • drligbtful punto in a' M. Ghee came W me and laid an iufur• R P T tbvy crotid. N,;;rer bowled with lost., •ad
11. C "CA1iF4UN this torn, sea
lows and earnestly, I ' at gena s +sl. 6 1%sk oo Monde last. Ibe uuaeJ ib ItldI ua a motion brow ht u b
'• Nu ase, Leonel " said Rene. W sae , FN tub C1Ia110■r, , eeigbkormg .e " T I motion against L. Crabb Cur fielouio•t@ly Mr. Uibson, so that excepting In 1863, when called out, fruit use of I pull use of 1' But
" The reeder may asy ' that is all •e w { d with *■tied, swinging, stealieg and carrying awn two barrels at than was a special meeting on account of 7 p d the mors he
� time esu r' PT"' �, tie mon thn u etre esu aIle
at all, Thrt wnu.R defies cuss -you L r« ROI:I:L T GIl(1W\9, true, as a generality, but have we, as endid ru:gmg of the children uu Z � would not Irl > • +red an oor Cuffere danced
u° key with whit h to sd,,.ck u." FO■ T■t Asssx■ty. - 7 and IIIc ► whisks , th6 ro rt of the da neat, the "paratiun bl•tweeo rhe two counties. i' ' 1'
sucD Lumbugt ill cur widst T" A'e asy, der I ble leadership °f lir. James Them• J p 7 F0 Iyr. lLhsuu (Gum a crrcful easmlaatiou 0f sed yelled, kir frantic eforts l° rW himself
Liu4el ■roiled, and still coutiuued to p�11e y Upon this information, Crabb was sow of his uncuwlorea4ls newt nrnaweat wen
t over vet. ]res ! I{'. T. Ua s is u hhcul hwwLu, %'sea 66u kindly volunteered for the no- I tar vinutna) esu r •t present rt mora thus
y 1 J maned W Al ptar before me and other "" burs warn urcelines annually, and tall' both ludicrous gold painful. -Hit am Aid a
it mart be some important roll,.%, M• I P�L��NC■ lex former,!octiolts in this h7ounty hes was a I ranee' _ _ I magistrates, who exrtniUed the witnesses I ■tack,' ugesled s bs:um wench ; sal in a
tins. er it would n d Ae rriRcn nht.a; " saki i T r (j ` --- years four meetings, ill all making the total h
Inde. •• Would that it were rea.We to nod . NORTH H RON. Violent grit-alwOst a radiad, and he 11 � The giDDen Reaping Match, i without fear, favor ' or afi.clion l0, any Jf twenty 'lmptings, which, at $9.40 Ixr moment T e oyster drµ knocked right old
it ; het this of course caunut pc." j I i neat umrwt „r mvr.t,r tar r u, . ur rar,r „r yr loan. Alter the ezatl�nativn was over, siuin makes tLr sum Mr. (1,4soo renal, _ Init with n hnrrl) will ; but Can's bead
i e t l ,South Ridin how a tory candidate. Ilow Ion;( 6ar16 X' •sot rRh it. -'pinch hes tail,' cried • hWe
'• At- ?" said L,ousl. IIU. EFII WPITEgF,AD, i 8r bks I Will-- Cor"l, Tartv,amilh, ad,.•nrivr meta" „u we' the prisoner was asked if he had any- ed $ISS.00 mistral of $27'2.00, •)rich the wig, .fi hs aro to let go I' ltut ed a rY
Fes 1■S Cc xroam, brJn a tory ? N'h], just emeo two 4 a kx new, ■.Mr. L w. Ins t.k k,t«I wsrrtarr, thing dr ray ; he said he had, he than admirer of ingenuity tuts it up to. Further, iso tail w Piul, o le pour fiat [b re orme
AA'7' yea -it crunat M rc&l, Har 1:1''ll•.LItF.R nth and 7tD. •so- Iraaa Ju
easy it, I sh. old like to I,Uow T If y.,o "Ia 78C9 Af G14! UN, before be announced Liwaell I r p,W^1dt►.AupW,hazwt urwaht "nut' weal un to rtaW tort hit whiake was the writersrls thesis man can tr&val between doomed to wear the u .ter far ever. ss Chu
°alt get out one �r two testae, lL,;n sLa art tteean. Canwrunad,luibw,us rruw,raao.gw,tvl«u-A I Wroxeter and Gudench fur two dollar■, but T
Fox vat .lxxirel v . diJrtc. Ito "denounced (`Sky and ." holo° `be" "t w. m -""a ao.t.,n, .r chat, U.e ahiPpnd without an] marks by 11 r. moment an ',utellyeot contraband' whipped
tuu'd be koorn• now he is'� tbat a only of recent date, be until r few
\h. ars-nue or tae -end it i, those Holmca, 6rlt end JOhD A..,' "starrcwurthy d m -e u." . gr:ng n -u -e tt' Hlgck of Iktroit, and further, if we out a talk, u,d drab it war "eared t4(1
North Ridi p taunt li tbn fan from h [tarter to J.nlurth, u ale,. Cuff" lo„ted at the shrtie wools
os, -r lwn that 1 am eller,•• A lit • a ram ant cualitivuwt, redia t° support I `'•rn"s •"a weehl. n.,t nen war..t. ,d tw *,trios would only give biro tinea, h° would pro- ■■■ unn dulhtr, fromilonh to GuJerick T
,esu at *tin th•7 ought W h:o'• bark, wvn. That i•' duou,s letter W that 4CCL ; but r0 stwh 6,i er'lts, ■nJ lik6rtse sur the seater part of amazement, Brad finding 1L* oyster toothless
After? N'hy; am you really vying is q L7 Seipp �' the wen he onceoppusr ascorruptiemists I lerl.raaatan.-s„tis she.. it tray .iib los ,creek, Cmgotw
dTciph-r it T" ea'J l..ne• i tA'�� yo ill V eta lida�rd• �LpTFIIILER bth sad flk. I Ill the Donald D1cl),fald eleetirn he went I _ __ ! letter ever came to hand. Tho in•estiga- the time Mr. OtbS,n had to leave home the I turow but he gum ie pore ark,
CertaiOl♦ I are. II rrx yos •ger rend t I all the way to law ick, and his Clear I HAY. I live duSJ ;all stir Jepos:lioJs ■red dace- , d►y prenuw to the C'uuncil meeting, erg
aWn old B 4J •n Amm,Cru-Ia�u 1'ue� t --, ments were dr ite, etturu some the da after, w that lite to ��'�--
Gold Bug-oo.' -t- -'-- Grilism was o inters a tinge that he I pox' L with the l'Irrk of T
.• p'ell, it yor bad, year wea'd not laugh.^ W ketR hu tt eo0e i Wilh a part be bas was fain tO a hast) retreat from the Aw "t rah' 1X67 I the Peace, and Crabb wu bound to ap. Pences oo the rad, wuold consume the h3• The GJdetich Sgt {Pell is sleltiaS
U�fl it 1 till rrr���� Tithe P liter d thio Iturne sig,W : mews of the money, but such garolvd slate- n Immuwty, mid aaulber large half yearly
Why, •hat .elrtiun has r Goad L'vg, os J m read the berntics ofraturl about a aim-' spot which now brags will give Lim a a,■,- 1 am old-nueJ 11►N term r [, b• a gk.aa,. I pear at the next Quarter Sessions to stand
• P I ments as those to which I have rallied are ill tliridand a ern.
