HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1867-8-15, Page 4a ^ •}v t
rr , ,fk.,. t c - ,Y;,i,-
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_ _ FOIL ' SALE.
brawls Balt 'Territory !
--------- - - - -- - - ` LAN1 FUI SALE:•
f'ws/tel Cmatllao as Yresldewt >> N(rperlr. I , VRUIETEB. ZO tI>110 _-
_ Berlin, An, .7 (evening). -The seso°d) Fr*@ u, 'lo epedenI Eleetoro
i'tsordisg to the Moules": (isasfls Chet The New Y„rk CunrserFial Advertiser rosin Eddur of the IluwO Sign&]. sNloU of the parliament of the Worth r s QE Subecribar uQun to any peau° lir
t1M of tM Mme N " R', k. iGnbrru, uhf Yrrsir'eut of Jul 27th, 1867• lR'7 s a■J t, n■ • tl, a 1b+ Iowa■►Ip o rr com ,uc fur a royalty of uuland.w with TI1K fiabscritper uffun t110 (ulluwskig and
•' Quebec, 'vel Icuem Ac., Ts .- 7 Grrwua eoufectcnti,w will tomweneo on I Ot TIIR +1.010• ISO Portieres Bas125 sere. ol.aoth 1 I, fur ase•, viz : -
40 drei¢°r iaa the lurmer Ilm,,oce oil C •nada ll,e F'ecion llrotherbood, is ayectad to re- 11►►a RIs.- At a meetie livid in Ander . the 2716 of tiro resent lauuth, i r this-grfyquan+r of lu1 2 10 1b+9rhru°., W D., of the {rroducnou, one half un of land, with
15wt, Geq"Ruy lead. to mail mr'ter tiring lutn from Paris in a week or ten davit. t cit P NORTH RIDING OF HURON about four Dkighty (+el Galt Irud a1Wa A arM In Tt{ekersi:ilthr
A.hfekl, N am, .era I ■od 20 Tow■ Lids n
siMrt W t►r tit fat u+Arc. "1M I:rr 1'rrsicteul Rubens is stir at IM hood of ,be Wa'6 5chuul IIuuse, Uowick, ou Ibe evening U,afenrh,ynee 83U.fN1 Hcb am uowarJ•. Ap led •bout esghty yatJs Irom Wt pre+cul lkiug lot _2, con. 2, Qurun Rurrey, IOU
litlto fur the 1'ruviuce w aevl.udy a very •°lin Fen,aa movement in this country and t of Thursday, this 25th duly. Mr. Herb al ; Phe Pr,lwian fmtermneut has Iwapme ply w Galerich Srll Works' acne, 7h of which are ruder cut ivatlo4
awkward ofae, but the ruourul o u.•sti„u Ir Irelrod, tLa 5trptrw ria[ harusg guise the Clot, of bis speech defied au wan to anxious fur the safety oil the Moron Vo° OftlTL1LYRrl :- fQUS W EA'1'UELO ierrb Fur farther prrtikilars apply b] teller of The laud is of cxcallent quality, well water.
1 I u r T n w
bar to uN it w an to Jimnrsh the , in ae over to Dim iu corurywnre of Ilia shameful bring scything agriust L'w prim far public ' °fat, winirler rneiJent of Yrueris in I Rating been nominated DJ the 14 penOrul 1 t ed, ard • illi barJwuad timbe . h 1 u ra ,
)•o►tO ice wren ending 1, terra i° a sa'n'g perfidy of the Iruaray Ixedrr. W halever the city of llexico. At last accounts the form Convention, held at Clinton on the 4th ---- - - R. CAMPAIGNS,
d,rectm u• TDr (iut,itt utG•n lM lis- npinn,ua vi,aJv bis 01.4 rtamad of 1'aaxidr, , cloo,.Ler. Nd(v Dir. F:ditor there u a circum• I I FOR GALE. Keeper of County,04A. chip is knoro to be ow ol'the rat in plsr
13rnm Gad sucorsnfully iulenencd to {fat this month, as a candidate for the Itepre- Canada 1'ur farming. Ou the lot there u a
ssndativa, '• Cha rdd,r•vyrs ILr tie Pracynte IG.he'1'r F'eaiau ugil„tiou1 Lis peraw,al I staucn euunreted rith Mr. Ilrya' print8 ave Ihn life of 3laximiliau, &fact it ie'„sentatiuu o, your Boding in the laocal Leg's Goderich, Dec. Gait. 1 silf.. redid aid frame house, fraine barn, slid out.
m f jsabec rbuulJ, in ,hr lint Iraw hate houur ynJ ,,,, y of pv4P are D''7ood I chsturlrr Clint I know til, and that rhaO h Inure of (nt.r;o, and hrrm4 received as• 1 UT No. 16, 3rd sou. Wawalush, enmpru- _ -_._ -," _ ...-- ,.a_ l
p , ` oo °g Nought that he thereby provoked the f Jing SO acres. 15 area cloamd. 'fhn Irud NOTICE. EudJiugr to to rwlwgJ. Alia •gavel far•,
the same of the post ,B;,-•• e1Nrly wrier° covil. Ue went lis Ijur, Ila, to confer. with , ,,c Milydly sulicileJ by parties i° Chair ueigb• bootilil of the M"ieau leaders. No do- I the wins of wppurl cy, maul fncnds, over is situated 1'L wiles from Godrrich, at,d will chard, oil JU brei Ing erre.
fas s line 6 itself, rod that node -it should lir great Eu•Or'ar& rwrulul o.u.ls u to t o' lit J the chole ecuetiturner, l have accepted lM
the rDnod, to ea se the trar,.aCllJll. 1 diad I M sold zea reuuuablo lrrune fur rash, Apply
y ,. m,wt arler ire m,.k of liberating I,elaud to epatcLrefrow him have bean rrcriv,rct fur I numiurtivu then made, and in dorm •so 1 V r tT1IE u°denignrd Dn•iug purchased tM FARMS IN MORRIS,
written the contractions fat r•ithrr P. Q',' ' to J. lis. (iUlt1JUN. ES 1
or I,ow tit" I •lin ole, void %lie Feniaua In made up uty mu,J .r it Mw of a tteklly a look sfwu Asl, a d nodifn it known as : kOlw to nteire v c ,rd:al sed ge11enes sup- largo stuck oil' 5aJJh1] xud Oaliee
'' Quw ;" Or the simple u,itod lettwu s 7 1 or F:. l'AJII'AII:NK, Lkin a se'r+, cunlhu■cJ oil S. I :i ud 4,
` Q," " O," N,. li;'t sad '• S." would this city rye act glrvt tlnirga from the at- private character to try null'i"S , about air " l0 It{e amJHiW r wlrerlabo0a. Tho I port from you, to whow'is entrusted the pri- Nov. 26, l✓166. w4 IIL at %be (ravel. H A 39 N D S 8 X I;
be moor cue Yeuirkil wdiakuU distlott ..Cana•. thus 'e nod. It Ia also Yid tial I bol 'ter. Itayr ha. uplruly Jrti,"d ane lis asy i f(uverumuut Iris tfflru wcas y{{ce to ascer. wileire of the 6anchise, I .__. - . _ - _.__ tion 5, _oU oars ; ig .airs under tulUva•
J R ]? wytLiuq agar est Li pc irrtn cLrrrder un him I trill whether the Junma aui}writ'to have I HT principles are not secb as to satisfy - , ' --('fir mos Zhe IWtf rm. Of so . 4 ht] (pct Ira
as Cha• admit of lac Ambi uA It Clive nu,knt Il.:vu lou N;ar,•d tbf !o• f'a.ti Imo+t detinbl+ farm, Also f1. lj l9, con t,
mazer cr the mlrlrad og word "Quehe°" "Ir,ation "Veertain nations o" the Earopean every shad, of fu,litical opinion ; tbry ars, + r '
could not catch the sorter's ey, w6usr continent m th^ stru;tle for Iti.h indeper• own head, be Ibe rpusequence the caw is a 111caled Its miuister in u manner eoutrary I hoverer, as is well knttrn, L: maintain what IUU rcra•r, iso c:eann ;and W. { of3. { Itl,
other drnca i^ eerteia uol ism rubsDb •Jslia n• follo.s : lis February of 1+6a, t held a -is to the law of nations. i is good -to reform whit i 'corrupt ani! Ohio- } ' 11 V.: t e ` can 3, SO acres, all beat quality of land.
