The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-29, Page 9* You’ll have no winter driving problems if you endose Suburbanites. Com* in and lit us show you the patented Suburbanite tread design. 464 specially?, angled, staggered cleats boost you along, :give you traction on the worst winter roads. Suburbanites run quietly on dry pavement too. See us for SUBURBANITE WINTER TIRES LOUOAEAR !< by 6.134 JIMMY HAYTER PHONE: DAY 91 — NIGHT 84 GENERAL GARAGE SERVICE DASHWOOD. ONTARIO Comment* About Kirktan By MRS* HAROLD DAVIS W^S*1 Report Qn Centralia By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Th* timei-Advectte, Neveml**** M 1956 WW **• 7* Personal Items Murray Shier spent part of last week in Toronto and visited the Royal Winter Fair* Mrs, Ed. Atthill, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Atthill and *Eddie visited with Mr. and'Mrs. Chas. Atthill of Exeter. The flowers in the United and Anglican church pn Sunday were placed in memory of the late Wesley Doupe. Mrs. Charles Paul had the mis­ fortune to fall and is a patient in St, Marys Hospital. The Kirkton Agricultural So­ ciety, 4-H Clubs and the Tractor Club held their annual banquet in St. Paul’s church, Kirkton, on Friday evening. The ladies of the church catered. Mrs. Levi Budden spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. H. Budden of Mossley and attended the Budden-Webber wedding in London on Saturday. Miss Mar- •garet Budden spent the we'ekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Pres- zcator, of Exeter. New W.M.S. Officers • The November meeting of the W.M-S. and W.A. of the United church was held at the home of MrS, Robt, Hazlewood. Mrs. Geo. Allen, the group leader, opened the meeting assisted by Mrs. G. Allen, Mrs. Ray Francis and Mrs, C, Ro,utly„ Mrs. W. H. Pike gave a short talk on Christian Stew­ ardship. The study book on South East Asia was given by Mrs. R. Payn­ ter, Mrs. Herman Paynter, Mrs. Glen Alien and Mrs. S. Shier. Mrs. Robt, Hazlewood and Mrs. W. Kirby gaye a report of the sectional meeting held in St. Marys. It was reported a bale, of clothing had been sent for relief, valued at $80. Mrs. A. Bickell opened the W,. A, meeting. If wps decided to- purchase some more dishes for the church pdtehen, Mrs. Stuart Shier was elected president of the W.M.S. for 1957. Vice-presidents are Mrs. Fred Switzer and Mrs. Alvin Crago; secretary, Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby; assistant, Mrs, Roy , Switzer; treasurer, Mrs.' Fred Roger; as­ sistant, Mrs. E. Doupe; auditors. Mrs. C. Baillie and Mrs. Herman Paynter; friendship, MrS. Ray Francis; temperance, Mrs. W. Batten; missionary monthly, Mrs. Everett Doupe; literature, Mrs. Robt. Hazlewood; steward­ ship, Mrs. A. Bickell; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Geo. Allen; pianist, Mrs. Alex Crago; Mission TBand, Mrs. Glen Allen and Mrs. Raymond Payn­ ter; Baby Band, Mrs. Allan Eve- lcigh; supply, Mrs;. Ira Marshall; floral cards, Mrs. H. Burgin; press, Mrs. Raymond Paynter; group leaders, Usborne, Mrs. C. Routly and Mrs. George Al­ len; Fourth Line, Mrs. Robt., Hazlewood; village, Mrs. Her­ man Paynter; Third Line, Mrs. Fred Switzer; nominating com­ mitted, Mrs, Robt. Hazlewood, Mrs. Kirkby and Mrs. Johnston. President of W.A. for 1957 is Mrs. C. Switzer and vice presi­ dent is Mrs. Ross Marshall, sec- 'retary, Mrs. Earl Watson; .as­ sistant, Mrs. D. Johnston; treas­ urer, Mrs.' Alex Crago; assist­ ant, Mrs: Ella Urquhart; Parsonage committee, Mrs. H. Burgin, Mrs, L. Kemp; Mrs. F. Routly and Mrs. C. Baillie;- nom­ inating committee. Mrs. R. Switzer, Mrs. S. Shier and Mrs. Alvin Crago; auditors, Mrs. S. Shier And’ Mrs. Lome Marshall White Gift Seryist Girls and boys of the Sunday School presented their white gifts at an impressive service in the United $hurch on Sunday morning. Mr. Reg Hodgson, Sunday School superintendent, assisted Rev* J. T» Clarke by leading the service. Eassages of scripture were read by Linda Glover and. Rich­ ard Shoebottom. A duet was sung by Jean and Joan ESsery. The gifts will ne sent to the Bella Coola Hospital, Mr, and Mrs, Miles McCabe of Walkerton were visitors at the home of Mrs. Thos Willis on Tuesday of last week. Rev. J, T, Clarke conducted the funeral service for the late Mr, Jas. Essery in. the Murdy r-A .»»*.. ... ! funeral home in Lucan on Sat-WED 50 YEARS—-Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Allen, of north urday. Among those attending Exeter, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on - Wednesday. A family photo album, which they view above, recalls many memories of their life together on a farm near Hurondale. Their family presented dhem with a ,TV set. ^t-A Photo Couple Receive TV Set e ) w ehotea aift Mill / See our new selection of colorful, comfortebb slippers for easy relaxing. Shop now for leisure-loving gifts! FOR EVERYONE}SUPPERS ExeterPhon* 376 I?raF$iF?.R»Ri! the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Will Essery, Mr, Stan Hicks and Mr, and Mrs, Fred Bowden. Donna May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson, Strath- roy, is visiting with her grand­ parents, Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. Bobby and Jean Lammic,spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn in Exeter. The Sunday School anniversary service will be held in the church on Sunday with Mr. Glenn Wright as, guest speaker. Music will be provided by a men’s choir.Mr, and Mrs, Thomas C. AL len marked their golden wed­ ding anniversary quietly on Wednesday at their home on Highway 83, at Exeter. They were .married November 28, 1906, by the Rev. A. H. Going, of James’ St United Church,.at the home of the bride’s parents on Main St, Mrs. ’Allen was the former Hester. Edna Fletcher, youngest .(laugher of Mr. and Mrs. William. Fletcher,, formerly of Usborne Township. ■ ' Mr. and Mrs, Allen farmed on Highway 83 near Farquhar, un­ til moving‘to their home .in Exe­ ter in 1947. Mr; Allen has work­ ed on the highway for the past six years. They are members of Thames Road United Church, -The Allans have a family of five sons and one daughter, Wil­ frid, of Montreal; Thomas, Of Londesboro; Clifford, of Munro; Leslie, of Watford; William, of rji Usborne Township, and Mildred,1 i Mrs. Garfield Cornish, of Us-d borne. A son, Earl, passed away I some years tago. In honor (of their anniversary! the family' presented Mr, and Mrs. Allen with a television' set. Superior ^FOOD MARKETS^ : South Huron W! i Executive Meets •. The 'South Huron District ex­ ecutive meeting of the Women’s Institute Was. held in the. Town Hall, Hensall, on Tuesday after­ noon,'-Mrs. E. Desj.ardine, Grand Bendr district president, chaired the' meeting. Mrs. J.. M. Tieman gave a _r6- , port, of the area conventioh hold in London. Discussion was hdld Golden Dew Margarine 4 Aylmer Vegetable Soup 9 Nature's Best Peas CHOICE Pillb'ury Cake Mix *------- Hillcrest Toilet Tissue Rosedale Sliced Beets Bord'ns Evaporat'd Milk Clark's Tomato Juice J«w«l \ «J *3.SljF?.!T®r3» Open Friday Till 9 p.m., Saturday 10 p.m., Closed W6d. Afternoon, D6t. 3 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 ft 20-OZ, ft 4Q TINS aP I 20-OZ. ft 4TINS I 7 ALL FLAV. 3 Kleenex Economy, "400” Pkg. Whiti, Pink, YRffow 3 PKGS. SI Candies McCdi’inlek'* Bi'idgi Mixture 6r FriinCH CrSxms 314-OZ, <4 pkg£. * I Light Bulbs WfcstlnaheuMt- 25-, 46-, 60-WiU 6 FOft $1 1 "7 20-OZ. I TlN$ J. H. Jones Groceries Free Delivery, Including P.M.Q. Area Phone 532 4 ft 20-OZ. (IU tine - 8 LARGE | TINS - With Every Purchase At SNELL BROS. Rhone 100 Exeter FREE Coupons Shows Art At Weaving Mrs. F: J. Crouch, of Ailsa Craig, demonstrated the art • of weaving at the November meet- cLii.La ii,/ >urooK ias1' weex. xne iweeas-wmi S™5fai d th muir books were also discussed. 