w„junt�;, An tlhc0 *esker, himxlf, helperwasted-nwthe,,..tntvillage„rzar!—the Aar Lis trial li,r said offence. On tho4r de- keeping with the diningeoa,waus of
• at•wy *haat ant, a, tow T" - life Lut Charming retreat fur himseif and - '�•
" it Rile how r nut tonal a psrch'aenl now dr• unacs office holders. Ila raise,f L'aa'' Cui,ntr.nquru.d w rarlWurut. Tear Ra: -.in■ pomtions ■n indictment Was framed,• the Gwlrrich divutioD court law er, &roil 1' Four men were carried over Niagam
n I,
T Itr
(30PLflI A; AIIGIIST 22 las%• Is luted ones, and the rest has vee, a,t �.esreuw .1er,wuwpawr.am.: I which was Seat before the Grand Jur am art aswulsned a hes nXuatun, u " &n Palls rt a late hour un Tuesday evening
de",Ci~bem.l i! A .N1 betamee eh um how Lr �.^M^ s out late n;ortgayce which gall the poor tut aal'uhol ouloburctry in hAsmfxlJ I iota n Il w4Aao .w n►u.a Mwawg a, aw no .iii the usual wiJ, and a lane bill fuer admirer ul ingenvityw n that (realty shines I Thry .are two frrrymett and tau parergen•
r' m.rww-, ,lane;,* wanvt at Is pr "ort. n�mineul ill his own rum r,Wiur tad he '1'beir names sire nut et known. '%'ben ;r
" i do ret pee b..w it is tarn rl• • ' I 7 HE DOY AT HAND. man's batt, but into rule ],rises wAick I he nut, lean9 on the catholic vasa,' awl Lar Cu'la"'will "'le"At a .1w*kiag marlu" by acid jury on thio inJictmrut. Craob (� F J
\oohing is ew.n•r u, atirrteln mL.d.' tut was arraiXncd, tad ext in a Loa of not sell eump!acenel eouujh to Admire dry- I much excitement over,be terrible attid(1oL
kava axaisled hrndr0ds of our work• oo0oiliale whicL he was wise cnottgb maA.dhet►er Thu ma lowl•gttupbytin4t,rpet- I P ' thiug ill untther, that he potsessas himself in %'heir ",dies have pot yeCkvenfound, thou`h
irery toe ,annus J, it. ' At la.r, thank codnets, tire Ptcelama- to kee Lie wwfull re reel Twetfu of I ",•" a•1 )do. I-(•stirer. ill lit was then tried by a jury of • large Jegrcm s •arrL a betas olds m tla rine Mlow Ibe
to tarts au hoacst da s wa s, %Oak P I P Pa gn` J•
••ran .nu T" t y' gc u„I ur tU4•kfe new twr■nxdut a eyYe C r Lis count,
Thr engine, of thct story put she id a ! UJn. fur the rlreti01.r are out in Loth r July speech in his brunches pocket. A' • J-4 w. baa[ m, 'Ar Tmen and ably defended by the I am air, yours truly, Falls.
sa].}en 10 a mau of that slam w.Iw 9i nen ver. Irl.g RNjsr; btr Juyrxry fr .No.- nelrr,.nr, tM ,,.true.
of uyb.g n if mr heel. i trim„ -•,l ate,, I Ridikgs of %%aero slid lex lhrre Racks tiwc P I druouIs is 0f ell who Opp,ie Lim as l .Ir•rrul.w rr. a .til twfra r..Kn the slur w w i... •"'•'i'•^• •'"' u, •1u„ war" d,dnrmi ver a, • DGNAD.L SCUTT. - --
1 1{ones, GIHEU�r ie and ger kis n WHIT to Busy TJ ax IJ„aa.-
1 PP'1• raeJ half dus•n fnroJA, by g• •u•„< then, wa tLail know the nrult. 1'Le Refurw I w&licious, lying] *cease,*' of his sacred I rwu11 xa.4ioe. (a -y, Sir ,.alto, w,m't ilio 6.•gt•r I c --,,.«I, u.r Jur, rrtae.l.rd,n,.w•K ora. n,twrarJ � _- -� � � _ _ 11 yor epi
to male UP mime a"c rtoyphermuni,�." • a.'ou, ■a.t^-,-4611*,a1--hoIarandeti.I•K••n«r.desL-nes - --_- -- sufferin from rheumatism, lame back,
\red d.1 the been a son rf toil. fie hu w er feared . ciaractcr Lea ands Lia da s seal ni hu t•"a+.n.e.ntw...rt R
en of the llount Lore love and ardently J P / tw, w I. w..n< -nbr ,n,"r Ls� " " r4arg . 'res' The Automaton Horse A Wonder- *latus, er.,rs or hro,aee eek head ache,
T T « ] g the face of an Lorean yon, and hu in couCoeting Itttle wean eturies,-end ho ext J"UrSlAfnrnew.n...shewarWdr,somal!mss,•[ral•.-,theL•n,hatwe alp..•.,J,d,n u -r !%tI Invention.
tae expo d tt. t'-unty. w dntu IL oau W.1, rd ."nh, t.., , � hyn,un ; J•eu•. W►t.,n. Y.q , awl ".", luulh &ch,, rhubr, b s -el eauplact■, burrs,
'• Yrs" wi-bcd for ilio moment itLro, at llic PiVo is constitufiorwl addictiU to .tor tell- e■� tuml.k rna,t A-, res ,.,hot Ceuat bIIM, iC ; deNdrdi the beet thin w
"And rnu .1 vcu make them out ?' never tarred aside fro" a plainly iodic- R 9 I wLjG. tear. k & r. -ant mw -
t •• Ever °vee," they cou:d nseaaurn atlength with toe it log -sod mapnractnrio two Peony -half ark �`^'"n ao"s!a' "•" ofr"'Jury ,atlas „y -r, wd,A.. The t°lio&ing description of a new in•ee J F
*ted path of gut]. 11 is educe un esu U H wk'hI--illnemah-w •rh-,,wp' W set Y,r. r.T,rP,it,, ..lefw.gw-uulur I-rufihm "t lb, tion now Ln exhibition rt :he, nos "show" Rel b • bo,Ilf of ILa ' ('anadiM pain I/e-
" Hut tory *rn not 1014 T'• of yronevt•. 'I lint moment is at hand al.d peony quib+. 1'hrrr,rejucp, and tbiy �U"4Ar,n nr,•he•I.rthat. n-li vet g
rig ream. ar11.. " a w m.en« Tar rnatnnan nrn,rr..l nu' in 1'■r re ch from • pnvau letlrr ubLSh- `foyer. Ths cert a tnflin:, dmf its elect■
I • acquired mainly in the School of IIard- is the " Able lawyer," the pink of political! ua Coelia, ww tar&.1.-w gnw.a **..nein_°_. 1'"ttnw" Anin H..Ps ,4hi or °"'Kyo rot aa'r`., i I ed ,, t6 ChCr p.tun Cw iic► til' the lib , celuln. it is •never filling nvwll, and
" X, t -"hr out ? [,.dead th "► arm, It lahotcs every lover of Lis cou0try to n11tk twtrrl4wr Lryee ir,r tw
• � - I no famil ahonld be without it. Sold b all
low of shire ae.e ia6uitr'y earflap ,Telae', ship and atru';•e, but ho has Lad los perfection who o a s mau woo is UwI r 1^•'•rk -,Harv", my..uu"'-"'''tea^ r.,,,,uhm«n, w,. drier,., ,..t -.,•r T
tee that Ill`s• i.+ ma sex ineneis ill she FF'ak tib« f. Uw t.,r la f 1, t wutnl tb«, h-h,"Aa. tial t A•,•then u W,..n.- 1•y esu t'urturnle lniu�h lex be press -ext T
th s lain ouch u not Daly IAe wriNn , !• , I F reward in rte nal will of thasc n Lo Lonunble to °Uro to meannarr seal tco ar• 1) I 1 1-,",. l 1. ." esterd. e•e'li" rt a rivate view of this' Medicine Dealers.