y( these conesractiuns Would" be ,aG P - l a i ` Terms naaunable. Indisputable titles, For
fickut w ,ndioaw Cho rccuLr PruvaA, tow, Ile load loop cuefrrenrre with Un of hand ugainat a school teacD^r w Stainer, r c1 1'ru•nlat umy almmtatinn separated ; leen, cin on econg Io see ro light grrern•
W to exswiuu fhn Chasse trifle Chu tayor-1 meat, in l' ecnnumiesL • mrader u is con• t)l1 particulrn and tesma 12. W '
iutrndtd. mask• Mwssini, Gr lbsiJi,tad a's0 ill"tM d. p,ba wmc of Kads!io lM amuuul u( P" r AI 1 lyl'al N,i`/N "' a A1.B . CAMPRF:Lle
_ F',e ,rh Emperor. If revere, contain the ' itt aria of the: French scnvce, artrr sub• 1 sisteul with safety. O(e lot 22, Zed coil. TuckenmNb.
l tlE1'CL ADb'ICB. • h wus I4 -and odds, as lhere store • f' -
xnrlJ her Lut'yt held the tut *ff F+eiaa- i jrctiug it tow NtiH of practical arld I There zee uc gNatinas Qt•fore the public \ - vm •( V S' 1 N E $ S ! Sesfurth pat., Marek Y2, 1N61, w9 Gm•
ixm, xud I. n.00s who hues leaves ;1' tratly "$ighl miundrntoaJing brtwern K.Ilnlie and ecicfalifpc text+, has reported against its or Kraut IMporusuce. Confederation hsv•ug IA, `F_ R i Se B -_ - _ --- -
1. m the c,iu lwny oil 4're•idenl IGfben 1p igen IW ■itD rrgald to Ilia rruk•, Phan Jcd it to ndoptlWt Dy't',t Yfusrlau war JrpMf Went 1 rJ iJ i 1% 1J
M7 pretty ;t !c dears, yrf an "A wtrov Gs absorbed ail utLvsr, it ism desire flat It r
shut he red i' its wnaecrful rap•rnes M • t. Ha a fur collcctiun. Now Mr. 1•:. speu!J receive a fair trial, trusting that it of Mr. Horace Il,rtno, who hu been ao long SHERIFI! g sALli Oi Ls
' fur mrtrimw,y I"n a psNet is v, loaik after a IrwJ,•r, nod in, n,f all %round him with the I - +^ will be the means of ally iu the sectional and tavonbly known in that ca ,•city, beg to
family of fouita•eo chickens. 'floe out:, is, I iii ree with me wheat 1 say that iu 7 R N •C I Q F 1 Ceul u' Hums, /)Y t,nue of •woe n
m slaw rata a wsn Mr.Uv ■ •Yin Li h• N rutLu,ir.n,. stn( roo6d6u a of the 7 K llaaaary jealowies teat Lave w luting ctietcacteJ Clic rtatr that ver are l n• paned to conuune the ) l)
7 R 7 4 gv Pe i , ►is ow umation at k•N "and that of the rr 1 wit F1en F'a„u.road rue
roan lilprrly and (ashioua to re+t. t • more sl: ba•a:cs aglnmet England." I ' I Peach, l'Aug. G: It is raid that Kei'eounl7• Is HEREBY GIVENI ,husinH+oa the eemr farurable terms ( ptt• ail (for Me+d y's l'mmey
r -. ." -- -. a-' rngk r, be is a stnctly hmust mu^, 1 Hsrin beer actieolJ eaZagwd fur the tut HAT the hdl•,wmq nwaade wits be pool fur 1 chasers u they have hitherto enjoyed,' Court .M., (failed C , "fit. of urk .ad Petra
lilchen old Iris; pari+u: mora making such J-Iiik the ecilt is ,the Uungar'taD i,
p uJdioga and ler piwo ; molt sutntr 711E MAUUc I:OLI11R6C10 . I{ belt Mr. Editor withstanding hr great Iwo-' l,urtiuwent confrerctl ulwu hive Ly Cha len e•n m our mwucipal atfuirs, Cha ex• the apprrhruuonui a,p I The subxcriban here nn hand al their moi. o,I Ihoeeiain dl n tat thrys a oI vele,' nay
■lid err oak m/wk•,ry. 1 liar s bosom 1 iaty which re Gaa much of at ernry place !Accton of {1'ailxco. prneaw 1 hsn gr'nrJ mxy,. d' yuo s.•e fit to 2tT A Q A L D E D E R T JI $, Shop, M►rket Solo- • ver] large ANurt- V
lir: hl•era+l, ria checked, bile a g las, \Otwithrt: ndffg oho aeparent lull in ■hero Mr. Ila &'does ' e puutin l IIaYe ' elect me, rove useful illi furtbl•r itti roviu l 11 'exalt of Wok, I hale and , rue taken °- od cavi n all
y I `141 1 g i P I 1 lis an Nn of Canada, ane f-od- IIK npAt, Idly . d mterres oil Ihn MMI ldendul
W hu c . darn sletliki make fur owa beard aO mum about my to since. Alto°t " A court martial h:ol been convened at oar municipal and arsreeme°t law's• it might y a rualrm Ira t- , T 1'I.uma+c'mwn, in ■u l w Ire ourulrr 431,m into
ge the ^o, l a•xtttewent In this region, ex• tnp W Cur co.a,ano^ rl ,n•r.uaa .0"106 deltaes- zTJ3J tA1 (j '^m js J7,ogsl, Y,I las+ rf Chansn. I. the C -u ny of.luau., ux,-
fucks,'mend troustm efa11Mand a regiment • lrelq months .fur ginog aWe this Lute to I gu!lalo fur the Carl of ,rrcutrcn saute.]- art serve pe unrfnl nvass. a• to Ko into a i en.
oil' w and lint a sold dark as well r Ibe1 isl in: G,r sonic limn, the fever is now collect, then. was a party Coins up to Uod. i men for Fsrading with a Fcwua olgrwsalion rmmcJinte pxnonal cakirrr, but 1 lin rfmn like as g si ■ne I,wfew, l one lead oil fuJ, I-
I ah } Fr 1. -Por epprehrnr, on oilnrbJOrrlrr. fJnnnp 1S aTxLT ,arTt t,
Ruche" oil Marlhoro' ur the ern of S fain • I self lii, in as great ax ever ; bat instead oriels from ban on tuuulrts, Cnd w 4,bd Irot is Ihn grere mn,turmr ( the contest fairly commences, to weal you in the ceu 11 x71. J:7 le, '. addition 1• eipsnses 1 1br roue upne or Ira, i. mi tae o ■sJ 1.• -
f p I rf ave ltlo n l uriow laces over the IZidin lO maks ex• Nd m +pout caw. ■'umber nwanl on powx Saddles, Trunks. Va .lisesf i meals 1 'loan ue.r ver ala a my out. le Ito
Mind be lady with all in t`.e der 'ng nam. of needy adventurers looking for work , heard saytsinK fruw Mr. t y President Jol,xsno has i„ued a cir• I P C'omrt Hw•r, m the Town of a,dench w Tvs
Hut u fro eu ruin mo in streweol•r the ••old ncrkers are man of as itul and oak. 1 Rrve the putt' .!ludo -til Up • le r eul instructing Do ice ALturuey■ and plrnationx, rnJ set kirth my vi•we at grcMiter ie=ta ,", , k,r prrw.mna perr.,,.i.d rt oil Ze•• k' . which lbev stn pre >end to alter to day, the Iwrmr rventh dry of Au6wt seal, et
ream wilted, 4 tt faced, mwir.,ourda 'u=, I ener¢ , who since the Opening of the g 6 I fmp,.pt rI ■ P 1 I
stain In shut letter, ,hut if Mr, flys h nueJ « WtaS .yanhaa lube n Ilaut au the 1 ength, old until thei time, I would uk you Y JUkIN )-k-al NALD,
p}r lit the..,,a.. X20, ._k+lt ma Inv untie at KreaQ reduc wlees, for cash. :b+ boor u! train fat Ihr rW.•k, raw.
noveld"ouring dauPub/ln of lisAl.iim Richardson Mine, said the assn wadeib collect,J the note he cuts d send me Ilia pre mliuu oil any violation of the• ueutia%lv to refrain Gam pledging ]our iuduence and ma+'n onut'. D Formes will Jo well W call and 10apoet
Dove s wdh yPur cuueum of llcla•d shoes, J ' y I a aunt r bearer, after LdeikiK from u J l support W any of my op patents, so that you i y-1'NNIy for ar,wnp, tronccahng, arbor their stock ked priees befuro purchasing alas tlherd"of Ylwn.
