HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1956-11-22, Page 11Th* Tim**-Aclyc>c«t*, Nov*mb*r MH . ........ i--------------------------------------Hungary' For Bargains? Can't Say Egypt' You Here! ,.Mwe /ormers switch to Surge lilkers for safer, faster milking. (adv’t) THEATRE Find Stolen Truck Near Egmondville The pick-up truck, recently stolen from the premises of F; W. Huxtable, was found abandoned in a church yard at Egmond- yille, It stood there for several days before the police were noti­ fied. The key was in the lock and nothing in the truck had been disturbed. The truck was out of gas. CLASSIFIED RATES 25 words or less. 70 Moro Than 25 Words «- 2P Per Word SUCCEEDING INSERTIONS W More Than 25 Words «-■ lVip Per Word i Announcements FOR SALE FOR RENT NOTICES HELP WANTED WANTED YOUNG HOLSTEIN COWS, bred and open heifers; also 8 good weaner pigs. Roy Dyke man, R,rM 1 Centralia, phonp Kirkton 90-r-ll. . ’ 22.’290 HORSE, 8 years old: also fresh Jersey' heifer and fresh Jersey cow. .Apply George Poortinga, 1 mile south and 1 mile east of Hen­ sall. ’ 22* OIL BURNER,’ Duo-Therm, like new. Phone 156-W Grand Bend. 22c 4-RWM APAfvTMENT. heated, hot anq. cold water, private entrance. Apply f enhaie Apartments, 7|) J<,hn bt. E„ Phone 291-.lt. JUfc 2 APARTMENTS—Apply Tasty-Nu Bakery, phone 100. Zurich. 9tfc APARTMENT, 3 bedrooms, toilet, hot and cold water, on Shifika highway, phone 6-J Crediton. IStfc LEAVE YOUR NAME with us for a trip to the new Feed Mill, Guelph, Monday, November 26. Aho Quick service on cattle clipper sharpening. EXeter .District Co-op, phond 287 Exeter. 22c FRIDAY A SATURDAY November 23 and 24 "THE BOY FROM OKLAHOMA" (Warner Color) ★ Will' Rogers Jr. ★ Nancy Olson Short Subject A Comic Strip One Show Each Night — 8 p,m COMING EVENTS RECEPTION & DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker (nee Avis Forbes, of Seaforth), Town ; Hall, Hensall, Wednesday, Nov, ’ 28, Norris Orchestra. Ladies please provide lunch. Everybody welcome. 22c Theatre PHONE 421 Previews Its Corning Attractions THURS., FRI. A SAT. November 22, 23, 24 "BACKLASH" ★ Richard Widmark ★ Donna Reed NEWS A CARTOON t MON., TUES. & WED November 26, 27, 28 - "ULYSSES" ' + Kirk Douglas ★ Anthony Quinn SHORT SUBJECTS COMING "THE ADVENTURES‘OF HAJJ I BABA" * John Derek ★ Elaine Stewart Exeter Arena Schedule VS. BAZAAR, BAKE SALE, 3 p.m. Hot Roast Chicken Supper, 5:30- 7:30 p.m.. Adults $1.00, children 50<t, Carmel Church, Hensall, Saturday, Dec. 1. Sponsored by the Ladies Aid. 22:29c BAZAAR HOME BAKING & KNITTED WEAR Library Basement TEA WILL BE SERVED -Sponsored by Ladies Aid of Bethel Reformed Church 'Exetdr Player's Guild Peg ’0 My Heart Notices are Inserted free of charge. Cards of Thanks cost 75e fpr single verses, 25# extra Birth, Dedth and Marriage for each additional verse; and Engagement Notices are 75$, ’ BIRTHS DENNIS — Mr, and Mrs. Robert Dennis (nee Norma Wilson), of Hollywood, California, a^e happy , to announce the arrival of their daughter at Cedars of Lebanon Hospital. November 20, 1956 — a sister for Jonathon. DIETRICH — Jerome, and Ruth Dietrich, R.R, 3 Zurich, are hap­ py to announce the birth of their •son, Randolph Jerome, at South Huron Hospital, November 17, 1956. LOHUIS — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lohuis, R.R. 1 Centralia, are happy to announce the birth of their daughter. Annette Marie Josephine, at St. Joseph's Hos­ pital, London, November 17, 1956. McLEOD — Mr. and Mrs. David McLeod, Jr„ R.R. 8 Parkhill, announce the birth of a son, Douglas Laverne, at. South Huron Hospital, November 14. 