7w. Tear woe mer doll work will 11aen pr-yor stere r . ntd a .r w« w"rm *.inks t .ev ,nes. •, I y Y P _
tM nstt•q, &red ells s>eie o1 writ:'l wiiS , rthkS of tine llefunn parry. Truo wan b nobh-hearted to return evil for evil, Dut , nae. tar,•,• n„ Kwdm� .,.T C.rl, ane "•""""u11'wd, ani n,-"' tlw a,,.r r,.i«.i •" r"r a 1%.) •olteertul Fnreotion. 1'ne throng at the - - - ---
cou1J ro rl rstiwaW hie worth. A' "ic .alis, new e" rc- &,iso„vet.. w-- r. rn.,l I I. r -"noel J -w ur . et ,oaitiool is w den.. ir. the der time Iha
Arratt,d t. !`. trod T►is, ►teen; is ile i 0newidsll, Aire ILa rtanJard ill c•ciy F ) ,who drill be elerfuI just as sure as there 4,1-1..16.by«%-urt.web.w"wah a vr,-xao res,",•nalt•.h6,lir,<u_, the u-arra.-vrerrnl, .r.I I l IAlETEOHO1diCICA1e REj
elPUT, y burr, low uWas •titter; and Ike { l ir.herr of Iluron, lex has made Lie a 1.1,y.e-k,1 Ust uw �tar" sad rtnrew will to waagd I"' "•un. -i n3 .(A nresta. uu stoat a a-rw tt• I any attempt to ao,k it during the ezfweitwo
sec too and fall round it delcrwineJ to it inure of upri;:htaess amou;st the honest i ,„,.,n« F-tov'r.m,.ry, art -ver ,. el for .war, new, s'•a. vet vet,rmm-d-r.-n,rn,t..twn.,";.son. a hr ' POUT.
et Aber eluue Y Oke Y11e1 cele tr P►at'ewl resld• ( 1 ] I tow fe,' .,inn« ur sir John .\. xr wwrakl. x e- It , kl-w- r"•`t"'•• •b,.h rale•.% vel. teem 1" 1"..I h..w, xr hours esu ,mpowible. 76ruuXL the kindUtr
I fi;;la until ri,tur, mark in ever thin • nam J with far nen Cf the:iurth Kiding than of faith
tut i,.' l crow" year cfWrta. ) L Pr' pro- _
yra t, and Lia pJlitieal knowledge is � in i Iun1 .W No ""Allam oar ai.tr, unl Kak-hic sod a ll.' &IimGr, raw) I.,ty.a.4,.,-.w .,a„d I,.l,n.0 lex I of M: Je M., .hoar acgn&iut"ce 1 mads PrtptredJer fA..7Z.-I y J.A. H,aYew. tient
•• fr m• IiM jrwteµ lOROaF•ab10 Ob• pehtie 6umbuga Of tL0 II rya lira ,.,, wr ,.u„'r IA,ILl wonusnm, ,.n .stnap maltrard.,t tIs, bar.wb"n two, in 1NSw, when he win attache at Washin too Stress. ,raver bid.n, h.
Ivo Lave two Ar, 1. ill which to,r work. ilei e, ' IFarr.l...a r6l.tIli l.w,nkt a,u„o w«.uo..in@pall
i stark,' .alit Irene. peculiarly ■Japtebb W the ezigeocir •Of 1 u.r I p..k In p,.,.- awn., rr, Cwt tie cry want ! hn"m-d ae of fify peru,u' pruriJtJ ish
And w me tn••oaidrnble,"aid Lofeh' Lct lLtrr bT au eff,at made proporUoOaq oath 1[uroon I Air: Ilase Carling is also a political lIU'TFrRB FROM MB. GIBBONS. Iaol.••Ifloh.vli.w." .111 ,tZa t -, .11,ht. win. I Permits. (lo etrPlia4 groups, of the Cent - - r•� i 12 I;a $
the hoar. Workcn Of S I sol.batt.aled .,wv llit" . m,,.1rl.le. or's , title.
" Crn .ua read art T'' to tLe Yaks inn r Yds at stoke and lLc field ++lr6utbug-uf -• mono lywphalio and t L'urrite made rue think the Sm ror wu t = z
. ,. Sim lu■1 no.." } Rhat ray ye to 4onrSt isobars GiLloes? f I a-,utw...n„a,aarr I44dhim tar. war. w... Pt I i« � L -c -3 _� ` �
• p n,' ow mann 7" - u our. harmless stamp, it is true, Lut still a Gonxatcw, Attg. 16th 1867, uw"k +t -•t ""''� sort wtkp dl the .brrwwn .g cane I Preteat bol 1 did m.t err him until Cha middle T1me, T ■. m. _ :,, E a i j t 1
l Jortrn 11'H[ rxxxAD i, emphatically a h.nrhu . ti."'n.d ver. r era '* -wueno- I u,n.d n,,.. of the exh biU u. f new among she curios 11 : o „
--.--.-.P»- J Hu told bis fiiende before the lrtAe EJitrr w the lturon ,,seal. tkrw,lar n..n.l Lnrb,1� rte assert r°r wr ,. I
"A�. Sawmill, of bummer celrl•,ity, &red Whit -I!"- �3 I'' y I_c!
f can ma 1, n nut m a few hoot." loan of Prnyrrss / There u rot a fns-il•' Clinton Convention that he was not fit Sul.-W.uW you be kind enou h la "ir• asd letit r«a hero,,, eat. ur, a. as ...n net - I yq-
" Hnr ^ �b -
m -c live Tus meovered "." TO Tl:o Electors of Holton. I L $ 0,,, an l u,i. 1.mt..0 c oo rraa,•I w .esu tour° th-' worth, arm m arm wish Howe, of sewuag
t0 r" (� !,rt, rho h... hue 1 vn a.. ern -d, hr r K..ry 11"., July t3 14l.rIJ I wa few t LIO I Yto
" "Ibe order and refwogtment." teed Done ill Lis Isrge generous baly. Ile ! ,%Cali to ptrli.owcot, and Ins told the p4cn in the columbns of pvur first tree b a tar metntne nowrie•t out t sex s ! r` nen
• But she words are not d,ridtd ; hew ens hereat truth, bat his Counsellors soon I k -r... w 4.0 " Purr. nI. 1wq.wr Anrr an b • I Tore. • to 1 b i
GiNTf. f:x tgr u shrewd but heraeSt--aCtire and en Cr Tsw'rcmarka it a -aver to a eommunicatioR ' weater l am rrrfrn.l 4,t 't a■, is,. w h,e and dr I "Ths Icon bone bears no res'abbeee to wed. " 71 .272 1 rs 9 1 s A s 1 �+s
ee distorter the dime J� T" I her m w,. ,.k : Ire
I IS or I lwrx•JlJtrly Lcf,rC n7 14 the CT ls19 6'ellt, ]Ct nOt tJrxnRt0a1 -foo strongly, j whceded Lim into the ballet' that he Lad lr the Gudrrich Srar, Of the (bTh IML, I a, 4r ,,milt out ***feat u"•'fi., awA' have la.fd «nit n r 4't yt" Yl ,erten Beal Irm�•gnd 8• f t� 1'n•r~ rrgg J,UU 6441 tY .� I N
"h.tLvmra °neon pun the ptherd'u f, I ✓ Concealed about Lu rson the stuff nasi trwwTx, rte mr4rrrpniW i,u...ur
honest) 1 1n aha G.r the re I Pa sigred by one lo. Pastors. Nv., Mr. Edi• ft„ wt h h Mar, t all Ise Ix u o
eonrict ;tie Jt•iswo u( wards 1 Jr soot care : Ol our CoOMr}'s bihor}'. -At tLe (r ilei I i ring. xe ►til., y -n win try,,. an ,v..Kl,n the whole concern mounted on five wheellss; I-_. l_-_-� - I _
fur." Waaa Pe I's, I of A Lich statean}en are made. 11' he top• I for, my young friend e„mmences hu abuse ! t. y-.,natwae roll.. awl "Wir r6u I the •bee's concealed, bywrver, under the a The Vel.* toy of the WI d " n To "onrd
N Lost ere yon d• i- now, Perot T" ask• in the etcrcire nCthe ,glorious suffrage of diens of Po(]enappery, bat �ust the mar plcl un a heap of (W him) IncOwpreheo- I Motor (anus)Sv I macMse. Itis Boren• i .nh lestheq and •lp •uaunarly ay anmlrn, r6a: u. Cd"
tJ Lelse, taking r dr ryer and dto•Par intrnas Britons Tna aro ter decide whether the fir .Forth Iluron. Place Roble old I eblr political ideas, of which he had notI by statin; that ••from • report he saw in the CrahA,n ver. sears, thank. ...T u t n. to ...' b '
! $i ,.1, the tactors of the �luuth Kldinz of wr tont'. rn hu a Saddle, only the a&ddk a very hiXh m It uder•u ode ; 1n %'aria beavy Herr,rape,t r.