M(. W,vckoff, to New York, are lakin:(I [w lawsD lis ustetu'• parli(a. { , .'. 1May. 1867. ea,r
awl silk stockm,r, ou won't do lir, wives lsre charges as per agreement. Now Me, I _ _ _ _ ____ i Mr] hi in • povuun to judere fur ]ourNlyH "ftvrmeewlJ' y •s lswn<,., XJIa, nor -hall w tl' when, uweh a chance is seldom oReral: M 16th M -v. tNI 7. _ - - veli
y n rrcr rood of land that can be had in "to our res ctivr merits, 11. A W. MARTIN. -
ard motbere.-mrs. Ellis' Lectures. P y .,a .pe 1 e ant»lu .get ,' 'that i11 he had Ah lot Salo; race or carrier 1 eon. Pr goo.g pe
_ the wrrket, , ing on a° aycrngt 1,000 y 1 r Y 4.-I .ai,mmw neo- lore ■alar•, 'Ooderieh. oft. 1Glls, 1N88. wB SHERIFF'S SALE OF LJiND9.
- ---- -- F' I I zee npprcimeu oil hu :anily, yeas that he lord I rewully lark p n brtwern lfrussets and I I em, gentlemen, I av .a 6mn6 u,m.rnarwn treJulr lis the - _
Taxation an the Iltlle4 ltxht,rs. rr sere, which price is seculingly the mailed Ila to my adder wJ that ! migkt four ib Jient asrvnnt, c r,.•1wn or u,,• wn ..r roans, Count
Cologne, a d:st.ure about 110 miles. '1 be I per 1.,.•n. p„ 1 y „t Ih,run, t 2Y vino• vel 1 wrn vel
Pine" er iand n )ladoe. 1'he a -says go to Ad( and osftret JAs rest.' At Clic l't:o{urobi Society ai uaselt Started the THOMAS CIBSON .d,ronp, er sw"o. de'tn''s will .cern, • HEMLOCK BARK WANTED 'o .,1: 1J F,vr, F■r u. Iwrrd out
to an ►.trete ren the Jod'u and fatrtioa of °Dade b )I t. 11pff, in New York, I next sour„11 0l tM Diririon Court in Ainley Diads at half fatal sight o'c ck. The fiat I Rosotk, April GO., IgOi, w 1 I Q' awlaer rc.anl oil X lis. -- j oil leer M.p•ay9 t'.,nn of
th• IrrAe ciurm o(tLr Slrta•n, Ilia \ria Ygrk I I ) Pallor 1 made Il m7 bwiorr lis go Jud aN I _ _ A. P. R. 1h11UN1tEY. ('onmon 1'Ira•. aid w mr dIr -IeJ efa,aM Ilia
and his ran in Nada?' lave cerhiuly de him, h w h, a uxwl with tau answer d,lueJ f `^B artlyld °{, the .spats r( a Society fat i
Comwlruul Chrunicle states, that the a[• t Cologne in tbf" hours; a tLi, we in • I Hrnwr olR. rr. Tii l•: suMcrihvr war,A I OUO cords st Hem- I I...k and tartme e M Joh■ Meat... a sad
gawRato ivideboduer of fourncn of the I °1Onmlralnd beyond a doubt tGa we bare ,tindi, ne"lly, but told me that he bad stead ( To the Free a»d-1 d } leek FI•rk, fur which tLn highc•t mt his I IWI.•n "lit'. rr, Ins delrmtrnr., a pia• sun o.
horn at our err doors, rue n ho neGeat quarter of an kour later, and the tour if.. Mi fit. L.wrear•r ad Lales oil Crista JoLu l:othr ural Ile h Mr''uJ.rb, the 1'I■muM,
j•riecilrl citio s of the Soar, +it s -New I J the note unit that it was too late ter +SDs low miuule■ dterwsrd*. Ramberg also t2,,,s 2, M will IN paid iso ec.h on delivery al Dis }
York, 1'hIl■drlp6ia. Bruoklyu Rrlamon, . nuuMal MnralrlCJ ID, Ib9 world, r° Ix I pendent Electors of the I H. yl. s. •'Matin.".l tleehte. wll at the Dock• I 1 h. ve w.a•,, vend Ulan ,e 0a«-unie oa Ibe
ti`L conn, but that it would lit in tame fur- the '"i"u m' CIuD fur the encoarMiKemNt o Har:► il, 19.1• , i d ngAt, on. sod ■ferret oe d,r rd Masdsate al
1 oston, l'mumnctai, 5t. L.mi. C4ies jn, I t+pud tlw rx Netatiun Of the most San °e. nru orae, rand that Da vers auto u(• dace ion N• kI• SAVAGE• and to lot..am sateea mow rye°ncial m the
1 ea art of dylub it we r page ll it Tkis Forth Biding of Huron I I Ae•ewth eonreaswd of the Township of Corey.
BuQalo, Ne.alk, l.wooride, Albany, San \u new d1+Pmlit's have been made ; but.' in my faruur, rod that he would ren.it ewe ca t un club, it r'e ms calf it b Clio
Frarlesco and Pruy donee, l,u been Inc ns• mcor ire nediruly on cul lection ; I ash GINTL NRN, n } f( pp WOOL WOOL I WOOL 1 I snit Ln .4iober sateen's it•, Iwel tb rwrerw&
ro all the mini's openad lust year and this, 1 esmw, hell 120 pigeons, whichTare,to be Not To elle Independent Off ors I of Ibe u.l lowasb'pof (;rn In Ibe t'ouuy of
ed durikig the six Ye.n from lHdO W 1'• r 6, rd several times for It after that, I'Was to holo M to cum to ait4 the brats owned - ads rdinary circumstances the farm rj IIF: subscriber ie prepared to pay the 11°mn, whir° told, ane Irnnrrrnu I •hell of r
e1'ring, baro Deco found by &easy to be t Po l
from abrrut iIUJ,.ioo,000 lu atwut SI4:r,. iuyvits or ut off with some excuo.e, but still ( 'of re" rovincial Parliament would hi brat market 2iee fur rev uuNi1 of I live n a1 my vis. ,n mhr .e t. Hier. lir rhe
rxecadiop ly rich, Chu ore token ih-most Ibe hlaa ultuuxte euccea'was always held in lhsaci4y qct other clubs. They are to lee P I or me t P q I
500,000. Thn gsrea an rversge ioclrr,e of tbrowu sp m the Loological UrrdaM in -Co emanate ie a e dap, but Since the last wool. _wlbt I Tuwn ." Uodrn. h. on 'fuc.l■y, tM t'ulea orb
Nme 45 liar teat. A comperioa of lee ,notanas Irom Chu surface, vary iplg in outAo sae, ar writing about thus years or ogas. 1Deop to, Hamburg ts labout - 30 pMre1 hlecliba, ¢root political and SOTTTF-I RIIDINC3 -- - -- -- ------ - - day zee (k-mt.•r neurit Ise Duur of Twadn fat Lae
whale uxatiun per LraA of Clive popu!rriow I value (rout Slfr to $::00 ywr ton, with eo, 1 wruto t SlcUou all, clerk U. C• milli. J from=olionrl Obant y etslen Ien.rhieh 1, or nuc ''Lick. aua•n.
R. l-. P 6 JOHN Me1N'NALP.
of the Citic. fat Nrw Yore, 1'hilad-Iphir, ruough riloo r ip it to pay liar workingg. 1(hderich, uking lam u ttrly as I eoald calls for as .Maediste di luliou of Puha- j Notice to Wool Growers• .-he'll a tiorur.