1956 —■ thanks to hospital staff and Dr. Scrimgeour. GILMARTIN — Hilly and Laura Gilmartin (nee Woodall), of Lam­beth, announce the arrival of their daughter, Kerry Jane, at Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, November 16, 1956 — a sister for Danny, <• SNYDEr — -Mr, and Mrs. Fernon Snyder, R.R. 2 Dashwood, an­nounce the birth of their daugh­ter, Esther Jean, at South Huron Hospital, November 14, 1956. ' ENGAGEMENTS The Times-Advocate regrets the error in .the engagement announce­ ment last, week which referred to Mrs. • William Smith, of Crediton, as "the. late Mrs. Smith.” Our sin­cere apologies to Mrs, Smith and her • " Chance of a Life-Time! a USED WRINGER-TYPE WASHERS In Good Condition 1 Maxwell, 2 General Electric Simplicity, 1 Connor Thermotub Your Choice $45.00 First Come, First Choice „ These washers are in A-l shape. Why put up with that crippled old washer when you. can have a ma­chine in good shape for only $45?We must refuse trade-ins e.t this price. Also, 1 Only, Thor Auto Magle Complete with Dishwasher Attachment $79.95 — A Real Buy BEAVERS HARDWARE I 1 HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Nov. 28'& 29 8:30 p.m. ADMISSION 750 Tickets Available At Door (Permission of Sam French Ltd. of Canada) Usborne TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Annual Meeting anol , Turkey Banquet THAMES ROAD' united Church Friday, Nov. 23 6:30 p.m. Tickets $1.50 Guest Speaker: MR. ELMER D. BELL,Q.C Tickets Available from Directors Thursday, November 22 3:15-4:15—Flight Cadets ' 7:00-11:00— R,C, A. |mday/ November 23 ,^w-5:oo—School Skating 8:30—Sarnia CV’a vs< Mohawks Saturday, November 24 8:00-9:00—Bantam — Mohawks va. Rangers 8:00-10:00—Pee Wee — Rockets Black Hafcvka 10:00-11:00—Pee Wee — Leafs vs, Canadians 11:00-12:00—Wee Wees, Vs. ^Squee Gees 1:00-2:45—Public Skating 3:15-5:15—Figure Skating 8:00-10:0Cf—Public Skating Sunday, November 25 Hockey Practice Monday, November 26 “ 4:00-5:00—School Skating 7:00-11:00— R.C.A.F, Tuesday, November 27 8:00-10:00—Mohawk Practice Wednesday, November 28 1:00-11:00—Curling •• ^iiiiiiiliiiiniiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniinijiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiniiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiHKUlililiiiliiiliiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiniiii^ I STEPHEN TOWNSHIP FED. OF AGRICULTURE ' Annual Meeting And Turkey Banquet j CREDITON COMMUNITY CENTRE . Thursday, November 29 Speaker: Rev. Robert D. MacMillan, Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT ADMISSION $1.50 Tickets Available From. Directors £ E EE AlltlillillltlltilllittllltllliviilliliiiltiiiiiilliHlIlillillllliltliiliiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiitlliHlIliilIliililiiiiiiiiilililliiiiiltllli '^tiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihhiihiiiiiiitiiiiiiiitlitiiiiiiiljiittiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiliiiiitiiitiiiniiiiiiiiiin. 1 HOCKEY EXETER ARENA SEWING MACHINES — Electric portables, by the week. Hupper- Hockey Furniture, phone 99, Ex­eter.________ A P A R T M E N T, furnished, self- contained, hot and cold water on tap, private1 bath with shower; private entrance, newly decorated, heavy duty wiring, built-in cup­boards: available now. Phone 400-W evenings. _________,'iotfc ELLIOT APARTMENTS The ’12-suite steam-heated apart­ ment building in the centre of town has self-contained 1-bedroom apartments with private bathrooms, plenty of closet space, stove, re­ frigerator, (some fully furnished); janitor service; plenty of hot water and parking space for cars; very reasonable rates. One vacancy now.SANDY ELLIOTPhone 476 or 646-J Exeter S:9tfp REAL ESTATE Town of Exeter NOTICE RE: COLLECTION OF TAXES will be in the town hall on following days for the collec* of taxes: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30 l?rom 7.30 to 9 p.m. SATURDAY-. DECEMEBER 1 1,30 to 5 p.m. 7,30 to 9 p.m, ERIC H. CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector 15; I the tion !9c COURT OF REVISIONVILLAGE OF GRAND BENDA court of. revision on the 1957 Assessment Roll for the Village of Grand Bend will be held in Municipal Hall at 7:30 p.m, on 4th day of December, 1956. HERBERT WAINWRIGHT, Clerk of the Municipality ' 15 Moved To New th thie family, *• 22 CARDS OF THANKS wish to thank al) my' friends so kindly remembered me treats, flowers and ' Jo- I who __ .... ____________ with cards, treats, flowers visits while a patient in St. _seph’s Hospital, London, and since returning home.