in the dncurery til teat ,loch bad weul" to j government of this Dominion shall pax• Joseph beside canny John, or the honey I so mach as dreamed before, little PodsnaP' � "nen.ut., b, r•r . I w„obi res nr,,.I nem, for W' I f 1nr••eat• w11 oi-r.ty,"k.ud.d" a tz
r.a, o,. r..wrwe ,a t.,r.-. Croat and tut, w that torn a mo eb.wce Iw•"•e
Is— an ,mprnetrabl0 secret. ' was at his tlbaw t° bolster bine u and sol HwOu might be led W believe that be (I'at j Ly number., loom lex t.. 0; thus: 10. adeaArn
x to the bands of men who have s stemat- lipped Doctor. W het an antithesis I- Pr -- -- of beim unhorsed. In front w a nesting { Its ibe .ky r , -v,frd web rw.J., 6. that u,s
" I a" awnliuj lLs wimMr of repHiUonm T I he has gone @oundering on,all unconscious -1 IOr) wu going to Support Mr. Gibbuus•" I Will'rEIIEA D'9 1b11CCEs9. srpamtue of tae &mplPat kind-taY elk h■d avt.nwl ; ■du oat n rperiecuydtar,
or cath k'tre" 1caI1J, fur many yeas, warted lvur public How eine, the pOpuLr voice will about that he was being made a ponderous hum• ill answer to that part of his le4�sr I eaa onlj curds -just LetOn the auditia a Heel bar, aAaureTRa.
F it ahµ tarp w ! I fund•, i+c everted your reprcaentativee, and with a eo0nd to bo heard from 6intail to (beg of b inch who who would u soon sa that I orae, e: clad an Ibiol of the ' 11'e have a reamn for the "nth alta wbwh regutatp obs geed, If yon pull n H'pl,rK Saaraxtnr
1 pe T R Pressued doueg the week
fu ere the proportions rbcs rep"kions ' j I ! player] by }leans, Sloan and Mollies in or, you start the ohm• bore ; pall it hi, her uP w• 29 ext at 7 co"1.r►. a m,w6'rue.dav
bear u, woe another. ' heaped' the grossed injustice on thin the eztnwc corner of Hvwicl, " Give tis. have .thought of bringing out a good -I kind. He then goes on to slate f r many the feet eLsc it ie now ounce teal din Slk )iso nrereme the r; eeJ d yea Jeprer it, f.��uHa s. al',.•pfe».,e dr.•q we weal was
p'h n .ill you dJthen ? ' lsceticn. Dufia^ set can the real Cr R'hiteLcaJ, tLo aan of Pmereea !" natarrd hapkta^.k, if' he Lad rot had n I ecasous he ' esonot wprort >Ir. G.," and a done unu, r nes a nrehyJ, wbsa tb ek P re ens w.mdey.
n P S g y I I hands that Jos ph H" hitebead is to h e the ' ! .alas .t...,' '• TI... h1vol. H.n.aevoe preasu•e a.r isle week
•• 1 o tome tar m h Ufirque oar, will was that nothing could be secured for us THOMAS Glnflosi-the man oC nial, y,al way Jrrse. AroiJ sof political i Mmmeoep tint wish the Audit Commiuve,of I mar, 1'or Ibe Giwmnos sea Nvrlh [[uron. I a � •4. new x0safe.
be!fill, , theletter'e' ui,a. ,' eel nue wall I se the great counties ?I Iluron ■nd soul, of high mind, of sound crltugre, of• life, ole anC meutail into* ifiatwo anJprtha 1 Qwlter SPriuus on 1'ubhefucobnts, thaj i j F ram all parts of'the ri•liu;, almost, we I marcs f ai-A -4 u ithee mash gr „"' eom Twaarsrnsa.
I 1 'admitted each member received une dallst d Y th aha (He od.rubat,rauur 7 r.., , I p m.,9 p m.)
Lionel wined oyer the letter for •while ruse had but one member. %That a inJomitabl0 Scottish perecyrrenee,-what! heavens, Isaac Carling to thrusting him. j receive a4errirrK tr]ings oC WLitrh Pad's ;a+medw M a conk mot•ow, real m 1 d■• 14,ta rt Tem rature der". the went wea 7t.a
i longer, and the o having finiilied ,t for I Rad fifty eta. per day." This I admit "trw, , success, and bid return ii sure, 11ence' ti•elly heard the cuek of the rachet, 1 there. un Monde), s
prestUt, he put it in his poeket, rise ' •f6s I chane now awaits us as a people ! In• shall we sad of him ? Ile went Into the selfou the people. %fill they be hambuy bet that I never admitted teat it .nos ilk I faro sex wad it was worked b
complete deciphering of it unlit sea0wsr decd cf cmc man, who was exposed to fhe wilds or Ilowick years ago, but while he yed by him T Not a Lit of it ! to lake eh a money eitAar for mile r, er fn�r baoyeJ rp widhlhnpc until tthewp tthat bat 1 hlrl.e ,resin. caner o, tt n k hhn,to{ r;nit l.•w..t 7rmpsr■sere der ns 14 .nk esu b6
ag j [ wµ nos Tw.1ay.
time. ( Me. t it neo is a far bahtal in tb0 auditte I y mwtal.w. 1 Sulryerr it rook 1.0 mouses tt' I verstraw Twmper.:n,. res the Werk ... 02Y
• it .aald be govd amosemert it tke I "tic cf the man dr.iruus of Looyiny him, loved to nim• the sweet sonb•9 of Lis own' race that it would bC cruel tv talk of him I T the public accounts, i woDW ben I tined aero to er! Icfy in the lurch. The a .col,..: Ja ,urn.■ tat wok w.. ,.o Ther.
"wind it ap •hen he me anted it, •and started
Can " M earl. " I if he happened to bo Defter tLan a were rcek girded, heather crowned ►and, Ins was ih this connection, and we neighs speak of I rk Mr, I'auon rhy he voted for wiJ coo j Dr. talk" about W hiteiread'e / IK!iiuK ,thy pal;,,, ; op the steel bar. it twr.a t t oder.Ito, 34 .. To .� r kum .: , 4Aa
t s Moldy,
" Yor will ciamire it "bile hare1:41�, ckip ip 1aorriiyr, you Riil Lave, from lbi+ no idle dreamer. lie went to wwk with I pore Ilolmea or Ur. SbaR as humLbCs metre, wig how came ha to take t!n illegal I That gcotleroan ail) have IAraed W spCll grdrray xn, w tL.t fur the Ent mir.k,t". I ,M M.as 7"rn�eonurc twins br t7
Said irend. h g milea e, and one dollar and fifty Comte alf r ht whet the Polling ddy arrives. ; could wail mon,;t,de vet, but presently it start JOHN HALDAS, )a.
IConnty soon,, 1'uur rellrtxcntativee in the swill, rataLLx ed wine' of the most vex.' of th0 first Je rcr, but we refrain for the E Im► y
" Ye I Pxfecl it W be ofwry;ce." y I present. All we ask of the electors Is W I day when acting on said co4smi4Ne ' Ih - - ed at rhe a;,erd of a last borer, and Io a Dared Ih:. ]vel J■v e f Aug.• ls,41.
" It mat be important," pry,ular Lrabchos of the Ieegishture. Cul manufdetures of the Count aDof to; seep .heir cyte open a'ld ace tLat they an win gore rcl to my shot he near found mfr If the Hundredth Regiment is In be I moment inure *as lues, gomg round U,. -
" And I will roof mtt him aitL thio" Think of it : Four aidcawalc wen ma] dad hsa rho proud eatirl'aCtiou of 17eLold-' , I xeroiled again, Mr. D. Prtwn is in a I carve of the ei,cle. The Indian War.