7 PKGS. Civilian & Military Tailoring PHONE tt EXETER Exeter KLB. PKGS. 16-OZ. TINS 15-OZ. TINS MEN'S WEAR I . t ■Newest - style sport shirts, colors galore $3.95 to $13.50 Hittcfewi* \swBafers of wbdl 00......0 .... $4.95 to $10.95 m/o? WcErSwTrnPH-Tf‘ i On the di^trict rally held at Gran'JISlast''week. The’ Twfeeds- were. special guestsT , ----- /--- Mrs. Crouch showed several types of weaving and the dif- i ■/— cferent steps in doing the aid. iQjram baVJS She displayed several articles //. X she had made. , • ■ ---- The motto “The woman.who is < „ ..................... wrapped up in herself makes a ich from St. Jacobs, eight ydars very small .parcel” was 'explain- .* Alvin Gingerich for her friendly ed by Mrs. Earl Morley. Read-! gesture and. for the recipes she i'ngs, were contributed by Mrs.' mailed -to -us. Do you wonder Wes Lewis^ Mrs. Karl Pickering that we enjdy writing this col- Refrigerator Date Pinwheels (MrS,. Alvin* Gingerich) ■Cream 1 cup shortening and add: * ■2 cups brown sugar 3 eggs 'i Vi tsp. soda' % tsp. baking powder . pinch 'of- salt . . ' , 4 cups sifted floui: Chill in the refrigerator white you prepareXhiS filling: s 2U cups chopped dates, 1 cup until dates' arc soft. Add 1 cup I Divide dough into 4 parts after ' "1. Roll each then.spread with -—Continued from >Page 8 ago., A sincere thank you IP Mrs. ■* -*-1- —* Fix T _ •_ i —Il i - - - ’• V very‘small parcel” was explain- .* Alvin Gingerich for ’ her friendly cd by uui ...Ings, rwere .contributed Jjy, Mrs J mailed ;to -us. Do you'wonder and .Mrs. .Fraser Dixon. Mrs.- T. KooyL and Mrs" Art Lightfoot,, dressed in ancient costumes, sang , songs of-grand* mother’s- day. Prizes were awarded to the oldest grandmother, Mrs-.-Ernie Harris;; .youngest; grandmother, Mrs. Art Lightfoot.;' most grand­ children, Mrs.. Aaron Scott, and most recent grandmother,. Mrs. Art' Lightfoot. A contest con­ ducted by Mrs. Fraser Dixon, making the most words out of, the word “grandmother”, was “sucar ^Ccbkwon by’MrS. Fted Penton, The S? H sugar. Cook roll call was answered by giving _ut_ whAn roo] • grandmother’s -remedies. when cool,. Two dollars. wa:s voted as aLi donation to War Memorial Child—| *Jf?1 tcdl ren’a > Hospital, London,, A vofce!§a^ ‘ ‘w ri • ■ of -thanks was extended by-.Parry : ^ante a Thompson for the work done -T?P °y®r ni§ht. Slice around the War Memorial ih .^chi th.ck with very sharp McGillivray Park. Perennials' knife. Bake in moderate oven, and spring flowering bulbs have Do not store until comfortably been planted at the base of tlie cooled. Put Wax paper between monument. i layers. Mrs. Marwood Prest, Mrs. I • L * Z ■ Leslie Morley and Mrs. Billy ! Hintsi To keep Christmas cake Fenton werd named a committee from burning oq bottom: Put to plan ’the Christmas meeting. I lay<?r of foil pAper in cake pan Mrs. Garnet Hodgins and ' Mrs. under wax paper or lay a sheet Joe Carey.are to look after the.on oven, rack underndatli the candy bag’s. . - ' c'akd pan. $1 $1 $1 $1 1 0 ROLLS $1 SI 51 Pard Dog Food Frankford Corn, standard o +>« . Apex. Fruit Cocktail . 4™t' Aylm r Tid Bit Pineapple 5;™s! Smarts Apple Sauce CHOICE Henley’s Lombard Plums 7 Shortening 1 Lh. Fr.i With . // 85c Hundreds Of US6 OUR LAYAWAY PLAN