—Ida Ogden. 22cI wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, treats, flowers and visits while a patient in St. Mary’s Hospital and since returning home.—Mrs. Clay­ton Smith. . 22cThe family of the late Earl W. Mitchell wish to convey their heart­ felt thanks, to relatives, neighbors and friends for kindness and sym­pathy shown during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev, Kerr and the Hopper-Hockey- Funeral Home. . 22cI wish to thank all those who so kindly remembered me’ with cards, flowers and visits while a patient In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and since coming home.—Edgar Fanson. 22* I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to all my friends, for their Visits, cards and • treats, while I was confined, to hos- i pital. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, i Miss Glaypole’and the Staff of South Huron Hospital.—Richard Elliott 22* IN MEMORIAM REID—In loving memory of a dear grandpa who passed away four years ago today, November 22, 1952, What would we give If we could say Hi Grandpa in the same old way.To hear Ills voice, and see his smile, To sit with him and chat awhile.—Always remembered by Norman 1 and Johnny Prance. 22*REID—In loving memory of a. dear husband, Patrick Reid, who passed away four years ago today, No­vember -22, 1952. Time speeds on, four year’s have 333.S s cd Since death it’s gloom, its shadows Within our home, where all seemed bright,And took from us, a shining light. We miss that light and ever will, His vacant place there’s none to ' fill. , ‘ JDown herb we mourn, but not in vain ■ ■For up in Heaven we will meet —Sadly missed and always remem­bered by .his loving wife Sarah. 22* REED—In loving memory of my dear dad, Patrick Reid, who passed away four years ago’ to.day, No­vember 22, 1952.Just a. memory fond and true, From, those who thought the world of you,For all of us,.you did your best, May God grant you, eternal rest. —Sadly missed by Clarence and, Elsie Prance. . 22*ZIMMER—In memory of a dear hus­band, Harry Zimmer, \ who passed away one year ago, November 19, 1955.He bade no one a last farewell. . He said goodbye to none,The heavenly gates were opened wide,A loving voice said "Come.”The blow was great, the shock severe,We little thought his death so ■ near, , ,Only those who have lost can tell, The sorrow of parting without farewell.—Ever remembered by wife and family. 22c EVELAND—In loving memory of William Eveland, who passed away 7 years ago, November 21, 1949, Gone from us, but leaving memories Death can never take away, Memories that will always linger, While upon this earth We stay.•‘-Ever remembered by Ills wife and family, . 22c DAYMAN—In loving memory of Mary Jatie Dayman who passed away November 22, 4955.Sunshine passes, shadows fall, Love's remembrance outlast all.Add though the years be many or few‘ They are filled with kind remem­brance of you.—Remembered by George, Ethel and family. 22* SANDERS—In loving memoi'y of a dear husband and father, Arthur Sanders, who left so very sudden­ly one year ago today, November 22, 1955. , v.The midnight stars are shining Upon your silent grave,Beneath it sleeps the one we love The one we could not save, I often sit* and think of him When I am all alone,For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own.