'r '• i can in,r;;,ne bre sutpriae.' Rot boodwiukcd by the poLtloal charL• . atundinr ou any except it.e Audit com Brit- ,fit state of mind to re•erlif, fur we Lear i wppoee Toa know the great esna:lion
Ho•crer, I will not luck at it a■y more .lie secured where, furmetlY, we had but ing around him a garden township, Coa• vee have indicated. ler, and gives *, a reason that there was ro I ,e Itr,ra•d of • ssrie•5 of coneemric ansa, tuh Di+patchp r.reivrd here from Fu1t Prtti!1-
just now. We must take measuna too err, hull a rrinakentatire ! ' .And what has terial prosperity, and a large numberofl -___ _.- •�• - ee for any other committee but tLis oor Alm saying in a public print tis. Car- j „b. dewed to. picullar branch of wifrsuy. man rate thin cobtr t
y s lit R's election is sure Ly ••at least 1000 i hP one tltr euchnx writ runrnnr on ,II me ae cr Porter an ived
return to lie -ran Hall. Arc yes ieadj 7" Keurvai fur us tLis great m�aaure of jus- Cha wumrat Girndt tLat ever stood shoal- ]%IUCILACiINOUB JOH2i. I and Therefore i Jid not erre *boat ■,tin o0
, I I majority" I Well-dor°, Davy 1 make it A'ur"tro Quartrr, section dart 3lerawigres, tboom o• the 13 L will, inlrllig.nes that w
' An ae y. go ?" t� ? Wint slut that ver] principle of der to sho-ilder In an e,eation content o any other. Now, air, Ile nates what to Luer• ; h..,
'• CerWiuly." r T� Feeling •Slight .tooth of tnngP a dry' UUO ! AuJ a am„ver the I&rgfet mruunnX n,aP 1 fvU,ILt f,rttk bel•een Ihs Ingle a aril
• We did apt know, But;a am res! to JRt lrer"tafior L 1 n adulion, which we jd, a{ ly false ; I uk him to Daum an committee I
7 1 9 1 on tbo battle tic Coble, lsonat ith or t nen duce Aa took u , ole. lloimrs' re-' I I -� - yards, m..rt thou &n i:ngluh mile. It seemed utenrord near Furl YLd KPany
n 6 Ibe when•■
leeote. All Chu we pan is in trunks." , tbet ever rut in or out of the Council, who did . %xCC0.s10)r rune LoiDor. -About to "P ;u b• intredihle that be should have en the 2nd last... Furl m she moron sea
" it"' did you wiofrne. Ireao. iL.t j aliened into the cera, of rho government telhgent man ie Thomas Gibson, and pend epwle to have &fresh Iau6II at nems riot receive payment fur their emcee. be 1000 Londoners visited Gudcrich, as ex•' P'rf'rmed the eircut in two metates slid 7 R
. I III it btcaloc a I. -word and a rc roach. of Ibe •wfoll hand names Le hsa eJ u ,on Cuiaiul,i.u, ePtcrde 151D Ahhuu 1 twelve w•ear!4a. A hearty clapping til hand. "x train of thirty wsggora, guarded by fifty
world etre part from you *grin T Neter !' j T P pec -eminently a man OC /,royress. 7 F F much for Nr. Yrttml's knowledge of waltews I y ( ) X t
and Liun,i press. -,f her w hes heat. Oar opponents "Len they wished tC raise our dwvol,d head., when *e were struck d ; XrcetrJ the muhiar u ivaw t+reering on citiam.s end a rnanv so:diem. roofer 1hP com.
Such, electors of (Ioron, are tIa lib• ! connected with Cha detain, on the wa L an suriJeut W lhr
'• Nt but 1 did nuc kuor 44w use loin Cornty Council. Mr. 7 I and Xrudwlily stn r ,in w t y
1 P • Ins h anon t lLcmw Ires had Onl to wish ■ PPeulwr nam un the s•Pr which ! { f i haat nen appsreet mare of 11&jar I'O•ell and Licaterua Jmnp,
P I t loaomol, i they ng (i d ■ e ,1i fitful af• truLLlc. left the fort• for the Purpose of gathering
wo&M b. Isid.�' R Cs I crala ecekiug the highest hoose it b in i ('attoa w•nu the Elecb,n to rnderstwad that '
int at Ds shot thunder out Ile h !K to alwbe a,ed ;p bis bag lettere to ■s, l oerer JN anrtlrin for th6 b ncfit Of the I tcrroen, in wiling on the J'pr.ry and I 1 nuGceJ stir emlwror, generally tuita7n,
" Yew might here peen ase ba Irene, p0 P I oar power to Cutanea Ate they not men weal to seri br4uld 1 what JIA ae sec wrought R inhaling the fresh bre( see or Lake Burns. ,loud in hes applause. copping bis 4•ruls y furl. p -hill) thus e:gs;,red, within five mile•
they, ould no they might h•h b"r nide Iaa,ir, ! l;ut what a change: has CoWe 0'er worth of our confidence and as rt.-' ' ' country, sales% 1 was wca paid (or it• Sow
rhe? Could out( under say ext of us from, re• I I PP° our Cann in the fiat -'sus artie!e used Ly s - - - - lutly u I did, aid I w.s &mored by M. des 14. of thP.fort, • 4en! -t •hundred Aud fifty,
lhC stall It tfi that dtwms ; we furcal Ur. F,ditoq l will ta':c the LIIerty of tellies - that Le Iraf oerer seen bis m. Pet on ■n ^"e up and iwirediattly matte an attack.
gwre nen absence til either one of us Gum tLe I Yea 1 Go W tLe pills, then, rcxrlyeJ W our tunny f;ebd T " [.cgish"ive Apembly, the Reelois of the Norib and -iouah Itidio renataurodr u,s Cru nn .,teat xcuiou before show rhe Irml 8i4u of eom The wLilfs int de a de■peralP resistwnta ;
other.' I thfm, *fkr a ttrtll,�(le extending over a l place them foremost on the list, against hnai mil," etc., around the Ibn Arid unicorn S Dealt ,SIGxAL.-yea tis(hin tLroU A the bat site luAisnr, after li'hn Lie utersnt
•• Good• IAonet." Ion•• Arti• sof Can,W trot us the' ,incl• of Huron what I hire done, and lot them be R X mrld.,ticn. 7 be inientor then said that Ins R
e 5 F P ■ll Comers, and ou will find Do one more of official suthoril I What, we asked our ;the vl ea of m ate whether lh• wars world, the longer we travel ■nd the further wou;d Put it by to its speed, but ro d- that he Jamp and °there, and doweling two pritatet•
•' Yrs will therefore rclurn, trf p•a,sr, to I 7 7 J : 7 , y suece.rded in at►m "din the aisle foam the
RPaeou Ht and yon ern take ua ynwrl Plo wa drmaode(1, kat, miruG:k Jichf, rent] to rejoice with ]ou, than I settee. Lu Nr. Ilolmes strnl!y "ted we go, one cannot Wit, being surprised at so mut I nos the mar bine • start. HP tLcn f R
right or wrong, allow int here to enamer•le I true enrol. '1 he white lea IIs lbw Icdiars
qua,ters al your old &part o,ol. ,qua u shed sew rtk ug t° turn out backs upon Tour humble xrvant, ennU�h of that liberally wpplkJ parliament- mach incons,strnc to be seen in out fallow wheeled round. and just lila a ximu ■Cas be R
Morgk ensigns lad happened. 1 •u ala e semi of the resew arrrieeri perfurmrd frM l e horst, vet rt n to ill maximum as he tar three bv6n, killing and worLding •lyres
the ver mea whim we Lavo W thank for c `' aria rarer to nee to this day. No IonRer men, This los brew full evinced Binet 1 I g P rn&nl, wAn wen immtdiwlefy reeled olf thw
y 7 vex EUITUR Or THE ._u;.t.1L• , I R J'' 1, I 7 R ficial by their comrades. 'l he battle Contin
rrob&hty find then in' tLe wine ctndi;iui a let us wonder at tLe len th of hes letters . T ohv n• ar follow : to get ernes to time to /inderieh=-rot.bat 1 believe rtfl i P cuultwwµ 11olde W fifty'veeorrds,n A newewlvu
IhPy wen loft. :kothipg rare ebangrs wt the ' ft, zs well a lyonfcdcratien and li tion � w --_- R I Toronto of S d• • •nth to et the P ins t ''
I Oh, ye shadloe of mucila;,e and n kurve l B . ,• y rT ole of this Township inconsistent, th., j tt al-PI&aAll mei him a he brousbt the a,I wnh unbated vigor nnlil Major Smith,
bell. E•eptbing cunubure lM am under which we hope to build up a great 111' N HUG AAM P ANT. 6' I le;,ni:erd Ly the JeYislalun to ruse moue P with two eom nice of 1; ni11rd Mstts re o -
A■ In going Fuck griet'yr AC raw&el Nrrrthrrn Em dire I " "bat •heart :a■ h we en'n ed r Hs I - J w0old Le unyust ; for the m+jority of them I:echn,e to where the r•mi."or wan .tu,ding, , P• z
mane a the I y ? 1 y 4 for (.ravel IteaJ pttrpTtes; one p,arney l0 and [ mw! w i Itlt raw•• oat ,motion when lora need two howltzen• tesla to the reecuo
g i " aid Ilene. I The word humbag ". is eeruutl.f rias senonsly. it is sorely adding malt to u,}ur7I Guelph on Gravel Road suit, lVilsnn, lirwe , are Intelligent, shrewd, liberal minded men• the emperor uoitle the Lagoon of Honor bow from Fort Phil Kearny, AAcks the red men
, /l, tb-t it. T Jone. That rill 1o0 aha I Oh, heli sa ou[ n nen +, 11'r have retreaed, going northeast, leavin fire dead
J Pi'^ E fur Ivied Hidmra to Show lhaa tnncluriwaly ! and men aper' wknm d wnald be d,ficuh w his Au,tnn-hole &red plrcad it ob Cha young R
best rut of ,t. To come publicly monlJ . a very elegant one, bol it is the best we A Co., *sautes Cha Guitod Counties • one !