Rostoo. Cmeinnati, CLicaio suit aao Francis A urore tottering w4le of things eould.l if Mr. Hays bad over seri dole u, my ,amt Do liUOd t0 Uthtra. 'm°"t' ! COIINTY CI'y $IIit,ON I tfbenlr'v (Mu-e,f:,alrneb, /
ice 7 - 1'Dese changes were fund M • ry, ie t riTHF: und^nigrwl would beg to inform his son Joly, 1967. ( .24
co. leads lis the conclusion, as fai as one can not well le iwr_intd. Spacunens of I'^ lhrtcorrt, 1 got Min ane r from m friend 1a 1 1 I -_ - - -
udge from the cities instanced. th..t'the lilt. ll.y+ rtauug that If I would Nnd him i Who Flemes otllen i° lila duil deed+. a eml,edurinrslbu e , heli foumlat hrun 11
j quartz tskerNflau Urc Ricnarctson 31ice, " y cunacgusoce of the atony di tultiee nuaR I fasneacs,-Baying bourn nominsleJ at
total Waruon of tae city pupalaticn oil Ike $4.00 he would collect m] nu for me, r MI! find Clio De•IinJ thatl,u spirit weds ; out ol'the proper carrying on, or respxift ' I° Ibe Convention of Clic Liberal lbsNrtalire ;o •t♦endeoee a Ibe R', .1 CvrdinK snA l'Iotb SHERIFF'$ SALE OF LANDS.
S•arws ha+ in eeasrd from about I12 er of exetv-ding richness, are now to be New Mr. F:litur, when i Ave him °ole I For ever tlower Io others' tlbwsy lhruwD government under the Union Act of Ii40.
bed In 1,460q"to I:10 r head in tai 6. ■con rt the flardwstc Store of Mr. Jas. to collect for me 1 asteJ ham exprearl bei y Pr ' - In id65 a Coalition Gosernment was form- rt7. held at Clmtoo un the 29th u1L, u a ing wiuem al the old, eland, Piper's Mill+, Couo'y o/ "on, t UY v,n°r of ■ Wnt o f
pc , Cnature its fngraat beast un his own." l l l)
Tbc,v i etlnaidhnl•Iv diversil m the pro par Gkxx. tic Las a large now},er of pieces, wanted an7 money W pay court lees or - I y ed for the purpoge of devising • remedy for Ca irate for the representation of thi nnnl hl• new factor] in Tuwn ire• cJrpleled, I od tier 111.t .N C'onr q C :ren to•tb land
7 d eonneetrd N Y'm
uoM 'xtwoeee tae dsff rcnt cluo•s, ard the and la all lir, ftp b0 Sea•p striking oat,of I parses with, he aaiJ no, Le would pay t If this be true the proprietors of the "Ca the existing evils; and a Unit a of the British : I(iding iQ the Local Legislature of Ontario, and hying tied the machin..! I ,.uManM Hun.w and Itrurr, acct re me drrr•,rd
ratio ref increase Cm varies maleriallt al thin the earfz in all o:irtctiuns ccips of old m Clio masa tmne Duoxlf, and drduot of from Mdian fain Dontroyer" must be the reeeipi: 'North American 1'rotiuc9s wu rto osed and with the fame fat iu nand workM¢ order am
i P and harinceiced numerous aaskinneer of P R I ■R■,nM" Ibe fur d■ fad Tnrmrnu w L+o,rh,,w
wrerrI places ; but this may be taken as anct9wa,l uu'><•I•tx ('row Cho slxo of a in Clic amount o1 note, Chi be hu dune with a I ients of bles,ings innumerable. Its the serest agreed ■ o. der hi own per9onal surrnntendo oCe, car I sionlu„ .1 lie sola M for Hort'aorr.s .d
Chit ave rte menWnun ul Ihair burtbem re' P vengeance, u lin loss kept the whole Concern w! meet sun remed for sudden colds, I eupporl from persan of vanow abedH of atmen m. rel u ° utiduWry rorlmao•' Ad.m Ih7r, 1 h. ve r,wrf wJ Ll•re ,n Cara
r 1" 1'udur his arnngemeot q sro to hates, 7 1 Po ; n•a, ate m, ,,fit, flat,, and ,nonew of 1h. rd
sieve the f ear auu cedent to the war. AI- head to OtGee9 a0 large as small beans.- ,ra hs•iug even remitted we the interest; rheumetism,burns,Spnins, Ac., and removes General Legisutury and a Local Legislature• i Political opinion, Tuve tormented to offer ship. Jrle.honi, ' .ns Io IM -0tv, h:,thl- ,. I►e
Thowe who thought IGe wholo affair • y + y t W p . the former to have charge of ma iery of tgpelf fur your suffrages at the election to N. B. -In returning thar,ke for the Gfp,nl Yomlb raw,+or•u of she Towna„p oil Houvrl ,n
lowing five pennu to coli Tamil . it would which m note dew name) 10 per eeu let alt kinds of 41s almost duecUy 't u • phrd.
i hurobuA, and ant worth $30, would do d Genenl Intrrceb, site ct,u the LLitrd I'In- support of former years m the above bwr she I.ia■,v „I Hunnl, wh.au 1 -ds ad Trac
,. follow that the amount of ukts4o0 paid dor alone the principal. sauce that 1 aye caked 125 cents per bottle. Sold by SII Me ,cl&e R I take Jane, is all robsbilit at ao distant
eetl cad iudirrrtl b the on , wlatiot well to rxtlulne thew m cit ens, and i i P 7j nese, De ho by .tort allennion to the nose ; mea. 1 dull ulkr Lw Jsle, et my INR,v, ,a tM
• y 7 y p p pC q him to rewru me the note, but bare reaeiwed Uealere. viuces, sod Ibe latter to have charge of Local period. p
'I iso 68 ver family, agaivat GO in 1 „G0, sh-4 lhomo w ho have a curiosity to sec " the from him nothing but promiv-11 wbn*- in thiey HICALMIS ,S'TIMmoTn.-To prevent or eon• -Mateo, I to still ncenre a -bare uIT` I` aLOGA . 1Tnors Hower. m Ib• yT•,w° fat uoderrs, he
an average increase of I90' per fumilF rood of coil " in its active state, should iastrnc• as well as toe other$, shows how.' quer dise"o is one -of the grande+t Mitsui.- Under tM ei"umstances. I have eon- , Ln the meantime, 1 shall take "Chao r• h oe.l. the lve . d. I lar..twr war ar tM
iu rPo bra'oillwelre Mlfw -Lek ora ,,
''t g m+nu eyar rimed .t b mon ; and h oda 7 tunic of visitin the a Gwlcrirh, : itbi steb; iN67. arltf
`' Thusiurruli addiuor, to city burden, most take advantage of the present opportunity.-, Pula Al r. Ilrys value Dir chant•Nr fur 7 7 sensed of the r est of man warm mends y g e'%enl municifpaii us, _ _ - -__ -__ JOIIY.M.ICININsheri
ratei5a!ly adret the a,eial and political q humesty laud truthfulness, promises wbieh . Polmonic Waferr will as Fare cure coo h of ell political cra•Cvla in your nJmg to become' Shanff II,
-i avolin s (Arusiefr. k ■r that you may becomeLettel ugwiutrd wZb. wA TED
= o e e0untr , •fad, sddo the CAron. i - were doomed, like p:ecwt to be broken. 1 told,, ticklio in th'e throat and pnlmnn&ry a Candidate 'for the Local Legulalury of 0 llDer,lrs oTine, I.6"! tb, ]
idt, tans I a 7o the State skid Federal -- TFis Mr. FAtor, is one instance of the •harp 1 com uinut as war and stilenc will destro y6or riding, and ab one veno as rcsidrJ the Nntimr me which 1 profess and i trot 2Gah Jung I`6i: ( w^_3 b
Legilauresto touch in every pr,wible TIII' OTTAtiTA Klt'ER. prretiee oil the would be repreNeutati•a of Sever'ecolds, ifnotatten ed to. suoner or manyyeare in the nhrth vding, and whoI lhattheyrill be found w to accord with N experienced. Carder. Apply M thel
way the ..pend". kind• r their control, _ North lfurou,.1 know of others, bun u they i later peal to inennble e.neumption• aod'the tall' r deep interest in its welfare, 1 hope It your own, that you will be enabled to give' ,I,uJOpigwd, Y Ike Uodtncb R•ooleo I `- O,N. M Y
The CIiG 'r Ultawa oorret nctence do not concern rsn r , 1 soli ase nothi,•[ strength of eke strongest s,wh fails if rietlett. I elected never to beth] tha frost cou6 kd to I oN a generous akipport. T110i. LOGAN. ( AT
A OA/IN'VANE. I'^ I ►bout them now, Dut venal can ,ou expect ed. The readiest and best means known for me.
