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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-22, Page 13
|IWWClllua« HITCO; Git Pep, Vim; Fed Younger n©UI»»de of couplM are week, wor»-t>uL h »uited just bdcauso body leeks iron, For ww ypimgw foelj"? »Uw try Oatrex Tonic Tablets. Contain iron for yep; supplement doses vitamin Bi. Get-acquainted" size costs Utjtle. Ao wy«» IW<,WW With, quick tfaxtf ty way. Try Osbtex tqday. At all druggist#. Guarantee A GOOD D-E-A-L SEE US TODAY ON A NEW OR USED CAR i Thames Road By MRS, WILLIAM RHQPi .Harold and Terry Johns had i their tonsils removed on Friday 1 at ?outh Huron Hqs- ]4rs. kon Egan, of Sask? vUited recent- y with Mr. and Mrs. William Lamport. aS‘ Ahw Huffman, H_J’*??rdeen, Sask., spent a few La<st wPek with the latter’s aunt, Mrs. M. Thomson. Mrs. Trevor Moores visited Wlth Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Moores over the weekend. Quite a number from this com munity attended James St. An niversary service on Sunday. Among some of those who at tended and spent the day with friends were: Mr- and Mrs. Wil fred, Hiinkm and Margaret, with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hod ger t with Mr. and Mrs. Hedley May; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller, Brian and Barry with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Rowcliff e; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Cann and Judith, with My, and Mrs. Or ville Cann; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery-with Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Thomson; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffery and Douglas with Mr, and Mrs, William Jeffery; Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne with Mrs. Clara Hackney; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bissett. Phont 10? Lucan Correspondent: Miss Lin« Abbott And District News Reg Armstrong MOTORS Phon* 216 Exeter Magic Markers The 'slick sign writer for only $1.00 at Times-Advocale e X PEDDLER'S STEEL AND ALUMINUM ROOFING ON HAND Experienced men to put your, roof on. - r t PEDDLER'S HAY CARRIER AND STABLE EQUIPMENT ' See us before you buy your baler or binder twine. SCOTT'S ELEVATOR LTD. Phene 63 Lucan, Ont, Give Treats To Children The November meeting of Lucan W. I, was held in Community Centre last Thurs day afternoon with- the presi dent, Mrs. Murray Hodgins, in the chair, Mrs. Thomas Lee as lunch convener and her assist-; ! -.vm u qiKivn., 40 JUEMUg S»us- factory rerovery. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman were Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickens on Saturday and Jack Garrett overnight on Thurs day, The building committee of Holy Trinity Church have begun work on the new garage for the rectory which will be erected on the east side of the house to permit an entrance from the grade door. Mrs. Sam Acheson, of Atwood was a Friday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Acheson, Mrs. Acheson and Heather returning with her for the weekend. Rev. J. P. Prest and Messrs. Ken Clarke, Wilson Hodgin? and Don Banting last Monday eve ning attended the annual statu ary meeting in Strathroy where the guest speaker was Mr. Al lan Charters. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Hodgins of Chilliwack, B.C. were Thurs day and Friday guests with Miss Lina Abbott. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Windsor included Mrs. Ralph Loney and Miss Maxine Loney, Mr, and Mrs. J. Bankleman and Mrs. C, Legg, all of Cass City, Mich. Mrs. Warner McRoberts spent last Friday night in Elimville, the _ guest of Mr. D. Skinner, chairman of the board, who en tertained the board members and the Usborne teachers. Cpl, A. J. Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold HodginS, who is an instructor at RCAF Station, Aylmer, was one of those chosen as guard; of honour-for the lieu tenant governor when he ap peared at the Winter Fair last I week. the the ants, Mrs. Harold Whyte, Mrs.) Jack Murdy and Mrs, Mel Cul- bert. Twenty-five members were present. Roll call was answered by "A Courtesy we Should Pra’c- ticey and by the presentation of Telly, jam, or toys for the Children’s War Memorial Hos pital, London. Mrs, William Brownlee and Mrs. Ceqil Robb reported on the recent area convention in Lon don and the president and Mrs. Robb on the Ilderton-Middlesex W. I. rally. Mrs. Harold Cor bett reported that Mrs. C. H. George had consented to act as second vice president, to replace Mrs, Art Black. It was decided to plant a tree at the Community Centre (with plaque) in memory of Mrs. Harry Lankin, a faithful W.L member who passed away re cently.. There was a display of alum inum etching done by Mrs. Mur ray Hodgins’ class and a pres entation -to her of a gift. The secretary announced that ■ the Silverwood Dairies’ demonstra tion, “Food Fashions of 1957.”, would be held at the Community Centre Monday evening Novem ber 19 under the direction of Mrs. D. Ward. AU members are "asked to bring used clothing to the De cember meeting for a bale to be sent to the “gave the Child ren Fund.” The guest speaker of the af ternoon was Mr. Carl Peterson of Ailsa Craig, Singer Sewing Machine representative, who gave demonstration on the operation and care of a Singer machine. Mrs. Don Revington sang a solo. Personal Ittmf Miss Marilyn Brownlee not only secured her diploma from Westervelt School, London, but also a gold pin for 109 words a minute in shorthand. Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Armitage includ ed Mrs. Levi Darling of Park hill and Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Rogers of West McGillivray. Mrs, A. Isaac who was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital with a heart attack, is making satis- Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coleman were Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dickens on Saturday and Lin* Biddulph H. ELSPN P«riqn«l hem? Mrs. M. H. Riston, accom panied by Mr. Frank Smyth, of Centralia, on Thursday attended the funeral of their cousin, the late Paul Hodgins, 11 years old, who was instantly killed in front of his home near Warwick Vil- 'Evening Auxiliary 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Juves and I « girls, of Tonawanda, New York, i Plans Activities and»Mrs. Joe Chilingsworth, ofI r I a II» living London, were visitors on Mond ay | Mrs. Cecil Lewis was hostess with their uncle and aunt, Mr. I for the November meeting ot the; and Mrs. C» Fischer, [Anglican Evening Auxiliary on - -- Wednesday evening. Mrs, CJar’ fence Haskett presided and Mrs. I Clare Stanley apd Rey. J, P, Prest led in the devotional per iod. A committee of Mrs. Haskett, Mrs. Kay Egan and Mrs. B. Smith were named to buy the church linens and Mrs, B. El liott was delegated, to inquire about working these. Flags for the church were also discussed. Money raising projects were discussed. The last Wednesday in February was a tentative date for a showing of world tour pic tures and a Breeze detergent project was considered, January is to be anniversary month when the Senior W, A. and St. James w. A. will be en tertained. Lunch conveners were Mrs. G. Murdy, Mrs, Roy Stanley, Mrs. J, C. Stacey and Mrs. Cal Haskett. Mrs. Stacey will be hostess for the next meeting. Skating Accident Mrs. Clare Stanley, a member of the new “Powder Puff and Romper Club”, had the misfor tune to fall on the ice last Thurs day afternoon and break her knee-cap. She was taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital by the Murdy ambulance where a cast was put on. She will be hospitalized for at least two weeks. Easter Lilies In November Mrs. J, W. McFalls planted her Easter lily in her garden when it finished blooming. Some weeks ago she noticed buds ap pearing. Fearing the frost, she cut them and put them in water. Now she has four beautiful blooms in her window. Draw' Winner The table-cloth draw sponsor ed by the Ladies’ Guild of Holy Trinity Church was won by Miss Marlene Revington. The pro ceeds from the draw, $8.50, will go towards the purchasing of a projector for the church. . Mrs. j. McAllister and Mrs. S. Skinner accompanied by Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Skinner and Miss p. Peart, of Exeter, and Mrs. Ron Denham, of Kirkton, attended the funeral last Tuesday of their cousin, 17-year-pid Ken n.e t h ; Noble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- 1 win Noble, of St. Marys, one of the twit boys who were killed while hitch-hiking near there on Sunday night, x < Mrs. Leo Gibson, Mrs. Adella Fischer and Mrs. Wm. Eveland, all of Dashwood, spent Tuesday i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ; Chris Fischer. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith ] and family spent Sunday evening with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ear]’ Campbell, Exeter. A number of young people' from P.M.Q. Centralia, were en tertained at'the home of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Elston, on Wednesday evening. They were Mr. and Mrs. Noel Henwood, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ha edinger and Mr. and Mrs, John VealL iggroeiamw r.d WMCB8 Friendly Place Folks tell us they enjoy shopping at our new store 4cause it’s bright, cheerful- and roomy. They like to browse around in the pleas ant atmosphere. Why don’t you drop in? News Budget From Blanshard By MRS. GLADWYbJ HOOPER Andrew Johnston DRUGS WITH MATCHED UIGCAGE SPECIAL ‘ PURCHASE (4 A QR Manufacturer’s bargain! Ladies’ overnight case and ■ ■ B weekend case (matched) “ only .......................................... THIS OFFER CANNOT BE REPEATED YOUR, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES with SERVICE EXETER. PHONE.109 / Request Caution Lights At Clandeboye Curves Mrs. David -Henry,, convener of, the Historical Research com mittee of Clandeboye Women’s Institute, conducted a round table discussion on “What to in clude in the. Tweedsmuir Book” at the November meeting of the Institute^ , - ■. , - Assisting in the discussion were Mrs. Rae Hodgins,' Mrs. Albert Rosser and Mrs. Mac McNaugh ton. It was agreed that the his tory should be brought up to date and the history of the 4-H Club girls Included, also maps and-histories of farms that have been in the ownership of one family more than one hundred years. - A resolution that is to be sent to the Department of Highways asking for caution lights At the double curves on Highway No. 4 at Clandeboye was read. This is being done because of many accidents there. Reports of the recent area vention held in London was en by Mrs. Ernie Lewis Mrs, Alex Macintosh. Mrs. Albert Rosser of Den- field R.R. 2 was hostess for the meeting. •• ’ W. A. Bazaar On Friday evening t(ie W. A. of the Clapdeboye United Church held a successful bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Norris of Lon don showed colored pictures with Mrs. Norris using the pub lic address ’ system loaned , by Mr. Haskett of Lucan, giving an account of their world tour by boat. They left -New York late in December, returning by the Pacific Ocean and back to Lon don in May. Convenors of home baking were Mrs. Rea Neil, Mrs. Mac McNaughton and Miss A. North grave;' apron booth, Mrs. Wil mer Scott and Mrs. Rupert Wil liams; candy, Mrs. George Simp- 1......... 1 11............ . too con- giv- and son and Mrs. Pete Voisin; child ren’s grab box, Mrs. Arnold Blake and Mrs. Chas. Coughlin. Presentation Mr. and Mrs. Hiram W. Dixon (nee Labelle Coward) were pre sented with a gift of money on Friday evening at the Lucan Memorial Centre, by Mr. Doug- Tas Dixop on behalf of friends when Mr. John Mathers read an address of best wishes for the newly married couple. Mr. Jack Gilmour and Mr. Andy Mathers were the 'sponsors for the evening, which was-spent in dancing to Mac Ducharme’s orchestra. Personal' Items Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horuck and Willie of Lucan were guests on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Gebel and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Carter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Little in Toronto and attended the Winter Fair on Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young of Winnipeg are spending two weeks with’ the latter’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Callcott in Moores ville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trudgeon and family of Bryanston visited with the latter’s sister and fam ily, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Eaton. Mrs. Arthur Hodgins was one of the lucky winners of six glas ses at the Silverwood’s party on Monday evening at the Lu can Memorial Centre sponsored by the Lucan W. I. with 110 at tending. Mrs.' Charlie Carter has re- turned-home from spending a few weeks with her sister, Mr, and Mrs. Alan Oehm in Shakes peare, ' At the regular service at James Church on Sunday, rector, the Rev. J. P. Prest, ministered the sacrament baptism for Stephen Lee, son of Mr. and -Mrs. Clarence Carter. Godparents were Mr, John Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks (former Joan Simpson) of Sarnia. Next Sunday the service at the United C,hurch will be at 1.45 p.m. with Sunday School following, for this Sunday only. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks of Sarnia spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson, Mrs. Elsie Hodgson has re turned home after spending sev eral weeks with her family in Detroit. » Mr. Clifford Cunningham, son Of Mt. and Mrs. Gordon Cun ningham left Monday for Camp Borden whore ‘he will be with the Tank Corps there, Mr. an<| Mrs. Arnold Harper and Joan lot St. Fauls were Sun day guests of- Mr. and Mrs. Wil fred Cunningham. Mr. Truman Modcofe of Park hill is spending several Weeks with Mr. and Mrs, ‘JVilfred Cun ningham*, Mr, Orville Rollings is still a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, following an accident while at construction work on Highbury Ave. in London two weeks ago, Burn Straw Stack On Usborne Farm About 700 bundles of straw be longing to Mr. Jas. Gardiner, Thames Road, were set on fire and .destroyed early last week. The fire was discovered shortly before 6 p.m. Damage was done to one of the fences. It is be lieved that-the fire was of in cendiary origin and Mr. Gardi ner has offered a reward for in formation that will lead to prose cution. Personal Items Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack er and family visited on Satur day with Mrst T. Waugh of London. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Lang ford and family spent Sunday with Rev. and Mrs. Stuatt Min ers of Sarnia. Mr. Milton Hooper spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Carter of Clinton. Mr. and’ Mrs. Don King and family of Uniondale were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Reath and family of London were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Parkinson. Mrs. Walter Jones of Glen dale spent Tuesday,with Mrs. Cecil Mossey. Mrs. James Mossey went on Friday td spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin of St. Marys. Mr. Johnny Knox of Wellburn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spearin and family of Fourth Line spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Mr. Carl Mills "returned home afte a week’s hunting deer at Burk’s Falls. PHONE 447 EXETER "Meet Your Friends At Johnston's" 4 1 i 1STUDEBAKER For 1957 Is Here!« We have THREE of these beauties on our lot for your fhorough inspection. SEE ONE! PRIVE ONE! OWN ONE! Also Check Oyer These Better-Buy USED CAR Offers On Our Lof Today! ’55 STUDEBAKER “CHAMPION” SEDAN Radio, two tone. STUDEBAKER SEDAN, two tone. CHEVROLET COACH, black. Good motor, new paint job. PONTIAC COUPE ' ‘ ' STUDEBAKER COACH, 6 cylinder ’54 ’54 ’54 / 7 S 3 s 3 3 3 3 s »i 3 3 % St. the ad- of Comments About Crediton By MRS. J. WOODALL KI L GAS j ’53 ’53 STUDEBAKER COUPE, 8 cylinder ’51 STUDEBAKER COUPE Automatic transmission, 8 cylinder, YOUR CHOICE OF ¥2, % AND 3 TON TRUCKS MAPLE LEAF SALMON “ 7% Oz. Tin.................................. HORNE'S PEANUT BUTTER. ‘ 9 Og. Jar 450 250 ..... 2 Pkgs. 270 BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP 5 Lb. PaiF .................. SALADA COFFEE % Lb. Tin .................. 690 ST. WILLIAMS MARMALADE Orange and Grapefruit, 24 Oz. ..290 STOKELEY'S HONEY POD PEAS 15 Oz. Tins ........................ 2 for 350 KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 8 Oz. Pkgs....... .............. 2 for 5130 HAWE'S PASTE WAX 1 Lb. Tin ......470 • Hl!550 REDBIRD MATCHES Price ............................... 3 Boxes ‘250 GOULD & JORY PHONE 14 EXETER Brides-Elect See the beautiful samples of wedding stationery ’and other items for your big day at THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Nomination Meeting Nomination meeting for the purpose of nominating police trustees ’ for Crediton village will be held in Stephen Com munity Centre, Crediton , on Monday evening, November 26. Nominations will open at 8 p.m. and close at 9 p.m. Enjoy Fowl Dinner The members of Stephen T ship Council, together with employees and wives met . Crediton Community Centre Thursday A fowl members Institute, time was Personal Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown and son, Ross, who recently dis posed of . their home on Main street, have taken up residence in-’ London, With Mrs. Brown’s father, Mr. Alonzo Hodgins, who has not enjoyed good health of late. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zwicker spent Sunday with’ friends in Shelburne. Mrs. Wesley Sisson of Mon treal Spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd England, Mrs. J. W. England and fam ily visited during the weekend with het mother, Mrs. E. Van-] natter in St. Marys. | Sunday visitors with Mr. and1 Mrs. L. England were Mrs. ,T. | Henderson of Sarnia, Mr. and' Mrs. C. Warden of Caledonia and Mrs. Gerald England arid family of London. Miss Nola Faist is spending this Week with fridnds in Chi cago. ■ Mrs. E. Fqlst is visiting this week in Kitchener with Rev. and Mrs. Fred Faist and fam ily- z. Mr., and Mrs. S. S. Wuerth have returned to their home af ter spending the summer months with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baxter at Lefroy. Mr. William Oestricher spent a few days last week in Toronto and attended the Royal Winter Fair. . Weekend. / visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fiqkbeiner were Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Finkbeiner and family of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fuller and Lauha and Miss Maleeta Schenk of Exeter. Sunday visitors with .Mr. and Mrs. H. Young were Mr. Harry Lankin, Mrs, J. Reader, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lankin and daughter of Lucart add Mr, and Mrs. R. Berry of London. Mr. and Mrs, Hugo' Schenk spent the weekend with Mt. and Mrs; Edward Scheiftk M Ahcasl-i er.. , 1 SUPERIOR Propane Limited Your'’Distributor for Propane Gas and Appliances for Farm, Hbme and Industry Call Stratford 4174 Graham Arthur MOTORS s G.l evening of last week, dinner was served by of Crediton Women’s after which a social enjoyed. Items a T ailored-T o-Measure OR SPECIAL Regular $74.50 3 S S 3|z PHONE 210 EXETER MEN'S WEAR ExtfofPhone 81 PANTS LOW PRICES Regular $59.50 fcR $47.95 SALE ENDS DECEMBER 1 A V