taken in IYilliam 1lacd a all anal ►I r. I shot he 5Dred u, 'A ten pus' s- I ,of eta- hcdim an the 6PId. Ms ver Powell reports
k.J w rex un Iegav,l cnllrloa Lct"ern u 9 S T PP 7 play •trick. Rut Pxtrenea races, and f as invputor'. brrroot. j
! J" est find to ezprsa9 the (Anduct of a �rca1 tinnery slier Ir.•oUnq Lis g,;.09 »r duv.- ocher Iv Tnrror,lo on limn rust, which luted ,• M. told me that Itro tondurenes. it I me thio total lar of the w•sges at sixt killed
*old my guulr. f;ut come privately, and 1 Huwlutd, your ol•1 friends. r, but 1 , exemPlifieJ kern Inte,y, viz, •act ofpeopl6, y J
wan n 10 at resent forcin lhemacd•as 'No wonder M.. 11. rano to get beak, *nJ ti hlern da s ; .' vena nurnP to Ades ! Lutnpht, and • or a ormArr woanJed.
*i.l ,see that you are led in uiutly. 1 ern Lndcr what h,nditiaTn ? in the Heil 7 De P P R � d T J 1 who, like the hwnkert would do an rhm for � nae ICP term, *m extraordinary ;that ■t it■ R
qq Inst wonder that be auPpuus twh hM,eal , Cr&i 7 g Thos oTcial screens of General lex
lease ]oil a, Norbury, t+o milea &ally, an ) I upon the attention of tiro ever-palioot • t X on the se, r...6,i of the Township of ! I highest speed it would keep on going for ger
while i hurry to see me poor lathor, t Cn" I Lreath we ale Whl that Sir Jahn A 11 ac- Pa mom I NcGdlitn IMES the 1: niled Counties, y � the "Almighty dollar,' even M the length four tours, i w•a Lal to believe that tAc clurges'1'urk,y Foot, Cbief of the Cheyenoar
people. 1Vc Lavc humbugs in acarid y g P P ne being alone guilty cf ■h* Plum Creek
ofncrifiein unci le; bat it it & credit lex mecbauical wee was acondar ie it, Sad
tend the man, RirhrrJ, to firing you in !hn j Junald Io the meat astute statcwman of the -'� also attended the ar4itntlon which sat in P^ T moa«ere.
rrgaired insane,,' counfr that he ran wind tire other every walk and relation of lilt, std it is a I NEW TYPE. the community here that these pen le ere a 'Fat • galvanic battery was the real mail" _ _
• Richaod aill Understand all ab"mt it T' I- I fo,Jerich on do eepention of Rid•lalph end p power. ft is rumored that a battery of tort.
• l saddening nficclioa that in this Nine• R y licGillitros from toe Count of fluren,whieb j �ong way `" the minertty and are a penple ,lantly increming elements susiauu the T1fir MAHKL'i'8,
• U, es. Ile will see rt orae ah:.t is w nlcmbcrs of the cabinet around his little I IVa have ibis wee4 aLkd Ing el to onrl 1 1
be done .' finder ■t will. •If esu admit that, wgwuet teentb eehtury Of IigLt and spreading stock of material by introducing a consider. luttd for several days. Now, air, i ,ply Me, I nn general, who urn nuncdq rend, and fhe ,nation. Anyhow the secret is well kept, the .
And how will you go 7• adulit that the Coalition is atmL onl is knowledge, it is as powerful fur evil as' able quantit• of new type, Ac. We do not I Prison or any One else W show that I ever I neon# o/fAtm can't write -1t w those who I roperor having with the inventor, the only
' it w,U be evening wAen i ar•i,P. i do Rollyw and that Juiln A. rri m a• yTr::_ ever. We havo reat faith in the dict I ! r g I'wonarsT without y of sire stave ez- I need our pity; frit had been an educated knowledge of it. M. &too told me tbst at COD1tAtClf, Aug, 20, 1867•
not intend to see my uncle at ,once. Ur n F 9 be ,Pr6 m reacn,n received one dollar fur &n 1'incenmS • hater of rattler esu to ba Spring W6ea4.......... 1:16 (� 1:2Z
intelli enee and eneral true-heertedness' �utiun ,r, and when our new Power lenPle i world hwva said Ycorn, APn u 7 1
P g g p g tro services a:cep: my trrvsl:inl expeare Full do
j caber I shrllved*my coaductby my father's nl0uel at the, rea.nt moacnt io the , mined wnh il;uued of horses. l ate,...,, $1:30 1:40
F I when absent from home. And this n not all, slsewhore these I eop.e era pmmced upon b ,
eondimiun &red sd.ire.' of the mases, bac l6ere ie nn di,puting; I Ices antra neo aI+II ofiapl■l w Fign,ll en•' T 1 may add that 1 new four preen,, mocDT ......• 0:50 0:00
1 cOuneils of rate cuun'ry en ILou'•11 tlirec of urscrupulons persons profe.ain Ihemmlwft r and it mored much mon ra dl if:&n ... 7:00
You youreel(, then, will go Annie xrrct I the fact that the Great Public in intense larged and,fittcd out in a perfectly new drew. I Mr. Editor, i have acted u one of the got• 1 friends who & ek ver fri and mold world • seri a An inlerealin' i erimeAt F Loa ., eD 00:0
Te Earle
r 1 IT, unaocouulab!y gullable. Prof. funs• R P g e flatlet our• I eminent auditors ail the criminal sdmimiarw- , )) ••••••:.....x 0:60 fd 0;50
1 , ale Sod. y I tel the scut of tthe thlree m n who,@h�a _ rulrea Cha Chi co0lce cweoot be ror arced A I tend,, advice Such as "N'e wnu't fare that nein made u•igo its caiabdiry ofXgoing over 1'065 , ...... .. 0:50 - 0:00
( v nes
7 ell cnurre i wish to s•s w lisle of m p1 lion of Jaatree accounts, which takes Irom 'man but R*rabbu." Now we all know the _
socias toodurt tow■rdor my Cath q .v an u_ I blety waxes fat and makes money through P 1 ( rough aoonlry. Several loads of dn't were :IherP • • ....�.•..•..... 4:00 0:00
character u( that indn,dua;, and though ba
lying the" chases mum mrrputabla upuu ' !ng Peen Run from our ranks, arc now lLe sr le of his noe'ruws while &n hnnrAt, uy of oar ,°*airy catempor&rics, one In Iwo days alter ewcry Quarter !ies,mn• !esu achy bed, .r nP•Pr hPerd of him F,Pi" (shut on toe uoor, and it Awed °ter n* wnAf. 'iF awl..... C:qO ',rj g;lt0•
him.' 'atuml,ing the oauatituuuaus agarnat go- I thuduly T Pwrfrxm by virtue Of being elOned out of nen DWrh e.oadi't t for din; a Punt cane. Over ILmg I remarked wu ILdeS(grseD),,,.,,,,,,, 5: i0 ft 0:00
Abl then-' Wiling, educated p!lyfician i, starved. Su Not harm the ficrht Of the T t t thpre wu • er ndeul&r ia n th
form candidal t. llavi we faith in the B ,'neer who Warder colothe County, now, aver, 1 have per- raceful tolkrr cels aboral sm,n,a, .,nJ whetls and that u • d,tficrh w i wrmnant. lctst(reo,...... O:bOi � 0.00
' Then h Home the ke im,,emene l I Alitic, riu,F da% which have actuated it is in mmmerer, in lilenture, in law, rot fire pal'ons of sluts*, ill s three gallon I formed thio dnty for eitht and aA•If yoarw, Aaoirg cheated his aanun0rsoat o three ad, one wheel would be h1 h r than tb* other ........... 2:00 D:00
wit. elawr with him, sod take te.,aeance o'l 1 P I .. - ! / N nod.....