—Sadly missed by his wife and family. '22c WALPER •— In lovlpg memory of a dear mother, Mrs. Carline Waiper, who passed away nine years ago, November 21, 1947.We watched you suffer day by day And could not help in any way, But just stood by and saw you pass Into the Saviour’S arms at last. —Lovingly remembered by her family—Linda and Theodore, 22* ROESZLEr. — Tn loving memory of William H. Roeszler, who passed away 2 years agd, November 19, 1954.Wo Watched you surfer day by day And COtild hOt help, in any way, But Just sood by and saw you pass Into the Saviour's arms at last. 22c SINGING CANARIES, imported from Germany.1 Guaranteed to sing. Various colors. Limited orders? taken now for Christmas. See our new Gold Tone cages. Cann's Mill Ltd. 22c TURKEYS—Order your Chri'slmas turkey now—all sizes, 12 to 2iS lbs. Phone 42-r-3 Lucan. 22:29c ELECTRIC STOVE, 4-burner, mo­dern, 22’’x27’’. Phone' 390-W or apply 408 William St., Exeter, ,22c LARGE REFRIGERATOR, Norge; McClary rangette; cheap. 190 Col- ubia, RCAF Station Centralia. 22* ACETYLENE GENERATOR, 50-lb,, in -perfect condition. Apply Carl Guenther, Welder .Shipka. 22:29:6* PIANO, Sherlock' Manning, apart­ment size, style S, mahogany finish, like new. Apply Wib Martin, Ex­ eter, or Douglas Gill, Grand Bend. 22:29c 2 STOVES—1. electric, $50; 1 rang- ette, $30; both in good shape. Ap­ ply 326 Algonquin Drive RCAF Centralia. 32* PAIN • of Rheumatism, ■ Sciatica, Lumbago, can be helped by taking R U M A C A P S. Recommended by thousands of thankful users. Ask your druggist. . 22 CHILD'S SNOWSUIT, 3-piece. rust color, size 3. May ,be seen at Brady Cleaners. 22* LADIES’ DRESS, navy sheer,' size 18. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. ’56 CONSUL, 4 months old, stand­ ard. equipment, perfect condition, will sell very reasonable. Apply 66 John St. East (upstairs), phone 390-W. 15:22c COAL & WOOD RANGE, in good condition. Apply Dennis O’Rourke, phone 161-r-10 Dashwood. 22c MAY BE SEEN at 17 Main St,. Exeter — .embroidery, knitted, and. crocheted work, pillow Cases made to order. Suitable for Christmas gifts. Apply Mrs, George Lawrence, 17 Main St. 15:22c GIRLS' FIGURE SKATES, white, size 12 and 1; ladies’ figure skates, size 5; child's skates, size 8. Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hensall, phone 683- r-33. Stfn GET YOUR “HOLIDAY” regularly. Subscribe to ‘Holiday” at a wonder­ful bargain price of 14 months for $3.79, a saving of $3.21 over the newstand price. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:25 LADIES HOME JOURNAL—Save half the single .copy price by sub­ scribing now at the special rate of 23 months for $4.03. We’re agent for all magazines. Exeter Times- Advocate, phone 770. 8:23-10:13 FOR RENT 3-ROOM APARTMENT, furnished, heated, hot and cold ’ water, private bath; available Dec. 1. Apply Pen- hale Apartments, 70 John St. E., phone 294-R. 22tfc UPSTAIRS APARTMENT, 4-room, edge of town, ; 2-piece bath; $25. Lakeview Hatchery Ltd., phone 8.22c 8-ROOM HOUSE, in Hensall, fur­ nished, available from Dec. 1, 1956, fo May 1, 1957. Mrs. Grace Harpole, Hensall. phone 217-W. 22c WHITE BRICK HOME, 6 rooms, full piece bath, built-in cupboards in kitchen, oil heated.. Kent re­duced for winter months. .Apply Fred Dawson, Exeter, phone ■ 456- r-6. 22* 3 ROOMS and use of bathroom and basement. Phone 9 or call at Mrs. Alex Zimmer’s, Dashwood.22:29:6c APARTMENT—4 rooms and teth. Lloyd Lovell, Happen, No, 4 High- way. ~ 22,29 APARTMENTS—A number of 1- and 2-bedroom apartments. W» C. Pearce, Realtor, 86, Anne St. , 15tfc APARTMENT, self-contained, fur­ nished, downstairs, senerate ent­ rance, centrally located. Apply at Ti mes-Advocate. ■ 8:15:22c APARTMENT, private entrance, private bath, available now. Apply Godbolt Apartments, 1$ John St., phone 202.