I sm, gentlemen, Ooiarpt►, Y a1, teBT. w 13 If i 1r IbtfT P> !i CICN'x
Nay9 :-A Furveying party, who Icft this Mr. Edoor, it a man rho on MIng traced the cure of this- complaints is "Brynds Pup• My Politics are to suppo. the hands of
Two coloured gentlemen wer&.brouFht up place in )[larch last, -under file direction I With the fact that be was not going to I Monte Wafers," which have been thoroughly the eoslinon in carping out h emal7 the in. four oh,(ednirntryu rpauTbT*T -- -- --- LQnfi On OrtrS'a .•
terdry (Thnrr(.y,) hcfnre hit., 1t , r by i ..ark ar lou er ver the reform party fpr' tried fur the tut [went vran.aod have never tentions of the Quebec scheme, nJ also to ISAAC CABLING' SAS H -IND D 00 R
J9+ oaf tie Government, to mecertain the . 7 g 7 - • M AI,PII •t
Yr. Justice Crabb, for stealm verai n,'bir made we of that bewufil slid been known to fail. Sir ers and ublic support honest men acd homvl meawrca,
striking•exprerion, that the eutlasen wku' R P 1Sfettr,.7rJ Apxd, 1867; will( R'le. R. hlb's R
Ien•Oh of the Ottawa river, and locate itv'
Minrdrr from Mr. Tolema'e boat, the ort, s ^ f s .len will-slsn drain great benefit from sod to de i n it is bumble riding y, to the 1 AC 1 UI Yr
GeadwaG•rN, hu retorneJ. Thi9 art ' Pe I ----------------- I Cbanrory sod Law Office, Crahb's block
were found on the barge, on WLich the P J' xaiJ w, wu • dsmurd liar, baring treampar- lie ase lit them, Sild b7 .11 3ledicme Oust- P°ner• the interem of your riding r J flit - I Goolli.
work skid in which tit, y al -ii ; ervn a corn- rim the length of the river to be about I ,,I already too long on your valuable space. len, .t 2 cu. peer bol. welfare of this my no i country.
par was found ander the mattresses on whivl, 1,0 .,';miles instead of 51)0, an has been Yours skid Mr. Huyi mat obedient servant, , I am well acquainted with many in the TO the I n d e p and ant THF. mM',k ng" 4 'Yatton ow l th eml ,-- I G"r,ch. March Nrh• 1 q67. --mw6S
one u( them slept, but stnr.ge to say iso per I xis n sed. The found in the course of I WILLIAM SMALL. 1 - -- - -- - -- -- - ridteg, but i shall shortly make it my belt Electors Of the South 1. g p, ,n wne ..ad - I Farm for $ e
1 PO J r iter to Call mertin^s in Your different town- rupial by IbnNd ('0mw n I r
son put them there. 1'he only wituert. the river, Gros lake, said to be 400 miles ' ' T A I LORI N VI " Riding of Huron o+rury on the bwm,wil .,wove■, un•ol _
wen coloured men, hand. on the boat, but • I ships, when 1 shall explain my principles in s
In circumference -but there is certainly KINCAItDINE- detail and ho •e ti meet other u snots fur v 0I-T(l IIAL.F of lot No. 7, and rt of
it i singular they all slept very sound tLSt I P ,, E,VE,V : ry&3ht nOOrls, $liII s 1J lot H, containing I40 acres monwr bell,
night &lid it"* nothi•,g shout it, so that nu`' "time mtnlkike in the calculation. Oo their h mac when nu no Dsve an n pirtuml of
light weld be got on it Ilia WorshipI way they were met by a tribe of Indians, To the Editor of this Yuma t• anal• • „dD Blit (. r y rl 7 1 vnni re din lbs n. ona op 1 at she I ilOuldin , F100TiII r+,•, cared, naw fame nun, lou° orad e n
plaT0aN8 HL8 MUBT'tl1NCRNETHANKN judgioe ss W tLa rcsppcclirr crpeDiliues of Cunv9 tion bold i&Clinton, on (Dv lath iMt., g R P age
discharged one, &nd bound the other over II who refuwCd to allow them to proceed.- Monday 29th July, IFG7•Rfortbtverylstteringe°t•oungrmrnlheb■• to candidates, Siding ^f water. Shill a d Sa linty Y,le IA•vr•
eeorvednseakeeowmen°ed brumes• infiode- , I ma sa that i am an mlmiror of British as 1{efo ('asdidsu for the i,eRialstire As r ecu • Rnat mill sod ww mAl ; lis milli
ruder whose head the ec,wpar was foucd. Fortunately, One of the parer, who had PKAR SIR. -As an old inhabitant of Kin- I nclt,notM10Rableto execute over one -lis l o cont ex on,and am re red at an time to sembly o ntsri i Ica bath Hurun• and •act all k,...l. of - fro& Goderich ; po oosL:e give° l■t March
bdan in (he employ of the Hudsoa.'s Bay cardiac, ver nein rove of iW oldest arttlen, 't►eordersDnrr6ht to bum I••aae.w04 havu6 P. fr 7 baving etc ted the umy, i am now prepay ,' 1 ,1 i C 11. 1': N , C) it 1 ♦ s 1 488.
Tax New SI atkswor BanvrC At Trtt Company, Croulct wlk Ilia Indian dialect, y y I cow Nceredfacllsae,for fight in tLe field or m any othor sphere m
..mist m, • r see in obr valulaLlo w r, , ed to r lht ted, and hope to receive a .ueh a, ('ocfe ■lid (alooh.r :a..e +lid Frwmee• GF.U. ll.11{Res
FALI.S.- Workmen are bunny engaged an i P I P pe , I s life, to maintain that connexion. liberal support '
and after an explanation, a council of sear u ess E te sirelY They Honk lion Ibe,. s coca.•. m F.e10
preparing for an abutment on the American i to warn my friends and fellow eiumens of g R p I remrm gentlemen, Am eke election will ant• rob•bl Take I Worr. that the .t ,re oil -i, c me all woo' O"r oeee Pi~
s'de of Clic 1Viej(••w river for Ilio new Sae waw held, and they were alloyed to pursue rip. y n Q J Youn mart ubediarotly, P 7. T r e Ood"ieh, Iblaly, 1887. _ w Jma
their aura.. NavizatioD from L eke I that section• not to commit political 0a:cide, I I"T OII 8 Si11 place fur some lime, i shall by able at the " sy I. -them will, a , 11.