hire and his villainous son, for alt rneir fiend tie in the battles cf tho pact, or have wr and rt fs gLuingly bin Ir,hhra and re- keg• we find it iroposs,bla to work m ell the which takes at teal A drys 10 veck year, Awnlrtd Pt► Deal of tarp,-blaekgusrd ss whilst the body was on the same plant. hmy new'jt los ,....... P:00 (M 10:00
ash machinations • ainst me ; for til their li, ion. In limes of ordinar diet, i. Ie matter intended for this issue, Our (rends' m+king in all fifty -owe it&)a. i would ink I he was, to have attempted being a member 'I think th■tIt has been aceA ur ,rel (�
R ! I d s Pl P P 7 LRga................. . 0:08 (r4 0:10
svt? If we beer, we "111 not aiLiw our• Jade toms or bis isnot, Judge Rmagh, offht fwgislafwe, wpsld hS►r Men min in a retired art in the es osition, Arid 1 Chickens .............. 0:20
their r iclopt of my hgainst luhp., fvr �nll sot Mo..ey to gull Chu public, for Ih6 aim- mal ezercim lM virtue of patieree. I how mach we receive for performin this alma ;ro• adenre, f.Ot w ■ k of the •Mord- learned thismorning that the secretary of Turkeys ............... O: AO e:40
their wieke11 dpi vet • ■incl nu.' selves LO bre hwJwmked unld we arc R ,
R i y le reason tLat CLC o>!C allow cnmmoo-) «�. duly, The u,wer will be, aft role tent. 1 req, bat m 1 rcSered to unsru ulnen
1 he ■wo lovers Iben left their sex .jert to waddled with for ism to its ^rossis form. F pe ' Po I J P Persons, war hu had it removed from tine exhibition, Wool washed............ 0:20 . , 0:25
I e sense to nide them to a ver w...i.lara. CYrlwta her rinsllnT arra) ll �O make its int to meet the Uosnt i ma mention ens ,lwdrsbilly. • Ndleft ,The inventor's name is Victor de Nardw.'
' Glerk st hie o0ieto one da m ever week to who like Judas tate first, would do an thivg ---•' `
,pun set long s ng theme, not era con shirt• 11'c Manna to lliC gre,d 'Camepplitan g y iut6e Isarrovers I neat ' 7 I ( - ' ' � �` 6kwwtreal :Markets.
sneak u a one of • more ierd-r arta,,. ))
Tk*y wl Inns reside one unuth.r, ronve.sing Lk eztcuf but start tomo new doetriro i0 gtteed to County molten. if any of my I ter money,) gnem round Ibe country far tiP CIIINA. _
part] of 1'm�rrsa. I,et us rix, like men, t
�rcli^ion, and hnwcvor wild, illogical anal t Pte• *rani u w•rrlen, hate performed iostensiMe Pttrpoee efmtlling fail tiara but Lnstoz, Atg. 13 (Bran;ng.)-Advrcr wr",w TerrirsmWu„ran Agna.
nw nattiest o7 hole and ►npein," in the tai the duties of the hour I In the mother . " ' IYhaie wmrigwith friend Christopher? thmeduties u faithfully as 1 brown done and in reality bartering three people's pnvil.gee receitdd hen from Shanghai, giro the fol. Montreal, 2 p m. Ao . 1
futon. stn id it mea be, the ro e ator is sun Tor u little renumeration u i have received, for whisky and tr iA to et modern BaraG havin aecouct of a conflict between two Fr.00R-$u eriur a 6,a $
counfr what do we Se 7 'fhe old foaei'- P y F P g Will not ammo one hold hiro or hA Ii ea , y• 7 R
At Ln miJniXU arrireA, and the diep i y' to secure w fullowiog-as ellen a he has Inst them "leak nut. What do we find in am hu supported by olMing "bun bribes" in n@e0,en Of The American .gnedron in the F.xtn . Extra' • • . • -8.76 w $9.00
g 7 y grasping, o18x- plate I Suoh a rage as he has Adwn into of the rr erot of the Council? that the brim the ahaPe of ri irulow rice Inr teems a CAinpa "sten and The irate" of the Ilex "' "' • w-25 • R.50
tent of the midm ht Arlo, saltie ver ever Vm, tree to ill ancient
side, grnsA tl em of the hoer of vett. holding on -an tears instincts has been crestal •u r:cltemeat--hot a very difli• I is most dangerous in these d do a. 1a real administration of lastice Accounts wen, same f rtheomm els lion ; Occasionally of Formosa , The [Hired Stste
y �- y K P s amborttiee Welland Canal Su• e r T 60 a 7.76
i/' Array rettred to seal, but nut w Sleep %nevi to concede reforms to the n l@, cult tack. In the instil, of pdiliet,which the man demented or simply paying hill I ant Audited for three ye rs, which dor not Judub,lly gets Iwn,(hed at in he free by per• havin received ,soother "lisfeeton nor I s. ,fi 1•*r 7 30 • 7.46
A thora&nA pngeful thoughts agitated PrP 8 way for his ninth or tenth atlack on the speak very well for Mr. Holeep., he being eons whom he plied with whiskey! u a s olog far the murder of IG ere"'• of the ne No.I C•,.eda 7 30 a 7,46
enol, a he w -i Al tried to slumber, and when IIo it is in old der tic Austria, Russia ^houW cu t tb6 mail martinis and , P YT
I l'^ ' ma malt that he muni arade r Int Ojl owe of she widiton by ,trine of being War- fv""I" by being told that he Cut coma Amenan bark Ilntur, the meltef war Hgrd .1 No,l W^'ren 7 30 a 7.48
& fitfYl deep world oti•il him, it would be IheoghtAil tronaidrntia0 of intdligtnt I Ir 1' duh, man rticularl when he received for over it Thal way" and advised to try the ford sod W' orcin were ordered to the scene
Prowia an reih*ttoallJ in redeemed sfgdaviin tomo of which ur rt to be Ds • 1 u J i No.1 g 60 & 366
disofbed Ay droems r,f maddening anA er i mea end women, the ossa te oven "One.I P i've •stn sPr•tcea a lour ye•n the n;M Mlle next hpmr, we knave roar ora mind :" Aat °( tAa °bless* nn lM Idrrld el Formo*a. l:■at?.- Flmr
tiring zeenn. Hu mint, rptlP.,t and unPe*y, ,Italy. alio it hu been in oar bPlnved {signed by men Jean slier their dPoraaa, nem of $650.00 over sod above his solar me for all that, rt kis no eRrrr on him- -.ilh s 'ihry waled rayl) in lane sad ell arriv' t Called* Spriag.... 166 a 1.67
Nhen an im ,taut dlfieal c:i"i: a:ie^m, T ing ( Ara, -Per 32 lbs 044 s 046
quickeeel and rend•oed more acs;vn thw' Vorka,Lr, end now we pat forward men I'o F" , M prove that he didn't do it. in our i warden, I world now ask Mr. 1 stten to go persmteney worthy of a teller caber, ha rnm of Cha shore • demand wine made IOr the SAaLtv.- Per IIA lee .