__________ 22c 4-ROOM APARTMENT, heated, cupboards, bath, garage and pri­ vate entrance. Home in the coun­try. Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hensall, phono Stic 2 APARTMENTS, ground floor, 1 furnished, 1 unfurnished: both are heated, hot and coW water, built- in cupboards, use of laundry for washing; private entrance, Blatch- ford Apartment. , -3* 3-BEDROOM HOME, modern kit­chen and bathroom, good heating equipment, well located, with gar­age; reasonable rental; Immediate possession. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Main St.i Exeter. ________Stfc 3-R00M APARTMENT, furnished and heated; available December 1. Apply 68 Sanders St, or' phone 144. l;g:15:22c. 4-ROOM APARTMENT, private 3- piece bath; Oil heated; unfurnish­ ed; quick possession; $35 pet* month. -C. V. Pickard, Realtor. ,IStfo Floor Sanders Floor Edgers, Floor Polishers Vacuum Cleaners, Tools. Etc. BEAVERS HARDWARE# EXETER Typewriter NEW, MODERN HOUSE' nearing cohnuetion, 2 bedrooms, oil fur* •^ncn’ Reasonably priced, Apply A, Whllsnuth, phone 270-J, lltfa NEW. MODERN HOUSE with oil furnace; east side of Exeter; close to schools. R. E, Balkwill, 47 John St tfc. Grand tiend Property New summer home, Southcott Pines, 3-bedroom, insulated, oil heated, tri-leve! with basement garage, picture windows, interior unfinish­ ed. Quality construction, < Price $6,000. Apply Bill Retch, Hydro Office, Exeter. _____ 22c 100 ACRES, Usborne, clay loam, white brick. house, new ' furnace,, good, barn, hydro. Must see to appreciate. Apijly T. Creery, Wood­ ham, or phone Kirtkon' 84-r-5.*15:22* Location Situated on Highway 83 Between Dashwood and Exeter Crocker Refrigeration Phon® 37-’r-4 Dashwood 8:15:22:29c AUCTION SALES . EARN $60 OR MQRE WEEKLY Part or tuU-tlme opportunity in Huron County tor farmer or ambi­ tious man with agricultural back­ground. Age 25 to. 50 preferred. Car essentia). Take orders in ex­clusive territory. Be home every night. No investment. We provide complete training at home office plus field assistance. Reply giving age and experience in first letter to Na-Uhurs Plant Food Co., 2 Langarth St. IV., London, 8:15:22c Standing Timber Havp you for sale; soft mapl*» elm, hard mapia, ash, birch, white oak, red oak, basswood or pin»f Then send this ad to The Sxpter Timps-Advpcate with your Printed NameLot Concession Township 15:22a LOST LARGE DUFFLE BAG, green, containing 5 red woollen blankets and a pup tent, on Highway 23 be­tween Mitchell and Russeldalp. Please notify Ontario provincial Police. 22* BABY CHICKS FOR SALE A WIDE CHOICE ot Bray pullets —laying strains, Crosses. .Arnes In- Cross, Aim for the Grade A Large egg markets In '57. Hatchewr also broilers, cockerels, Ask for price- list. some available, delivery now. Agent: Eric Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246-W. 22c Presentation And DANCE FOR MR. A MRS. ROY McCURDY AOTS JAMES ST. CHURCH ] Wed., Nov. 28 at 6:30 p.m. • Prepared and Served by th* Men of the AOTS PER PLATE $1,50 Limited to first 200. Ticket* available from members, W*L per's Men's Wear and Fisher'* Hardware. i< DASHWOOD PROPERTY house, cottage roof, 114 3 bedrooms, . living room, room, kitchen and utility full basement, lot 61 ft. _ depth; with Mrs. Garnet Louis Schu- 15:22* Brick storey, dining room_____ _______ frontage by 130 ft. barn. Phone 47-r-13, Willert, Dashwood; macher estate. HOMES FARMS C. V. Pickard Exeter 3 - BEDROOM BRICK, close schools. This is a tidy -home _ good repair with all conveniences. Nice lot with garage. $5,800.00—Ftilf price for well locat­ed 3-bedroom home. Modern kit­chen and bathroom. Nearly new heating equipment, Owner will ac­cept very small down payment With moderate monthly payments. Immediate possession. $7,000.00 — 4-bedroom house with modern kitchen and bathroom. Extra lots and garage. Small down payment. COMPACT 3-bedroom brick, good kitchen and better than average bathroom; oil-burning furnace; garage: reduced price; liberal terms. 