pension Bridge, which is intended to connect 1 I- J I b following out the idea, that because s ■nd Pmt110}na6 nit• bat fres-t•'u treJe.nen w. TORRANCE HAYS. Proper periwf to mak prnonal cotillion of ' N, II --A I,brnl do -a 1.' to rn, trade. 1 ., "
the Caned• and American shore* at N10gara I Temiscaming to Gri,+ ake is maid to be ma. coming into a new coundary 11.6 be ;:,,edlonoserllven Ynvioperionet20 Culfidw Goderich At'-;' n, lts67 w111f the Riding, when, at me ting. to Ips. appoint I JAS 10011 p1ANAN, 1i U r
Falk. 'I h s bad er a intended fur ,M u• impeded by numerouN rapids.-Bcyonct Ibe Ykws of both a can he bend 1rAVllr LAW'w1'N, 1 11 AJAL J
eomm,al.tion of fool +rn;!rn only, and : GroS Ikikc to nem. the puroePf Ilia Utla- ease through pueimoniuus tbnll, cumlur0- h„aura+setua.vtly.andsaxee■fufly'n Humltw, --- _ - -- _ _ _ I oda P
pia I Civet wealth therefore, the Should to the pnnopollyarst-Osesraesomen Ind having bee■ and compsrcd ; and iu the runtime, 1 Coit I JAi ALF:CA5MF:It, OR TO RENT
the public at large will b9 indebted to the ! wa, a distance of 'LOU miles, there is no 7 7'
enterpriN atnd elerg7 of such mita a the ; u&e we ought to toast lis snJe our destimee, Cuttenn ave of the Pnncipal Ilwadisbmes • ra yon wdl not pledge ynurwlyy. Dy regrisiuoa c3u,kru h_ \lana +1 h_ 1.67. ■vera:. s
Obxtruction. The source of the Ottawa sod facer t!oc ship of State among the quck- F:dnhnr.h, rr•ollond, be rsarfe•sly+tates la s or othrrwnN to any other sand ten
Hen. W. Fargo, of this city ; linn. Ilullis I iv Said to be within 50 ruilem of the head. ,.ands acid breakers, which are likely to beset f-ern,n. pubic that STOVES ! STOVES I have the honor t^ be. 7 HY W F,LL KNUWY
While, or Madan Falls, Rrd John T. Itush, i j \ I Butter, Butter, Butter I I XaitlandvMe Hote1
Esq , of Clifton. ('&nod°, for a structure that I walees of tits SAu9""mY. Tho laud slonF I • Mwal launched nation t the ocean of i cLOTHIN(t CAR BE MADE Gen Your ,
will give now ofdwsr,audestand elitist im•,.lileupp'rrregion of the Ultawa im of Polilical{ite. ltbecnmH tht'N who have men•,nr,no°to.,oaetnslheJ.v'eeaBstabluV 1A•, •w -r-'+ }•iurmont^hrdirmSrnaut,
! R: ST ROBERT GIBBONS I WANTED. I'SCos,,I l ow Ili, r.,rno , m.• oirTheon
the Caefu of w ostitic, i IIis v ken m (i oNlerieh, Ucbrber3 1N63. n1T (>0 + It I:n.,•1 H•sd so Lno.now,o,r r..I nom
po.iag •iewe nl tl- F•Ila. The bridge will j%oaxl rpuality. TLO climaW is moon I lobe careful bow tin act • it i rcr eas ___- ____ '' _ ,, S'r,' OR i1 f Ip. lila:R, JI:., A CUSlil.fi STAND Gedenrh, ed wlahm one LumlrN ■nal spry
Ire locatd Saha short distance front the in- T ' 1 I ' M i Uoderncb, 31an•h 19th, 1>!d7. __ e
IculJof hrru. The rxelnrarw had to push to Commit •wrong, tut w eas7 for troll L}ODERICH . % y ._------_-._-- `1 I y■rd•'.f lar I%,rlrrrh +AL1 WORRY wr,w m
brnation►I Hotel on Ibe American Side, fad I ice out of the was of their Cann•.•a on I -
the Clifton Iroune 'on the C&redo side• it J man to retrace Lis xtcpL i bopk lbereforo td :0,000 KEGS GOOD $UTTER ' I 1 'fhn r m . hnwrs . soli ear
i Eros or Victoria lis c on the 24th of that the electors of the south flidin of the I I.. " • p ^P' T T
wdl regain• a span nl L2f,0 Get. Th9 w phh k g , 7. _ 1 t ' fur a dt WcIL ..normo. n„r ecro •nA net
will Ir Infer{, and Ibe hciAht above the )lay• The natives are pagirso. The County of [trace, win take warning „f 0116 ,ver 1, _ p _ 1 o for loch the Ri,rfi .t'M"-1 I'nor "rl'ti, '•r lame, wok ■ tsar. ,,- I try Hrrk
I P ly it -I kl ' Ilulrl, Aar .'a bJ I,rty+lr, and ■ La vee H■1+
waVr Inn feet. 1'he Mrucluro wilt Ix• of aha Lowlew, if. ire Nu,ct, wear n.•tther hats nor teat Das lived among (hem for many )rub , -,_ s (!' ! 6V 8,; . 0 •e s will he paid. I a,ra,.h.+l O err•Jo wnh good ill.t.l'¢ .ad other
I red nut b9 drec'vc b N;ecioux rnmises, ! + ; w :IM F R OndvriaNL J■lie 17th. I q67. veil eon-i.nrh^a". Then ,. w n,ver Gdu nor at
°nal win cxLlea, rrsfiog upon wooden unmentionable•, lhrir only garment If d I f! ` • i • '=r F r` ' 1_1 0 DI r ision Colli s -- - - -- ' - - - - r •p
:wpm it will he abundant) stronz nod made to intrap the unwary, bat wet_h cue•' . - • I the ar..r or n o• I,ml,en snsf. nam o, supplJ all
y loose amt- Thry have o plunitty of the q,o inrx of the men that offer them.I FA FOR BALE.
hl , ten filej ', F X, Ilia vert.•. n•quurd far mow ■Matt wrh.
■life fur Clic pvirpnse for which it i9 iota lid -d. I wires. 11'htic Clic eslrty was there, an salyAv candidates for their suffrages ficr6uw " t1 Y 't' ,l" ' Ft r Al/0 for 9w o LOt )(0. 719 t
We ondrraland the timbre zee all frnmr,l. • Q 8 A lul and Au t 188%. • '
old agpaw diad. mod Clic eon ol'thC slpuuw'e' air I salty SWa isA. Then Iv an old MARBLE WORKS tr y a •"' s I In Ib.• 7 •,ren oI u.d,•n.•h. .0 o.na ..n rhe N'vet
and will Le put iu pence ir. the shnrte=l pass'- 6 T i 7 e ' eadabo t 3 !i0 re f tib chat a lee
hnsbnnd eimmixenlin •hie Pather'a Ione- I e that.if uu hate to judge brtwern • I rr - r 7 , CU• R sAr oil Vrt"ria •'lrrl, w .'tine. fist .dpael•g rho
ble time. The work is notice the directi m -* •' _ :'. 1'snd • fat 3.i aero o w is Min c oar
rt • •cry r ih'rwtvnt engineer! 'Tbowm 31. ly condition, made him a ere,ent of bis roger and •foul; tba rogue a Clic lest of the {A x ,1111 F; nett siUmge of the snvvnl Oiyiaion Y4,n ac Fw. to, c, win, a tl'lrk Iscure •ad .
Idcet s usw fu I&er of Cho de sed two, then w • cr t -tion, take an educated W . C+• T R E L E A V E N. C ) tf Courts for the Coanty of Home will be ed, It in welt watered, to lanae and li Fame Niahlr 11-n..y .,
-` ' Q held as follown, yes:- situated "I inif9a from the illace of fees. 'And also 1Lbt 110. 1017,
Griffith.- Rrffulo Cowrfer. - `'' I P Pe man, be may (,janted fur the ake n( ar• I ad water on the gravel road, wit be sold. A In aha Trwn M (*,miench, nfa■,,•d nn nSr V."ah
_ _ _= mower.
RumeOtis lin to kno but nota (foul, an mh7. _ • : ` est Uirision Court, s ,,,,, ,
Tax Qrtatr• MIp IATRT.-Hon M. r'vnchoe--_-- •'- know, is ren W lnow your w•uts, sod he I M ( ' p J, Galerich, Monday. 29th .Italy, bu[sia I Fur particJOII np10GA Mi.kM Eve come. near of Har,-ta Yt•oon,
having failed in his effort to form a Ministry, Tile NortY•R eel. will srnn perarive that If he int: ods to retain i onume.ntsp Headsto lles,l ombs, ; N I ' i Q 10th " (Tinton, To -nil 111th '. JOIIN LOO A`lr, wish w goad Ynne}Iuer alr16r6e Suede tAOre-
Hon. M. Chsuresu, the pnsenl Supermten- confidence he mart eswly, and attend to the Tnblots,Table•Topa, tltC. I Q 2nd " tWhforlh, We.b,r•,yriry, 3lst " Te6rwater l. n. •"•
dent of F.dutarliun for lower Caned&, lona •1 he 1Lmlroal Guseftt says:-" We un- c n• idea of a con+titueun, lint how is il- „ Camra, MaNb le' 1887. - A rko till. ran,I oven eoi,,k n ,no
, 111h " Wroteler, 7hm.dvy, lwl August Tha al.1of property wdl lois w,.k on renwamaLk
barn arkee by the I,icat. fioyenur to make' deretnod it is the intension of the imperial with •o ignorant pretrodrr, like rho, crack• Ohio Fr,•, Stnnc kept nn hand for Rwfld• I (1 y .,th " F,xrewr, S. t"nlay, trA `
the xltempt, and M. CLe•kivrau went to fO,tl'I,mMl/l CO form 1119 NnfIIFWHI lerrilor) hn,l of ill 6 under a pouf, W jndn him ever reg pwrp"vee such as Cape, gills, Bo Q i f rr termsti.wl I nn hn•rn. F'nr parurukra .ppty
_ rp Tth [tsy6nld, Mot day, Slh 1 ]l l I i. u N I.. INIY LF., It^r,mer, hr., floolrrr-h, or
uebec on 1-IMa for that ur ose. h r owl .^rinlm I to hu folle r` u „ M.TNU EMA N, Uo.knt•h, m SHAH Nots. ,
Q 1 P P Into a Crown colony," '1 his i • alepp whit ea•n, ".d 1." acre, ,1vc., Cheap for wash. - / Gtb Lungunann, •1'ur•slny, Gth I
Trenly /ran rtr"nience m ammg Rrrvn's is amt ou!] ctesinblo Ant urgemly es(led fur, I trust Mm nut, lo, Clive gh Inc m.7 bC et9r w GODERICH C. W IwLA iN ,1 ND F'Aly1 GY Irl, thr,e indrhh•d to the Inlv, firm of R. C • NHINNUB.