usual by hi. r-a.fulneb, went over all the (wrnth] of the mUfidcnco of tin people pa pie expect W b@ esciled, old the rear-, humble opinion fMet teAiskry ought t° {rr wad zearch tA* Cnuwty Tremnmr'a books unaee hi. calling, Ai■ fate like ate other
ry murderers, w►irh rex nM cam hrd wnA. BCnaa.-Da11ry ... 0.11 s 0 I3
pain, a„A bti,■tht up balsa him Pt Pry ;m. else df rassph and grad xnne, nnf,rta- I tell *]ane by Mr. C. far the bre r ahs t°A utl lM F:IPctnn how meet i Irv. n piece of bar, �eUing n hire •t titer ruA. Msawtime of esu apparent that the nwtirn
*nd we congdcrttl ask the ,easier I H R Slated P•cted..... 0 11 a 0.i2
__ yiued se*n* of m,ssry, every Iwig n( reel j J 1'^"J nate) gams to decline just u the infam- matter is stirred the worse it will be• edvdrf foreztn "'"'"a io tie nine ywn ow, Cif, I wnu d ink jou m a respectable were re arta for a fight, and the .bre" As■ta.-Fou...
,, wee. He new hu r,Iher mufleriug sed Inver ; mm nf.lLis oonnCJ to n11J ground the y' 1 I Ixtme. Ile m■ talk far •marsh -♦r /bat i bqa ban W *,Arai anA 1 pledge my- fraena, "an these hawkers ant los pttrnsbed wr i1 �rorlg shelled b Roth ,reels. Pearls... • • -• .. • • . 6 d0 a 6 Lea
" his Inns eom Ilfd to flee aw& , and se• Is motor more rim■ in intensif Then I . 7 I g' f y 7.76 w T 80
fr, l f Ptardrrd the raise. Ir flue°,, .forth J ! i• ' late a inion -nix • storm which miU m'f to pay him liberally ler his linable m no for impm,rng nn our fellow Committees T Al Several boat leads of wilan and mariowl Foax.- Nerrls... . , ...... I! b0 w 2T e
vwba ie a fu, (pink Iswd; . a syf Ibe' J Pa doiJg, &rid i bop@ Ise will do so without fail. anyrrte. 1 think he mi hl tp ire rn account ashse uentl Raced a lending, *red a ohs Friw. Mer
ytaOm of • aeeI plr,t, s eo.•iet, w series who fl ehcicd y wf' urge en in the 11P1d, demes Ihuc w hes ho Eoat nFo nblioS 1 � ant eifer/ (Arte antes, and Jet tAam who M for the later part of Mr. Patton'. letter of how he reme A all Rhe monP q 7 ....... I6 60 a 1:. 76
1 y- s isfri As Oght over fi ntA the For inn■, *hick Primes............ 14 60 • 14 Il
o cu- ti , & A,, de prisoner" IleAind the ; 0 1 1 bort°, fp the � P I knave the Acts of Ibe Ctx will Mill bP- I wilA refnrente to my knowledge I Muniea Ans btrw alert all a4,ng-perhaps hes fnerof toasted neer Ore hose. TM �f�t�t ns inie C. pass.. .
rassare( ell tAit mradoU wire" Cha mum , pe, l le. They have each their faulttf F^F Ilion that his pnlinR mpitd'wlRdvm Ow" ill !pal wasvrs r eompaired •ith Mr. /;arlibg, 1 BarrAAu hes filled the wine■ya empty porsa ? .red fifteen eflfcen end m,.s rre"}P nr4A M Rvr Flora.. • • ..... • ... "' 0 M a o kTG
crone- t1s neer, of ►il tlisse 0.,n t -Ike I the lid* of alar excitement. Iota I p
ori in to the rase he hu dra •rd u in pre this matter enumly with the F:leeten However, i hn th• ma he wigs enough to Aare barn wnatruck. Ingot. S,ddr11 M•a Mert
y� h0 act fm ill@ pnnapka fit ele•ated mnnh L ill, . p H ps I y reel Mie A 6.00 • a.0?
miOAr i a "slily°« deaigtrr vel every ntr ddwsbt, n wq ell hive, bat tb*J Lav@ �c�'•yjt-s whish Mc GiDtxms at Dat of a ArTse:A °f the Knuth RiA,ng el earn, kenneled tAey maks nem of tie m -nay bP (oM lMy g0 leo ke&zir, One of rAm Imnfiing pert►, esu aSnt
agar, try R
oel ,rl war' 6ewlerte plats ao.'f Aieblital each done rqd service to the cause of ty, and nixing the; lat(ml goMi LDrre I Of mm "traces endmvnrod to diseba will do m both jrlica in tM preveirm, and far, or he may betray them (u • "assert• and died of bit accords, AI ni hif.l the N° cFAuge !• a,y dePse11rnt, wakes gen-
, eeM"re-Iwf.wst w hr s.prer,Prd, car. g !
ry,•ted. s4ealrrot, ie in eAietJ, endeavor W hrinp ell alssnea tY6 wbe r&n tell let the fArnunwl majority dal be(om him.) with 6010-counttrfrnt like O hila r 4 !rally isectl•e and pnovalnas nominal.
menet tasefol ,wadi-tM I Leman prtgts(s. his dsty hithfull] Snd impatialy. I ken of A Mr. i orlon, m* an z r party wu withdraws from the allows
b Ibe eoofem Ginn of shit° v'i toe end eP° 1 • J ( A t Mliere Alaa"'f-for "all that glitMn is nal gold wrA th. flow b•Hwewt .".wed sad eortiarad NOW York, 2Mh.-Flair-old very 6rm,
wOdo i4 HP"ry iv,\easy, I ll. C. CAMLtOIe, a a,If made man, and � F C - � s'. �--� will) Ae in my fervor. Il ee Dory most tfJ seal "& bled in the hand is wonb Iwo in she enol thin nstifrm Aad dl di treed nod wilA wadt.0@.aqui, New opwHl.d
�'• 111e`^ier ear rad d'nn.i4 d tb' lP t private patriotism ? {lines be disdains to � American visitors in large crowds ave again after w.ucbin`` the ('.,only t n muter a bash." Apoingirint far hteraeming on sea d;uPPIle" Tl* Il d al cud 1V emir cit n odt,s this )) "
eb.walo0r, Aare Lr,•mI ►ad pseud aloins► a , d nub follower o, a noble pvofeasoon, ham ■ski Mrrtpo•ery b6mea in GnJsncb. (lar Matx w, l fell so 13'eewn of rhm words,. mrcA of oar •alruAi• r, 1 g / 1Yber pie
etsrYlem Niki N. dad not d*1wy la g to pMder to fhe Pwrione, the prrjtediae, Ort lag 7 1^k{a' then sul*A Iver 7(A.n Lu. t t, 6r". Re.
t ,a. „3 " at bare t men dear to stir pnp0lvr hwart. betel-keept'a an d,,j^ j tM it b»I to accost. fu1 d,em,erits be has lband in lMm. fan, fru g t•ipfs 23I AI bull*,s. Rye 2e yr 36 ►Hier.
[7b 00 eawfiewod i y good deal of if. the preuniery weakaore, of a class alway. sa*" them. , RUDENT I:IBBnNR, y 7a A6' Amnn¢ the general loaves of blows from Cone aetivv, mh&de fit"er. ported 0,06-.0.
- ; I tic bre meds moa. a TUCRIRT. shaAgha, it n *tailed that the Chierve War. Owls heart', lower, 0TIM 2 p.: ■. 41'1.
. '
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•I),� . -,O' - •• ',-._. .ti " t aO" %` ,.,_,.''4{, 'tttt i w"" .e ?'+e'C« •'ora"", �*'•.i<,,,_ v �A ^" s ysNk.«watrrt< ;a9 '•"�sw• ,f r ;fit .,°t
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to i T. y, , .