1 ACRE OF LAND with good brick house and small barn. House is in excellent condition; good kit­chen, 3-piece bath and heavy wir­ing. Reasonable price. Terms.■ FARM100 Acres with comfortable house and exceptionally good barn; drive­shed; hydro throughout; productive loam suitable for all crops; 7 acres of bush; price $10,500.00. Terms, Possession to suit purphaser.If you wish to buy or sell, see C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 394 Main St., EXeter; phones 165 and 628.15tfc to it Clearing , AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Real Estate ■■ Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items ; the Premises, across from Planing- Mill in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOODThe undersigned Auctioneer is ... strutted to sell by Public Auction on SATURDAY, DEC, 1, 1:30 P.M. ' REAL ESTATE: Consists of 1^ storey white brick dwelling with 3 bedrooms, large closet, living room, dining room, kitchen and summer kitchen; double' verandah and full basement; small barn, suitable for garage; good-sized garden. A very _desirable property.Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable re­serve bid, if not previously sold.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and mis­cellaneous items: 3-piece chester­field; 2 mohair rockers; 2 oak 'rockers; extension table; 6 dining room chairs; buffet: combination hall rack and mirror; large hall mirror; kitchen table and chairs; 3 centre tables; phonograph and records; electric heater; 2 fern stands; 2 new perch-1 .chairs; Wing­ han; kitchen stove, like new; 2 ironing boards: electric lamps; 2 toilet sets; kitchen cabinet; kitchen clock; couch; kitchen sink: feather tick; pillows; drapes; cushions; as­sortment of dishes; silverware; 3 bedroom suites; glassware; dressers; commodes; rugs: trunks; kitchen iitensils; lawn, mower; garden tools, etc.; etc. No reserve, l’n case of bad wea­ ther sale will be held In Lutheran Church shed. •TERMS: Cash.MRS. GARNET WllzLERT, WILLIAM HAUGH, ELMER. DA TARS, ExecutoiSSrfor the Estate of tM late Louis Schumacher ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22:29c I On the in- EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOMAN, reliable, experienced, near Exeter, will baby-sit or give best of care to small children in her own home. Phone Kirkton 44-5.22* _______________ . *• HELP WANTED ABERDEEN HALL, KIRKTON ' Modern Orchestra Everyone Welcome Reception And DANCE FQR Mr. & MRS. NORMAN MORGAN (nee Arlene Skinner) and MR. & MRS. BURTON MORGAN (nee Marion Brock) Friday, Nov. 30 EXETER LEGION HALL Music by The Serenades Everyone .Welcome DANCING To Clarence Petrie & HIS NIGHTHAWKS PARKHILL ARENA Dancing starts at 10 p.m» ADMISSION Sponsored by Parkhill Liops Club YOU ARE INVITED TO St Boniface Parish ANNUAL BAZAAR COMMUNITY CENTRE, ZURICH Tuesday, November 2"* DANCE FOLLOWING BAZAAR Music By Melody Makers I s i 2-FAMILY HOUSE, insul-bric, 2 bathrooms, oil furnace. Price $6,000; $1,500 down, balance by month for 10 years if desired. ELIMVILLE HOUSE, barn and 5 BRICK HOUSE, furnace, bath, water pressure system, attached garage, in Crediton.BRICK HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, full bath, oil furhace, large garage.FRAME HOUSE, basement, - room, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, room, one floor. 100 A CRES, Kirkton area, house, new furnace, bank driveshed.200 HIGHWAY ACRES, good ___iiigs, water on tap, silo, convenient for schools., We can show you farms of 50 to 250 acres, cheap and high class. W. C. Pearce, Realtor. Exeter, phone 435; Earl Parson, Fred Cole, Salesmen, IStfc EXPERIENCED MANAGER and lineman to take charge of hydro in village—must have good- refer­ences.'Apply stating salary expect­ed i.o Chairman William Love, Grand Bend Public Utilities, Grand_ Bend. Lowest tender not necessar- ily accepted.