Pulmonic Wafers Lave proved them to ire to prevent It from drifting into annetaUon , wul.ng, hr a moos• fur lox knows not how, I Modilydrille, T'p of CnlSveaoy
The Couru w'll open wt 111 u cluck a. m., A A lis, F'. Ntr wsrr, ether by not- or book Yet pla v ISIA, lsl Irw/ ■
the m•sleffMta.1 remedy for coughs, and wrtb the eontigeow states. We Dare ak ■arc lou as hr nuAht. 1Ywld you in pairate --- + v W" _ W w AL 3M 3M on the several davit nomed. uromlt, are rrgm.al"I to pay the Name U ------- - - ----•
irrllariens of the throat, caused by cold, or ways looked upon rhe greetioe w nm orf I Idi•, iu the field, in the worksh^p, or lo;hmd i 1/Y- 1 I. "I Z -TOS Uudench, 17th June, 1467. G. F. Stewart at once, nod s°•r costo. rf Srm for Dale.
unusual rxrrlinn of /ho rrcvl nrganm; public the greatest irterest , for this revsm : i( the counter, trust one who knows nut the COAL OIL S. I'lo w(i ll' R. 6L Cys , F' . ST E W A RT • -
npe+hen Ord Bingen will find tram mart ever we ore to form • great northern station I lint prinrgpaesslro'vwly no cer,ur7, hr should ,_ s Judge of I[nrnn• nF:lith Til ^• 1, eenlm road, Goderich
benifirial. 1 he entire freedom from all out of the Dominion of CanaAa, we mut •cquamt himarl(with, futhfully to durharto WHOLESALE .%Vit 1:F:TA11,. Godrrirhf Feb. I',th, I*6. 1)
drlvterinu+ ingrrdinnta renders ltlynn'N I'ul- hale the hand of cultivable territory and I tLe duties you intrust to him. 1 ear esaphrt- - - _ _. _._. Td ;wf,p p ; YII ens t cothl eel and well
monis. Wafvre, or (',ugh and Voice I: sen -s moderate climate which stretcher across the ! Ically answer no i- It will only then be an Coal Oil Lam( ', FC. fir. OM Imo, o 11 red ify the ahoy. to far n truer Il sit howls ; frame barn ar,d slahl•s rc ld I
f X11 .tntet•ed in the Ihyoinn Court IG:cord hook, G O i/ 1 'I I C 1 hover ; well watemd ; fine b6sAn¢ oreMrd p
a cafe nmovly for tn9 mawt delicate ps•n n, I cuntinrnt to the I'm ifsc, with the Pole to insult on my part 10 suppore that you would (A.pp,r,.PeaOv, Ward l"fekmAa. u„f :+hrrI `km. pursuant W the Statute. land of the very boat qualY Filui-distant
and has raawl them t' he held in hr at esorrm our bark, Things gO fa.+t in there dap ; give to him • lar ma's trilportaM .liar;(., %lin t liken m etchanpr, nAN. 1.1'/gIFLY, NAD J !roan 4;nderich, fa)field and Clinton• Time
by •ll who lave reed them. Sell b] till and either we must by timely action keep the care of you am a people just entered , J. At 1. riTUNY' Clerk of the fence, flwon. Ip '9 f
medicine dealers, at 25 cents per bar. liroi+h nod North -W vat territory, or it will among the great families of the earth. Sir,. A lam• Si^n of the Lar 9 Cost Ofl Barrel. i given oo part n ,Sewn F'nr particulars
eouki become American. then a the tills, D 'bur (carte+s and Inde ^ g e Office 9f fhn ('krk fat Clic i'nue, 1 apply to W. T. Cox, Signal Office, or on the
P T 7 Ooderirh, V.r, h 1.,, Iblp7. wf-tf +
The Omn: Faster° Steamship. -rattle --' pendant Ytrlrm, that 7uu choose wl•dom ti _ --R_- __ -_ Uoderich, 18tAJone, INh1, w41 \ premisgs tO
an7 other exhibition,• we believe the tixhl New York, Ang. 5. -The fln,r6fs guide your path, and that 7uu zee drtrf med I 1 BARNY & B 01p / ALRXANDI:R IIA)iiLTON,
of this noblw /rsnel Dan Risen gond Nbtid•e' \eve UrleanS special Nys: Great indig_ b' neves man to represent you, w-- a %me ✓ (p Onderich. Jrly lis, 1867. w28 3m,
tion to Clic thnurade of pennns who Corel- not a breuh of ewPlcwn so far hu tannshrd, 6roLerr and Yrorisioll Storel • O "
nation in felt there &mon • the union men i whose oud home is irre ro•chable, slid who
th to Qm•Mc to view her, s■d w tit witd ' P FR E s H O F B T E R S I
et the thrcatcnCd .coveys of Gen. SF.:ri•
them for thrit Dollar :and it a just N with a known lar sod wide vn w ekyar enterpvis• •
floe '•Cmnsdia9 Pain Ut•slroyrr," then meter don. The relwle are r juicing. i ing man, •°d a man of fiend txirnt, without wwol.RSALN AND RETAH AXE FACTOR e F a r m e r J o f H u r o n
rev anything that Rayw mach w1i•factinn, it TF.e I/rrald's Cinlinnati w(rcial sayN, say vnnrxntiun pmdinties, fur such res d° rw A wtaTT ___-
Wanh"a pnim almost tech st, and i* Ihm that &young man nvroed Arttur.Lohm not want to Kuide enct counciu. Lat in.he BY AIIL BEV OAN OaTWYN YABIMET MAKERS, '1AViNG renledaand filled lip the atom
i late) peen fellb A.F. Iisnh,for th9 lei: .ahoy„.rrr,.m,nrnrrdl A.a• TfIF:1'f("I'ORfA Af1Tl'AL FIRE
fined thing in eke world for rf.euwatism, spa, ilring m Fairchild, Ohio, roCcnlly then he your choice, let one and all lay aside LOBSTER SARDINES. v 7 [' 7 T Ito• m•.
neuraltia,•aodPaineinthentomsrh,Act 25 preludicoanddeclarethathe-hail be their AND CLAMS. ( / 11 I7 1t' vhovrbtrivith 1amnowprepucdtufurnixh'AT Tv~t OLD STAl\D/ I I liR:1\CF. ( fI ii'1 Yr
conf-pla-A to hi ring rnvinh-d a tittle girl ' U` it -1 i11 N 1+JRA famillrm will Lei
"titx will bay a Bottle of it Sold by .R representative, bring both able end willing to FRESH LEMONS 'ORANGES DATES O F C A N A D A
in thst place whist dead body waw found act so that Bn,cx m. continua to be the ' t e ! Groceries and PfOYisiOns ^^'hrf'one.ol a
MdieiM Dealers. 7 I Cocoanuts Fi 8 Cre Cs' I ufAD prnCR, HAMILTON
Nrcral weekw ego In .Iohnse:a s ruble.- foremost County, (according to hit period of 1 S , p which I shall Nell At the [mwaat (lent pneH Wa1ELfId And LiF.,hf-IIOdSE SffCPIA, '
lfaweylRa To TeRncro.- The Ottawa That eitixenw ■ltem,lcd to lynch Johnson setUvment,) ism the important province of I RIND UNDERTAKER$, wnekl
Tlwn of Ilia 6th ire., N -Mr. Tbnmas T g / AtC, C t C Rt Arlt to in'lmsr• Ii Ma tilt Inewds, Nnd w• I TACE F.NTAHLINHF,h AN AfIRNCT iN
Ir bdt he was rescued. Ontario. I, sten nM ,hon to all demi o ue, ' ' t , Flour and Feed many vqw ^ors .. I.vnnn him with a rill xud 1l IMlwrmb tn, this I'nunry. It +Mm lith•
T aviee. chief of the Nrvv branch of tM but let our free sed uninvested choice be Fs- B I T Q A S Q non., r Word," ro IM C, "I hu itd'y
t Hamilton R V oderich In.l. IMI hr win prrafnr..nA.all • I r, '''11
Crews Loads rtmxe !t. C • La•eN Ilii& Il xrritburg (I's.,) ADgttmt fin -F y 7 Wuf tfJe n( AJnrke! Fuwirs, y y kept ennmtvnll7 nn head. mwrna•J to are as Ihrerl.w for burn■. Wm.