___________ 22c TYPIST—for part-time work, An- ply K. G. Seldon, Main St. 22c IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, you can make good with a Rawleigh busi­ ness in Huron Cpunty; We help you' get started. No experience needed to start. Write Rawleigh’s, Dept K-202-2. Montreal. P.Q. 32c 'iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiniKvS il>iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii>iuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiK>- S DANCE Every Saturday Night SERVICES living bath- brick barn, build- Would like MANY MEN EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL MUSIC BY CLARENCE PETRIE and his Night Hawks 3 . SPRAYING CATTLE for lice. Ap­ply William Watson, phone 37-r-19 .Dashwood,____________,22:29:6:136 BE SURE TO GET' your reserva­tion now for spraying your cattle for lice as there will be a rush, as the weather turns cold and they are In for the winter. Ta V. Ho- garth, Exeter, phone 266. 22:29c MANURE LOADING—Apply Nor­ man Whiting, Exeter, phone 655-w evenings. ■ , ltfc .HAVE YOUR SAWS sharpened and set today, the Foley automatic way. Stew’s Sharpening Service, j95 Sanders St. E„ Exeter, phone j454.______ ___________ _________7e WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION “Where Better Bulls Are Used For artificial insemination lh for­mation or service from all breeds of cattle, phone the Waterloo Cattle Bleeding Association, at: Clinton Hu 2-8441 between 7:30 and 9:30 A.M We have all breeds available —top quality at low cost « 4i26t.fc STOCK WANTED I AM IN THE MARKET for all kinds of horses, any size, any age. —G. J, Dow, phone 83. Exeter.12tfc HOTICES TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Gladys Luker, deceased. persons having1 claimsAll persons having1 claims the estate bf Gladys Lukei*, the Village of Hensall, County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 19th day of October, 10o(>, are renulred to file particulars of same With Bell & Laughten, Solibiters Of Exeter, On­ tario, by the 24th day of November, 1956, after which date the estate Will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notles has been received. Bell A Laughton . JSollislte>rs» f<!>»* the ExauiUhtsL........ against late df in the who _____ ____ to have the high earn- nings and freedom of a salesman, but hesitate to make a change in case they do not have an aptitude for this type of work. After com­pleting our aptitude test, we can definitely tell you If. you should, or should not enter the selling field. If but hesitate to make a change in for "this type of work. After com- definitely tell* you if. you should. a you have the qualifications WE WILL PAY YOU $60 A Week While Learning You have nothing ft> lose by taking •this test, and it could change your whole life, as we have irtany men earning Well in excess of $10,000 per year, out* only stipulation is that you must be married and own a car, APPLY FRIDAY EVENING, . NOVEMBER 23 ’ 8:00 p.m, SAMPLE ROOM. •BEDFORD’ HOTEL Goderich, Ontario, I.—..,,.1................. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENCE CENTRALIA, ONTARIO Requires Stenographers & Typists Salary up to $192.50 for “Typists and up to $220 for Stenographers baaed oil pdueatibit And experience. Application forms obtainable at 'National Employment Services and Post Offices should be filed, with: Civil Service Commission, , Sa St. Clair Avh. Toronto ........ NOT LATER THAN* .... SPOT DANCES DANCING 9-12 ADMISSION 750 4 • Leather Jackets and Jeans Not Permitted 3 v 5 i *4 5 1 “ ■ II 3I,3 100, 3 for 250 ADMISSION 500 ■f a I B SPdNSOaib. BY EXETER LEGION