D"I'a l Itlake the people't friend. Ocidertrh. Nov.3O.IN & mvr" s tis of nor xI a win be thank WARRANTED HOME-MADE AXE, CHEAP I H.91 . now of (i,.krmr, r the ram aso 'a 1'n•
Gorenror llarid It. Curter died in Chive T r
; ' , soyeing for Toro"Lo In arranrse rho memo Youn true , 7 R
. hnm•h enba Cmwo LnnM IIF artment of cit lhie ctenir after ■whorl illneae. J i4UARDIL• QOUGRIlif1 -- F'F1'rnnrtanlly on hand for rale •t! anti- fully received and faithfully attended to. ■lin old nne.p,mrrd al ..mNl cc". l'rt.,hr., 1 ` 11-nr Aorref. Thr Vrinfro sernly mulnal, ad
r I g clrs ,n their liar, inch v. Y.v k ■lid > hu pentyl w. short nM,re he. Neu y rseM„ahm fpr nodi ..wry Nth n-
Osluio a lh• faecal Capird. The tnnkv, I -• • - pumbm ler pn,mpl,va•r mthe IryuvM lir Iwmn,
At. l.nuia, Aog. G, -The ehclera hu Wlaeg ant Llgwrg, freeker Y.R. t 'h a n.ud. lit of "'.,w Asad.
r k.. Mlongieg thent9 Mae slrvrA7 i Belllteaao, Chairs, Tab[oa, wn'I,comemyerafa-e Iw.m■r«oenr. The rove
mpe mbsted at Fort Harker and vicinity hasI WA "'ON L CARRIAGE SOfaa &C. aNd tbla Rimare F anf Goods, JOHN Me I'll P'llsON. .d m+nn^r m lbw C-p•ny fav 2 year. iN fou
+ _ be►° is rrrt seal to Toronto, the balanry , , t ,
will be forwarded in the [overs of • few da s ' '
I'icut. l;0kroel M ill, whato wife di+Ni aldrieh, Oct. 20th. Ise/, 40. than say Mher rrb■tdr ComMny Mpmg he nae.
,.r F.: 7 The ilamihon city enanal nml Bre ria t}All kinds of wrx.d nrnmx done, arch a t`If ., Oatln al, fornreal, m C.n•da. Any f, arra.. wnhmg fo ,awn tr wall
e ernne time ago, died on the 20th of July ade sm at to • erbradN. Tile firemen I N,ol st,, stair bannisters, neck kc*, Ae BnCtKheat Floor - -- -_ _ e.,e wrnw ,,• W rr. H■.A uakrrh, Y,^
Dwmvaa♦ or (iol,n fou rile 111,017- R a B r 7^ T, r'
,y,,, near Fort Lyon of chOlwr&, Dr. A. M. f
Alia• * nn Mnd, •com .tele / T wast, p, sumer. lir eomre.rMa, •mA tom, and
ain.ider they are two mnrh tint of pocket I I I
LAwTNt - A erwe'•wprxadent infOrmN a& uirew United litalera arm aero died of I ekG. d{C (ll t. I Itis I I (, II hI I L L 11av Area wdl trv9 pmmpm ■rrwnrwe t9 kr ro-
fltat Id has been friend in min rtw of I r h by the percent wyxta m, and gave noti td a ASSORTMENT OF COFFINS ' gmw1.
Rot 1 f10 I the mme diseue, nota Fort turned en uit. The council are inexorable, and r, G7 O A L OIL 1 f11neCTn■.:
4t J Ke the 20tt•. -1 and w II I ,1FLaF: to loin on reunMLle term 1
Clic H' ►hada, b merman who Md q - FLO[ R AND F'F:PD STORFr,
a I have MndrA neer lhC "machines" to the AIVT Me., a o. LL Milk• Hemdrrax • 1kr.
• IMF yon' etprmmwv at the gold dig Ran Branci'eso, Anl,•nmt 5, Galuioh, M•► 3rd, 1RR8 161r8w• . grown, olo se. Art.I J
11aspx AT indeppenJcnt infantry mnnp.nies. * - Crabb / BIOCk Bln COCCI street• '^ + ' ' Rymsl' """ I
, g1a0 is Aestnha livid Now .Zealand. Raokw, speaker of the House of Ames 0 A Is OIL L A P sy - Thou+. Lanniono Nam,m ; fey, L; in +NIM.& i
jlut irtreanaaa atatva tkmt slow -crofts A party of forty 4hOmrN, nada. 31t ` 1). FKRG1'90N. James f0--fon, H. . W ; ramp n N,
bly hits been murdered by Indians is COLONTAL HOUSE I Wr lir, fp•wlwrA; A. T. W rd. Il.m+hmt
saWI ww ffmwd in 14 M 15 diffe"nt BridgAand, of thou Crown i.mndN 1Mpart 1 1.0UR Oatrmerl, Corn -weal and Mdl J*-r.Ii Awrarer t Ross. ffu.Mn., Aed■rt
Wend.. Hit A D u to O t O r P. S. -(:nods will be deliwrnd ie any a pip
pour of Ibe ensvitr , and hsl believes sent, charged with the me ntrerhon of rh; Ja•oh H. raekvr, Ne1•nn ; five, Maop•.
J - •„ _ psrtof 1ba town. AiJIO, a lot cf rime Rn r Cured HAMS
t♦Imw V gt+M rnro Ix live■, le M foesd the Bret s9elinn of the road from Lake HP..eMnJrrwmltdavnr,mrela foe pxblk I Gfldeneh. FoD.2nd• 1800• tw/8 H■mlifN 1 HewtJ H■II, Ili&lwnek Pelvo fYr•
g' L oprt, thou gw'lly wretch who betrayed T eTllnrnx and R'nrw that h• has nn Md,'M GLO'EB KM GLOVER
,t •v' " eMao des brprd•yw orf A Til and PrnA St tar In ited RiyM.- Nnlrmenf, 197.0 _ ani R9sol t ta9nx. nl, K. PasmM'N f Thor. Mrlfwnnh, Howie-
•. . Qnrrrtmro, avid him frn•nd *nd benefactor i p ^► redwdlauk•,ner,101G,m0rea, Wn oe■,H■r iJonepkinr., Alrvand,,'*, Jonvin's, Daehnwa-_ `-__.____-- "- Jul ree6iw•d this morning, tea.
fbltwe &red sll Ibe ver from O" P rove loA,ty for Fart 1Villinru. Tho work to ,owa,Arr.,which,epIM sofdches fnrrasAnr Narweru•-Wm 1T. P -lo,"
7 J Matlrrlili•n to that J°ar al faction, in . i cn back/ A Motamlrwinwh te,blackamt 500 Rwah•1. prime 1,01110".
Y At bead of UIw Anes, lie hw also ( be ITndertithm by the pyxN It party 9m- 6pMnvedr,ret,t. ow Asad and roe msfer&e.p, rotors. The lis vol Rtnckin tba Cnnmirw. / to Inw wt nason•DIt rete p000 „ Mia /NRv• wow ow kir. Rammma■•■ Yowtld.r eat
% w shoat ro Fee igwnmin9osly rjeetsd from the JOHN YASSMORB I 6 MQNEX A I to I C■mhru RIrMt.
lewd treppe, $away, and otbwr or". Ands lM mxetiom Fetw9vn Thondwr Ilay C11,1R. IC. AI:CII1E.+inn. PPI T. B. VANEVRY i Cn.
%, -w ' oaks ref Iko lrrRirra of Ilon9r by the and Dog Lakc, a disNaa of folly miMe. Asnllet.l8tt'I Vrstares•tlreet,om!"M i g i y. C. CAMRROX. r , Odtnrk, Illi► Lrly, &f7, HACD aA yf IOP
r 1 Frwe! Flenatea J IOW9Tici6 Ar Nl22nd, IR6t. ewle. Godtrkch (fodsrith Jrme 7 1087, w2oU.
.1 „ t ,
, )..". gar.: ,:
r - r , - .
,< draw.
-_ - - a.
.. - :v '+ a. 4,-,; i;e.,, '. rA., - '- ,r :.,,,t '.1,6;.,, ,'nisi x.- 'I ;r. ., » .ix s . ,.
< T) ` 4.J L a W" t rlry Jti IJr * c T•, i i
- "T
__ .. Y